Congratulations on the anniversary from the poets of the classics. Congratulations to the poet. All the best for mom

Anyone who ever tried to find
In the words there are traces of an elusive melody,
Today will be a holiday to celebrate -
A wonderful holiday - World Poetry Day.

I am very pleased that congratulations
It has to do with poetry.
Accept, poets, my rhyme,
Congratulations to all poets!

Congratulations to all who speak in verse,
Congratulations to those who are in love with poetry,
Or maybe we'll write poetry ourselves,
After all, life is beautiful, if with a verse!

Look at weekdays and compose lines
For the glory of life, happiness and love,
Praise be to the poets that in high verse
They have enriched our lives!

Pen and inkwell. Lamp soot.
Dances of shadows of past eras.
Oh Gods! What were the talents!
How many divine verses
Hearts are made to beat incessantly!
Sonnets of Petrarch, Shakespeare's sonnets,
And Dante and Balmont decorated the shelf:
They shine with a terzina and a triolet ...

Beaten rhymes now playing,
I try to congratulate poets with verses.
I invite Pushkin's muse to me,
But my voice still screams unanswered...
Meters are confused, sizes are mixed,
And my rhythm is, perhaps, harmful to hearing.
Oh, give, poets, such examples,
So that it becomes sweet to both the heart and the ear!

To all the poets on earth
We want inspiration
And talent, and love,
And great patience!

Let the heart beat with happiness
And the verses flow like a river
Let no end be seen
Thanks human!

Let the muse visit you
On weekdays, holidays - always.
Let them read your books
Cities applaud!

I will send you my humble work,
You are a much better poet though.
But appreciate it and don't forget
That he is from the soul, from the mighty.

I wish you many years.
So that you can write a lot.
So that you live them without troubles.
So that there is always a lot of light at home.

I wish you well
Love and great joy.
So that there is a lot of happiness, so that the river!
And the fee, so that it was immodest.

Strict rhyme spills,
Again the music flows through the lines.
We each go our own way
Choosing your own paths.
Everyone knows what he will write about.
Everyone is looking for their own skill.
And now the muse breathes softly,
Down on your shoulder.
Let congratulations sound for talents
And for those who are a simple rhymer.
For people, congratulations are not a pity to us.
Congratulations people!

Please accept our congratulations on Poetry Day,
Today everyone will write their own poem!
Create them, scribble rhymes in notebooks,
For friends, loved ones, for your family!
Who wrote, or listened to at least a small rhyme,
From us on the Day of Poetry will receive congratulations!

How many different peoples in the world
How different can you live
But there is only one holiday in the world,
Allowing us all to create!

Congratulations on the day of poetry,
Let spring only bloom in the heart,
We wish you well today
Everyone who is friends with poetry lives!

Today life, whatever it is,
Poetry is my inspiration.
Well, and poetry, believe me, friends,
Rhymes life all sorts of unrest.

And today this congratulations,
In honor of the day of poetry, I state in verse
For those who could prose their life
Replace poetry with magical words.

On the day of poetry I wish
More rhymes and bright lines!
I melt from your poems,
I even read them!

Let you everyday bad weather
Always bypassed.
As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul.
Fire of warmth.


O friend, do not be friends with peace in love,
Punish your covenant to the ignorant.
Sting your rose friend with a thorn yourself,
always hold her in your arms.

Moment by moment earthly life will flash by.
May every day blossom with joy.
In this world, your kingdom is the foundation.
The way you live, and your life will pass.

Schiller: "The rings hold marriage together, They also give chains."

So let's raise our glasses to the chain
our young family always consisted of only two
permanent links!

(died 1055-1056)

My longing languor - from my beloved,
And grief, and healing - from the beloved.
Let the skin of the world rip off me - soul
I will not be away from my beloved.

You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up, sealed scroll;
In his lines there are an abundance of thoughts and words,
In his sheets every moment is insane.
You are a woman, you are a witch's drink:
It burns with fire as soon as it penetrates the mouth;
But the flame drinker stifles the cry
And glorify furiously in the midst of torture.
You are a woman and you are right.
From the century removed the crown of the stars,
Are you the image of a deity in our abyss?
We draw an iron yoke for you,
We serve you, crushing the mountains,
And we pray - from the century - for you!

A Ya. Bryusov

(c. 1048 - after 1122)

All that is is only fiction, it flies in a dream,
And the unelected is the one who knows about that.
Sit down, drink this cup and be merry."
Don't let regret torment you later.

