The project of a one-room apartment in a panel house. Design of typical apartments (25 photos). We make a two-room from a one-room

Residents of small apartments are accustomed to the fact that every centimeter of usable area must be used so that there is no lack of free space in the room. A one-room converted apartment with a harmonious design calculated to the smallest detail can easily compete with spacious apartments.

A well-chosen layout, zoning, unusual design solutions will turn a modest home into a comfortable and beautiful one.

Layout Features

The main task of designers when arranging a small room is to visually increase the usable area. That is why the initial stage of interior design is redevelopment, the purpose of which is to hide the shortcomings of the apartment. A series of houses can have significant differences in the area of ​​​​apartments, their layout, therefore, an individual approach is required for each individual interior. A rational solution may be a complete redevelopment of the premises: the removal of some parts of the walls or partitions. It is important to remember that It is strictly forbidden to touch the supporting structures.

The design of a 1-room apartment should be planned based on the expansion of space. Here are some tips for increasing living space:

  • Combining a room and a loggia. Complete dismantling of the wall is optional, it is enough to demolish the window unit, turn the rest of the wall into a functional space divider.
  • Converting a balcony or loggia into an office, dining room or bedroom.

  • Arrangement of the second tier in an apartment with a ceiling height of 3 meters. On such a second floor, you can place a sleeping place, and under it - a seating area or closet.
  • Using wide window sills as bookshelves, a flower garden or a desktop.
  • Converting closet to walk-in closet. Such a solution will significantly free up space in the apartment.

Layout options

You need to start redevelopment with the transformation of living space. This will allow you to take into account every centimeter of it and use it as fruitfully as possible. Designers offer several options for arranging small apartments, depending on the type of houses and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.

In a panel house

Panel houses, in addition to longitudinal load-bearing walls, have transverse ones. The wall between the room and the kitchen is a carrier in one-room apartments, which does not give a wide opportunity for redevelopment. In such cases, you can do the following: make an opening in the load-bearing wall, increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bathroom at the expense of the corridor, build additional partitions. It is important to remember that all works require individual consideration and approval. The main task of planning in such houses is separate the sleeping area, organize a mobile workplace and create a small living area.

These issues can be resolved without interfering with the structure of the building, thanks to the zoning of the room with the help of furniture.


Typical Brezhnevka houses provide for a load-bearing wall that adjoins the neighboring apartment. It will not work to dismantle such a wall, so one of the few ways to increase the area is to replace the doors with arches. Bathrooms in such apartments are very small, it is not always possible to put a washing machine. Smart decision - dismantle the partition between the bathroom and the toilet. This method will visually increase the space and free up usable area.

One-room apartments

One-room apartments are often modest dwellings with a single irregularly shaped room and a small kitchen. To make such an apartment comfortable, designers are advised to give preference to an open layout. Dismantling walls and doors, providing free access to all surfaces, is the main task of an open plan.

In such apartments, nothing prevents the free distribution of sunlight, which visually enlarges the apartment. Furniture plays the role of zoning elements. It is important to remember that in a small room in all functional areas you need to use the same finish.

New buildings

Apartments in new buildings are characterized by uncomfortable geometry: trapezium rooms, options with a round wall or with a bend are absolutely impractical for life. The modern layout of apartments allows several options for combining space to solve the layout problem. The most popular solution among them is connecting the kitchen to the living room. Preference is also given to a bedroom-children's room or a living room-study.


A distinctive feature of the architecture of new buildings is the design of studio apartments. The studio is a free space with a kitchen included in the living area and a separate bathroom. When creating the design of a small apartment (for example, an area of ​​​​17 sq. M), it is better to give preference to an open layout. The transition from the kitchen area to the living room should be made smooth. When planning the style of the studio, designers are advised to give preference to built-in appliances in order to give the home neatness and relieve space.

Apartments ranging from 46 to 50 squares often have a studio design.

To make the room comfortable, in such studios zoning required. To highlight the zone of sleep or relaxation, you can install a bed, fenced off by a screen. When creating partitions, the use of structures made of plexiglass or plasterboard sheets has become widespread. In this case, preference should be given to glass surfaces that do not interfere with the spread of light.

Room size

Apartments in different parts of the country can hardly differ from each other, because typical houses, as a rule, always have a standard layout. According to building codes, the minimum height of finished residential premises is recommended from 2.5 to 2.7 m. Vestibule is a mandatory room with minimum design dimensions of 1.4 x 1.4 m. Next is the entrance hall, the comfortable area of ​​​​which is from 6-7 to 10 m

The size of the living room depends on the number of residents. For example, for a family of 3-5 people, it is preferable to allocate 25 square meters. It is important to remember that living rooms less than 17 squares are not designed.

The width of the kitchen should be taken from 1.8 m, the recommended area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room is 12 square meters. m. A separate dining room can be at least 8 square meters. m., but it can be combined with a kitchen, which will save space. A bedroom for two people should be at least 14 squares, for one - 10 square meters. m. The toilet with a toilet bowl and a washbasin should be 1.5 square meters. m., without a washbasin - 1.2 sq. m. The bathroom combined with a bathroom is located on 3.8 square meters. m. apartment.

Private bathroom - 3.3 sq. m. Another, but not mandatory room - dressing room. Usually 8 - 10 square meters are allocated to it. m. for the possibility of installing an ironing board. A two-row wardrobe must be at least 2 m wide. To store tools and inventory in apartments, storerooms are designed with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b2 sq. m.

Finished apartments ranging from 33 and 37 sq. m can be in a new building (studio), an old typical house. Kitchens with 30 or more squares are quite spacious and can reach 6 square meters. m. It is customary to connect a bathroom and a bathroom, and replace the bathroom with a shower cabin, so that you do not have to increase the area.

The interior project of 38 - 45 square meters provides for a large loggia. It can be renovated or converted into a dressing room, closet and any other small space. It must be remembered that to begin with, work on insulation should be carried out.

Only in this case, the loggia or balcony can be used all year round.

Repair requires preliminary preparation. Balcony glazing is carried out in parallel with the installation of windows. You can change old communications only taking into account the new division into zones. The floor is leveled taking into account the finishing height throughout the apartment. It is also desirable to level the ceiling or install a tension one: if possible, height differences should be avoided.


The total area of ​​​​the premises must be divided into functional areas (working or children's corner, sleeping place, kitchen and dining room). Access to each of the zones must be free. The design, colors and textures of the coatings of each of the zones may vary, but the integrity of the image must be maintained in the interior. If zoning using load-bearing structures and partitions is impossible for some reason, the problem will be solved well-chosen furniture.

