Installation of sewer pipes. Installation of internal and external sewage systems in a private house. Normal pipeline slope

The quality of the home sewer system should not be inferior in reliability to the water supply or electrical network. If the sewerage in the apartment is installed with high quality with your own hands, it will last for more than a dozen years, subject to the installation standards and the use of high-quality consumables.

Doubt your abilities and afraid to make mistakes? We will help you competently design and install a sewer system. The main thing is to take into account all the basic requirements, choose the right pipes and adhere to the installation technology described in the article.

Before picking up pipes and everything you need, before starting work, you need to understand the principles of the functioning of the sewer system, including observing the angles of inclination so that the pressure in the riser is slightly above atmospheric.

Otherwise, atmospheric air will squeeze out unpleasant sewer gases directly into the apartment. If the internal pressure is too high, the waste gases can throw effluents out of the siphons.

Let's take a closer look at all the nuances of the sewerage device in the apartment.

Pipe slope is an important condition for the functioning of the system

When laying the highway, it is necessary to observe the horizontal angle, which must be within certain limits. Insufficient will not allow drains to drain normally into the riser. If the slope is too high, the water will drain quickly, leaving dirt on the pipe walls.

Keep an eye on the slope to achieve optimal fluid flow in the sewer and the correct pressure in the pipes. Pipe slope standards must comply with SNiP (+)

The paradox is that with a high "fluidity" the sewer will become clogged.

The dependence of the pipeline laying slope on the section of the pipeline:

  • 30 mm/m at 50 mm;
  • 20 mm/m at 110 mm;
  • 8 mm/m at 160 mm;
  • 7 mm/m at 200 mm.

Thus, the maximum slope should be within 150 mm/m. Exceptions are bends up to 1.5 m long for some plumbing fixtures, such as a toilet.

It is possible to connect sewer pipes at a right angle only in a vertical orientation according to the principle of a waterfall.

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The composition should be neutral - it is better to use polyurethane or silicone. Sealant must be applied to each plastic gasket. You don't need to apply anything to the rubber seals.

You need to lubricate the outer part of the pipe, which will be in contact when connected, as well as the inside of the pipe. We connect each section separately. After the sealant has hardened, you need to check the entire system for leaks by running water into the drain from all plumbing, including the bathroom. In this case, there should not be a drop of water on the floor.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Installing a sewer in an apartment is a laborious process, but knowing the intricacies will help you make a competent installation. Use video tips to expand your knowledge and watch the professionals at work.

Now you know how to plan and conduct sewerage in an apartment. The process of dismantling and installing equipment is accompanied by many professional nuances, so if necessary, it is better to contact specialists.

Do you have experience in solving such problems? Or have questions about the arrangement of sewerage in the apartment? Please share your opinion and leave comments. The contact block is located below.

Sewerage in a house or apartment is perhaps the most important communication system necessary for a comfortable existence. It serves to drain wastewater from the apartment. Therefore, if your house is being renovated, before “constructing”, you should think about the drainage system.

In this article, we will describe the entire process of installing a sewer with our own hands. All instructions, tips and tricks are already collected here, so you don't have to look for any additional information.

Plastic sewer pipes

In 99% of cases, sewer systems are installed from plastic pipes. They are made from different materials polypropylene, polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, etc.), but in general their properties are clear. Pipes for sewerage are much thinner than water pipes, because. there is no high pressure in the sewer system.

The advantages of plastic pipes for sewer installation are their lightness, durability, corrosion resistance and ease of assembly.

When choosing materials for the sewer system, it is important to consider the required diameter. Below is table, with the minimum allowable pipe diameter for a particular plumbing fixture.

Before going to the store or to the construction market, calculate the required number of certain pipes, as well as the so-called fittings (connecting parts).

By the way, study our material in order to understand exactly whether you need it. The author of the article describes in detail what it is and what convenience it adds.

If your sewer system involves "turns", then try to avoid right angles of 90 degrees. It is better to use two 45 degree fittings. This will avoid frequent blockages.

To save money and space in the bathroom, builders recommend using a common pipe of optimal diameter ( see table), for all plumbing fixtures except the toilet. Those. washbasin, bathtub, washing machine can be connected to a common pipe leading to the main riser. The toilet should be connected separately - directly to the riser.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work for the installation of sewerage in an apartment or house is perhaps the most important part. After all, neglecting a clear planning of actions or the availability of certain tools, it will drag on for a long time, although the installation of a sewer with competent actions is carried out in a few hours.

