The TV from the antenna does not show well. Situational tasks on life safety (Grade 10) Medicines and medical devices

The TV from the antenna does not show well - there are two reasons. Device inconsistency, bad hardware. The last concerns the antenna, television receivers somehow cope with the tasks. However, the problem lies in the amplifier. Should at least be tuned to the desired frequency. Below we consider typical situations, methods for solving the simplest methods. An easy way is to buy a satellite dish and install it. Alternatively, stop watching TV, the Internet is much more fun!

Cable problems

It sounds ridiculous, but the first thing to do is to check the cable. There are several requirements that you must follow:

  • First, the characteristic impedance of a television cable is 75 ohms. Deviations in the value provoke reflection of part of the power in the path, which will inevitably lead to losses. Coordination methods have been invented, using which it is allowed to use a cable of a different wave impedance. Time to fence the garden. Devices designed for television broadcasting, impedance of 75 ohms. We take into account the truism when choosing a cable.
  • The second tip concerns the owners of indoor antennas. A typical picture: a wave channel hangs, a half-wave vibrator with antennae, a coil of cable lies nearby. First of all, we look at whether the antenna is active or passive. Need to turn on the power? If it turned out to be passive, cut off the extra cable, decorate the pantry with a bay. The feeder segment introduces irreparable signal losses. In an antenna receiver, the sensitivity strongly depends on the attenuation up to the first amplifying stage. In our case, this is inside the TV, the cable to the jack introduces incredible losses. Another thing is the active antenna. The first amplifying stage is located here, the cable length becomes non-critical.
  • If the passive antenna is on the roof, it's good to get hold of using the Internet, cable characteristics. It is logical to see if the linear loss exceeds 0.2 dB. Attenuation determines the length of the feeder, the electrical characteristics of the product. Three meters of good cable contribute attenuation equal to a meter of cheap one. It is recommended to install an amplifying antenna, replace the cable. Fortunately, television is inexpensive. Forget the high cost of high-frequency WiFi!

Why you need an active antenna

They mentioned that if the antenna is active, the length of the cable is acceptable, the losses should not be considered a critical element. If a good wire cannot be obtained, the length cannot be reduced, the roof is far away, it is supposed to buy an active antenna. Please note: to install the equipment, you will need permission from the HOA, the owner of the house. Insanity is observed: they are harnessed to draw up a special plan for the placement of engineering communications, having paid a fee to a specialized company, to pay a professional master who performs the installation. You have to do it according to the rules.

The amplifier for the antenna will allow you to bypass the restrictions imposed on the quality and length of the cable. The power cord will often need to be pulled up to the roof. The distance to the TV station is small, the point is simply blocked by houses - we recommend trying to catch a signal with a room variety. The TV will show even without a common antenna. It is allowed to place the “cheburashka”, decorating the balcony, even above the false ceiling. The paths of the reflected beam are inscrutable. However, conditions change according to the weather, reception will deteriorate (or improve). It is recommended to give preference to omnidirectional antennas with a lower directivity, supplied with an additional external amplifier.

Antennas detect a significant drawback that has nothing to do with the quality of reception of an individual signal. The sources of problems are explained by the multipath effect. An omnidirectional antenna receives from all directions (azimuths). Several rays will hit, the image will begin to double. A similar effect causes overamplification. Remove the electric power, see the result. Reddish snow is removed in the same way. The reason is the same - overstretching.

Advice! Adjust the equipment in an attempt to achieve the desired performance. Reduce the gain. Buy a TV attenuator. These will reduce the gain by twenty dB.

An indisputable drawback of omnidirectional antennas has been noticed: interference sources will act from all sides, sharply lowering the signal-to-noise ratio. This is not critical for digital multiplexes, broadcasting contains error correction codes. Reception of analog television by an antenna with an amplifier is impossible if the noise happens to increase above the level of the useful component.

Antenna selection and installation

The antenna itself may not match the received signal, or it may not be installed correctly. Many people know that it is useful to orient the device in space, but not everyone knows how to do it. Television in Russia on the UHF is built on horizontal polarization, so the distortion of a half-wave vibrator or wave channel with a guarantee leads to a deterioration in reception. At the same time, the frequency range also shifts, due to which the picture quality further decreases.

It will be necessary, using the level, to set the antenna in the correct position. In addition, when receiving from distant TV towers, a simple rule applies. The higher the antenna is placed, the more likely it is to catch the broadcast. This rule applies to the UHF, which is why the MW and HF bands still remain attractive. Waves at these frequencies bend around the surface of the earth, so you can catch it without even taking the antenna to the roof.

External barriers also contribute, if there is a forest around, then the reception will be worse. Waves attenuate as they pass through obstacles. In this case, it is recommended to get an antenna with an amplifier. Plays a role and type. Full-wave vibrators receive a signal much better, and it is difficult to get it in a store. A homemade antenna will help. Made from a strand of copper or aluminum cable and installed according to the rules, it will provide better reception than a store-bought one.

It has already been told more than once how to make a narrow-band antenna that is tuned to the channel frequency. In this case, it is also possible to achieve excellent results in simple ways. After all, hobbyists even construct quarter-wave vibrators for digital receivers. It's just a short piece of wire with a quarter-wavelength screen stripped off at one end. For the first multiplex in Moscow, this is 13.5 cm. A connector is soldered to the other end, which is inserted into the receiver. The quarter-wave vibrator is placed horizontally. Can be bent at the base for easy placement if needed. Even such a simple and inconsistent design yields results in television broadcast reception.