Often, families with children need to allocate play and learning space. For example, to divide a room into two parts, you can install a children's wardrobe for storing toys and clothes. Such a building envelope performs several functions at the same time. If this option is impossible to implement, designers are advised to purchase loft bed, under which you can place a student's desktop or sofa. This technique is suitable not only for the studio, but also for a vest.

Another important point – separation of the sleeping area in a one-room apartment. If dimensions allow, you can fence off the bed in whole or in part with the help of a plasterboard partition. There are several options for converting a 1-room apartment into a two-room apartment (for example, installing furniture, shelves or shelving). Sliding doors are also used to isolate the bedroom, but this method is not always comfortable enough. Designers are advised to give preference to filament curtains, which create the appearance of a separate room without cluttering up the space.

If the ceiling height reaches 3 m, the separation of the room can be avoided by installing a bed or a work table "on the second tier". An unusual and practical solution would be to install a rising bed. There are many options for installing multi-level furniture today. Another difficulty in the formation of the design of the odnushka can be the organization of the working area. A convenient way is to expand the window sill and install the countertop.

If it is possible to make furniture to order, the countertop should be placed above the lower parts, and shelving should be placed on top.

You can combine a working and sleeping place: install a podium. It houses the working area, and under it is a bed that moves out by means of wheels. Such a solution today is considered non-standard and quite creative. A more traditional version of the podium - sliding and rising worktops. In a room with a niche, there is no need to mount shelving: the shelves can be inserted into the wall opening.

The podium is well suited for the need to create two cozy full-fledged bedrooms in one room. This option is suitable for families with a teenager or two friends. In this case, one bed is located on the podium, and a sliding wardrobe is installed under it. The podium visually separates the sleeping areas and improves the proportions of the room. But he can just as easily overload the room.

Actual color schemes

Thoughtful color scheme will visually expand the room. It is customary to give preference to light shades and warm colors, they are in no hurry to use cold colors: being in such an apartment is not so comfortable and cozy. Do not overdo it with the brightness of the color- this choice is not suitable for general use. Accents should be done to highlight a specific functional area.

Green, brown tones and different shades of blue are suitable for creating a relaxing atmosphere in the design of a one-room apartment. Such colors go well with white and pastel colors (the perfect combination to highlight the sleeping area or relaxation space). Light colors have a positive effect on the psychological state: yellow, beige or peach. These colors should be preferred when decorating living rooms.

Red has a stimulating effect and can cause rapid fatigue. A pink shade can also provoke open aggression, but only a strong half of humanity. The female half of the population is pleasant and cozy in apartments with a pink design. Neutral beige and cream shades will appeal to everyone. Light walls and ceilings can make a room look bigger.

You can complement such an interior with hidden lamps built into the ceiling. The color of the curtains should be chosen according to the color of the walls, so that the interior looks completely harmonious.

There is an opinion that black and white interiors are only suitable for office spaces, but this is far from the case.

If you remember a few rules, any black and white room will emphasize the individuality of the owners, it will look expensive and elegant. Equal balance should be avoided - one color should prevail over the other. The ornament can only be combined with monochrome surfaces. A combination of several different patterns is allowed if one of them dominates.

When choosing a color scheme for a small room, preference is given to white. A beautiful visual effect is created by a combination of dark furniture and light walls and vice versa. Massive furniture looks appropriate in an interior with an ornament. If there is a bay window in the room, but there is no free access to it, it is worth using it as a place to store books. The main drawback of the design of a room in a monochrome style is the need to constantly maintain cleanliness and sufficient lighting.

Lighting and furnishing

A well-thought-out lighting system plays an important role in creating comfort. Light can significantly expand the space, which is a definite plus for small spaces. It is allowed to use various types of lighting fixtures, if they fit harmoniously into the interior. The functionality of individual zones will be emphasized by local lighting. In each zone, a separate type of lighting is allowed.

In the traditional method of setting the light, the following areas of the room are distinguished:

  • the lower zone is the dark side;
  • medium - in terms of illumination and functionality;
  • the main or upper - the most illuminated part of the room.

The above scheme is close to natural lighting and is the most physiological. There are several novelties for visually increasing space with the help of light. The room can be extended by highlighting the cold part of the spectrum of one of the walls. Its highlight will help to raise the ceiling, and the light built into them will push the walls apart.

In addition to general lighting on the ceiling, it is a good idea to install lamps above the bed or in the work area. Local lighting is necessary to create coziness, it is used more often than overhead lighting. Glossy panels on the walls and ceiling will help expand the space of the room, but you should not overdo it with such coatings. Installation of overall chandeliers in rooms with low ceilings is considered a gross violation, so you should not overload the ceiling with details.

A competent choice of furniture will be a logical addition to interior design.

Wide beds and massive walls are not suitable for arranging small rooms, as they will only create discomfort. The alternative would be transforming or built-in furniture. This will not clutter up the space and can be folded after use.

Wall slides are an ergonomic and inexpensive option. Folding furniture gives you the opportunity to store things, so people prefer it. Bed linen can be put away in a drawer-pallet. It is customary to get rid of extra cabinets and chests of drawers by installing a pantry or a wardrobe built into the wall.

When choosing kitchen furniture, you should remember about its role in the family. If the room is not particularly popular, there is no need to purchase a large dining table. It would be more rational to buy a small folding structure.

It must be remembered that furniture plays an important role in zoning space. Therefore, the installation of a bar-partition will help separate the kitchen area from the living room or bedroom. Cabinets with mirrored facades will visually make the room wider. Free surfaces should be used to the maximum, but clutter should not be allowed.

How to visually expand the space

Many are faced with the problem of increasing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by dismantling walls or partitions. In such cases, it is better to use optical illusions to visually expand a small room. One of the most affordable options is to achieve such a visual effect with wallpaper. They should be selected with small patterns or vertical stripes.

A good solution would be combining walls with wallpaper of two tones: it is preferable to make the upper part of the walls light and the lower part dark. The effect of wallpaper in a small room can be enhanced by choosing the right curtains. On a dimly lit wall, wallpaper should be glued a tone lighter than on a more illuminated plane.

In rooms with large windows, you can use light-colored curtains made of airy fabrics. Designers are advised to choose curtains that lie a little on the floor. Bulky heavy curtains, as well as multilayer structures in tight spaces look out of place. Vertical striped fabric will add height to the space. The use of cold shades will visually lengthen the room.

Shelves should be matched to the walls: this will add airiness to the space.

Decorating the walls of the hall with a fresco or photo wallpaper is a good option not only to increase the volume of the room, but also to give originality and individuality to the style. It is better to make a choice in favor of a perspective image (a bridge, a road stretching into the distance, or a seascape). In the nursery above the bed, you can place the image of the heroes of fairy tales. But we must not forget that too bright colors should be avoided. Frescoes depicting heaven, a stretch ceiling in a similar range will add height to the room.


