What universities did Russian billionaires graduate from and what do they think about their education. Ignorance is no longer darkness ... Billionaires without higher education (11 photos)

Today I would like to talk with you about such a necessary component of success as education. As statistics show, the number of people with one, two, or even three higher educations in Russia is growing.

However, again, the same statistics, and even our eyes "tell" us that diplomas do not solve such issues as: the growth of people's well-being, their satisfaction with life, self-realization, the achievement of dreams and goals, and not always a red diploma is a green light in life.

On the contrary, "hooligans" (those who studied for twos and threes, slept in pairs or skipped them) in many cases, thanks to the developed defense, "decide", negotiate, "spin" (it's better to think of something than to teach), in a certain way communicate in life become more successful.

It turns out that the models of science are looking for work, and "loafers" who know nothing "have" to open, establish businesses, companies and hire the first ones. Therefore, it turns out from the outside, the fool leads the reasonable. Indeed, at present, the market for those who are looking for a job is much larger than for those who give.

Why is that? Higher education has become a certain mania, there is a strong opinion that without education it is impossible to achieve something, although more than 50% of the "stamped" bachelors, specialists, masters do not work in their specialty, which means that 4-6 years of LIFE is relatively lost.

A student comes with the knowledge of a big "0" and says: "I need" 4 ". The answer is "what for?" - "Let it be, it can come in handy." Around the emphasis is not on education as a source of understanding yourself, some processes you need , and on the number in the certificate - a bubble that disappears when graduating outside the door of the university.

Sometimes people go to the point of absurdity, throwing away an amount for training (tuition fees, accommodation, search and "job decision"), which, if placed on a regular bank deposit, would give more than the received, "desirable" job.

"Live and learn," says folk wisdom. However, in this case it is self-development, which, unlike the academic one, where everything is given with the thought "but it may come in handy", has an applied character. And it is precisely those people who have developed this line of self-education in themselves, as a rule, reach the heights.

It is worth thinking about, regardless of what you are doing at this stage of your life, what you are really interested in, and start studying it, looking for people who are masters of this business, make it a hobby, think about how to make money on it - after all, perhaps, the point life is to do a thing that turns you on, inspires you, gives you pleasure and at the same time provides a decent living.

I want to give a list of very famous and successful people who did not have an academic education, however, thanks to perseverance and self-education, they became one of the richest in the world. Here is the list: Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Larry Ellison, Picasso, Hemingway, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Howard Hughes, Stephen Hawking, Richard Branson, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, John Davidson Rockefeller, Paul Allen, Steve Wozniak, Ingvar Kamprad, Francois Pino, Michael Dell, Ruth Handler, Lillian Vernon, Kirk Kerkorian, Ralph Lauren, Sheldon Adelson and others...

These people are billionaires who influenced the development of mankind, who did not even deal with such trifles as HIGHER EDUCATION! We all grew up, being firmly convinced that a quality education and the opportunity to earn a lot are directly related to each other.

However, today the examples of numerous billionaires who did not even finish school are quite capable of convincing us of the opposite. Here is a summary of some of them:

Millionaires without education

Thomas Edison

John Davison Rockefeller

Rockefeller's name has become a symbol of wealth, it has become a household name. He had a villa and 700 acres of land on the outskirts of Cleveland, as well as homes in the states of New York, Florida, Maine and a personal golf course in New Jersey. But most of all he loved the villa "Pocantico Hills" near New York. Rockefeller prided himself on his generosity. Considering himself a Christian businessman, from childhood he counted 10% of his church income. In 1905, this "tithe" amounted to 100 million US dollars.

Bill Gates

“You can love it or hate it, but you just can’t ignore it,” writes Fortune magazine, edited by John Hugh.

Paul Allen

He stepped down from the board of Microsoft's board of directors, retaining his position as chief strategy consultant, because Bill Gates will not tolerate anyone other than Allen, whose friendship has been going on for the fourth decade, as an adviser ...

Steve Jobs

He was not the inventor of the first Apple personal computer, it was invented by Steve Wozniak. However, Steve Jobs can be considered his surrogate father as he brought the idea of ​​the PC to fruition. If Jobs hadn't put as much energy and dedication into commercializing the Apple 1 project as possible, the PC might have had a very different fate.