First, you need to decide where and what plumbing fixtures will be installed. Make a rough diagram on a piece of paper, determine what additional fittings or pipes you will need for the normal functioning of the devices. If you plan to install another device in the near future requiring a sewer drain, provide a drain for it with a temporary plug, because then changing the whole system will be very inconvenient.

Calculate the dimensions and cut the pipes, taking into account the dimensions of the fittings.

You can cut plastic sewer pipes using a regular metal saw. Outline it in a circle at the incision site. You need to cut strictly at an angle of 90 degrees. The cut ends of the PVC pipe must be carefully cleaned with a knife or sandpaper.

It is important to take into account that the sewerage must be installed at a slope, because almost any sewerage system works with the help of "earth gravity". You need to fix the slope of the sewer with the brackets that are sold along with the pipes.

Installation of sewerage from plastic pipes

Sewer installation is carried out according to a simple scheme (see instructions)

Now that all the preparatory work is done, you can start assembling the system. Do-it-yourself sewer installation in a private house can take several days (depending on the size of the house and the number of plumbing fixtures), and in a small apartment the whole job will take 1-2 hours.

If a particularly heavy load is not expected on the sewer (in an apartment or in a house with the usual set of plumbing fixtures), then you will not need any special tools or skills. You can do everything with your own hands without any problems and efforts.

During the assembly of the pipe system, experts advise moving " from the riser» to plumbing fixtures.

The connection of sewer pipes with a fitting (connecting part) occurs with the help of a hermetic rubber band in the fitting. It is important to insert all elements evenly and until they stop. It is also necessary that the gum and all sewer elements are clean, in which case the sealing will be reliable and durable, and this is very important when designing, because. in case of leaks, the damage will be significant. Among other things, a loose connection leads to an unpleasant smell from the sewer in the bathroom.

Video with a visual image of how to properly cut and connect sewer pipes:

For greater reliability of the connection, home craftsmen lubricate the end of the pipe to be connected with glycerin grease or soapy water.

When the system is assembled, connect all plumbing fixtures in turn, while not forgetting the siphons (for the sink and for the bath). Then we proceed to the next step.

Testing the sewer

After the installation of the sewer system with your own hands in an apartment or house is completed, it is very important to test it for leaks.

To do this, it is enough to turn on all plumbing fixtures in an apartment or house at the same time. Also, “experienced” masters recommend pre-filling a bucket of water and pouring it sharply into the sink, washbasin and bath.

These actions will help determine how reliably your sewer will cope in critical situations. During the test, examine all connections. If there are no leaks, great, your job is done well! If there are still leaks, then you need to fix the “problem” places again.

If the connection is still "leaking"

There are situations when the connection is not reliable. In this case, during installation, you need to use a special adhesive-sealant. Apply sealant to the joints, insert the pipe into the fitting again (without removing the sealing gum) and let the glue dry. Then repeat the test again.

The sewer system performs a number of very important functions of cleaning the premises from smell and sewage. And if, living in a city apartment, as a rule, you don’t have to think about the installation of sewer pipes, then when building a private house or cottage, you must definitely pay attention to the installation of a high-quality sewer system. Not everyone knows how the installation of sewer pipes is carried out. It is necessary to take into account the fact that improper installation of the sewage system with your own hands may well cause traffic jams and the penetration of a characteristic unpleasant odor into the room. Not every owner decides to install a sewer with his own hands. Many trust such work only to professionals. But, adhering to the technology, sewer pipes can be installed independently, saving on the services of third-party craftsmen.

The main features of the device

If you decide to do the installation of sewage with your own hands, first of all you need to understand the features of this system. The main mechanism of the sewer system is the natural runoff of sewage in pipes.

Proper installation of sewer pipes requires some slope (2-15%) to the collector or tank.

The slope is determined individually in each case. Usually, special tables are used for this, which show the average values ​​used when connecting various plumbing fixtures using pipes of certain lengths and diameters. The smallest slope is suggested for the shower, bathtub and sink common drain, and the largest one is for the sink drain. In the first case, a pipe 170-230 cm long and 5 cm in diameter is used, in the second case, up to 80 cm long and 4 cm in diameter.

The values ​​of the maximum and minimum slope of the sewer depend on the specific case. The following table will help you determine the required slope depending on the diameter of the pipes used: Fig. 2.

Sewerage slope scheme: 1 - shaped part; 2 - common house riser.

