How to make shelves in the steam room: the nuances of do-it-yourself manufacturing technology from A to Z. Shelves in the bath. The best designs The layout of the shelves in the steam room

Bath is a wonderful place where both the soul and the body rest. Many homeowners erect such buildings on their plots and spend quite a lot of free time in them. An important role is played not only by the properly constructed design of the bath, but also by its internal arrangement.


If it was decided to put a bathhouse on your site, then you should remember that it should be as convenient as possible in it. To do this, it is necessary to competently equip the resulting structure, equipping it with all the necessary components.

Elements such as shelves are very important for the bath structure. These parts are designed for installation in the steam room. Most often they have several tiers..

Their design features, first of all, depend on the area of ​​​​the room and its height. It is customary to place shelves for a steam room either along one of the walls, or near two walls. that are parallel to each other. There are also corner structures, in which the arrangement of tiers is completely different.

A feature of the bath shelves for the steam room is that they cannot be installed next to the windows, if any, in the room. This can lead to adverse consequences - under the influence of high temperatures, the glass can burst, and its fragments can injure people located on the shelf.

In real Russian baths, shelves with three tiers are usually installed. It is also known from physics lessons at school that heat always rushes up, so it is always cooler on the bottom shelf in the steam room than on the top one.

When designing shelves for a steam room, it must be borne in mind that an adult should fit freely on the uppermost tier without resting on the ceiling - this is another important feature that should not be underestimated when equipping a bath room.

A high-quality shelf in the bath should be characterized by low thermal conductivity, otherwise it will be impossible to be on it, as it will get very hot in the steam room. That's why such structures are made of wood, not metal, because it heats up very quickly.

Also, well-made shelves made of suitable materials seamlessly tolerate high temperatures and their differences. Under such conditions, these structures do not deform, do not rot or collapse.

There are many options for the location of the shelf in the steam room. It is possible to build a suitable design for a room of any layout and footage. For example, for a compact steam room it is permissible to make corner benches, which take up little free space, but at the same time remain convenient for a comfortable pastime of users.

Shelves can be ordered from a specialized store. As a rule, such structures are costly to consumers, especially if they are made of appropriate materials. If there is no need for extra spending, then you can make the shelves yourself. To do this, you must strictly adhere to the step-by-step instructions and use good materials and tools in your work.


In another way, the shelves are called a shop. This is explained by the fact that it is a structure of benches with different heights, arranged according to a special pattern.

The standard device of these elements consists of two main components:

  • frame. Such an element of bath shelves acts as a basis for fastening boards of stationary flooring or a support for collapsible flooring. As a rule, the frame of the shelves is made from support posts that are similar to the legs of a standard bench. These parts are interconnected using transverse jumper boards. Less commonly, the frame of the shelf is made according to the principle of a ladder stringer. Steps are attached to such a base.

Users who prefer to steam in dry steam conditions (according to well-known Finnish technology) often build structures without additional supports in the form of a railway shelf attached to the partitions of the steam room.

  • Flooring. Another component of the shelf is the flooring. It is a base of boards stuffed in 1-2 cm increments. As a rule, the flooring is fixed on the bench frame. Sometimes the necessary details are nailed separately, making a design reminiscent of floor ladders. If the flooring is not fixed on the frame, then it is very convenient to remove it and ventilate it outside the steam room. This component performs the function of a seat, bench and podium for the attendant who works with a broom.

Shelf flooring may vary. It can be equipped with backs, side parts, special bath pillows, as well as elements designed to take the most relaxed lying position.


Shelves for a steam room should be made of well-crafted and high-quality materials that do not have damage or serious defects.

When choosing wood for the manufacture of a shelf, it is necessary to consider several important factors:

  • the material must have a minimum thermal conductivity, otherwise the bench will become very hot - it will be uncomfortable to sit and lie on it;
  • there should be no resin in the wood - it will stand out at high temperatures and stick to the skin;
  • wood must easily tolerate high humidity, otherwise the shelves will not last long in a steam room.

Below are the wood options from which it is better to make such structures.


To create high-quality shelves, this material is used quite often. In conditions of high temperatures, wood gives a very pleasant natural aroma, which has a relaxing effect on the human body. It is also worth noting that linden is a light material, so the benches as a result are not very heavy.

They are easy to install - it does not take much effort. Linden is processed without problems, as it does not differ in high density. In addition, benches made of this type of wood retain an attractive appearance and a perfectly smooth surface for many years, which is especially important for a shelf.

Before making shelves for a bath from linden, it is necessary to dry it thoroughly, otherwise the structures may darken over time.


Another popular material for making a shelf is aspen. This tree species also has a positive effect on the human body and has healing properties. In addition, aspen is inexpensive, so almost every buyer can afford it.

It is believed that aspen furniture neutralizes negative energy, and also restores human strength. This material perfectly cleans the air in the bath, so many experts recommend using it.

Aspen shelves will serve faithfully for many years without causing any problems. Such furniture will not require complex maintenance from homeowners, as it is practical.

However, aspen has one serious disadvantage: this material is prone to rotting of the fibers located in the inner part.

In order for the benches to turn out to be of high quality and reliable, it is necessary to carefully choose the wood for their construction. Doubtful materials with damage or the beginnings of decay should not be used.


Poplar is well suited for making a shelf. Its wood is very soft and pliable. In addition, this material is light in weight. Poplar may have a whitish or light brown hue.

Very beautiful pieces of furniture are obtained from such wood, as well as decorative carved details.

Alder and black alder

Shelves can also be made from alder. This type of wood is resistant to wear and temperature extremes. In a steam room, such material will not deform, crack or lose its visual appeal. Even after a few years, the alder remains light. If it is necessary to install a darker shelf in the steam room, then it is worth using a special black alder for its manufacture. This type of wood has been used in Russia since ancient times in the construction of baths.

Alder differs in that it has a rather thin and uniform structure. In addition, this material meets the main requirement - it has a minimum thermal conductivity. Sitting or lying on an alder bench will be as comfortable and safe as possible, since it almost does not heat up.


This is African oak, which boasts excellent strength characteristics. Shelves made of this solid material are not afraid of temperature changes or heavy loads.

In addition, African oak benches have a beautiful and expensive appearance. Abashi does not rot. On the surface of furniture made from this wood, stains, darkening and other defects do not appear over time.

African oak shelves will not crack and last for many years. In conditions of high temperatures, this wood species emits a very pleasant and mild aroma, which has a positive effect on the human respiratory system.

As for the disadvantages, here it should be noted the possibility of darkening of wood in some places, if it is used for a long time in conditions of high humidity.


For the manufacture of bath shelves, it is permissible to use such a tree species as maple. The main advantage of this material is its high strength. Breaking or damaging a maple bench is not so easy. For this reason, many consumers choose this material for the construction of shelves.

In addition, maple is relatively inexpensive, and lasts a very long time without causing any trouble. This material is wear resistant. Maple is easy to work with - it is easily pricked and processed without problems. Such wood has a homogeneous structure, in which there are no pronounced fibers. The main advantage of this material is that it is not afraid of high humidity and very rarely cracks. The most valuable is the bird's eye maple, as well as the "sugar" maple.. This wood has a beautiful structure.


Shelves for a bath can have various forms:

  • Stepped. Such bath shops are most common. With a similar structure, the shelves are installed on one wall, and their arrangement takes place according to the principle of steps. In a multi-tiered structure, there may be two or three floors. As mentioned above, the traditional model for a Russian bath is a three-tier bench. In such models, the shelf at the very top is much hotter than at the lowest level.
  • corner. The second most popular are the corner shelves. Similar designs are most often chosen by owners of small baths with the same compact steam rooms. In such conditions, the corner bench occupies a minimum of free space.

In corner structures, the shelves are arranged in such a way that the upper and lower parts are adjacent to one partition, and the intermediate component is arranged on an adjacent wall.

  • collapsible. Collapsible benches for a bath are considered very convenient in operation. In such designs, the upper and lower shelves are removable. Thanks to this structure, the wooden elements of the steam room are dried much easier and faster.
  • Folding. To expand the available space in the steam room, you can use shelves with folding decking. Such designs are ideal for those cases when several people are resting in the bath at once. Otherwise, folding benches are called compartment shelves. The principle of operation of this bath furniture is very simple: if necessary, the uppermost tier rises towards the wall (just like a shelf in a train compartment) and also falls to its original place.


Do not think that the shelves are unremarkable furniture for a steam room, the design of which does not need to be worked on. In fact, such designs can look stylish and interesting, transforming the bath room.

Designers say that in a steam room there should not be lush combinations of colors. But the combination of tree species that have different shades is a good solution.

For example, shelves can be built from boards of contrasting shades, beautifully echoing each other. Of course, it will be more difficult to make such furniture, but it will decorate the steam room.

If the owner is a fan of non-standard and fresh solutions, then he should turn to decorating the shelf with light. LED lighting installed under the bench or in the box below it will be a spectacular design technique.

The backlight color in this case can be anything: calm blue, and bold red, visually making the steam room even hotter, or green. The choice of a suitable diode tape depends on the preferences of the owners.

If there is no need to install LED strips in the sauna, then you can turn to spotlights and install them around the perimeter of the room - right above the seats. Thus, you can focus on neatly made benches and make the steam room a little lighter.

Corner benches look beautiful and fresh, in which there is a large seat with a wavy edge at the top. Such designs look modern and stylish, softening the angle of the steam room.

Some masters make very elegant shelves for the steam room, in which the upper tier smoothly flows into the lower one. The manufacture of such shops cannot be called very simple and fast, but their design can transform the room.

In the steam room, U-shaped "multi-storey" benches with a separate back attached directly to the wall behind the longest seat look good. These designs not only look aesthetically pleasing, but are also strong and reliable. They look especially attractive in the same ensemble with wooden basins and brooms.


If it was decided to make the shelves for the bath with your own hands, then first you need to draw up its drawing. To make an understandable scheme, first of all, you should take into account the dimensions of the room, the location of the future structure, as well as the height of the ceiling in the steam room.

In order to translate the plan into reality, you should familiarize yourself with the standard sizes of such structures:

  • To lie on a shelf with knees bent at the legs, you need a bench 1.5 m long.
  • The 1.8 m long bench will allow any average user to lie down on it, but not bend their knees. In this case, a lot depends on the individual parameters of a person - sometimes a two-meter bench may not be enough.

  • Shelves can have a minimum width of 40 cm. This parameter most often belongs to the lower tier, which is usually used as a footrest. It is comfortable to stand on this step, but you can also sit down.
  • Most often, bath benches have a width of 60 cm. This parameter is optimal, but not entirely suitable for soaring in a supine position.
  • To sit (with legs pressed) across the bench, you will need a structure with a width of 90 cm. A user with any physiological parameters can lie on such a bed.
  • The widest is a wooden shelf with a size of 150 cm. It is convenient not only to sit on it, but also to lie on it.

Of course, there are other options for the parameters of benches for the steam room. However, experts recommend manufacturing or ordering structures whose dimensions exceed the minimum values. If the steam room has a sufficient area, the dimensions of the shelves can be increased.

When designing shelves for a bath, it is important to take into account the installation height of all constituent elements:

  • 1.1-1.2 m- experts recommend maintaining this distance between the lowest step and the second shelf in a row.
  • 40-60 cm- this gap is optimal if it is performed between the first and second shelves.
  • 20 cm- this is the minimum allowed distance that should be left between the floor and the step at the very bottom.
  • 1.5-1.8 m– these dimensional values ​​are the minimum for the length of the bath shelf.

