We care for the Japanese camellia correctly. Camellia: features of caring for a Japanese rose Location in the apartment

The tenderness itself was carried by the Czech pharmacist Georg Josef Kamel to Europe from the distant Philippines. Refined and whimsical, with no fragrance and only two colors (red and white), they enchanted Old Europe. Wanting to preserve the unfading beauty of a delicate, like a wax flower, women tried to grow a mysterious plant from a distant and unknown country in their boudoirs. But in cold Europe, home care did not perceive the camellia flower (the photo of which is placed nearby) and constantly died. It is difficult to grow a camellia, although it is possible if certain requirements are met.

Camellia blooms in winter when living quarters are heated. Not wanting to change his habits, he practically does not survive in ordinary rooms. Placement in greenhouses, winter and apothecary gardens is more suitable for normal development. An ornamental plant gives visitors a long, from 2 to 4 months, flowering.

Mysterious flower, where are you from?

Camellia is a true southerner. In a subtropical climate, it is represented by evergreen shrubs and trees. In the tea family, it is classified in the genus Camellia. It belongs to flowering and decorative leafy groups.

  • Cultivated in India, China, Japan and other countries.
  • In Russia, it grows in the Caucasus, in Sochi. In the Krasnodar Territory, the culture is cultivated as tea.

Botanical description of camellia

The genus Camellia is very numerous. Represented by about 80-250 species of evergreen perennials from 2 to 15-20 m. The amazing decorativeness of the bushes is due to the unforgettable elegance of flowers.

camelia, flower

In varietal species, a bouquet of 2-3 flowers sometimes develops. Usually the flowers are solitary, large 1-12 cm in diameter. The color scheme of simple and double flowers includes white, pale pink with a transition to rich raspberry. There are cultivars with variegated corolla petals. Depending on the variety, flowering can begin in April and end in December. The duration of flowering of the variety, cultivar is 1-4 months. The duration of flowering of an individual flower is up to 1 month.

Camellia japonica. bud and leaves

Leaves simple, 3-17 cm, glossy, leathery, dark green in color. In shape, elongated-elliptical and other forms, short-petiolate, arranged in 2-3 or single leaves

Fetus- dry capsule with 5 compartments containing 5-8 seeds.

Camellia: seeds

According to their purpose, the species are divided into tea and ornamental (garden) crops.

Tea plants are grown on farms to collect tea leaves. But most cultivars are ornamental crops. They are used in home cultivation, for interiors, office space rest areas, in greenhouses. Under suitable climatic conditions, they are planted in open ground, decorating garden and park landscapes in the form of solitary or group plantings.

What type of camellia to choose for home growing

Most often among flower collectors and exotic lovers there are 3 types of camellias:




Camellia mountain "Daydream"

Distinctive features of camellia japonica

Varieties are distinguished by large simple, double and semi-double single flowers, which literally strew the bush. The color scheme is dominated by a white-red line of shades. There are cultivars with variegated corollas. Bloom from October to April. They prefer partial shade. Used indoors as a tub plant. It can be grown in greenhouses and winter gardens as a soil.

  • Buttermint;
  • Coquettii;
  • donation;
  • winterrose;
  • fimbriata.

Distinctive features of camellia net

Camellia reticulata is so named for the rather noticeable mesh on the corolla petals. Varieties and hybrids of camellia net differ in the shape of flower petals. In shape they can be even or wavy, in color from white to dark pink and deep red, sometimes a variegated mixture of several shades. The flowers are fragrant. The aroma is subtle, pleasant, barely perceptible. The number and arrangement of petals (more than 10) of the corolla in terry forms resembles a small rose.

In some cultivars, the middle of the flower is decorated with long yellow stamens resembling a fringe. Garden varieties form unusually large flowers up to 23 cm in diameter. Potted plant, does not tolerate direct sunlight and greenhouse climate.

Of the mesh camellias, the most famous varieties are:

  • Captain Rose;
  • Yuletide;
  • MaryWilliams and others

Distinctive features of mountain camellia

Camellia mountain is called real or carp (translated from Latin into Russian Camellia sasanqua).