The comfort and coziness of the future apartment largely depends on the competent choice of style. There are many types of apartment design, some of them will be discussed below.


Minimalism is one of the most strict and restrained styles in interior design. This area has the following principles:

  • The basis is a spacious room, an open plan. Rooms with partitions and an abundance of rooms are transformed: the space is made free. Walls that are not subject to demolition are partially dismantled, replacing narrow doorways with wide arches.
  • The main feature of the style is the absence of small decor. The interior should not contain items that do not play a useful role.

  • Preference is given to the correct geometry. The design of the furniture is strict and concise with a clearly defined form. Furniture should be chosen plain and without unnecessary details.
  • This direction uses three basic colors in the interior: two colors are the basis of the interior, and the third one creates accents. The most popular basic colors are gray, black and white, accents are made with bright colors (red, yellow or blue).
  • Materials should be chosen natural (polished stone or marble, wood species or glass).

Scandinavian style

This style is based on creating coziness and harmony with the help of natural light and pastel colors. White is often chosen to visually enlarge the space and give the room sophistication. Wooden surfaces complement the bright interior, giving the Scandinavian style a natural balance. The tones and textures of finishing materials should have a delicate texture.

One of the most important points in the design is the environmental friendliness of materials. Furniture and textiles should be of natural origin. Due to its structure, aluminum perfectly complements the interior. Kitchen and shower accessories, door handles and floor lamps are usually made from this material.

The walls are lined with natural stone or wood panels, and also covered with decorative plaster.


The loft is instantly recognizable in the interior. To design a city apartment in this style, you need to rely on the following principles:

  • Only shower rooms and bathrooms can be closed. The rest of the layout should be open.
  • Preference is given to panoramic skylights without curtains and curtains.

  • It is not customary to paste over the walls with wallpaper or sheathe with plastic. Bare brickwork or a whitewashed concrete surface are hallmarks of the loft style. Less commonly, surfaces are sheathed with sheets of plywood or metal.
  • The floors are lined with wood or artificial marble slabs.

  • The ceilings in the rooms should be high. Wires for lighting can go down along them, communication pipes can pass. Sometimes special wooden load-bearing or false beams are installed.
  • The large height of the room allows you to install a second residential tier, which can be reached using a stationary or ladder.
  • When choosing furniture, preference should be given to modern multifunctional or antique-styled.

High tech

Modern and minimalist hi-tech style requires strict geometry and open space. A strict rule that characterizes this style is the mandatory presence in the interior of a significant amount of metal, chrome and exclusively innovative equipment. Hi-tech draws its inspiration from industrial structures, therefore, decor items resemble geometric shapes, and modified furniture and decorative metal pipes are ideal attributes.

When decorating rooms in this style, you must choose new technologies and modern materials. The color scheme is “cold” with a predominance of light gray shades, blue, less often black or white. It is important to remember about the prohibition of bright prints with floral images and ornaments. There can be only one bright accent in the interior.

Classic style

Classics in the interior is characterized by harmony and royal scope. In this style, adherence to the rules of classicism is accepted. Particular attention should be paid to finishing materials: ceiling painting, stucco and friezes are welcome. The columns in the front rooms are reminiscent of Renaissance art.

Chic and color balance are important for style, so preference should be given to beige, olive and milky shades.

Walls can be upholstered with fabric or covered with decorative plaster. Furniture items should be massive, but elegant. Antique furniture will add chic to the interior. Classic flowing forms are the face of style. Sofas are upholstered with velvet, cotton of noble colors or natural silk. Massive forged or crystal chandeliers are an important detail, light accents should be placed correctly. Thanks to the lower light, you can create additional comfort.

Men's style

The young man's style is a simple, practical and rational direction in design, the key characteristic of which is quick access to all the necessary things. There are no cluttering details in the furniture composition, which helps to ensure freedom of movement. Decor is often presented in the form of paintings or models of weapons. The predominant colors are white, black or gray tones, emphasizing the severity.

There are practically no graceful folds or smoothed corners in this business interior. Combined with household appliances, square and rectangular objects give the interior aggression. It is not customary to install decorated chandeliers on the ceilings, preference is given to floor lamps or sconces. Such devices should provide sufficient illumination, without standing out from the general background.

An important requirement for the hallway in a one-room apartment is the location of the closet with clothes. If the wardrobe doors are lined with glass, the room will look more spacious. The mirrored front door will not only create the illusion of a long corridor, but also complete the image. If the bathroom does not allow you to install a washing machine, it is rational to take it out and build it into the closet.

False walls with a reflective panel or window can be placed opposite the entrance to the room (if there is a need to fence off a room). Such a visual barrier does not burden the interior.

A good option for those who do not spend a lot of time cooking is the American style of planning. An open kitchen at the entrance will help to enlarge the bedroom. We should not forget: like any redevelopment, such a solution requires agreement and compliance with the following technical conditions. We will not allow the demolition of the main wall and the dismantling of the stiffening frame.

To maintain the bearing capacity of the building, it is necessary to first strengthen the partition with the future opening.

Massive tables in a small living room look cumbersome. It is better to give preference to the option without corners, which allows you to accommodate a larger number of people. And those who rarely arrange gala dinners can replace the dining table with a coffee or work table. Multifunctional furniture is the key to space-saving success in small spaces.

One-room apartments are especially in demand, as they are one of the budget options. Such housing is bought by single people, novice specialists, young families. Even a small one-room apartment can be made cozy and comfortable if you choose the layout wisely.

Types of layouts

There are different types of layouts of a one-room apartment:

  • Typical different options: standard, corner with windows, with a niche. Most often, in five-story buildings and high-rise buildings, it is apartments of a typical layout that are found;
  • non-standard;
  • Studio.

The sizes of one-room apartments are varied: there are also small-sized "Khrushchevs" of 30-37 square meters. m, and more spacious modern areas of 40-42 sq. m.


When arranging such an apartment, it is necessary to solve a number of issues:

  • wall decoration;
  • placement of furniture;
  • turning design flaws into strengths.

A one-room apartment is ideal for 1-3 people, often families with a child or even two live in such conditions. In such cases, you should be more careful about the zoning of living space.

The design plan of the apartment includes:

  • plan of all premises, taking into account design features (niches, ventilation shafts, etc.);
  • communications scheme (gas, water and electricity supply);
  • proposed furniture;
  • evaluation of consumable building materials;
  • calculation of the cost of labor of workers.