Wave channel antenna matching

Beginners are concerned about the question of how to properly match wave channel type antennas. The designs are very simple, give excellent gain. The design is ideal for the UHF, where digital multiplexes lie. First, let's consider signal balancing. An operation will be required if the descent cable is longer than 10 meters. The device is a piece of wire parallel to the feeder, spaced 3-5 cm apart.

The method is suitable for a wave channel made according to standard rules. The screen of the drop cable simply sits on one side of the active vibrator, but on the other side the balancing cable segment clings. The length depends on the channel, for example, for the first Moscow multiplex it is 17.6 cm. The piece is parallel to the drop cable for its full length. How to connect the device:

  • The core of the balancing device is placed on one side of the active vibrator parallel to the core of the drop cable. The braid of the segment closes here.
  • At a distance of the length of the balancing device from the active vibrator, the insulation of the drop cable is stripped. The screens of the parallel wires are closed, the second end of the segment core is also connected here.

The situation is much more complicated with antennas whose impedance is below 75 ohms. Then special matching devices are used. The active vibrator can be made T-shaped. The upper part of the loop is extended with an additional wire in both directions. The total length is calculated by the formula:

L = (λ/2)*(1 – 0.225/ln(λ/2d)), where

λ is the wavelength, m; d is the diameter of the wire, expressed in meters. The height of the loop is equal to one hundredth of λ or slightly less. The loop width is selected experimentally, the impedance is sought to be brought closer to 75 ohms. Dependency graph "hunchbacked". The maximum is observed at a loop width equal to λ/4.

By designing your own antenna, the method selects the overwhelming number of radio amateurs, will make it possible to manufacture a device with the desired wave impedance. Having a drawing in hand, duplicate the design a given number of times. Get ready to work hard if the TV does not show well. Find out the frequency of broadcasting, make a special antenna.

Signal interference will be minimal in this case. The procedure for constructing wave channels was described. Explore the portal! Let's gather our strength, consider the design of log-periodic antennas, just wondering how to do it. Feature of the product - I catch a wide range of broadcasting. The coverage of a log-periodic antenna is amazing.

Test tasks

Choose one correct answer

  1. Indicate the direction in which a pedestrian should go when moving along the edge of the carriageway?
  • a) facing traffic
  • b) in the direction of movement of vehicles at a distance of at least 1 meter from the edge of the carriageway
  • c) in the direction of movement of vehicles
  • d) towards the movement of vehicles at a distance of at least 1 meter from the edge of the carriageway
  1. What is the beech symbol for north on compasses?
  1. Which of the following smells coming from an unfamiliar object can suggest the presence of an explosive device?
  • a) by the characteristic smell of a walnut
  • b) by the characteristic smell of almonds
  • c) by the characteristic smell of cumin
  • d) the characteristic smell of curry
  1. When buying household chemicals, you will first of all study
  • a) instructions for use
  • b) manufacturer's address
  • c) general information
  • d) the composition of the product
  1. Which of the following can be a radiation hazardous object?
  • a) an enterprise or organization that stores, processes, uses or transports radioactive substances
  • b) an enterprise or organization that grows, produces, extracts radioactive substances
  • c) an enterprise or organization that stores, processes, uses or transports chemically hazardous substances
  • d) an enterprise or organization that activates, processes, neutralizes or enriches radioactive substances
  1. At what facilities can emergencies of a man-caused nature occur?
  • a) sewer, tunnel, flood, park, subway, educational
  • b) water, timber, flour, coal, military, land processing
  • c) metal-rolling, space, natural, volcanic, mountain, steppe
  • d) radiation hazardous, chemically hazardous, fire and explosion hazardous, gas and oil pipelines, transport, hydraulic structures, public utilities
  1. How many degrees does radiation sickness have?
  • a) 2 degrees
  • b) 3 degrees
  • c) 4 degrees
  • d) 5 degrees
  1. To characterize a sedentary lifestyle, the concept of "physical inactivity" is used. What does it mean?
  • a) reduced physical activity
  • b) increased physical activity
  • c) decreased muscle strength
  • d) increased muscle effort
  1. A balanced diet involves a certain ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Indicate their correct daily ratio for a teenager 12–16 years old:
  • a) 1:2:3
  • b) 1:3:6
  • c) 1:1:2
  • d) 1:1:4
  1. Specify the basic first aid for fainting:
  • a) open a window
  • b) give a cold drink
  • c) lay on your back, raise your legs by 30-45 cm
  • d) splash cold water on the victim's face

