Fuel Service Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

On February 17, representatives of the Fuel Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday. This service is officially integral part The rear of the Russian Armed Forces, however, in history there are many examples of when the servicemen of the Fuel Service carried out the tasks assigned to them in fact in front-line conditions. The role of the Fuel Service in the modern army is difficult to overestimate.

The starting point in the history of the Fuel Service (SG VS) was 1936. 79 years ago, by order of the then head of the People's Commissariat of Defense Kliment Voroshilov, the Red Army Fuel Supply Administration (later the Fuel Service of the USSR Armed Forces) was created. History has preserved the name of the first head of the SG VS. This person was Nikolai Nikolaevich Movchin (1896-1938). Even before the official creation of the Fuel Service, Nikolai Movchin became one of the initiators of the formation of the prototype structure. We are talking about the Department of Fuel Supply of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.
Nikolai Movchin is a military specialist, also known for his work on the history of the Red Army, as well as the creation of a mobilization strategy. In 1935, he received the rank of colonel, which, unfortunately, was the last in his military career. The fact is that about 1.5 years after his appointment to the post of head of the Department for the Supply of Fuel of the Red Army, Colonel Movchin was arrested and subsequently shot by a court verdict (the so-called "Tukhachevsky case"). Nikolai Nikolaevich was rehabilitated posthumously - in August 1956.

Perhaps the greatest contribution to the development of the SG in the Soviet era was made by a man who is rightfully called the patriarch of the Fuel Service. This is Vasily Vasilyevich Nikitin, who stood at the helm of the USSR Armed Forces SG for about three decades. It was under General Nikitin that the Fuel Service passed, as it is now fashionable to say, through the main stages of structural reform. Vasily Vasilyevich took the SG in a state that could be described, as the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda once wrote, "get it - give it out." During the time of Vasily Nikitin's leadership work, the CG of the USSR Armed Forces expanded significantly, acquiring additional functionality. The service turned into a full-scale segment of combat support, as the growing size and power of the army posed new and new tasks for the rear services, the solutions of which were by no means simple.

During the Great Patriotic War Vasily Nikitin was a member of the operational group of the Fuel Service Directorate. Some time later, he headed the department of the Service, and on his shoulders lay the responsibility for the timely provision of fuel to the armies and divisions. The military personnel who were part of the Fuel Service units often performed real feats, transporting fuel for military equipment straight to the front.

In fact, the soldiers of the Fuel Service during the war are heroes who remained in the shadow of the glory of pilots, tankmen, paratroopers, sailors, but this in no way detracts from their contribution to the overall heroic victory gained by titanic labor and unparalleled courage. They understood the role of the fuel service fighters at the front as well. The timely delivery of fuel often decided the outcome of one or another local confrontation, which in turn gathered into a general picture of the defeat of the Nazi army.

The fuel service under Vasily Nikitin also turned into a segment of the organization of scientific work to improve fuel characteristics. First of all, we are talking about changing the formula of jet fuel. In such scientific work General Nikitin himself took the most direct part. Vasily Nikitin became one of the developers of a system for transporting fuel for military purposes using pipelines. It was Nikitin who at one time proposed to solve the problems associated with the delivery of fuel to Soviet troops in Afghanistan by installing a pipeline. With the joint efforts of the military personnel of the Fuel Service and the Pipeline Troops, the pipeline in Afghanistan began to function, providing fuel supplies for the troops. The total length of the two directions of the pipeline in Afghanistan amounted to more than 1,200 km. 5.4 million tons of fuel were pumped through this infrastructure facility - about 80% of the total supply.

Vasily Nikitin was also declared a Laureate of the State Prize for these merits, becoming for the new generations of military personnel a real model of service to the cause, with which he tied his fate.

Today, the Fuel Service solves the problems of storing, transporting fuel by land, sea and air. Specialists of the RF Armed Forces SG perform refueling operations, servicing hundreds of warehouses, automated fuel dispensing points, filling points and bases of various subordination.

If in 2010 the annual turnover of fuel in the RF Armed Forces was about 8 million tons, now this figure has grown by almost 50%. This indicates an increase in the intensity of the activity of the RF Armed Forces, which in turn gives reason to talk about an increase in defense capability.