An integral part of any sewer system is ventilation. The ventilation system serves as an excellent regulator of pressure changes in the sewer during the flow of effluents.

For do-it-yourself sewer installation, pipes from different materials can be used. Currently, plastic pipes are most often installed. Various types of plastic (polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, polyethylene) differ from cast iron and metal products in that they do not burst, do not corrode and are quite light. There is no need to lubricate such pipes, and their installation is much easier and faster.

Scheme of connecting the horizontal section of the internal sewage system with the vertical one: 1 - adapter; 2 - pipe.

If we consider the features of connecting plumbing fixtures to the sewer system, then here there are some important nuances. After all, various plumbing fixtures can be installed on the basement floor, in the basement and in other rooms. As a rule, it is not possible to make the necessary slope in such places. To solve this problem, pumping equipment is installed. In addition, as a rule, a special shredder for toilet paper and feces is attached. This equipment is also completed with other plumbing elements. It is automatic, and its use will not complicate the owners.

The sewer system is divided into external and internal. These elements of the system are separated by the so-called. revisions. To make it easier to install pipes and other related elements, you need to know that the internal sewage system consists of several parts:

  • socket connecting elements;
  • special sewer connection;
  • ordinary sewer riser;
  • outlet pipes;
  • deflector;
  • ladder built into the floor.

Perform the installation of pipes carefully and slowly, then you will succeed.

Preparing for installation

Preparatory work is one of the most important parts. By neglecting the planning of actions or the availability of the necessary tools, you can spend much more time on pipe installation than expected. With competent actions, the installation of sewage can be completed in a few hours.

First you need to decide which devices and where exactly will be installed. Draw a rough diagram on a piece of paper, think about what additional pipes or fittings may be required for the normal operation of the devices. The scheme of installation of sewer pipes is approximately as follows: Fig. one.

If in the future you want to install another device that requires a sewer drain, immediately provide for it a tap that can be closed with a temporary plug. Since doing it in the future will be very inconvenient.

Fig.1 Approximate installation scheme of sewer pipes.

Calculate all the necessary sizes and cut the products. When doing this, consider the dimensions of the fittings. Experts advise cutting off sewer pipes immediately before installation, since in this case they can be gradually tried on as the system is assembled.

Plastic sewer pipes are cut with an ordinary hacksaw. To cut the pipe, trace it in a circle in the right place so that the cut is tight and even. You need to cut at a right angle. The cut ends of the pipe are carefully cleaned with sandpaper or a knife.

Do not forget that sewer pipes must be installed at a slope, since almost any sewer system works with the help of "earth gravity". The slope of the products is fixed with brackets attached to the wall. They are sold as a set.

Prepare mounting tools:

  • grinder or hacksaw for metal;
  • impact drill or hammer drill;
  • mounting gun;
  • chisel;
  • screwdrivers;
  • a hammer;
  • wrench.

Self installation

Rice. 2 Table for determining the angle of inclination of the sewer.

The first stage of work is the dismantling of old sewer pipes. The work is carried out in stages in the following sequence:

  • the water supply is turned off;
  • the hose that brings water to the toilet tank is disconnected. For this, a wrench is used;
  • the toilet is dismantled. The bolts with which it is attached to the surface are unscrewed;
  • vacant bathroom space. It is necessary to take out all items that may interfere with the performance of work (washing machine, bidet, sink, etc.);
  • dismantled the old sewer. Cast iron pipes, which are located at a certain distance from the riser, can be broken with a hammer;
  • pipes that are directly adjacent to the riser are dismantled.

Pipes that depart from the tee installed directly on the riser are especially carefully removed. To do this, using a grinder, the pipe is cut off at a distance of 100 mm from the socket of the riser. Try to pull out the part that remains, slightly swinging it in the socket. In most cases, the rest of the pipe falls out quite easily and quickly.

But if the pipe is "settled" very firmly, you will have to put more effort and spend time removing it. To do this, several cuts are made along the segment to the very socket around the circumference of the grinder at a distance of about 2 cm from each other.

After that, you need to insert a chisel into the incision and gently tap on it with a hammer until the pipe stuck in the tee bursts. Usually this method allows you to remove the old product. Otherwise, you will need to look for a “thin” place and apply a little more effort to it.

The tee socket is cleaned. Before installing a new cuff on the bell, you need to remove the remnants of the old grease, because. they can interfere with the correct and high-quality installation of new communications. After installing a new cuff, you can proceed with the installation of pipes.

