How to become a chief accountant from scratch. The Newbie Accountant's Guide: How to Get Started in Accounting

The profession of an accountant today is very popular and in demand. The knowledge and skills gained during the training process will be useful in the life of every citizen of the Russian Federation. You will understand the legal accounting and tax base, and you will be able to defend your rights. Thus, you will be legally protected from the mistakes of the employer. You can also open your own business and run it without anyone's help.

Pros and cons of being an accountant

Anyone who is thinking about becoming an accountant should have a clear idea of ​​all the advantages and disadvantages of the work of this specialist.

Let's list the advantages:

  • Accounting is one of the most demanded professions in the labor market.

Anyone who receives an education in this specialty will be able to get a job as an accountant. According to Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011, each company must submit reports on its expenses and income to the tax service. For help legal entity the accountant is coming. Monthly in major cities there are about 6-7 thousand vacancies on employment sites! You definitely won't be out of a job.

  • Highly paid labor

The minimum salary in a federal city, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg, is 45 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 200 thousand. AT small town salaries vary from 30 to 80 thousand.

  • honorary profession

The accountant is the chief after the head of the company. He works directly with the director of the firm. It is thanks to the closeness with the management of the accountant that they are very appreciated.

  • Opportunity to work freelance

Many small companies cannot afford to hire an accountant, so they offer him to work remotely. As a rule, many accountants earn extra money by fulfilling one-time orders, while not losing their main job.

  • Specialists are protected from the mistakes of the employer

They themselves can control payroll and reports on pension contributions. Thus, they can never be deceived by the employer.

If you dream of becoming a professional accountant, then everything will depend only on your skills and abilities. An experienced specialist with knowledge of English can easily reach the rank of chief accountant or financial director.

  • Greater chance of taking advanced training courses

To increase the cost of their services, an accountant can take numerous seminars and courses.

  • The skills acquired while working as an accountant will be useful in starting and running your own business. At the same time, the cost of wages for employees will be significantly reduced.

Despite the benefits, working as an accountant is not easy.

We list the disadvantages of this profession:

  1. Great responsibility. A person in the position of an accountant bears a huge responsibility, and material.
  2. You will have to pay fines for mistakes in your activities.
  3. For all the shortcomings, the management deliberately blames the accountant, since he - right hand enterprise director. You need to be stress resistant.
  4. You may have to work an irregular schedule.
  5. You will have to process large amounts of data and information.
  6. Activities are strictly regulated. There is a certain list of documents that every accountant should know. They are spelled out in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 37 of 08/21/1998.
  7. We have to follow changes in legislation, both in tax and accounting.

I would go to accountants - let them teach me!

When applying for a company, employers pay attention to your work experience and they are less strict about the education of candidates.

But, despite this, the specialist must be educated.

You can learn the profession of an accountant or certain skills in the following ways:

Only at the university you get necessary knowledge which can be used in practice. By the way, after graduating from a university, you will receive a not simple title in the following specialties: “Accounting, analysis and audit”, “Economics and accounting”, “Taxes and taxation”, “Finance and credit”, “Banking”, etc.

In addition, you will have the opportunity for internships. With consistent practice, you will get hired faster. But note that it will take 4-5 years to learn the "tower".

  • Enroll in an institution of secondary vocational education (college, school)

As such, the average financial education also respected. But the duration of training depends on the specific institution and program. Most often, they study at a technical school for 3 years. You will also have several opportunities: take internships in real companies, study in a special program and eventually receive a diploma in various areas.

  • Take specialized courses

At the end of courses and seminars that are conducted on a commercial basis, you can get a certificate of a professional accountant or auditor. The duration of the classes will depend on the program. The shortest courses are 2-3 weeks. At the end of the course, you will have to pass certification exams.

  • Take courses on special applications that accountants need to know

As a rule, at the end of them you should also be given a certificate or other confirmation of your participation.

  • Self-taught - listen to video tutorials and do freelance assignments (freelance)

You can also read books about accounting, sit on forums that can help you a lot! Of course, you will spend a lot of time on self-study. But on the other hand, you will know a lot and only what is really interesting and necessary for you.

