Visual information about the rights of the child in dmsh. Parents about the rights of the child version for the visually impaired. "Your rights, children." Cognitive cycle lesson on the development of legal consciousness of preschoolers

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Declaration of the Rights of the Child

According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a child is a person under the age of 18.
In 1959, the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which played an important role in the protection of childhood.
The Declaration called for kindness and fair treatment of children.
The document is only advisory in nature, its norms are optional for execution.
Children all over the world need special protection from the state.
On November 20, 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This is a legal international document on the legal rights and conditions of existence of children.
For centuries, the right to life, liberty and equality was the privilege of only a part of the population. Only in the middle of the 20th century, the threat of fascism showed the need to proclaim on a worldwide scale the right to life, liberty and equality as inalienable qualities inherent in every person. After the creation of the United Nations in 1945, this became possible. Human rights must be protected by the authorities and the law. On December 10, 1948, the UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For the first time in the history of mankind, the main human rights and freedoms were defined and recommended for all countries. In 1996 our country was admitted to the Council of Europe. Since this year, human rights and freedoms have been respected in Russia according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
* The child has the right to a family.
* The child has the right to care and protection from the state, if there is no temporary or permanent protection from the parents.
* The child has the right to attend school and learn.
* The child has the right to equality, to the free expression of his thoughts.
* The child has the right to his own opinion.
* The child has the right to a name and a nationality.
* The child has the right to receive information.
The child has the right to be protected from violence and abuse.
The child has the right to medical care.

In 10-15 years the world will be replenished with young citizens who will grow out of you, today's children. Soon you will be the young, energetic foundation of society, its intellectual and cultural productive force. On how the state will be able to ensure the observance of your rights today, how you will use these rights, depends on what our people, our state will be like in the coming decades. You can make new proposals about your rights in government documents.

Dear Guys!
You were born in one of the largest countries in the world, Russia, and from birth you received the right to be its full-fledged citizens. In all countries at all times, people took the concept of a CITIZEN very seriously, as well as his rights and obligations in the state where he was born.
The rights of the child are established and guaranteed:
* Convention on the Rights of the Child of November 20, 1989;
* the Constitution of the Russian Federation;
* Family Code of the Russian Federation;
* Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation";
* Federal Law "On Education".

Key Documents

The main document in our country is the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ “On the Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation”, adopted by the State Duma on July 3, 1998, approved by the Federation Council on July 9, 1998.

It consists of 5 chapters and 25 articles:

    Chapter I. General Provisions (Articles 1-5);

    Chapter II. The main directions of ensuring the rights of the child in the Russian Federation (Art. 6-15);

    Chapter III. Organizational bases of guarantees of the rights of the child (Articles 16-22);

    Chapter IV. Guarantees for the execution of this Federal Law (Article 23);

    Chapter V. Final Provisions (Articles 24-25).

The law establishes the basic guarantees of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in order to create legal, socio-economic conditions for the realization of the rights and legitimate interests of the child. It says: "The state recognizes childhood as an important stage in a person's life and proceeds from the principles of prioritizing the preparation of children for a full life in society, the development of socially significant and creative activity in them, the education in them of high moral qualities, patriotism and citizenship."

In addition, the rights of the child are enshrined in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

Conventionally, the rights of the child can be divided into 6 main groups:

    The first group includes such rights of the child as the right to life, to a name, to equality in the exercise of other rights, etc.

    The second group includes the rights of the child to family well-being.

    The third group includes the rights of the child to the free development of his personality.

    The fourth group of law is designed to ensure the health of children.

    The fifth group of rights is focused on the education of children and their cultural development (the right to education, to rest and leisure, the right to participate in games and recreational activities, the right to freely participate in cultural life and engage in art).

    And the sixth group of rights is aimed at protecting children from economic and other exploitation, from involvement in the production and distribution of drugs, from inhuman detention and treatment of children in places of detention.

When a child is born, a certain relationship immediately arises between him and his parents. One of these relations is regulated by the norms of morality and the rules of cohabitation of people, others - by the norms of law, in particular, the norms of family law, which establishes the conditions and procedure for entering into marriage and its termination, regulates personal property and property relations between family members: spouses, parents and children, other relatives, and also determines the forms and procedure for placing children left without parental care in a family.

Relationships that arise between parents and children in a family can be personal and property. Children's rights are personal, such as the right to live and be brought up in a family as far as possible, the right to know their parents and the right to be cared for by them, the right to live with them, the right to be brought up by their parents, the interests of the child and respect for his human dignity. . The child also has such a personal right as the right to communicate with both parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters and other relatives.

Every child has the right to a given name, patronymic and surname (Article 58 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). The name of the child is given by agreement of the parents, the patronymic is assigned by the name of the father, the surname is determined by the surname of the parents.

The most important personal rights of the child include his right to protection (Article 56 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). The right of a child to protect their rights and legitimate interests corresponds (corresponds) to the obligation of parents, and in cases provided for by law, guardianship and guardianship authorities, prosecutors, judges to protect the rights of children.

In accordance with Part.2 Article. 56 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, a child has the right to be protected from abuse by parents (or persons replacing them).

In case of violation of the rights and legitimate interests of the child, including in case of failure or improper performance by the parents (one of them) of the duties of raising, educating the child or in case of abuse of parental rights, the child has the right to independently apply for their protection to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, and if he is over 14 years old, then go to court.

The law obliges officials and citizens who become aware of a threat to the life or health of a child, a violation of his rights and legitimate interests, to report this to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the actual location of the child. Upon receipt of such information, the guardianship and guardianship body is obliged to take the necessary measures to protect the rights and legitimate interests of the child.

