The best university in the world. University of Glasgow, UK. The most famous universities in Russia

"Study, study and study again!". Education, of course, is a very good thing, and, most importantly, very necessary, especially if your goal is to achieve career heights. Caring parents from a very young age begin to think about educational institutions for their children. Education is exactly the thing for which they never feel sorry for money. Parents are trying to choose the best - the best kindergarten, the best school, and then the best institution of higher education. Those who have the opportunity send their children abroad to receive a European or American diploma. Among the universities of the world there are legends. These are the universities in whose walls prominent political figures, scientific geniuses or people of art were educated. Agree, the phrase "graduate of Harvard or Cambridge" speaks for itself. It is these two legendary universities, together with Yale, that make up the top three most prestigious universities in the world.

The rating was prepared by the no less legendary British newspaper The Times. The results can be trusted because they are based on the opinion of the scientific community, employers and the citation of scientific works of the university staff. For those who really have a real opportunity to study abroad, it will be useful to know what other universities are in the top ten.

1. Harvard University (USA)

The undisputed leader - four times in a row was named the best university in the world. Harvard is the oldest university in the United States, founded in 1636. This is the "alma mater" for many prominent American politicians: Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, and, of course, Barack Obama. Harvard also holds the record for the most billionaire alumni. Among them: Michael Bloomberg, Sumner Redstone, David Rockefeller.

2. Yale University (USA)

Yale is an elite US university, part of the so-called Ivy League. In 1832, the most mysterious student organization, Skull and Bones, appeared within its walls. Her activities are shrouded in mystery. This organization is said to be the one that actually runs America. The fact is that, since 1989, all US presidents are Yale graduates.

3. Cambridge University (UK)

One of the oldest universities in the world. It was founded in 1209. 83 Cambridge graduates have become Nobel laureates. Today, this is the largest figure among universities in the world.

4. Oxford University (UK)

This institution of higher education in Great Britain was founded in 1117. A whole galaxy of outstanding figures of science, literature, and art graduated from Oxford: Roger Bacon, Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift, Adam Smith, J. R. R. Tolkien, Margaret Thatcher.

5. Caltech

The California Institute of Technology, or Caltech for short, is one of the leading universities in the United States and the world in the field of exact sciences and engineering. The base university for NASA: the first American satellite and a series of space probes were created here. Studying here is very difficult, but interesting. Students have their own unusual traditions. For example, "Day of truancy". On this day, the fourth years leave, leaving complicated gadgets and puzzles at their door. They are intended for junior students who unite in teams and together try to solve the tasks assigned to them. If they show ingenuity and can solve the puzzle, they will receive a reward - they will get into the rooms of the elders.

6. Imperial College London (UK)

Leading institution of higher education in the field of natural sciences and engineering. The college has produced 14 Nobel laureates. Two medical schools operate on its basis, whose specialists have made a great contribution to the development of modern medicine. So, college graduate Sir Alexander Fleming became famous as the inventor of penicillin. And, for example, in 2006, researchers at the Imperial College, together with scientists from the Universities of Cambridge and Cologne, developed a test that helps to identify schizophrenia at an early stage.

7. University College London (UK)

Britain's first secular university. The college accepted all comers into its walls, regardless of their class, race or religion. The main thing is the desire for knowledge. Since 1878, women could study here. Today holds the championship in the number of women professors. In 1893, the first student union in Great Britain was opened here.

8. University of Chicago (USA)

One of the leading universities in the world, founded by Rockefeller in 1890. He became famous for his research in the field of economics and socio-political sciences. It is close to Cambridge in terms of the number of Nobel laureates among its graduates - 79 scientists have been awarded this prize. Among them, Milton Friedman is the founder of the theory of monetarism. The current President of the United States, Barack Obama, taught constitutional law there, and his wife, Michelle, was the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.

9. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)

This is the largest center for training leading specialists in the field of computer technology and innovation. The university conducts the most advanced research in the field of artificial intelligence. So, in 2006, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, together with Nokia, announced the development of a phone with enhanced computing capabilities that would work using voice commands.