"Military Review" congratulates all military personnel and veterans of the Air Force Fuel Service (all "combustible workers") on their professional holiday!

The day of formation of the Fuel Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is celebrated on February 17. It was on this day that by order of the People's Commissariat of Defense in 1936, the Fuel Supply Department of the Red Army was created with the simultaneous creation of fuel supply departments in the military districts. This became the official reference point for the history of the army's fuel service. Soviet Union and later in Russia.

The first serious test of the readiness of the Fuel Service was the military clashes between the USSR and Japan. In July-August 1938, near Lake Khasan, when more than 8 thousand tons of fuel were used up by the troops in two weeks. From May to August 1939, fuel consumption on the Khalkhin Gol River amounted to almost 87 thousand tons. And in the winter war with Finland in 1939-1940, the troops of the Red Army needed 215 thousand tons of fuel.

In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, the personnel of the Fuel Service worked under the mobilizing motto: "Fuel to the front!" During the defense of Leningrad, when the only way to the city through Lake Ladoga was subjected to continuous bombardments, the combustible officers showed unparalleled courage and heroism.

To solve the problem of supplying fuel to besieged Leningrad along the bottom of Lake Ladoga, in a record short term pipeline was laid. From June 1942 to March 1943, more than 47 thousand tons were supplied to the northern capital through a 27-kilometer underwater pipeline various kinds fuel, and this made it possible to meet the needs of not only the defending units, but also the city. Thanks to clear and professional work Fuel service "fuel blockade" of Leningrad was broken.

The highest assessment of the work of the Fuel Service was given in the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR dated August 25, 1946 No. 38. According to Marshal of the Soviet Union A.M. Vasilevsky, thanks to the activities of the Fuel Service, not a single operation was disrupted. The contribution of the best representatives of the Service to the Victory was appreciated: during the war, more than one and a half thousand people, almost half of its officers, were awarded government awards.

In the post-war years, in times of rapid economic development, new tasks were set for the Fuel Service. With the advent of nuclear weapons, fundamentally new means of delivering them - missiles - began to be used. With the equipping of the army with rocket technology, the Fuel Service was entrusted with the task of providing troops and fleet forces with liquid rocket fuel. To solve this problem, it was necessary to master new technologies and deep scientific studies.

To achieve these tasks and develop new methods and means in the work of the service, including, back in 1946, the Scientific Research Institute of Fuels and Lubricants was opened, today - the 25th State Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

And today, the Fuel Service performs one of the most important tasks in ensuring the combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces - providing the troops with fuel and lubricants and rocket fuel.

There are professions that are hardly noticeable to a superficial glance, but a lot depends on the correct work of their representatives. Undoubtedly, the activities of numerous employees of the Fuel Service of the RF Armed Forces belong to such specialties. The importance of the combat readiness of the army forces for our country has always been great, and without the well-established work of the Fuel Service, it is simply impossible to maintain this readiness. It is even strange that at the official level there has not yet been established for this structure its own professional holiday.


In 1936, on February 17, according to order No. 24, signed by the People's Commissar of Defense of the Soviet Union, an order was issued to create a new structure - the "Fuel Supply Department", later - the "Fuel Service of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union". Its first head was engineer-colonel Nikolai Movchin. In the future, the new department honorably fulfilled the duties assigned to it and ensured the victories of our army in all the numerous armed conflicts in which it had to participate since then up to the present day.

Naturally, with the collapse of the USSR, the name of the structure changed somewhat, but the essence of its activities and the responsible, competent approach to its work remained the same. Until now, unfortunately, the professional holiday of military personnel and employees of the department is celebrated semi-officially, on a voluntary basis, and precisely on the anniversary of the founding of the Service - that is, on February 17th. Most of the military believe that this situation should be corrected.


Since the date of February 17 does not have an official status, it is celebrated within the department. Although it covers a huge number of people. After all, the Fuel Service consists and constantly works:

  • special centers for providing troops with fuel and technical means;
  • numerous parts of the pipeline troops;
  • bases and warehouses;
  • repair enterprises and services;
  • specialized laboratories and transport divisions, many support organizations;

It even has its own research institute.

