PVC door lamination. Laminated doors. What about the bathroom

Laminated doors are a good alternative to expensive wooden or veneered doors. The decorative film resembles a tree according to the drawing, and it is absolutely undemanding in its care. There is a wide variety of laminated doors, but what they all have in common is versatility and durability.

What are laminated doors?

Nowadays, more and more consumers prefer laminated doors due to their low price. The film with which they are covered perfectly protects them from exposure to chemicals and high humidity. In case of direct contact with water, the doors can be simply wiped with a dry cloth. Unlike solid wood doors, laminated doors do not deform over time. They are lightweight and easy to clean even with abrasive cleaners.

Laminate film is an artificial material that is produced in a very wide color palette. This facilitates the selection of a harmonious combination of doors with flooring, wall colors and furniture.

Thanks to modern high-tech equipment, it has become possible to produce high-quality laminated doors that can compete with other types of interior doors. And the drawing on the film can quite accurately imitate various types of wood.

The very canvas of the laminated door is a frame made of pine bars. The space is filled with honeycomb pressed cardboard. All together creates a strong and reliable design. MDF boards are used on both sides of the frame, and a laminate is attached on top of them.

Laminate film is produced using different technologies. The result is a budget option in the form of melamine paper or a more expensive two-chrome laminate of the highest quality. Due to the lightness of all materials, interior laminated doors made with a complex pattern are light in weight.

The choice of laminated doors is especially relevant if you want to install several absolutely identical in color in one room. And unlike natural wood, a laminated door will not change its shade throughout the service life.

Regardless of the manufacturer, laminated MDF doors belong to the economy class. This is due to the inexpensive materials from which they are made and labor-intensive production technology.

More about types of films:

  • Paper base. The cheapest and most unreliable option, the material thickness is only 0.2 mm.
  • Melamine film. In fact, this is the same paper, but impregnated with melamine resin, due to which the coating is denser and more reminiscent of plastic properties.
  • Double sided laminate. This is the most durable and thickest laminate used in the production of doors. Its thickness is approximately 0.5-0.7 mm.
  • Fiberglass film. The most expensive coating ever. Consequently, the price of such a door will be significantly higher. Therefore, manufacturers rarely use it to finish the door.

Laminate perfectly imitates any materials. Most often wood, but can also be metal, plant motifs or stone. The surface of a laminated door can be absolutely smooth or has a pattern (even silkscreen and hand-painted).

Production of laminated doors

This name of the door was due to the material of the protective layer. To date, their quality is practically not inferior to doors made of solid wood, and even surpass them in some characteristics.

The production technology is simple and allows them to be produced in large quantities and in a wide range. Often when laminated doors are decorated with inserts of glass or other materials.

The design of laminated doors consists of solid or pine bars. In the first case, the frame is immediately covered with MDF or fiberboard. And in the manufacture of a cheaper hollow door, the space inside the frame is filled with light honeycomb cardboard. And already on top is attached MDF. A decorative laminate is glued on top of the facing sheets. Both the technological process and the materials themselves make it possible to create low-cost doors.

But due to the strength of the laminate, the doors are not afraid of mechanical damage and high humidity. Therefore, you should not save a lot and buy the cheapest doors with paper-based film.

Synthetic resins are used in the production of laminated doors, but the doors themselves are environmentally friendly products. Their use is allowed even in medical and children's institutions.

How to care for laminated doors

Despite all the unpretentiousness in care, laminated doors can last for many years only with proper care. If possible, they should be protected from mechanical and thermal influences.

To avoid the need for effort to clean the laminated surface, you can periodically treat it with a polish. It is best if wax is present in the composition of such a product. It will give the door a beautiful gloss and smooth out micro-scratches. For doors installed in rooms with normal humidity, it is enough to carry out such processing twice a year.

It is allowed to clean the laminated surface with abrasive products only when absolutely necessary. If you do this regularly, the surface may be damaged.