When drafting the design of the steam room, you need to pay special attention to the layout of the shelves in the room:

  • Along one of the walls of the room in 1-3 rows, while the shelves can be installed one above the other.
  • There are also L-shaped designs. In such cases, any number of steps is possible. For example, there may be two or three along each partition. The top and bottom pieces can be placed along the longest wall, and the middle part along the shorter one next door.
  • There are also models in which there are two parallel structures located along walls opposite each other. Such options are reminiscent of a compartment in a train car. These shelves can be both symmetrical and uneven with signs of asymmetry.

After that, it will be more convenient for the owner to choose the optimal solution. Moreover, you can correctly calculate the required volume of lumber, based on the size of the benches.

It is not difficult to draw up a project for bath shops - for this you just need to take into account all the parameters and the proposed location of the structure. If there are doubts about the correctness of their actions, then it is better to hire specialists who will prepare the finished drawing.

How to do it yourself?

You can make shelves for the bath with your own hands. So that the result does not disappoint, you should strictly adhere to the step-by-step guide, as well as use high-quality materials and tools in your work.

Below is an instruction on how to make shelves using the example of a steam room with dimensions of 2.5x3 m.

  • First of all, it is necessary to correctly prepare the wood for further work. To do this, the boards need to be properly processed - sanded and prepared corners.
  • Be sure to cover the lumber with protective antiseptic compounds. Such funds will extend the life of bath shops. Treated wood is not subject to rotting and cracking, so do not neglect this stage of work.

  • For example, in a steam room with dimensions of 2.5x3x2.5 m, it will be possible to place benches only along a long wall. For the frame frame of the shelf, you will need bars with a section of 50x70 cm.
  • It is necessary to make blanks in the amount of 12 pieces 1.1 m long, as well as 6 pieces 0.9 m long.
  • To make a tier below, you will need 6 half-meter parts and 6 bars 1.5 m long.
  • Also, for the manufacture of the shelf will need 3 boards. These components will be needed to connect the racks of the upper and lower tiers.
  • Using three binding boards, you can knock down a neat U-shaped structure.
  • After arrangement, the resulting structure should be attached to the wall. It is recommended to fasten the shelf with the help of special wooden linings (cubes). These parts will protect the surface of the bars from moisture.

  • From a set of racks prepared for the lower level, you need to assemble and knock down a single frame of the L-shaped structure. In the future, this structure should be docked with the uprights of the upper step and securely fixed to it.
  • At the end of the work carried out, it is necessary to lay boards related to the upper and lower tiers on the prepared frame frame.
  • The flooring should be made of planed board with dimensions of 20x120 mm and a length of 3.5 m.
  • To fix the flooring to the frame, you must use special wooden nails or pins.
  • It should be borne in mind that under the conditions provided, the total height of the shelves can be approximately 1.5-1.6 m.

Below is a variant of the installation of bath shelves using a special Finnish technology.

  • First of all, it is necessary to measure the length of the wall along which the benches will be installed. Approximately 20-30 mm should be subtracted from the obtained values. This must be done so that there is a gap between the shelves and the walls of the steam room.
  • After that, you need to proceed to the creation of the frame. To do this, you first need to make the main frame. Its length is already known, but the width must be chosen independently.
  • To choose the appropriate width of the rectangular frame frame, it is necessary to take into account the size of the steam room, as well as personal preferences - it depends on the width of the structure how much free space users will have to relax in a sitting or lying position.

  • Then the frame must be fastened in the corners - for this it is recommended to use special metal corners. After that, the structure should be pulled together using bolts or self-tapping screws. It is better to carry out such work in the inner part of the shops.
  • You should also install intermediate cross rails. Experts advise during their installation to adhere to a step of 50-60 cm.
  • After completing the assembly of the frame, you should make sure that it fits seamlessly into the available space.
  • The next step is to fix the support frame on the walls, the length of which corresponds to the width of the shelves themselves. At this stage, it is important to fix the two wooden bars at the same height.
  • Then you need to make sure that all the details are fixed correctly - the building level is best suited for this (it is recommended to use a bubble or laser tool).

  • To fix the supports, you need to use screws or self-tapping screws. Fastening should be done at 2-3 points.
  • It is also necessary to take into account such a moment: the longer the bed, the more fasteners should be. Experts recommend maintaining a step of no more than 40 cm between the fasteners.
  • The lower beds must be fixed with a slight protrusion relative to the upper elements. The length of the protrusion in this case should correspond to the width of the bottom shelf.

To leave the necessary gaps in the structure for ventilation, you need to put thin sheets of plywood on the outside of the beds.

  • Then the frame structure must be placed on the installed beds. To make the structure stronger and more reliable, you should additionally attach the frames to the wall with screws or self-tapping screws.
  • After that, it is necessary to lay the flooring on the frames. In this case, the boards can be laid longitudinally or perpendicular to the frames.
  • At the end of these works, it is important to close the space remaining between the upper and lower shelves.
  • You also need to assemble the backrest above the upper tier: you can use a ready-made design or make it yourself. To do this, slats should be vertically nailed to the partition, the thickness of which is 1-2 cm. In this case, a step of 40-60 cm should be followed. Then boards must be fixed on the slats.

Finishing work

To finish the received bath benches, you can use special varnishes and impregnations. Such compounds will protect wooden structures from decay and destruction. It should be noted here that ideally wood in the bath should not be subjected to any processing - just sand the material.

If there is good ventilation in the room, then the tree in it will not deteriorate and lose its visual appeal.

If high-quality ventilation in the bath is not provided, then it will not be possible to do without special protective compounds.

To protect wooden shelves from rotting and deformation, you can use some useful tools:

  • Acrylic based varnishes. Acrylic varnishes, which are not afraid of dampness and moisture, form a special moisture-proof film on the wood surface. The structure of such funds does not change in any way, even if the temperature in the room is +100 degrees. For this reason, acrylic varnishes are allowed to be used in a Finnish sauna.

  • Impregnation. Antiseptic impregnations are designed to prevent the appearance of mold and fungus on wood. In addition, such compositions make natural material more resistant to moisture. Impregnations differ from varnishes in that they penetrate deeper into the structure of the tree than provide it with comprehensive protection.
  • Bleachers. Such special compounds are used to bleach darkened wood.
  • Wax solution or linseed oil. Many experts advise treating finished shelves with a wax solution. An alternative to this remedy is linseed oil. Such products should be applied to the tree in two layers. One layer of oil dries in about 8 hours.

If you want to make shelves not in three, but in two tiers, then you need to take into account that the height of the lower level from the floor should be approximately 50 cm, and from the top - 90 cm.

Between the decorative finish of the ceilings and benches, it is necessary to leave a technological gap. Its size is usually 4 mm on each side, while it is necessary to take into account the expansion coefficient of the tree when it swells.

Aggressive chemicals cannot be used to process the shelf - at high temperatures and their differences, such compounds will release toxic substances, accompanied by an unpleasant odor. As a result, a person may experience a severe allergic reaction.

For the manufacture of frame bases, experts recommend purchasing a beam of 50x70 cm. In addition, so that the tree does not dry out, the thickness of the board should be about 4 times less than the width. When making a frame, it should be further strengthened. To do this, you can connect all the supporting parts with the help of boards both from below and from above. It is recommended to put on special rubber pads on the legs of bath furniture - with such details of the shelves it will not scratch the floor or slide on damp boards.

If the steam room in the bath cannot boast of a large footage, then it is permissible to build a lower shelf in the shape of a triangle in it. Such structures should be placed indoors in such a way that one leg does not fit snugly against the wall, and the other against the adjacent shelf.

Most often, the lower part of the shelf structure is not fixed in any way. Thanks to this solution, the floor under the structure can be washed, and it dries more efficiently. If the bottom of the bench is too heavy and heavy, then special skids can be built under it. moving on rubber guides.

The use of self-tapping screws during the construction of the shelf allows you to firmly and securely fix the resulting structure. In addition, it will remain possible to freely disassemble the bath furniture in order to dry or replace any part. When calculating the required volume of materials, it is important to remember the technological indents.

It should be borne in mind that the shelves for the Finnish bath are always equipped with a back made of boards. This detail is needed so that visitors to the bath do not burn the body on hot wall cladding.

Highly it is important to sand the boards for the flooring of the shelf with high quality. The surface of these elements should be perfectly smooth and neat - sitting or lying on benches with burrs and knots will be uncomfortable and even dangerous.

It is not recommended to use coniferous wood for the manufacture of the shelf., despite their environmental friendliness and pleasant aroma. Such materials at high temperatures release a resin that will adhere to the skin.

The width of the shelf should not be less than 0.4 m. If you build a narrower structure, then it will be impossible to sit or lie on it - there will not be enough space. In the manufacture of the shelf, special hardwood fasteners should be used.

It is permissible to refer to stainless steel parts only when constructing a frame base, which will later be covered with boards. This is because metal fasteners can become very hot in the steam room and you can accidentally burn yourself if they are on the surface.

Most often, shelves are made three-tiered.. Of course, you can build two-level furniture. Models with a large number of levels should not be designed- sitting on them without touching the ceiling will be almost impossible if you do all the work correctly.

It should be borne in mind that the number of frame parts directly depends on the thickness of the bar. The shelf must be strong enough and durable enough to easily support the weight of several people sitting on it at the same time.

How to care?

Many homeowners are wondering how to care for a bath shelf. You can maintain the cleanliness of such structures as follows:

  • for washing and cleaning the shelf, it is forbidden to use any modern cleaning products and aggressive chemicals;
  • experts say that the best way to clean a bench in a steam room is laundry soap;
  • if there is serious contamination on the benches, then for its mechanical removal it is permissible to turn to abrasive material.

The steam room should always be clean and tidy, as in these conditions a person takes care of his health and hygiene.

Beautiful examples

Bath shelves are not always simple and inconspicuous. Sometimes such designs transform the room, making it more comfortable and hospitable.

For example, a three-tier light wood corner shelf with a rounded edge will look amazing if you build spotlights with upward light into its back. This beautiful furniture looks harmoniously in an ensemble with a compact stove with an open heater in the shape of a pipe.

A three-level bench looks very beautiful and fashionable, in which the inside of each step is equipped with blue or blue LED lighting. The backrest above the seats should also be supplemented with a diode tape. To dilute the "sea" glow, you can install corner lamps with warm yellow lamps above the shelf.

Light wooden shelves installed along one wall will look great in a small steam room, in which one of the partitions is finished with stonework. It is permissible to make the remaining surfaces of the room less noticeable - they can be sheathed, for example, with clapboard.

A shelf assembled from boards of different shades will look very original in a steam room., especially if different parts of its design are made figured - cut at an angle. The resulting design should be supplemented with warm wall lights above the back and a white or yellow LED strip inside the seats.

For a bath in a slightly casual rustic style, you can build a rough shelf from wood of a dark shade with a pronounced structure. Of course, the surface of the wood must be well processed and finished, regardless of the chosen style. Such designs do not need to be supplemented with LED strips.

What does a person who enters the steam room see, in addition to the beautiful finish, competently mounted by the attentive and economic owner of the bath? First of all, his attention is drawn to the stove, which is the "heart" of any steam room, as well as shelves on which you can comfortably (or not very, if something is done incorrectly) sit down for the duration of the bath procedures. It is the last item on the list that will be discussed next.