Represented by cultivars and a group of frost-resistant hybrids. Shrubs 2-5 m with thin perennial branches. Young shoots are pubescent. A distinctive feature is hairy pubescence along the vein on the underside of the leaf blade. The flowers are simple, solitary, but can be collected in bunches of 2-3 flowers. Flowering is plentiful, lasts from November to December. The color of the petals of the corolla varies in a white-pink-red line.

  • Chansonette;
  • Bonanza;
  • daydream;
  • Cleopatra;
  • whitedouble;
  • Enishi.

How to grow camellia: home care

The main difficulty in growing is the high requirements of plants to the provision of the necessary conditions:

  • constancy of the environment - a temperate climate in summer and cool in winter;
  • all year round fresh air without drafts;
  • humidity of air and soil within the required;
  • nutritious soil without stagnant water.

When providing the required conditions, you need to take care of the culture as you would for ordinary house plants.

Location in the apartment

Camellia is best placed on the east or west windows. On the south, shading is necessary. The room temperature should be moderate. In summer, in regions with warm summers, it is advisable to place a camellia on a balcony or loggia, plant it in a garden in a pot or in open ground. On the northern windows of the camellia, the climate is not suitable. The shoots will stretch, the foliage will be crushed, it will become pale in color.

Light intensity requirements

Meeting the requirements for light intensity is very important for bud set and flowering. Camellia blooms in winter. To move to budding and flowering, it needs lighting for 12-14 hours. Additional illumination is provided by phyto- or LED lamps. It is possible with lamps of a different type. Shade in summer.

Ambient temperature

  • From March to July, the ambient temperature is maintained at +25°C.
  • With the onset of autumn, the flower is placed in conditions of lower temperatures + 12 .. + 15 ° С (covered terrace, loggia). Buds are being laid.
  • Their flowering will begin in winter at low temperatures. Therefore, with the advent of winter, camellias need a cold regime (from November to the end of December, some varieties until February) with temperatures within +5..+6°С, not higher than +8..+10°С.
  • For some varieties, short sub-zero temperatures within the range of -5 ..-6 ° С are acceptable.
  • Since January, the temperature can be raised and maintained within +10..+15°C. Frost-resistant varieties easily tolerate lower temperatures.

Be careful! Camellia blooms at +10°C. If the temperature regime is not observed in winter, flowering will not occur, and with the advent of spring, the growth of vegetative shoots and leaf mass will not begin. During budding, you can not change the location of the camellia and turn it axially towards the sunny side.

If you can provide such conditions for camellias, feel free to purchase a seedling of a variety or cultivar chosen from the catalog and place it in the allotted place.

Rules for planting a camellia flower

  • In order not to be deceived by dishonest sellers, it is better to buy seedlings in specialized stores that have the appropriate license.
  • When purchasing a plant, in a pot or other container, be sure to ask if the camellia is planted in a substrate for a permanent or if it needs to be transplanted at home.
  • If you need a transplant, you need to prepare a container and soil mixture.

Preparing the Container and Soil Mix

  • The transplant capacity should be larger than the root system so that the camellia can grow for at least a year without a transplant.
  • The container must be disinfected.
  • There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the container.

Small crushed stone, expanded clay or other material is poured into the bottom of the container. The soil mixture can be bought ready-made (for azaleas) or prepared independently from the following components:

  • turf soil 1 part;
  • peat 2 parts;
  • leaf substrate or mature humus 2 parts;
  • sand, but perlite is better, agrovermiculite 1 part.

Finely chopped pine bark, rotted needles of conifers (preferably pine) are added to the soil mixture to increase acidity and breathability. If it's necessary, the soil is acidified with citric acid to pH = 4.5-5.0. Acidity can be checked with a litmus strip.

Planting a camellia

  • The soil mixture is poured onto the drainage and the seedling, along with the soil, is transferred from the old pot into a new container.
  • Fill all voids with new soil.
  • The root neck should be above the soil level. If it is buried, then it is opened when the soil is wet.
  • The transplanted plant is watered.
  • The water is drained from the pan.

