Handsome swan: making crafts. Make a decorative swan from a plastic bottle Do-it-yourself white swan from plastic bottles

The graceful bird has always fascinated with its grace. It became possible to place a symbol of fidelity in your garden, having available material at hand for everyone. Information on how to make a swan from plastic bottles, offered in three options, will allow everyone to choose the most appropriate way.

Swan planters from bottles

Crafts based on plastic bottles differ in different categories of complexity. A step-by-step guide will help even a novice master to cope with the task of decorating a swan. The main thing is to be patient. One bottle of 5 liters and a lot of white plastic containers with a volume of 1 liter are the main material of a spectacular craft. You will also need:

  • metal rod for the swan's neck;
  • fishing line, adhesive tape and thin wire for connecting individual parts;
  • metal mesh serving as the base of the wings.

Preparation of individual parts

Making a swan precedes the preparatory stage. Work begins with the cleaning of plastic bottles from the remnants of labels and glue. On a clean container, markings are made according to the photo. The upper line is drawn 2 cm below the neck, the lower line is 1 cm higher than the corrugated part of the plastic bottle. There is a perpendicular line between them. The cut is made as straight as possible.

For the neck, parts from plastic bottles with a neck are cut into 6 parts, cylindrical elements are divided into 8 fragments.

Attention! All corners on the blanks are rounded, 3 paired holes are formed at the base of the petals.

A neat swan head is obtained from a 0.5 liter plastic bottle as follows:

  • the neck with the cork is removed;
  • on a cone-shaped section, an incision is made along the seam;
  • all other incision lines go with a gap of 0.5 cm;
  • the ends of the clothespin, which will play the role of a swan's beak, are melted over the fire;
  • holes are pierced on them with an awl, holes are formed at a similar distance in a plastic bottle.

The basis of the swan's body is a 5-liter container, on the bottom and lid of which holes are made to fix the neck. The opening on the side should allow the hand to easily get inside the container.

Assembly process

When the individual elements of the swan are decorated, you can proceed to the assembly of parts:

The result of a painstaking process will be a spectacular swan made of plastic bottles, similar to the photo below:

Combination with tire

There is another interesting and affordable option for making a bird with a majestic neck bend.


According to the proposed master class, a swan made of plastic bottles will turn out to be no less bewitching. The main difference is that the function of the trunk is performed by a tire with a diameter of 50-55 cm.

Hull shaping:

  • The cover is cut in half. Work carefully so as not to injure yourself with the cord.
  • One part is shortened by 10 cm.
  • Both parts are connected in the shape of an egg about 45 cm wide and securely fixed.

The result will be the workpiece shown in the photo:


Making a swan head:

  • The basis of the part is polystyrene 20x12x10 cm.
  • The head with the beak, after cutting out, is carefully polished with sandpaper.
  • A 5 cm deepening is prepared at the back of the head to fix the neck.
  • The swan's head is evenly treated with putty.
  • After the solution has dried, the surface is polished with paper of a finer grain size.
  • The workpiece is coated with white, black and blue paint. An example is the following photo:


The process of creating a bird neck based on plastic bottles:

  • A rod about 2 m long is given the desired shape.
    Advice! It is better to refuse a steel part, it is too difficult to bend and can burst.
  • Corrugations will need about 80 cm. When using old material, it is thoroughly cleaned of contaminants.
  • One edge of the corrugation is made with cuts for mounting the swan's head.
  • The swan's neck is fixed to the body and head with self-tapping screws.


For the plumage of a swan you will need:

  • plastic white bottles - about 40 pieces;
  • construction mesh;
  • pliers and knife;
  • wire, cutters.

Painting the mesh with white paint for outdoor use will help to avoid corrosive processes. One plastic bottle serves as the basis for 5-6 swan feathers. On each blank from a plastic bottle, 4 holes for the wire are prepared. It is optimal to use copper material, which bends easily. Feathers are connected with overlapping wire to hide the connection areas. The process of formation of the wings and tail of the swan is identical, the difference lies only in the outlines of the grid.

Mounting and installation

When all the parts from the tire and plastic bottles are ready, they begin to assemble the swan. The site on which it is planned to place a decorative figure is made out with bricks, a board or a car tire. This will be a kind of podium.

The connection of the neck with the body is carried out with self-tapping screws. The end of the rod is bent in such a way that it is possible to fix it in the ground. The wings are fastened together with wire, clamped at the back with a rod. Next, the tail of the swan is fixed. The head, made from a plastic bottle, is screwed to the corrugation with screws. An elegant bird made of plastic bottles with your own hands will become a worthy decoration of the site.

Grace in the garden

Another craft option based on a large plastic bottle also has practicality, thanks to the possibility of placing flowers inside.