How to become a good accountant - necessary qualities and skills

To be successful in accounting, you must have the following personal qualities and also be:

  • Responsible.
  • Diligent.
  • Punctual.
  • Attentive.
  • Neat.
  • Purposeful.
  • Stress resistant.
  • Balanced.
  • Honest.
  • Think logically.
  • Argument your point of view.

In addition to personal qualities, an accountant must have the following knowledge and skills:

  • Know and maintain accounting, tax, management accounting.
  • Maintain primary documentation and cash book.
  • Maintain inventory records.
  • Calculate wages, sick leave, vacation pay and other required compensation.
  • Keep records of mutual settlements and not enter the company into the so-called "minus".
  • Knowledge of accounting and tax laws.
  • Negotiate with clients and employees.
  • Be able to draw up documents, for example, powers of attorney, tax invoices, receipts and expenditure invoices.
  • Calculate pension contributions for legal entities and individuals.
  • Know the rules for conducting an inventory Money and inventory of the company.
  • Conduct inventory and draw up an act of reconciliation.
  • Prepare reports and submit them to the tax office.
  • Conduct economic analysis organizations.
  • Be able to prepare and correctly prepare advance reports.
  • Know the regulations and instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
  • Be a confident PC user.
  • Understand the "Client-Bank" system and the following programs: MS Excel, Word, "1C: Accounting".

Of course, this list could be much longer. Skills and knowledge depend on the area of ​​accounting, the scope of the company and taxation systems.

The Future of the Accounting Profession - Career Opportunities and Salary

To become a professional accountant and get a job in a decent company, you will have to work hard:

  • Firstly, during the training, start earning money, perhaps performing some simple primary tasks. Thus, you will have works in the portfolio (correctly executed documents) and marks on some points of knowledge and skills.
    Note that in order to get a job in a company with a good reputation and popularity, it is worth having an average work experience of 2 years. By the way, some specialists are hired with a minimum experience of 1 year.
  • Secondly, you should increase your professional level. For example, take training courses on topics in which you are not an expert. Their passage can confirm the certificate.
  • Thirdly, do not be afraid of work. Of course, you will first have to get a job in a small organization, for example, as an assistant accountant, junior accountant, office manager and carry out small assignments from the management.

By completing the above tasks, you will be able to get a job in a decent company within 2-4 years after receiving a diploma.

The career path for an accountant is as follows:

  1. Assistant.
  2. Junior accountant or economist.
  3. Accountant.
  4. Chief Accountant.
  5. Financial director.

Since the specifics of companies are diverse, a professional accountant can:

  • Financial analyst or accountant-economist.
  • Auditor.
  • Credit controller.
  • Consultant.

The salary of an accountant depends not only on the link on which you stand on the career ladder, but also on the scope of the company. The more extensive your knowledge, the more services you can perform, and the higher you will be appreciated.

Consider what is the approximate average salary of specialists in this profession in Russia:

  • An assistant accountant receives 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • 18-25 thousand rubles provided for the services of a junior accountant.
  • 26-30 thousand rubles assigned to an accountant.
  • 30-60 thousand rubles must pay the chief accountant.
  • 40-120 thousand rubles may be obtained by the financial director.

As for the specific area of ​​​​activity in which you can develop as a specialist, and pay - there are considerable differences.

We bring to your attention the statistics that were carried out on the basis of 2014:

  • Bank employees receive 20-70 thousand rubles.
  • 20-80 thousand rubles you can earn in sales, trade.
  • 30-90 thousand rubles gets an accountant in a construction company.
  • 35-100 thousand rubles offer for the services of an accountant in the field of energy and raw materials extraction.

In the future, a specialist with an education in the direction of "Accounting" will not be left without work. Demand will continue to be high. Incidentally, having studied English language and programs in this language, you will be able to conquer not only Russian organizations, but also foreign ones.

The main thing is to improve your level of professionalism and develop!

If you decide to become an accountant, then you should think about how you can quickly master all the skills, knowledge, and skills. This is necessary in order to start working fully in a family business or individual entrepreneur. It is best to start your start with basic knowledge.

Beginners should know how to become an accountant from scratch and what it takes. After all, knowing all the nuances of the profession, you can not only fulfill your official duties but also to manage the entire business.

What are the responsibilities of an accountant

Working in a company or private company, the specialist performs the following functions:

    Control, reception, execution and processing of documentation.

    Making payments under the contract.

    Calculation and payment of wages to workers.

