How to carefully remove trim from an interior door. Old door frame: methods and algorithm for dismantling. Carefully disassemble the interior door hinges

Interior doors play a big role in the apartment. They are able to create comfort in the house and provide reliable sound insulation in the room. Sometimes, a previously installed interior door comes into disrepair. The reason for this is incorrect operation or a long service life. It is not necessary to wait until repair to replace the door, as a faulty design can cause a lot of inconvenience to apartment residents. Therefore, it is worth speeding up the process of replacing an interior door.

To install a new interior door, you must remove the old structure. Replacement can take a little time if everything is done correctly and in stages. In the process of selection and work, it is worth considering some factors. Initially, it is worth deciding on the choice of door design. It may be the same as the one previously installed, or it may be different. Now there is a large selection of interior doors. They differ in material and design, opening method, service life and price. It is necessary to determine the material from which the door will be made, starting from the budget. MDF doors are of high quality and inexpensive. They are different in construction and design.

In order to choose the right interior door, you need to take measurements.

The decisive moment is the measurement. Dimensions must be accurate. To take measurements, you should use a construction tape measure.

The following distances must be measured:

  • The width of the door block;
  • Distance from the top point to the threshold;
  • The thickness of the canvas.

If the door will be installed independently, then it is worth purchasing it along with the box. The ready-made design in disassembled form will save time and effort during installation.

It is necessary to determine in advance the direction of opening the door. Depending on the side in which the door will open, the place of hanging the hinges is determined.

Changing the door, you need to provide sound insulation and thermal insulation. To do this, it is worth foaming the empty space and installing platbands. If the old door frame was not insulated, then this is another reason to change the door.

How to remove trim from the door: tools and work steps

To remove the door, you must start by dismantling the trim. This will require tools. If the old platbands are no longer useful, then you should not think about their safety. But, some people re-install decorative trim. They can have decorative value, so you need to carefully dismantle them. It is worth removing the platbands carefully so as not to damage the walls and the doorway. You can do it yourself quickly and efficiently.

Tools required for work:

  • Screwdriver;
  • Chisel;
  • Nail puller;
  • Axe;
  • A hammer.

First you need to remove everything from the room or cover the furniture with a film so that dust does not settle on objects during the dismantling of the door. First of all, you need to remove the door leaf from the hinges. And after that, remove the platbands. When removing platbands, use tools carefully. If the architraves are fixed with nails, you need to remove them with a nail puller. Then drive the ax with a hammer under the casing (or find another object instead of an ax in order to pry it off) and carefully move it away from the wall and remove it.

If the platbands are attached to liquid nails, then it will be more difficult to disassemble them. But, it is possible to do this without damaging the walls. The platbands in this case may be damaged.

You can change the platbands separately if they do not fit the new interior, and the door itself suits.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of interior doors: work sequence

First you need to remove the door leaf from the hinges. The second step of the work is to remove the platbands. At the very end, you need to dismantle the door frame if it has fallen into disrepair. After that, you need to remove the handle and hinges. To remove the box, you need a grinder or a crowbar. It needs to be sawn and detached from the walls.

If the walls were damaged during dismantling, you will have to level them before installing a new door.

To remove the platbands, you can use a chisel and pliers. You need to carefully pluck the nail, and then pick it up with pliers.

After the door frame is removed, you need to clean the opening from the mounting foam. It can be cut with a knife. The remaining foam is removed with dimexide, which can be bought at a pharmacy. Apply this substance to the remaining foam. After a while, it will become soft and can be removed gently without damaging the walls. All this can be done by yourself, having the necessary tools.

How to replace an interior door: ideas for decorating an opening

Redevelopment of the apartment may cause the dismantling of the door. To expand a room in Khrushchev, some owners remove walls and doors along with them.

You can replace swing doors with something new if they are tired, do not fit into the interior or take up a lot of space when opened. Ordinary doors can reduce the space of a small apartment, especially if it is Khrushchev. Therefore, there are ideas that can expand the living space and get rid of the doors.

Doors can be replaced

  • arches;
  • curtains;
  • Blinds;
  • Sliding structures.

The arch will fit perfectly into the interior of a one-room apartment or studio. With it, you can separate the workspace from the recreation area, the kitchen from the living room, and make a separate nursery.

The main thing: you need to put an arch in a convenient part of the apartment. Thus, to make a small room comfortable and multifunctional.