When caring for laminated doors, you should avoid chemicals that are not intended for them. Although the laminate is resistant to their effects, it is possible that the coating will enter into a chemical reaction with the components of the cleaning composition and begin to break down.

The ideal cleaner for laminated interior doors is a 9:1 solution of water and alcohol. The surface is wiped with this composition, after which it is wiped dry with a dry cloth. It is enough to do it once a year.

When wiping doors, special attention should be paid to the lower part of the door leaf, trim and door frame. It is these parts, during wet cleaning, that are most susceptible to the negative effects of water. It is worth noting here that it is much better if the laminated door has a PVC edge.

In addition to alcohol, a soapy solution or diluted dishwashing detergent is perfect. They also wipe the surface of the door, after which it is wiped dry.

If chips or cracks appear on the laminated door, they are masked with a wax pencil. It is heated, wax is applied to the damaged surface and polished with a soft cloth. It will not be possible to completely remove the defect in this way, but it will become less noticeable.

When a laminate peels or is damaged as a result of mechanical or thermal stress, you should not try to fix it yourself. At home, it will not be possible to do this qualitatively, it is better to turn to professionals, where they will remove all problems on special equipment.

How to choose a quality laminated door

But no matter how much effort is spent on caring for the door, a low-quality product will still soon begin to present unpleasant surprises. To secure your choice, even before buying you need to know what to look for.

  • Most inexpensive doors are made using frame-panel technology with honeycomb filling of the internal space. This is not a disadvantage at all, these doors have good strength and sound insulation. Of course, monolithic doors are stronger, but they are also much more expensive. The determining criterion for the strength of such a door is the thickness of the MDF and the number of honeycombs of the filler. It is often not possible to see the door in a section, but nevertheless, it is possible to determine its reliability. It is enough just to lift it, the heavier it is, the more material was spent on its manufacture, and the stronger it is.

  • Now it is necessary to determine the quality of the decorative coating of the door. The laminated surface must be absolutely smooth and even, without roughness, irregularities, etc. The thickness of the laminate is only a few millimeters, but it is he who protects the door from all external factors.
  • A high-quality coating imitates not only the pattern of wood, but also repeats its texture. It must be matte. This gives the door a noble appearance and more resemblance to natural wood, but such a coating is more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, high humidity, is the most durable and is better cleaned of dirt. But a cheap paper-based surface is easy to distinguish - it is glossy and has a sheen.
  • A general inspection of the door is also carried out. First, attention is drawn to the weakest point of laminated interior doors - the side edges. In low-quality models, they quickly exfoliate. Along the entire length, the edges of the edges must be perfectly even without burrs and notches. If there are decorative inserts in the door, they are also carefully inspected.
  • All panel fasteners must be firmly fixed. When manufactured on poor equipment, the edges of the glazing beads will look torn.

Thus, you can quite accurately determine the quality of laminated doors even in the store.

Manufacturers of laminated doors

The leading domestic manufacturers of high quality laminated doors include the Rostra, Sodruzhestvo, Bekar, Odintsovo, Good Doors, and Optima factories.

But until recently, only Errebi Porte, Treviso Porte and Vera Porta (Italy) factories were engaged in the production of laminated doors. Therefore, until now, Italian laminated doors mean top-level quality.

Other global brands are located in Germany - Lebo Turen, Westag & Getalit. They are fully focused on the production of laminated doors.

PVC laminated doors

These are the most popular economy class doors. They are perfect for residential and office use. Thanks to the imitation of precious woods such as oak, walnut, wenge and others, laminated PVC doors are a good combination of beautiful appearance and price.


  • they are the most resistant to high humidity, so they are recommended to be installed in bathrooms, kitchens, etc.;
  • this is a durable one-piece coating that does not have separate side edges;
  • the coating is easy to clean and does not leave fingerprints;
  • the door is able to withstand even strong blows.