10 Columbia University

The oldest American university, along with Yale, is part of the Ivy League. Columbia University is the forge of the US political elite. His students were the first US Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, US Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower. It is fair to say that here, first of all, not theoretical scientists are trained, but people of action. However, this did not prevent the university from educating 54 Nobel laureates within its walls. In addition, it was here that the first ever experiment on the splitting of the uranium atom was carried out.

Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Sorbonne - the names of the most famous universities in the world speak for themselves. Their diplomas are a priori high quality education, prestige, guaranteed employment in high-paying positions, the opportunity to do science or make a brilliant career, and other prospects that open up for graduates.

Each country has well-known universities that attract applicants from all over the world. The largest number is located in the US, followed by the UK. But this does not mean that the training of future specialists in France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, Canada is worse.

Harvard is the oldest American university. It has long and firmly been one of the three most famous educational institutions in the world.

Harvard was founded on September 8, 1636 in the city of Cambridge, where it successfully operates today. Initially, it worked as a college, on the basis of which a higher educational institution was later founded. John Harvard, whose name it bears, was the initiator of its opening and the main sponsor.

Over the years, Harvard has produced tens of thousands of specialists in various fields. Alumni include Barack Obama, Theodore Roosevelt, Mark Zuckerberg. Nearly forty future Nobel laureates and eight future American presidents studied within its walls.

Training includes all the required areas. For the convenience of students, campuses and libraries have been built on the campus. There are museums and a botanical garden on site. The cost of education at Harvard reaches $40,000 a year.


Yale is another well-known university from the top three in America and the world. He has been based in New Haven since 1701 and is renowned for his international approach to teaching. Yale has students from 100 countries. A year of study costs $40.5 thousand.

The educational institution bears the name of the merchant Eli Yale, who sponsored the school, which eventually grew into a prestigious university. His pride is a huge library, the third largest on the planet.

At one time, Yale University graduated from George W. Bush, John Kerry and other famous politicians and businessmen.

Princeton is famous in America and far beyond for its brilliant academic background and impeccable reputation. It is located in the city of the same name in 1746 and trains highly specialized researchers, artists and other fields.

The educational programs of Princeton University are based on the development of abilities, the disclosure of the creative and scientific potential of students. Each student studies a program in their specialization plus an additional one that goes beyond vocational training. This approach is justified by the prospects - graduates will be able to work in several areas in the future.

Princeton graduated from US President Woodrow Wilson and US First Lady Michelle Obama. At one time, Albert Einstein taught here - in room 302.

Oxford is one of the most popular universities in Europe, the pride of the English educational system. The famous university is located in Oxfordshire.

The exact date of its discovery has not been established, but it is known for certain that students were trained as early as 1096.

The system of education practiced at Oxford allows preparing and graduating highly professional specialists in various fields of activity. Throughout the educational process, mentors help the students assigned to them. The teaching staff strives to diversify the leisure of students.

There are dozens of interest sections, libraries, museums on the territory. A year of study costs about $15,000.

Among the famous graduates are Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Lewis Carroll.

Cambridge is a legendary representative of the high school, which opened in 1209. It entered the history of education as an institution that prepared and graduated the largest number of future Nobel laureates. The prestigious award was awarded to 88 students of the University of Cambridge. And this is not the limit.

Training is conducted in 28 areas. The cost of a year's education is about $14,000. Talented students can apply for scholarships and grants that fully or partially compensate for financial costs.

Among the graduates of Cambridge are Vladimir Nabokov, Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawkins.

Stanford University is relatively young compared to Harvard. The Stanfords founded the university in Silicon Valley in 1891 in memory of their dead son.

Today, a private institution is deservedly considered prestigious. It was conceived with a specific goal in mind - the training of sought-after and competitive specialists who will benefit society. The declared goal remains to this day.

Stanford graduates are the founders of the brands Google, Nike, Hewlett-Packard and others. The programs include scientific and practical research. In study groups - no more than 6 people per 1 teacher. True, the cost is high - 40.5 thousand dollars a year.

The famous Sorbonne is not only the oldest institution, but also one of the iconic sights of the French capital.

Students can study within its walls for free, as the university is state-owned. It will not work without costs - you will have to pay membership fees, medical insurance, language training (for foreigners).