Thick curtains are suitable for separating the kitchen from the hall or corridor. You don't have to open them every time. It is enough to fix in the daytime on decorative fittings. Now there are plastic curtains that are visually able to increase the space. They are easy to care for, unlike fabric curtains, and dust settles on them much less. If necessary, you can change the curtains (while some are in the wash, hang others). And curtains made of threads are a popular design for a doorway. They do not interfere with access to another room. Such curtains are able to give the interior lightness and weightlessness.

Vertical blinds are an excellent replacement for conventional doors. They are designed to save space. Their installation will not take much effort and time. Blinds will last a long time to their owner.

Sliding structures are of different types. The sliding door is suitable for a small apartment. It does not take up extra space when opened. It is easy to install it yourself.

An accordion-type door is suitable for an interior where the passages between rooms are small. This type of construction is in this case a salvation for apartment owners with small doorways.

Do-it-yourself installation of interior doors (video)

When making repairs, many people change interior doors to new models. This happens for various reasons. If the apartment is small, you should think about replacing the doors with something new and modern. Now there are ideas for the design of interior openings. There are modern methods, materials and designs that allow you to get rid of ordinary doors and increase space. You can isolate one room from another not only with a door, but also with modern designs or curtains. They will allow you to bring individuality to the interior of the apartment, and make it modern.

Every owner who has started a major overhaul in an old apartment is faced with the problem of dismantling interior or entrance doors. It would seem that it is difficult to remove the canvas from the hinges and “uproot” the box. But not everything is so simple. As practice shows, if you want to get an even and beautiful doorway, you must remove the old structure correctly. We will talk about how to dismantle doors in this article.

Many inexperienced self-taught builders mistakenly believe that removing an old door is as simple as picking the jambs off the wall. But in practice, everything is not so simple. Often, with improper and aggressive dismantling, not only the door structure is destroyed, but also part of the wall. This situation is especially common in old Soviet houses, where fragile gypsum boards were used for the construction of interior partitions.

If you do not want to lose part of the wall when dismantling interior doors, you need to be creative in your work. First of all, decide whether you need an old door or are you going to take it on its last journey - to a landfill. In the first case, dismantling must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the components, for example, if you want to rearrange the door from the apartment to the dacha. If you don’t need the box and all its elements, there is a faster and “merciless” way, which we will talk about a little later.

But no matter what method of dismantling the old doors you choose, the work must be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the wall. Otherwise, after removing the box, you will have to spend time and money on puttying and plastering.

But first, some theory. Any such design consists of two vertical posts, one horizontal crossbar on top and the door leaf itself, sometimes there is also a lower horizontal - a sill. Often, old doors have survived 5 or even 10 painting sessions in their long life, becoming several millimeters thicker, and therefore heavier.

The paint has long hidden the slightest hint of the location of screws, nails and other fasteners, but on an intuitive level, you can still recognize where everything is. So, usually a wooden bar is located between the wall and the door frame. Its thickness was selected in such a way that the vertical posts were located strictly perpendicular to the floor surface. Large nails 120 or 150 mm long were driven into this beam: two into the left vertical post, two into the right post, and one (sometimes two) into the upper horizontal bar. If the doors have not been changed for 30-50 years, then these nails must have rusted, so you won’t be able to just remove the box.

In order not to uproot part of the wall with the bars, use a nail puller or a mount. You will also need a hammer, an ax and a saw (hacksaw).

Gentle way

In this chapter, we will explain how to remove the door and frame so that they can be used later.


We have described one of the most problematic door removal options using large nails as fasteners. If you see that the elements are fastened with screws, then disassembling such a box is not difficult - just use a screwdriver.

A video about dismantling the door will help you to carry out the work more accurately:

Fast way

If you plan to get rid of the old door and are not going to install it elsewhere, use the easier and faster way to dismantle the box.

To work, you will need the following tools:

  • axe;
  • a hammer;
  • crowbar;
  • wood cutter.

How to quickly dismantle the door:

We remind you that if you do not need the old door frame, then the remaining wall will still be useful for installing a new door, so do the job as carefully as possible.

Dismantling the plastic door

Plastic and metal-plastic doors have long ceased to be a novelty, and it is much less common to see a high-quality massive canvas made of wood than a familiar structure shining with pristine whiteness. However, for proper operation, repair and adjustment, you need to know some secrets that are not known to all owners of plastic doors.

The most important thing is to understand the device and the functioning of the hinges on which the door rests. Then you can use all its potential to the maximum, repair or remove the entire structure yourself. The hinge consists of several elements: a steel tab, a frame with fixing pins, a spacer located between the tab and the frame.