White laminated doors with glass inserts look especially beautiful. And if desired, they can be repainted independently in any color. To do this, the surface is first primed and painted with alkyd paint or acrylic enamel (for furniture or universal).

Reviews of laminated doors are mostly positive, due to their unusual design. In the production of such models, a combination of materials is used, so that they are of high quality and reliability. A wide variety of models is a guarantee that each buyer will find a design that meets his requirements.

Why is lamination necessary?

This wood processing technology allows you to extend its service life. Its essence lies in the fact that the surface of the tree is covered with a special film on the machine, which is then fixed under the influence of a heating apparatus. Thanks to the resins present in the film, it is ideally attached to the surface of the tree, thanks to which the doors have a presentable appearance. It can itself be matte, glossy, with various decorative effects, which allows you to choose a solution for any interior. The peculiarity of the film is that it reliably envelops even the corners, which as a result looks solid and harmonious. can be complemented with cutouts and inserts from other materials, glass, metal or stained glass.

Design features

Laminated doors are reliable and durable, while they attract the attention of buyers at an affordable price. That is why laminated doors get good reviews. Unique performance and affordability are achieved by a minimum amount of natural materials and modern polymers at the same time. In terms of design, these doors consist of several parts:

  1. Wooden frame. It is created most often from solid pine, due to which its high quality and reliability are achieved. Laminated MDF doors are made from glued laminated timber in the form of scraps, interconnected using a special technology, thanks to which the final material is resistant to moisture and temperature changes. Many models are equipped with additional strips of MDF, interconnected by "honeycombs". This allows you to achieve higher strength while maintaining a small weight of the door structure.
  2. filler. Its task is to contribute to additional heat and sound insulation. Most often, polyurethane foam, corrugated cardboard are used as a filler.
  3. MDF overlay. They are created from pressed dust, joined into a single sheet by means of glue and then pressed under high temperature. The overlay can be made of any shape and structure, it is glued to the frame.
  4. Protective and decorative layer. Veneered or laminated doors are covered with a decorative film of special fineness, which is sometimes combined with a protective layer of laminate. The film is applied by the temperature-vacuum method.


The combination of materials leads to the fact that laminated doors become durable and resistant to mechanical stress. It is these characteristics that are often noted and reviews.

Laminated interior doors have the following advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • original appearance;
  • monophonic pattern, which is applied evenly;
  • low weight of the structure;
  • a wide variety of models;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • environmental safety: it is no coincidence that such models are installed in medical institutions.


Laminated doors received negative reviews due to several factors. For example, in customer reviews there is an opinion that good doors are expensive, and cheap counterparts will last 5-6 years at the most. And here the point, it turns out, is not so much in the material of the base of the door, but in the quality of the laminate - a truly high-quality film is not cheap. The second unpleasant moment is the inability to restore the laminated coating if it has received severe damage. And the weakest link in laminated structures is the door frame, which is not thick enough and is easily deformed. This drawback is especially noticeable when installing such structures in the bathroom, when, under the influence of moisture, the box bends over time, and the door stops closing.

Veneer or laminate?

Any doors - veneered or laminated - attract attention with thoughtfulness of every detail. At the same time, in terms of appearance and design, they differ little, but the cost of veneered models is much higher.

If we compare these types of design, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. High-quality laminated doors are resistant to high temperatures, humidity, and a solid polymer-based film that does not allow liquid to pass through acts as a protective layer. A veneered door cannot boast of such properties, which is mentioned by many reviews.
  2. Laminated doors are characterized by resistance to damage, although in fact it turns out that everything depends on the responsibility of the manufacturer and the quality of his products. In order not to miscalculate, you should trust trusted manufacturers.
  3. Simple care. It is much easier to care for structures covered with laminated film, since their surface is smooth and resistant to any abrasive agents.