The current family legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the right of the child to express his opinion. The child has the right to express his opinion in resolving any issue affecting his interests in the family, as well as to be heard in the course of any judicial or administrative proceedings. Consideration of the opinion of a child who has reached the age of ten years is mandatory, except in cases where this is contrary to the interests of the child.

Moreover, the law provides that changing the name and surname of a child is possible only with the consent of a child who has reached the age of ten.

The opinion of a child who has reached 10 years of age is mandatory when deciding in court on the restoration of parental rights. The consent of the child is a prerequisite for the preparatory decision of this issue.

The consent of a child who has reached the age of ten years is also required to resolve the issue of adoption, resolve the issue of the name, patronymic and surname of the adopted child, to record the adoptive parents as the parents of the adopted child, in resolving issues related to the cancellation of adoption and the transfer of the child for upbringing to a foster family.

Thus, we can say that the current family legislation of the Russian Federation provides a wide range of personal rights of the child, under which a person who has not reached the age of eighteen years (majority) is recognized.

Article 60 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes the property rights of the child. In particular, the child has the right to receive maintenance from his parents and other family members, and the latter (parents) are obliged to support their minor children.

In the event that parents do not provide maintenance for their minor children, the funds for the maintenance of children are collected from the parents in a judicial proceeding.

Every child has the right of ownership to income received by him, property received by him as a gift or by inheritance, as well as to any other property acquired at the expense of the child.

The right of a child to dispose of property belonging to him by right of ownership is determined by Articles 26 and 28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which determine the legal capacity of minors aged 14 to 18 years and the legal capacity of minors.

In particular, article 26 of the Civil Code provides that minors aged 14 to 18 make transactions with the written consent of their legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents or guardian.

A minor can conclude any transaction, and then legal representatives must approve it in writing, if this does not happen, then the transaction is declared invalid.

Minors aged 14 to 18 have the right to independently, without the consent of their parents, adoptive parents or guardians:

1) dispose of their earnings, scholarships and other incomes;

3) in accordance with the law, make deposits in credit institutions and dispose of them;

4) to make small everyday transactions and other transactions.

Upon reaching the age of 16, minors have the right to be members of cooperatives. For all transactions concluded in accordance with the law, minors aged 14 to 18 years independently bear property liability. And if there are grounds reached, a minor at this age may be limited or deprived of the right to independently dispose of his earnings, scholarships and other incomes and will be able to do this only with the consent of his legal representatives. The need for such a restriction can be caused by various reasons: unreasonable spending of funds, squandering, gambling, etc. However, only a court can do this, at the request of parents, adoptive parents or guardians or guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Article 28 of the Civil Code provides for the legal capacity of minors, i.e. minors under the age of 14. As a general rule, only their parents, adoptive parents or guardians can make transactions for these persons on their behalf. Minors between the ages of six and 14 have the right to independently commit:

1) small household transactions;

2) transactions aimed at gratuitous receipt of benefits that require notarization or state registration;

3) transactions for the disposal of funds provided to legal representatives or with the consent of the latter by a third party for a specific purpose or for free disposal.

Thus, a minor between the ages of 6 and 14 can himself receive property as a gift, if, based on the value of the gift, the corresponding contract does not need to be notarized or undergo state registration. Consequently, only parents (adoptive parents, guardians) have the right to accept a land plot, house, apartment, other real estate as a gift on behalf of the child, since in accordance with the current civil legislation (Articles 164, 57 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) such transactions are subject to mandatory state registration.

At the same time, a minor has the right to conclude an agreement on the gratuitous use of any property for a period of up to one year, since the conclusion of such an agreement requires only a simple written form; rent a bicycle (scooter) or other thing and pay extra for this money donated to him by someone; actually accept the inheritance property, in that the certificate of the right to inheritance on his behalf will be received from the notary by his legal representative.

The family legislation of the Russian Federation establishes a rule according to which the child does not have the right to the property of the parents, and the parents do not have the right to own the property of the child. Children and parents living together can own and use each other's property by mutual agreement (Article 60 of the Family Law of the Russian Federation).

The presence of personal and property rights of minors is necessary for the proper process of their upbringing in the family. We understand upbringing as a process of interaction between adults and children, and the more such interaction is carried out, the more effective the upbringing process will be, and the current legal norms can be considered as necessary conditions for the proper (effective) process of raising a child in families.

That is why the current family law proceeds from the provision according to which parents have the right and obligation to raise their children. Parents are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. It is the parents who are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children (Article 63).

First of all, the current legislation imposes on parents the obligation to protect the rights and interests of children. Parents are the legal representatives of their children and act in defense of their rights and interests in relations with any individuals and legal entities, including in courts. To exercise the functions of protecting the rights and interests of children, parents do not need any special powers.

Therefore, it is the parents who must be contacted in cases of violation of the rights and interests of minors. However, in practice there may be cases where there are contradictions between the interests of parents and children. In this case, the minor must notify the guardianship and guardianship authority of the existing contradiction, and the latter is obliged to appoint a representative to protect the rights and interests of the children.

Parents are required to support their minor children. This requirement of the law is most often fulfilled by the majority of parents who voluntarily provide funds for the maintenance of their children, to provide them with everything necessary for life. If this obligation is not fulfilled voluntarily, then the parents are forced to pay alimony on the basis of a court decision.

The responsibility for the maintenance of children rests with both parents. Therefore, if, for example, the children (child) live with the mother, a claim for the recovery of alimony is presented to the father. If the children are with the father, then such a claim can be brought against the mother. There are cases when children are brought up by other persons (grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle, etc.). In these cases, these persons have the right to collect maintenance from both parents.