Dismantling the door on the balcony

If you try to dismantle the plastic door according to the above instructions, you will not succeed. The fact is that such structures have their own installation and, therefore, dismantling features, so they need to be removed in a special way.

Dismantling the balcony door:

Front door dismantling

The device of the plastic front door is different from the balcony door, so the dismantling is a little different. The main difference is that the entrance doors have a reinforced structure, and they do not have double-glazed windows.

The structure of the hinges is also different - they are more powerful, reinforced and have an anti-burglary system. The entrance plastic door has as many as three hinges, the balcony door has two. This is due to the fact that the door is quite heavy, and two hinges would not have coped with such a load.

In principle, the dismantling procedure follows the same scenario as at the balcony door, with the only difference that you will need help - it will not work to remove the front door alone. When you lift the door off its hinges, it must be held firmly, and only two people can handle this.

Dismantling a metal door

In most new buildings, apartments are put into operation with metal entrance doors, but, unfortunately, they seem reliable only at first glance. In fact, this is an ordinary sheet of steel, not strengthened by anything, and even more so without insulating properties. The owners of such apartments prefer to replace the structures with new ones or insulate the existing ones, but first you need to somehow remove the canvas itself.

Dismantling a metal door is quite simple:

  1. Chip away the plaster near the door jamb to expose the door lug attachment points.
  2. Since modern metal doors are fixed with anchor wedges or anchor bolts, try unscrewing them with a wrench or a screwdriver.
  3. If the fasteners do not lend themselves, gouge them with a perforator chisel.
  4. Between the wall and the door frame is a layer of mounting foam - cut it with a knife to free the door.
  5. Raise the door leaf and remove it from the hinges when open.
  6. Then you can take out the door frame and install a better door.

As you can see, dismantling an old door is not difficult at all, whether it is wooden, plastic or iron. The main thing is to do everything measuredly and carefully so as not to spoil the opening in the wall, which is still useful for installing a new door.

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During repair, when replacing doors, the box is dismantled. Actions depend on the installed structure. If you want to keep the block intact, all work is done carefully. When the old door with the box is thrown away, completely different methods are used. Dismantling is not considered a simple job. To get a smooth opening for a new box with a door, the old structure must be removed correctly.

Removing door frames

List of tools

If it is necessary to change the door block without repair, then dismantling is carried out, while maintaining the integrity of the wall decoration. The set of tools for work depends on the method of removing the box and canvas. If only the box needs to be replaced, and the canvas with fittings and platbands are planned to be left, then they select devices that will allow you to perform all the actions without destruction.

To remove the box without damage, you must follow a certain technology. The first step is to prepare the following tools:

  • axe;
  • nail puller;
  • a hammer;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver
  • hacksaw.

Features of dismantling the door block

Many people think that it is easy to remove an old box with a door - just pick a jamb from the wall, although in practice it is more difficult. If the dismantling is carried out incorrectly, there is a risk of damaging the box or the wall.

Quick box removal method

This situation often occurs in Soviet-built rooms, where gypsum boards were used in the construction of walls. Old canvases have experienced many paints during their operation, they have become heavier and thicker. The paint has long hidden the places of the nails, one can only guess where they are. So, often a block of wood was placed between the wall and the box, which was selected so that the racks were perpendicular to the floor. Large nails were driven in: two into the racks and into the upper crossbar. If the door block has not changed for 30 years, then the fasteners have rusted, and it will not be possible to easily remove the structure. Use a mount, nail puller, hacksaw.

Wooden box dismantling methods

Any door structure consists of pillars, a crossbar, a threshold from below and a sash. Apartment owners are wondering how to dismantle the box so that later it can be used, for example, in the country. To maintain integrity, they approach work creatively. For a box that goes to a landfill, choose a quick dismantling option. For those products that are still supposed to be used - neat, gentle. Regardless of the method chosen, the replacement of the door frame is carried out carefully, otherwise you will have to spend money on puttying and plastering.

Important! The door frame is optionally installed with mounting foam and plaster. Therefore, in other cases, a nail puller is used if the structure will not be used after disassembly.

The technology of dismantling the old door block, where large nails were used for fasteners

The use of a crowbar to remove the sash
  • The dismantling of doors is carried out by slipping a crowbar under the door to make a lever. By pressing on the crowbar, the door leaf is slightly opened and closed when the structure is lifted.