Do not be careless at the crossroads of days
And know: fate is worse than a robber.
Fate treats you with halva, -
Do not eat - deadly poison in her halva!

(1644-1720 or 1721)

Let long labors in accomplishments not be quick,
Apply diligence - efforts will be disputes.
When the plowmen unite in labor.
Then, having taken everything together, they would have demolished the mountains.

O slave of dreams, know: good is not what
you dream.
You. all of fiction is in captivity. Where is the truth

You don't know.
You hope to lead your life in the afterlife,
Paradise, if it exists, it is not what it is
you suppose.

(c. 1048 - after 1122)

The soul that endured suffering, freedom is gained.
Let the drop languish in the dungeon, it becomes a pearl.
Do not cry, if you are ruined, wealth will return,
Let the cup be emptied, it will be full again.

(died 1307)

Where can a soul find a friend these days?
And in whom the stronghold of good has not collapsed?
He who does not know sorrow in our burden,
Not a man or does not live at all.

(died 1055-1056)

I'll look at the golden steppe - it's you,
I'll look at sea ​​wave, - it's you.
I will look at the valleys, at the high mountains,
Everywhere I see one sign - it's you.

(XV century)

To open the elixir, we need three prowess
Humanity, kindness in everything
and fidelity 6 dangerous way.
These three virtues - the essence of man, meet
rarely are they;
And the man himself, like the Ankh bird, is his
impossible to find.
And sorrow and joy - all that was "I",
Erased from the tablet of life.
So do not grieve, created from dust,
That your life will become dust again.

(c. 1048 - after 1122)

Get up, don't worry! What sadness about the mortal languish?
Come join us for a cup of fun.
If the disposition of fate were constant,
Then you would never have had to be born.

If you want the foundation of being to be strong
And spend at least two days without evil despondency,
Never shy away from fun and always drink,
To have time to drink all the delights from the earthly phial.

When I was the creator - the lord of the universe,
I would overthrow the ancient sky from the base
And he created a new one - one under which
Omsh all good wishes would be fulfilled.

(died in the 11th/11th century)

With the bright radiance of the feast, your dwelling is illuminated.
In the throat of your enemy, let wine turn into fire!
Only with you at the feast others have fun today.
Drink, but over a cup sometimes remember us - long gone.

(died 1307)

The spirit of anxiety has seized people in our days.
The one who pursued profit lost everything.
Happy is he who, from turmoil, has withdrawn from the human,
And unfortunate, who fell into the tornado of this turmoil.

There is a balm for ailments, for fever in the blood.
From the torment of love, healing is in love.
Events in the world alternate rapidly.
Not forever our troubles! Live in hope!

If you really want your greatness
achieve - do not oppress anyone in the world.
Don't think about the end, don't worry about bread.
Kse will come in his turn - such is the case with everything.

Let you everyday bad weather
Always bypassed.
As always, take good care of
Beautiful features in the soul.
As before, generously give to everyone
Fire of warmth.


I sing a song of equality
for you - for husband and wife.
Two halves of life -
you are inseparable and equal.
There is no inequality between you, -
one you. bound by fate.
Everything in common - luck, work,
sins, sadness, sobbing, pain.

The man is the day. scorching heat
daylight is his hand.
You, woman, are the shadow of the night,
dew, coolness and river.
Day is strength and impulse
a. night - peace and quiet.
The man is thirsty. get drunk
drunk on him.

A man leads a plow in the field. He is a plowman
so it is.
A woman is the law
throws grain into the furrow.

The husband plowed the land,
and the woman will give her water,
And life will wake up and rise
and there will be bountiful fruit.

True friend everywhere
Faithful, in happiness and trouble;

Your sadness worries him
You don't sleep - he can't sleep
And in everything, without distant words,
He is ready to help you.

W. Shakespeare

Master, pour some wine for everyone!
I want, as before, a noisy meeting.
Let the toasts be witty
Let the song flow more cheerfully!
Under a peaceful festive motive
Dreams sparkle like sparkles
New desires will be born.
Shake off your worries,
And warmed by the power of joy,
Let's remember the poet's verse:
Friends, our union is beautiful!

(c. 1048 - after 1122)

If there is a beauty, wine and a cup of ringing,
And the bank over the stream is autumnal with branches, -
No need for better, let the world be called hell.
And if. there is Eden, believe me, it is no better!