Pipe installation

When installing a sewer system, the most important work is the installation of a toilet bowl. The product is connected to the sewerage system using a plastic pipe with a diameter of 110 mm. After that, you need to perform a "transition" to pipes of 50 mm. This transition should be as smooth as possible. Do not put the adapter immediately on this diameter. It would be much more correct to use a small (100-150 mm) "bridge" 100 mm in diameter, and after that go to a diameter of 50 mm. Firmly fix each joint and observe the slope towards the drain.

Try not to use right angle adapters. The best option would be to use 2 45° corners. Usually, pipe welding is not required during the installation of an intra-apartment sewer system. The assembly of the system is quite simple: the pipes are inserted one into the other through the gaskets, which ensures a very good tightness. However, for absolute certainty, it is still better to use silicone sealant, which will provide a stronger connection between the parts of the structure. So it definitely will not break through when starting the water.

Accuracy, observance of simple rules, the use of high-quality materials and proper tools allows you to install the pipes of the sewer system with your own hands and at low cost. Successful work!

The cottage has been built or renovated, it remains to build a sewage disposal system, water supply. Call a plumbing master, not everyone can be trusted. Make your own installation of sewers from plastic pipes, water pipes, enjoy the work done, save money.

Doing plumbing work on your own is scary without experience. You need to know the rules and tricks in order to build a working structure. It will be useful for home craftsmen to learn about the stages of work, where to pay attention.

We proceed to the installation of sewage from plastic pipes

Finished sewerage from plastic pipes

The choice of polymeric materials is justified. They have a number of advantages:

  • do not rust, resistant to chemical influences;
  • have a smooth inner surface, which improves drainage;
  • lungs;
  • it is convenient to work with them using the tools available to each master;
  • affordable price.

The internal sewerage takes all wastewater out of the boundaries of the house or apartment, and the external one sends it to the place of collection or treatment. The industry produces several types of plastic sewer pipes:

  • internal sewerage - polypropylene;
  • outer - unplasticized PVC;
  • risers, external sewage - polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

In addition to knowing the nuances of installing a sewer system, it is necessary to be guided by the recommendations that are prescribed by SNiP 2.04.01-85, this will avoid gross errors.

The assembled structure must be checked at maximum load, at the same time the joints are inspected.

Seven times measure cut once!

Installation of sewerage in an apartment, a private house, begins with an internal system. The order of work is the same:

  • multi-storey building: a scheme is drawn up similar to the old one, if redevelopment was not conceived;
  • cottage: it is determined where the plumbing will be located, a plan is drawn up. Be sure to take into account the fan output, it reduces pressure, removes unpleasant odors. Several risers are combined horizontally along with a fan outlet;

A new sewer line has been drawn up. The following are calculated: lengths, diameters of the required pipes. The number of connecting, transitional, fasteners, cuffs. Each device needs a siphon, which will not allow an unpleasant smell to penetrate into the interior of the room. To prevent fecal water from entering the sewer system, the toilet is installed first to the riser. Be sure to put an inspection hatch, for cleaning or checking. Consult the experts for the plan.

Plan the length of the sewer pipes so that there is less to cut. It is best to go to the place where the purchase of components will take place, find out the nomenclature.

The materials have been purchased, it's time to install the sewer with your own hands

An example of a properly built sewerage system in an apartment

Sewerage device - gravity. From the farthest place of the drain, a line is laid to the riser, passing drains will be connected to it. Subtleties:

  1. The basic rule for laying sewer pipes is a slope, usually 1 cm per 1 m, the exact calculation depends on the diameter. The highest point is at the farthest source. Marking is done, fasteners are installed. If the angle is made larger, the water will fly by very quickly, the dirt will remain, less - the dirt will have time to settle on the pipe walls. The result is one - a blockage.
  2. Choose the correct diameters for each element of the sewerage system: toilet bowl - 110 mm, bathtubs, sinks - 50 mm, the rest - 32 mm. It seemed best to use the same sections, but if you take less than necessary - there will be excess pressure, more - lack of water - blockage.
  3. Changing the direction of the sewer line is done with 45o fittings. To make a right angle turn, use 2 fittings.
  4. Connecting factory sewer pipes is easy - they are prepared. If they are cut off (with any convenient tool), then the ends are cleaned with a knife, polished, connected with a socket directed towards the drain.
  5. All rubber gaskets must be soft, of the correct form, without flaws, and those that do not meet these requirements are replaced. If the elements are difficult to assemble, a special lubricant with the addition of silicone is used. If this condition is neglected, a leak may occur, which will have to be covered with sealant from above.
  6. Fasteners place 1 fastener per 1 m of the line, at the junctions.