Identify all correct answers

  1. What are the signs of the last stage of dehydration of the human body?
  • a) shock
  • b) a person's skin begins to turn blue and become cold to the touch
  • c) dry mouth
  • d) dry eyes
  • d) heart palpitations
  1. At what pedestrian crossings should pedestrians cross the road?
  • a) underground
  • b) combined
  • c) above ground
  • d) closed
  • e) main
  1. What is the curvimeter for?
  • a) for measuring the lengths of segments of curved lines on topographic maps
  • b) for measuring the lengths of segments of winding lines on topographic maps
  • c) to determine the direction in azimuth on topographic maps
  • d) for drawing circles in ink and pencil on topographic maps
  • e) for drawing curved lines in ink and pencil on topographic maps
  1. What would you do if you went to the elevator and saw a stranger near the elevator cabin?
  • a) I will ask which floor and to whom he is going, and only after that I will enter the elevator
  • b) I will ask which floor and to whom he is going, and enter the elevator without turning my back to him
  • c) I will pretend that I need to return and, without turning my back on him, I will leave the elevator back
  • d) wait for the stranger to leave in the elevator, and go only when the elevator returns
  • e) I will wait until the stranger leaves in the elevator, and only then will I use another elevator or go up the stairs
  1. What should be done if you live in close proximity to a radiation hazardous facility?
  • a) if possible, obtain more detailed and reliable information about the object, find out ways and means of warning in case of an accident
  • b) study the instructions on the procedure for acting in case of a radiation accident, create and have a certain supply of the necessary sealing materials, iodine preparations, food and water
  • c) have the necessary supply of detergents, alcohol-containing drinks, personal protective equipment, medicines, notify the Russian Emergencies Ministry that you are near a dangerous object
  • d) clarify in the territorial department of the Civil Defense Emergencies on the prevention of the threat of a radiation accident and receive instructions on the procedure
  • e) call the fire brigade and clarify the address of a possible radiation accident, prepare a supply of water and food
  1. Specify the main components of the filtering gas mask GP-7:
  • a) front part, filter-absorbing box, inhalation valve assembly, intercom (membrane)
  • b) exhalation valve assembly, obturator, headband (occipital plate), headband straps
  • c) body, filter bottle, spectacle assembly, bag, forehead strap, buckles, ribbons
  • d) inhalation valve, exhalation valve, shoulder straps, headband with headband straps, oxygen cylinder
  • e) mouthpiece, goggles, panoramic mask, filter valve, obturator, intercom
  1. What are the types of evacuation?
  • a) by type of settlement, by hazardous industries, by radiation-chemical and environmental situation, by preventive evacuation
  • b) by the duration of the event, by the start time of the event
  • c) by propagation speed, by locality, by localization, by chemically hazardous objects
  • d) by regional, municipal, urban, rural
  • e) by type of hazard, by means of evacuation, by remoteness of the safe area
  1. Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is divided into three components. Specify them:
  • a) physical and psychological well-being
  • b) financial and social well-being
  • c) psychological and social well-being
  • d) physical and material well-being
  • e) material and spiritual well-being
  1. Specify the functions of fats that enter the human body with food:
  • a) plastic and energy
  • b) protective and transport
  • c) protective and energetic
  • d) transport and plastic
  • e) output and energy
  1. Specify the rules for applying a hemostatic tourniquet in case of a neck injury:
  • a) superimposed above the wound
  • b) superimposed below the wound
  • c) superimposed with the indication of time
  • d) superimposed without time indication
  • e) can be applied both above and below the wound

Table of answers to test tasks of the theoretical round

Test number Correct answer
1 a
2 b
3 b
4 a
5 a
6 G
7 in
8 in
9 G
10 in
11 a, b
12 a, in
13 a, b
14 c, d
15 a, b
16 a, b
17 b, d
18 a, in
19 a, in
20 b, d

Methods for assessing the performance of test Olympiad tasks of the theoretical round

Theoretical tasks

Exercise 1

Terrorism- the ideology of violence and the practice of influencing decision-making by state authorities, local authorities or international organizations related to intimidation of the population and (or) other forms of illegal violent actions.

Give varieties of terrorism according to the nature of social manifestations and forms of technical implementation.

Possible answer :

  1. political terrorism;
  2. terrorism using religious motives;
  3. criminal terrorism;
  4. nationalist terrorism;
  5. technological terrorism.

Job evaluation

  • for the correct answer for each of the positions 1–5 indicated in the answer option, 2 points are awarded;

Task 2

You are at home watching TV. Suddenly, the TV program is interrupted, and a signal is transmitted " Attention everyone!”, then a message is transmitted that an unauthorized release of chlorine has occurred. Formulate your actions.

Possible answer :

  • a) close windows
  • b) turn off electrical appliances and gas;
  • c) put on rubber boots, a raincoat, take documents, necessary things, a three-day supply of non-perishable food;
  • d) warn neighbors, protect respiratory organs;
  • e) if it is impossible to leave the affected area, it is necessary to climb to the upper floors or heights.

Job evaluation . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points, while:

Maximum 10 points per task.

Task 3

fractures- violation of the integrity of the bone under the influence of a traumatic force that exceeds the elasticity of the bone tissue. All traumatic fractures are divided into closed, in which the integrity of the skin or mucous membranes is not violated, and open, accompanied by damage to them.

Arrange the first aid measures in the order of their implementation if the victim has an open fracture of the bones of the forearm and there is no way to call an ambulance. Write the letters of the activities in the correct order in the table.

First aid measures for an open fracture:

  • a) anesthesia (in the absence of drug allergies, the use of painkillers);
  • b) applying a sterile dressing to the wound;
  • c) immobilization (creation of immobility) of the limb;
  • d) stop arterial bleeding (imposition of a hemostatic tourniquet);
  • e) deliver to a medical institution.