Young camellias need an annual transplant. Adult specimens after filling the entire capacity of the pot or container with the root system. Camellias are transplanted in late autumn, sometimes in winter. Transplanting / transshipment in winter does not adversely affect the budding and flowering of plants. The first time after transplantation, the plant is sprayed daily with warm distilled water.

Camellia care at home


  • Plants do not tolerate overflow and overdrying of the soil.
  • The main condition is uniform watering during the growing season.
  • 2-3 drops of natural lemon juice are added monthly to the irrigation water to acidify the soil.
  • The soil is kept moist (not wet).
  • In adult camellias, regular watering is prescribed when the top layer of the soil mixture dries to the depth of the finger phalanx.
  • The intensity of watering during the dormant period is reduced to 1 time in 8-12 days by small norms. Spraying is stopped.
  • In July, when laying buds, watering is also reduced, but do not allow the soil to dry out. Otherwise, the bush will drop the buds, the roots will begin to die.
  • At the end of August, watering rates are increased. The water must be warm.
  • When watering with cold water, the flower gets sick.
  • In winter, during flowering, watering is carried out to moisten the soil. Excess water is removed. The next watering is prescribed when the upper part of the substrate in the pot is dried.

Camellia leaves need constant spraying, if possible, it is carried out 2 times a day.

  • When spraying, protect the flowers from water.
  • If the flowering is intense, the flowers cover the entire bush, it is better to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.
  • Humidify the air around the plants.
  • Place humidifiers nearby.
  • Water for irrigation is soft, settled, warm.

top dressing

  • With the beginning of active vegetation, they begin to feed.
  • For top dressing, flower fertilizers for azaleas or rhododendrons are used, diluting the recommended dose by 2 times.
  • You can feed the plants with a solution of organic matter (not manure), alternating with mineral top dressing.
  • The main top dressing is carried out during the period of increasing the leaf mass.
  • Until the end of July - the first decade of August, top dressing is carried out every 10 days. Then the feeding is stopped.

crown formation

  • Sanitary and formative pruning is carried out.
  • During sanitary pruning, diseased, shriveled branches and shoots growing inside the crown are removed.
  • The formation of the crown is carried out in the phase of the end of flowering. During this period, new buds do not form.
  • Depending on the species, pruning is performed up to 1⁄2 - 1/3 of the length of the branches. The mountain camellia is cut as much as possible, and the mesh is very delicate.
  • The places of cuts must be disinfected and treated with garden pitch or other compounds.
  • Plucking is carried out during transplantation in order to better branch the plant. Pinch the tops throughout the plant or at the discretion of the owner.
  • In addition to plucking vegetative shoots, plucking of buds is carried out. This technique adjusts the number of flowers on the bush. With abundant flowering, the period of opened corollas is sharply reduced. They fade faster. The flowers are shrinking.
  • If you do not carry out formative pruning and plucking, the plant takes on the sloppy appearance of an overgrown bush.

Video about caring for camellia at home

A special place among ornamental plants is occupied by striking in its beauty camellia japonica. It is very popular with flower growers, due to the ability to grow it both in the garden and at home. The plant belongs to the tea family.

Its homeland is the countries of Southeast Asia: Japan, Taiwan, mountainous regions of China, India.

It got its name in honor of the explorer and priest G. Kamelius, who at the beginning of the 18th century brought the plant from the Philippines to Europe.


Under natural conditions, the plant is a tall shrub or tree, which, when favorable conditions and depending on the variety can reach a height of 5-6 meters.

Shoots are rarely located, in natural conditions the crown is shapeless.

The leaves on the shoots have a regular arrangement, lanceolate or simple oval shape, painted in rich dark green above and lighter in the lower part. The surface of the leaf plate is dense, leathery. The edges are smooth or with small notches.

The flowering period of camellia lasts from early December to mid-April. At this time, the shrub is abundantly covered with large beautiful flowers that look like roses, peonies or carnations. Flowers are arranged singly or in pairs.

Flowers no flower stalks. The formation of buds occurs in the axils of the leaves. The color of the flowers is varied: white, pink, yellow, beige, bright red. Flowers can be single, double or semi-double. Depending on the variety, the diameter of one flower can reach 10-15 centimeters.