Steve Wozniak

In 1975 he left the University of California (he would return there later to complete his EECS studies and receive his bachelor's degree in 1986) and arrived with the computer that eventually made him famous. However, he mainly worked to impress the members of the Home Computer Club, which was located in Palo Alto. He did not set himself any lofty goal.

Larry Ellison

Founder of Oracle - one of the largest American companies, developer of database management systems.

Ingvar Kamprad

He started doing business as a child, selling matches to his neighbors. He found that he could buy them cheaply in bulk in Stockholm and then retail them at a low price and make a good profit. Subsequently, he was engaged in the sale of fish, Christmas decorations, seeds, ballpoint pens and pencils. When he was 17 years old, with money received from his father as a gift, Ingvar founded an enterprise that later became IKEA.

Henry Ford

Most Americans believe that Henry Ford invented the automobile. Everyone is sure that Henry Ford invented the conveyor, although 6 years before Ford, a certain Ransome Olds used moving carts in production, and belt conveyors were already used in grain elevators and meat processing plants in Chicago. Ford's merit is that he created mass production. He invented the car business. When enterprises became economically organized, there was a need for a manager. The 20th century has become the century of governance. But in order to come to this, creators had to appear at the beginning of the century. Henry Ford was such a creator. And for this he was recognized by Fortune magazine as the best businessman of the 20th century.

Richard Branson

British entrepreneur, founder of the Virgin corporation, which includes dozens of different branches: music disc stores, air and rail companies, a radio station and a publishing house. Branson is known to the general public for his out-of-the-box acts, including hosting his own talk show and repeated attempts to break world speed records. In 2007, according to the London newspaper The Times, his fortune amounted to 3 billion pounds.

François Pinault

One of the richest Frenchmen (capital - 9.2 billion euros), head of the Pinault-Printemps-Redoute group, which includes numerous department stores and the Christie's auction house, as well as the fashion houses of Yves Saint Laurent and Gucci.

Michael Dell

Investment fund managers are ready to blow dust off this person. Michael Dell proved by his brilliant example that it is not necessary to have a college degree to achieve financial success.

Ruth Handler

This woman gave birth to two children and ... a doll. Children brought her joy, and the doll - money. Today, "mother" Barbie is one of the richest and most famous women in the United States. Her company ranks first in the world in terms of turnover of capital brought down on toys.

Kirk Kerkorian

Almost a Las Vegas legend: the billionaire owns shares in the largest casinos Bellagio, Excaliber, Luxor, Mandalay Bay, MGM Grand, New York-New York, Circus Circus, Mirage and so on. Achieving tremendous success in the world of gambling did not prevent Kerkorian from leaving school in the 8th grade.

David Geffen

A famous figure in the American entertainment industry, he also failed to graduate from the University of Austin. However, that hasn't stopped Geffen from becoming the co-founder of the popular DreamWorks studio, which has been releasing one animated hit after another over the past few years.

Ralph Lauren

The American designer has become one of the modern icons of the fashion world. Lauren announced his intention to become a millionaire at school, where he earned his first money by selling ties. Later, Ralph Lauren dropped out of the City College of New York and founded his own brand Polo Ralph Lauren, which has become one of the most popular fashion brands in the world.

Sheldon Adelson

Another gambling legend and, concurrently, a former student at the City College of New York, next to Lauren did not complete his education. Today, Adelson is the CEO of Las Vegas Sands Corporation, which owns the Venetian Resort Hotel Casino and the Sands Expo & Convention Center business center. In addition, Adelson became one of the co-founders of one of the largest computer exhibitions in the US, COMDEX.

Howard Hughes Robard Jr.

American industrial entrepreneur, engineer, American aviation pioneer and innovator, director, film producer, and one of the richest people in the world. He is known for building the Hughes Hercules aircraft (also known as the Spruce Goose, although it was made primarily from birch), the ship and the Glomar Explorer project, and to some extent for his eccentric behavior.

Stephen William Hawking

Renowned astrophysicist, one of the most influential British scientists, co-author of the LHC. In his own words, it is known that, as a professor of mathematics, he never received any mathematical education since high school. In his first year at Oxford, Hawking read a textbook two weeks ahead of his own students.

Of course, the list of such people can be continued. And, as you can see, not the number of diplomas, but the amount of start-up capital do wonders. There is only one conclusion: in order to succeed, you need determination, hard work, devotion to the work you love, and, of course, SELF-EDUCATION.