    Control and reporting of tax documentation.

How to become an accountant from scratch without education, and is it real? Yes, it's quite real! The main thing is the desire to learn and gain knowledge in the chosen specialization.

A little theoretical knowledge and practice will help you learn a profession from scratch. You just need to decide in which direction of the profession you want to reach the top.

Professional skills are not just a diploma of education, but also the ability to apply knowledge in practice, flexibility of thinking and coherence of the mind. Combining theory and practice, it will be possible to achieve great heights.

What you need to start

Studying accounting from scratch on your own consists in mastering the material through the Internet or books. To understand what kind of profession it is and what features it has, you need to start with the theoretical part. If you do not have a special education, then you can get a theory in the following ways:

    Attend training courses.

    Hire a private tutor.

    Study on your own online courses and webinars.

    Get a job as an assistant and already in practice learn all the subtleties of the profession.

It is quite difficult to learn accounting from scratch on your own without a teacher, since only a professional can advise based on experience and knowledge. He will be able to tell all the nuances, help how to cope in a given situation. If independent study of the material did not give positive results, then you should think about accounting courses - see what accounting courses can offer.

If the courses are not to your liking, then you can use the 1C program. Having studied in detail how it works, and all its subtleties, you will be able to master accounting and document management. But it is worth remembering that the program does only part of the work, everything else depends on the accountant.

Advice! If you are new to computers, then before starting to learn a profession, familiarize yourself with programs such as Word, Excel, and an Internet search engine.

Mastering a profession from scratch on our own

How to become an accountant from scratch on your own? Effectively master Accounting possible in the course of entrepreneurial activity. That is, when doing business, if any problems and tasks arise, you should use the following algorithm of actions:

    We go to the search engine and find professional forums.

    Let's ask them a question.

    Check out the tutorial videos that have been released.

    On sites for accountants, we study articles on topics of interest.

    We study the educational literature on accounting.

In order not to run around different bookstores and libraries, all the necessary books can be found on the Internet. It is enough just to drive in the title of the book or look at the most popular sources.

Today, the most popular and informative magazines for mastering the skills of this industry are: "Chief Accountant", "Actual Accounting", "Practical Accounting". Many sites have paid and free subscriptions to training materials. Therefore, finding the necessary information and mastering the basics of accounting is not difficult. However, you need to spend time looking for useful sources.

Independent study of the material should include the following questions:

    Studying the main documents.

    Maintenance of primary documentation.

    Accounting and tax legislation.

    Rules for the preparation of regulatory documents.

    Compilation and submission of reports.

    Regulations and instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

    Features of the general ledger.

    Financial analysis of economic activity.

    Calculation of salaries, vacation pay, sick leave and other types of payments.

    Calculation of insurance premiums.

    Travel arrangements.

Not everyone can work as an accountant. This profession comes with a lot of responsibility. The employee must objectively assess the situation, be able to deal with unforeseen situations. There should also be good perseverance, attentiveness, stress resistance and balance. Accountants are dominated by an analytical mindset, this should also be taken into account when choosing an industry.

Every year the legislation in the field of economics changes and is supplemented by new laws. In this regard, the employee must have a flexible mindset that can adapt to new conditions. A person must constantly develop, improve and gain experience.

The future of the profession

To master the features of the profession in theory and practice, you will have to work hard. To be accepted into a decent company you need:

    During the training period, look for a part-time job (assistant accountant) and start doing simple tasks to master the characteristics of the profession. So you will already have acquired skills, skills and it will be possible to create a portfolio.

    To get a job in a reputable company, you need practical experience at least a year. Therefore, you will have to work hard.

    Do not be afraid of work, first get a job in any small organization and start working. Experience will help you move up the career ladder.

Having completed courses or received a diploma at the university, while mastering your knowledge in practice, you will quickly be able to find a solid job.


In this article I will tell you how to become an accountant or how to become a chief accountant.

If you have opened this article, then the first step in this direction has already been taken.

So, what is needed for this: - desire; patience; character and optimism.

An accountant must know not only accounting, but also tax accounting, jurisprudence, office work, and be able to use a PC.

The chief accountant must also be able to analyze economic activity enterprises, make estimates, business plan.


To start to become a good specialist, it is necessary to understand what regulations and documents regulate accounting and why it is needed at all.

