Orange wallpaper in the interior of the apartment: rich colors in everyday life (23 photos). Orange color in the interior How to combine orange wallpaper

If the weather is cloudy outside the window, and your body requires heat and sunlight, then it will come to the rescue orange color in the interior apartments. You need to use it wisely, then you can achieve amazing results. It is the orange color that can give your home warm sunny notes that will easily lift your spirits. But do not forget that too much of this juicy color will negatively affect the psyche - it is tiring and can act as a rather strong irritant.

Designers do not advise creating the interior of a room using exclusively orange color (or choosing it as a background color). It is much better suited for the correct placement of accents and the creation of "bright spots" that attract attention.

So how should the “correct” orange interior look like, in which it will be comfortable to relax and do household chores?

Rules for creating an orange interior

In order for your orange interior to not only look good, but also have an extremely positive effect on the psyche, you need to consider some room design rules.

One of the most unusual characteristics of this color is its ability to displace other colors. The fact is that the orange color attracts attention to itself so much that all other colors next to it are “lost”. When entering a room that has at least one element of orange, most people notice it first of all. Be sure to consider this property when choosing a color pair for orange.

In order to feel comfortable in an orange interior, you need to correctly combine the purpose of the room with the exciting and stimulating effect of this color. Designers do not advise using orange in those rooms that are designed for rest and relaxation (for example, in). But for decoration, dining areas and offices, it is great. Also try not to use orange in rooms with windows facing the sunny side. Heat and sunlight in such rooms is usually quite enough, if you add a bright orange color to the interior, you risk oversaturating the room with heat, which will inevitably cause discomfort. If you still really want to add juicy orange to the interior of such a room, then try to maintain harmony and balance with the help of cold colors (blue or blue is best).

It is much easier for owners of apartments whose windows face north. They are free to use (within reason) the color orange. Moreover, it is this color that can completely transform a room that is deficient in natural light. You can add just one piece of orange to the interior and notice a significant change. Designers often use orange curtains in such "dark" rooms, which not only significantly refresh the room, but also create the effect of warm sunlight pouring from the window.

Another very interesting property of color is that orange objects appear to be closer than they really are. If you know about this characteristic and can use it correctly, then you can visually change the space of the room. For example, a narrow and long room will look much more spacious if small walls are painted orange. With this technique, you will visually bring these walls closer and give the room a more rectangular appearance.

How to combine colors in an orange interior

We have already said that choosing a color pair for orange is not easy. But the pure orange color in the interior is used exclusively for accents. There are many shades of orange: apricot, honey, pumpkin, dark copper and others. You can list them for a very long time. It is the shades of this color that designers use to create warm and cozy orange interiors.

A rich and juicy orange hue will look best in the hallway or in the kitchen. You can also use a pumpkin shade there - it's perfect. A more delicate apricot shade will fill the interior of the bathroom, dining room and even the bedroom with freshness.

For decorating children's rooms, it is best to use a light tangerine shade of orange. It will give your home warmth and comfort, but will not affect the child, causing him to be hyperactive.

If you can't decide which shade of color suits the room, then try honey. This color fits perfectly into absolutely any room from the bathroom to the office.

One of the most popular color combinations is orange with, characteristic of various, as well as in. The colors complement each other perfectly and are well suited for decorating an office, living room or even a bedroom.

A rarer and more original solution to combine orange paired with white is usually used in kitchen interiors. Against a white background, orange becomes even brighter, and you get a juicy and rich interior.

To add freshness and summer mood, to bring sunny days into the house, try using orange paired with. The dining area, made in such colors, increases not only mood, but also appetite.

Another combination of orange was inspired by nature. This time with blue or . Do not use cold and dark blue, otherwise you will nullify all the possibilities of orange. Remember the combination of hot summer sun and warm clear sea. You need to achieve just such an effect when decorating the interior of the room.

One of the rarest combinations is a duet of orange and black. You can meet such a color scheme in very few interiors. The fact is that such a combination looks very “hard” and gloomy, which negatively affects the human psyche. The only style that allows such an effect and such color combinations is futuristic.