Basic manufacturing steps:

The swan is a symbol of fidelity, so it would be logical to make a beautiful bird a couple. This composition will not leave anyone indifferent.

The proposed workshops will help transform landscape design with minimal financial costs. The main cost is your time and patience. Good luck with your work!

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    Do you want to decorate your summer cottage? Why not use the simplest and most affordable material - plastic bottles? Today, with the help of this raw material, various figures of animals and plants are created. Differing in durability and wear resistance, such handicrafts do not need care, perfectly tolerate any weather conditions and will please your eye at any time of the year. The topic of this article is plastic bottle swans for the garden with their own hands. In it, we will discuss how to make such a decor as quickly as possible and what is needed for this.

    Swans from plastic bottles for the garden

    Swans from plastic bottles - beauty and functionality

    Swans are always very beautiful and romantic. But we invite you not only to enjoy plastic swans, but also to think about how to make them functional. For example, some people use a finished swan figurine as a flowerpot. This design will fit perfectly into the landscape design of your site. The best part is that for its construction it is not at all necessary to be a master and own a special tool. Such a product will be affordable even for beginners.

    You will need the simplest materials: large plastic bottles of 5 liters - 2 pcs., Wire, metal mesh for wings and putty. Usually, all these materials remain after repair or construction work.

    The main stages of work on creating swans from plastic bottles:

    Stage 1. First you need to cut a hole in the bottle to create a flower bed.

    Stage 2. To give the bottle a rounded shape, it is recommended to fill it with sand so as to form a circle. This flower bed will also be the body of the swan, so it should be slightly oval.

    Stage 3.

    Stage 4. Preparation of the base. To do this, it is necessary to displace a certain amount of putty, spread it on a plastic film with a layer of 5 cm and put a bottle with a hole on top. Leave to dry for a while. As soon as the putty dries, it will turn into an original stand for swans. To make it easier to work with putty, it is necessary to moisten the spatula periodically with a small amount of water.

    Stage 5. Creating a graceful swan neck. To make the neck look attractive and last for a long time, you need to roll up small rollers of putty and press it into a metal rod. A large piece will fall off immediately, so the best solution is to create a neck from small pieces. After the next piece, the neck is wrapped with a bandage. It is also important not to forget about naturalness, because in a real swan, closer to the body, the neck begins to thicken. You will have to do the same.

    Stage 6.

    Stage 7.

    The swan figurine is ready. Now you need to give her time to dry completely, taking her to a place protected from rain and sunlight. Once the product is dry, it can be sanded with a fine mesh to create a beautiful, even surface. Before painting, the putty is primed. What paint is better to paint a swan? Any base can be suitable for this, but it is more practical to use enamel paint. It is convenient for her to draw eyes, beak and feathers. After the whole structure is opened with varnish to consolidate the result.

    Swans from plastic bottles for the garden with your own hands- an original, beautiful decor that will delight your eye and decorate the landscape area. We hope that our tips will help transform yours by adding your own creation to it.


    Making a swan from plastic bottles is hard work. But, after completion, you put it in a conspicuous place and it will look very beautiful and natural. It takes about 30 hours to make, but if you have someone to help you, you can do it in half the time. Basically, you will need junk material to work.

    Making a case for a swan from bottles

    The basis of the case will be an old car tire with a diameter of 50 - 55 centimeters.

    Be careful not to injure yourself when working with the tire, steel bars can protrude from it.

    After selecting the appropriate tire, cut it in half, then cut off 10 centimeters from one side of the tire. Twist both halves of the tire so that it looks like an egg shape and a diameter of 45 centimeters. Our body is ready and waiting for all other parts.

    swan head

    To make the head, you will need foam, putty and paint. First, take a large piece of foam, 20x12x10 in size. From it we will cut out the very head and beak. We process the finished parts with sandpaper until all roughness and irregularities disappear. On the back of the head, we make a small hole 5 centimeters deep for attaching the neck. After completing the work with sandpaper, we take the putty and apply it evenly over the entire head. After the putty dries, we bring the surface to the ideal one with the help of finer sandpaper. After that, we start painting. We need paint of three colors: white, blue and black. We cover the corresponding parts of the head with paint, leave to dry. Our head is ready. The head is more difficult to make than all the details, but with the desire and a little skill, this is not a problem.


    To make the neck, we need a rod and a corrugation. Corrugation can be taken from an old unnecessary vacuum cleaner or, if one is not available, bought in a store. Length 70 - 80 centimeters. Since we will paint the corrugation white, it must first be cleaned. As for the rod, we do not recommend taking a steel one - it is very difficult to bend it and it can burst. The length of the rod is 2 meters. On one side of the corrugation, we make cuts, the head will join these cuts. Using self-tapping screws, we fasten the corrugation to the body and head, thereby covering the rod.