Mark has been fond of programming since childhood, and quite successfully. Even during his high school years, computer giants such as AOL and Microsoft offered the young talent a place in their companies, and on fairly good terms. But Zuckerberg chose to continue his studies and entered the psychology department at Harvard, which he dropped out 2 years later, after he came up with the social network Facebook. It is worth noting that this did not affect his successful career in any way: already in 2010, Times magazine named Mark "Person of the Year".


Another computer industry genius who never received a college degree is Steve Jobs. The future founder of Apple entered the Portland Reed College, one of the most expensive private educational institutions in America in 1972, but instead of attending classes, he devoted most of his time to Eastern spiritual practices and dreams of his own computer company, which he realized 4 years later.


One of the most successful Russian entrepreneurs, Roman Abramovich, was for some time a student of the forestry department of the Ukhta Industrial Institute, but the desire to make money overcame the craving for knowledge, so after a couple of years the future governor of Chukotka left the university and devoted himself entirely to business. As we now know, not in vain!


The founder of Microsoft for many years was considered the richest person on the planet. At the same time, in 1975, the future owner of a multibillion-dollar fortune was expelled in disgrace from the law faculty of Harvard University for poor academic performance. Well, in the case of Bill, this played into his hands: he was finally able to fully devote himself to his favorite programming.


Henry Ford founded his first company when he was 36 years old. And if you think that until that time he diligently comprehended the basics of entrepreneurship, then you are deeply mistaken. Henry graduated from a rural school and, from the age of 16, worked as a mechanic at an ordinary factory, without even thinking about a diploma of a higher educational institution.


Maybe the name, Ingvar Kamprad, will not tell you anything, but his company IKEA definitely does not need to be introduced. In fact, the future billionaire began his entrepreneurial career while still at school, when he began selling pencils, notebooks and other stationery to his classmates. Growing up, Ingvar switched to selling cheap furniture, and then launched his own production. Well, everyone knows the end of this story.

It is hardly a secret that higher education is not the key to success and wealth. Many famous people who were able to earn a fortune did not have higher education abroad and dropped out for whatever reason.

Mile Dell, for example, was expelled from his college at the age of nineteen, but this did not stop him from creating his own computer company, Dell, whose laptops are now known to everyone.

And the corporation began its existence in an ordinary dorm room. Only the first income of the firm helped Michael expand his company to its current scale. As of 2008, Michael Dell was in 11th place in the list of the richest Americans. Then his capital amounted to just over 12 billion dollars.

Henry Ford, the same man who became the founder of the Ford Motor Company, did not go to college at all, and he decided to skip high school. This did not stop him from founding one of the largest automobile corporations, which earned incredible money thanks to its pricing policy, in which their cars cost less than their competitors. Thanks to this success, Henry Ford became one of the most influential people of the last century.

The fact that Bill Gates did not have a higher education is not known only by the lazy. He did not graduate from college, however, he was named the richest person 27 times. In 1973, Bill dropped out of Harvard to start his own firm in partnership with a classmate. And so the now famous Microsoft was formed. It wasn't until 2007 that Bill Gates received his PhD from his native Harvard University.

Next, let's think about Mark Zuckerberg, who founded the largest social network - Facebook. This is the youngest person ever to appear on the Forbes billionaire list. He was born in 1984, and in 2008 his capital was already one and a half billion dollars. Zuckerberg left the prestigious Harvard without graduating abroad. In 2004, he was visited by the idea of ​​​​creating a social network, and he did not lose.

John Rockefeller also did not graduate from high school, although he later became America's first billionaire. He was the first founder of the transnational corporation Standard Oil.

Known to all children and adults, Walt Disney left school when he was 16 years old. He has become the most influential multiplier, and the company's annual income is more than 30 billion dollars.

One of the most famous actors of our time, Tom Hanks, who is known for many legendary films, also dropped out in order to perform with a group of actors in Cleveland.

The famous pop singer who conquers video portals and the whole world with her outrageous shows, Lady Gaga, once left the Convent School in Manhattan in her second year of study. Now she is one of the highest paid music stars.

The leading fashion designer from France, the most famous figure in the entire history of fashion, Coco Chanel did not study at higher institutions, did not receive higher education. She took courses for a regular seamstress. Now the Chanel brand is known all over the world.

The mind given to a person by nature, the sixth sense and ingenuity can sometimes replace any education, making a world-famous idol out of an ordinary person.