The duration of training depends on the student: there are quick training programs for 2-3 years, and long ones for 5-7 years. The main emphasis is on practical exercises, independent research work.

Honore de Balzac, Osip Mandelstam, Lev Gumilyov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Charles Mantoux - they all graduated from the Sorbonne.

The educational institution opened in New York in 1754. Its prestige is evidenced by the fact that the institute is in the Ivy League.

For reference, the Ivy League is an association that brings together 8 American universities with a high quality of education. League members are America's leading research centers.

Education at a Colombian private university is expensive - $ 45,000 a year. Students additionally pay for food, accommodation, medical insurance, and other items of expenses. The total cost is almost double that.

At one time, Franklin Roosevelt, Jerome Salinger, Mikhail Saakashvili studied here.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology was founded in the state of the same name in 1861 and for several decades has been considered a leader in the fields of:

  • exact sciences;
  • natural sciences;
  • engineering;
  • modern technologies.

The average cost of a year's education is $55,000, of which 70% is the tuition fee itself, and the remaining 30% is accommodation, meals, and related expenses.

Among the graduates of the Institute of Technology are 80 Nobel Prize winners, hundreds of outstanding engineers and scientists.

The Moscow State University is not included in the list of the most popular universities in the world, but the famous university is the leader in terms of the quality of education in Russia. It has been operating since 1755 and was originally called the Imperial Moscow University.

The current name of the educational institution was received in 1940. Students are trained at 41 faculties. The cost of training varies, depending on the chosen direction, and amounts to 217-350 thousand rubles a year. Training in budget places is free.

The Institute holds its own Olympiads for schoolchildren. Winners are enrolled in the university out of competition - provided that they successfully passed the exam.

The British magazine Times Higher Education has published the TOP 100 higher education institutions based on an assessment of their reputation.

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Harvard University (Harvard University) The oldest of the US universities, founded on September 8, 1636 as a college. Since 1639 it has been named after J. Harvard, who bequeathed the capital to the college. Transformed into a university in the first quarter of the 19th century. It is a member of the Ivy League, an association of private elite American universities. Branches of the university are the Peabody Museum of Archeology and Ethnology and the Harvard Museum of Natural History. Located in Cambridge (a suburb of Boston, Massachusetts, the city is named after the University of Cambridge in the UK). Among the graduates of the university - 69 Nobel Prize winners

Princeton University Private university located in Princeton, New Jersey (USA). Founded in 1746 as the College of New Jersey. In 1896 he received the status of a university. In 1902, Woodrow Wilson (President of the United States in 1913-1921) became its rector. It is a member of the Ivy League, an association of private elite American universities. Consists of Princeton College, graduate schools and research centers. The structure of the university includes the leading regional McCarter Theatre, an art museum and a natural history museum. Among the graduates of the university - 15 Nobel Prize winners

Yale University One of the most famous private universities in the US, the third oldest among American universities. Founded in 1701 under the name Collegiate School, in 1718 renamed Yale College in honor of Elihu Yale, who donated a large amount of money to the school. In 1887 it was transformed into a university. The university consists of 12 schools, managed by Yale Corporation. Five US presidents graduated from the university - William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush. Located in New Haven, Connecticut. Included in the Ivy League. Among the graduates of the university - 20 Nobel Prize winners

California Institute of Technology (often shortened to Caltech, "Caltech" or "Caltech"). Private university. Founded in 1891 by businessman and politician Amos Troop as Throop University. Renamed several times. It got its current name in 1920. It is located in Pasadena (California). One of the leading universities in the United States and, along with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, one of the most important educational institutions specializing in the exact sciences. The structure of the Institute is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which launches most of NASA's automatic spacecraft. Among the graduates of the university - 19 Nobel Prize winners

Columbia University (Columbia University) Formed on the basis of King's College (King's College), founded in 1754 in New York. Since 1758, he began to award academic degrees. In 1784, it was included in the University of New York and renamed Columbia College, since 1787 - a private university. In 1912 the college was given the status of a university. Governed by a board of trustees. There are more than 30 libraries at the university, including the main one - South Hall, technical, legal, medical, etc., as well as the Bakhmetevsky Archive, one of the largest repositories of materials of Russian emigration. Located in New York City, Manhattan. Included in the elite "Ivy League". A well-known graduate of the university is US President Barack Obama. Among the graduates of the university - 39 Nobel Prize winners

/TASS/. Of the 100 most prestigious universities in the Times Higher Education magazine ranking, based on a survey of 10,500 professors from 142 countries, 43 operate in the United States. The rating includes two Russian universities - Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) and St. Petersburg State University (SPbGU).