Alimony from parents for minor children is collected by the court on a monthly basis in the amount of: for one child - one quarter, for two children - one third, for three or more children - half of the earnings and (or) other income of the parents. In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 18, 1996 N 841, alimony for the maintenance of minor children is withheld from all types of wages (cash remuneration) and additional remuneration, both at the main place of work and for part-time work, which parents receive in cash and in kind.

The law provides for the possibility of collecting alimony for minor children in a fixed amount of money (Article 83 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the amount of alimony must be determined based on the maximum possible preservation of the previous level of support for the child, taking into account the financial and family situation of the parties and other circumstances affecting the living conditions of the minor.

When establishing the amount of a fixed amount of alimony, judges must take into account the material and family status of the persons who must pay alimony. Therefore, the amount of alimony should be set in an amount corresponding to a certain number of minimum wages and subject to indexation in proportion to the increase in the minimum wage established by law.

In accordance with the current legislation, funds for the maintenance of minor children, recovered from parents in a judicial proceeding, are awarded until the children reach the age of majority. However, if a minor, for whom alimony is collected by court order or by a court decision, before reaching the age of 18 years, acquires legal capacity in full (clause 2, article 21, clause 1, article 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), payment of funds for its content in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 120 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation is terminated.

Claims of persons from whom child support is collected, and such claims for changing the amount of alimony are within the jurisdiction of the court at the place of residence of the defendant (collector).

Many children become orphans for various reasons. Such children have always worried society. The current family legislation provides for the possibility of raising such children in a foster family. Such a family can be created by a husband and wife who have their own children. They take orphans or children left without parental care into their families. According to experts in such a family, the total number of children should not be more than eight people. The possibility of creating a foster family is also provided to childless parents. At the same time, families in which one of the parents is missing (incomplete) cannot create a foster family.

A foster family is not an adoption. Parents in this case act as educators, this is their main job, for which they receive a salary.

Parents-educators wishing to take children into their family must conclude an agreement with the guardianship and guardianship authorities. This contract must provide for the period for which the child is placed in a foster family, the conditions for the maintenance of this child, the conditions for the upbringing and education of the child, the rights and obligations of parents, the obligations in relation to the foster family of the guardianship and guardianship body, as well as the grounds for and consequences of terminating such an agreement.

Foster parents are obliged to educate the child, take care of his health, moral and physical development, create the necessary conditions for him to receive education, and prepare the child for an independent life. Foster parents are responsible for the adopted child to society. They are the legal representatives of the adopted child, protect his rights and interests.

The rights of adoptive parents cannot be exercised in conflict with the interests of the child. In accordance with the Regulations on the foster family, children (children) left without parental care can be transferred to it:


    children whose parents are unknown;

    children whose parents are deprived of parental rights, have limited parental rights, are recognized by a court as incompetent, missing, convicted;

    children whose parents, for health reasons, cannot personally carry out their upbringing and maintenance, as well as children left without parental care, who are in educational, medical and preventive institutions, institutions of social protection of the population or other similar institutions.

It is important that when transferring a child to a foster family for upbringing, the body of guardianship and guardianship should be guided by the interests of the child. It is obligatory to take into account the opinion of the child when he is transferred to a foster family, and if the child is 10 years old, then his consent is required.

A child placed in a foster family retains the right to alimony due to him, namely (in the event of loss of a breadwinner or disability) and other social payments and compensations, which are transferred in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to accounts opened in the name of the child in a banking institution.

The child also retains the right of ownership to the dwelling or the right to use the dwelling; in the absence of housing, he has the right to provide him with housing in accordance with housing legislation.

Control over the use and safety of property (including residential premises) of the child must be provided by the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

Being in a foster family, the child has the right to maintain personal contacts with blood parents, other relatives, if this does not contradict his interests and normal development and upbringing. Contacts of parents with a child are allowed only with the consent of the adoptive parents.

So far, there are few foster families in Russia. However, it can be assumed that their number will increase as the state creates conditions for their normal life, which also implies the presence of certain benefits provided by the state and local authorities to such families.

The right of a citizen to education, enshrined in Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is universal. The state guarantees the general availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions and enterprises.

Education is understood as a purposeful process of upbringing and education in the interests of a person, society, state, which is accompanied by a statement of the achievement by a citizen (student) of educational levels (educational qualifications) established by the state.

The acquisition of education by a citizen is understood as the achievement and confirmation of the educational level (qualification) established by the state, which is certified by an appropriate document.

Public relations related to the organization of education and education are regulated by the legislation on education. The main sources of this legislation are the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and the Federal Law on Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", and such laws and other regulatory acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

The state guarantees the opportunity to receive education regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, etc. and ensures the right of all citizens to education through the establishment of an education system.

Forms of education can be different. The legislation provides for full-time, part-time (evening), part-time forms, as well as the form of family education, self-education and external studies. Consequently, the right to choose a specific form of education remains with the citizen.

The vast majority of Russian citizens are educated in educational institutions. The main types of these institutions are provided for by the legislation on education and include: preschool, general education (primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education); institutions of primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education, etc.

Obviously, in relation to minors, the main types of educational institutions are general education - primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education. It is in them that the vast majority of children study.

Practice shows that the forms of educational institutions are very different: schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges, etc. Nevertheless, the main form of educational institutions for the vast majority of minors is the general education school.

In accordance with the current legislation, educational institutions in their organizational and legal forms can be state, municipal, non-state (private, institutions of public and religious organizations and associations).