This vault is blue and the basin on it is golden
For a long time they will circle over the earthly vanity.
We - uninvited guests, we came for a short time,
After someone we came, before someone we will leave in succession.

You, my mind, are walking along the paths of search
And you don’t get tired of repeating a hundred times a day:
Appreciate the moment of communication with friends!
You are a meadow, but mowed, you will not sprout again!
If you leave hypocritical prayers in a tavern, -
If you take the beautiful peri by the curls, it's good.
Remember, until fate has time to drink your blood,
If you pour your goblet with the blood of a jug, -


For wise advice, incline your ear two earlier,
three days,
Get rid of the languor of the spirit two or three days earlier.
This world is like a decrepit old woman - is it worth
If you part with this old woman two early,
three days?

Let the lovers be sincerely drunk, in disgrace,
They are eternally alarmed by the spirit and with madness in their eyes.
How painfully in sobriety we mourn and yearn,
And in the holy intoxication - we do not have grief.

If you are an idol, from now on I will honor idols.
Kohl you. if you bring wine, from now on my life is in wine.
May I lose myself in merging with you,
Love non-existence is not better than being?

Let the perspicacious soul cherish love.
Look for the one who belongs to you from time immemorial.
And those who are capable of upsetting the soul, those forever
You are forbidden. May your soul flee from them.

We drink wine at the feast of lovers,
But the heart is enlightened by the truth.
School knowledge is only a shadow of knowledge,
Quite different knowledge has been given to us.

The laziness of our meeting is my holiday. Come!
Let's leave the world's evil behind!
Let the vault of heaven threaten us with troubles, -
What troubles, if love is alive in the chest?

You can't raise an army without money
And without weapons to protect the fortress.
Take the glass vessel carefully
To not drop or break.

(circa 1300-1376)

O circle! Where is your foundation?
This circle is wrong - our being.
Let the sky spread your pillow
Don't rest your elbow on it.

Love leads through the desert
And through the mountain ranges
And it does not get cold in the wind,
And not afraid of heights.

(between 1203 and 1210 - 1292)

Not everyone who is royally dressed,
Kine of his pride drunk.
Unfortunate is the rich man who despises
Everyone with whom he was friends when he was poor.

Do not rush to a hundred with a dozen warriors.
Beware of enemy ambushes at the limit.
For now you. strong - drive, push the enemy,
And if the enemy is stronger, - and do not shun the world.

Torah to the heart that knows no pain.
The dead stone does not listen to stories of love.
The star song only sounds for lovers,
D&S rises only above that which burns with fire.

Where the tree of love bears fruit
There are gardens strewn with pearls,
There. holy in people fidelity, laws,
There, a friend comes to rescue out of trouble.

Or run away from the world into a hermit's cell,
Or burn your belongings in the fire of lust,
Or revel in all the beauty of the earth,
Or sew your eyelids so as not to see a single thing.

(c. 1048 - after 1122)

Drink wine! It is the source of immortality and light,
In it - the flowering of spring and past summers.
Be happy for a moment among flowers and friends,
For life is concluded in this moment.

The ruins of the past were washed away by the spill. And more beautiful -
With the edges full - the bowl of life shines.
Do not be careless, friend - Fate is like a thief in the night,
He will come and take away the belongings of our life.

As long as you are alive - do not offend anyone,
Do not burn anyone with the flame of anger.
If you want to taste rest and peace,
Suffer for sure, but do not oppress anyone.

When you sit at a circular bowl,
About a friend who has gone forever, remember,
When it's my turn to drink
You turn the full cup upside down.

When the time comes and you part with your soul,
There for. veil of eternal secrets. - see the world

Drink, if you don't know where you're from. came,
Where will you go next and what will become of you there.

Blue in the dark...
Tenderness and kindness
the smell of the living earth - roses
on your birthday.
petal music,
joy aroma - roses
on your birthday.
came to me again
blood boiled.
Thousand Star Light - Roses
on your birthday.
Scarlet thick sunset
sunshine, green glitter
sleepy big moon. - roses
on your birthday.
Burden a measured step,
the sound of a running clock,
burst of smile, flight
hearts, empty hum,
the singing of the spring, the fury of the mountain river,
hurricane wrath, smoke
blue over the hearth - roses
on your birthday...
Against longing and lies
above the yellowness of evil - roses
on your birthday.
The bitter ozone of spring
the smell of eyelashes and lips - roses
on your birthday.
swollen riverbeds,
meeting before the storm - roses
on your birthday.
I believe winter will pass
and the door opens...
Red in the morning
blue in the semi-darkness - roses.
on your birthday.