In early autumn, round-shaped fruits are formed on the shrub, in which large-sized seeds ripen.

Variety of species

Currently, breeders have bred a large number of camellia varieties, shrubs of different sizes, color and flower shape. Each variety is beautiful in its own way, and the appearance of the camellia flower is in no way inferior in beauty to a garden rose.

In addition to Japanese camellia, gardeners breed other equally popular varieties of camellia.

  • camellia sinensis. Under natural conditions, the plant grows in the mountainous regions of China and India. The plant is a tree or shrub, the height of which can reach 10 meters. The leaves are narrow, lanceolate, painted dark green, have an oblong elliptical shape, located on short petioles, narrowed towards the base. The flowers are single, the petals are painted in pinkish-golden color.
  • Camellia oleifera. This variety grows along the banks of water bodies in China and is an evergreen tree-like shrub. The leaves are dense, with a leathery surface, arranged alternately and have an oval shape. Flowers simple, white.
  • "Lady Vansittart Pink". This variety outwardly resembles a garden rose bush and is distinguished by delicate, graceful, semi-double flowers.

Special properties of the plant

Camellia, like sakura, is a symbol of Japan, which is found in many works of art. In Japan, the camellia symbolizes a beautiful bright life, success, happiness, prosperity. She decorates wedding dresses and tea ceremonies.

In Southeast Asia, the healing properties of camellia have long been used. Infusions and decoctions from the leaves and flowers of this plant strengthen blood vessels, treat diseases of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Camellia is used in the perfume industry for the manufacture of creams, shampoos, lotions and decorative cosmetics.

Camellia care at home

The shrub is undemanding in care when grown at home and in growing conditions in open ground. In room maintenance with the cultivation of camellia, gardeners will require certain knowledge and patience.

Camellia does not forgive mistakes and with insufficient care, it can reset the formed buds. If the conditions for keeping the plant are not met, the camellia begins to fall off the leaves.

Falling leaves and buds can be avoided if favorable conditions are created for the flower.

The most suitable place for growing camellia japonica is a greenhouse or winter garden, where it is possible to create conditions close to natural and maintain lighting for a long period of time.

At home, not all lovers of indoor plants can cope with the cultivation of camellia, which very hard to adapt to the conditions of the room.

  • Lighting and location

After purchase, the plant should be immediately placed in a permanent place. Camellia does not tolerate permutations and movements.

Do not touch the plant, turn or move the pot when buds are forming on it. This can cause the flower to drop buds.

Camellia japonica is a photophilous plant that requires diffused light. It will be optimal to place a flower pot on the western or eastern windows.

Plant does not tolerate direct sunlight. In hot weather, the shrub should be shaded.

Direct sunlight or insufficient lighting can cause the flower to stop blooming or the flowers to be few in number.


Camellia can't grow indoors with dry air. At home, it can be placed on an insulated loggia. The plant feels comfortable at a temperature of 12-15 degrees. It is very important not to allow the temperature to drop below 10 degrees.

Camellia responds well to ventilation. In warm weather, it can be kept outdoors, but care should be taken to protect the shrub from drafts and wind.

  • Plant watering and humidity

When watering a flower, care should be taken. Soil waterlogging should not be allowed. Since at low temperatures moisture from the surface of the earth evaporates very slowly, as a result of the accumulation of excess water, rotting of the root system and the death of the plant can occur.

Watering the flower should be moderate. The soil should not be very dry or waterlogged.

For irrigation use warm, settled for several days or filtered water, which does not contain chlorine and other impurities that can cause brown spots on the leaves, drying of the leaves and rotting of the roots.

  • Plant transplant and soil

If under natural conditions the camellia is a tall shrub or tree, then under home conditions, the plant needs to be transplanted as the root system grows or the topsoil is regularly updated.

When planting, the soil is completely replaced with a new one. For a flower, a ready-made soil mixture for rhododendrons is suitable. You can also prepare the soil composition yourself by mixing leafy soil, coarse sand or perlite, peat and humus.

The soil for Japanese camellia should be loose, fertile, well pass moisture and air.