Possible answer :

G a b in d

Job evaluation . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points, while:

  • 2 points are awarded for each correct answer;
  • If there are no correct answers, points are not awarded.

Maximum 10 points per task.

Task 4

While at home, you use electrical household appliances every day. List the rules for the safe use of electrical appliances.

Possible answer :

  1. before using electrical appliances, I carefully study the operating instructions and act in full accordance with the recommendations set out;
  2. never use faulty electrical appliances;
  3. I do not leave the included electrical appliances unattended;
  4. do not plug several electrical appliances into one outlet at the same time;
  5. I turn on electrical appliances only with a working plug and a working socket;
  6. I follow the procedure for connecting the electrical appliance to the network: first, the cord is connected to the appliance, and then to the network. I turn off the device in the reverse order;
  7. do not touch the switched on electrical appliance with wet hands;
  8. about detected malfunctions in electrical appliances, about bare and poorly insulated wires, I immediately inform parents or elders;
  9. do not step on electrical wires;
  10. leaving the house, I turn off the light and electrical appliances from the network.

Job evaluation . The maximum score for a correctly completed task is 10 points, while:

  • for the correct answer for each of the positions 1–10 indicated in the answer option, 1 point is awarded;
  • if the task is not completed, points are not awarded.

Maximum 10 points per task.

Maximum 100 points for work.

Route map of the practical stage

Checking the practical skills of students is carried out when the participant consistently performs practical tasks.

The participant is at the start line.

Task 1. "Orientation on the ground"

Determine the magnetic azimuth of an object using a compass.

Execution conditions

In front of the participant is Andrianov's compass.

Within 60 seconds, at the command of a jury member, the participant determines the magnetic azimuth to two objects located in the hall.

Task 2. "First aid"

Provide first aid to the victim and call the rescue services.

Execution conditions

In front of the participant are victims with signs of clinical death and with symptoms of general hypothermia.

The participant provides first aid to the injured.

2.1. Providing first aid to the victim in a state of clinical death ( precordial beat)

2.2. Providing first aid to the victim with symptoms of general hypothermia

2.3. Call for rescue services

Task 3. "Personal protective equipment"

Put on a gas mask GP-5.

Execution conditions

A participant with a gas mask in the stowed position stands on the line. A member of the jury gives the command "GAS".

The participant puts on a gas mask.

Task 4. "Actions in case of fire detection"

Choose the appropriate fire extinguisher and extinguish the fire.

Execution conditions

The participant stands in front of the table on which fire extinguishers are located (at least 3 types of OP, OU, OV). In front of the participant is an imitation of the ignition of an electrical appliance. The jury member gives the command "To action - PROCEED".

Participant at the command of a jury member within 1 minute:

4.1. Determines the type of fire extinguisher required

Gross violation of TB, further action at stage (4.2) is not carried out, because he violated the requirements of his own safety.

4.2. Simulates fire extinguishing

4.3. Call for rescue services

Conditions for calculating the result

Penalty points are awarded for each mistake according to the regulations.

The result for each stage is calculated by subtracting the number of penalty points from the maximum possible number of points for the stage.

If the penalty points are greater than the maximum number of points for the stage, 0 points are set.

The final result is calculated by summing the points obtained for all stages.

Situational tasks for life safety

1. Imagine that you have turned on an electric kettle and suddenly the phone rang. You leave, and when you return, you find a picture - there is a lot of smoke in the room, a kettle is on fire, papers are on the table. Your actions

. If it is possible to remove the plug from the socket, call rescuers, warn people about the fire, start extinguishing - use a fire extinguisher, you can also cover the appliance with a thick cloth, cover it with earth from a pot; if at the initial stage it was not possible to cope with the fire, close the door tightly and evacuate to the street.

2 . At night, you woke up from the sound of an autonomous fire detector, when you opened your eyes, you saw that the entire corridor and part of your room were filled with smoke, visibility was very poor, no fire was visible. Your actions.

Lie down on the floor and crawl, taking into account the layout, orienting your hand against the wall, crawl out to the exit from the apartment; if possible, cover the nose and mouth with a cloth; close the door behind you; report to the rescue service by calling 101.

3. While at home, you smelled a strong smell of gas coming from the kitchen. What needs to be done in this situation?Close the gas valve; open the window and close the kitchen door tightly; go to the neighbors (or leave the apartment) and report to the emergency gas service.

4. You were taking your temperature and accidentally dropped your mercury thermometer. What should be done in this situation?

Remove people and pets from the premises; prepare a solution of potassium permanganate in a glass jar; put on a wet bandage on the respiratory organs, rubber gloves on the hands; brush (adhesive plaster, adhesive tape) to collect mercury balls; treat the surface with a solution of potassium permanganate (soap-soda solution); ventilate the room; put the collected mercury into a jar with a solution of potassium permanganate, close it with a tight lid, and take it to the nearest mercury collection point.

5. Please imagine that you come to the kitchen and see that the frying pan in which something was fried is on fire (i.e. the entire surface and contents of the frying pan are burning with an open flame). What are you going to do? (tell in order the algorithm of actions).

Close the gas valve; cover the pan with a lid (with a wet dense cloth, cover it with earth from a pot, sugar, salt or other bulk substances.