Centenary oak at the crossroads
The smoke of the evening fields
And the voice of a teenage girl
Friends of my youth.

What if we broke up
I didn't even have time to admit
What did we dream about, what did we dream about
Under that thoughtful chant.

Me in a difficult hour at the crossroads
A hundred-year-old oak will dream again
And the voice of a teenage girl
Sing about first love.

And I'll straighten my shoulders again
Easily, as in youth, I will sigh,
And our songs, our meetings
I will say goodbye.

N. I. Rylenkov

(c. 1048 - after 1122)

In life, this intoxication is the best,
Gentle houri singing the best,
free thought boiling best,
Oblivion is the best of all prohibitions.

What can you wish for a person who achieves everything in life with hard work and perseverance? A man who is menacing on the outside, but kind on the inside? A person who helps people and never refuses Hard time? I wish such an amazing and rare person warmth, love, care, devoted loved ones, health and a little luck! May fate favor you! Happy birthday!!!

Let there be a storm of emotions that will make your life unique and incredible!

On this festive day, I am a little sad. The thing is that I can’t personally wish happy birthday to one very important person for me! But I really want to wish you to meet this year brightly, cheerfully and amicably! Let there be victories, good luck, disappointments, joys, purchases, travels, sorrows, worries, happiness, love, passionate experiences, smiles, tears, movement. Let there be a storm of emotions that will make your life unique and incredible! Congratulations!

I want to let it all go this year

I want to let it all go this year. Let everything go on as usual, and as soon as you stop waiting, happiness will surely overtake you! It cannot be otherwise, because you are the most worthy representative of the human race! Have a great holiday and never lose heart, because there are true friends nearby :) Congratulations!

If you have to be sad this year, just call me

If this year you have to be sad, just call me and I will definitely cheer you up. If you need money - call, I will help in any way I can. If you are torn apart from anger or joy - write, I will share these feelings with you. If you need a company to go to the cinema or the theater, or maybe just sit at home with a bottle of wine to discuss the latest gossip - call me, I'm there! Always and everywhere, remember that you have a true friend who is there every day. And today, on your birthday, I will certainly congratulate you and wish you great happiness!

May today you have the best holiday in all your years!

May you have today the best holiday for all the years! Let friends and acquaintances present the best gifts, the largest bouquets, say touching and sincere congratulations, kiss a lot, hug and rejoice with you! Let this sunny day be the beginning of the most happy year of all that are left in the past! Happy birthday!!!

I have known you for so many years and every time you surprise me

HURRAH!!! Happy birthday!!! I have known you for so many years and every time you surprise us with your new talents! Such a multifaceted personality of incredible beauty, with an amazing sense of humor, inspiring us to new achievements and good deeds! With all my heart I wish to always believe in myself, grow only upwards, finally fly in a private jet, be healthier than all living beings and love the world as much as it loves you! Have a great holiday and lots of flowers!

Happy holiday! Happy birthday!!!

You have one very rare quality - you know how to hear, give, love .. These are the values ​​that few people have in the age of selfishness. I not only want, but madly want your life to develop happily, luck and prosperity accompany you all your life, close people do not betray and support you in hard times. Remain the same sincere and decent little man that we know and love you! Happy birthday!!! Happy holiday!

Today I especially want to congratulate you!

Today I especially want to congratulate you on your birthday! The past year has brought us closer and for me this day has become something more than a friend's holiday! I do not just congratulate you, but I wish with all my heart next year to take the maximum from life that it can give! More health, more money, more positive, energy, love adventures, decent people, new pleasant meetings and happy moments! Congratulations*

May kindness, care, love and understanding surround you!

They say that a person learns the truth in solitude. So I wish you never know what loneliness is. Let the truth come with wisdom, but without this depressing feeling! May there always be a whirlpool of events around you, a holiday, joy, loved ones. May kindness, care, love and understanding surround you! Happy birthday!!!

Russia is a country rich in poets and writers, which has given the world many famous people. The best poems of great poets are those poems that many of us know from school, but there are also many lesser-known, but outstanding works of classical poets. This section of this site contains a selection of poems by Russian classics. Here are such names as Pushkin, Lermontov, Yesenin, Tyutchev, Bunin, Blok, Bryusov, Fet .... and others. The best poems of the classics of various areas of Russian poetry: romanticism and realism of the 19th century, symbolism, futurism and imaginism of Silver Age poetry.