One third of the volume of the pot should be occupied by the drainage layer for which expanded clay, small gravel, pebbles, broken shards or crushed brick.

Young plants are transplanted once a year, adult plants - after 2-3 years. Camellia transplantation is carried out in autumn or winter. transshipment can be carried out even during the flowering period, since the plant does not shed blooming flowers.


Reproduction of the flower is carried out during the period of active growth. The simplest method of propagation is cuttings.

For propagation of camellia, cuttings taken from the top of an adult plant are used. Cuttings carefully cut with a sharp knife. The length of the handle should be at least 10-15 centimeters. Shoots of smaller length take root for a very long time.

Further, the shoots are dried and planted in small containers filled with nutrient soil. After planting, the container is covered with a glass jar or a plastic bag to maintain air temperature and humidity. Containers are placed in a warm, well-lit place, remembering to periodically open them for ventilation.

The first roots appear in 10-14 days. After 3 weeks, young plants can be planted in small pots. Shoots are cared for as for adult plants.

Plant nutrition

The application of mineral fertilizers begins in the spring with the beginning of the period of active plant growth. Complex fertilizers for flowering plants are well suited for top dressing.

Apply fertilizer follows once every 15 days from early spring to late autumn. In autumn, the frequency of feeding is gradually reduced. For plant growth, mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus should be used.

Diseases and pests

Many diseases of Japanese camellia are associated with improper flower care.

Most often, the plant has bud drop, which is associated with a frequent change in the location of the flower or improper transplantation. Bud drop can be caused by lack of light, high room temperature, or drafts.

Excessive soil moisture can cause rotting of the root system and the development of fungal diseases.

Camellia japonica can be affected by insect pests : aphids, spider mites, scale insects. If signs of damage are found, pests should be collected from the surface of the leaves with a damp cotton swab and the plant should be treated with insecticidal preparations or a solution of laundry soap.

Camellia japonica is a woody shrub native to Japan, China and Korea. In Russia, the plant is grown as an indoor flower. In the wild, camellia is unpretentious; at home, the shrub is demanding to care for.


The branched woody trunk reaches 9–11 m in height. In room conditions, the growth of camellia is limited to 1.2–1.4 m. Smooth purple-brown shoots are covered with a wax coating. Glossy leathery dark green leaves are pointed at the end. The bottom of the leaf plates is dotted with divergent veins.

Source: Depositphotos

Camellia japonica blooms from October to March

The buds are tight and dense. Terry flowers 11–15 cm in diameter are arranged singly. Pink, white or red petals form a dense rosette. The plant blooms from mid-October to late March.

The fruit is an oblong box with round seeds. Fruiting begins in mid-May.

The branched rhizome of the flower is located close to the soil surface. The roots are fragile and tender, when waterlogged, they rot and atrophy. The root system suffers during transportation: the roots are torn and deformed.

Home care

The plant prefers moist acidic soils. It grows in places with diffused light, closed from gusts of wind and drafts. Does not tolerate calcareous tap water.

Care rules:

  • The room temperature should not exceed +15...+17 °C. When the air dries out, the camellia sheds buds and inflorescences.
  • Water the flower 2-3 times a week, do not let the soil dry out.
  • In winter, for 30-35 days, place the plant in a room with an air temperature of +4 ... +6 ° C. This will increase the duration and abundance of flowering.
  • Feed the camellia 2-3 times a year with organic and mineral fertilizers.

During flowering, you can not change the position of the bush in relation to the light source. During the winter months, place the flower pot under artificial light.

After flowering, cut the plant back to form a bush. Remove old and diseased shoots, dried flowers and leaves. After pruning, camellia can hurt.

The plant is susceptible to aphids, mealybugs, scale insects and spider mites. Treat the shoots and leaves of the flower with chemicals against pests.

Camellia japonica is an evergreen shrub used in interior decoration. Grown in greenhouses and botanical gardens. Demanding on temperature and soil structure.