In fact, most educational institutions in our country are municipal and state, according to the name of the bodies that established them.

It is the founders (municipality, state ...) that establish the procedure for admitting citizens to educational institutions at the levels of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general and primary vocational education.

This procedure should ensure the admission of all citizens who live in the territory itself and have the right to receive an education of the appropriate level.

The law prescribes a rule according to which, when a citizen is admitted to an educational institution, the latter is obliged to familiarize him and (or) his parents (legal representatives) with the charter of this institution and other documents that regulate the educational process in this educational institution. In other words, if the parents (one of them) came with the child to the school in order to enroll the child in it, their acquaintance with the school should begin with familiarization with the charter and other documents, and the obligation to familiarize them lies with the school administration. The administration should also carry out the same actions in the case when a minor without parents comes to the school to resolve the issue of obtaining education.

Familiarization with the charter of the school of parents and minors is also of great importance because, in accordance with the current legislation on education, such issues as the age at which an educational institution receives citizens, the duration of education of minors at each level of education are determined precisely by the charter of each educational institution.

The state guarantees to citizens the general availability and free of charge of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational education. As for secondary professional, higher professional and postgraduate professional education, which can be obtained in state and municipal educational institutions, they can also be obtained free of charge, but only on the basis of a competition. However, the conditions of the competition must guarantee the observance of the rights of citizens to education and ensure the enrollment of the most capable and prepared. Out of competition, in accordance with the current law, if they successfully pass the exams, orphans are accepted, as well as disabled people of groups I and II, who, according to the conclusion of the medical labor commission, are not contraindicated in studying in the relevant educational institutions. In accordance with the current legislation, citizens entering educational institutions are given the opportunity to study in their native language. The definition of the language in which education is conducted in an educational institution must be contained in the charter of this institution.

Basic general education and state certification (final) are compulsory for all students. However, the current legislation on education transforms the requirement of compulsory basic general education in relation to each specific student (schoolchild, gymnasium student, lyceum student, etc.) in such a way that it is a requirement that remains valid until it (schoolchild, gymnasium student, lyceum student, etc.) .p.) the age of fifteen years, if such education was not received by the student earlier. This provision allows us to assert that after a student reaches the age of 15 and his desire to leave an educational institution (school, lyceum, gymnasium, etc.), the administration of the educational institution has no right to detain him. And vice versa, if a minor has not received a basic general education, and he is not fifteen years old, and if the minor did not have the grounds specified in the law for his expulsion from an educational institution, then the school administration does not have the right to expel him only because he is fifteen years old. years. At the same time, the law sets the age limit for students to receive basic general education in all types of educational institutions for full-time education - 18 years.

Each student of any type of educational institution has the appropriate rights and obligations, which should be enshrined in the Charter of the educational institution. An analysis of the statutes of many educational institutions shows that they most often enshrine the following rights of students: the right to protect honor and dignity, the inviolability of the individual; the right to an objective assessment in accordance with knowledge, skills and abilities; the right of students to take part in the management of the educational institution through elected bodies (for example, through participation in the school council). In schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. bodies of student self-government, various kinds of student organizations can be created on a voluntary basis, which are allowed to attend meetings of the governing bodies of an educational institution when discussing issues relating to the interests of students.

Along with granting specific powers to students, the statutes of educational institutions also contain a list of duties incumbent on minors. Thus, students must (must) comply with the Rules for Students, which must be developed in each educational institution and adopted by its governing body (for example, the School Council). Students are required to obey the requirements of teachers; duty to take care of the younger ones; must comply with the rules of hygiene, have a neat appearance; are required to maintain cleanliness in classrooms, in other rooms; must take care of the property of the educational institution.

Moreover, almost all statutes contain provisions in accordance with which students are prohibited from performing certain actions. For example, students of schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. it is forbidden to bring, transfer or use alcoholic beverages, toxic, narcotic substances and weapons, tobacco products at school; use any means that can lead to explosions and fires; use physical force to sort things out; accept mental violence (for example, in the form of various types of threats); engage in extortion, as well as carry out any actions that obviously entail dangerous consequences for others (for example, pushing someone, hitting someone or throwing objects at someone, etc.). Almost all educational institutions contain provisions in their statutes that prohibit swearing in educational institutions, and also prohibit missing compulsory classes in an educational institution without a good reason.

For failure to fulfill without good reason the duties that I mentioned above, as well as for violating the norms of prohibitions, disciplinary measures may be applied to students, which are also contained in the charters of educational institutions. What are these measures? Most often, in the statutes, disciplinary measures include: reprimanding, imposing an obligation to compensate for harm or make a public apology, calling parents (legal representatives) for an interview, and the most severe penalty is expulsion from an educational institution.

In accordance with the current legislation, it is possible to exclude a minor from an educational institution, firstly, for committing unlawful acts and, secondly, for gross and repeated violations of the charter of the educational institution. However, if such violations are committed by students who were under the age of fourteen by the time the violations were committed, then they cannot be expelled from the educational institution.

Speaking about the possibility of expulsion for committing unlawful acts, the law has in mind, first of all, the commission of crimes by students. As a general rule, a person who has reached the age of sixteen by the time the crime is committed is subject to criminal liability. At the same time, the criminal law provides for cases when criminal liability comes from the age of 14. What are these cases? Fourteen-year-olds are subject to criminal liability for murder, intentional infliction of grievous bodily harm, rape, theft, robbery, robbery, extortion and other acts, the list of which is contained in Part 2 of Art. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is important for us to note that for the commission of any crime a student can be expelled from an educational institution.