For an uninformed person, the shelves in the bathhouse are an elementary structure, consisting of 1-3 wooden benches. In practice, everything is much more serious and interesting. Did you know that shelves can be made from different materials? At the same time, the configuration and dimensions of structures can also vary. You are invited to familiarize yourself with all the nuances mentioned, as well as instructions for the independent manufacture of shelves for the bath, in the course of studying the information below.

First of all, you need to pay maximum attention to the choice of material for the manufacture of bath shelves. In the process of determining the best option, it is necessary to take into account the extreme temperature and humidity conditions in which it will be used. Traditionally, shelves are made of wood - the use of any kind of synthetic materials should be completely excluded.

It is also important to understand the fact that not every type of wood is equally well suited for the manufacture of the considered elements of the bathing environment. You can use only those materials that fully comply with the following requirements:

  • have low thermal conductivity;
  • do not contain resins in their composition or include them in a minimum amount;
  • characterized by high fiber density;
  • normally tolerate operation in conditions of high humidity and temperature extremes.

Since ancient times in Russia, bath shelves were made of aspen and linden wood, sometimes poplar and birch were used for this. Relatively recently, the list of suitable materials was replenished with a guest from distant Africa - the abachi tree. The listed materials fully comply with the above-mentioned requirements for wood suitable for the manufacture of bath shelves. Moreover, each of them has both a set of strengths and weaknesses.

Important! It is impossible to make shelves from coniferous wood - the resin released during heating is unlikely to give pleasant sensations to visitors to the bath.

You can find information about the most commonly used materials for the manufacture of bath shelves today in the following table.

Table. Materials for the manufacture of shelves in the bath


Nearly perfect material
- knots are practically absent;
- processing is easy and fast;
- the material heats up slowly and dries quickly;
- wood does not crack;
- there are no ugly sweat marks on the surface of the finish;
- in the process of heating, the wood emits a pleasant light smell;
- the material has been famous for its healing properties since ancient times;
- Linden is relatively inexpensive.
Many advantages and only one drawback - a fairly quick darkening in the temperature and humidity conditions of the steam room - make linden wood an excellent material for making bath shelves.
Aspen is the most budgetary representative of the category of materials, the properties of which allow them to be used in the temperature and humidity conditions of the steam room. In addition, aspen is famous for its rather serious durability, slight inclusion of knots, as well as its amazing ability to absorb all negative energy, “cleansing” a person and improving his well-being.
There are no complaints about the appearance of aspen - the material is quite attractive. Along with this, under a beautiful “cover” a huge nuisance characteristic of aspen can be hidden - the material is prone to rotting from the inside.
If you decide to make bath shelves from aspen, if possible, be sure to saw at least a couple of boards from the batch in order to check the material for the mentioned flaw.
The abachi tree grows in hot and humid climates. The origin of the material allows it to “feel” ideally in conditions typical for a steam room.
Abashi endures operation in the temperature and humidity conditions of the bath, retaining its original characteristics and appearance for the longest possible time. At the same time, the external properties of abasha are at their best - the material is presented in the widest variety of shades, from yellowish to pleasant cream.
The subjective disadvantage of this wood is only its high cost, when compared with the options discussed above.

In addition to choosing the material for the manufacture of bath shelves, it is also necessary to choose the optimal composition that will ensure the longest possible service life of wood, reducing the intensity of the harmful effects of high humidity and extreme temperature changes on it.

The conditions typical for a bath make it impossible to use the usual drying oil and oil paints as protective compounds - such materials, firstly, will not be able to ensure the safety of wood in the steam room, and secondly, when heated, they will emit substances and compounds harmful to human health.

The best option is to use special oil-based impregnations. After applying these, the surface of the wood is covered with a kind of protective film that is resistant to high temperatures and excessive humidity and is harmless to humans.

Video - Wood protection in the bath

Bath shelving design

According to the principle of use, the bath shelf is an ordinary bench, a wide comfortable seat, assembled and installed in the steam room in compliance with the provisions of the relevant technology.

The main structural elements of bath shelves are, firstly, the frame, and secondly, the flooring.

The frame performs the functions of a kind of support, a base to which the boards of a stationary flooring are fastened or a dismantled flooring system is constructed. For the manufacture of the frame, a wooden beam is used, the section of which is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of the system being equipped and the expected magnitude of the loads (the most commonly used material is 5x5 cm in size).

The support posts are installed in a vertical position and fastened with transverse jumpers - this is the most popular method. There is also a method of arranging the frame according to the type of stair stringer. And an even more rarely used option for arranging bath shelves is their installation in accordance with Finnish technology, when choosing which the frame is fixed without supports, and the seats and deck chairs look like a shelf attached to the wall, similar to those present in train cars.

Schemes of existing frame designs for bath shelves are presented in the following images.

For the construction of flooring, aspen or linden boards are usually used, if there is a sufficient budget and desire - from abachi. Boards are stuffed with 10-20 mm gaps.

Important! The flooring elements must be carefully sanded, at least from the front side and ends, so that visitors to the bathhouse do not get hurt and do not drive splinters.

There are 2 main flooring options:

  • stationary, in which the boards are attached to the frame with nails / screws or other suitable fasteners;
  • removable - the boards are assembled into separate elements that are laid on top of the frame without providing permanent fastening with it.

The main advantage of the second option is the ability to take the flooring out of the bath and ventilate it outside the room.

If preference is given to a fixed deck, the fastening of the elements must be carried out in compliance with the important requirements listed below:

  • fixing the boards is best done with wooden nails or pins. In the case of using self-tapping screws, they must either be equipped on the inside of the flooring, or buried in the material by 1-2 mm;
  • boards are fastened with gaps of 10 mm or more to ensure efficient air circulation inside the structure and exclude the possibility of its destruction due to rotting and other problems that occur in unventilated places with high humidity;

  • the thickness of the boards is selected in accordance with their width: optimally, when the first indicator is 4 times less than the second;
  • all surfaces of the boards with which the bath visitor can come into contact are carefully sanded, and sharp edges and corners are rounded;

    The corners of the material for the manufacture of shelves are chamfered or rounded

  • boards for sitting / lying can be placed longitudinally and transversely with respect to the adjoining wall, backrests - longitudinally.

Shelf sizes and shapes

In the process of designing shelves for a bath, it is necessary to adhere to established standards and correctly observe key linear parameters. The values ​​recommended below will allow you to get the most comfortable shelves to use, organically fitting into the space of even a small steam room.

With regard to the width of the shelf, the following variations are the most popular:

  • 40 cm is a fairly narrow seat, the use of which will be appropriate in a small steam room. If there is enough space, it is recommended to give preference to more impressive values;
  • 60 cm - a shelf of medium size;
  • 90 cm is a standard and very convenient option. On such a shelf you can comfortably sit with bent legs;
  • 150 cm - a wide shelf that allows not only to sit, but also to lie with bent legs.

If there is enough space in the steam room, the dimensions of the shelves can be increased at your discretion.

More detailed information regarding the dimensions of the constituent elements of the bath shelves is consecrated in the following image.

Regarding the installation height of the elements, the recommendations are as follows:

  • 1.1-1.2 m - professionals advise trying to maintain such a distance between the lower step and the second shelf;
  • 40-60 cm - the optimal gap between the 1st and 2nd shelves;
  • 20 cm - this distance between the floor surface and the lower step is the minimum allowable;
  • 1.5-1.8 m is the minimum recommended shelf length.

The following image schematically shows the recommended shelf sizes and distances between different surfaces and elements.

Additionally, bath shelves are classified according to their design features. There are 3 main options, each of which you can find in the following table.

Table. Bath shelving options

Variety of shelves for a bathDescription

Occurs more often than others. With this design, the shelves are mounted on one wall and arranged in steps. At the same time, it will be the “coldest” on the lower shelf, and the hottest on the upper one - heated air masses, as you know, are displaced by cold air and rush upwards.
The best option that allows you to save and make the most efficient use of available space. Shelves are arranged in such a way that the upper and lower of them are adjacent to one wall, and the intermediate part of the structure is arranged on an adjacent wall.
The arrangement of shelves of this configuration allows you to save some space in the steam room. The principle is simple: when not needed, the upper tier rises to the wall, like a shelf in a train compartment, and if it becomes necessary to use it, it just as easily falls back.

The simplest design - straight shelves in several tiers (in this example there are 2 of them, you can make fewer or more, based on the same guide) are installed along the wall. As an example, a steam room with a 3 m long wall is taken - one of the most common options. If in your case the length of the wall along which the shelves are installed does not match the one indicated as an example, the differences from the instructions given will only be in the required amount of starting materials and frame racks.

In order for the erected shelves to be as convenient as possible, a number of important requirements must be met in the process of their design.

Firstly, the seat of the lower tier should rise above the floor by at least 0.6 m. With more modest indicators, spending time on such a shelf can hardly be called comfortable.

Secondly, the width of the shelves should not be less than 400 mm. If possible, it is better to completely focus on a 600 mm indicator as a minimum. In general, this moment is directly determined by the overall dimensions of the paired room, the available space and the preferences of the owner.

Thirdly, between the seat of the upper tier and the ceiling of the bath, you need to leave a gap of at least 1.1-1.2 m in height, otherwise the visitor to the steam room will rest against the ceiling with his head, which is not very convenient.

To assemble the shelves in a steam room of the mentioned sizes, you will need about 40 m of timber with dimensions of 5x5 cm (or more), from which you will make the frame, and approximately as many boards for the finishing sheathing. The optimal dimensions of the boards are as follows: width - 120 mm, thickness - about 30-40 mm.

The process of building bath shelves consists of 2 key stages: mounting the frame and arranging the flooring. You can find the order of these events in the following table.

Table. The procedure for arranging bunk bath shelves

Stage of workDescription

In this example, a two-tier structure is being built. The work is performed in the following sequence:
- the frame of the upper tier is made. To do this, 12 blanks 120 cm long are cut off from the beam. You also need to make 6 blanks 60 cm long. By connecting long vertical supports at the top with horizontal jumpers, we get U-shaped racks in the amount of 6 pieces. Their height will be 1.2 m;
- we fix the obtained racks on the wall surface with a step of 60 cm. Wood screws are well suited for fastening, while fixing it is better through wood corks - the presence of such will eliminate the likelihood of moisture accumulation between the racks and the bath wall. If this rule is not followed, the wood will rot very quickly and the shelves will become unusable;
- to make the structure more reliable and rigid, we fasten the far free corners of the frame with a long beam. In this example, the wall has a length of 300 cm, we take the corresponding beam. To fasten wooden elements, we use self-tapping screws or other suitable fasteners;
- proceed to the manufacture of the frame of the lower bath shelf. To do this, we take a beam and cut it into 6 elements 60 cm long (they will take on the functions of vertical supports) and a similar number of blanks 120 cm long (they will be used as horizontal crossbars). We fasten the prepared blanks into elements in the form of the letter G, following the above recommendations. Vertical racks should rest against the floor of the steam room. For greater stability, we also fasten the far free corners of the lower tier of the frame with a 3-meter beam.
As a result, we got a frame for shelves 3 m long and 60 cm wide.
Recommendations regarding the choice of the optimal material for sheathing were given earlier. Having chosen the ideal wood for us, we proceed to the sheathing of the frame.
To do this, we prepare the required number of sheathing elements with a length slightly less than 3 m (about 20-30 mm must be left for the air gap between the walls of the bath and the sheathing of the frame).
We alternately sheathe both the horizontal surfaces of the frame and the gaps between the shelves.
For fastening, it is recommended to use wooden pins, for example, from oak wood. The disadvantage of fastening with screws / nails is that in the conditions of the bath the metal will heat up quite strongly, and this can lead to burns for visitors to the steam room.
If the use of metal fasteners is the only possible option, their heads must be sunk into the wood by 2-3 mm, and the resulting recesses should be masked with wooden plugs.
It is also recommended to leave gaps between the floorboards - centimeter gaps will be enough.