Veneer or laminate: comparative characteristics

Are laminated or veneered doors better? This question is asked by many buyers. They have certain similarities. For example, the internal structure in both cases is made of a wooden frame filled with "honeycombs" or wooden slats. Veneered models attract the attention of buyers with the unique structure of natural wood, even the grain pattern is preserved. However, the surface of such models darkens over time, and if the room is damp, then the door may even crack. Laminate is an artificial material that is durable, resistant to mechanical damage and moisture. Caring for such doors is easy and simple, but if suddenly there are chips or scratches on the surface, they cannot be removed. All the features of both materials can be presented in the form of a table:




Veneered door

  1. Created from an array of any tree.
  2. In case of surface damage, the material can be restored.
  3. The production technology allows you to create decorated models of complex geometry.
  1. The mechanical properties of wood change over time.
  2. Curved parts are difficult to veneer.
  3. Over time, the surface of the door fades and darkens.
  4. Doors can be installed in rooms with low humidity.
  5. High cost of products.

laminated door

  1. Permanent color and texture.
  2. High resistance to moisture.
  3. Simple care.
  4. Resistance to abrasion, mechanical stress.
  1. Smooth surface.
  2. If severely damaged, it cannot be restored.
  3. High-quality laminate is not cheap.
  4. All models are the same in terms of design.

Based on this table, you can easily understand which option is right for you.

What about the bathroom?

This room is one of the most capricious in our house, so you need to choose the way to finish it wisely. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of doors. It is clear that the usual interior model will not work here. Experts advise to pay attention to laminated ones that meet several requirements:

  1. They are resistant to moisture and temperature changes.
  2. Do not deform during operation.

Veneered models, which look more interesting and more reliable, are not the best choice for the bathroom, since they are made of wood. They can be installed only in those rooms where the impact of moisture on the door will be minimal. In addition, the quality of the varnish coating plays an important role. It is cheaper and more reliable to purchase laminated doors to the bathroom.

There are several types of doors - "laminate":

  1. Models with a paper basis. Of course, you should not choose them in the bathroom, because the paper will quickly become saturated with moisture and deform.
  2. Laminated doors with a paper-based film impregnated with special compounds are more resistant to moisture, so they can be used in the bathroom. Thanks to the coating, the products are protected from moisture, but direct contact with water should still be avoided.
  3. Laminated laminated bathroom doors have received positive reviews as the most reliable option. Laminatin is a material of polymer origin, which is applied in a layer of a certain thickness and is distinguished by excellent moisture resistance.

We decorate the rooms

As you know, laminated doors are an economical and, moreover, reliable solution for any room. The frame of these models is created on the basis of a pine beam, and high-quality materials are used for filling. All this makes laminated doors so popular with buyers original and reliable. The photo shows that all models have an interesting appearance, so there will be the possibility of arranging any interior. You need to choose models for interior design correctly:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the style decision in which a particular room is made.
  2. It is not worth saving, because the durability of its operation depends on the correct choice of a quality product.
  3. You need to think about the opening system. Modern laminated interior doors, reviews of which are most often good, are performed in various versions of the opening mechanism. Most often, preference is given to made with one or two canvases. If the room is small, you can give preference to compartment doors that harmoniously fit into any space. If the room is made, for example, in country style, you can choose accordion doors.

Interior laminated doors received good reviews due to various finishes. Lamination can be done with different materials - wood, masonite, aluminium, paper-based plastic or fiberglass. Each model is original in its own way, and the choice of a specific material only affects the final cost of the model.

What to choose?

The modern market offers various laminated models. MDF laminated doors received good reviews due to the affordable price and high quality of the models. The design of such models is simple and consists of a door frame filled with honeycombs, finished with MDF panels and covered with laminate. The use of MDF for cladding makes it possible to reduce the cost of models.

Plastic laminated doors are popular due to their quality finish. In their production, a two-chrome laminate or other durable material is used, which is additionally covered with a film with imitation wood. Such interior doors received a lot of good reviews due to several factors:

  1. Excellent soundproof properties.
  2. Strength.
  3. Fire safety.
  4. Ease of care.
  5. Resistance to mechanical stress.
  6. Durability of operation.