It is better to do this work with two people, as the doors can be heavy. If the awnings do not respond, they may have rusted. Then they are applied with an anti-corrosion lubricant that removes rust instantly. After waiting five minutes, they again carry out manipulations to remove the canvas. Movements are made with the sash fully open, or when it rests on the crossbar from above, located horizontally.

  • After removing the door leaf, proceed to remove the platbands. If they are in poor condition, with a large number of layers of paints and varnishes, then you should not worry about their safety. For dismantling, the tip of the ax is placed between the box and the casing.

If no traces of nails are visible, then the ax is applied at any point. He is held in one hand, and in the second they take a hammer and hammer an ax, disconnecting the casing from the box. In the resulting gap, you can see nails, they are brought to them in turn with an ax and the casing is pushed back. As a result, the entire part will separate from the box. The integrity of the casing guarantees a neat way in which it is squeezed out until the fasteners appear. The ax is pushed further, squeezing the casing.

  • Similar actions are done with the casing on the other side. Most often, they break when removed, but acquiring new, aesthetic ones is not a problem, because the old ones are usually already spoiled by many years of paint layers.
  • After removing the platbands, the door frame opens. Before tearing it out of the wall, you need to see if there are leveling beams there, to which the box is nailed with 150 mm nails. If the lowest point of the fasteners is visible, then 200 mm recede upwards from this point, and if the fasteners are not visible, about 800 mm, and saw through the rack.

Box after trim removal
  • Above the cut, insert the tip of the ax between the opening and the stand, with a sharp movement moving the latter away from the wall. Pull the nail out of the wall and remove the rack. The same is done with the second part and the crossbar at the top. After removing the first rack, it is easier to dismantle the remaining ones.

Dismantling the box fastened with screws

Removing the box, which is fastened with screws, is not difficult.

  1. The platbands are removed: the tip of the ax is inserted between the platband and the box, the ax is hammered with a hammer until a gap appears. It is hammered in deeper until each casing fastener moves away from the box.
  2. Having freed the product from platbands from all sides, it is necessary to find the places where the product is attached to the opening. They are looking for fasteners in hinges, a feigned lock. They may be under covers.
  3. Fasteners are carefully unscrewed with a screwdriver at low speeds. A screwdriver will do too. If you can’t unscrew it, they cut it off with a grinder.
  4. To carefully remove the box, cut out the foam between it and the wall with a sharp knife. If the structure is attached to the plaster coating, then it is gently tapped with a hammer.
  5. The whole box is removed from the opening and dismantled in a horizontal arrangement.
Take out the box from the opening

Quick, sloppy removal method

Attention! Dismantling activities are carried out carefully, even if the dismantled structure is thrown away, because a whole wall is needed to install a new door.

If the design will not be used in the future, then a quick way to replace doors is used:

  1. Remove the door leaf with a crowbar, placing it under the door and using it as a lever.
  2. Since the box does not need to be disassembled, it is easier to break it. To do this, make a cut in the central part of the rack.
  3. Next, a hacksaw is used to make a cut with an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. If there is a threshold, then it is also sawn through the center.
  5. The sill of the box, fixed above the floor surface, is removed using a crowbar.
  6. The platband is dismantled quickly: an ax tip is inserted between it and the box, the handle is removed until gaps appear in order to work as a nail puller.

Dismantling the door frame is easy. The main thing is to carry out actions measuredly, carefully, so as not to spoil the opening in the wall - it will come in handy for installing a new door. The new door block will delight with its appearance for many years.

Removing the door frame:

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The need to install interior doors usually arises during major or cosmetic repairs, but there are other cases when you just need to do this kind of work. This is a rather complicated process, but if you know the sequence of actions, have the necessary tools and basic skills, then you can do everything yourself. By following the developed technology and performing all the work carefully and scrupulously, you can install interior doors without the help of specialists.

The main stages of replacing an interior door with a step-by-step description

The interior door can be installed only after all the “wet” work has been completed in the room, that is, the walls and ceiling have been plastered, the floor has been leveled. If you do this earlier, then due to high humidity, the door leaf may change its size. A subfloor must also be laid so that you can determine the height of the door.

The stores have a large selection of interior doors. All of them have an attractive appearance, but not everything is always good with the geometry of the canvas. It happens that for poorly made doors, the difference in the length of parallel sides can be several millimeters. This can significantly complicate the installation process, so before buying it is worth measuring the canvases, for this it is enough to take a tape measure with you.

When buying a door, do not be lazy and make sure that you pack and send exactly the product that you have chosen.