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The myth that a person needs to have a higher education to be successful has long been debunked thanks to the examples of talented people who have achieved unprecedented heights without a cherished crust (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, etc.). But what was the fate of ordinary people who dropped out of their studies at the university?

website collected stories and tips from Internet users that will help you figure out whether a diploma is really needed for a successful career now.

  • I am 26, I have 27 flower shops in St. Petersburg. This phrase, which I heard at the age of 18, helped me achieve success: “ You're a good guy, but you don't have any money." And I began to take revenge. With 3,000 rubles in our pockets and an old passenger car, my classmate and I started delivering flowers. And after 3 years, the girl - the author of this phrase showed up, but, as it turned out, she was not worth it. I left the institute in the 2nd year: one day I had to take an exam and pay salaries to employees. Chose the second option.
  • Lord, I just now realized having received two higher educations, that I no longer need to get up at 7 in the morning to study! Now I have to get up at 6 for work.
  • In the second year at the session, one teacher gave me a grade that cannot be retaken (automatic expulsion). I decided not to waste a year in vain and started freelancing, quickly acquired clients. When it was possible to recover, I already had a regular income of $ 300-500. When I returned to school, I realized that Institute limits my growth. He reached the 4th year of the correspondence course and still has not taken the diploma. Then I was already working in a promising studio in a circle of professionals, and it started ... a studio, a startup, now a huge corporation. I don’t remember the name of the teacher, but thanks to her, that’s straight from the heart!

  • My sister brought a diploma of completed higher education today. Mom could not find anything to say except: "Keep, do not lose, you will show the children."
  • Last summer my friend decided to go to Poland to work. She arrived, and she was told that instead of one job that she was promised, she would pick strawberries. She immediately began to swear and tell that she had 2 higher educations. To which the employer replied: “Well, do you want us to applaud you when you pick strawberries?”
  • My son so got me with the phrases " Why study, because Bill Gates never received a higher education, but a billionaire” or “Steve Jobs didn’t study at the university either!” That I couldn’t stand it and brought the disassembled system unit from the computer to my son’s room, cut off Wi-Fi in the apartment and said: “If you assemble at least a system unit without Google so that it works , then you can safely pick up documents from the university! After 2 hours, he came to me with a request: “Dad, turn on Wi-Fi, I need to cook the course!”

What are the most famous and successful businessmen without higher education? Why did they continue to go to college or drop out? What is the significance of a diploma in achieving business success?

Higher education. How much is it necessary to become a successful and wealthy entrepreneur? Discussions regarding this issue periodically flare up on Internet forums and in the minds of novice businessmen.

On the one hand, knowledge of economic theory, finance, the basics of management and strategic management, marketing, international economics, the theory of transnational corporations, etc. could clearly be useful for building a future billion dollar company.

But on the other hand, you can always hire highly specialized experts who will work for the benefit of the company. What is higher education all the same - spent 5 years or a reasonable investment in your knowledge and competence? In our opinion, there is no single answer to this question. Everyone decides for himself whether to get a diploma or immediately go into business. However, college education is not a prerequisite for business success. This is evidenced by the experience of the 25 most successful entrepreneurs listed below.

Henry Ford ran away from home at the age of 16 and founded his own Ford Motor Company in 1903. His great success came in 1908 with the release of the legendary Model T. In 1913, Henry Ford began to introduce such an innovation as the assembly line, which literally changed the world of industry. If Ford were still alive, he would "cost" 199 billion dollars. Ford did not have a higher education, but there was a craving for invention and the creation of cars.

Bill Gates entered Harvard in the fall of 1973, only to drop out two years later. Instead of higher education, Bill chose to found Microsoft with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Gates showed great entrepreneurial flair and was one of the first to recognize the possibility of the ubiquity of computers and, as a result, the opening of a free market niche for home PC operating systems. Subsequently, giving advice for success, he repeatedly emphasized the need to start as early as possible. This is understandable - it takes years of hard work to establish and put a company on its feet.

The third richest person in the US (after Bill Gates and Warren Buffett) has a college education of two years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a semester at the University of Chicago. The development of database management systems brought Larry Ellison a fortune of more than $ 40 billion.