Ranking editor Phil Baty said that this ranking is subjective, unlike the "Best Universities in the World" ranking, which THE traditionally publishes in October. This is explained by the fact that it is based only on academic opinion, and not on objective indicators of the university's performance. At the same time, Beity stressed that reputation is extremely important for universities, because, according to a study conducted by the journal, this is the main factor for professors when they decide to find another university to teach.

TOP-100 most prestigious universities

1. Harvard University, USA

2. University of Cambridge, UK

3. Oxford University (University of Oxford), UK

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

5. Stanford University, USA

6. University of California at Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley) USA

7. Princeton University (USA)

8. Yale University, USA

9. California Institute of Technology (Caltech), USA

10. Columbia University (Columbia University), USA

11. University of Chicago, USA

12. The University of Tokyo, Japan

13. University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA, USA

14. Imperial College London, UK

15. Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich (ETH Zürich), Switzerland

16. University of Toronto, Canada

17. University College London (UCL), UK

18. Johns Hopkins University, USA

19. University of Michigan, USA

20. Cornell University, USA

21. New York University (NYU), USA

22. London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK

23. University of Pennsylvania, USA

24. National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore

25. Lomonosov Moscow State University Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

26. Tsinghua University, China

27. Kyoto University, Japan

28. Carnegie Mellon University, USA

29. University of Edinburgh, UK

30. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

31. King's College London, UK

32. Peking University, China

33. University of Washington, USA

34. Duke University, USA

35-36. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany

McGill University, Canada

37. University of British Columbia, Canada

38-40. Heidelberg University, Germany

University of California, San Francisco, USA

University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

41-43. Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

University of California, San Diego, USA

University of Melbourne, Australia

44. University of California, Davis, USA

45. Karolinska Institute, Sweden

46. ​​University of Texas at Austin, USA

47. Northwestern University, USA

48. Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland

49. Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), USA

50. University of Manchester, UK

51-60. Australian National University, Australia

Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Free University of Berlin, Germany

Catholic University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium

University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne (Panthéon-Sorbonne University - Paris 1), France

University of Paris 4 Sorbonne (Paris-Sorbonne University - Paris 4), France

Seoul National University, Republic of Korea

The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands

University of São Paulo, Brazil

University of Sydney, Australia

61-70. Higher Normal School (École Normale Supérieure), France

Leiden University, Netherlands

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Pennsylvania State University, USA

Technical University of Munich, Germany

University of California, Santa Barbara, USA

University of North Carolina, USA

University of Southern California, USA

Wageningen University and Research Center, Netherlands

71-80. Boston University, USA

Brown University, USA

Michigan State University, USA

National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Purdue University, USA

Rutgers University (Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey), USA

Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

University of Minnesota, USA

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Utrecht University, Netherlands

81-90. Durham University, UK

Ohio State University, USA

Texas A&M University, USA

University of Copenhagen, Denmark

University of Helsinki, Finland\

University of Queensland, Australia

University of Warwick, UK

Uppsala University, Sweden

Washington University in St. Louis, USA

91-100. Polytechnic School (École Polytechnique), France

London Business School, UK

Mayo Medical School, USA

Monash University Australia

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Pasteur Institute, France

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

University of Bristol, UK

University of Maryland at College Park (University of Maryland, College Park) USA

University of Massachusetts, USA

Education has always been the most important issue for all those parents who understood that the future of children is almost 90% dependent on education. In fact, the choice of profession is the foundation in a person's life. Therefore, realizing the seriousness of the issue, let's take a short tour to get acquainted with the institutions of Moscow.

A few words before important

They were and are to this day. However, often, choosing one or another educational institution, many make one gross mistake: they rely entirely on rumors. It's no secret that today you can find reviews about everything, but this does not mean that they are 100% true. So, before you start looking for the best reviews, you need to research as much as possible. And even better is to find a list, the reliability of which will not be in doubt.