Interior doors are made of fiberboard, MDF, natural wood, plastic, glass

Often only the canvas without the door frame is sold. They buy it when they want to replace old doors or there is an opportunity to make a box on their own. It is a U-shaped frame. For its manufacture, two vertical and one transverse racks are used, which are made of timber. The material can only be used dry, even and without black knots. The thickness of the timber used must correspond to the thickness of the purchased door leaf.

To perform the work, you will need the following tools:

  • a hammer;
  • chisel;
  • screwdrivers;
  • measuring instruments;
  • perforator;
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • building level;
  • screwdriver.

To install an interior door, you need a carpentry tool

You also need to have wooden wedges, self-tapping screws and finishing nails, door hardware and mounting foam. Interroom doors in the modern construction market are presented in a wide range, among themselves they differ not only in appearance, but also in the material from which they are made. Most often they are made of fiberboard, MDF or natural wood. The method of installation does not depend on the material.

Wooden doors have a beautiful appearance, but they are heavy and expensive.

The interroom door consists not only of a cloth, but also of a box. It depends on the material used for its manufacture, how long such a structure will last, how reliable and durable it will be.

A box made of laminated wood will last a long time and look beautiful, but only if high-quality lamination is used.

For the final design, it is also necessary to have additional elements and platbands, the purchase of which is recommended after the door is installed and you decide on the required dimensions of such elements.

Removing an old interior door

If the door is not properly dismantled, then part of the wall can be destroyed.

Before proceeding with such work, you need to decide whether you will continue to use the removed door and box. If you install it again, then dismantling must be done carefully so as not to damage the canvas and the box. Otherwise, the process will be faster, but the door will be damaged.

The door frame consists of two vertical and upper horizontal pillars, in some cases there may be a threshold. To fix these parts in old houses, nails 120-150 mm long were used, the heads of which are hidden under several layers of paint, which greatly complicates the dismantling process.

The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. Removing the door leaf. The door is opened, a crowbar is inserted under it, acting as a lever, the canvas is lifted and removed from the hinges. Work is easier to do with an assistant. Before starting dismantling, it is recommended to lubricate the hinges with anti-corrosion grease to remove rust that prevents the canvas from being easily removed.

    To remove the door leaf, it must be slightly raised

  2. Removal of platbands. Most often they are not reused, so you should not worry about their safety during installation. An ax blade is installed between the box and the casing, after which it is hammered, and then the casing is removed. The ax must be inserted in those places where the nails fastening the casing are located.

    An ax or a spatula will help to remove the casing

  3. Removing the door frame. Carefully inspect the racks. Try to find the location of the fasteners. Stepping back from the bottom nail about 20 cm, and if it is not visible, then at a distance of 70–80 cm from the floor, the rack is sawn. An ax blade is inserted under it above the cut point and the stand is pushed back, after which it is removed. The same actions are performed with other parts.

    If the box is fixed with long nails, then in order to dismantle it, you will have to saw the racks

If you see that the door frame is fixed not with nails, but with screws that can be unscrewed, then the dismantling process is greatly simplified. It is enough to twist all the screws and disassemble the box without damaging it.

Video: do-it-yourself interior door dismantling

Preparing a doorway for installing an interior door

At the next stage, the doorway is prepared for the installation of a new door. It needs to match the size of the building being installed. The standard height can be 190–200 cm, width 60–80 cm. In order to properly install the door, the width of the opening should be 5–8 cm larger and the height 3–4 cm.

The doorway should be slightly wider and higher than the frame of the door being installed.

When preparing a doorway, you must adhere to the following rules:

During the preparatory work, a lot of dust is generated, and if the door is installed in a residential area, then all things and furniture must be well covered.

Sometimes there are situations when, in order to install a new interior door, it is necessary to narrow or expand the opening. In most old houses, the thickness of the doorway is 75 mm, this parameter should be guided by when choosing a new design. If the thickness of the box does not match the thickness of the doorway, you will have to use extensions.

If the door frame is less than the width of the wall, then it is necessary to install extensions

It must be remembered that expanding or reducing the size of a doorway requires not only additional time and effort, but also funds. Before buying a new door, you must correctly determine the size of the opening in the wall. They do this in at least three places in order to correctly select the parameters of the box.

During the dismantling of the box, even if you carried out all the work carefully, the finish may still fall off in some places. Identified defects are eliminated before the installation of the box with gypsum plaster. It is easy to work with it, besides, it freezes very quickly.