All these characteristics make plastic laminated doors popular. The photo shows that these models can be made with inlaid glass of different colors, which gives them an original look. Such models will serve for a long time, because they retain their shape even when used in conditions of high humidity. The color and texture of plastic doors will remain for a long time, so after installation you can forget about the possible replacement of the door system for a long time. It is important that such models are inexpensive.

Mounting Features

As already mentioned, laminated MDF interior doors get mostly good reviews, as do plastic-based models. As for their installation, you need to remember some nuances. The most important thing that you should not forget about is the thin door frame, which can be deformed even under the influence of mounting foam with not too much pressure. That is why the door frame must be attached to the opening with special corners. They are installed every 30 cm to avoid deformation of the door.

When installing laminated door products in the bathroom, you need to protect the frame from moisture. It is best to paste over it with a special waterproofing film. In all other aspects, the door installation process is simple and straightforward. And remember that even with high-quality installation, laminated doors may not last very long, especially if you choose cheap models. Reviews of laminated doors were good, but models should be chosen wisely.

Finishing the door with a laminate with your own hands allows you to make the entrance to your home individual and attractive at minimal cost, thanks to the huge variety of textures and colors of this facing material.

Now there are many materials on the market that can be used for facing metal entrance door structures. The most popular product for these purposes is a laminate, which has many operational and decorative advantages. The latter are due to the unique characteristics of this material.

Door with laminated panels

Standard laminated panels are produced in the form of multi-layer tiles, consisting of:

  • stabilizing base impregnated with resins of synthetic origin or paraffin;
  • wood fiber or particle board, which acts as the core of the panel;
  • one more layer of specially processed paper, on which any image (pattern, drawing) is applied;
  • polymer protective film.

This structure gives the laminate high strength, excellent resistance to mechanical wear and fading. In addition, the described products are characterized by a chic appearance, affordable cost and the possibility of self-assembly without any serious difficulties. If you are interested in high-quality, inexpensive and fast finishing of a metal door with your own hands, it is almost impossible to find a better material.

Laminate is suitable for cladding door structures both inside and out. However, it must be remembered that it has one drawback. Laminated products do not tolerate fluctuations in humidity and temperature very well. For this reason, they cannot be used to finish the external entrance (for example, to a private house or to the entrance of an apartment building). Under the influence of moisture, the laminate will swell very quickly and lose all its special properties.

Let's figure out step by step how to sheathe the input structure with the material of interest to us. Everything is elementary here. The scheme of work will be as follows:

  1. Dismantle the door from the hinges, lay it horizontally on a flat surface.
  2. Remove (carefully and slowly) from the canvas all latches, smooth, locks, handles and other fittings.
  3. Paint the wooden slats in the color of the planned finish and fasten them around the perimeter of the structure. On metal doors, such products are fixed with liquid nails.
  4. Assemble a shield from separate laminated panels. The work is simple, due to the presence of locking joints on the products. It is only necessary to ensure that all the panels are mounted to each other as tightly as possible (butt).
  5. Measure the distance between the individual rails. After that, transfer the measurement results to the prepared shield.
  6. Saw off the extreme panels in length and width. This operation is easiest to carry out with an electric jigsaw. The likelihood of damage to the laminate in this case is minimal.
  7. Treat the door leaf with adhesive. Take a short pause (the exposure time of the glue is in the instructions for its use). Then transfer the panel structure to the canvas and press it on top with something heavy.
  8. After the glue has dried, the door can be put back into the opening.

Door with slopes after finishing

As you can see, do-it-yourself front door sheathing with laminated products is a really simple process. You just need to adhere to the above scheme for performing facing activities. And then the result will exceed all your expectations. Decoration of an iron door should be carried out with laminated panels with a thickness of at least 8 mm. It is undesirable to use a thinner material, since it does not have the required operational strength.