Orange color in the interior - photo

Orange is the warmest color in the palette, and it's not even that there is no warmer, it just always stays that way regardless of the presentation and combination with other colors. It is possible, of course, to make it a little less or hotter by playing with its shades, but if other colors, depending on the design, can be both warm and cold, then orange (like blue, by the way) never change their temperature position. Therefore, such an interior is perfect for cold climates; in any damp or cool weather, an orange interior will be warm and sunny. But it is worth considering that if the window of the room faces the sunny side, and even more so if the climate is hot, then here you need to be careful with the orange color, otherwise there is a risk of making the interior too hot. Although lovers of the tropics will not be afraid.

Of course, this sunny color will fill any interior with a charge of energy and good mood, which is perfect for the kitchen, it will be a great start to the day.

Of course, orange motifs are also good for other rooms, especially if you skillfully combine them with other colors and shades.

Combined with white

The sunniest mood will be in an orange-white interior. It is the color that emphasizes the expressiveness and brightness of orange. A juicy and festive atmosphere, charged with inexhaustible energy, will always reign here. Ideal for .

It is also good to use these two colors in the bathroom: the cleanliness and sterility of white will, as it were, recharge with the energy of orange and invigorate in the morning.

For a children's room, the use of this union will have a beneficial effect on the development of the child. In the room, the baby will be comfortable, fun, but not too much, since the white will still slightly neutralize the intensity of the orange, which is very good for children, otherwise it will lead to hyperactivity and inability to concentrate.

With regard to the bedroom, we can say that the orange color will envelop a pleasant and soft coziness and a feeling of comfort, invigorate in the morning, but so that you can easily fall asleep at night, it is better to add white.

In general, everything is based on temperature balance. The orange interior itself is very warm, but adding white can make it more moderate. And, accordingly, the more orange, the warmer the atmosphere and, conversely, the more white, the calmer it is. The latter, by the way, is more suitable for living rooms, since for the reception of people with different temperature preferences, it is better to choose a neutral environment and add some warmth to it in the form of orange accents.

In union with the tree

From time immemorial, it has been a symbol of comfort and harmony, but, in addition, it also has the ability to balance the activity of the orange range of colors. And it turns out a very harmonious environment, filled with natural naturalness.

The tree can be in a close tonality with orange, or much darker than it, or both, the main thing is that it will always be comfortable here. That is, it is such a harmonious union that any shades of wood fit perfectly. In addition, there is no need to add other colors, they will only ruin a great look, except for a little white as an accent.

duet with green

At the sight of green-orange interiors, the image of an orange tree is immediately drawn in my head. It is this natural association that this duet is often used to decorate rooms that seem to be filled with this sour-sweet taste, covered with lush greenery. By the way, for some, this combination may resemble a tangerine, which will be sweeter - this is a matter of taste. But what is good about this combination of colors is that it is more comfortable and unobtrusive, unlike, for example, the union with red.

But by varying the shades, you can make the interior not so juicy and bright, which would be too tiring, for example, for a children's room. For children, this is also a good combination, since everything connected with nature has a positive effect on them, but it is preferable to choose calmer shades, especially for hyperactive children.

In the kitchen, green-orange motifs will have a good appetite. Feng Shui experts believe that if there is a lot of greenery in the kitchen, then you will want to eat more salads, and this is useful. You can guess from yourself that the presence of orange encourages the use of oranges and tangerines, this is also very useful, the main thing is not to be allergic.

Orange and brown (chocolate)

This is a very harmonious and balanced combination. It is suitable for people who want to make their interior warm, cozy, but also energetic. In such an interior there will be no disharmony, and no matter what shades of orange are taken, they all blend perfectly with chocolate.

To rich orange, chocolate color is often taken, which reaches glossy black. It looks a little strict, but solid. In this embodiment, it is worth adding light surfaces, you can have a grayish tint. And the use of black, not only in this case, but, in general, with a brown-orange gamut is not desirable, this will lead to a compatibility conflict.