The main documents regulating accounting are developed and approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The requirements for accounting and accounting (financial) reporting in our country are the same, regardless of whether it is a commercial company, public sector entity or the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

In the Russian Federation, there is a Federal Law “On Accounting” (No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011). Article 4 of the said law states that the legislation of the Russian Federation on accounting consists of the said Law, other Federal laws, regulations, federal and industry standards. There are no references to specific documents in the Law, but the following ones can be distinguished:

  • "Regulations on accounting in the Russian Federation", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34-n. (valid to the extent that it does not contradict Law No. 402-FZ);
  • "Chart of Accounts for Financial and Economic Activities", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 31, 2000 No. 94-n, is used by commercial organizations. The budgetary and banking sectors have their own “Charts of Accounts”;
  • "Regulations on Accounting". To date, there are twenty-four of them, all of them approved by Orders of the Ministry of Finance. It is better for a novice accountant to study them in more detail in parallel with the Chart of Accounts.

Speaking of normative documents for accounting, I want to immediately focus your attention on regulatory framework for tax purposes. These two types of accounting, although different, are inextricably linked. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation is the main document regulating tax accounting in our country. In part one of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation it is said about the basics of the tax system, in part two each chapter is devoted to any of the taxes existing in the Russian Federation.

What is accounting for? This is stated in the "Regulations on accounting in the Russian Federation." Accounting data, including financial statements, are necessary in order to form complete and reliable information about the activities of the organization and its property status:

  • internal users (founders, directors, financial workers) to make the right management decisions for effective work enterprises, because the purpose of any commercial organization is to make a profit;
  • external users (investors, banks, contractors) to determine the appropriateness of working with this enterprise and possible risks;
  • regulatory authorities (in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation).


To understand the mechanism of formation of accounting in an enterprise, consider the following scheme:

The process begins with obtaining information about any event in the organization.

For example: the decision of the founders to establish a Limited Liability Company; receipt of funds from the buyer to the settlement account of the organization; receipt of inventory from the supplier and so on.
(I note that contracts must be concluded with suppliers and buyers in advance.)

Then this information processed: i.e. a primary document is issued, accounting entries are formed (in accordance with the "Chart of Accounts" and "Instructions for its Application").

The processed information is systematized in accounting registers and, at the end of everything, financial (accounting) statements are formed.


Financial reporting is the final link in the chain of formation of accounting in the enterprise.
Tax reporting(tax declarations) - the final stage in the formation of tax accounting.

Financial statements are systematized information about the economic condition of the organization at the reporting date, about its property, liabilities, income and expenses, and the result of its activities. For more information on financial statements, please refer to the Accounting Regulations. Financial statements organizations” (PBU 4/99).

Further, the future accountant just needs to figure out what the "Chart of Accounts" is, why do we need "accounting entries", what does "debit" mean, and what is "credit"? Without understanding this, it is simply impossible to become a real accountant. The chart of accounts is necessary at the stage of processing and systematizing information. With the help of "accounts" certain events are classified in financial activities organization, its resources and commitments.

Each account in the Chart of Accounts corresponds to an item in the financial statements. In my opinion, the most difficult and important for a novice accountant is the formation of accounting entries in accordance with the Chart of Accounts. In the following articles, I will try to help you understand this.

And so, we will assume that you have already read the Law “On Accounting” and “Regulations on Accounting in the Russian Federation, opened the Tax Code. It remains only to get acquainted with any accounting program. It is now impossible to imagine bookkeeping without software. If you don't know yet what software choose - I recommend "1C: Enterprise".

From scratch, becoming a good specialist is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Tips from accounting courses: how to become an accountant from scratch

The main thing is perseverance and desire.

A little about your first job

My first place of work (1990) was the accounting department of Avtotekhsnab (this is where I started from scratch). Accountants at that time, even commercial enterprises were divided into categories. Personally, I was the second category. We didn’t have any computers at that time; forms of journals-orders, various statements (accounting registers) were purchased at the printing house and filled in manually.

The final amounts had to be recalculated several times, and the “balances” on the materials were “crowned” for hours. And only payroll statements for wages were transferred by us for processing to the Engineering Computing Center (one for the entire region).