The charming Japanese camellia, which requires some skills to care for at home, is not a novelty for our flower growers today. Under natural conditions, camellia is a shrub with beautiful flowers and evergreen leaves. Homeland are Japanese and Korean forests. The flower is named in honor of the discoverer I. Kamel (years of life 1661–1706.). When camellia was just brought to Europe, cultivation was possible only in greenhouses or greenhouses. The flower belongs to the tea family. This is indicated by the leaves, as if varnished.

Japanese camellia: home care, photo

Depending on the variety, the plant reaches from one to two meters in height. Smaller specimens look great in light-colored Chinese vase-style pots, larger ones will look good in wooden containers. The flowering time of this amazing flower is in the spring. Flowers are pink, red or white.

Features of the conditions

Camellia is a very capricious plant, for normal growth it is necessary to create a number of conditions. In winter, the temperature in the room should be seven to thirteen degrees. If the temperature is a little higher, then this means that he will drop the buds. If the camellia grows on the street, then in winter it must be taken into the house and kept in a cool place.


The flower is not transplanted often, usually every three to five years. The substrate for planting should contain leafy soil, coniferous, peat, you can add sand. The transplant can be replaced by changing the top layer of the earth.

Watering camellia japonica

During the year, camellias require constant watering. Drying out of the soil in a pot is unacceptable. The flower needs to be constantly sprayed.

Fertilizers for camellia japonica

During the setting of buds, camellias need to be fed with special fertilizers for flowers that are suitable for acidic soil.

Location selection

In order to develop well, camellias need a lot of sun. However, when choosing a location, direct sunlight should be avoided. From the beginning of summer until autumn, the plant can be grown outdoors. After transferring the flower to the room, he needs to provide coolness for acclimatization.

Diseases of camellia japonica

When growing this plant, you can come across some problems:

  • Dropping buds. Dropping can be natural (in the event that a lot of buds appear on the plant) or the result of improper watering. Unfavorable conditions, especially dry soil found in summer or early spring, can cause buds to drop.
  • Sooty mold (soot fungus) is not particularly harmful to the plant and can be washed off the leaves, but if left unchecked the pest will reappear.
  • Brown petals. The cause is a fungal disease that affects flowers, roots, stems or leaves. Infected flowers must be removed and destroyed, and the plant itself should be sprayed with an anti-fungal drug. The fungus only attacks the camellia flower, not other flowers.
  • Whitefly - These white flies breed quickly. White flies do not actually fly, they are relatives of mealy bugs and aphids. Larvae and adult flies damage the plant. They attack the whole tree completely, sucking the juice out of it.

Buying a plant

Camellia is usually purchased from March to May. When buying, preference should be given to specimens with many buds. You should not buy a plant, petals, which have bronze edges.

Camellia flower in different seasons

  • June-September. The most suitable air temperature for growing camellias outdoors. At this time, camellias can be taken out into the garden. The place must be chosen shaded. Camellia should be watered only during a long drought and fertilize the flower throughout the season.

  • October-February. During this period, the flower is brought home, and feeding is stopped.
  • March-May. This is the flowering period. The flowers last only a week, and the flowering itself lasts about a month. It is best to leave one or two of the strongest buds on the plant. Thus, fewer buds fall, and the flowers become larger. New shoots of camellia need to be fed regularly.

Types of camellias

There are many varieties of camellia of various colors. At the moment, more than eighty plant species are known. Among the plants are semi-double with red flowers, there are plants with pure white flowers, which have yellow stamens. There are plants with pink flowers, the stamens of which are darker in color.

We hope you enjoy the Japanese camellia, caring for it at home, although it requires some experience, is quite within the power of any interested grower.

An amateur who has managed to “tame” this plant may consider that he has passed the exam for entering the “major league” of floriculture, and henceforth call himself a professional. It is not easy to find a houseplant that is more demanding, more finicky than the beauty called camellia. Camellia domestic - a serious flower, and even legendary. By the beauty of the bush, by the sophistication of flowers, it can compete with rose and gardenia.

No wonder Dumas son dedicated his work “The Lady with the Camellia” to her, and the Japanese even named part of the island of Kyushu after her. Camellia managed to fall in love with both the East and the West, thus refuting the famous statement of Rudyard Kipling that these parts of the world cannot get along with each other.