6. A comrade, who was standing by the fire, suddenly caught fire in his trouser leg. The fire began to rise towards the jacket. Comrade in a panic begins to run around. What to do?

To stop it - running around and panic will not help, and any movement of air or wind will further ignite the flame, which will spread faster through clothes. You can throw a piece of dense fabric (a blanket, a coat) over a burning person. This will cut off the oxygen supply and the combustion will stop. When the flame is extinguished, call an ambulance. Before the arrival of the medical service, cool the burned areas of the body of the victim with cold water.

7. Having met a noisy group of teenagers on your way late at night, what should you do?

Cross to the other side of the street, bypass the dangerous place. If necessary, turn back, go to a crowded place, under the protection of adults. You can go into the room where there is a guard at the entrance - to a restaurant, hotel, bank and ask for protection.

8. What is the safest way to act in a situation where you are stopped by several criminals who force you to hand over valuables (money, phone, player, etc.)?Even when there is no way to escape and obviously no one will come to the rescue, try to speak confidently, loudly enough. Answer formal questions: “I don’t smoke”, “Don’t touch the bag”, “I’m in a hurry, my father is waiting for me”, “Let me go”. Addressing you with clear, but not brash answers can cause a hitch in the bully's actions, you can free yourself and run away. Failing that, "bargain" by agreeing to give what is demanded, but don't give right away. Offer something tempting, for example, instead of a sheepskin coat, bring money. Underestimate the value of things, say that the jacket is made of leatherette, the tape recorder is being repaired. Imagine that at the bus stop you are allegedly waiting for a friend with money for a debt. All this time, look for an opportunity to run away, to seek help. If all your tricks are in vain - give the required thing and immediately report it to the police.

9. Dasha and Katya spent the whole day in the open sun. Long pastime in the sun, led to trouble. Sunstroke. What needs to be done?

In case of sun or heat stroke, first aid should be provided immediately. The victim should be laid in the shade or in a cold room, release the neck and chest from tight clothing, put cold compresses on the head, neck and chest area. If a person is conscious, then it is advisable to give him some cold drink, preferably mineral water. In all cases, you should immediately call a doctor.

10. Pasha came to visit his grandparents in the village for the summer holidays. Grandpa Pasha has a big apiary. It so happened that the boy was bitten by a bee. What should be done?

The action of the venom of bees and wasps can cause shock, an allergic reaction. Reactions with multiple bites are especially severe. If one bee has bitten, you need to remove the sting. Apply a napkin or cotton wool moistened with cologne, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide solution to the bite site or make a cold compress.

11. Suppose you have recovered to a concert of your favorite band. Someone began to shout that the room was on fire. The panic began. The crowd rushed to the exits. How not to become a victim of the crowd?

Do not cling to anything with your hands - they can be broken. If possible, zip up. Throw away your bag, umbrella, etc. If something has fallen (anything), in no case try to pick it up - life is more expensive.

In a dense crowd, there is a high probability of squeezing. Therefore, protect the diaphragm with your clasped hands, folding them over your chest. Another trick is to bend your elbows elastically and press them to the body. Shocks from behind should be taken on the elbows, the diaphragm should be protected by arm tension.

12. You are at home. Suddenly, all the windows begin to slam shut, and the windows begin to ring from the gusty wind. And you understand that a hurricane is beginning. What action will you take?Windows, doors, attic hatches, and vents should be tightly closed when signaling an impending danger. Glass windows are pasted over or protected by shutters or shields. It is advisable to fix fragile structures (canopies, stacks of firewood), dig in with earth, remove protruding parts or disassemble, pressing down the disassembled fragments with heavy stones, logs. Check the condition of electrical panels, gas and water taps, if necessary, be able to close them. Electrical appliances must be turned off. It is best to hide in basements and underground structures. Being indoors, one should beware of injuries from fragments of window glass. In case of strong gusts of wind, it is necessary to move away from the windows and take a place in the niches of the walls, doorways or stand close to the wall.

13. You are going home after school, and suddenly you hear a very loud siren sound, similar to an air raid warning. What do you think, what is the name of this signal, what does it mean and what do you need to do?The wail of sirens is a signal "Attention to all", which is given in the event of an emergency or threat of an emergency, to attract the attention of the population before the transmission of an emergency message. Having heard this signal on the street, you need to find the nearest TV (radio) in a store, pharmacy, etc., listen to the message of the announcer (emergency dispatcher) and act according to the instructions received. Being at home, turn on the TV (radio), listen to instructions, act according to the information received.

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100% +

§ 5. Flooding of the apartment

We are used to the fact that it is enough to open a tap and water will flow. But if an accident occurs, the flow of water falls on the floor of the dwelling, flooding the lower floors. As a result, property deteriorates, a short circuit occurs in the electrical wiring, and wet plaster collapses.

Water, as a rule, flows through pipes to several points in the apartment: to the bathroom, to the kitchen, to the toilet. In each of these places there are shut-off devices: taps, mixers, a float valve in the drain tank. The real owner always keeps the plumbing in order and repairs it on time. Those who do not do so may be at risk of flooding.

What can cause flooding?

Locking devices malfunction. This happens mainly when the faucets, faucets in the bathroom and in the kitchen are poorly repaired, the operation of the float valve in the toilet is incorrectly adjusted.