After preparing the plan, you can begin work on the redevelopment of the apartment. You may have to replace windows and doors, insulate walls, change pipes and plumbing. It will be necessary to prepare the surfaces of the walls, floor, ceiling, which includes cleaning, filling and priming. Only after the final choice of interior style, building materials, furniture and relevant decor elements are purchased.

It is preferable to start repair work from the kitchen, dividing the room into 2 parts: cooking area and dining area (lunch). If the apartments are equipped with gas stoves, the area is optimized by dismantling the partitions without removing the load-bearing walls. The bathroom remains in the same place.

The only thing that can be done is to combine the toilet with the bathroom.

  • Dining room should be well lit, as comfortable as possible. It is recommended to place the table near the window. In design, it is better to use soft pastel shades. It is advisable to lay out the floor in the kitchen with tiles, laminate, parquet. These materials look harmonious in almost every room. The ceiling can be made multi-level by placing a composition of lamps directly above the dining area. The walls are covered with waterproof paint or pasted over with washing wallpaper.

  • Work zone is equipped with maximum versatility in the minimum space occupied. The standard wall covering in the working area is ceramic tiles. Modern manufacturers offer other options for coatings that are resistant to mechanical, thermal stress, high humidity: decorative plaster, MDF panels, tempered glass, plastic.

The living area in a 1-room apartment is a place both for relaxation and for meeting guests. It is advisable to place the recreation area in the most remote and quiet part of the apartment, arranging not very bright lighting there. Such a place can serve as a space behind furniture (for example, a closet or a wall), a wall niche or a purposefully fenced area. Particular attention should be paid to the alteration of standard "Khrushchev" with an approximate area of ​​30 square meters. m.

Repairs in these impractical apartments begin with a radical redevelopment.

  • Separate toilet and bathroom are combined, which allows you to increase comfort while swimming.
  • It is better to remove the wall in the corridor, turning the "Khrushchev" into a studio.
  • Having well thought out the placement of all the items needed in the kitchen and living area, you can move the walls, freeing up space.
  • The kitchen wall can be completely dismantled, finally turning the "Khrushchev" into a studio. Do not forget that with this approach certain difficulties will arise: smells from the kitchen in the residential area, lack of sound insulation, the need for zoning the room. Solving these problems is easy enough.

  • You can make a border between the kitchen and the room using the bar counter.
  • Different flooring will divide the room into zones. For example, ceramic tiles can be used in the kitchen, and laminate in the living area.
  • A quality ventilation system will help to cope with odors.
  • In the "Khrushchev" quite often they made pantries that can be converted into a closet. It is also possible to combine a storage room with a living area.

Another of the varieties of apartments is the "vest", also called the "butterfly". In it, the entrance hall ends with a combined or separate bathroom, and on both sides of the corridor there are entrance doors to the kitchen and living room. Such an arrangement does not provide an opportunity to combine the kitchen and living areas, but only involves zoning the space or increasing the space due to the corridor.

One of the most common types of apartments are "Czech". They are typical for 9-12-storey panel houses. Their area is 32 sq. m with a standard layout. “Czech” apartments are easy to rebuild, since not all walls in them are load-bearing. Quite often, Czech layouts provide for an oblique balcony, and sometimes the presence of 2 loggias, which can be attached to a living space, having previously been insulated. Cramped corridors can be expanded by rounding the corners of the walls. If you need to enlarge the bathroom, then you can move the wall, while shifting the front door towards the kitchen.

In 9-story panel houses built in the 70s and 80s, the Polish layout was often used. Apartments - "Polka" are exposed to a larger area than "Khrushchev" (the area of ​​"Polka" - 35 sq. M), and a direct balcony.


Most often, one-room apartments of non-standard layout are found in frame houses. They have original, unusual shapes: fan-shaped, polygonal, tubular, spherical and others. In the modern market for the sale of housing, such apartments are especially valued.

Each of them requires the development of an individual interesting design that emphasizes the originality of the room.

Studio apartment

Young people and bohemians prefer modern studio apartments, where the wall separates only the bathroom (bathroom, toilet). Typically, in economy class new buildings, such apartments have an area of ​​​​up to 40 square meters. m. Studios look much larger than one-room apartments with a similar area. The absence of a wall partition between the kitchen and the living area makes the room more spacious and modern. The layout of such an apartment provides for the division into zones depending on their functional tasks.

Zoning is possible with:

  • Colors. To cover walls in various functional areas, paints or wallpapers in contrasting colors are used;
  • Arrangements of furniture. It is placed depending on the zoning functions;

  • Multilevel floor. For example, a recreation area may be higher than other areas of the apartment. This is achieved by installing a podium, which is also used for storing things;
  • Ceiling lighting. It is possible to install multi-level structures;
  • Screens, partitions can be different: from plasterboard (with or without niches), furniture (wardrobe, shelves with books, flowers, decorative figurines), glass (with loose sand, aquariums).

Depending on the needs of the residents, the apartment is divided into a kitchen-living room, a bedroom, a nursery and an office. Before you start redevelopment, it is recommended to clearly present the final result. It would be useful to draw a plan on paper, draw up a project.

When planning a studio, certain rules must be taken into account:

  • It is important to ensure that there is good ventilation so that food odors do not spread throughout the living area.
  • A place to sleep should be as far away from the front door as possible.
  • In the kitchen, which also plays the role of a dining room, you should use a window sill table or a bar counter.
  • If there is a balcony, it is recommended to combine it with a residential area. This will increase the living space and add light. The balcony should be thoroughly insulated. The partition separating the balcony from the room can be converted into a bar counter without any problems.
  • When finishing the bathroom, it is recommended to use moisture-resistant materials, decorating it in light colors. This visually expands the room and fills it with light. The space of high humidity is tiled, and the rest is plastered.
  • The studio may also have a dressing room: for this purpose, a built-in closet is used.

After determining the layout, they equip the apartment, and start from the floor. Designers do not advise choosing wood flooring, as a wooden floor may not withstand frequent wet cleanings. The coating should be universal both in the living area and in the kitchen. The best option is a combination of linoleum and tiles. They are easy to maintain, high quality, have a long service life and are sold at reasonable prices.

We make a two-room from a one-room

If the idea arose to make two independent rooms from one room, then in the “Khrushchev” this option is difficult, but possible. A favorable factor in this transformation of the apartment is the absence of a gas pipeline. In this case, you can carry out a complete reshuffle of the zones: move the kitchen to the living room, and place the working area along the wall on the back of the kitchen. This will ensure the supply of water without moving communications, simply by deploying the pipes. So, the former kitchen turns into a full-fledged room, and the living room is converted into a kitchen-studio, equipped with a powerful hood and built-in appliances. Sometimes the living room is combined with a corridor, which also significantly increases the usable area.