Despite the positivity of the orange color, few dare to make it dominant in the interior - after all, it is very warm, even in alliance with neutral colors such as. But do not forget that there are softer shades that, even as a background, will not make the room too bright. And brown at the same time will soften the energy of orange even more.

But there are other options, for example, make only one wall orange, and the others in shades of brown. The room will be warm and calm at the same time.

Another option would be to use orange accents in a brown interior. Brown very successfully emphasizes, but does not enhance the influence of orange.

Soft union with a pastel palette

By itself, the pastel palette is characterized by calmness and tranquility, and when it is combined with some bright colors, you get a cozy interior with notes of cheerful mood and some temperature preference. In a duet of orange and a pastel palette, the room will become moderately warm; cheerful and cheerful, but also within reason.

For lovers of an active lifestyle, this variant of accents is suitable: orange walls and furniture (beige belongs to the pastel palette). So what does this give us? It is impossible to sit still in an orange interior, you want to do something all the time: walk, jump, vacuum. This color charges with a huge flow of energy. But in order to sometimes be able to relax, sit down or lie down on a beige sofa and you will immediately feel better. Chatting with friends in a living room with this design will be active, fun, but not overloaded or tiring.

But for the bedroom it is undesirable to choose such an interior design. It is better to make the walls in a calm design, otherwise there will be problems with sleep. A good mood and a boost of energy can be obtained by making orange curtains. Especially in the morning, when the sun will pass through them, the room will be filled with charming light.

Orange and blue - a rarity in the interior

Recently, this combination of colors is rare. But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this union is perfect for children's rooms, where a clear temperature conflict does not create an imbalance, but, on the contrary, brings both colors into harmony. That is, the room is not cold and not hot, but fresh and comfortable. True, provided that blue or cyan is presented in a soft form.

And in other rooms, you can take a rich shade of blue, orange will only benefit from this. In this combination, he himself will acquire saturation. For designers, this has already become a rule: against a background or in combination with dark blue or dark blue, any shade of orange (even the palest) will become brighter and juicier. By the way, this principle only works in such a setting of roles, and if you replace dark blue with dark green or, then the result will already be different.

And if for the “neighborhood” we take bright or even, then the intensity of orange will decrease. The room will no longer be so bright, but the warmth and positive will remain.

When working with orange-blue and interiors, there is another subtlety. The color of the furniture should not match the color of the walls, they will simply merge. Of course, you need to maintain the tonality, but it is better if various tint transitions or a contrast effect are used. That is, if the walls are orange, then make the furniture in orange, but lighter or darker, and in blue. So you can achieve compatibility and a clear definition of the boundaries of objects.

In ancient times, knights used this combination as a symbol of valor and honor. But now everything is different. In our time, this union is personified with Halloween (celebration of the transition from the bright part of the year to the dark). Just as this combination is used in nature in poisonous reptiles and insects, it is used by humans to warn of danger: markings, road signs, and so on. And with regard to the interior, the orange-black combination is too aggressive, but it can be used by bold and confident people. As well as creative and mobile personalities, whom it will stimulate.

It is optimal to use the union of these colors on. But for children's rooms this duet is strictly contraindicated, it has an overexciting effect on them.

So, any interior can be ennobled and made sunny and joyful with the help of orange, but you can play with temperature sensations by combining it with other colors.

Orange and its combinations

Most homeowners design their kitchens in neutral colors. This is a universal option. But if you want to highlight the kitchen, make its interior unique, then you should saturate it with bright colors. One of the popular colors used in the kitchen interior is orange. This invigorating color is not recommended for use in the bedroom, but it is perfect for the kitchen. But what color goes with orange in the interior of the kitchen?

Orange kitchen interior with black apron

Reasons for choosing orange for the kitchen

Orange is a cheerful color associated with the hot sun and juicy oranges. It is intermediate in the spectrum between red and yellow. Orange is the same dynamic and energetic color as red, but it is not as aggressive. Like yellow, citrus is associated with summer, warmth and sun.