The richest man in Spain, Amancio Ortega, became the richest man in the world in 2015. Forbes experts estimated his assets at $ 79.7 billion. The founder of the Zara chain of stores not only did not graduate from the university - he does not even have a secondary education. Due to the poverty of his family, Amancio worked as a messenger in a store from the age of 13. However, this did not become an obstacle for the enterprising Spaniard and future fashion magnate.

The co-founder of the world's most popular social network entered Harvard's psychology department in 2002, where he studied until 2004. Obsessed with the idea of ​​creating a network for communication and photo-sharing, he abandoned his studies and threw himself into writing code. His calculation turned out to be correct. At the moment, the capital of Mark Zuckerberg exceeds $ 30 billion.

Asia's largest entrepreneur, worth more than $30 billion, was forced to work in a factory at the age of 15 after his father died of tuberculosis. Lack of education was more than offset by the tenacity with which Lee climbed to the top of wealth. Having accumulated a small start-up capital, he quit the factory and began to trade in flowers, gradually gaining momentum and expanding the business. Curiously, in business circles, Li Ka-shing is called Superman.

The owner of a number of casinos and other real estate (including in Las Vegas), Sheldon Adelson grew up in a poor Jewish family. He earned his first money at the age of 12 as a street newspaper vendor. According to 2014 data, his fortune is estimated at about $38 billion.

The Google co-founder, who is worth nearly $30 billion, graduated from the University of Michigan. And on this list, he found himself because he abandoned his doctoral studies and focused on working at Google.

I was literally infected with entrepreneurship as a student at the University of Texas at Austin. In fact, the beginning of Dell Inc. was laid in the dorm room where Michael started selling computer parts. At the age of 19, he dropped out of higher education and plunged into business. The rest was history.

Microsoft co-founder, sports fanatic, owner Paul Allen dropped out of college in 1974 and took a job at Honeywell. The very next year, he and Bill Gates founded Micro-Soft (after a while, the hyphen in the title was removed). In 2015, Forbes ranked Allen as the 51st richest person in the world with a net worth of $17.5 billion.

Azim Hashim Premji is often referred to as India's Bill Gates. he heads Wipro Limited, India's largest software company. Azim studied electrical engineering at Stanford University, but dropped out at the age of 21 to take over the family business due to the death of his father.

One of the founders of Las Vegas, a native of a family of Armenian immigrants, Kirk Kerkorian left school after 8th grade to work as an auto mechanic and boxing.

The co-founder of Apple, NeXT and Pixar dropped out of college after his first semester, which was a real shock to his adoptive parents, because higher education in the US is not cheap. Jobs later collected and donated bottles and cans to make money and make ends meet.

After two years at Harvard, he moved with Mark Zuckerberg to Palo Alto to focus on Facebook. Forbes named Moskowitz the world's youngest billionaire in 2010.

Leslie Wexner is known for the fact that over the years of his entrepreneurial activity he created and promoted a number of brands in the field of clothing and fashion - Abercrombie & Fitch, Lane Bryant, Limited Too, Exprexx. He is also the owner of the Victoria Secret brand.

An American entrepreneur of Ukrainian origin (born in Kyiv, then lived in Fastov) Jan Koum earned $ 6.8 billion selling WhatsApp mobile messenger to Facebook for $ 19 billion. He does not have a higher education (he went to San Jose State University, but then quit and went to work at Yahoo).

The Chevalier of the Legion of Honor and one of the richest people in the world studied for some time at the Talmudic Academy in New York, but after two years of study he left it and went into the army. Ralph Lauren is the founder of the famous Polo brand.

The hyper-aggressive and assertive David Geffen has never had a taste for university lectures. He never graduated from any of the higher education institutions he attended - Santa Monica College, Brooklyn College and the University of Texas at Austin. But a career in the music industry (as a producer) allowed Geffen to enter the list of 400 richest people in America.

One of the most influential animators of all time did not have a higher specialized education, but this did not stop him from pursuing a career in animation and founding a company whose annual revenue averages $ 30 billion.

Hobby Lobby retail chain founder David Green is known for his religiosity and philanthropic work. He didn't go to college. Opened his first store with a $600 loan.

As a child, Branson had dyslexia, so studying at school was difficult for him. It is not surprising that after graduation, he did not even think about entering the university, but went into his own business. Over the decades, there were about 400 companies under the common Virgin brand.

One of the most influential women entrepreneurs in the US left university at 19 to start a biotech company that would become Theranos. At 30, she entered the list of the 400 youngest female billionaires.