Successful for redevelopment of the corner version of the apartment. It provides unhindered air circulation and excellent lighting of all areas of the room. With the corner location of the apartment, there is a good opportunity to delimit the space due to the three existing windows. Such illumination allows you to turn a one-room apartment into a cozy two-room apartment. To do this, it is not necessary to build a main wall, it is enough to install a sliding partition or shelving without a back wall. Suitable for zoning cabinets or armchairs. It is recommended to place a seating area by the window on the right side of the entrance.

Optimize space and arrange furniture

When designing windows, one should not forget about the possibility of rationally using the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwindowsills, because they must be functional. Window sills play the role of a table for a computer or a shelf for placing kitchen appliances (multi-cooker, electric kettle, microwave, and others). It is desirable to make a kitchen set to order. This will help to take into account all the features of the room. The kitchen is optimally furnished with built-in appliances. It is preferable to install one large cabinet than several small ones.

Keep in mind that it is more rational to use multifunctional furniture, which is transformed as needed. Examples are a podium used as a hidden pantry, or a coffee table as a basket for small items. Instead of a massive bed, it is more practical to purchase a sofa bed or a transforming bed. Such a design is removed in the daytime into a niche or brought to a vertical position.

In the bathroom, a shower cabin would be a smarter option instead of a bulky bathtub. The cabin will save space for installing a washing machine.

When purchasing furniture for a one-room small-sized apartment, you need to know that the most successful style for such premises is multifunctional minimalism. The same rule applies to the organization of the zone for the baby. So, the crib should be fenced off from the "adult" zone and as far as possible from the living room in order to ensure a quiet rest for the child. It is necessary to think over places for games, for a student table, be sure to organize good lighting. In the children's area, you can use two-tier furniture complexes, when there is a student table or a play area on the first tier, and a sleeping place on the second. When planning the design of a one-room apartment with two children, their age should be taken into account. A teenager needs his own "corner", and the baby can live with adults.

One of the tasks of a major overhaul is to make the apartment more comfortable and functional. This is achieved by changing the original layout. The article presents options for redevelopment of apartments of different sizes, different tasks are solved.

Types of redevelopment and their coordination

All types of redevelopment can be divided into several categories. They will differ in the degree of complexity and the number of necessary coordinating documents. There are three such types:

For the last type of redevelopment, documentation will be required: a Work Production Log, drawing up Acts of hidden work. Also, the work is carried out under the control of the organization that compiled the project. Upon completion of the work, the procedure is the same - obtaining the Act and making changes to the BTI.

Redevelopment options for a 1-room apartment

In each case, the requirements of the apartment owners are different. Everyone has a different lifestyle, habits and ideas about comfort. So the options for reworking the same standard project can differ significantly. The most typical ones that occur in the vast majority of cases are the unification of a bathroom, sometimes with an increase in its area, the destruction of closets and built-in wardrobes. To these are usually added individual requests that match the needs of the hosts.

Select a bedroom (make a two-room from a one-room)

The most common request for remodeling a one-room apartment is to allocate a bedroom. In some cases this is possible, in others it is difficult. The variant of the redevelopment of the apartment presented in the photo is essentially remodeling a 1-room apartment into a two-room apartment. This happens due to the transfer of a large number of partitions.

We begin to consider the changes from the entrance. The doors to the bathroom have been moved to another wall, the former pantry / closet has been converted into a dressing room. The area of ​​the entrance hall is increased due to the area of ​​the room, it has a space for a spacious dressing room. Previously, there were 4 doors in a small hallway, which made its use extremely inconvenient. In the proposed version of the redevelopment, the functionality of the hallway is much higher.

The partition separating the kitchen has been removed, and the enclosing bedroom has been installed. As a result, we got a kitchen-living room and a separate lounge. To make the kitchen compartment more visible, a small partition has been placed to delimit this area.

The alteration did not touch the exit to the balcony. It can be glazed and insulated, after which it can be attached to the room. (Read more about attaching balconies to that t).

Another way is presented in the following project. The original layout is not entirely successful: the long narrow kitchen is clearly inconvenient.

In the process of redevelopment, it is necessary to remove the partitions separating the living room and the kitchen. Changed the layout of the bathroom. The area was increased due to the kitchen, but there was a place for all plumbing and a washing machine. In the hallway, a small partition was made that encloses the built-in wardrobe.

The living area is separated from the kitchen-dining area by a small partition. The separation is supported by an extended dining area, which is a continuation of the extensive work surface. A window block was installed at the exit to the balcony from the former kitchen. It lets in enough light to illuminate the kitchen.

The bedroom is separated from the living room by a gypsum board partition, the compartment is completed by a translucent sliding radial partition. So that the bedroom is not too small, the loggia is insulated and glazed. The window unit with the window sill was dismantled, and a closet was installed in the resulting corner. A workplace is organized at the opposite wall.

And also the layout and its alteration into a three-room apartment. Rather, there are two rooms left, but a studio is formed - a combined kitchen with a dining room. This idea is radical - the kitchen is transferred to the place of the living room. The option can be agreed upon only if an electric stove is installed, as well as the availability of technical capabilities for transferring sewerage and ventilation risers.

In this option, the bathroom is combined, the kitchen is moved to the room, in place of the kitchen - a children's room. The former living room is divided into a bedroom, a significant part of it went to the kitchen. The dressing room was also dismantled - it is also included in the kitchen area. The corridor became larger, which made it possible to make all allocated rooms separate. An ambiguous option, but possible.

Turning into a studio (3 options)

Among young people, the idea of ​​​​turning a standard apartment into a studio apartment is very popular, in which only a bathroom remains fenced off. Partitions may also be present, partially separating one zone from another. They can be from ceiling to floor, but do not completely cover the entire passage, leaving the space unified.

All that is needed in the first option is to demolish the partition between the kitchen and the room. The kitchen area will be visually finished with different flooring - tiles in the kitchen, laminate in the dining-living room. Also, the separator will be a high table / bar counter, with the back to which the sofa will stand.

Options for redevelopment of apartments in the studio

The second proposed redevelopment method involves the demolition of the partition between the kitchen and the room, as well as the separating hallway from the room. The entrance hall is only slightly marked by a small partition separating the kitchen area. Instead of the demolished walls, it is planned to install a new partition, which goes at an angle. It partially encloses the bedroom area, forming a kitchen area.

And the last proposed project involves changing the shape of the bathroom. A partition is also installed separating the hallway with a built-in wardrobe. In the common space of the studio apartment, the kitchen area is separated by a bar counter, all the rest are formed only by interior solutions.

Highlighting the nursery

With this layout, there is not much choice. Just divide the room with a transparent partition that allows light to pass through.