Video - Simple do-it-yourself bath shelves

Corner shelves for the bath are built in a similar sequence. In fact, when erecting a corner structure, the shelves are simply mounted against two adjacent walls and neatly joined at the corners. To ensure greater reliability and rigidity of the structure, an additional corner support post should be installed.

The main feature of the "Finnish" shelves, as noted, is the absence of vertical support posts. The manufacturing technology of the structure is reduced to assembling the seat/lounger frame with its subsequent placement on supporting frames, previously attached to the walls of the steam room, and sheathing.

Recommendations regarding the fasteners used and the required gaps remain similar to the previous instructions: where possible - wooden pins, where not - self-tapping screws with a deepening of the cap into the wood and installation of decorative plugs, gaps - 20-30 mm between the ends of the shelves and walls, 10 mm - between the elements flooring.

For the manufacture of supporting frames, it is recommended to use a wooden beam with an enlarged section, for example, 10x10 cm. You will need a little material (the length of the frame is determined in accordance with the planned width of the shelf), so you will not incur significant costs for its purchase. The frame can be made from 5x5 cm bars (preferably 10x5 cm) or boards with similar parameters.

Let's get to work.

First step. We measure the length of the wall along which the shelves will be mounted. This will allow us to determine the required frame length. Do not forget to subtract 20-30 mm from the obtained value to ensure the gap between the shelves and walls (the best option is to provide this gap by laying a smaller amount of sheathing, as in the previous instructions).

We have already determined the length of the product. We select the width ourselves, taking into account the size of the steam room and personal preferences. The width indicator directly determines how much space will be available to the bath visitor for sitting / lying. In the corners we fasten the frame with metal corners and tighten with bolts / self-tapping screws. It is better to do this from the inside of the structure. We also install intermediate transverse rails from the same timber. The recommended step for placing the transverse bars is 50-60 cm.

After assembly, make sure that the frame fits into the available space.

Second step. We fix the supporting frames on the wall with a length corresponding to the width of the equipped shelves. Our task is to fix 2 wooden blocks at the same height. We are convinced of the evenness of fixing the beds with the help of a building level.

For fastening the supports we use screws / self-tapping screws. Fastening is carried out at 2-3 points. The last moment depends on the size of the frame - the longer it is, the more fasteners should be. The recommended step for placing fixing elements is no more than 40 cm.

We fix the lower beds with a protrusion in relation to the upper ones. The length of the protrusion should correspond to the planned width of the bottom shelf.

To provide the necessary ventilation gaps, we put thin plywood strips on the outside of the beds.

Third step. At this stage, our task is reduced to laying the assembled frames on the support beds. To ensure greater reliability and rigidity of the structure, we additionally attach the frames to the wall using screws / self-tapping screws.

Fourth step. We equip the flooring. Boards can be fastened both longitudinally and perpendicularly to the frames of the structure. Recommendations regarding the fasteners used and the gaps between the boards were given earlier.

In this example, the master cuts the already finished flooring into elements of the required sizes. If you wish, you can buy the same one - this moment remains completely at your discretion.

The space between the lower and upper shelves is also sewn up.

Fifth step. We mount the backrest above the top shelf. To do this, we can use either a ready-made corresponding product, or we can build a backrest ourselves by nailing vertical slats up to 1-2 cm thick to the wall in increments of 40-50 cm, and then fixing the boards on them.

The shelves are ready.

Video - Finnish bath shelves

Helpful advice! Based on the same technology, you can make a compartment shelf. The only difference is that the upper shelf in this case is not laid on stationary beds, but is mounted using a folding bracket that can withstand the upcoming loads.

Now you know what bath shelves can be and how to assemble these products on your own. Choose the option you like and proceed with the work, following the provisions of the corresponding instructions.

Video - Do-it-yourself bath shelves drawings

How to make shelves in the bath correctly - instructions

At first glance, bath shelves do not represent anything complicated. However, there are special rules for their construction, which are dictated by the peculiarities of their use. Therefore, in order for them to last as long as possible and be comfortable in use, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules for their construction. Consider what shelf layouts exist, and also give a step-by-step guide for building a canopy in a bathhouse with your own hands.

Design elements of bath shelves

The bath regiment has another name - a bench. Benches come in different heights, they are arranged according to a certain pattern.

They consist of two main elements:

  1. frame, which is the base to which the floorboards are attached. The flooring can be fixed or dismantled. The most common is the frame, made of support posts, which resemble the legs of a bench, connected by wooden lintels. There is another option, when the frame is made as a stair stringer, to which the steps of the shelves are attached. Sometimes the frame is built in the likeness of the frames in the sauna. In this case, there are no supports, and the frame looks like a railway shelf fixed to the walls of the steam room.
  2. Flooring, made of stuffed linden or aspen well-polished planks. Between the boards there should be a small distance of 1-2 cm. The flooring is either fixed to the frame, or is a separate element. Loose flooring can be taken outside to dry. It can also be used as a seat, couch or podium for the attendant. In the same way as the flooring, the backs and sides of the shelves, headrests, and devices that allow you to lie down so that your legs are at head level or higher are made.

As a rule, the steam room is small in size, since a small room is easier, faster and more economical to warm up to the desired temperature, so the shelves have a simple rectangular shape (read: "What size steam room is considered optimal"). Usually the shelves in the bath in the steam room look like a staircase with 2-3 degrees. Such steps can look like sun loungers or corner sofas with a rounded shape. However, something like this can only be done in a large steam room.

If there is not enough space in the steam room to build a rectangular lower bench, it can be made in the shape of a right triangle. It is located as follows: one leg should not fit snugly against the wall, and the other against the adjacent shelf.

The reason for the multi-stage shelves in the bath

According to all known laws of physics, steam and hot air rise to the ceiling. After a while, the airflow at the top cools down. Part of it leaves through the ventilation of the steam room, and part falls to the floor. For this reason, it is much hotter at the top than at the base of the bathhouses.

Multistage allows a person to independently make a choice of the best temperature regime for him. Therefore, in order to be able to take a steam bath both at the maximum temperature in the steam room and at a more gentle one, you should make shelves in the sauna with your own hands in the likeness of steps. In a Russian bath, two shelves are most often built, but three can be made, only there should be enough space for them. This means that space must be left for the movement of people in the steam room without injury.

How to arrange shelves

Do-it-yourself drawings will be required for the construction of a shelf in the bath, and all necessary calculations should also be made. A small plan of the room is drawn, dimensions are indicated, equipment installation locations, the location of windows and doors are noted.

It is very important to remember that shelves should not be placed near walls with glazed windows. Under the influence of hot steam, glass can burst and fragments will fall on people. Therefore, in steam rooms with windows there are not many options for arranging shelves in the bath. You can place them only along the walls, where there are no windows and glazed ventilation vents.

There are several layouts for shelves:

  • Along one wall in 1-3 rows, placing shelves on top of each other.
  • A design in the form of the letter G with various options for the number of degrees. For example, 2-3 along each wall, the upper and lower shelves along the long wall, and the middle one along the adjacent short one.
  • Two parallel structures located along opposite walls in the likeness of a compartment in a train car. Structures can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Before you make shelves on paper in the steam room, you should draw several options and choose the most suitable one from them. In order to properly plan everything and calculate the required amount of lumber, you need to know the exact dimensions of the shelves for the bath.

Bath shelf sizes

Based on a person of average height and equipment, the following sizes of shelves in the bath have been developed for receiving steam procedures in a sitting or lying position:

  • The length of the shelf so that you can lie with your legs bent at the knees is 1.5 m.
  • To lie on a shelf at full height without bending your legs, the length should be 1.8 m. But in this case, everything is individual, since all people are of different heights and it may be that even 2 m is not enough (read: "What is the size of the shelves in the steam room needs to be done - advice from practice").
  • The minimum shelf width is 40 cm. Most often, this is the lower shelf, which is mainly used as a footrest for the attendant. You can not only stand on such a stand, but also sit if you want to cool off a bit.
  • The most common bath benches are 60 cm wide. However, they are not very convenient for soaring in a supine position.
  • The width of the shelves of 90 cm allows you to sit across with your legs crossed and lie down for a person of any configuration.

The minimum dimensions are given, but no one forbids making larger shelves. But building smaller bath shops is not worth it - they will simply not be comfortable.

Bath furniture height

With regard to the height of the shelf in the bath, completely different principles apply; there are no standard values ​​​​here. First, the height of the top shelf is determined. 1.10 - 1.20 m are measured from the ceiling and the top shelf is installed at this level. This will allow you to sit on it, and gives you enough room to swing the broom to whip the person's back rather than the ceiling. But in order to be able to do this while holding the broom in an unbent hand, more space should be left, about 1.5 m.

Sometimes the top shelf is installed opposite the steam door. This will allow you to get more out of the steam. However, it is not necessary to adhere to such a scheme.

The height of the bath shelves can be 40 - 60 cm. The lower bench should be at least 30 cm from the floor. The height of the shelves depends on their number.

As a rule, the lower part of the structure is not fixed. This allows you to wash and dry the floor underneath. For a sufficiently heavy lower stage, special skids are made that move along rubber guides.

Rules for creating shelves for the steam room

To guarantee the comfort of soaring, safety and long life of bath finishes and furniture, you should follow the recommendations below, which explain how to properly make shelves in a steam room:

  • Shelves should not fit snugly against walls.. A gap of approximately 10 cm should be left between them, it is necessary for ventilation. To ensure such a gap, first pieces of timber should be fixed to the wall. The elements of the frame are attached to it with the help of self-tapping screws, while the heads of the self-tapping screws should be sunk into the wood.
  • For the construction of the frame, it is recommended take a bar 50x70 mm. In order for the wood to dry completely, the thickness of the board must be 4 times less than its width.
  • Depending on the thickness of the planks the required number of supports is determined. If the board has a thickness of 22 cm, then the supports are installed at a distance of 60 cm from each other.
  • To make the structure stable, the frame supports should be connected along the entire length with a board from below and from above.
  • For all bathroom furniture legs rubber gaskets should be nailed.
  • For fixing boards it is recommended to use wooden nails or pins that are hammered into the holes drilled for them. If there are only self-tapping screws, then they should be screwed in from the back so that they cannot be burned. If there is no other option but to fix it from the outside, then the metal hats must be buried in the wood.
  • Shelf planks should be spaced at least 1 cm apart.

When calculating the required amount of material, you should remember about technological indents.

According to Finnish technology, the shelves in the steam room are made in the same way as the flooring, that is, with ventilation gaps. However, in Russian baths, the side boards were attached tightly to each other, this was done to reduce the heated space. Of course, in this case, the steam room will warm up faster, but the wood that is hidden will dry out much longer. Which option is best chosen by the owner of the bath. See also: "How to make canopies in the bath with your own hands - tips and instructions from the master."