How to become a good chief accountant? So you have graduated from accounting courses or are already working as an ordinary accountant, but naturally you dream of taking the place of chief accountant, where the work seems more interesting, and the salary is correspondingly larger.

1. First you need to study the accounting policy of your company, what exactly it does and what cash and commodity movements take place on it.

2. The chief accountant at the enterprise performs the functions of all full-time accountants, he must be able and know absolutely everything. Federal laws, local laws, review daily updates in legislation, because laws change at the speed of light, ignorance of the laws does not relieve them of their responsibility.

3. The chief accountant must have nerves of steel, because in a day he receives a huge amount of information, which he must process in a matter of time and give the result.

4. The chief accountant is responsible for all financial affairs in the enterprise, for this he must be a very responsible person.
5. The chief accountant must be diligent in nature, because very often you have to look for errors in calculations for a long time, or make monthly, quarterly or annual reports.

6. Don't take on more responsibility than you already have. Often in small firms in one person and Chief Accountant, and an economist, and a personnel department. I do not advise you to be greedy and do not take so many things at once, otherwise when the checks come, you will simply be confused. And in general, it is better to do one thing correctly and efficiently than a few at random.

7. Before starting the work of the chief accountant, you must carefully study your job description and, initially, before starting your duties, discuss all the points of the instruction with the director. So that in the future you know what you are obliged to do and what not. And the director, so that once again you do not climb with unnecessary questions.

8. If you have an accountant in your subordination, also immediately distribute duties between them, you can make up for them yourself job descriptions so that you have something to ask of them in the future.

9. Having started work, review all contracts with suppliers and buyers, view payment details and terms. If the contracts are overdue, then they must be extended by the “Prolongation Agreement”, or maybe something does not suit you in the contract, you can also correct it by consulting with the director of the enterprise or with a lawyer, if such exists at the enterprise.

10. It is advisable not to start work if the previous chief accountant did not transfer the case to you according to the inventory, this will secure your position. You will not be responsible for the mistakes of the previous chief accountant. If, nevertheless, you had to accept cases in a dull state, then you begin to revise the documentation, and revise the warehouses (if any). After the audit, provide the director with the results for signature, again protecting yourself from the mistakes of previous employees.

11. Special attention pay attention to working capital enterprises, what is written off, and what else hangs on the balance sheet. Whether the service life is indicated correctly, whether depreciation is written off correctly.

12. Then go to the receivables and payables, review the contracts, when and who should pay, consult with the company's persons responsible for these debts. Make a decision on the return of debts to the treasury of the enterprise.

13. Look at the cost accounts of the enterprise, to which account the former chief accountant wrote off. And here you can also make your own changes, it is not necessary to write off expenses to many different accounts, you can choose just a couple of accounts, it's much more convenient.

14. Finally get busy salary, also consider how it is calculated, to whom and how it is issued. View the correct tax calculation of the previous chief accountant.

All of the above summary work of the chief accountant, or rather, how to start this difficult career path. Do not be afraid to double-check everything when you start work, to correct the mistakes of previous accountants. And you don't have to do it in the beginning smart look that you are a know-it-all, it’s better to ask the old-timers of the enterprise once again, it will be more useful for you.

Why does one accountant grow rapidly from position to position, while another sits in one area for years? Why is it easy for someone to move into big company and become the chief accountant, but who doesn't? What distinguishes the first from the second? After all, the problems for accountants everywhere are about the same:

  • a large amount of work (as a rule, the accountant works "for himself and for that guy")
  • frequent “hands-on work” at the end of the reporting period
  • high moral responsibility for the results (mistakes in accounting can lead to sanctions and fines)
  • low status of accounting in the eyes of colleagues (accountants are often unanimously disliked by other employees)
  • the desire of management to leave the accountant in one area, not giving him the opportunity to develop professionally (the position “if you are good at it, then you do it”), etc.

But specialists deal with these problems in different ways. And in this they are helped by the presence - or lack - of certain skills and resources. If you no longer want to run the same site, expect to become a chief accountant or change the company to a more promising one, make sure you have these resources - or urgently start working on them.

What helps an accountant to make a career and accelerates promotion to the top?

There are 4 key resources that determine whether an accountant will ever become a chief accountant:

  1. self-presentation and positioning;
  2. effective organization of work;
  3. professional experience and certifications;
  4. ability to collaborate with colleagues.