At the request of the owners, the combined bathroom is divided into a toilet and a bathroom. This was made possible by the destruction of the wall cabinet. The closet facing the room was also removed, the entrance to it was moved. Now he is from the corridor, and not from the kitchen, as it was before. Part of the room is separated from the window by a plasterboard partition with a sliding door. In the nursery there was a place for a built-in wardrobe. The passage room is both the living room and the bedroom of the parents.

Alterations of 2-room apartments

With two-room apartments, there are usually more options: after all, there is more space, so they provide more room for imagination.

Make a three-ruble note out of a kopeck piece

Having a two-room apartment, you often want to turn it into a three-room apartment. In the version proposed below, the distant long and narrow room with a built-in wardrobe is divided into two. Moreover, the partition is made non-linear, which made it possible to organize two wardrobes for storing clothes.

Alterations also affected the bathroom area. It is enlarged by a corridor. The area became almost twice as large, which made it possible to install a washing machine. Since the entrance to the kitchen from the corridor was blocked, it was made from the living room.

A different type of original layout and a different approach. Strictly speaking, there are only two rooms left, but two zones have appeared - a living room and a dining room. As a result, the rooms turned out to be separate and both can be used as bedrooms - one for adults, the other for children. At the same time, the family will have a spacious room where everyone can gather.

The advantage of this plan for remodeling a two-room apartment is that in both rooms it is possible to make wall cabinets.

Another layout option with far spaced rooms. The task is the same: to have three dedicated rooms. If you do not mess with the global transfer of the kitchen and bathroom, then there are two possible options.

In the first case, the partition separating the corridor is removed and the resulting space is divided by partitions (blue) or translucent partitions (green). There is a closet in the back room. The second way is more obvious - they divide a large room into two small ones, dividing the exit to the balcony.

Changing the size of the bathroom and hallway

In many cases, redevelopment concerns the bathroom and hallway. Sometimes the size of the hallway is increased by reducing the bathroom, and vice versa. Such options are shown in the photo below.

There is another good idea in these plans: two separate wall cabinets are converted into one - with an entrance from the hallway.

Resizing rooms

A few more options with a different type of initial layout. All that can be done here with a bathroom is to combine it and thereby use the space more rationally. The main idea of ​​this redevelopment is to remove the "appendicitis" sticking out in the room for no reason.

As you can see, there are two main options - to make the entrance hall larger and the room rectangular or to increase the area of ​​​​the room, leaving the hallway wall in its original place, but removing the built-in wardrobe and moving the partition of another room. In the second option, it will be possible to arrange a decent-sized dressing room or make two built-in wardrobes - one with an entrance from the hallway, the other - from the room.

Redevelopment of three-room

As in other 3-room apartments, the main idea is to increase or combine the bathroom, more rational use of the available space. Specific solutions depend on the wishes of the owners.

Optimization of the use of space (due to the corridor)

In the variant presented below, the partition separating the living room from the corridor has been dismantled. It turned out to be a spacious room, giving room for the implementation of various kinds of design ideas. Bathroom and toilet are combined, one door is blocked. This made it possible to slightly increase the area of ​​​​the second room.

In another project, the size of the corridor is also reduced. This area goes to the living room, but it becomes a walk-through, which is not critical for this room. Alterations also affected the bathroom - the partition between the toilet and the bathroom was removed, and the area was also slightly carried away: due to the removal of the wall into the corridor. Due to the same corridor, the area of ​​​​the kitchen has been increased - the door block has been moved almost close to the entrance to the bathroom.

And the last alteration is the dismantling of the non-bearing window sill and the installation of sliding glass doors to the floor instead of the former window block.

Organization of the second bathroom

In four-room apartments, the areas are already large, and quite a lot of people can already live. Therefore, in such cases, they often want to make a second bathroom. The main difficulty is whether there are technical possibilities for supplying water supply and sewerage. Also, they will not be allowed to arrange a bathroom above the living quarters - only above the technical ones. In these redevelopment projects, the second bathroom is planned in place of the closet, which is possible.

All major changes relate to the use of the hall area, as well as the size of the second bathroom. The purpose of the rooms (all except the kitchen) may also change.

Not everyone likes to have walk-through rooms. The owners of such apartments agree to lose part of the living space, but to share the premises. In this case, part of the area of ​​​​room 2 is fenced off, due to which the division of the premises occurs. The remaining "appendicitis" can be used as a wall cabinet. In this case, the room becomes more regular in shape (closer to a square), which is more convenient for design development.

The second group of alterations concerns the bathroom. Almost all partitions are demolished, the door block to the kitchen is removed. The area of ​​the bathroom becomes larger due to the corridor.

The entrance to the kitchen is made from the living room (room 3). This wall is a load-bearing wall, therefore the opening requires additional reinforcement with metal structures, as well as the development of a project (as well as the removal of a bathroom into the corridor).

Redevelopment of a one-room apartment - modern ideas

You are the owner of a modest housing located in a panel house. In today's article, we tell you about effective ways of ingenious arrangement small apartment interior. These solutions will allow you to give the apartment an incredible elegance, comfort and creativity.

Creating an aesthetically attractive and unusual space for living and relaxing in is an extremely complex process that requires professional knowledge, extensive experience and skills. It is not possible for every specialist to do this. The task becomes more complicated if you live in such housing not alone.

If you have children, then it is important for you to create a practical and comfortable space for living, cozy places to sleep and relax. Thus, you will need to develop a functional layout with a guest lounge, compact storage, a great dining area and separate bedrooms for adults and children.

At the same time, the headset interior items and engineering structures should not visually clutter up the area. They need to organically complement each other and create cozy and fascinating conditions for life and recreation. Don't know how to make yours? Today we will tell you about three options for redevelopment.

They were designed by a talented specialist and decorator who brought to life several interesting solutions for a single man, a young couple and a family with a small child.

Ksenia Chupina is a talented architect and designer who started working in 2011. She graduated from the Art Institute, and is currently engaged in the design of home decoration, as well as painting and mosaics.

The footage in a multi-storey building of the I-507 series varies from 30 to 43 square meters. m. depending on the year of construction. In earlier versions, they had a combined bathroom, and in later versions, a separate bathroom and toilet.

Now we will consider three unique layout options for apartments with a total area of ​​​​33 square meters. m., which are suitable for different people.

Please note that all work related to the dismantling of walls requires coordination with a special organization.