If you want your home to always be warm, and drafts bypass it, you should definitely take care of high-quality sheathing with the same laminate. The finishing of these elements gives the entrance metal structures an attractive appearance, as it hides the areas of the box fastening. Sheathing slopes also increases the resistance of the structure to burglary. And this, you see, in our days means a lot. Slopes can be formed in three ways:

  1. Sealing with mortar and subsequent plastering.
  2. Adhesion of sheathing material.
  3. Frame cladding.

Paneled door slopes

It is easiest to implement the first two options with your own hands. But you should understand that you will have to do dirty and wet work - stir the solution, apply it, wait until the composition hardens. Not every home craftsman wants to get involved in such events.

An alternative to wet finishing is the technology of slope sheathing. You will need to make a simple skeleton from wooden blocks and a metal profile. And after that, strengthen the laminate on the frame (in the transverse or longitudinal direction) using. Note that vertical wood slats should be fixed at the edges and in their central part, while horizontal ones should be fixed only at the edges. After simple work, you will get perfectly smooth slopes. The door itself will be perceived as a single structure.

Other door decoration materials

Metal structures can be ennobled with the help of other products. Let's see how to sheathe the front door, if for some reason you do not like the laminate. Laminated, veneered or simply painted MDF is popular. Wood fiber products coated with a special film or veneer are suitable for interior and exterior decoration. But it is better to use painted MDF exclusively for decorating doors from the inside, since its strength is not high enough. Laminated panels have a beautiful appearance and reasonable cost.

Laminated MDF panels

Prices for veneered products are higher. The cheapest is MDF with birch veneer. For luxury finishes, mahogany, oak, beech and exotic wood panels are usually used.

Veneered MDF is available in the form of strips. They need to be glued to the canvas. Such a process does not cause problems, since the strips in question have glue on their back side, which is covered with a protective paper layer. You need to alternately remove it from each product and apply the MDF to the canvas, ironing it with a hot iron through a thin fabric or thick paper. Important! Pasting should start from the middle of the door. First, draw a vertical center line on the structure, and then attach the strips to the left and right of it.

Many craftsmen decorate the entrance to their house with a wooden clapboard. Such products have a different cost, depending on the type of wood from which they are made. They fasten the lining not to the iron door itself, but to the frame pre-assembled for this purpose. It is made of thin strips (they are fixed to the canvas with metal screws). The lining can be placed on the structure at different angles, painted in any color, covered with carvings. If you wish, with the help of such material you will be able to easily make an outwardly unique door with your own hands.

When renovating an apartment or a private house, special attention should be paid to every detail. This includes not only the choice of floor or wall covering, but also interior paintings. An acceptable option would be, which will complement the overall style of the room, retain their original appearance for many years. Door laminate, or laminatin, reliably preserves the surface of the leaf from mechanical damage, visually resembles the structure of natural wood.

The structure of laminated sashes consists of several different materials. Due to their presence, the canvases receive characteristics that standard wooden products do not have. The wood frame is covered with a protective layer of laminate, which improves the operational properties of the entrance group.

Features of laminated doors

The main feature is the external resemblance to solid wood products. To obtain this effect, a special film of various colors and shades is applied.

Important! The panels are lightweight, durable, able to withstand heavy loads. Laminated canvases provide sound insulation sufficient for an ordinary apartment. Due to the resistance to moisture, they can be used in the bathroom, bathrooms.

The cost is much lower than similar wood products, and they are not much inferior in quality and service life. In addition, they do not require special care, the use of special cleaning products.

Manufacturing technology of laminated doors

The laminated panel consists of several parts:

  • frame made of wooden beams;
  • internal filler;
  • overlays on the door leaf from MDF;
  • laminate film.

The manufacturing method consists in a combination of several materials. The main component is a laminated film, which completely imitates the structure of wood. The film is glued to a canvas made of MDF. Between two sheets of MDF there is a filler, which is most often made of corrugated cardboard.