Photo printing with the image of an orange on the facades of the kitchen

Reasons why orange is suitable for the kitchen:

  1. It is always a warm color;
  2. It invigorates, fills with energy, optimism, uplifting, helps to cope with depression;
  3. This color increases appetite, therefore it is not recommended for people who are on diets;
  4. It inspires creativity, so the hostess of the orange kitchen will have a desire to create culinary delights;
  5. This color is active, it stands out and draws attention to itself;
  6. A large number of shades: copper, honey, terracotta, apricot, pumpkin, peach, amber and others.

Attention! If there is too much orange in the interior, then it will become annoying.

A calmer shade of orange in the interior of the kitchen

Many do not know what color orange is combined with in the interior of the kitchen. It matches with almost all colors. The main thing is to choose the right shades to harmoniously combine them with each other.

Orange furniture in the interior of a bright kitchen

The combination of orange with cold tones

Cool colors include: purple, blue, blue and some shades of green. They create a fresh atmosphere in the room, but so that the interior does not turn out to be too cold, outwardly uninhabitable, they must be diluted with warm colors, one of which is orange.


Orange and blue are opposite colors. The warmth of orange compensates for the coldness of blue. Together they form a harmonious combination with natural overtones. These colors symbolize the blue sky or the sea and the hot sun. The blue-orange combination can be used in the design of one headset.

Light blue and blue combined with orange facades

A cool soft blue color combined with a hot "orange" create a balance of color temperature. As a result, the interior of the kitchen looks fresh, not cold or hot. In blue, you can decorate the walls of the kitchen, and in peach tone - pick up a kitchen set with glass doors of the upper modules.

More pastel shades of blue and orange in the interior of the kitchen

All shades of blue and blue are combined with orange: turquoise, mint, sapphire, cobalt, denim. These tones, along with orange and floral patterns, are actively used to create an interior in the Provence style.

Orange and blue in the interior of the Provence kitchen


The green color is associated with grass or tree leaves, which looks very harmonious with summer sunny orange. These colors are pleasing to the eye. Together they create a certain balance, as orange invigorates, and green calms. Against the background of citrus-colored walls, both green pieces of furniture and decorative elements, and especially natural greenery, look spectacular.

Green work wall combined with an orange kitchen set

Light shades of green, such as light green or apple, are suitable for orange. Such combinations are often used in modern or eco-style.

Orange and green MDF facades in the interior of a corner kitchen

Advice! In the interior of an orange kitchen, you should not use more than 3 different colors, so that it does not turn out to be colorful and tasteless.


Orange and purple is a very aggressive combination, typical for a futuristic style. But this option in the interior can be beaten correctly. To do this, both colors must have the same characteristics: to be equally bright and “violent” in the interior, or muted and as if dusty.

Using orange utensils as decor in a purple kitchen

Orange and other warm colors

Orange is included in the warm range of colors. It blends harmoniously with other colors of this color temperature, especially brown and yellow.


Brown is the color of natural wood, it is a symbol of stability, harmony and comfort. Its appetizing shades are associated with luxury and prosperity: coffee, chocolate, chestnut, caramel, cappuccino. The wood gives the interior sophistication, but it does not come to the fore and, in combination with orange, becomes the background. So the orange set will look beautiful against the background of parquet or light wood laminate. And peach wallpaper will be a wonderful backdrop for a set of bleached wood in the Provence style.

Orange and brown facades in the kitchen from MDF

The interior of the kitchen looks solid with pumpkin-colored furniture and a deep chocolate-colored wooden floor. Light glossy surfaces should be added to such an interior.

The floor in this orange-brown kitchen is made of wood-effect laminate.

The brown-orange combination creates an atmosphere of natural naturalness in the interior. These colors look so harmoniously together that they can not be diluted with others. Unless you add white as an accent.