Technology for creating a simple shelf

Here is a step-by-step guide for building the simplest shelves in the bath with your own hands:

  1. The shelf length is measured. There should be a gap between the wall and the shelf.
  2. The frame of the shelf is fastened with galvanized corners.
  3. The frame should be adjusted to the required length.
  4. Beds are attached to the wall with screws, and a level should be used.
  5. Further, right and left beds are installed at the same level.
  6. To ensure ventilation between the wall and the shelf, pieces of plywood are placed on the outside of the frames.
  7. Floorings are made for the top shelf with a size of 60 cm, for the bottom - 40 cm.
  8. Shelf frames are attached to the walls with screws.
  9. Finished shelves should be cut to the length of the frame. Then they are laid in their place and fixed.
  10. The back of the required size is made and attached to its place.

There is nothing complicated about how to make shelves in a steam room. It is important to follow the above recommendations on how to properly make shelves in the steam room, and take the construction responsibly.

Bath shelves: self-production

What is more important for a steam room - a good hot stove or a comfortable shelf? The right combination of these two components is more important. In order for the soaring process to proceed as expected, not only strong heat is important, but also a comfortable position of the body in order to perceive it. Sitting or lying down, just soaking up steam or whipping the body with a broom, opening the pores in such a way as to get the maximum benefit and not overheat. This means that the height of the shelf, its shape, the distance from the source of heat, as well as the width and length of the bench are important - everything should be comfortable, made according to the rules, in compliance with technologies from A to Z.

Shelf design

What is a shelf? This is a design of benches of different heights, combined into a single set of furniture for the steam room. The structure consists of a frame, which is a support and flooring, which can be both stationary and removable. Removable floorings are convenient because they can be thoroughly dried in the sun after winter use, as well as revise the frame and thoroughly clean the steam room.

The frame is a structure of vertical racks, which are the support and crossbars necessary to give the structure rigidity. The frame can be made in the form of a shelf rigidly attached to the wall, it can be in the form of a ladder with two or three steps.

The flooring is made of polished boards, joined together with a gap of 1.1.5 cm. It serves as a couch or seat, can be equipped with a backrest, pillows in the form of a triangle, which is important in order to be able to take a comfortable floor while lying down.

As a rule, private steam rooms cannot boast of a large area, they have shelves along a long wall, full face to the stove, or they are designed according to the principle of a compartment consisting of an upper and lower shelf. If the area allows, they make corner frames, rounded, paired, and even with triangular inserts. Multi-tiered structures of complex geometry require complex calculations and precision execution.

Advice! If the room is small and you want to make the design original, you can combine the rectangular design of the shelf with a triangular or square insert adjacent to the side. These so-called seats will be useful for those who cannot stay in the steam room for a long time.

What is important to know when making your own?

First of all, the right choice of material is important. A room with high humidity, high temperatures, changes requires the use of wood, which:

  1. has low thermal conductivity, does not heat up under the influence of heat;
  2. the highest levels of hygroscopicity;
  3. does not emit resin.

It is best to use linden, oak or aspen, but recently these species have been few on the construction market, they can be replaced with birch, poplar, maple or cedar.

The location of the shelves should not interfere with the movement of people and air circulation, you need to plan the space in advance, before the walls are erected. It is useful to prepare drawings in which all the details will be taken into account, as well as to prepare the tools and materials necessary for work. In addition to the wood for the frame, on which the 50x70mm timber goes, you will need a finishing board for the flooring. If lining is used, it is required to join it in compliance with the gap. The number of supports from a bar depends on the length of the shelf, the step of the supports is 0.6 cm, the standard board for a bench designed for 4 people is 22 cm.

For installation, you will need self-tapping screws with special plastic caps, wooden dowels, rubber gaskets, small blocks and impregnation, which will need to process all the wooden parts of the structure, will come in handy.

Do not do without such tools as:

  • hand saw;
  • electric planer;
  • Grinder;
  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • brushes.

The material for the shelf must undergo high-quality processing, must be carefully sanded, impregnated, treated with linseed oil.

Advice! Drying oil, lacquer cannot be used in a steam room, when heated, they emit volatile components that cause allergies, fill the air with unpleasant odors that create discomfort. Oil-based impregnations should be used.

Do not use metal fasteners in the bath. It is quite unpleasant to sit on a red-hot nail head. It is better to mount the elements using wooden dowels, wedges, spacers. If the design does not allow to do without metal fasteners, it must be recessed to a minimum depth of 5 mm into the surface or screwed from the wrong side of the frame.

Why build multi-tiered options?

The best shelf is the one that consists of several tiers. The heated air rises, creating the most extreme conditions for soaring on the upper tier, then cooled under the ceiling, flows down, where it creates gentle conditions for taking a bath procedure. Thus, different conditions are formed in the steam room, you can sweat well upstairs or relax in the comfortable warmth of the middle or lower shelf.

In addition, the multi-tiered design allows optimal use of space, which is especially important for a steam room of a small area. On different floors, several people can steam at the same time, using brooms. The tightness of the steam room creates discomfort, nothing should hinder movement, the possibility of moving, entering and exiting.

The three-tier design allows children and elderly family members to bathe on the bottom bench of the shelf without fear for their well-being.

All these points should be taken into account when drawing up a diagram or drawing of a shelf. The drawing will not allow you to make mistakes, forget something or do something against the rules.

The drawing is done like this. First, a plan of the room is applied, then the dimensions are put down, in accordance with them, the equipment, stove, believe, windows are placed. It becomes clear where and how to arrange the shelves with the greatest space savings.

Important! You can not install shelves along the wall with windows. It is better to place them along the blind walls, at such a distance from the stove that it guarantees against burns, and also the jets of steam from the heater should not be directed at people.

Steam, which directionally enters wooden structures, destroys them.

Correct placement: determination of dimensions and height

The presence of windows makes it difficult to arrange the shelf. If the steam room has a window or an outlet, the options for placing bath furniture are limited. However, shelves in several tiers can be arranged in a straight line, equip the structure in an L-shape, you can make an asymmetric design or place shelves on opposite walls. You can make folding decks that allow you to expand the space if the steam room has a minimum number of visitors.

Drawing up a drawing will help to correctly calculate the load, purchase the right amount of material, and also determine the dimensions of the seats and benches.


The generally accepted dimensions of furniture for a steam room for body position, lying and sitting were formed as a result of the standard dimensions of the room. For the prone position, a length of 1.5m to 1.8m is required. It is more comfortable to lie on your back with your legs straight, but if the space is small, then make the minimum length. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe steam room allows, then the length can be made in 2m.

The width of the flooring cannot be less than 40 cm, it is usually used for the lower shelf, which serves both as a couch, where it will be convenient to sit down and as a lower step for climbing to the upper tiers. The traditional width of the bench is from 60cm to 90cm.


The height of a multi-tiered structure is determined by the distance from the ceiling to the upper deck. The dimension should take into account the height of the person sitting on it, as well as the swing of the broom in the attendant's hand. The standard height from the ceiling is 1.1m - 1.2m. The next tiers are separated from each other at a distance of 0.4 m - 0.6 m. To build the required number of tiers, it is permissible to apply a tolerance of 20cm. The bottom flooring should be located at a height of 30-60 cm from the floor.

Interesting! Sometimes the bottom flooring is not made in the design, but a side bench is used to clean and maintain the shelf. An interesting option is the lower bench on the skids, along which it is pushed back and pushed back after cleaning.

Step by step manufacturing

The assembly begins with the preparation of elements of the desired size. After that, the frame is assembled, for which the beam is mounted, according to the number of supports. There must be a ventilation gap between the wall and the flooring, which is necessary for the even drying of the boards; for this, the vertical racks are mounted on small bars fixed to the wall, to which the supports are then sewn. The distance between the posts cannot be less than 60 cm.

Racks are sewn together with boards along the entire length. Rubber pads are nailed to the bottom ends of the racks. The frame is ready, you can proceed to the flooring. If you plan to cover the walls with clapboard, you should make an indent between the flooring and the wall for its installation.

Good to know! If you do not make gaps between the wall and the flooring, the room will warm up faster, but the drying of the wood of the floor, the lower elements and the wall will become difficult. There is no consensus that it is better, it all depends on the configuration of the shelf, the ventilation of the room and other nuances that are characteristic of a particular steam room.

The flooring is made with a slight slope of 2 ° for water flow. Floor boards should be strong, well-finished with an attractive smooth surface.

In conclusion, we can say about the need for footrests so that they can be raised above the position of the head, the outflow of blood from the lower extremities is useful for the procedure, rollers under the head and other small items that increase the comfort of the procedure.

How to make shelves for a bath with your own hands + VIDEO

Shelves (shelves) for baths and saunas can be made independently, but it is necessary to take into account some of the subtleties that exist in any business. Consider the possible designs of shelves for the bath and the best way to make a two-level shelf.

Material for the manufacture of shelves

Since the temperature in the steam room is much higher than in the sink, pine cannot be used, as it has a high thermal conductivity (it gets very hot), which can cause burns. Wood for shelves should have the following properties:

  • Low thermal conductivity;
  • No resin;
  • high density;
  • Resistant to high temperature and humidity.

By and large, there are two candidates: linden and aspen. A more budget option is linden, it is on it that you can stop the choice.

Linden - one of the best materials for the manufacture of shelves in the bath

Bath shelf designs

The arrangement of shelves in the bath (steam room) depends on the size of the room. If the room is large, then you will need racks of large cross-section bars, at least 100 x 50 mm.

The seat is very often made from the same lining that the walls of the bath were sheathed.

As a rule, shelves are two or three tiered.

Three tiered shelves in the bath

If the height of the ceiling in the steam room does not exceed 2200-2400 mm, then a two-tier structure is quite enough.

Two-tier shelves in the bath

There are many options for building regiments, one of them is shown in the video (a builder from Finland works). The example is good because the shelves are made without the use of support posts, which, as a rule, are most susceptible to decay, as they are in close contact with the floor.

Making the top shelf

First make the top shelf. For work, self-tapping screws with a nano coating (do not rust) and a screwdriver are used. Pay attention to the following:

  • The shelves are assembled in such a way that there is a gap between the wooden parts. Thanks to the gap, the wood will dry out faster and mold will not appear.
  • The self-tapping screws are screwed in such a way that after assembling the shelf, it is impossible for the human body to come into contact with the caps of the self-tapping screws - with such contact, you can get burned, since metal objects are very hot in the steam room.
  • It is desirable that the distance from the top shelf to the ceiling of the bath is at least 1.2 meters, otherwise it will be inconvenient to sit on the shelf, and even more so to bathe.
  • The width of the shelves should be at least 40 centimeters. It is better to make the top shelf at least 60 centimeters wide so that it is comfortable to lie on it.
  • Boards or lining must be well processed, i.e. do not contain "splinter".

Making the bottom shelf

The bottom shelf is made in the same way as the top one. At the last stage, the back of the rails is attached above the upper shelf.

How to protect shelves from decay?

On sale there are many impregnations for wood, designed to protect against decay. Alas, most of them cannot be used in a bath, since the vapors of many impregnations are harmful to human health. It is necessary to use an impregnation that will not harm health, for example, SUPI SAUNAVAHA (“Supi Saunavaha”) from TIKKURILA, which contains natural wax in its composition.