In all these structures, solemn meetings are held on February 17, awards, prizes and gifts are presented to the most distinguished specialists. Well, a festive feast is already waiting at home, since it is not supposed to drink in the service of the military.

Agree, unpleasant odors in the toilet are not good, it is not encouraging. All sorts of fresheners help, but not enough.

With unpleasant odors you can fight, they can and must be eliminated! Having made, for example, such "bombs" for the toilet

For this you NEED:

Baking soda - glass

Citric acid - a quarter cup

Vinegar - half a teaspoon

Hydrogen peroxide - tablespoon

Essential oils - 20 drops

Tea spoon

parchment sheet


Sunday, February 17, 2014 02:58 AM ()

AT Armed Forces There are many services in the Russian Federation called rear services, but only one of them can rightfully be called a combat support service, and this service is the Fuel Service.

February 17, 1936, when, by order of the People's Commissar of Defense USSR No. 024, the Fuel Supply Administration was created - the Fuel Service of the USSR Armed Forces.

The first serious test of the readiness of the Fuel Service was the provision of fuel for military operations near Lake Khasan - over 8 thousand tons of fuel were used up by the troops in two weeks. From May to August 1939, fuel consumption on the Khalkhin Gol River amounted to almost 87 thousand tons. And in the winter war with Finland in 1939-1940, the troops of the Red Army needed 215 thousand tons of fuel.

In the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War, the personnel of the Fuel Service showed mass heroism and courage.

A separate line in history heroic defense Leningrad included the construction of a main pipeline along the bottom of Lake Ladoga. From June 1942 to March 1943 alone, more than 47 thousand tons of various types of fuel were supplied to the northern capital, which ultimately made it possible to meet the needs of not only the defending troops, but also the city. Thanks to the clear and professional work of the Fuel Service, the "fuel blockade" of Leningrad was broken.

2,637 officers were awarded orders and medals in 1943-1945 alone for the exemplary supply of fuel for combat operations and the courage shown.

In the post-war years, the years of rapid economic development, new tasks were set for the Fuel Service. With the advent of nuclear weapons, fundamentally new means of delivering them, missiles, began to be used. With the equipping of the army with rocket technology, the Fuel Service was entrusted with the task of providing troops and fleet forces with liquid rocket fuel. To solve this problem, it was necessary to master new technologies and deep scientific studies.,

Military operations in Afghanistan also required considerable ingenuity and heroism from the personnel of the Fuel Service. It was there, on the largest scale, and for a long time, field main pipelines were used to provide fuel for the connections and parts of OKSVA. In total, by field main pipelines with a length of 1200 km, 5.4 million tons of oil products were supplied to the troops of the 40th Army.

The pumping of fuel through the pipeline was carried out around the clock. Protecting the pipeline was no easy task. Sabotage and accidents happened very often, day and night. The pipeline was undermined by mines, shot through, pierced with picks and hoes, sawed through pipes with hacksaws. Such sabotage was committed not only by Mujahideen fighters, but also by civilians. In Afghanistan, the population had practically no firewood, this circumstance prompted civilians to break through a field pipeline. So they could get fuel for heating and cooking. The personnel of the Fuel Service constantly had to eliminate the consequences of accidents and sabotage.

The Fuel Service also had difficult times. The pages of our history remember 1991, when a new period began in the history of the country and all the Armed Forces. The fuel service here, of course, did not stand aside. In new economic conditions the task of providing the troops with the entire range of fuel and lubricants, rocket fuel and technical equipment has become much more difficult. Chronic underfunding and the introduction of limits have significantly complicated the provision of combat training and daily activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The solution of these problems required an increase in the level of economic and legal training of the personnel of the Fuel Service.

We can also recall the hot summer of 2010, when units and personnel of the Fuel Service were involved in extinguishing mass forest fires. Then two pipeline battalions supplied more than 1 million tons of water to extinguish them and water the previously drained peat bogs. On August 15, 2010, the commander of the pipeline platoon, Lieutenant Nikolai Kuzmin, accomplished a real feat. Having fallen into a fiery trap, he showed courage and courage, with his competent actions he saved his subordinates and expensive equipment, for which he was awarded a high award - the Order of Courage.