Top Classics

    We always remember happiness.
    And happiness is everywhere. Maybe it -
    This autumn garden behind the barn
    And fresh air pouring out the window.

    In the bottomless sky with a light white edge
    Rise, the cloud shines. For a long time
    I follow him ... We see little, we know
    And happiness is given only to those who know.

    I remember a wonderful moment:
    You appeared before me
    Like a fleeting vision
    Like a genius of pure beauty.

    In the languor of hopeless sadness
    In the anxieties of noisy bustle,

    I am sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.
    A young eagle bred in captivity,
    My sad comrade, waving his wing,
    Bloody food pecks under the window,

    Pecks, and throws, and looks out the window,
    As if he thought the same thing with me;

    Spiritual thirst tormented,
    In the gloomy desert I dragged myself
    And a six-winged seraph
    He appeared to me at a crossroads.
    With fingers as light as a dream
    He touched my apples:

    The last cloud of the scattered storm!
    Alone you rush through the clear azure,
    You alone cast a sad shadow,
    You alone grieve the jubilant day.

    You recently circled the sky,
    And lightning wrapped around you menacingly;

    Not many paintings by old masters
    I always wanted to decorate my abode,
    So that the visitor marveled at them superstitiously,
    Listening to the important judgment of connoisseurs.

    AT simple corner mine, in the midst of slow labors,
    One picture I wanted to be forever a spectator,

    Poet! do not value the love of the people.
    Enthusiastic praise will pass a moment's noise;
    Hear the judgment of a fool and the laughter of the cold crowd,
    But you remain firm, calm and gloomy.

    You are the king: live alone. By the road of the free

    Crazy years faded fun
    It's hard for me, like a vague hangover.
    But, like wine - the sadness of bygone days
    In my soul, the older, the stronger.
    My path is sad. Promises me labor and sorrow
    The coming turbulent sea.

    But I don't want, oh friends, to die;
    I want to live in order to think and suffer;

    The whole room amber gleam
    Enlightened. Cheerful crackling
    The fired oven crackles.
    It's nice to think by the couch.
    But you know: do not order to the sled
    Ban the brown filly?

    The star burns, the ether trembles,
    Night lurks in the spans of arches.
    How not to love the whole world,
    Incredible Your gift?

    You gave me five wrong feelings
    You gave me time and space

While we are alive, we can fix everything ...
Realize everything, repent ... Forgive.
Do not take revenge on enemies, do not dissemble loved ones,
Friends that pushed away, return ...
While we are alive, you can look back ...
See the path you came from.
From bad dreams waking up, push off
From the abyss to which they approached.
While we are alive ... How many have managed
Stop loved ones that are gone?
We did not have time to forgive them in life,
And to ask for forgiveness, - Could not.
When they leave in silence
There, from where there is definitely no return,
Sometimes it takes a few minutes
Understand - oh my God, how guilty we are ...
And the photo is a black and white movie.
Tired eyes - a familiar look.
They already forgave us a long time ago
For the fact that they were too rarely around,
For no calls, no meetings, no warmth.
Not faces in front of us, just shadows...
And how much was not said
And not about that, and not with those phrases.
Tight pain - guilt finishing touch -
Scraping, cold skin.
For everything we didn't do for them
They forgive. We cannot ourselves...

Eduard Asadov

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My soul is closed from everyone
And only poetry opens the door.
And there is no rest for the searching heart...
Not everyone gets to see her light.
My soul is closed from the winds
From thunder peals and discharges,
But he will not refuse gentle, warm words.
My soul is not a hostel for those
Who is used to entering the house without taking off his shoes,
Who reveling in their genius,
Tears my soul... for fun.
My soul will trust
Who touches with a cautious glance,
Sensitive grip, reliable,
With a bold chord... waking up the string...

Anna Akhmatova

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I drink you, captivating life,
Eyes, heart, breaths and skin.
It would seem that everything is one and the same,
Like a perfectly precise mechanism.
But how wrong we are - oh my God!
In fact, everything is different.
And every day is filled with newness.
Diamonds burn differently in the night
Bottomless stars - in winter and spring.
How do we experience summer?
And insatiable autumn infusion.
We know all the questions and answers
And yet we shout to the time: "Wait!"