The combination of a sunny orange hue with brown facades under the tree


Yellow is next to orange in the color scheme. Both colors are warm, sunny and cheerful. It is recommended to combine them not in saturated, but in calmer, muted tones: light lemon and peach, amber and honey. Peach, creamy yellow and coral shades are suitable for a classic-style kitchen. For modern styles, you can use more daring combinations. Egg-yolk-colored walls look beautiful and unobtrusive in the kitchen, modern furniture stands out effectively against their background: a glossy set of pure white with a carrot apron and the same bright chairs with chrome legs.

Art Nouveau kitchen combines orange and yellow cabinet surfaces


Red and orange have a special energy. So that the interior does not turn out to be too aggressive, disturbing the senses, you need to use these two colors together very carefully, unlike in combination with other colors. In the interior of the kitchen in red, as in the photo, orange can only be used in small decorative elements. And vice versa: if, for example, the walls in the kitchen are covered with orange wallpaper, you can highlight the seats of chairs or curtains in red. In this case, it is better to choose shades of raspberry and fuchsia.

Orange upper cabinets paired with red lower cabinets

Pairing orange with neutrals

Neutral colors usually serve as backgrounds for other colors. They can enhance or soothe the vibrant orange coloring. The main neutral colors include white, black and grey.


White color is like a blank sheet of paper on which you can draw anything. Against a white background, orange looks brighter, richer, more expressive. The combination of white walls and a bright tangerine suite with glossy facades can be used in many modern styles: minimalism, hi-tech, modern. White furniture looks no less impressive against the backdrop of salmon-colored wall decoration.

Bright linear kitchen with orange fronts and white countertops

The white-orange combination can be called a win-win. This versatile combination can be complemented with any color.

White and orange corner kitchen set against a brown wall


According to scientists, the combination of gray and orange has a beneficial effect on the psyche. Gray color has a calming effect, it pacifies the disturbing energy of "orange". For example, you can install a set with hot fiery facades and cold metal edging and fittings.

Kitchen in orange and gray tones

This combination looks like a hot flame enclosed in a hearth. Modern household electrical appliances look great with light peach-colored furniture. You can see a similar design in the interior in the style of hi-tech or techno.

Orange and gray in the kitchen in the "modern" style create a great ensemble


The combination of black and orange looks aggressive. These colors in large interior elements should be used only in large rooms. In kitchens with a small area, these colors will eat up the already limited space, make the room cramped, gloomy and uncomfortable. Orange and black together will look great in styles such as hi-tech, art deco and neo-gothic.

Black and orange shades fit perfectly into the interior of a modern kitchen.

So you can install a plain black headset and highlight it with a bright tangerine apron and accessories. The walls and floor in such a room should be white. Black and orange design is chosen by creative individuals or just self-confident people.

Dark facades are favorably set off by an orange, bright apron and stylish handles.

By creating the right combinations of orange with other colors in the interior of the kitchen, you can create a bright, juicy, rich design that will be distinguished by individuality. By combining colorful shades together, you can give the kitchen its own mood, not paying attention to conventions and stereotypes.

Photo gallery (56 photos)

If the choice of wallpaper for you is something more than just the process of purchasing materials for the walls, then the choice of shade should depend on how it transforms the space. One of the most cheerful and emotional coverings that will energize the interior and fill it with bright colors is orange wallpaper for walls.

Orange wallpaper even has a lot of useful qualities: they both invigorate and warm, and even soothe and provide impeccable comfort.

Why is orange wallpaper becoming more and more popular in the market of finishing materials? Such success is due to the saturation and contrast of the orange hue, its closeness to natural palettes, as well as its versatility: orange accents will transform absolutely any room in your home.

Features of orange shades

In addition to the listed properties, there are many more advantages of using orange wallpaper in the interior.

Experts say that this color and its shades have calming and relaxing properties, improve well-being, affect concentration and develop creative abilities.

In addition, warm tones like orange blend harmoniously into many styles, from classic to modern.

Take a look at the photo of orange wallpaper: you probably noticed that this color can be embodied in a variety of colors and, depending on brightness and saturation, have a different effect on the perception of the interior.