In a private house, an external sewer connection is required. In a multi-storey building, it remains to connect the assembled structure to the riser.

The outlet of the plastic sewer from the cottage is protected by a galvanized sleeve, protecting it from external damage.

For external sewerage, a section of 110 mm is used. The corrugation has great strength. In the ground, the highway should be below the freezing level of the soil - this is 1.5 - 2 m. It is sprinkled with a pillow of a mixture of sand and clay, reducing damage. If it is impossible to lay it so deep, it is insulated with mineral wool.

Rules for the installation of plastic pipes for water supply

Plumbing from plastic pipes

After connecting the sewerage, water supply is supplied.

A diagram of the connection of all elements is drawn. For hot water supply, a technological gap of 10 mm is left, since the plastic expands from heating. After, the total length of the line, the necessary fittings are calculated. The number of locking, fasteners. For the subsequent addition of new devices, it is recommended to leave several taps with plugs.

When planning plumbing, it is important to know that plastic pipes are made in gray. Their markings:

  • PN10 - cold water;
  • PN16 - hot and cold;
  • PN20 - hot water with heating;
  • PN25 - heating.

Where the water temperature is below 60 °, the first two points will do. If the temperature is higher, then use the third, fourth options, since they are reinforced.

To save time, to ensure control over the condition of the water supply, it is better to use an open connection scheme. Pipes are installed at floor level, at the corners of the premises. A typical option, it is the simplest - a consistent supply of water to all consumers. To carry out repairs without turning off everyone, a shut-off valve is installed in front of everyone.

Step-by-step instructions for soldering plastic pipes

The parts were purchased, the tools were prepared, and the question of how to install the water supply system had to be resolved. According to the scheme, sections of the pipe are cut with special scissors. They are connected using fittings or. The technology is simple:

  • cleaning, degreasing of the ends;
  • nozzles of the required diameter for the soldering iron are selected, it is heated;
  • insert the connected elements, wait a certain time (determined by the cross section of the products);
  • after welding, the parts are fixed until completely cooled.

Structural elements are fixed to the wall with clips. Risers - with a clamp and a rubber gasket.

Additional elements, like valves, counters have a threaded metal connection, it is sealed on tow. Professional plumbers prefer to use a fluoroplastic sealant.

With a little experimentation, any home craftsman will connect a plumbing system with his own hands, which will function like a clock.

Mounting Features

Structure of plastic water pipes

This is a relatively new device. Combines the properties of metal and polymer pipes. Reminiscent of a layer cake: polyethylene, glue, aluminum, glue, polyethylene. The performance characteristics are excellent: at a pressure of 9.8 atmospheres, they withstand a temperature of 95o. With short-term overheating up to 130o. Frost-resistant, easily retain a given shape, bend even by hand.

They are used in systems for transporting liquids, gases, heating and air conditioning systems, for underfloor heating. The connection scheme is similar to polypropylene pipes. But since they are more susceptible to mechanical damage, exposure to UV rays, they are laid inside special boxes, walls, floors.

For connection, special fittings are produced:

  • detachable;
  • compression (under the clamp);
  • press fittings (for press tongs).

Installation does not require expensive equipment, special education. When assembling a water pipe with your own hands, be aware that the last connection is one-piece, it can be “packed” inside the floor or wall. The first two are in special boxes for access in case of an emergency.

Installation of plastic pipes for heating

Illustrative installation diagram with description

The main problem that the home master solves when installing a new heating system: connecting plastic pipes to metal pipes. Industry responds:

  • section up to 40 mm threaded fittings are produced;
  • from 40 to 300 mm - flanged.

The operating instructions are similar to the connection of polypropylene pipes.

Replacing cast iron sewer pipes with plastic ones

In old houses, cast-iron pipes were used in the bathroom and toilet. I would like to replace them with a modern analogue. It will cope easily, the main thing is to agree with the neighbors in the riser so that there are no incidents. Getting Started:

  1. They cut out the old riser: leave 10 cm on top, 40 cm on the bottom. To make it easier, they make several cuts with a small jumper, then knock them out with a sledgehammer. The main thing is not to damage the rest.
  2. The joints with plastic are cleaned.
  3. Fixings for a new riser are being prepared.
  4. Plastic is installed with sockets up, you need to start work from the bottom.
  5. After a preliminary fitting, the plastic is installed and secured with clamps with rubber gaskets.