Obviously, under the illegal action, one can also consider an administrative offense committed by a student of an educational institution. Persons who have reached the age of sixteen by the time the administrative offense was committed are subject to administrative liability. Administrative legislation defines the list of offenses, the responsibility for which comes from the age of 16. This list is contained in Art. 14 of the RSFSR Code of Administrative Offenders and includes: petty theft of state or public property; violation of traffic rules by pedestrians and other road users; driving vehicles by persons who do not have the right to drive them; petty hooliganism; malicious disobedience to a lawful order or demand of a police officer, or a people's combatant, etc.

Obviously, the social danger of administrative offenses, the subjects of which may be students of educational institutions, is not the same. Therefore, it is hardly possible to unequivocally say that in the event of any administrative offense, the student should be automatically excluded from the educational institution. In each specific case of committing an administrative offense by a student, it is necessary to understand and only after a deep analysis of what happened, make a decision.

We believe that crimes and offenses (administrative) should exhaust the concepts of illegal actions, with which the legislator associates the grounds for excluding minors from educational institutions.

Other grounds for exclusion of students from educational institutions are gross and repeated violations of the charter of the educational institution. Here we mean, first of all, the violation by students of their duties, as well as the prohibitions contained in the charter of the educational institution. Any of the prohibitions (for example, bringing alcoholic beverages, engaging in extortion, etc.) can be considered as a gross violation of the Charter of the educational institution, and, therefore, as a basis for expelling a student from it.

Repeated action means doing it two or more times. According to the current legislation on education, the decision to expel a student from an educational institution is made by the governing body of the educational institution (in practice, this body is most often the Pedagogical Council of a school, gymnasium, lyceum, etc.). The latter is obliged to inform the local self-government bodies (local administrations) about the exclusion of a student from an educational institution within three days. This is done so that local governments, having combined with the parents (legal representatives) of the expelled minor, within a month could take measures for his employment or continuation of education in another educational institution.

Speaking about the rights of minors in the field of education, they mainly analyzed these rights in relation to primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education. At the same time, the current legislation also provides for additional education, which includes additional educational programs and additional educational services. The implementation of these programs and services is carried out in order to fully meet the educational needs of citizens, society, and the state.

Additional educational programs include educational programs of various kinds, which can be implemented both in general educational institutions (schools, gymnasiums, lyceums) and in educational institutions of additional education (for example, music and art schools, art schools, houses and palaces of children's creativity, stations for young technicians, naturalists and other institutions). In addition, additional education can also be obtained through individual pedagogical activities (for example, as a result of tutoring).

If additional educational services (training in additional educational programs, teaching social courses and cycles of disciplines, tutoring, classes with students in-depth study of subjects, etc.) are not provided for by the relevant educational programs and state educational standards, the state and municipal educational institution has the right to take fee for these services.

Obviously, minors who study in educational institutions where additional paid educational services have been introduced have the right to decide on their own or with the consent of their parents (legal representatives) whether or not to receive additional educational services offered by the educational institution. In other words, in this case we are talking about the right of choice, which belongs to the students.

Moreover, paid educational services cannot be provided instead of educational services that are financed from the budget. It follows that the administration of an educational institution cannot, has no right to force a student directly (or through parents, legal representatives) to accept additional, paid, educational services against their will and will.

At the same time, the law provides an opportunity to receive additional education for a fee. To implement this legal possibility, there is a wide network of music and art schools, houses and palaces of youth creativity, etc.

If children and parents wish to receive additional education individually, they can do this by concluding an appropriate agreement (agreement) with a specialist.

In conclusion, we note that the introduction of additional educational services must necessarily meet the general requirements for the content of education, which should be focused on:

    ensuring self-determination of the individual, creating conditions for its self-realization;

    development of society;

    strengthening and improvement of the rule of law.

Disability is a problem. To our great regret, the number of disabled children in Russia is not decreasing. And in this regard, the age-old problem is how to educate and educate such children. For many years, the country used the knurled path - they placed such children in boarding schools. The placement of disabled children in these educational institutions practically minimized family influence on these children, which, according to experts, is not optimal for the development of the children themselves, their immediate environment, and society as a whole.

In recent years, non-state educational institutions for such children have become widespread in the country, as they try to bring upbringing as close as possible to home. However, not everyone can pay money and a lot for placing their children in such institutions. This also applies to the ability to pay for such work of invited teachers at home.

Taking into account all these points, the Government of the Russian Federation in 1996 adopted a Decree in accordance with which children with disabilities were given the opportunity to receive education at home.

The basis for organizing homeschooling for a disabled child is the conclusion of a medical institution.

Disabled children who, for health reasons, are temporarily or permanently unable to attend general education institutions, with the consent of their parents, receive educational services at home. Homeschooling is provided by the educational institution closest to the child's place of residence. Enrollment of a child in an educational institution is carried out on a general basis.

At the same time, for the effective organization of the learning process, an educational institution must provide a disabled child with free textbooks, educational, reference and other literature available in the library of an educational institution for the duration of training.

The actual training at home is carried out by specialists from among the teaching staff of a particular educational institution. They also provide methodological and advisory assistance necessary for the development of general education programs.

When teaching a disabled child at home, parents (legal representatives) may additionally invite teachers from other educational institutions. Also, teachers, by agreement with an educational institution, can participate, together with teachers already working with a particular child, in conducting intermediate and final certification of a disabled child (taking exams).

In accordance with the current law on education, parents have the right to independently educate their children within the framework of state educational standards. In this regard, it is important to note that if the education and upbringing of disabled children is carried out at home by their parents (legal representatives) independently, then the education authorities must compensate for the costs in the amounts determined by state and local standards for financing the costs of education and upbringing in the state or municipal educational institution of the appropriate type and type.