The framework, a box, platbands are made of a bar of coniferous breeds. The same film is applied to the surface. To maintain the original appearance, the film is made using melamine, which provides protection from scratches and small chips. The wooden beam is treated with a special impregnation, which increases resistance to temperature fluctuations, high humidity. If the configuration of the interior unit provides for the presence of a threshold, then it is manufactured using a similar technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of laminated doors

Benefits of laminate flooring:

  • low price level;
  • resistance to mechanical damage;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • ease of care.

Disadvantages of the material to consider when choosing:

  • standard pattern over the entire surface of the canvas;
  • insufficient sound insulation for installation as an input unit;

The quality of the film is checked first. When choosing, you need to specify the thickness, scratch resistance, base coat. If a paper base is used, then the film will not withstand frequent friction.

Healthy! For the safety of the canvas, it is better to choose CPL-plastic or two-color laminate. Such materials are often used in the production of doors for public places with a large flow of customers.

Don't forget about packaging. For the equipment of the entrance opening, it may be necessary to install platbands and a threshold with additional elements. All additional details must have a single color and texture.

The difference between laminated doors and other types

Unlike other interior doors, for the production of which a coating is used or, laminated sheets are cheaper, despite their resemblance to expensive solid wood products.

The film used allows you to keep a beautiful look longer, to avoid the appearance of minor damage. Also, such sashes are lighter than other analogues. A simple corrugated board in the core has little to no effect on the overall weight. But if it is necessary to weight the sash to improve the level of sound insulation, it will be used instead of the standard paper filler.

The ability to choose the color, the desired shade, will allow you to fit the panels into any interior. Many design options allow you to choose both deaf and doors with glass inserts of various shapes.

Attention! Even taking into account the use of various impregnations of wooden beams and the use of a film, laminated panels do not emit any harmful substances.

Doors are easy to install, practically do not differ in this matter from analogues.

Design options for laminated doors

All interior panels are selected in the same design that will match the overall style. They can differ from each other only by the presence or absence of glass inserts.

Manufacturers offer a sufficient selection of options for each room. The living room can be equipped with large glass doors to let in more light. The bedroom, on the contrary, should be equipped with a blank canvas. For the bathroom and toilet, it is also better to install blank canvases with a film that is resistant to high humidity.

Laminate flooring has a smooth texture. With the help of a film it is easy to imitate the surface of natural wood. Often the surface is left smooth, without drawings, if such a finish suits the specific design of the room.

Glasses built into canvases are found not only in various sizes (from a small square to full-size installation), but also in various shapes. Classic rectangles or carved figured glass inserts - the choice depends only on the desire of the buyer.

Caring for laminated doors

The essence of caring for panels comes down to caring for laminate flooring. In order for the coating to retain its original appearance, it is necessary to exclude strong impacts and loads on the canvas. The film is resistant to moisture, but it is still better to remove drops of water or other liquid with a soft cloth. It is especially important to do this if moisture gets into the joints of the components or the glass attachment points.

Important! Periodically, it is required to care for the surface with cleaning products. Detergent compositions should not be aggressive, contain acids. The applied product must be removed with a soft cloth; sponges or brushes should not be used. This may not only leave scratches on the surface, but also cause the film to peel off.

The appearance will remain beautiful when using furniture polish, which includes wax. The composition will fill microcracks, give integrity and brightness to the coating. Processing is best done once or twice a year, and for doors to the kitchen, bathroom, toilet room - three to four times. Do not forget about the processing of handles, locks, hinges, using special tools.

If the polish does not cope with scratches, you can use a wax pencil, after heating it. Scratches may not completely disappear, but will become less noticeable.

Panels covered with laminate have some drawbacks, but the presence of pluses still makes them popular in the arrangement of apartments, offices, government agencies. It is only necessary to study the characteristics and recommendations so that the purchased door leaf has a pleasant appearance for a long period of time.