  • The I-507 series multi-story structures were built from the 1950s to the 1970s. They are a clear example of Khrushchev. Later versions are called Brezhnev's. Mass construction of these unusual houses was produced in various districts of the northern capital.
  • There are several types of buildings that differ from each other depending on the footage, layout and level.
  • The height of the structures is 5-7 tiers; ceilings - 260-280 cm; apartments from one to four rooms.
  • The load-bearing structures of the building are facade and inter-apartment longitudinal partitions.
  • The advantages of these buildings are that they are located in superbly developed neighborhoods with excellent infrastructure, close to the metro; cons - small footage, no elevator, insufficient thermal insulation.

Option number 1: an apartment for a single man

To form a living space in the form of a studio with the most open space; accentuate the area for storing clothes; plan a large kitchen area and breakfast nook, as well as a cozy toilet; well positioned bookshelf and a place to watch TV shows and movies.

AT small studio interior only partitions in the bathroom and two transparent glass panels were left. One of them separates the front area from the boudoir, and the second is located behind the TV.

In the kitchen area, a U-shaped countertop is combined with a window sill and three walls. She organically goes into a huge table for a meal for six people. At the same time, the decoration of the guest salon was equipped with a small sofa with a TV, a bookcase and a coffee table.

The advantage of this redevelopment is mobility. You can easily move the furniture in the dining room and living room, forming different compositions.

The bathroom was enlarged by moving the walls, which made it possible to place all plumbing fixtures and household appliances. A large closet was placed at the front door. It makes it possible to accommodate all the clothes, while not visually cluttering up the room.


Clear and concise zoning and free planning; minimalist Interior Design; spacious toilet; large wardrobe, magnificent decoration of the kitchen and dining area. The bedroom is in the distance, which allows the owner to easily retire.


Storage systems are located near the front door, one isolated room is a bathroom.

Option number 2: an apartment for lovers

Create a separate bedroom, a comfortable corner for work, a wonderful guest lounge for reading, relaxing and watching TV; design functional areas for storage; form an open and spacious living area.

Interior walls are on display, and a new boudoir with a desk is being set up opposite the cooking area. The remaining space is great for a large and roomy living room. The partition on the left side of the front door is used for the location of the wardrobe.

The countertop of the kitchen set is connected to the window sill, the sink is placed opposite the window opening. Also in the spacious kitchen there was a place to store household items. Diagonal walls widened the corridor.

The kitchen and guest lounge become an integral space, and a dining table is installed between them. The place for watching TV is equipped with a small sofa, a coffee table, ottoman and console chest of drawers.

All plumbing is wonderfully located in the toilet - a huge Jacuzzi, a washbasin and a washing machine.


Original open floor plan; comfortable boudoir and guest lounge, practical kitchen with breakfast nook, spacious storage system, excellent bathroom; availability of work space.


There is no fixed dining room; one wall is fully equipped with shelving.

Option number 3: apartment for a couple with a small child

Develop a space with two separate sleeping rooms, a large and comfortable living room, and a spacious wardrobe.

In this redevelopment option, it is necessary to insulate the balcony for its further attachment to the room. In this case, the window sill becomes a bar counter used for a meal. The kitchen is moved to the central part of the apartment. Next to it is organized a recreation area with a sofa, TV, practical table and bookcase.

In the old place of the kitchen area, a nursery is equipped with a work area, spacious lockers and a bed. In the parents' boudoir there is a bed with deep drawers for linen. It is separated from the living room by a small screen that does not visually clutter up the space.

A wardrobe is organized in the front area, and small shelves are on the balcony. The bathroom was reduced, while the shower and sink were installed in different corners to save space.


The most efficient use of the potential of the premises, a huge area for relaxation and play, a cozy children's and parent's bedroom, a lot of lockers for clothes and other things.


Since the kitchen is located in the center of the apartment, the smell of food can spread throughout the apartments, redevelopment requires significant capital investments and approval by the BTI.

In modern realities, one-room apartments are very popular among both young and older family people. This is due to the low cost of such dwellings, as well as their practicality and functionality. But when acquiring our own, albeit small, living space in a new building, we want to make the layout as comfortable and comfortable as possible for life.

The layout of a one-room apartment is good because almost all ideas and ideas can be realized here in a small amount of time, without resorting to the use of "intricate" projects and expensive services of interior designers. You are capable of doing it yourself. Thus, it will be possible to invest part of yourself in the interior of the future nest.

Layout Features

One bedroom apartments are really in high demand. This is evidenced by the fact that almost all new buildings have areas of a similar plan. But do not forget about the secondary real estate market. Here are widely represented "Khrushchev" and "Brezhnevka" in panel houses of the Soviet type.

In any case, when buying an apartment in a new or in an old house, any space can be remade for yourself.

There are a number of disadvantages of one-room apartments that must be considered when planning:

  • a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bliving space - on average, it is 32 square meters;
  • in most projects, apartments have low ceilings;

  • a small space reserved for a bathroom and kitchen;
  • cramped corridor;
  • lack of mezzanines;

  • there is not always a balcony or loggia;
  • most often, such apartments are located in high-rise buildings, and not in five-story buildings.

However, the undoubted advantage of one-room apartments is that they are located in the inner part of the house, which means that these apartments are much warmer than those in the end half. Here are some golden rules which should be followed when planning a one-room apartment:

  • try to show more free space. This will help create a sense of space and freedom;
  • remember to use more light. If there are few sources of natural light, then install sconces, floor lamps, table lamps without hesitation;

  • play with color combinations. There is no mandatory rule to make the ceiling white, it can be any color. Use a tricky trick - the ceiling should always be a few shades lighter than the walls. This will visually enlarge the room;
  • you can add a glossy ceiling and rows of mirrors on the walls to the interior. All this will also significantly increase the space of the home;

  • give preference to the style of minimalism. It is based on the simplicity of forms and conciseness;
  • try to make the most of the built-in furniture;
  • as a partition between rooms, you can use a bookcase or shelving. This option is much more practical than a drywall or chipboard partition.

Space zoning

To create additional space in a 1-room apartment, the principle of space zoning is used. A frequent occurrence is the conversion of a one-room apartment into a two-room apartment with the help of partitions, shelving and the construction of new walls. But do not forget that this option is only suitable for apartments with electric stoves.

It is best to reorganize apartments with an area of ​​​​37, 40 and 42 square meters. m.

Why are partitions and walls installed in a one-room apartment? The answer is simple - to create a new separate room. What it will be depends on the tenants. It can be a nursery if we are talking about a family with a child of middle and older age. Also, additional space can become a dressing room, pantry, office and even a small living room.