The implementation of the right to receive education and upbringing at home by disabled minors is of great importance, since it concerns tens of thousands of people. The task of the state is to create such a mechanism so that every disabled child, if desired, could exercise this right.

In Russia, the responsibility for the well-being of children, together with their parents, is shared by the state. State care is manifested or, at least, should be manifested in various forms - in the payment of child allowances, free secondary education, etc. However, its role is not limited only to the provision of certain benefits, it also takes on the protection of the interests of children, including from the greed of their own parents. The vast majority of disputes over real estate to which children have rights are resolved in favor of the latter.

The right of ownership in Russia is not unconditional. The owner of an apartment or other dwelling in which minor members of his family live is fairly limited in the right to dispose of his property. The right to property here should not conflict with the interests of children. And such a contradiction can occur if the owner of the apartment decides to sell, exchange or donate it, that is, to make a deal under which the property is alienated. It is up to the body of guardianship and guardianship to decide how much the rights of the child will suffer when such a transaction is made. Without his consent, the alienation of an apartment or other residential property, where minors live or have the right to, is impossible. Even if the transaction takes place, it will be void, i.e. invalid from the moment of conclusion.

The functions of guardianship and guardianship bodies are assigned to local self-government bodies. In Moscow, these issues are dealt with by district councils. An official, even a municipal official, always remains an official - he makes a decision on the basis of various kinds of certificates and official documents. And if the parents set out to sell (exchange, donate) an apartment in which minor children live with them, they will have to collect a whole package of such papers. Before listing everything that the guardianship authority needs to make a decision, I would like to remind you once again: this procedure is not a notification, but a permissive one, therefore the presence of all documents and their authenticity by no means guarantee a positive answer.

So, in order to obtain permission to alienate residential premises, the following documents must be submitted to the guardianship authority:

    a statement from both parents asking for permission to complete the transaction;

    a statement by a minor over 14 years of age about the consent to this transaction;

    BTI certificate on the book value of the dwelling at the time of application;

    an extract from the house book at the place of residence of the minor;

    copies of financial personal accounts of residential premises separately from the place of sale and the place of purchase (exchange) of residential premises;

    copies of certificates of ownership of the residential premises, separately from the place of sale and from the place of purchase (exchange);

    the consent of a minor over 16 years of age to live in a living space acquired for him as a result of an alienation transaction;

    a copy of a certificate from the tax office, confirming the absence of debt on payment of real estate tax.

In addition, the guardianship authority may demand a written obligation of each owner (certified by a notary) to release him and his family members living with him from the occupied living space.

If the guardianship authority gives the go-ahead, the owner of the alienated property will receive permission to complete the transaction, drawn up by a resolution or order of the local government signed by its head.

Consider the options:

“I have an apartment in the housing cooperative, where, in addition to me, my wife and two minor children are registered. Now I'm going to sell this apartment. Is it possible to write the children to the grandfather before the sale, so that there are no problems with the guardianship authorities?

According to paragraph 4 of Art. 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, permission from the guardianship authority to sell an apartment is necessary if minor members of the owner's family live in it. The place of residence of minors under the age of 14 is recognized as the place of residence of their parents (clause 2, article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Thus, even if you manage to register the children with their grandfather, the apartment in which you and your wife are registered will still be considered their place of residence. Therefore, in any case, you will have to obtain permission from the guardianship authority to sell the apartment.

“My husband and I bought a three-room apartment, in which a family with a small child lived before us. The former owners of the apartment were discharged together with the child, after which my husband and I registered there. However, the guardianship authority does not give consent to the registration of our minor children in this apartment. The guardianship authority motivates the refusal by the fact that the child was discharged without their permission and registered in a smaller apartment. In addition, the guardianship authority says that the sale and purchase could not be carried out at all without their consent. Is it possible now to cancel such a deal?

The sale of an apartment in which a minor child lived could not be carried out without the consent of the guardianship and guardianship authority (Article 292 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). If this nevertheless happened, then such a transaction is contrary to the requirements of the law and is void (Article 168 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). This means that the contract for the sale of an apartment concluded by you does not entail legal consequences and is not valid from the moment of its conclusion. The court (at the request of the guardianship authority, any of the parties to the agreement, or on its own initiative) may apply the consequences of the invalidity of a void transaction and oblige each of the parties to the sale and purchase agreement to return to the other everything received under this transaction (Articles 166, 167 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

“At what age of a child is the consent of the guardianship authority not required for the sale of an apartment that belongs to me and the child on the basis of shared ownership? Now the child is 15 years old. We are both registered in this apartment, but for several years we have been living in another city, having temporary registration there.

The permission of the guardianship authority is required when selling an apartment in which persons under the age of 18 (i.e., minors) live (registered).

However, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for two cases when a child can acquire legal capacity in full and before the age of eighteen.

Firstly, a minor who has reached the age of 16 can be declared fully capable if he works under an employment contract (contract) or, with the consent of his parents, is engaged in entrepreneurial activities. This process is called emancipation. If both parents agree to the emancipation of the child, it is carried out by decision of the guardianship and guardianship authority. If there is no consent of at least one of the parents, emancipation can be carried out by a court decision (Article 27 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Secondly, a citizen under the age of 18 acquires full legal capacity from the time of marriage (clause 2, article 21 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

If your child acquires full legal capacity, then you can sell the apartment without the consent of the guardianship authority. At the same time, it will be necessary to refer to the fact that your child has the right to independently acquire and exercise civil rights, create civil duties for himself and fulfill them.