Now you know how wiring is done, installation of sewerage, heating, water supply systems with modern materials. And also that the home master can handle everything.

Video on replacing a cast-iron sewer with a plastic one


To date, the market offers a fairly wide range of pipes for sewerage. Most modern products are made of plastic, and this is not surprising: this material has a number of positive qualities that allow them to be used in sewer systems. Plastic pipes perfectly withstand the impact of aggressive environments, which is very important when working with domestic wastewater.

Also, such pipes are lightweight, so the installation of sewer pipes with your own hands becomes quite possible, and special equipment is not required. In addition, plastic pipes have a smooth inner surface, which significantly reduces the risk of clogging and rapid wear, since it is much more difficult for solids to linger in them.

An important advantage that emphasizes all of the above is the low cost of plastic pipes, so they are optimally suited for the sewer system.

Despite all the advantages of plastic pipes, their installation should still be given due attention, since improper installation of sewer pipes with your own hands can nullify all the advantages of such a sewer. The cause of the problems may lie in different aspects: for example, if the pipes were not prepared for installation, or the installation process itself was of poor quality.

In apartment buildings, these nuances can be treated somewhat more simply, since the diameter of the pipes in them is larger, which eliminates minor installation errors. In apartment buildings, sometimes a plug is installed on the sewer to debtors, for non-payment of services. With private houses, the situation is somewhat more difficult: one wrong bend can lead to regular blockages in this place, or even cause a complete paralysis of the sewer system. About how to properly install sewer pipes, and will be discussed in this article.

The design of the sewer system

Blockages appear in the sewerage system very often. The origins of this problem lie not only in the improper operation of the structure, although this phenomenon also exists: often the sewer is perceived by residents as another place where garbage can be dumped.

The main cause of clogged pipelines is due to installation errors. Firstly, rough pipes are often used to equip the system, in which blockages occur much more often due to the layering of waste on the surface. Secondly, the design of the sewer system is often carried out illiterately, but the installation of sewer pipes in a private house is done correctly. The result is a well-assembled inoperable system in which clogging occurs due to large angles of rotation, bends or ledges.

All these nuances should be taken into account when it is planned to install sewer pipes in a private house. Again, it is best to opt for plastic parts, since their processing is very easy and without the use of complex fixtures. If necessary, you can even cut the pipes, which will fit them to the proper size.

Pipes are cut by the following methods:

  1. For cutting large volumes of pipes in free space, it is best to use a cutting machine, as a result of which the edges of the pipes are very clean.
  2. Plastic pipes can also be cut with a special saw - the result is quite high quality. In addition, this method is also very convenient, which also has a positive effect on work.
  3. At home, pipe cutting is performed with a conventional hacksaw: due to the small teeth, the number of burrs will be minimal, but it will be difficult to cut the pipe evenly, so it may require additional processing.
In any case, pipe cutting requires free space, and in the absence of it, other methods must be used. For example, in a cramped, enclosed space, cutting a pipe is done with a thin cable, at the ends of which there are handles. This device is pulled around the pipe, located at a right angle to it, after which the plastic is frayed with a cable. Of course, cutting the pipe perpendicularly in this case is problematic, but it’s still worth trying, otherwise the installation will come out of insufficient quality.
When cutting pipes, burrs always occur. This is a normal phenomenon, but not during the operation of the sewer system: the correct installation of sewer pipes cannot be carried out with burrs, and they must be removed so that protruding pieces of plastic do not interfere with drains from moving through the pipe in the future. In addition, the burrs located outside will not allow you to create a reliable and tight connection.

To remove burrs, an ordinary knife is used: they are simply scraped off from the outside, and on the inner surface it is necessary to do this work very meticulously, because the functionality of the sewer will depend on the quality of cleaning.

Preparation and installation of sewer pipes

The preparation stage includes fitting all the details of the future sewage system in terms of dimensions and connections. It is also necessary to check how accurately it will be possible to observe all the angles and inclinations specified in the design of the sewer system: this is required by the rules for installing sewer pipes.