Soft, close to peach, orange shades will create a charming and delicate atmosphere in the bedroom, while bright and colorful elements of tangerine color will emphasize the solemnity of the living room.

Advice: The perception of orange color largely depends on the degree of illumination of the room. If you want to emphasize the sunny brightness of this shade, do not cover the windows with dark curtains and try to use as many lamps as possible.

One of the interesting features of wallpaper in orange tones can be considered their the ability to displace other shades in the interior.

Bright accents of this color, no matter how much they are used in the design, will always draw all the attention. Therefore, you should not use additional bright colors in the room, otherwise it will look contradictory.

Let's find out what shades can be matched with orange wallpaper for walls.

Shade combination

What wallpaper goes well with orange wallpaper? It is easy to answer this question, because shades of orange can be combined with tones of different saturation.

In combination with a cold palette, the orange color will be muted, when combined with light shades, it will become the main accent. and other bright colors will emphasize the emotionality and vigor of the interior, so you should be more careful with this design.

Advice: an interior with orange wallpaper for the walls will be harmonious if you use light shades in at least some areas of the room. They will balance the color scheme and make your room more delicate and soft.

A room with orange wallpaper will look stylish and original in combination with many colors:

Many more interesting color schemes will make your room more energetic, bold and cheerful, or, conversely, calm and emphasize a light and relaxed atmosphere.

Wall design in different rooms

Since orange wallpaper can play different roles in space, decide in advance what goals you plan to achieve in the process of creating your design.

Bright colors in the kitchen

Bright orange wallpaper is very often used to decorate the kitchen. In such an interior orange background awakens appetite and energizes, so it can be found both in the dining area and in the cooking area.

As the family gathers around the dinner table, the role of orange in creating home comfort cannot be overestimated.

A kitchen with orange wallpaper can be decorated with furniture of any color. A light set will refresh the interior and make it juicier, brighter and warmer. Dark furniture, on the other hand, will darken the orange tint, so the room will look more subdued.

In any case, the orange tint will not lose its useful properties, especially if bright lamps create accents on the walls.

As for the style of the room, the orange wallpaper in the kitchen look most harmonious in modern design.

Simple shapes, a minimum of intrusive accessories, compactness and ease of design will allow you to focus solely on the brightness of the orange hue.

Wallpaper of this color will become the main decoration of your room in any weather, because it will personify a warm and sunny summer, and it doesn’t matter if you choose patterned coatings or stop at solid colors.

Living room: tasteful wall decor

Orange wallpaper can also be used as a background in the living room. Since this room is intended for family gatherings and receiving guests, you can use a bright color around the entire perimeter of the room without worrying about his psychological perception.

The only factor to pay attention to is the size of the room.

Advice: if your living room is small, don't use dark or overly bright oranges. Light, close to peach, the background will look more interesting and harmonious in your room.

Bright orange colors can be found on all walls only if the room is well lit and the furniture does not clutter up the space. At the same time, it is better to make the floor as light as possible in order to calm the riot of bright colors in the design.

As accents in the area next to the sofa, TV or fireplace, you can use coatings with bright patterns and patterns.

With flowers, geometric shapes, clean lines, classic themed patterns and more, orange wallpaper will draw attention to the main area of ​​your living room and set the color tone for the entire space. This style is ideal for active and energetic people..

Wall decoration in the bedroom

Carefully use orange shades in the bedroom: if the interior is too bright and saturated, you will not be able to relax. Bright orange wallpaper in the bedroom it is recommended to glue only on the wall behind the bed.

Most often, an orange palette of light shades, close to peach color, is used in the interior of the bedroom.

Delicate wallpapers of this type can be glued on every wall, and accents can be emphasized by bright textile elements in the design.

In the child's bedroom, orange tones may also be present. Orange wallpaper in the nursery for babies should be light enough. Bright accents can be created in the play area, with other wall coverings rich in color.

In the recreation area, give preference to light and delicate tones, and decorate the rest of the interior details in light shades.