    The next stage is the wings and tail of a swan made of plastic bottles

    To make wings, you will need 35 - 40 white plastic bottles, a construction net and tools. It is desirable to paint the mesh white so that it does not rust. Tools: pliers, wire cutters, screwdriver, copper wire, knife. You can buy plastic bottles in stores that sell packaging. 4-6 feathers will come out of one bottle. We cut the bottle into pieces and form a feather. On one side of the pen we make four holes into which the wire is inserted.

    It is better to take copper wire, as it will bend easily.

    Construction mesh can be bought at a country goods store. We carefully connect the feathers with wire, laying one feather on top of the other so as to hide the junctions. One wing takes approximately 2-3 hours.


    To make the tail of the swan, you will need the same mesh that we used to make the wings. It will take up to one hour to make. You need a mesh of 45 by 20, with pointed tips. The process of making a tail is no different from making wings: we take feathers pre-cut from plastic bottles and fasten them to the grid.

    When you close the feathers, they will not give in well and stick out in different directions. Try to align them to one side.

    Connection and installation of the finished swan

    After all the details are ready, you can start connecting. First, choose a place where you will put the swan and install a board, bricks or an old car tire on which it will then be installed. Connect the body to the neck with self-tapping screws. Bend one end of the rod so that it can be fixed into the ground. Then attach the wings and tail, connect the wing in front with wire, and in the back with a rod. Then fasten the tail. And finally, screw the head to the corrugation with screws.

    Shops are full of sculptures and flowerpots for the garden, but you always want to create a masterpiece yourself. Among the sculptures that are simple in execution, the swan stands out - a symbol of calm and peaceful life. It is possible to make a bird even from garbage - plastic bottles.

    Swans from plastic bottles

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    Gallery: plastic bottle swans

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    Planter-swan from a plastic bottle

    The advantage of the figure of this bird is that a flowerpot from a plastic bottle is easily placed on its back. As a result, the designer receives both a sculpture of a swan and a container for flowers.

    What you need to make a figure

    Before you start creating a swan, prepare the necessary tools:

    • putty knife;
    • knife or scissors;
    • container for mixing the solution;
    • sandpaper;
    • brush.

    It is convenient to apply the solution on the planter with a small spatula

    The frame of the sculpture is a large plastic bottle, on which a solution of plastic material is applied. The classic version uses gypsum, but some prefer putty. The first material dries well, so the pots are molded quickly. However, gypsum is less resistant to mechanical damage, which can reduce the life of the product.

    You can also sculpt a planter from alabaster - a variety of gypsum

    To create a swan planter you will need:

    • five-liter rectangular plastic bottle;
    • a piece of plastic film 70x70 cm;
    • a piece of reinforcement with a diameter of 0.6 mm and a length of 80 cm;
    • gypsum or putty - 5–7 kg;
    • iron reinforcing mesh;
    • bandage;
    • primer;
    • oil paints (white, black, red);
    • sand.

    Many planter makers prefer Rigips Perlitli putty because of its high plasticity.

    The process of making planters-swan

    First, cover the workplace with plastic wrap: it will protect the table and help make the bottom for the pots.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Cut off the side of the bottle to make a flowerpot.

    The side of the bottle is cut with a sharp knife

    2. Make a hole in the cork.

    You can also pierce a cork with a hot nail.

    3. Bend the reinforcement in the form of a deuce.

    The reinforcement is bent by hand, stepping on it with a foot in places where a bend is needed

    4. Insert the end of the fitting into the bottle through the cork and fix it with tile adhesive or primer.

    Some craftsmen advise fixing the fittings inside the bottle with tile adhesive.

    5. Knead a thick solution and lay it on the film in the shape of the bottom of the planter.

    When the putty dries, it becomes almost white

    6. Place the planter on the solution and coat it using a spatula.

    7. Attach a reinforcing mesh to the sides of the figure at an angle of 30 o. Fix it with mortar. Substitute stops so that the mesh does not slip.

    The mesh attached to the sides of the bird will become the frame of the wings.

    8. We pass to the neck of the swan: coat the armature with a layer of mortar.

    Try to apply the mortar evenly on the reinforcement

    9. Then wrap it with a bandage along the entire length.

    Do not wrap more than one layer of bandage

    10. Press the bandage into the neck and apply another thin layer of putty. Smooth out lumps with a brush.

    11. Then we form the skull and beak of the bird. First, put a little solution on the head area and distribute it with a brush. Where the beak is planned, a wire is inserted.

    Look at a photo of a live swan for proportions.