Graduates of educational and scientific institutions of the Fuel Service have proven themselves good specialists owning complex design and resource-saving technologies. They serve not only in the Armed Forces, but also work as specialists in state and commercial organizations Rosneft, LUKOIL, TNK-BP, GAZPROM, and others, and the geography of employment is very wide: from Kaliningrad to Nakhodka and from Yamal to Novorossiysk!

On February 17, together with the officers of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Fuel Service Day is celebrated by our colleagues in other law enforcement agencies.

On behalf of the Interregional Public Organization for the Promotion of the Preservation of Domestic Traditions and Cultural Heritage "VECHE", we congratulate all the personnel of the Fuel Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on their professional holiday, we wish everyone further career and service growth, high professionalism, success in serving the Motherland, well-being, health and personal happiness !

International public organization "Veche", VPP "Partiya Dela"

Vladimir Orlov

Sunday, August 01, 2010 03:34 PM ()

Every year on August 1, the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of Russia is celebrated. This holiday was approved by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 225 dated May 7, 1998.

The year 1700 is taken as the starting point for the history of the rear of the armed forces. Then, on February 18, Peter I signed the Decree "On the management of all the grain reserves of military people to Okolnichi Yazykov, with the name of it for this part of the General Provisions."

The first independent supply body was established - the Provisional Order, which was in charge of the supply of bread, cereals and grain fodder for the army. He carried out centralized food supply, which, as you know, is today one of the types of material support for the troops.

On August 1, 1941, the actual self-determination of the rear of the armed forces took place - the rear was defined as independent view or branch of the armed forces.

On this day, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I. V. Stalin signed the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 0257 "On the organization of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army ...", which united the headquarters of the chief of logistics, the department of VOSO, the road administration and the inspection of the chief of logistics of the Red Army . The post of Chief of Logistics of the Red Army was introduced, to whom, in addition to the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Red Army, "in all respects" the Main Quartermaster Directorate, the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Sanitary and Veterinary Directorates were also subordinate.

The position of chief of logistics was also introduced in fronts and armies. Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Lieutenant-General of the Quartermaster Service A. V. Khrulev was appointed Chief of the Rear of the Red Army, and Major General of the Quartermaster Service P. V. Utkin was appointed Chief of Staff. Bringing under one head the entire set of supply, medical and transport structures made it possible to establish a complex process of logistical support for the army in the field.

Today, the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, being an integral part of the defense potential of the state and a link between the country's economy and the troops directly consuming the products, is a well-coordinated and effectively operating mechanism. It includes the headquarters of the rear, 9 main and central directorates, 3 services, as well as government bodies, troops and organizations of central subordination, rear structures of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces, military districts and fleets, associations, formations and military units.

The high responsibility and professionalism of the military and civilian personnel of the rear, their loyalty to service and military duty were convincingly manifested in the organization of logistics support for hostilities in Afghanistan, the elimination of the consequences of the disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, in the course of the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, the implementation of peacekeeping missions by Russian military personnel.

On behalf of the interregional public organization to promote the preservation of domestic traditions and cultural heritage "VECHE" we congratulate all servicemen and civilian personnel of the rear of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on their professional holiday.

Today, the Fuel Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, founded on February 17, 1936 as the Fuel Supply Directorate of the Red Army, is celebrating its 80th anniversary. Even then it became clear that future war- the war of engines, and gasoline began to be called the "blood of war." Constant "blood flow" and provides this service for decades.

It is clear that the history of supplying troops with fuel began much earlier - as soon as cars and ships with engines running on petroleum products appeared in the Russian army. In 1877, the operation of the world's first tanker "Zoroaster" began in Russia. The steamer with a carrying capacity of 15,000 poods (242 tons) was used to deliver kerosene in bulk from Baku to Tsaritsyn (now Volgograd) and Astrakhan. In 1900, the Russian fleet had 20 destroyers of the Novik type, operating on fuel oil, and by the end of 1917 there were already 30 of them.