Carelessness. Imagine that you have turned on the faucet, but no water comes out. Apparently it's been turned off. If you leave home without making sure all the taps are turned off, water can cause a lot of trouble while you are away.

Plumbing emergency. The causes of flooding do not always depend on us. When moving into a new house, the owners usually do not check how the water is supplied. In some place, a bad pipe connection may go unnoticed. In this case, the water flow can be very strong. The same thing can happen when a home undergoes an annual strength test of the plumbing and heating systems. This is especially dangerous when it comes to heating: the apartment is quickly filled with steam, which destroys wall coverings and floors, and easily penetrates to neighbors. In addition, steam can cause burns. Do not forget that the pipes that supply water, although slowly, wear out. They are covered from the inside with salts and rust, which can lead to the formation of a fistula of a small hole, which, due to the high pressure of the water, quickly increases.

Clogged sewerage system(especially dangerous on the lower floors). Water is not only supplied to the house, but also removed from it, removing waste through the sewer system. Its clogging is most dangerous on the lower floors of multi-storey buildings: it can lead to flooding of basements and first floors. This happens when foreign objects (rags, thick paper) enter the sewer system, and waste from vegetables, fruits and other food products enter the sink. Especially often sewage clogging occurs where a person does not feel like a master: in schools, hotels, train stations. Don't forget about it and be the master wherever you have to be!

roof leaks(this is especially important for those living on the upper floors). Basically, the occurrence of such situations depends on the quality of construction and timely repairs, but it can also be caused by unusually heavy rainfall for a particular area.

How to behave to avoid flooding:

Do not throw foreign objects into the sewer system;

Do not clog the sink with food waste;

When leaving home, do not leave a clogged sink;

When leaving home, you need to check if all the taps are closed and if there are any leaks in the pipes.

What to do in case of flooding

If at the time of the accident there are no adults in the apartment, you should immediately inform your parents about it at work or call the neighbors.

Call the control room of the REU and ask to send specialists.

Turn off the electricity and turn off the water (one of the adult neighbors can help).

Place basins or buckets in the places of leaks, wrap the places of leaks with a cloth and start removing the accumulated water as soon as possible.

Questions and tasks

1. For what reasons does flooding occur most often in an apartment?

2. How to protect yourself from flooding?

3. What should be done in case of flooding?

4. Ask your parents to show you where the cold and hot water shut-off valves are located in the house and how to use them. Draw a diagram of the water supply of your apartment. Mark on it the pipes of hot and cold water, the location of the main and other stopcocks, mixers, water heaters. Show this diagram to your parents and clarify it with them.

5. Ask parents to give phone numbers of services to contact in case of flooding. Write them down in the emergency telephone directory.


You came home from school, undressed and went to wash your hands. When you turn on the light in the bathroom, you see that there is a lot of water on the floor and it is coming quickly. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Take a rag and start cleaning up the water.

2. If you know where and how, then you need to turn off the electricity or ask one of the neighbors to do it.

3. Call the emergency service.

4. Grab your tools and go find out how to fix the causes of flooding yourself.

5. Try to prevent the spread of water with rags.

6. Turn off the water if the apartment has a valve.

7. Report the accident to parents.


You are at home alone. Suddenly, water began to flow from the heating battery. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Call the emergency service.

2. Start removing water.

3. Wrap the pipe at the leak with a towel or something else.

4. If possible, report the accident to parents.

5. Turn off the electricity.

6. Sit and wait for the emergency team or parents and do not touch anything.

§ 6. Electricity

Electricity is one of the most important discoveries of mankind. Very quickly it has become so habitual that we do not notice it. How many of you remember where electric current is used?

Electricity provides us with modern lighting, heating, water supply, ventilation, the operation of industrial enterprises, trolleybuses, trams, subways, railways, cars, computers, televisions, cooking and much more. In a word, we live in the world of electricity.

You come home from school, turn on the lights, turn on the TV, warm up dinner on the electric stove, sit down at the computer and don’t think that if handled ineptly, the electric current that you have heard about since childhood is a huge and even deadly danger.

Touching a person to conductors through which electric current flows can result in electrical injury or electric shock.

For example, on a construction site where the electrical network is under high voltage, a person may accidentally grab onto a bare wire. In this case, an electric arc can form between his body and the conductor of electric current, the temperature of which is more than 3500 ° C. This may result in electrical burns. In addition, passing through the human body, the current can cause muscle contraction, resulting in ruptures of blood vessels, skin, ligaments, and even dislocations of joints and bone fractures.

Many children, especially boys, love to watch welding work. But at the same time, they do not think that the rays from an electric arc, if you look at them without protective glasses, lead to inflammation of the outer membranes of the eyes, which is accompanied by severe pain, pain in the eyes, and sometimes temporary loss of vision.

An electric shock leads to more severe and even tragic consequences. For example, in the basement or in the attic of a house next to electrical switchboards or near electrical substations, you can accidentally, without noticing it, even for a moment touch the wires, bare metal parts of live fittings. This moment will be enough for an electric current to pass through the body, which will cause convulsive muscle contraction (electric shock). The most dangerous in this case may be loss of consciousness with impaired cardiac activity or breathing, and the most tragic cessation of breathing and blood circulation, i.e., clinical death.