Do-it-yourself installation of sewer pipes is carried out according to the following algorithm:
  1. The first step is to make marks indicating the location of each element of the pipeline. This will require a marker.
  2. In order for the sewer to be airtight, all its elements must be carefully fitted and connected. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to first prepare the parts for connection, and only then glue them.
  3. Before gluing, the fit of the parts must be checked. The optimal condition is achieved under the following condition: the pipe enters the socket of the sewer pipe by 2/3 without problems, and further connection requires little effort.
  4. The inner surface of the pipes should be smooth, but the parts to be joined should be processed until a slight roughness appears, for which a sandpaper is used.
  5. Do-it-yourself installation of sewer pipes involves the use of special glue. To glue pipes, different types of glue can be used, so you need to know which one the manufacturer recommends.
  6. Immediately before gluing the parts, their edges are degreased and softened, for which methylene chloride is well suited.
  7. To apply the adhesive, a special swab is used, usually supplied with the adhesive. If not, then you can take a regular brush. The pipe itself is smeared with a thick layer of glue, and the inside of the socket with a small one.
  8. When the adhesive is applied to the surfaces to be joined, the fitting is put on the pipe. It is impossible to leave the parts in this form right away: first they must be held so that the marks made are a few centimeters apart.
  9. The parts are rotated so that the marks match. When properly connected, a small, even layer of adhesive will come out of the socket.
  10. After combining the parts, they need to be held for about half a minute. After that, the joint must be smeared with glue in order to completely fill the joint. In general, one such operation takes no more than one minute, so assembling sewer pipes with your own hands will not take much time.

The subtleties of installing plastic pipes with your own hands

There are several nuances that should be observed in order for the system to work correctly in the future:
  1. Cutting pipes should be accompanied by cleaning their edges from burrs. To make the job easier, you should take a saw with small teeth and a wide blade: the cut will be made at a right angle, and the number of scuffs will be minimal.
  2. Before assembling sewer pipes, it is worth performing a preliminary assembly, during which control marks are applied. After that, the system is disassembled.
  3. When laying a pipeline in a wall, metal pipes are most often used, which are connected to plumbing fixtures by means of plastic pipe sections. Couplings that do not have sockets are used to connect different types of pipes.
  4. When drilling a hole for the pipe, the stand may loosen. You can fix the problem with the help of special overlays that return the racks to their original strength.

Sewer fittings

The sewer system implies the presence of a certain number of fittings, the determination of which requires an accurate calculation of the project.

Installation of fittings is carried out according to certain rules and has some features:

  1. Fittings with an angle of 22.5, 45 and 90 degrees are equipped with sockets on both sides. Transition elbows usually have only one socket. Such fittings are often connected to regular fittings, which saves some space: two standard fittings connected by a pipe will take up more space (read also: "").
  2. Transition fittings should preferably be installed with the end without a socket pointing down.
  3. 90 degree elbows are commonly used to connect vertical and horizontal branches. Fittings with an angle of 45 degrees are used separately for both types of construction. To ensure the transition of a vertical pipe to a horizontal one, it is better to use two 45-degree fittings. Small bends and turns are carried out with a knee at an angle of 22.5 degrees.
  4. Tees must be used when connecting two pipeline branches. Different types of tees make it possible to connect pipelines at an angle of 45 or 90 degrees.
  5. 45-degree tees are suitable for any pipeline lines, but 90-degree tees can only be used when connecting a horizontal branch to a vertical one. Some models of tee fittings may have different outlet diameters.

Do-it-yourself sewer pipe installation requires other elements. For example, cleaning hatches are considered a mandatory part of any sewer. They are necessary to control the operation of the system and allow you to clean it in case of clogging. There are several types of hatches. An example is an end hatch mounted on a pipe socket. Such manholes are most often installed on the upward part of a 45-degree tee in a horizontal system. The design of the end hatch assumes the presence of a plug, after removing which access to the inside of the system is provided.

Siphons are also an important element of the sewer system, the main function of which is to create a water seal that prevents the penetration of odor from the sewer into the living room. In addition, small debris accumulates in the siphons, which can then be removed without problems. Siphons are usually installed under plumbing, in easily accessible places.

Assembly of external sewerage

The installation of the external pipeline is carried out in pre-prepared trenches, and their depth should slightly exceed the level of soil freezing. In addition, it is imperative to observe the difference in the sewer pipe (2-3 cm per meter of pipeline). The socket method is used to connect the pipes, and the laying itself is carried out so that the pipes do not bend under the weight of the earth. You can read more about the installation of external sewerage in an article on this topic.