Let's consider each of them.

1. Professional positioning and self-presentation

Why it's important: We put this skill in the first place for a reason. Too many accountants, while performing their work accurately and accurately, are completely unable to effectively present their results to management or competently justify their requirements to other departments of the company. In this case, accounting is “boiled in own juice”, and her requests and claims are perceived by colleagues as a “whim” or attempts to put spokes in the wheels of production workers or the sales department.

Meanwhile, if an accountant requires something (for example, the provision of signed primary documents by a certain date), this is usually justified by the need for timely and accurate accounting. But you won’t go into the intricacies of your work every time and explain to each employee all the details ... And therefore, it is far from always possible to convey this idea to colleagues, which leads to hostility on their part, and further exacerbates the situation.

And what to do: an accountant, like no one else, simply needs to master the skill of effective presentation in order to:

  • present your results to management and show the importance of your work;
  • substantiate their requirements for employees of other departments, first of all, on the provision of timely and correctly executed documents.

Why is this needed? As we have already said, accounting information is perceived by your colleagues from other departments as complex and boring, and they will voluntarily agree to delve into it only in case of emergency or under threat of punishment.

Simplify the task for employees, at the same time increasing your authority in their eyes. To do this, be prepared to talk, explain and demonstrate more, for example:

  • when submitting a quarterly report to the director, indicate the specific amounts of fines that you managed to avoid due to accurate and timely reporting;
  • speaking at a general meeting, make a short presentation, clearly showing, for example, how the amount of tax will differ if expenses are incurred in this reporting period - and if in the next one;
  • when explaining to employees how to fill out certain documents (ATR, timesheets, invoices, etc.), do not refer to "official instructions" - most often, colleagues will have neither the time nor, moreover, the desire to understand them - and as a result, they will arrange everything any way. Instead, “translate” the instructions for filling out standard documents into human language, simplifying them, and accompany real examples- then employees will more easily orient themselves in information that is difficult for them, and you will not have to correct other people's mistakes;
  • when persuading sales department employees to turn in the primary paper on time, use examples to show them how bonuses are calculated if you have signed source documents- and if they are not there, so that they themselves see the difference and understand how paperwork directly affects their salary.

In other words, do not lock yourself into your department and do not expect understanding from colleagues - take the initiative and ensure that subcontractors clearly understand what is required of them and why it is needed. Then they will not look at accounting as a collection of useless "girls", and they will begin to perceive you, regardless of your position, as an expert.

You can "tune" a simple accountant in different companies for about ten years, in order to finally become the CHIEF accountant. You can patiently wait for the director to evaluate you and offer you the position of chief accountant - the wait will probably take no more than a dozen years. In fact, you can get the coveted position and the corresponding pay five times faster.


If you knew from birth that numbers are everything to you, and received an accounting education, then it will be easier for you to make a successful career than for others. However, it's too early to relax - there are a lot of graduates with the specialty "accounting", get ready for serious competition. Start by drawing up a plan of action. It will be long-term - for two years. This is the period you will need in order to get the coveted position. And pay attention - the word "cherished" is the key word in the previous sentence. Because even the most talented person without the desire and passion for their work will not be able to achieve excellent results. But do you really need them?

Preparatory work

Do not waste time - look for a job at the graduation courses. If your goal is to become a chief accountant, then do not pursue the "highly paid" positions of "sales manager", administrator in a beauty salon, etc. that are popular with students. Look for a position as an assistant accountant, an accountant for an accounting department, or even a position as an accounts receivable specialist . It does not matter that these positions are poorly paid, your task is to penetrate into the "holy of holies" - accounting and gain practical experience.

Of course, the ideal first stage of your dizzying career should be the position of assistant chief accountant in a small firm. It's no secret that the lion's share of all the "rough" work in the company falls to the share of assistants. The chief accountant here, as a rule, consolidates reports, draws up a balance sheet and signs papers. And the honorable duties of knocking out documents from counterparties, monitoring incoming and outgoing primary transactions and performing other "little things" go to his assistant.

If you succeeded, and you were taken as an assistant, rejoice and start spinning at work like a squirrel in a wheel. A good chief accountant differs from a bad chief accountant in that he knows all the intricacies of accounting in a company not from books, but from his own experience.