Touching (and in wet weather even just approaching less than 5 m) to live wires that have fallen to the ground can lead to the same consequences.

To protect yourself from electric shock, you must follow simple rules:

Do not touch bare or poorly insulated wire;

Do not use faulty electrical appliances;

Do not touch the switched on electrical appliances with wet hands;

Do not play near electrical substations, in attics and basements, near electrical panels;

Do not touch (and in wet weather do not come closer than 5 m) to the wires that have fallen to the ground, which may be energized.

Questions and tasks

1. In what cases can electric shock occur?

2. What rules must be followed in order not to get an electric shock?

3. What household electrical appliances do you have at home and do you know how to use them?

4. Help the parents to replace the burnt out light bulb. Ask first to show how it should be done, observing all security measures, and then do it yourself.


Your friend grabbed the wire of the turned on tape recorder with his hand, and he was shocked. The wire remained in his hand. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Grab the wire and pull it out of the hands of a friend.

2. Come and see how he feels.

3. Turn off the electricity in the electrical panel.

4. Pull the wire out of the socket with a dry wooden stick.

5. Call an ambulance.

6. Call the neighbors for help.

§ 7. Dangerous substances and foodstuffs

In our daily life, we use a wide variety of household chemicals, medicines, household gas. It is hard to imagine a home without paints or varnishes, dish and sink cleaners, solvents, aerosol liquids. Chemistry, which you will study later, will help you learn about the properties of different chemicals. In the meantime, you need to know that some household chemicals (paints, varnishes, solvents, etc.) are dangerous. Many of them are poisonous, so the labels of cans, bottles and other packaging usually say: "Keep out of the reach of children."

Each of the household chemicals has explanatory inscriptions explaining the degree of its danger. Conventionally, they can be divided into four groups:

safe(do not have warning labels);

relatively safe(harmful only when it hits certain parts of the body, in the eyes);

flammable(have inscriptions or symbols prohibiting their use near open flames);

poisonous(with the inscription "Poison" or special markings).

All of them are supplied with instructions describing the order and methods of use, as well as safety measures during storage and use. These instructions must be strictly followed.

Consider some dangerous situations caused by poisoning.

Household gas. The use of gas stoves in everyday life has greatly facilitated cooking, however, if incompletely burned, household gas creates a danger of poisoning, and if it leaks, an explosion can occur.

It is difficult to recognize household gas, since it has no color and smell, however, it irritates the eyes. Special substances with a specific smell are added to the gas so that its leakage can be detected. From a gas explosion in residential buildings, residential premises, sometimes entire entrances of multi-storey buildings, can be destroyed, people are seriously injured, and some die.

What to do if there is a smell of gas in the apartment

Do not turn on electric lights and electrical appliances, do not light matches and candles.

Turn off gas stove burners.

Shut off the gas cock.

Open windows, balcony to ventilate the room.

If the gas continues to flow, ask the neighbors or from them to call 04.

To avoid the harmful effects of household gas, the following rules must be observed:

Do not open gas valves to the maximum;

Do not leave the stove on unattended (a weak fire can blow out a draft, boiled water can pour out of a kettle or pan, pour fire, as a result of which gas will flow from an open tap into the apartment).

Medicines and medical devices

Medicines are usually considered not only useful, but even saving. But many of them, if consumed in large quantities, can cause severe poisoning and even death, especially in a child. It is very harmful to take medicines in large doses than prescribed by a doctor, because then a useful mixture can turn into a strong poison.

The cause of poisoning can also be an ordinary medical thermometer: it contains the poisonous substance mercury. If the thermometer crashes and measures are not taken in a timely manner, mercury vapor can cause poisoning of people. Mercury penetrates floors, furniture, household items, and only specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological service or civil defense can detect and destroy it.

Sometimes, when premises are contaminated with mercury, people have to be evicted and buildings destroyed.

It is very difficult and expensive to neutralize mercury, and curing people who have been poisoned by mercury vapor is not at all easy. Therefore, you should not mess around with devices containing mercury, and even more so play with mercury balls.

If you accidentally break a thermometer or other device containing mercury, you must immediately inform an adult about it.

Household and other chemicals

The most important condition in the handling of various chemicals is not to take them and not to use them without the permission of adults. It is better if they are stored in closed cabinets. Often, for economic purposes, it is necessary to pour paints and solvents, acetone or kerosene into the first bottles or bottles that come across that do not have warning labels, and it even happens that the names of food products are written on them.

Imagine what would happen if a person had a desire to try the contents of such a vial...

Rules for handling household chemicals:

Do not use unfamiliar household chemicals if there are no adults nearby;

You can’t drink liquids from unfamiliar bottles and cans, especially if they are dirty with something and are on the floor or in a secluded place;

Do not use matches and other fire near jars or bottles with a pungent odor;

It is necessary to store chemically hazardous substances in lockable cabinets;

If paint or varnish is poured into another bottle, a warning label must be placed on it.

All medicines and hazardous substances (household chemicals, solvents, gasoline, kerosene, etc.) must be kept out of the reach of children.


Poisoning can be caused not only by harmful and toxic substances. You can also get poisoned by poisonous plants and mushrooms, poor-quality food. Boiled sausages, wieners, sausages and other boiled sausages are the most dangerous if they were not stored in the cold. In the warm season, there are especially many cases of poisoning. Contamination of products can also be associated with improper storage conditions or lack of necessary cooking.