Impregnation with wax for the shelves of the bath and sauna company TIKKURILA

Many lovers of the Russian bath, in principle, do not use any impregnation for the walls and shelves in the bath. Indeed, the use of impregnation is not mandatory in the construction of baths and saunas, however, impregnation provides hygienic protection of wood from the effects of the human body.

The level of comfort in the steam room largely depends on the functional characteristics of the shelf - its height, design features and material of manufacture. A convenient shelf for a bath can be done independently if you follow the basic rules.

Choosing the Right Material

For the manufacture of shelves and benches, it is recommended to use hardwood, and here's why: when it is heated, resin is not released, which can burn and stick to the skin.

It is important to choose wood that is resistant to high temperatures and moisture, in which case the shelves can last for many years. But the key criterion is the thermal conductivity of the material:

Wood with low thermal conductivity is the best choice as it won't overheat or burn the skin, allowing the user to lie directly on the boards without the use of a sheet.

The most popular types of wood for the manufacture of the shelf are aspen, linden and African oak abash.

Aspen is the most affordable material

In addition to the low price, aspen has certain healing properties. Traditionally, aspen is considered a tree that absorbs "negative energy".

Shelves made of aspen are quite durable and practical to use. But carefully select aspen - without internal rot.

Linden - the best in terms of price / quality ratio

It is ideal for making shelves and benches, and here's why:

  • This wood is easy to process, looks aesthetically pleasing, exudes a light pleasant aroma when heated, creating a microclimate that is favorable for health.
  • Even at high temperatures, the wood does not burn, it does not leave sweat stains.
  • Linden shelves for a bath are quite durable - the material does not crack or rot over time, but it can darken.

Abash (African oak) - good, but expensive

It has high resistance to temperature and moisture, resistance to stress. Due to the low thermal conductivity, the abash heats up very slowly, so you can use the shelf without fear at any temperature in the steam room.

On sale you can find light and dark abasha wood. During operation, the material retains its original appearance, if it is pre-treated. But abash oak is an expensive material, alas.

The correct dimensions of the bath shelf

Often, many attendants make shelves in several tiers, because "it's beautiful" or seen from others. But two or three tiered shelves with steps came from saunas, where they sit, not lie.

In a Russian bath, such options are not suitable - they interfere with the bather. It is desirable to carry out shelves in one level.

To make comfortable places for sitting and lying, you should focus on the following proportions:

The height of the shelf in the Russian bath

The height of the shelf should correspond to the height of the soaring. So that the steamer does not have to bend down or, on the contrary, work with his hands at an uncomfortable height, the shelves should be located at the level of the thumb bone of the lowered hand. On average, this is a height of 70-80 cm.

It is advisable to leave a distance of at least 110 cm between the shelf and the ceiling of the steam room, in this case you can not only lie on the shelf, but also sit comfortably.

Lenght and width

The shelf should be comfortable for lying, so the length is at least 220 cm, so as not to rest your head against the wall and your legs do not hang down. Width - about 90 cm.

Shelves and benches in the steam room are located along the walls without windows, for the entire width of the wall. The number of shelves depends on the size of the steam room. If space permits, the width of the main shelf can be made for two - these will already be wards.

If space is limited, the “compartment” option is used - the bench and shelves are adjacent to the same wall, the shelf leans back and is fixed for the convenience of sitting on the bench. If necessary, the shelves return to their original position. Another option: the lower bench is retractable, and the shelves are fixed permanently.

Important design features of the shelf

  1. It is preferable to install structures that are open from the bottom so that they are well ventilated from below, do not interfere with the ventilation of the room and make it easy to clean the floor.
  2. In order for water to drain faster from the shelf, it is performed with a slight slope.
  3. Between the floor and the vertical racks of the shelf, plastic or thick rubber linings should be mounted - this will prevent the decay of the wood of the racks and extend the life of the structure.
  4. Bath shelves should look aesthetically pleasing, have a smooth surface and rounded corners of the boards. Structural elements must be tightly adjusted to each other so that the shelves do not stagger or creak.

Methods for fastening boards

Particular attention is paid to fastening the shelf boards and other external elements - it is important to exclude the possibility of accidental contact with the metal of screws or nails while using the steam room.

There are several mounting methods:

  • The easiest and fastest way is to deeply sink the heads of self-tapping screws into the wood.
  • Self-tapping screws can be attached to the back of the structures.
  • The most time-consuming, but the most safe and environmentally friendly option is the use of oak wedges, which are hammered into pre-made holes.

If desired, a back is mounted on the wall to which the shelf is attached - usually these are three boards stuffed onto vertical racks of bars. The back allows you to comfortably sit on a shelf without fear of burning your back on the lining of the steam room. The back is made from the same material as the shelves. Between the boards should leave gaps for ventilation.

To increase comfort on the end wall, you can fill the blocks to support the legs: it is recommended that you lie on the shelf and raise your legs above your head so that they warm up faster.

The process of manufacturing a shelf with a retractable bench-lounger

This option is suitable for those who have a small steam room. The height of the steam room is 220 cm, width 180 cm, length 210 cm. This compact system of shelves fits on an area of ​​110x210x220 cm. The rest of the space is for the stove and for the steamer.

Costs For this shelf with a lounger, 16 lime boards of 210 cm each, bars for the frame, self-tapping screws, corners, impregnation for Tikkurila wood were used - all together costing about 6,000 rubles. Everything is made by hand.

The top shelf is mounted at a height of 113 cm. It is 69 cm wide and 210 cm long. The pull-out lounger is 49 cm wide and also takes up wall-to-wall space. The distance between the shelf and the lounger is 49 cm, thanks to which it is convenient to use the lounger as a footstool while sitting on the shelf.

Since the upper stationary shelf is located much higher than required by the standards, for the convenience of the soaring person, a bench of 3 boards, 36 cm wide, was additionally made. The distance between it and the shelf is 70 cm - this is quite a comfortable value.

Shelves for a steam room consist of two main elements: a supporting structure made of timber and flooring. The support is made of two bearing beams: they are installed along the width of the shelf and connected to each other by jumpers with a step of 50 cm:

One of the beams and the extreme transverse beams are attached to the corresponding walls by the entire plane, the second beam - by the ends. To fix the jumpers, grooves of the required size are made in the beams.

To support the second beam, in this case, special racks were used, based on the wall. To ensure a tight fit, the ends of the racks are sawn at the required angle. The structure is fastened with screws, two fasteners for each rack.

Thin, well-planed boards with rounded edges are stuffed onto the frame made. Between the boards, gaps 1-2 cm wide should be left to ensure a quick drain of water and the necessary ventilation during drying.

The frame was covered with boards, leaving gaps for water to drain (there is also a bench in the photo)

It is important to use boards whose width does not exceed four times their thickness - such material dries well and is not subject to cracking during operation.

In order to save space in the project under consideration, the width of the lounger is 69 cm, but it is recommended to make shelves at least 90 cm wide, for which you will need to use 7 boards.

The principle of manufacturing a retractable lounger is the same as that of a shelf - the frame consists of two longitudinal bars with transverse struts. 5 boards were used for flooring.

Retractable device

The design of the retractable "walking" mechanism requires special attention. How to make a folding shelf so that the lower lounger slides under the upper one? Bars are mounted to the end walls of the steam room. Axes are attached to them, and to the sidewalls of the lounger from the inside, on which wooden planks are put on - levers. At the slats, the corners should be filed (at least in the upper part) so that they do not interfere with the operation of the mechanism.

The thickness of the bars fixed on the wall must correspond to the thickness of the end elements of the lounger. In order for the planks to sit tightly on the axis and move without play, wooden washers are installed.

The mechanism allows you to effortlessly push the sunbed to a strictly defined distance, which in this case is 0.8 of the length of the lever. The lounger rests on legs in a fully extended or fully retracted position.

Such a retractable design is most suitable for steam rooms, in which the shelves and the lounger completely occupy the wall in length.

Protective wood treatment

Before using the steam room, it is necessary to process the wood from which the shelves are made. Frequent contact with hot moist air leads to the rapid destruction of the material, deterioration of its appearance. Competent prevention will help to avoid the appearance of mold and rot.

Attention! In no case should chemical agents be used to process the shelf, including the usual drying oil and varnish. Otherwise, when the temperature in the room rises, substances that have an unpleasant pungent odor and can cause an allergic reaction will be intensively released into the air.

It is recommended to use an impregnation specially designed for bath shelves and benches. It is made on the basis of natural oils and allows you to create a protective film on the outer surface of wooden structures without compromising the natural properties of wood. Such a product is odorless and does not emit harmful fumes when heated.

A cheaper and more affordable option is edible flaxseed oil, which can be purchased at the grocery store. Hot oil is applied with a brush to the wood, it is recommended to rub it well.

It is advisable to process the shelves by warming up the stove in the steam room well - the oil polymerizes under the influence of high temperature. With another method of processing, cold oil is rubbed in, and then the surface is heated with a building hair dryer.

"Furniture" in the bath does not shine with any decorative delights. Its main goal is maximum functionality and providing vacationers with full comfort. It is customary to make any benches or shelves in a bathhouse from natural wood - this is an ideal material for a steam room, which is highly environmentally friendly, easy to process, traditional and very attractive in appearance.

You can easily make shelves in the bath with your own hands. Thanks to the simple design of such a kind of "furniture", even a non-professional will be able to produce it in a short time with high quality and much cheaper than if the shelves were bought in a store or made to order at a factory.


It is impossible to imagine a traditional village bathhouse without shelves: often multi-tiered, resembling a wide-step ladder. In another way, such shelves are called canopies. They are an integral part of any steam room.

Shelves, or canopy is a wooden flooring- a kind of elongated multi-tiered shop located along one or more walls of the room. So that you can relax in the steam room, such shelves are made in such a way that even a large tall person can lie quietly on them. In addition, a multi-tiered shelf allows vacationers to independently choose the most comfortable temperature regime for them.

Bath shelves can be divided into three types. The most common option are shelves used as benches; they are suitable for both small steam rooms and spacious large rooms. Beds are not as popular as benches, but are also found in a variety of baths. And finally, the third type of bath shelves - sun loungers. They practically do not differ from beach chairs, and they can be used with equal success both as a couch and as an armchair, which makes them very functional, although far from the traditional design of the bath.

The design of the shelf is extremely simple. Decorative elements are not welcome, as they can cause injuries, and they simply break out of the traditional external design of the steam room. Simplicity and a small selection of forms of shelves is easily explained: it is customary to allocate a small room for a bath, which can be easily, quickly and quite economically and without spending extra resources to warm up. Therefore, the most beloved by the masters is the ordinary rectangular shape of the shelves.

Material selection

Before proceeding with the manufacture of the shelf, it is worth taking a closer look at the materials, wood, from which they can be made. Not all tree species are suitable for making “furniture” for a bath out of them. After all, they will have to undergo temperature changes and, in principle, a very high temperature regime. Add to this increased humidity, and it becomes clear that few breeds will be able to withstand such extreme conditions.

Suitable breeds should have three main properties. Firstly, such boards must be resistant to ignition (accordingly, the content of various resinous compounds in them must be minimal), high temperatures and humidity. Secondly, in order to make it comfortable for those who have a rest in the bathroom to sit and lie on them, they should not have high thermal conductivity. And thirdly, in order to avoid delamination of chips and the appearance of splinters among vacationers, the rocks must be very dense and not layered.