To level the doorway, it is plastered

The opening is enlarged using a perforator and a grinder. When it is reduced, the order of work will depend on the size by which this must be done. If it is 10 cm, then brickwork can be done. For smaller sizes, it is recommended to make a box from a metal corner, after which the remaining space is filled with mortar. You can also reduce the opening using a metal profile structure or wooden beams, which is sheathed with drywall.

To reduce the doorway, wooden beams or a frame made of metal profiles are used, which are sheathed with drywall

Installing a new interior door

If you decide to install an interior door yourself, then you need to start work by attaching the hinges. They can be universal, left- or right-handed. There are installation standards for these parts, according to which there should be 20 cm from the hinge to the lower and upper edges of the canvas. Usually, the manufacturer already makes recesses in the doors.

The hinges securely fix on the box and the door leaf

If they are not there, then you need to mark the places for installing the loops, and then using a chisel or a router, you need to make recesses of 2.2–2.7 mm. After that, install the parts in their places. Holding them with your hand, make holes for the screws and fix the hinges. In the same way, the parts are installed on the door frame.

After purchasing a standard door, still measure its width and height, as there may be deviations of up to 2-4 mm, and this affects the correct installation.

The box is assembled in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of a flat surface. It can be a floor or two tables. After laying the canvas, side racks are applied to it, and then the upper bar is fixed with self-tapping screws. First you need to drill holes, the diameter of which is 25% less than the diameter of the self-tapping screw. To fix the top bar, two self-tapping screws are used on each side.

    The doors are placed on a flat surface, after which the elements of the door frame are attached to them and the frame is connected

  2. Sawing off vertical posts. They are made with a small factory stock, so after fitting it is necessary to make an adjustment to the size of the door. To do the job accurately, it is better to use a hand saw.

    The excess part of the vertical racks is sawn off along the length of the canvas

  3. Installing the box in the opening. The U-shaped door frame is put in place and leveled with a level. They remove the end decorating strip on the left and right racks and make holes every 25–30 cm. Dowels are inserted into them, and then the box is fixed. In order not to deform it, wooden wedges are installed between it and the wall and the correct installation is checked again.

    After connecting the parts of the door frame, it is installed in the opening and fixed with self-tapping screws.

  4. Hinge door installation. To do this, check how easily the doors open and close, this should happen easily. There should be a gap of about 3 mm between the canvas and the box.

    After installing the box and checking the correctness of its installation, you can hang the door leaf on the hinges

  5. Seam filling. The gap that remains between the wall and the box is sealed with mounting foam. It is important that there is not a lot of it, since during expansion it can damage the box, so the gap is filled by about a third. The sealing of the vertical seam starts from the bottom.

    The gap needs to be filled with foam only two-thirds

Video: installation of an interior door

Finishing the doorway after installation

There are several ways to finish the doorway.

The use of architraves is the simplest option, it is convenient when the width of the wall and the door frame are the same. In this case, it is enough to nail or glue platbands of the appropriate sizes onto the box. With their help, you will hide the gap between the wall and the box. The installation sequence of the platbands will be as follows:

  1. Measurement of the required length of the casing. After determining the parameters, this part is cut off. Please note that it must be fixed at a distance of 1 cm from the hinge, otherwise a creak will be heard when using the door.

    The edges of the platbands are cut at an angle of 45 °, it is easier to do this with a miter box

  2. Platband fastening. It remains to attach them to the door frame and fix with glue, self-tapping screws or finishing nails.

If the width of the doorway is larger than the size of the door, then it can be finished with plaster and paint. To simplify the application of the composition, it is recommended to install beacons. After leveling the plaster, it can be painted. There is a simpler method - after plastering, a drywall sheet of the required size is fixed, which will allow you to get a flat surface.

After plastering and leveling the doorway, it can be painted

The use of decorative stone is advisable for openings without doors, but can also be used if it is available.

The doorway can be trimmed with decorative stone

Plastic or MDF panels are also popular. For their installation, a frame is created from a metal profile. After that, it is sheathed with MDF or plastic panels. This material has good heat and sound insulation characteristics, it is durable, easy to paint. Plastic panels are lightweight, not afraid of moisture and are inexpensive.

MDF panels are often used to finish the doorway.

Video: installation of interior door platbands

By installing interior doors with your own hands, you can completely transform the apartment and at the same time save money on paying for the work of specialists. If you have all the necessary elements and skills, then following the rules and following the recommendations of professionals, you will be able to properly mount the box and door leaf. If a fiberboard door is installed, then you can handle it yourself, since its weight is small. When installing products from MDF or solid wood, you will have to invite assistants, since you will not be able to cope with the large weight of the structure on your own.