Marina Tsvetaeva

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Treasure happiness, cherish!
Notice, rejoice, take
Rainbows, sunrises, star eyes -
It's all for you, for you, for you.
Heard a tremulous word -
Rejoice. Don't ask for a second.
Don't chase time. To nothing.
Rejoice in this, him!

How long is the song destined to last?
Can everything in the world repeat itself?
A leaf in a stream, a bullfinch, over a steep elm ...
Will it be a thousand times!

Evening is illuminated on the boulevard
Poplars burning candles.
Rejoice, do not spoil anything
No hope, no love, no meeting!

Thunder strikes from a celestial cannon.
Rain, rain! On puddles of freckles!
Twisting, dancing, hitting the pavement
Heavy rain, the size of a nut!

If this miracle is missed,
How can you live in the world then?
Everything that flew past the heart,
Do not return for anything!

Ailments and quarrels temporarily set aside,
You leave them all for old age
Try to even now
This "charm" has passed you.

Let the skeptics mutter to death.
You do not believe them, bile skeptics -
Joy neither at home nor on the road
Evil eyes, even if they burst, cannot be found!

And for very, very kind eyes
There is no strife, no envy, no torment.
Joy will stretch out its hands to you,
If your heart is bright.

Seeing beauty in the ugly
See the rivers flowing in the streams!
Who knows how to be happy on weekdays,
He really is a happy man!

And roads and bridges sing
The colors of the forest and the wind of events,
Stars, birds, rivers and flowers:
Treasure happiness, cherish!

Eduard Asadov

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We lose half of our lives because of haste.
Hurrying, sometimes we do not notice
Not a puddle on a russula hat,
No pain in the depths of your beloved eyes ...
And only, as they say, at sunset,
Amid the hustle and bustle, in captivity of success, suddenly,
You will be mercilessly grabbed by the throat
Cold hands fright:
Lived on the run, chasing a ghost
In networks of worries and urgent matters ...
Or maybe the main thing - and missed ...
Or maybe the main thing - and overlooked ...

Julia Drunina

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Two clouds don't make the weather
And two tears don't make it rain.
An arrogant look is not yet a sign of the breed,
And a hat is often a hat on a nail.
Aspiration does not mean goal,
And two rubles is not yet capital.
Two shots don't make a duel
Two prowess - still not ideal.
Two glasses are not fatal for a reveler,
Two clowns - not yet a farce,
Two lunges don't mean a fight
Two kisses - not even a romance.
How often do we worry in vain
And we see a storm where the sky is clear.

Anna Akhmatova

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I can wait for you
Long, long and true, true
And I can't sleep at night
A year, and two, and all my life, probably!

Let the leaves of the calendar
They will fly around like the leaves of a garden,

What do you really need!

I can follow you
Through the thickets and stiles,
On the sands, almost without roads,
Over the mountains, on any path,
Where the devil has never been!

I'll go through everything, without reproaching anyone,
I will overcome any anxiety
Just to know that everything is not in vain,
What then do not betray on the road.

I can give for you
Everything I have and will have.
I can accept for you
The bitterness of the worst fates in the world.

Eduard Asadov

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To love is first and foremost to give.
To love means your feelings, like a river,
Splash with spring generosity
To the joy of a loved one.

To love is only to open your eyes
And immediately think again with the dawn:
Well, what would please, bestow
The one you love with all your heart?

To love is to fight passionately
For loyalty and word, and every look,
To have their hearts to the end
And in sorrow and in joy forever near.

Is love waiting? Well, of course, waiting!
And tenderness awaits and warmth, but only
Does not conduct accounting calculations:
So much given, so much taken.

Love is not a piggy bank in the closet darkness.
The song doesn't tend to close.
To love is to respond with joy
For all the good things on earth!

To love is to see any object,
Feeling a kindred spirit nearby:
Here is the book - has he read it or not?
Pear ... And how does he like this pear?

Trifle? From what? Why is it empty?!
Sometimes they even save lives.
Love is a cherry banner of happiness,
And in happiness there is no trifle!

Love is not a continuous firework of passions.
Love is faithful hands in life,
She is not afraid of black days,
No seduction and no separation.

To love means to defend the truth,
Even rebelling against the entire universe.
To love is to be able to forgive in grief
Everything except meanness and betrayal.

To love means as many times as you want
With pride to endure all hardships,
But never, even at the hour of death,
Do not settle for humiliation!