Several types of trees are most suitable, which can be literally listed on the fingers. Most often it is customary to use linden, aspen, larch in the manufacture of shelves. But the use of conifers (unless, of course, the tree has previously undergone special processing, of which the master is sure), is categorically not recommended. Indeed, due to the resin content, coniferous trees are not only combustible, but also respond to high temperatures by releasing these same resins, which can cause thermal burns.

Linden boards are very easy to process, pleasant to look at, and also resistant to all kinds of stains. They almost do not rot or crack, and when heated, they begin to exude a pleasant woody smell. In addition, linden lends itself very well to processing, and is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of wood. The only thing that can be considered a disadvantage is that with prolonged use in rooms with high humidity, the tree begins to darken.

Aspen boards are generally considered one of the best materials for the production of bath furniture. This is also a very budget option, characterized by durability. Initially, this tree is not very knotty, so it is not very difficult to process it. Unfortunately, the main drawback of this material is its predisposition to rotting of the fibers inside the timber, imperceptible at first glance. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the choice of such boards.

The most expensive, but convenient and popular material for baths is African oak - abachi. This material, which is represented by colors of both dark and light tones, has amazing strength and poor thermal conductivity: it heats up very slowly, and therefore protects those resting on the abachi shelves from any, the most minor burns, even at very high temperatures. This material, which is important, is also resistant to mechanical damage, and hence one of its main drawbacks follows - the difficulties associated with the initial processing of abachi beams and its high cost.

Sometimes birch boards are also used as a material. This wood is not characterized by increased strength, does not survive high humidity well, is prone to rotting and the formation of fungi. Of course, with proper and consistent processing, the characteristics of birch increase significantly, but in any case, it is not recommended to use it in a bath.

Despite the fact that experts advise avoiding conifers in the interior of baths, cedar can be a good material for shelves. Like all conifers, cedar produces resin, so its boards must be treated in a special way, that is, completely free from any resinous substances. At the same time, the cedar will not lose the pleasant smell of natural wood. It is resistant to rotting processes, strong and durable, and its surface has a peculiar woody pattern.

Preliminary removal of resinous elements will allow you to use any coniferous wood for shelves. If the owner is not afraid of the difficulty of finding properly processed boards, then the furniture can be made from spruce or pine. However, in no case should pre-treatment be neglected, otherwise, under the influence of high temperatures, the minerals and resins contained in coniferous trees will begin to flow out of the boards in the most literal sense.

Quite a profitable solution often turns out to be shelves made of larch. It almost does not emit resins, has a pleasant sweet smell and a very beautiful wood pattern. The only drawback is its high thermal conductivity: it will not be easy to sit on such a shelf in a hot steam room.

The wood pattern in itself is an excellent decoration for the steam room., therefore, no paint is used for the shelves. Moreover, under the influence of high temperatures, the paint can begin to peel off and release toxic substances. And in order to protect wooden products from the formation of fungus, mold and decay processes, you can use a variety of water-based impregnations: they are resistant to high temperatures and perfectly protect wood.

The main requirement that applies to all varieties of trees, whichever is ultimately recognized as the most preferable: the selected material should not have knots or they should be removed without the danger of weakening the strength of the structure.

In addition, it is very important to make a correct calculation of the selected material. The minimum cross-section of the beam, which will be used to create the supporting frame of the future regiment, should be 50x70 mm. Boards that are planned to be used to connect parts of the supporting structure must have a cross section of 20x80 mm or more. The thicker the timber, the better, because the more weight it can withstand, and this is very important for multi-tiered structures. For flooring, thinner and narrower boards with a thickness of 10 mm or more are selected.

Sizes and shapes

The dimensions of the shelves depend, of course, on the size of the room, which it was decided to take under the bath. For a steam room, complex tiered structures in three steps are often chosen, however, a traditional Russian steam room should have two rows of shelves. In addition to traditionality, this is the easiest and most convenient option for building it yourself.

In general, the dimensions of the shelf are determined depending on the average height of the visitors to the bath.


The minimum height of the room in which the steam room is located is 210 cm, otherwise the formation of steam and heating of the room may not work properly. The shelf (or its middle part, if we are talking about a multi-tiered structure), in turn, should be located approximately at the same level as the thumb of the hand down. Therefore, its average height will be about 80 cm. As for the upper tiers, the distance between the uppermost shelf and the ceiling should not be less than 120 cm: this will provide the visitor with enough space, regardless of whether he will enjoy bathing procedures sitting or lying down .

In some compositions, the height of the shelves themselves is determined by slightly different values. So, the lower tier from the floor must be at least 30 cm in order to provide furniture with maximum natural ventilation. It is better if the average height of the shelves is on average from 40 to 60 centimeters, although in the end it depends on the number of shelves.

By length and width

The minimum long shelf, which should provide comfort to a person lying on it with legs bent at the knees, according to the standard, is about one and a half meters. If the dimensions of the room allow, then the length of the shelf increases to 1.8 m: this size will allow the vacationer to lie down without bending his legs. But each person has his own height, therefore the optimal shelf length is considered to be 220 cm.

The minimum shelf width is 40 cm. As a rule, such dimensions have shelves located on the lower tier. It is very rarely used for sitting, mainly its purpose is to serve as a stand under the feet of a resting person. But if necessary, the lower shelf can become a place where you can cool off perfectly after the heat of the upper tiers.

The most popular shelf seat size is 60 cm. This width allows you to sit comfortably in the bath, but, unfortunately, it may not be enough for a comfortable lying. Therefore, 95 cm is considered the most convenient width. On such seats, a vacationer can sit across the shelf, legs crossed, or can lie quietly.

The dimensions indicated here are usually enough for a tall and large person to comfortably fit on the shelf. If the room of the bath room allows, then the furniture can be large - in the end, it all depends on the individual needs and wishes of the owner of the bath. Another thing is that it is categorically not recommended to take sizes smaller than those indicated, because in this case the shelves will simply be uncomfortable.

After the main dimensions of the shelves are determined, you can proceed to consider the various forms of this design.

Stepped canopies- This is perhaps one of the most popular types of furniture for a steam room. Shelves are arranged along one of the walls in several tiers - usually two or three tiers, so that the degree of heating increases as the height increases. The topmost tier should be placed higher than the heating boiler or traditional oven, but the above distance of 120 cm should remain between it and the ceiling to ensure maximum comfort for the seated person.

Corner or L-shaped canopies- This is also a fairly common version of the internal composition of bath furniture. Wooden shelves are located on one side opposite the heating boiler or stove, and the second - on one of the free walls. The height of such shelves can be selected individually, because this is the most successful option for small rooms in which functionality must be combined with space saving.

Canopy coupe- this is not the most popular design option for the interior space of the bath, but it is very interesting in itself. In addition, such a composition is spatially extremely beneficial for small spaces. Two shelves are located opposite each other - just like in ordinary compartment cars of trains. Also, as in trains, the upper shelves can be made folding, this will also help save space.

Typically, the frame, which subsequently needs to be covered with flooring boards, is constructed from support posts that resemble peculiar bench legs connected by jumper boards. However, shelves can be made without legs - then the main support will be on the walls to which the furniture will be attached.

The flooring itself consists of densely packed and carefully sanded boards., approximately according to the same principle, the back of the seat is also constructed. The distance between them should be from 1 to 2 cm. An interesting and beautiful solution, by the way, would be to install a multi-colored backlight in the gap between the boards.

Sometimes a special, most often removable, headrest is also made separately from the bed. This wooden device gives a vacationer the opportunity to sit on a couch with true comfort, allows you to relax the muscles of the spine and neck. The design of the headrest itself is simple and does not contain many elements: if desired, it can also be assembled independently along with shelves.


At first glance, the arrangement of shelves may raise some questions, for example, why are they in most cases a multi-stage design.

The reason is actually very simple. When heated, water vapor and hot air rise up, while the temperature near the floor is much lower. Thus, each user will be able to independently choose in which temperature regime it is more convenient for him to be: at the bottom, where it is not so hot, or at the very top of the steam room “pyramid”, where the temperature is as high as possible. Therefore, if the owner of the steam room decided to make the shelves with his own hands, then it is strongly not recommended to deviate from the usual stepped structure.

It is worth noting that in small steam rooms the lower tier is often placed almost at floor level, which allows you to create natural ventilation and make it most effective. It is also important to remember that the upper tier will be made wider than the lower ones (so that it can be used as a couch), while the distance to the ceiling from the couch should not be less than 100-120 cm.


After the dimensions of the future shelf are determined, you can begin to plan the location of the bath furniture. It is worth remembering that, for example, in a traditional Russian bath, it is customary to steam while lying down, and the shelves consist of one or two tiers. Another thing is the Finnish sauna, in which visitors, as a rule, take a steam bath while sitting. There should be at least three tiers, which means that the distance from the lower tier to the ceiling should be much greater.

A correctly drawn up diagram before starting installation work should greatly facilitate the work of the master and subsequently will allow vacationers in the sauna or bath to enjoy the steam room with maximum comfort. The diagram should display all the dimensions of the room, as well as note where the equipment, door and window openings are located.

It is necessary to take into account many nuances, such as the fact that it is absolutely impossible to install curtains under walls with windows, because due to hot steam and high temperature, the glass can crack and injure vacationers.

Shelves can have original frame legs, on which the flooring will be stuffed. However, this is not a prerequisite, but only one of the options. You can make shelves without racks, then the wooden frame will be attached directly to the wall.

It is important to remember that the shelves in no case should fit snugly against the walls. After all, free air circulation is very important for bath wooden furniture, which provides the tree with complete drying and protects it from the processes of decay and the formation of fungus and mold. Therefore, during the installation process, a gap of about 10 cm is left between the flooring and the wall (previously, pieces of timber are attached to the wall, to which other frame elements are subsequently attached). Self-tapping screws, with which fastening is made, should be carefully drowned in wood so that their caps do not remain on the surface.

It cannot be said that the options for the shelves are very diverse, however, if necessary, depending on the size of the bath room, you can choose the most suitable furniture. For small rooms, for example, you can find options that save space. Folding shelves are suitable, which are made in the manner of shelves in trains. Their other option is folding or sliding shelves. When assembled, they look like part of the wall and take up almost no space. There are also removable shelves, which, if necessary, can be brought into the steam room and put in place, or can be removed.


As already mentioned, the shelves are not at all difficult to make with your own hands. It is enough to look at approximate drawings, catch the general principle and draw up your own scheme, taking into account the dimensions of the bath room.

In order to process the source material and build the desired structure from it, it will be necessary to stock up on a certain set of tools. It should include a tape measure, a hacksaw, a hammer and a mallet, a drill and a screwdriver, a chisel. It is preferable to use wooden nails for fixing the flooring. After all, metal nails will inevitably heat up and can ruin all the fun for vacationers. You can, of course, fix the boards with screws from the back of the structure, but this is quite difficult, unreliable and, moreover, requires a very accurate calculation, which a professional may not be able to make.

The number of supports required for the frame, which will be able to withstand the finished shelves, is determined depending on the final thickness of the wooden planks. So, if it was decided to take a board 22 centimeters thick, then the supports will be placed at a distance of 60 centimeters from each other.

In accordance with the drawing drawn up in advance, a sufficient amount of wood should be prepared, the tree itself must be of high quality, not have cracks, signs of decay and all kinds of notches and pods - the boards must be planed and sanded. For the supporting posts of the frame and flooring, it is recommended to take wood of the same species.