If this is not possible, get a job as an accountant in any area - payroll, reconciliation with counterparties, accounting for materials. But on one condition: you must have the possibility of rotation, that is, the transition - temporary - to other areas of accounting. If the director or chief accountant refuses to provide it to you, look for another job. Remember: you can't sit still.

In parallel with the job search, employment and mastering the basics of accounting wisdom, take the time and get trained to work with modern software- "1C: Enterprise 8".

Remember, only Certified Training Centers conduct training courses on the same methods for all regions of the Russian Federation, developed by 1C.

Teachers in such centers have received special training and passed examinations for the right to teach courses. You will receive a set of license teaching materials, which can be of great help in your work, as it contains a large set of practical examples from the daily practice of an accountant. An important document in building a career as an accountant will be the certificate of the CSO "1C". In the eyes of the employer, the certificate of the CSO 1C will mean that:

  • you really know how to work in the program;
  • do not have to spend time and money on your 1C training;
  • the period of adaptation to a new job will be short - you will be able to quickly master the features of accounting and organizational structure companies;
  • you are a goal-oriented, result-oriented job seeker and, therefore, can become a valuable employee.

Find the strength and time to master not only "1C: Accounting", but also other configurations. After all, you still do not know what you will have to face in the future, and training according to certified methods will increase your chances of being employed and expand the scope of your job search for you.

At this stage, do not spare money, remember - this is not a cost, this is an investment in the most valuable thing, in your career.

The first stage should be completed in about six months - this time is enough to use the theoretical knowledge of accounting in practice.

The second stage is directly related to the first. Its duration is twice as long - about a year. And it should take place in another company - unlike the first place of work, you will come here not as a "young specialist", but as an accountant with work experience. And this is a completely different status. Besides, new job should provide career opportunities - discuss this with your future employer. Remember that you have come not only to receive money, but to learn and develop. The main thing in a new place is activity. Call to ride in tax inspections and various funds, do not be lazy to replace employees from other areas who are on vacation or on sick leave, offer your help to the chief accountant - if he is an adequate person, he will definitely appreciate it. If you don't appreciate it, leave. Try to start the second stage in a new place.

The main thing that you should be able to do after overcoming the second stage on the way to your career is to draw up balance sheets. Because further serious and independent work begins.

Main works

A year and a half after starting your crusade for a career as a chief accountant, you need to try to take the liberty of leading a small firm independently, while continuing to work at their main job. It's difficult. But no one said that a career is an easy thing.

Look through the ads in the newspapers - now very often the so-called "incoming accountant" is required, that is, with a free work schedule. Offer your services there.

At this - the third - stage, you will learn on your own, without the prompting of "adults", to make decisions, monitor the deadlines for submitting reports, draw up a balance sheet and feel for yourself the beauty of communicating with state tax inspectorates and pension, insurance and similar funds. Because there is no one to cover you - the chief accountant, although coming - you. And you are responsible for everything.

Do not forget to keep track of all changes in accounting and taxation. It is not necessary to study all specialized Internet sites and forums from cover to cover. It is enough to review them regularly - so you will have general idea about what is happening in the accounting field, and you can always find additional information about something that interests you.

At the same time, it is desirable to attend seminars - paid, conducted by audit and consulting companies and free events.

You will be surprised how many free accounting seminars you can attend. Free seminars are held by tax inspectorates, 1C company (Moscow) and its partners in the regions (in Arkhangelsk, CJSC "ARBIS: Applied Solutions").

By attending seminars, you will be aware of the latest changes in legislation, keep abreast of the latest IT industry innovations necessary for the work of a modern accountant. An important factor: you will be able to understand the logic of tax officials - after all, it differs from the logic of accountants like day from night; get to know the leading IT specialists of your city - they will be able to facilitate your work in the future.

In general, in six months, while the third stage continues, you should become an independent, confident and educated person in accounting matters.

Final works

You can safely start looking for a CHIEF accountant job, unless, of course, your current director has not yet offered it to you. Now you are already worth good money and can count on this position in a prestigious company.

Joy and hardship

For two years, you will have to forget about many things - about gatherings with friends, about 12 hours of sleep, about weekends spent in front of the TV. You just won't have time for all this. But just as a student works for the first two years of study, so you work for your career. And only then will it start working for you.