The first engines of the First World

In the Russian imperial army, already in 1914, the first armored detachment was formed. In total, on the fronts of the First World War, the troops used up to 10,000 cars and trucks, 700 aircraft and about 300 armored cars. On the railways the armored wagon "Zaamurets" operated. The monthly fuel consumption was more than two thousand tons of automobile and up to 450 tons of aviation gasoline. For the transport of fuel and ammunition in the division of anti-aircraft armored vehicles "Russo-Balt" type "T" there were even special armored vehicles. In total, 1.2 million tons of fuel were delivered to the troops during the war years.

In the mid-30s, a special armored fuel transporter was developed based on the T-26 light tank. It was intended to supply tank units on the front line, but never went into production.

Khasan and Khalkhin Gol

The service received its baptism of fire in 1938, during a conflict with Japanese troops on Lake Khasan. At that time, 8.5 thousand tons of fuel were consumed, and at Khalkhin Gol - ten times more: 86.7 thousand tons were supplied for tanks, armored vehicles, trucks and tractors. Despite the multi-hundred-kilometer “delivery shoulder”, the mechanized units of the Red Army were provided with a sufficient amount of gasoline and diesel fuel.

The Great Patriotic War. Fight for oil

But the most difficult task arose before the fuel service during the Great Patriotic War. In 1941, significant fuel reserves were lost, oil refineries were evacuated from Odessa, Kherson, and Berdyansk. Active drilling work has begun in Grozny and Baku to increase production volumes. Not without reason, in 1942, Hitler directed his main attack on Stalingrad. After all, having captured it, he opened the way not only to the main oil fields of the USSR in the south, but also cut the most important river highway through which oil and oil products were delivered to the center of the country. But even when the enemy approached the Volga, barges - under fire - continued to carry such necessary fuel. In total, the army and navy spent more than 16.4 million tons of fuel during the war years.

"Second Baku"

During the war years, in order to increase oil production, active geological exploration began in the region of the Volga and Urals, called the "Second Baku". This is how oil and gas fields appeared in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Ukhta and Naryan-Mar.

Gasoline for besieged Leningrad

Leningrad, besieged by the Nazi troops, needed literally everything. A pipeline 27 kilometers long was laid along the bottom of Lake Ladoga, through which fuel was supplied to the city. From June 1942 to March 1943, more than 47 thousand tons of fuel of all kinds were pumped through it.

"Road of Life" through Salang

To ensure grouping Soviet troops 1,200 kilometers of main field pipelines were built in Afghanistan, through which 5.4 million tons of oil products were delivered to the 40th Army. They tried to damage the pipes by all means, and civilians tried to get some contents to heat their homes. The fuel service constantly eliminated the consequences of accidents and sabotage.

Fuel, along with other cargoes, went through the Salang tunnel. The militants constantly ambushed Soviet convoys, and the profession of driving a fuel tanker was deadly.

Fire, water and non-copper pipes

Professionals in the construction of mobile pipelines have repeatedly participated in rescue operations during emergencies. The pipeline divisions of the fuel service did not supply gasoline, but water to put out fires. Including the hot summer of 2010. Two pipeline battalions pumped over one million tons of water to extinguish and water the burning peatlands. On August 15, 2010, the commander of the pipeline platoon, Lieutenant Nikolai Kuzmin, fell into a fire trap along with his unit, but, having shown courage and professionalism, led the fighters through the fire, for which he was awarded the Order of Courage.

Service fighters also participated in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Drinking water went along the "military" pipes to the cities of Armenia destroyed by the earthquake in 1989. And in 2014, pipes laid by the military began to fill the North Crimean Canal to provide the cities of Crimea with water, which Ukraine tried to deprive the inhabitants of the rebellious peninsula.

Fuel for the modern army

Every year, the RF Armed Forces consume about two million tons of various types of fuel and oils. More than 900 tank trucks will be purchased for timely supply in the coming years. Also planned are the introduction of new lightweight fiberglass composite pipes, the development of an Arctic tanker, a universal laboratory, containers for transporting liquid rocket fuel components and an automobile tanker for the Airborne Forces.