The most common redevelopment options are as follows:

  • the kitchen is often transferred to the living room, then the living room or bedroom becomes a separate closed room, and the kitchen, in turn, fits into the remaining space. Thus, it is possible to combine the cooking zone and the eating zone. The most convenient thing with this placement option is that you do not need to transfer communications, but just turn the pipes in the other direction;

  • the working area, as a rule, is placed along the walls. A desktop, a chair and a bookcase or a tall and shallow bookcase will fit perfectly there. There are examples of interiors with two wardrobes, which does not look cluttered at all, but quite successfully and symmetrically. If the apartment is corner, then a great option would be to place the working area opposite the window. This will not only be functional, but will also have a beneficial effect on the performance of households;

  • instead of a kitchen (in the room where it should be placed), you can make a nursery or a bedroom. Even in this situation, a double bed can be placed in an apartment of 30 square meters. If your apartment is square or rectangular, then by placing a bedroom in a separate room, you can arrange the remaining space for a studio. This technique is very popular in the West, and is increasingly used in modern Russian apartments.

When zoning your apartment, use the following recommendations:

  • on the plan, mark the zones with different colors, it will look clearer and more understandable. For example, the kitchen area is red, the living room is green, the work area is yellow, and the bathroom is blue;
  • do not be afraid to change the level of the floor and ceiling. This will greatly facilitate the work when allocating functional zones;
  • focus on lighting. The play of light and shadow often changes the appearance of space beyond recognition;
  • choose a few pieces of furniture of impressive size to designate functional areas with them.

It should be remembered that any change in the interior space of your apartment must be brought in accordance with building codes. Each time before the start of a major repair and complex construction manipulations, the project must be approved by the residential building maintenance service. Thus, do not neglect the design plan and the project of future housing. At the moment, there are many ready-made projects for every taste. The most common developments are for apartments with an area of ​​35 and 36 sq. m.

Construction changes in the internal space occur as follows:

  • drywall partitions and special devices are used that create niches and islands. The balcony, if any, is sometimes entered into the space of the apartment. But it is worth taking care of hydro and thermal insulation. If you demolish and re-create partitions, then pay attention to ventilation and exhaust;

  • flooring is different for each of the zones. Carpet in the living room, tiles in the bathroom, and linoleum in the kitchen. The same thing happens with wall decoration. Do not forget that you have control over the level of the floor and ceiling. Such a trick can significantly affect the perception of space. After that, you can proceed to the most interesting - interior design, furniture arrangement, as well as adding strokes and accents with the help of accessories.

Depending on the shape of the apartment

The layout of the future place of residence is fully based on the size and shape of the space. If you correctly arrange everything and take into account the shape of the apartment, then as a result you will get not only a cozy and spacious apartment, but also a comfortable place to live.

It is also worth taking into account your personal preferences. There are ardent fans of studio apartments and unusual lofts. As a rule, these are young people who are pursuing a career and are not burdened with starting a family. For young families with small children and older people, improved Khrushchevs and small apartments are perfect, where there will definitely be a separate room for another bedroom.


Modern housing is now quite diverse, because architects do not skimp on ideas and create intricate house designs. Because of this, apartment layouts sometimes suffer. There is a large amount of living space of complex configuration and corner areas, so it is often difficult for people who purchase such apartments to correctly zone the space.

It is believed that such dwellings have a number of disadvantages - noise, cold wind and a large number of windows into which someone is constantly looking.

In fact, many disadvantages perfectly turn into advantages. For example, with proper insulation of the apartment, you will not feel discomfort in the cold season. On the contrary, in such a dwelling it will always be warm and cozy, and insulation is not always needed. Modern building technologies cope with this task even at the construction stage.

The abundance of windows for a small apartment is just a godsend, as a large amount of transparent light will make the space larger and brighter.

In the case of a corner apartment, the best option would be to combine the kitchen with the living room. It is better to allocate a separate room for the bedroom. The kitchen is built-in, fits into one straight line. The dining table is behind the sofa.

Thus, the space acquires the correct geometric shape.


To create a design project for a rectangular apartment, it is necessary to apply special techniques and methods of optical correction of the living space. Most often, apartments of a rectangular type - These are studio apartments. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. The negative aspects include a small area, the absence of a loggia or balcony, the lack of sound insulation, the presence of drafts.

The positive qualities of such an apartment are an abundance of light, the absence of partitions and partitions, a single living space, and ease of cleaning.

A feature of the layout of such an apartment is the principle of zoning. Since the space is unified and not separated by anything, the tenant himself must take care of delimiting functional areas, if necessary. The living room should be placed in the center of the apartment (closer to the window). With the help of a shelving or bookcase, you can separate the working area or bedroom from the living room. On the other hand, it is worth putting a bar counter that will separate the kitchen and dining area from the living room.


Planning a square apartment is almost no different from a rectangular predecessor. The only feature of such housing is its very small size. As a rule, such apartments have an area of ​​​​about 30 square meters.

The advice that you need to use in this case is to make the transformation of the room.

In such a small apartment, it is necessary to arrange all the items so that the space is used as much as possible for its intended purpose. Choose built-in furniture and transforming furniture. It is better to move the working area to the window so that you can work in natural light. If desired, it can be separated from the main room with a curtain.

If the apartment has high ceilings, then you can safely use a two-tier design.

How to apply?

Interior design plays a huge role in the perception of living spaces. Especially when it comes to a small apartment. The right style and clever design choices can enlarge the space and create the illusion of a larger room.

There are several basic principles that will help you visually expand the room:

  • the use of a large number of light sources;
  • choose light colors for walls, ceiling and floor;
  • give preference to built-in and transforming furniture;

  • avoid long furniture along the walls;
  • decorate the walls with mirrors facing each other;
  • do not clutter up the room with unnecessary decor items and accessories.

Interior design depends entirely on the preferences of the tenant. There are many ready-made projects for every taste, recreating one or another style in the interior, whether it be neoclassical or high-tech. But most often, when making standard repairs in a small apartment, residents and designers turn to minimalism. Minimalism combines simplicity and functionality, which perfectly complements the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment. Light shades, a minimum of details and compact and functional furniture rule here.

The style of studio apartments is popular today. This is usually completely undelimited space, high ceilings, and panoramic windows. In the decoration there is an imitation of wood, brick and concrete. Minimalist style furniture coexists with antiques. A large number of plants and accessories - decorative pillows, garlands, candlesticks and figurines.

For young families, the original is preferred. colonial style. It combines comfort and convenience. The characteristic features of this style are the proximity to traditional motifs of exotic overseas inclusions. Wicker furniture, metal lighting fixtures, decor items in the form of paintings, fans, animal horns. All this creates a contrast between east and west, united in this interior.

If the studio apartment is intended for the elderly or pensioners, then an excellent design solution would be interior design in a typical style. provence. Wooden furniture combined with colorful textiles creates an atmosphere of comfort and home. Family photos in beautiful frames will perfectly fit on the walls, and the main focus of the apartment will be the kitchen and dining area.