And another important point. You should always remember that the rating is also very changeable. Good institutions in Moscow, which today occupy first places in the TOPs, tomorrow may give up their place. So you don't have to rely entirely on the rating.

What can you rely on when choosing good institutions in Moscow from a thousand options? On your own mind, experience and, of course, on the desire of the child. After all, first of all, he should be comfortable in this institution.

The best universities of the capital

In order to make it easier to choose, here will be presented the top of the most popular universities today. As well as a brief description for each of them.

Moscow State University (MGU)

This is the oldest university in the country, founded in 1755. The famous Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov did a lot for the work of this educational institution.

For more than two centuries, this organization of highly qualified specialists has existed, whose contribution is irreplaceable in society. There are 15 institutes on the basis of the university, where training is conducted in completely different areas of training, from geodesy to journalism.

Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO)

It is a unique authoritative scientific and educational center. It started its activity more than half a century ago. To date, there are two dozen educational programs at the university, the most interesting thing is that in addition to a huge number of faculties, 50 world languages ​​are being taught here.

Higher School of Economics (State HSE)

Compared to the previous ones, this institute is young and has been operating since 1992. The emphasis is on the most popular areas of economic and social sciences. And despite the fact that the school is young, it was still the first to switch to the Bologna system - "4 + 2": that is, 4 years of bachelor's degree, two years of master's degree. The university works on a modular basis, which allows you to properly distribute the workload of students and force them to make efforts. It is worth saying that not only future economists graduate from here, but also specialists in media structures, advertising, PR-fields, journalists and many others.

Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation (FA)

One of the oldest institutes in Moscow, which trains specialists in finance and economics. More than 11,000 students are trained here every year. And that speaks volumes about the quality of education. The Academy closely cooperates with foreign universities, so students often participate in exchange programs and do internships abroad. About 20 directions are represented.

Russian Economic Academy. G. V. Plekhanov (REA)

The history of the institute begins in 1907. More than 150 professors, doctors and candidates of sciences, more than 500 associate professors work here. Here you can offer more than thirty specialties to choose from. For all the time of its work, the university paid great attention to its own publishing house. And today, not only educational and methodical literature is published, but also scientific works, reports, monographs, theses.

them. N. E. Bauman (MSTU)

Opened back in the Soviet period, this institute has managed to pass the test of time and gain a foothold among the best universities in Moscow. Training is provided in 30 areas of technical specialties (optical engineering, mechanical engineering, nuclear power engineering, metrology and standardization, etc.).

State University of Management (GUU)

It is a leading management university with the status of a legal entity. This is the largest economic institute of the capital, which provides training in 22 areas. By the way, here, if desired, managers of various industries can also improve their skills.

Moscow Aviation Institute (State MAI)

The institute is the leading one in the country, it trains specialists for all branches of aviation and rocket and space science. The educational institution has ten faculties and two universities. It is famous for its qualified personnel and long-standing traditions, which is the key to a good future and excellent education in this area.

Of course, the good ones don't end there. The list is far from complete. Above is the TOP Moscow universities (the best universities presented in the list), famous not only in the capital, but also in the regions.

University (from German Universität, which, in turn, comes from Latin universitas - set, community) is a higher educational institution where specialists in fundamental and many applied sciences are trained. As a rule, it also carries out research work. Many modern universities operate as educational, scientific and practical complexes. Universities combine several faculties, which represent a combination of various disciplines that form the basis of scientific knowledge.

The foundation of a person's future well-being is laid at a young age. An important step in the life path of each of us is our education. It will largely determine the future specialty and work, the heights achieved. Today it is absolutely clear that a person who has not received a full-fledged education, or who has not completed his studies at all, cannot become a minister, president, or a big businessman.

There is an Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) in the world, which determines the prestige of education in a particular institution, which is undoubtedly taken into account by applicants when choosing their university. This list also includes Russian universities, only now they occupy places of little honor at the end of the first hundred, for example, Moscow State University is located only in 70th place. Let's talk about the most prestigious universities in the world.