To avoid food poisoning, you must follow the following rules

Do not collect or eat plants, mushrooms and berries that are unknown.

Do not eat foods (especially meat and dairy) if they have expired, if they have an unpleasant odor and are suspicious.

Do not use dirty dishes.

Always, wherever you are, wash your hands before eating.

At the first signs of poisoning (abdominal colic, weakness, dizziness), immediately inform parents or other adults (neighbors, relatives, teachers).

Questions and tasks

1. Name the main causes of poisoning.

2. Tell about dangerous situations caused by poisoning.

3. Name the basic rules for handling hazardous substances.

4. Tell us what household chemicals are found in our homes. How are they stored in your apartment? What inscriptions do they have?

5. Why is a gas stove dangerous?

6. What are the rules for using a gas stove and a gas water heater?

7. How should one behave in order not to be poisoned by food?

8. Tell us what you would do if your younger brother, in the absence of his parents, felt ill after tasting a substance.

9. Together with your parents, check what dangerous substances are in your house, make a list of them, note what the danger of each of them is.

10. Make homemade labels for the designation of toxic substances with the inscriptions: “Varnish”, “Paint”, “Poisonous”, “Flammable”. Consider attaching them to vials and bottles.

11. Make a list of different foods with mom and note which foods and where to store, which can be eaten raw, and which should be boiled, fried and why.


When you got home, you smelled gas. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Call your parents or emergency services from home.

2. Go to your neighbors and call your parents or the emergency services.

3. Open windows and doors.

4. Check the burners (if open, close) and close the main valve.

5. Light a match to check where the gas is coming from.

6. Turn on the light so you can see better.


You came home, put a full kettle on the gas stove and went to watch TV. The door to the kitchen is tightly closed. Forgetting the kettle, you smelled gas. It's dusk outside. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Turn on the light and see what is the cause of the gas leak.

2. Close the kitchen door tightly.

3. Turn off the TV.

4. Go to the kitchen and turn off the gas valve.

5. Open the window.

6. Turn to neighbors and ask for help.

7. Tell your parents what happened.

TASK 10.

Before leaving for school, you decide to have tea. While trying to get cookies off the shelf, you accidentally spilled vinegar. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Take a wet rag and clean up spilled vinegar.

2. Take no action.

3. Let the vinegar puddle dry.

4. Moisten a towel with a solution of soda and breathe through it.

5. Take a small rag and collect the spilled vinegar back into the container.

6. Open the window and ventilate the room.

TASK 11.

You, while at home, accidentally broke a mercury thermometer. Droplets of mercury rolled across the floor. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Play with mercury balls.

2. Try to collect them with a broom.

3. Throw away the collected mercury in the trash can.

4. Do not tell your parents anything so that they do not scold.

5. Tell your parents what happened.

6. Place the collected mercury in a jar of water.

§ 8. Explosion and collapse of the house

Explosions in houses are becoming, unfortunately, a part of everyday life in big cities. The most common reason for this is the dangerous behavior of the citizens themselves. For example, when a gas leak is checked with a lit match.

However, there are instances where explosives and devices are used.

Not only the explosion itself is dangerous, but also its consequences, since as a result, the house collapses, people die and get injured. And for many, this happens unexpectedly. Trouble finds them where they are.

What to do if there is an explosion in your or neighboring apartment:

Turn off electricity, gas, shut off water. See if anyone near you was injured, which of the people needs help;

If the telephone is working, report the incident by calling 01, 02, 03. Do not use the stairs, and even more so the elevator, to leave the building and go outside. They could get seriously injured, and this could become very dangerous;

You should leave the building only in case of a fire that has started, the threat of collapse of the building structures;

Settle in a safe place (away from windows, unstable pieces of furniture) and wait for rescuers. Do not panic: rescuers will definitely come to the rescue, you just have to wait. Save strength. Stay away from cabinets and glazed partitions;

If it is filled up with a fallen partition, furniture, try to help yourself, release the pressed part of the body, if it is impossible to do this, massage it;

Give signals (knock on metal objects, ceilings) so that you are heard and found. Try to do this during the shutdown of the life-saving equipment (in "minutes of silence"). If you are injured, try to give yourself all possible first aid to stop the bleeding. Get comfortable, remove sharp, hard objects from yourself, take cover.

The most important thing is not to panic, do not despair, save strength and self-control.

Questions and tasks

1. What are the most common causes of explosions in residential buildings.

2. What phone numbers should be used to report an explosion in your or neighboring apartment?

3. When should a building be vacated after an explosion?

4. When and how should rescuers be signaled?

5. Give examples of cases of explosions known to you in residential buildings. What are their causes and what are the consequences?

TASK 12.

You are in the room doing your homework. Suddenly they heard a loud bang. There was an explosion in the next apartment. The door to your apartment is blocked, the lights are off, the phone is not working. There are no collapses in the apartment. Choose from the proposed options for further actions and determine their order.

1. Wait for rescuers.

2. Open the front door and try to clear the blockage to get out onto the landing or into the street.

3. Turn off gas, electricity and water.

4. Go down from the window on a rope.

5. Give signals from a window or balcony, knock on metal objects.

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