    12. Then we wrap the head with a bandage in one layer.

    It is better not to replace the bandage with a cloth, the solution must penetrate through the gaps between the threads

    13. We press the bandage and apply another thin layer of the solution.

    14. When the putty on the wings sets, we continue to improve them. Wet one hand, take some putty and apply to the outer side of the wing, supporting the reinforcing mesh with the other hand from the inside. Thus form both wings.

    To prevent the solution from sticking to your hands, wet them

    15. Smooth out the putty with a brush.

    To prevent the solution from sticking to the brush, dip it in water from time to time

    16. We pass to the tail: a piece of reinforcing mesh 10x20 cm is slightly bent, attached to the back of the bird and fixed with a solution.

    If the solution is thick, there will be no problems with fixing the tail.

    17. We put a support for the tail frame so that it does not move.

    To hold the tail frame in place, you can take an ordinary brick

    18. Leave the figure to dry. The swan is almost alive.

    Gradually, the swan takes on a real shape

    19. After a day or two, we carry out the finishing touches. We increase the thickness of the solution where it is not enough: we thicken the base of the neck, round the head, give a natural look to the wings and tail. With wet fingers, a brush or a knife, we make stains on the wings of a swan, imitating feathers.

    To avoid cracking, do not move the planter until dry.

    20. Completely dry the figure for 2-3 days. We grind the pots with sandpaper and cover with a primer.

    It is not difficult to create a unique decoration if you follow the recommendations of experienced craftsmen:

    • mix a thick solution;
    • each layer of the solution applied to the product needs to be dried;
    • at a time, gypsum is laid in a layer of up to 2 cm, and putties - no more than 1 cm;
    • if the pots remain to winter on the street, use frost-resistant mixtures;
    • before applying the solution to dried surfaces, spray them with water from a spray bottle;
    • smooth irregularities with a brush dipped in water;
    • at the end of the work, the sculpture must be covered with a primer, otherwise the paint will roll off in lumps.

    Do-it-yourself planter-swan - video

    The final design of the pots

    After the primer dries, cover the craft with oil paint. To achieve maximum naturalness, look at the photograph of the swan and copy the nuances of the bird's color.

    The mute swan has a dark stripe from the eye to the beak.

    The eyes are drawn with black paint, and the beak is red or orange.

    Do not take your eyes off the finished pots

    After the paint has dried, the sculpture is varnished for outdoor use. This will protect the swan from bad weather. You can not paint the bird, but simply varnish after priming.

    A pot with a flower is placed in the finished flowerpot.

    Swan made from a wheel and plastic bottles.

    Swan made of tires and plastic bottles.
    Greetings, friends, we continue to get acquainted with the works of Alena Zinovieva. Today I will show you Master Class for manufacturing swan made from tires and plastic bottles. On my own behalf, I want to note that over the years I have met many swans made from tires. But this is how I managed to make Alena I met for the first time. I hope you will like it too and you decide to decorate your site with such a beautiful swan.
    How to make a crane from a plastic bottle.

    For its manufacture we need: 1. Old tire.
    2. Plastic bottles 70 pcs per pair.
    3. Metal mesh.
    4. Hose from a vacuum cleaner.
    5. Wire for the neck.
    6. Styrofoam.
    We cut off the inner rings from the tire, cut out a triangle-future tail with a jigsaw.

    We connect the edges with bolts, for convenience, cutting the tire in front.

    We fasten the base for the neck to the tire with wire,
    leaving a little below to then insert into the ground.

    Front view.

    We collect the wing from feathers cut from liter white bottles (1 bottle-6 feathers).
    We fasten to the metal mesh with wire.

    Inside the wing, along the upper edge, lay out a couple of rows of feathers,
    so that the mesh is not visible in the finished product.

    Finished wing.

    Styrofoam head. It is put on the base wire,
    the hose is fixed with self-tapping screws (advice - dip the self-tapping screw in the "Titanium" glue)

    A neck hose from a vacuum cleaner.

    We paint the bird.

    The wings are screwed to the tire with screws,
    as an option, pull together with wire through the tire.
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    Summer, cottage, warmth, I want to live and create. I think you have familiar motorists, and if not, then you can go to any garage nearby and ask them for a very valuable canister, as it turned out this summer, from under any liquid. I think they don't need it, but we need a lot of creative material. I found two like this.

    In addition, we will need our favorite mayonnaise jars (you can replace them with plastic bottles). It's very simple to take a jar and cut off the top. We cut out everything we want from old canisters, connect all the parts, paint, and here it is the result. From the remaining handle from the canister come out excellent savochki.

    I hope you liked something and you wanted to make the same for yourself. I wish you creative success.