The relevance of the topic “Rights of the child in the family” lies in the need to clarify the legal status of the child’s personality, since, having all the basic rights, they require special legal protection in relation to themselves. Children have less opportunity to protect their rights than adults. The child does not have physical, psychological maturity. Children are dependent on adult care. Therefore, the rights of children are somewhat deeper, wider, more significant, “more caring” than the rights of an adult. The child needs love and understanding. Society obligated to exercise special care for children.


  • Project duration: long-term (November - May).
  • Project type: information-oriented
  • Project participants: children of a preparatory group for school, parents of pupils, educators, social pedagogue, music director.

Children's age: 6 – 7 years

Target: To acquaint children and parents with the history of the adoption of the UN Convention "On the Rights of the Child" and the rights enshrined in it, the formation of a conceptual apparatus in children and parents and a visual - figurative idea of ​​​​the rights enshrined in the UN Convention "On the Rights of the Child".


  • Study the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  • To study the material through the eyes of artists, writers "On the Rights of the Child".
  • Creation of conditions for the formation of legal competence in children.
  • Familiarization of children in a form appropriate to their age with social and legal norms and rules of conduct.
  • Raising in children a respectful and tolerant attitude towards people, regardless of their origin, language, gender, age.

CHALLENGES for parents

- To consolidate the knowledge of parents to perceive the child as a person.

- To activate parents in the process of work on the formation of the legal consciousness of children.

- To promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in a family and kindergarten.

Expected result for the project: Children and parents will get acquainted with the convention "Rights of the Child", learn how to apply them in life.

The list of the main activities for the implementation of the project:

  • «
  • Thematic conversations.
  • Entertainment for parents on the Day of the Family "The happiness of the child is in your hands."
  • Parent meeting on the topic "Under the protection of the law", « Protection of the rights of a small child in the preschool educational institution and the family.
  • Practical advice for parents.
  • Thematic conversations.
  • Design of the stand "Rights of the Child".
  • Thematic lessons on the rights of the child.
  • "Convention on the Rights of the Child", "The rights of the child to a name, patronymic and surname", "My home is my fortress"

Project implementation


  • Tasks:
  • Encourage parents to use every opportunity to communicate with their child.
  • Develop communication skills in children.
  • Talks about legal holidays "Children's Day" "Family Day"
  • To study the features of communication between children and adults in the family. Entertainment for parents on Family Day "The happiness of the child is in your hands."



  • Involve parents in joint research, project and productive activities in kindergarten and at home.
  • To orient parents to the development of the child's need to communicate with adults and peers.

Introductory conversation with children on getting to know the Convention on the Rights of the Child

▪ Informative talks “Let's talk about the rights of the child”:

"What is a right?"

"Rights and duties in the family"

“We are children of different nationalities”

"We are different".

"I live in Russia"

"My family"

"Mom's Helpers"




  • Show parents the importance of mother, father, as well as grandfathers, grandmothers, educators, peer children in the development of the child's interaction with society, understanding of social norms of behavior.
  • Emphasize the value of each child for society, regardless of their individual characteristics and ethnicity.


The role of grandparents in the upbringing of children.

"What kind of father are you?"

Role-playing games.






Didactic games:

- "I have a right"

“Whose rights have been violated?”

- "Name the rights of heroes"

- "Choose Right"

“We are different, but we have equal rights”

— "Friendly guys"



- Orient parents to joint reading of literature on various professions, work, viewing relevant feature films and animated films with the child.

- Draw the attention of children to the attitude of family members to work.

- M / f "Song of the little mouse", "Cheburashka and crocodile Gena"

- Together with parents, the selection of the card index "Professions of moms and dads" and "Professions involved in justice."

— Production of attributes for games



- Introduce parents to health-threatening situations that arise at home, on the road, etc., and how to behave in them.

- Inform parents about the need to create a safe environment for children to stay at home.

- To acquaint children with the rules of behavior in various life situations.

- Conversation game "If a stranger knocks on the door"

- Didactic game "How to ensure safety?", "If you get hurt", "Fire 01".



- Explain to parents how lifestyle seven affects the health of the child.

- On the basis of watching feature films and animated films, orient children's knowledge towards the preservation and promotion of health.

- Didactic game "Sturdy kids"

- Cartoon "Aibolit", "Hippo who was afraid of vaccinations"

Reading fiction:


  • Show parents the value of home reading.
  • Continue to work on the formation of friendly relationships between children.
  • To learn to evaluate the actions of the heroes of works, to dramatize fragments of fairy tales.

Card file of proverbs and sayings about the family

  • A. Rubinov "Step".
  • E. Permyak "How Masha became big."

A. Sedugin "Shoot, hat!"

A. Barto "Helper".

L. Tolstoy "Two Comrades".


Tasks: To involve parents in various forms of joint musical and artistic activities with kindergarten children, which contribute to the emergence of vivid emotions, creative inspiration, and the development of communication.

“We were born into the world - to live happily” (children's rights entertainment with the participation of parents).


— Consolidate the knowledge of children and parents about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

— Contribute to the development of the legal worldview and moral ideas.

- Develop the ability to reason and draw conclusions.

- To develop a sense of self-respect and respect for others.

- Listening to the song "Mom for a mammoth", "Red, red freckled", etc.

Forms of interaction with family.

  • Questioning "What documents on the rights of the child do you know", "Are you good parents?"
  • Consultation.
  • Cheat Sheets for Parents.

- "Seven rules for adults."

"Ten Commandments for Parents"

- "The rights of the child - their observance in the family."