The first place belongs Harvard University located in Massachusetts, USA. This university was founded in 1636 and is the oldest educational institution of its kind in America. He received his name in honor of the missionary John Harvard. The university includes 12 colleges and faculties, the most prestigious of which are the departments of medicine, economics and law. The university has several museums of its own, for example, museums of geology, zoology, and archeology. It is here that the largest scientific library in the world is collected, which contains a large number of the rarest manuscripts and books. It is noteworthy that among the Nobel laureates there are more than 30 graduates of Harvard. Every year, about 18,000 students study at this university from all over the United States, as well as from 100 countries of the world. The number of teachers exceeds 2300 people. The number of people who want to get into Harvard is always high, despite the rather expensive level of tuition - a year of a student's stay at a university costs $ 42,000. Not surprisingly, the university has an endowment of almost $35 billion. Harvard is governed by the President, of whom there have been 28 people throughout history.

Second place on the list is Stanford University located in California, USA. This educational institution was founded in 1891 by the governor of California and part-time major railroad entrepreneur Leland Stanford. The university is named after the politician's son, Leland Stanford Jr., who died as a teenager. Almost 15 thousand students and applicants from all over the world study at Stanford. The university is best known for its high level of business education, MBA. Part of Stanford's land is on a long-term lease from high-tech companies, this structure has received the well-known name - "Silicon Valley". The graduates of the university founded such well-known companies as Hewlett-Packard, Electronic Arts, Nvidia, Yahoo, Google, Sun Microsystems, Cisco Systems and others.

In third place is University of California, Berkeley also located in California. It is the oldest of the ten universities in the state education system. Numerous ratings suggest that this is the best public university in the United States. Founded in 1868, the university now occupies an area of ​​about 5 thousand km2. The university gained worldwide fame for its training of specialists in the fields of physics, economics, and computer technology. It was here that in 2007 it was announced that video recordings of lectures and events that took place at different times within the walls of the educational institution were posted on the free Internet resource YouTube. It was Berkeley who first decided to take such a step, which corresponds to the ideology of the university as a public institution. The physicists of this particular university played a huge role in the development of the atomic and hydrogen bomb. The cyclotron was invented here, the antiproton was studied, the laser was developed, and photosynthesis was studied. Berkeley became the site of the discovery of new chemical elements - plutonium, seaborgium, California and others. Here the BSD operating system was born, which laid the foundation for a whole ideology.

The fourth place belongs Cambridge located in the UK. This is the second oldest university in Europe after Oxford, founded in 1209. According to legend, several scholars left Oxford because of disagreements with the locals, and they founded a new training center. The history of the confrontation between Oxford and Cambridge is so deep and interesting, they occupy such an important place in the history of English society that they are even combined into one and called Oxbridge. Now Cambridge has 31 colleges of various orientations (with 3 of them accepting only women) and more than 100 departments. Humanities are especially popular with students. The university even has theological colleges. Every year, the walls of Cambridge receive about 17 thousand students, while about 17% of them are foreigners. The high level of education at the university is confirmed by the fact that since 1904 its graduates have received 87 Nobel Prizes, according to this indicator, few can compare with the university. The President of Cambridge is a person of royal blood - Philip, Prince of Edinburgh.

Fifth place is given to the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT). This university was founded in 1861, today it also houses a research center. The very birth of the university was a response to the growth of science and technology in the 19th century, as traditional education could no longer adequately match the new trends. MIT today is a real mecca in the field of computer technology, robotics, artificial intelligence, as well as other areas of technology and science. At the university, engineering and scientific training is initially oriented more towards mastering practical skills than theoretical subjects. During World War II, MIT's prestige rose markedly as Massachusetts students and staff actively participated in military research programs. The most famous institutions of the university are the Laboratory of Informatics and Artificial Intelligence, the School of Management, and the Lincoln Laboratory. Massachusetts is rightfully considered one of the most prestigious technical universities, it is no coincidence that 72 of the Nobel laureates are local graduates. They also study economics and management, philosophy, linguistics and political science. The cost of studying in this prestigious institution is from $ 30,000 per year.