The thickness of the flooring boards is selected individually depending on their width. The best option is the case when the thickness of the board is four times less than its width.

The tree itself must first be carefully prepared: the material should not have clearly visible defects and any defects, knots, cracks and chips. In addition, it is customary to take wood of the same species for the frame and flooring.

There are several options for assembling a multi-tiered shelf, they do not differ much from each other and follow general principles. Below is just one of them - the traditional rectangular shelves.

Frame manufacturing

The frame in the case of a shelf performs the most important supporting function; this is the base on which the flooring is fixed from the same processed boards of fixed or removable flooring. These support bases in appearance and their purpose resemble the legs of an ordinary shop.

To make the frame, a large wooden beam is used., the dimensions and cross section of which are determined individually in each case. However, most often, in order to assemble the frame of the future regiment, it is advised to take a dozen pre-prepared beams with a total section of 5 by 7 cm, and also (if it was decided to make shelves with legs) 5 boards that will act as racks.

These support posts must be installed in a vertical position and fastened with rows of transverse jumpers. Sometimes the frame can be equipped according to the stair stringer method, and a very rare option is to install bath shelves without supports, immediately attaching them to the wall (as a rule, this is typical for Finnish saunas or baths built using similar technologies), and seats and sunbeds with In this case, they look like shelves and sunbeds attached to the walls, found in train cars.


After the base of the frame is prepared for installation, it is time to directly attach the structure to the wall of the bath. The benches must be fixed with the obligatory observance of a gap of about 11 cm.

First, the frame of the upper tier is assembled. It is not forbidden to use self-tapping screws so that the frame does not fall apart. Then the first of the rows of load-bearing racks is attached to the wall, the distance between them is from 60 to 85 cm. A “step” is formed at the very top of the bar so that it can be fixed “in the lock”.

Opposite the bearing supports, a second row of racks is installed, and their tops are combined with a transverse beam. For reliability, the structure is assembled with metal corners, and then the supporting supports are “tied” with boards. The next levels are created in a similar way.

For flooring, thin narrow boards are usually taken. This will provide them with the ability to quickly dry out after using the steam room, which means it will once again protect them from possible decay.


Finally, when the frame of the future shelf is assembled, it is time to install it in the bath room. Previously (in order to provide the shelf with better stability and additionally protect it from moisture), special rubber gaskets are placed on the lower parts of the bars.

Then it's time to install the floorboards on the frame. Start fastening the base for the seats should be from the lower tier of the frame, while between the boards you need to leave small gaps from 1 to 2 cm. This is necessary to drain excess condensed water and provides free air circulation inside the wooden shelf, so that the structure will dry quickly and the possibility its destruction due to internal decay processes caused by high humidity will be significantly reduced.

Stuffing and fixing the boards to the frame would be preferable with wooden nails or pins. If, nevertheless, nails or self-tapping screws are used, then they must either be located on the inside of the flooring, or they must be “embedded” in the wood, deepened by a few millimeters in order to prevent thermal burns for vacationers that can spoil all the pleasure of bath procedures.

Not always, but the vertical space between the floor and the shelf seats can also be sheathed with rows of boards. However, it should be borne in mind that although such a design looks attractive, in reality it will only impede air circulation and complicate the cleaning process.

To ensure the most efficient drying of the seats, you can give preference to removable structures. Such loose flooring serves both as a seat and a couch. It is easy to remove from the established place and take out to dry. Seat backs, headrests are made according to the same principle - a kind of bath “pillows”, as well as all kinds of devices that help the bannik to take the most relaxed position, for example, placing the legs at the level of the head, or even higher.


The final stage will be the processing of the resulting shelf with special compounds that will make its use more comfortable, as well as provide it with a longer service life. It is generally accepted that in a traditional steam room, wood should not be processed in principle, it is enough to carefully grind it. Indeed, with good ventilation, there may be no need for additional strengthening of the wood fiber, but extra insurance will never hurt, but it can guarantee furniture a long and high-quality service.

Benches in the first place (in fact, many craftsmen recommend doing this procedure with boards at the very first stages of preparing the frame in order to saturate the tree from all sides) must be impregnated with powerful antiseptics. After all, constant contact with moist and very hot air will inevitably contribute to the destruction of the tree. In addition to rotting, mold can form on the tree and fungi and many harmful organisms can develop.

One of the impregnation options can be natural impregnations, for example, simple linseed oil turns out to be the most budgetary and affordable option.

Often, antiseptic agents are used as impregnations., which give the wood moisture resistance and impregnate it through and through. An unexpected solution at first glance may be the use of bleaches: these special compounds not only protect the wood, but also restore its original color in case of darkening. In addition, there are special formulations designed for direct use in the sauna.

However, in no case should chemicals and varnishes be used as impregnation, and wooden flooring should not be coated with paint. In conditions of high humidity and constant temperature changes, such substances will inevitably begin to decompose and release a variety of toxic substances. In addition to the unpleasant smell that can turn a steam room from a place of relaxation into a real torture, these substances can cause headaches and allergic reactions.

Naturally, before applying any reinforcing composition to the tree, the boards must be carefully sanded with sandpaper, cleaned of dust and debris left after grinding, and only then proceed to impregnation.

The first and most important rule that should be strictly observed is the obligatory drying and airing of the room after each session in the steam room. This will help protect wooden furniture from the harmful effects of excess moisture. By the way, the sauna stove will also help to dry the room, if, after completing the water procedures, leave it running for some time.

When airing the room, it is worth opening all doors and windows. while covering all water containers and tanks with lids.

A bath is a room in which, like in a bathroom, it is necessary to keep clean and carefully monitor internal hygiene. Of course, high temperatures protect the steam room from the appearance of all kinds of microbes and bacteria in it, but they are not able to protect the room from the appearance of dirt. Regular cleaning cannot be avoided. It will be necessary to wash off the remnants of dirt remaining on the shelves after the procedures, traces of condensate.

After the end of the bath procedures, it will not be superfluous to wipe the surfaces with a dry towel even if there is a backlight. This will not remove the moisture that has been absorbed into the wood, but it will greatly facilitate the drying of the outer surface of the shelves, which means it will speed up the drying inside the wood.

At the same time, taking into account the specifics of the bath room, i.e., its mostly wooden design, chemical cleaning agents cannot be used in the steam room. The best option is a simple laundry soap. It will be useful to use soft brushes. If there is heavy dirt on the tree that is not easy to remove, you can use sandpaper.

Also, in order to further protect the internal fibers of the boards from wood, it is necessary to re-impregnate the wood with special compounds, because over time they can evaporate.

- a real pleasure for a person. You can make shelves in the steam room with your own hands. For their device, it is necessary to choose the right material, the dimensions of the parts and take into account all the rules for the construction of regiments, not forgetting the invaluable experience of our ancestors.

Material selection

A steam room is a room with a high level of humidity and temperature, therefore, all materials must meet the requirements of these operating conditions. These properties include:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • lack of resins in wood;
  • moisture resistance;
  • strength.

The shelves are made from hardwood. These include: linden, birch and aspen. This choice is based on the absence of resins in them, unlike conifers. Resin extruded at high temperature can burn the skin.

Linden board

Increasingly, in recent years, African abachi wood has been used for the construction of regiments. It has very low thermal conductivity and moisture resistance. It is an environmentally friendly material that does not emit harmful substances.

Abachi board

To increase the moisture resistance and biostability (rot, mold, bacteria) of the wooden parts of the shelves, special impregnations for wood based on natural oils have been created. They will perfectly protect the surface of the shelf and will not harm your health. From folk remedies, you can choose linseed oil, which is inexpensive, impregnates wood well and reliably protects against moisture.

Dimensions and location of the shelf in the steam room

The Russian steam room is different in that the air temperature in it is not the same in height. For every 30 cm increase in temperature occurs by about 10 °C. In order for the body to heat up evenly, it is better to steam while lying down. The shelves in the Russian steam room, given these features, are made in several tiers. The number of shelves depends on the height and size of the room. Each level has its own temperature, and by going down or going up one tier, you can adjust the body temperature.

The lower tier is a support for the legs. They also wash sitting on it. Most often, shelves are placed along the wall in a height of no more than three tiers. If the height of the room does not allow installing three levels on one wall, then they are installed on two adjacent ones. In this case, the lower and upper shelves are made along one side, and the middle one along the other.

The width of the shelves of the tier should be chosen based on convenience: in the prone position, since the procedure requires a relaxed state. It ranges from 400 mm for the lower shelves and up to 1500 mm for the upper ones. The length is taken at least 2000 m in accordance with the height of the person.

The figure shows how to choose the height from the stand to the ceiling so as not to touch it with a broom. Sometimes, for convenience in a sitting position, a bench about 300 mm wide is attached to the lower tier.

Sequence of building regiments

Having decided on the design of the shelves, it is necessary to select all the elements of the frame, flooring and side cladding. To do this, it is desirable to make a drawing of the entire structure to scale. So it will be much easier to calculate the number and dimensions of each structural element. In fact, this will be the project of the future regiment. The more detailed and accurate the drawing on paper, the easier and better the process of manufacturing the structure as a whole will be.

Next, you need to prepare all the details of the frame from a bar measuring 50x70 mm. Then the marking of the shelf structure is made on the walls and floor of the steam room, observing the verticality and horizontality of the installation of parts. The sequence of installation depends on the chosen design. This can be first a preliminary assembly of individual parts, and then their installation already in a given shelf space or the installation of elements immediately on site.

Below are several options for the device frame. It must be rigid and able to support the weight of an adult. The presence in the construction of diagonal struts and braces contributes to this. It is important, when constructing shelves, to take into account the possibility of access to the floor under them. This is necessary to maintain cleanliness in the steam room.

The flooring of the shelves is installed on the finished frame structure. It should be even and smooth without sharp corners and scratches for the safety of human skin. The most commonly used board with rounded edges 80 mm wide. They are laid with a gap of 10-20 mm to drain water and free air convection. The thickness of the board depends on the distance between its supports (L):

  • 22 mm for L = 600 mm;
  • 25 mm for L = 900 mm;
  • 44 mm for L = 1200 mm;
  • 63 mm for L = 1800 mm.

In this case, the width of the bar should not exceed the thickness by more than 4 times. This is necessary to prevent warping of the wood. For the back, you can attach a board with a width of 200-250 mm, or several narrower planks.

Metal fasteners must be sunk into the wood and covered with a wooden pin or decorative hats on top so as not to burn the skin.

Attaching the floor planks from below will also protect the skin at high temperatures. You can apply fastening with oak pins (dowels).

The shelves in the steam room should be durable, not creak and have an attractive appearance. It is better to make it open from below for ventilation and for convenient washing of the floor under it.

Care of the shelf during operation

To ensure the normal operation of not only the internal equipment, but also the steam room itself, it is very important to have good ventilation of the room. This will significantly extend the life of all wooden elements of the steam room.

It is impossible to wash off the dirt in the steam room from the shelves with chemical means. To do this, you can use a simple laundry soap. Strong dirt can be rubbed with a not very hard brush.

Comfortable, safe and beautiful shelves in the steam room will add to the pleasure of the bath procedure. In Russia, it was believed that the bath not only cleanses the body, but also frees the soul from the sorrows and hardships of life. “The bath will wash away all sins,” one of the Russian proverbs says about this.