- "Reminder for parents on the protection of the rights and dignity of the child in the family."

- Declaration on the Rights of the Child.

“Do we understand each other?”

"The Art of Being a Parent"

“Child abuse, what is it?”

- "How to punish a child?"

  • Meeting « Protection of the rights of a small child in preschool and family”, “Under the protection of the law”.
  • The folder is the "Children's Rights" slide.

Expected finalresults: Increasing the interest of parents and joint activities of children, teachers and parents. Teach your child to follow the law and not remain indifferent to what is happening.

2. Ethical conversations with children 4-7 years old Petrova V. I., Stulnik T. D. 2012

3. Vladimirova. What do the drawings of the child say [Text] / O. Vladimirova / / My little one. 2007.- №9- S.20-22

4. T.A. Shorygin "Conversations about the rights of the child", Moscow, 2011.

5. Kardash E.L. Lesson with children about rights

6. Family Code of the Russian Federation (dated February 10, 2003).

7. Law of the Russian Federation "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation" (dated July 24, 1998).

8. Pyzhyanova Y. "Rights of the child". Magazine "Child in Kindergarten", 2003, No. 3,4

9. N.G. Zelenova, L.E. Osipova “I am a child, and I ... and I have the right”, Moscow, 2007.

10. Getmanova A.R. "The program for educating the foundations of legal culture among preschoolers", Naberezhnye Chelny, 2009.

11. V. Antonov “We ​​study human rights”, Moscow, 1996.

12. E. Ryleeva "How to help a preschooler find his place in the world of people", Moscow, 2001.

13. Davydova, O.I., Vyalkova, S.M. Conversations about the responsibility and rights of the child [Text] / O.I. Davydova, S.M. Vyalkova - M .: TC Sphere, 2008.

15. Declaration of the rights of the child [Text]// Proclaimed by resolution 1386 (XIV) of the General Assembly (11/20/1959) .- Rostov / Don, "Phoenix", 2002.

Download presentation

social teacher MBDOU "Kindergarten" Zvezdochka ",

r.p. Stepnoe, Sovietsky district, Saratov region.

What is the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?
“Convention” is, in Russian, an international treaty. The Convention on the Rights of the Child consists of articles on the rights of the child, which must be respected in all countries. The observance of the Convention is monitored by special people - the Commissioners for the Rights of the Child, who are not only in the capitals, but also in different cities of each country. So, at any time, you have someone to report a violation of your legal rights!
Article 1 A child is every person under the age of 18.
Article 2 Children have the right to be protected from discrimination. This means that all children have the same rights, regardless of skin color, gender, age or religion.
Article 3 All adults must always act in a way that ensures the best interests of children.
Article 4 The State is responsible for the observance of all children.
Article 5 and Article 18 Parents bear the primary responsibility for the upbringing of their children. The best interests of the child are their primary concern.
Article 6 All children have the right to life.
Article 7 and Article 8 All children have the right to a name and to acquire a nationality, and they also have the right to retain their name and nationality.
Article 9 All children have the right to live with their parents, except where this is not possible.
Article 10 and Article 22 All refugee children should be provided with protection, humanitarian assistance and family reunification assistance. Refugee children are entitled to special protection.
Article 11 It is illegal to take children out of the country.
Article 12 All children have the right to freely express their opinion, the child has the right to have his opinion heard and taken into account.
Article 13 and Article 17. All children have the right to express their opinion and receive information.
Article 14 and Article 15. All children have the right to think about everything the way they want, they have the right to organize interest clubs and participate in meetings and organizations.
Article 16 All children have the right to privacy.
Article 19 All children have the right to be protected from all forms of abuse or exploitation, including sexual abuse, by parents or other caregivers of the child.
Article 20 Children are entitled to special protection and assistance if they are unable to live with their parents.
Article 21 In the event of adoption, all children are entitled to the best possible care.
Article 23 Children with disabilities have the right to special care and education to help them develop and lead full and dignified lives.
Article 24 Children have the right to receive medical care and treatment in the manner that best helps them to maintain their health, and to be informed about treatment methods and conditions that may affect their health.
Article 25 Children in hospitals, orphanages and other institutions for children have the right to observe the best conditions for their maintenance and treatment. The state is obliged to carry out regular checks of these conditions.
Article 26 Children have the right to state assistance if they are in need and poverty.
Article 27 All children have the right to a reasonably good standard of living in accordance with established standards. This means that children must have food, clothing and housing.
Article 28 and Article 29 All children have the right to receive an education that enables the development of the personality of the child.
Article 30 All children belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities have the right to enjoy their culture, practice their religion and use their mother tongue.
Article 31 All children have the right to play and rest in such conditions that contribute to their creative and cultural development, engaging in art, music, theatrical performances.
Article 32 All children have the right to be protected from any work that may endanger the child's health or hinder education.
Article 33 All children have the right to be protected from the illegal use and distribution of drugs.
Article 34, Article 35 and Article 36 All children have the right to be protected from violence, abduction or any other form of exploitation.
Article 37 All children have the right not to be subjected to cruel or painful punishment.
Article 38 All children have the right to protection in time of war. Military service or participation in hostilities is not allowed for children under the age of 18.
Article 39 All children have the right to help in cases of abuse, neglect or abuse.
Article 40 All children who are accused of breaking the law or who have been found guilty of breaking the law have the right to protection and to be treated humanely and fairly.
Article 41 All children have the right to enjoy any other rights enshrined in national or international laws, if they are more conducive to ensuring the rights of the child than the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Article 42 All adults and children should be aware of this Convention. All children have the right to know about their rights, and adults should also know about them.