Do not think that this color is suitable only for the smallest. When your child grows up, he himself will form preferences in color. But we are ready to assure you that children's orange wallpapers look spectacular and harmonious in the rooms of both boys and girls: you just need to complement the interior with other color details.

Spectacular entrance hall

Orange wallpaper for the walls in the interior of the hallway is a bold enough, but good option. Bright shades will make this room brighter, and in

To ensure a cozy feel for bright colors, curtains should be selected based on their effect on the lighting in the room. It's better if they are light and airy fabrics.

Dense materials can also be used as curtains, but they should not form accents. In general, it is better not to use bright colors in the window area in such interiors. Massive curtains from opaque types of textiles should preferably be decorated in delicate white, beige, pinkish tones.

The color of the curtains can repeat the shade present on the patterns.

Light and bright curtains under the orange wallpaper will always look perfect: they are in harmony with furniture of any style and color, do not cause discomfort and do not affect the perception of the space of the room.

If you want to draw maximum attention to the window area, opt for dark curtains, but ensure that there are other light accents in the interior that balance the bright design.

Orange wall coverings are always bright, stylish and interesting, and in the home interior they will become the main source of vivacity and inspiration. There is no doubt about the wide possibilities of these colors: it is better to see in practice their powerful effect.

Recently, many interior design professionals are increasingly trying to use bright colors in the design of various rooms and areas of the apartment, using attractive materials for this. One of these materials is orange wallpaper. They, as well as their various combinations with canvases of other colors, are great for various interior styles. Moreover, they can be used not only on the walls, but sometimes on the ceiling. In today's article, we will consider the use of orange wallpaper in interior design using the example of kitchens and bedrooms, as well as other places in the living space. In addition, we will talk about how best to combine them with curtains and furniture.

The decision to use this color is quite bold. But if you do everything right, the result will not disappoint

Orange wallpaper for the kitchen

Sometimes choosing the main color in the kitchen is quite difficult. Designers recommend in this matter to build on the main purpose of the room, and in this case, the shade of the walls should help create a pleasant atmosphere and promote food intake. At the same time, of course, it is not necessary to work only with traditional "kitchen" colors. On the other hand, too bright and creative solutions are best left for active areas (living room, hallway, etc.).

What should be the kitchen under the orange wallpaper

The color scheme of this room should be as cozy and comfortable as possible. Well, besides this, you need to remember that a properly selected combination of colors can visually move the intended boundaries, increasing or decreasing them, and make the room warmer.

So, when choosing the main color, you need to consider a number of factors:

  • the theme of the interior and its style direction;
  • side of the world;
  • general geometry;
  • personal preferences;
  • the psychological impact of color.

Interior features with this color

This color is credited with the ability to visually reduce the total volume of the room, and at the same time, increase individual objects. It also actively affects those objects and surfaces that are in close proximity to it. Do not use it to finish the entire room. It is best to use orange in combination with other shades.

In addition, it is worth abandoning the monochrome filling of the interior, performing walls and furniture in it at the same time: it is best to prefer it for one thing. Well, to find the right group of colors, you can use the color wheel.

We must remember! Since orange perfectly attracts attention, it should be used only to create accents, and best of all it emphasizes the following styles: avant-garde, ethnic, country, as well as minimalism. It is worth completely abandoning the use of this bright shade in the Baroque, Empire or classical interiors.

Orange Blossom Design Options

The question of compatibility has always been in the first place. Let's say you have an orange kitchen. What kind of wallpaper is better to stick in this case? We are considering another issue: you already have an orange-colored wallpaper. What furniture and curtains should be chosen in such a situation? As a rule, passionate dreamers choose this background, but psychologists agree that orange helps to get rid of mental fatigue. Its overall palette is very extensive, ranging from delicate apricot shades to terracotta and carrot tones.

Some designers believe that it is best to choose orange wallpapers for the kitchen, stopping either at plain canvases or picking up those that have a certain pattern or are made in stripes. But you need to experiment with the saturation of the tone very carefully, since there is always a risk of choosing an overly irritable shade, which, alas, will not be suitable for the kitchen.