Appearance of the beautiful camellia

This botanical plant belongs to the huge tea family, and it comes, like many other domestic flowers, from east Asia. For the first time, an unusual bush was brought to Europe by a Czech naturalist from Brno, Georg Kamel. Subsequently, the indefatigable Carl Linnaeus, who gave the name to almost half of the world's plants, christened this flower the name of the Czech.

Camellia is an evergreen shrub that, when properly formed, can look like a small tree. Of the variety of species of camellias, only three have taken root as a houseplant: K. mountain, K. Chinese, and K. Japanese.

The first two species are extremely rare in apartments, they are usually grown as garden plants. Camellia sinensis, by the way, is a well-known tea, it is from its leaves that this, perhaps the most common drink in the world, is made.

But on the basis of Japanese camellia, those varieties and hybrids that are mastered by our home collections have been created. Therefore, in the future, speaking about the cultivation of camellia, we will talk about Japanese camellia.

Camellia has beautiful, dense, dark green leaves. They are small in size, elegant, sitting on dense, short petioles. Exquisite flowers can have different colors, but shades of white and red predominate.

Interesting! Initially, the wild Japanese camellia had only scarlet flowers, and white-colored species appeared only in the 6th century, surprising the Japanese emperor himself.

People also worked a lot on the shape of the flower, at first it was simple. Now there are a variety of its forms: simple, terry and semi-double, even asymmetrical.

Camellia flowers can be from 2 to 12 cm in diameter, they grow singly. Fading, they form a fruit - a brown capsule in which the seeds are hidden.

In room conditions, a camellia bush rarely grows more than one meter, most often a little less.

Conditions she needs

Japanese homemade camellia is demanding on everything: humidity, soil quality, watering, etc. But still, it seems that the main difficulty that the grower will face when buying this flower is to provide him with the proper temperature regime.


The fact is that an ordinary apartment is not suitable for keeping a camellia. The owner will be required to have either a cold balcony, a loggia, or a separate winter garden. In spring and summer, the plant needs a temperature of about + 20ºС, it does not like heat.

But the most interesting begins in early autumn, when the camellia lays flower buds. During this period, the temperature must be reduced, and significantly, to + 15 ° C, or even + 12 ° C. This is how the kidneys will successfully form. If during this period there is no decrease in temperature, there will be very few flower buds, they will fall off at the beginning of development.

By the end of autumn, the beginning of winter, the temperature should drop to five degrees. In principle, it should remain this way all winter, then the flowers will keep on the plant for a long time. And even if the temperature drops to slight minuses from time to time, this will not harm the camellia if it has already faded by that time.


Being at home, the camellia flower remains demanding on air humidity. This is especially true in summer when temperatures are quite high. The tree should be often sprayed, taken out to the balcony, and even better - dug in the garden, in a shady place, watering daily. If low temperatures are provided in winter, you can not care about the humidity of the air: with such indicators, the humidity cannot be low.


Camellia does not like direct sunlight, at the same time, it needs intense but diffused light.

Important! In autumn, during the formation of buds, the plant needs to provide daylight hours, approximately equal to 12 hours. In practice, this means that at the end of August, and in the first half of September, it must be closed from the light in the evening, arranging an artificial deep shadow.

In winter, on the contrary, camellia is often illuminated, especially if it blooms at that time. When supplementing lighting, make sure that the duration of light and dark time is approximately the same.


Choose based on the above features. For example, a flower should not be left near heating batteries. Make sure that in winter the draft does not blow on the camellia, and in the summer the sun does not overheat. It is very important not to touch the camellia during the formation of flower buds: do not rearrange to a new place and do not turn!

The soil

Should always remain moist, while being extremely loose and light. The substrate for camellias must be acidic, as for azaleas or gardenias. In winter, when the temperature drops, a slight drying of the earthen clod is allowed (and even welcomed).