The next rating line belongs to California Institute of Technology, USA (California Institute of Technology). This private university was founded in 1891 by politician and businessman Amos Thrup, as a result of several renamings, the current name was obtained in 1920. The main specialization of this well-known university is engineering and exact sciences. It is here that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory is located, which is actively used by NASA. Although all universities honor their traditions, it is here that they are especially developed. So, on every Halloween, students throw a pumpkin from the high building of the library. The fruit is frozen with liquid nitrogen and decorated with light bulbs. For freshmen, a "truancy day" is held, during which freshmen must certainly get into the university building, which is prevented by ingenious traps created by their senior comrades. It is believed that studying here is more difficult than anywhere else. After all, students are encouraged to learn a huge amount of information in a short time. The university is even credited with the aphorism: "Study, sleep, social life: choose two out of three." The university has adopted its own Code of Honor, according to which students are given freedom unthinkable in other places, for example, they are allowed to complete examination tasks at home.

Rightfully ranked seventh Columbia University located in New York, USA. The university was founded quite a long time ago, back in 1754, thanks to the permission of the King of England, George II. However, already in 1787 the university became private. Quite early this institution became known for the fact that it trains the political elite. It was this university that many US ministers and presidents, including Barack Obama, graduated from, and 54 graduates subsequently received the Nobel Prize. Columbia University is one of the most popular for foreign students, about 20 thousand people study here, while more than a third came from abroad, representing 150 countries of the world. This institution houses the Bakhmetevsky Archive, which is one of the most significant repositories of materials of the Russian emigration. The symbol of the university is the lion. The university is famous for its school of journalism, opened in 1912. Any political events resonate within the walls of the institution, so, during the Vietnam War of 1968, students captured 5 educational buildings, the conflict was resolved only with the help of the police.

The eighth line of the rating is given Princeton University, USA. This is one of the most famous and prestigious American universities, it was founded in 1746. The first classes were held in the house of the priest Jonathan Dickinson, who is the founder of the university. In the city of Princeton, New Jersey, the establishment did not move immediately, only in 1756. The institution received the status of a university in 1896. Now about 4.5 thousand people study in it, while all training is built strictly on individual plans, it is also closely related to research work. Of the 400 professors teaching here, seven are Nobel laureates. The total number of teachers exceeds 1100 people. The fact that Princeton is one of the few universities to join Google's book digitization program also added to its significance. The university library itself boasts 6 million printed publications, 5 million manuscripts and 2 million items of other printed matter. It also has its own Code of Honor, according to which students undertake not only not to cheat themselves, but also to report all cases of violation of the rules. Examinations at the university are held without the presence of teachers or assistants. Violations of the code can lead to expulsion from the educational institution. Princeton is famous for its sports traditions, there are 38 sports teams here. The symbol of Princeton is the tiger.

Private University of Chicago, founded by the legendary John Rockefeller in 1890, ranked ninth. Other sources mention the founding date of 1857, but it was the financial assistance of the magnate at the end of the century that allowed the institution to start working in full. The local library was founded in 1892, today it houses more than 3.5 million copies of books, including rare manuscripts. 79 people, one way or another connected with the University of Chicago, are Nobel laureates. In teaching, the strongest areas are those related to physics, economics, sociology and jurisprudence. The university accepts within its walls about 14,000 students, about 2 thousand teachers teach there, and the symbol of the university is the phoenix.

Last on the list is the legendary Oxford (University of Oxford) located in UK. This is one of the oldest universities in Europe, its fame is not surprising, because it is believed that it was founded in 1117. The university consists of 39 independent colleges and 7 educational institutions belonging to religious communities and not having such status. Today, about 18.5 thousand students study at Oxford, and a quarter of them are foreigners. The university employs 3,700 teachers, while 100 of them are members of the British Academy of Sciences. Only in the 20s of the last century, women began to be admitted to Oxford, and separate education was abolished half a century later. The main areas of student training are the humanities, mathematics, physical and social sciences, as well as medicine. Oxford is not only a university, but also a research center located on its territory. This university has the largest educational library in the country, in general, there are about a hundred libraries. About 300 circles are offered to organize students' leisure, in addition, much attention is paid to sports. Kings Edward VII and Edward VIII graduated from Oxford, 25 English prime ministers studied here, and among the teachers it is enough to recall only the names of John Tolkien and Lewis Carroll.