Love is not a cheerful thoughtless bow
And do not reproach that they beat in the ribs.
To love is to have talent
Maybe the biggest and kindest.

And to hell with pathetic reasoning,
All feelings will go away, like water in the sand.
Only hobbies are temporary.
Love, like the sun, always lives!

And I don't care about cynical laughter
The one who cannot measure starry heights.
After all, these poems are mine only for those
Who is able to love and believe with his heart!

Eduard Asadov

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modern woman,
Modern woman -
Wrapped up in vanity,
But as before, divine!
Let a little tired
But, as before, beautiful!
Not fully understood
No one's control!
modern woman,
Modern woman -
It's sad and thoughtful
It is bright and solemn.
Prove her weaknesses
Defeat her in audacity
In vain men try
Really hoping!
Do not brag about strength
But on it - nevertheless -
And office worries
And family concerns!
Knowing everything in the world,
All hardships past -
Remains a mystery
Modern woman!

Robert Rozhdestvensky

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Winter morning
Frost and sun; wonderful day!
You are still dozing, my lovely friend -
It's time, beauty, wake up;
Open eyes closed by bliss
Towards the northern Aurora,
Be the star of the north!
Evening, do you remember, the blizzard was angry,
In the cloudy sky, a haze hovered;
The moon is like a pale spot
Turned yellow through the gloomy clouds,
And you sat sad -
And now ... look out the window:
Under blue skies
splendid carpets,
Shining in the sun, the snow lies;
The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters.
The whole room amber gleam
Enlightened. Cheerful crackling
The fired oven crackles.
It's nice to think by the couch.
But you know: do not order to the sled
Ban the brown filly?
Gliding through the morning snow
Dear friend, let's run
impatient horse
And visit the empty fields
The forests, recently so dense,
And the shore, dear to me.

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Spouses quarreled in the evening,
Many harsh words were spoken.
In the heat of the moment they did not understand each other,
They completely forgot about love.

My husband has to go to work early in the morning
And on the heart - bitterness seal.
During the night he realized the stupidity of the quarrel,
He came to kiss his wife.

Didn't sleep, but still pretended
She turned her face away.
In the depths of resentment lurked
Like a boa constrictor curled up.

The door closed - not a word of goodbye,
I looked out the windows from the courtyard...
If they knew, if they knew
That he left home for good.

And the wife with the usual things,
As always, she took care of her own:
Washed baby clothes
She cooked borscht, cleaned the house.

Clean floor, washed dishes,
And my husband will be home from work soon.
- I won't talk to him.
Let him ask for forgiveness, let him understand.

Pride in the heart reared high:
I won't go to him first!
A quarrel played out by roles
In the brain inflamed by the devil.

Six struck, seven and half past eight ...
The door is motionless, the threshold is silent.
And in anxiety something heart aches,
Where could he stay like that?

Suddenly some scream and commotion,
Someone's voice, crying sobbing,
And the neighbor boy Alyokha
He shouted out of breath: “There is an explosion in the mine!”

Explosion. A very short word
The heart seemed to be torn to shreds.
No, she's not ready for this!
Maybe he's alive, maybe he's lucky.

And in tears she ran down the street,
Remembering with pain the past day,
How offended she was angry and screamed,
A shadow veiled the mind of malice.

She repeated with a wound up doll:
- My dear, oh if only you didn't.
I would fall at your feet now
Whispered a short "I'm sorry."

They should know yesterday what will happen tomorrow,
Everything could have been different.
Death, like a thief, comes so suddenly
Leaving no chance to fall in love.

Thunder inexorably menacingly
Sentence. Don't change him.
It's too late to correct mistakes
She has to live with this pain.

People, be gentler to your neighbors,
Treat with kindness, kindness
And do not offend, otherwise
You can bitterly repent later ...

Eduard Asadov

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I learned to live simply, wisely,
Look up to the sky and pray to God
And wander long before evening,
To relieve unnecessary anxiety.
When burdocks rustle in the ravine
And a bunch of yellow-red rowan droops,
I compose funny poems
About life perishable, perishable and beautiful.
I'm coming back. Licks my hand
Fluffy cat, purrs sweeter,
And a bright fire lights up
On the tower of the lake sawmill.
Only occasionally cuts through the silence
The cry of a stork flying to the roof.
And if you knock on my door,
I don't think I can even hear.

Anna Akhmatova

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