Subtleties of care

Thus, caring for camellia at home is a troublesome business that requires special effort and attention. Some of the subtleties have already been said, we can summarize and clarify them:

  • pay attention to the temperature, gradually lowering it from the beginning of autumn to the middle of winter. Avoid summer heat;
  • make sure that during the formation of kidneys the duration of day and night is approximately equal;
  • all the time and in all possible ways to increase the humidity of the air around the plant. An exception may be the months when the camellia is in the cold;
  • water the plant regularly, making sure that the substrate does not dry out even from above. At the same time, avoid stagnant water in the pot. Use soft, settled water, in winter it is useful to resort to the help of melt water.

They feed the beauty in spring and summer, 2-3 times a month, with special fertilizers, or ordinary complex ones, but in half concentration. By August, top dressing should be stopped, so more flower buds will be laid.

Constantly make sure that the soil remains acidic! To do this, from time to time add citric acid or vinegar to the irrigation water in small quantities.


In this component, caring for home camellia is also not easy in its own way, there are features that are rare.

Most importantly, the camellia, unlike most flowers, is transplanted during the dormant period, and even flowering: usually this is the second half of autumn and winter. Transplanted during active growth, it will recover for a long time.

The second most important requirement is that the root neck of the plant should in no case be covered with earth, go under the surface of the soil! If there is any doubt, it is better not to add a little earth when transplanting, and then, after a few days, when it thickens, add the missing layer (leaving the root neck too open is also not worth it).

Well, remember that the soil should be loose, retain moisture, have an acidity of pH 4.0–5.5 units. It is better to buy such soil in a specialized flower shop (it is sometimes sold under the name "substrate for azaleas").

You can take the risk of making the soil yourself, having some experience. The basis of such a mixture can be high-moor peat, sand, crushed tree bark, vermiculite and leafy soil, taken in equal proportions. Be sure to arrange a good layer of drainage in the pot!

Experts recommend replanting adult camellias once every 2-3 years, and it should be, rather, a neat transshipment into a larger pot. Young plants should be transplanted annually.

crown formation

Camellia is difficult to tolerate pruning, but it is necessary to form its crown. It is advisable to do this by pinching young shoots in winter and early spring. Also during this period, old, too elongated branches are removed, treating the cuts with garden pitch.

An important element of the formation is the removal of excess buds. If the plant lives in comfortable conditions, it tends to produce too many flower buds, which subsequently turn into small, sometimes underdeveloped flowers. To avoid this, extra buds should be plucked, then the flowering will be more magnificent.

Reproduction of camellias

Camellias at home are propagated in three ways: seeds, cuttings and air layering.

The seed method is quite simple, even, probably, the simplest. There is only one BUT in it: you need your camellia to bloom successfully, and a capsule with full-fledged seeds ripens in place of the flower.

Important! Seeds must be sown soon after harvest, otherwise they will quickly lose their viability!

Sow in a wet greenhouse filled with a sand-peat mixture. Make sure that the temperature of the substrate does not fall below + 20ºС, but rather a couple of degrees warmer. Seed germination is good. The plants are transplanted into separate pots when two true leaves appear.

Camellia is propagated by cuttings in winter, after flowering, or in the second half of summer. The peculiarity of the plant is that the cuttings take root for a long time, about two months, provided that they were kept in a warm, humid greenhouse. Cuttings should be cut semi-woody, from the tops of the branches.

Camellia takes root well if you manage to bend its thin, side branches to the ground. By pinning them to the surface, and sprinkled with a damp substrate, you can expect them to take on additional roots. If this happens, they are separated from the main plant and planted in another container.

Diseases and pests

Speaking of problems, it is worth noting that the main ones are yellowing of the leaves, their fall, lack of flowering or loss of buds by the plant. If this happens, you need to carefully analyze whether all the necessary conditions discussed in the article are met.

It often happens that a plant suddenly begins to massively fall leaves. The reason is most likely root rot, stagnant water in the pot. In this case, you should check the earthen ball, improve drainage, partially or completely change the substrate, making it looser.

Harmful insects, fortunately, do not often visit home camellia flowers. If they do appear, it is usually a scale insect, aphid or spider mite. Against the first two, you need to apply treatment with popular insecticides, for example, "Aktara" or "Aktellik".

Actellik is also good for fighting ticks, and also Apollo, Sunmite, and other substances from the acaricide group.