By the way! To decorate the ceiling, you should prefer the classic white okrasu, but if desired, it can be decorated with small orange lamps. Well, the flooring should be more saturated, dark, making the room more comfortable. Kitchen furniture is best chosen in the color of natural wood.

For a successful color combination with orange wallpaper, you can choose apricot curtains with green contrasting elements. Also, white curtains will be very appropriate. These colors perfectly complement each other, forcing the interior of the room to open up in a new way. For orange wallpaper, you can find other equally interesting color combinations, such as olive, blue, brown and khaki.

Other premises

Although designers allow the use of orange wallpaper for the kitchen, they often use this color in the design of other living areas:

  1. Bedroom - here it is not used so often, as some of its shades are quite bright and aggressive. in Provence or country styles, and it is best combined with green or rich brown, as well as light curtains.
  2. Living room - this background is relevant especially for those rooms that face the north side. This color scheme is especially successful for those who regularly spend holidays in the living room, invite relatives and friends. Well, in order to eliminate the effect of irritation, it is worth decorating the living room in soft shades, and it is suitable for ethnic, African or oriental style. in this case it will be green.
  3. The entrance hall is the best solution for a room where there is no natural daylight. Well, to make the hallway more hospitable, it should be decorated in soothing colors.
  4. Children's - it is recommended to introduce orange only for those children who suffer from apathy and are not active enough in life. In other cases, this tone should be used with extreme caution. Orange bright shades can only be included in the playing areas.
  5. Bathroom - if this room is small, then its use should be minimal, otherwise the bath will seem even smaller. It is best to use orange accents for the bathroom, which will bring warmth to the room.

Orange wallpaper for the bedroom

The most important room that has a strong enough impact on the mood of the owner is the bedroom. It is very important to choose the right color for the bedroom - the main thing is to focus on your taste. Listen to your intuition, and you will understand which tone is closest to you. If you can't stop at a particular shade, choose orange. This cheerful, sunny, warm shade will delight you every day. In the morning, the orange interior will give you a charge of positive and energy for the whole day, and in the evening it will help you relax and unwind after a hard day.

Photo: classic interior and “juicy” orange colors

This natural, “orange” background symbolizes strength and energy, evokes joyful emotions, promotes brain activity and interesting communication. This color is intended for intuitive people, for dreamers. We meet him everywhere - fresh oranges, playful freckles, natural flowers, alluring sunset. It is this shade that will help relieve mental fatigue after a worker, psychologists say.


You can safely take apricot, peach, carrot, soft and even vital "sunny" shades. The walls of the room can be confidently glued to selected wallpapers, as a single-color type,. For calm, quiet people, it is better to choose calm pastel apricot or peach tones with a discreet print, but for active and energetic people - plain or with a small pattern.

You must take into account! You should not choose "flashy" too colorful and bright colors for this room - they will have a very negative effect on your vision.

In combination with orange wallpaper in the bedroom, the ceiling is best left classically white. It is better to choose a lamp or a lamp in similar bright colors for it. For an orange bedroom, a brown floor or parquet is suitable, which will create coziness and comfort in the room. You can perfectly complement the design of the interior space with the help of such decorative elements as a white rug, light curtains, pillows of different shades of this bright background.

Combinations in the interior with other colors

The orange background goes well with green, blue, olive and of course brown. Fill the design of the room with unusual combinations. The combination with green gives us a summery positive combination that will look good in an adult room.

Pleasing to the eye will also be a combination with blue hues. To soften a bright shade, you can use a combination with cream, beige or nude. This color combination will suit any furniture and various accessories. Sometimes a combination with black is allowed, provided that its presence is quite limited, or is present in furniture, decor elements or curtain ornament details.

Photo: an example of how well you can choose furniture and light-colored curtains

Create a sunny, warm cozy corner and spend wonderful time in it with your loved ones. Stop your choice on the orange bedroom - an island of warmth in your life.