Calculator calculation of a house from a bar. How to calculate the amount of timber per house using elementary mathematics? Calculation of the amount of material for rafters and battens

Before starting the construction of a house from a bar, many consumers ask themselves: how much timber is needed for the construction of the proposed structure. To answer this question, you can go two ways:

  • Use the beam calculator;
  • Read the article below about calculation of the amount of timber needed to build a house.

And if everything is more or less clear with a calculator, then it is much more difficult to do it yourself. Let's look into this issue.

Factors affecting the amount of timber needed to build a house.

The main thing to consider when calculating the amount of timber per house is:

  • What type of timber will be used in construction;
  • How much timber do we need;
  • How many units of timber are in 1 cubic meter;
  • Features of the project of a house from a bar or a cottage.

Calculation of building timber in cubic meters.

And so, how calculate the amount of timber in 1 cubic meter by the simplest method? It should be noted that the following example is not exact. To make a more accurate calculation, you must have a project of the future home.

To calculate the amount of timber in 1m 3, you must:

  • Calculate the perimeter of the building;
  • Multiply the perimeter by the height;
  • The product of the perimeter and the height must be multiplied by the thickness of the product.

For our case, the formula will look like this: V \u003d h * b * l \u003d 0.15 * 0.15 * 6 \u003d 0.135 m 3,

  • h is the height of the beam;
  • b- width;
  • l- length.

We find out how many units of lumber are in 1 cube as follows: 1 / 0.135 \u003d 7.41 pieces.

After carrying out all the above calculations, we will get the result of the number of cubes of timber required to build a building.

To calculate the beam, which will be needed to finish the interior walls, we use a similar method. Let's take a specific example, how to calculate the amount of timber for a bath 5 * 10 meters, 3 meters high.

We will conditionally determine that the size of 150 * 150 mm will be used during construction.

  • (5 m - width + 10 m length) × 2 \u003d 30 m - the perimeter of the building.
  • 30 perimeter × 3 height = 90 m 2 - wall area.
  • 90 area × 0.15 material thickness = 13.5 m 3 - needed to build a box from a 5 × 10 beam 3 m high.

In such a simple way, we calculated the amount of timber for the walls, which is 13.5 m 3. But, you need to take into account that due to the presence of window and door openings, the amount of material used will be less than the calculated one.

Often, craftsmen do not take this moment into account, it is believed that it would be even better to add about 20% in reserve, as a result we will get: 13.5 + 20% = 16.2 m 3 of timber is necessary for a 5 * 10 m building.

Features of the beam, which must be taken into account in the calculation.

When building a house from a bar, the crown is laid first, which should be slightly thicker than the main bar. The first crown is made of a thicker beam, in the future the mass of the whole house will press on it, so it is additionally recommended to treat it with machine oil or an antiseptic.

In the above calculation, this nuance was not taken into account, it must be calculated separately.

Calculation of the beam in units.

After you have calculated the amount of timber in m 3, you can easily find out how much timber will be needed in units (pieces).

Consider a table of common sizes for this 6m long product:

Table of the amount of timber in 1 m 3 for calculating timber per house.

Section * bar length

Volume 1 piece, m 3.

The amount of timber in 1 m 3, pcs.

In the above example, where we indicated the cubature of the beam for the bath, we will carry out a further calculation of materials in pieces.

In order to calculate the amount of material per house in pieces, we carry out such a calculation, for this the sum of 13.5 m 3 must be divided by the cubic volume of the used timber, in our case it is equal to 0.135 m3: 13.5: 0.135 = 100 pieces.

If you correctly calculate the amount of timber in pieces, then when buying a timber, you will be able to control whether the seller ships all the material to you.

The thickness and height of the beam.

The material can have different thickness and height, the following are the main dimensions:

  • 100*100 mm.
  • 100*150 mm.
  • 150*150 mm.
  • 150*200 mm.
  • 200*200 mm.

If everything is clear with the height, the higher the timber, the fewer interventional seams, the faster the construction work is done, and naturally, the number of pieces of timber for building a house decreases. But the width in this case is more important, especially when building for all-season living.

Attention: Sometimes timber manufacturers indicate the dimensions of the timber, which may differ from the real ones, for example, a timber of 150x150 mm actually has a size of 140x140 mm.

The consequences of buying such a beam will be very deplorable, if a beam of 150x150 mm in size is needed for a height of 3 meters, 20 pieces, then with a size of 140x140 mm - 21 pieces and a half, and this is one and a half crown rows.

If you plan to live in the house all year round, it is recommended to use a 200 mm thick timber. It is also necessary to take care of the insulation of the walls made of timber, the best option would be polystyrene foam or mineral wool 10 cm thick.

When constructing a bath, it is advisable to use a material thickness of 150 mm, it is quite enough to maintain the temperature for a short time. Well, if you still decide to build a country house for a summer vacation, then in this case the walls of a 100x100 mm beam will be just right.

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If you decide to build a bathhouse on your backyard or summer cottage, then timber as a construction material will be the best solution for a number of reasons, which we will discuss below. But in order for the work to be done efficiently and quickly, it is very important to correctly calculate the timber for the bath, it is this part of the process that our review will be devoted to, in which we will analyze all the important nuances using a specific example.

Why the bar

Consider the main advantages of this material and its advantages over other options:

Availability In addition to the fact that timber can be purchased in almost any locality, one cannot fail to note such a factor as an affordable price. The cost of this type of project, taking into account all expenses, will be less than other options, and you will save not only money, but also time, since the construction speed is very high
Simplicity You can easily build a bath with your own hands, as the configuration of the beam provides maximum convenience during work. Unlike a log, the elements weigh less, and their shape allows you to build even walls even for those who have never done such work.
Reliability Service life with proper care, which consists in the periodic renewal of the protective coating, will be at least several decades. In addition, a beam, unlike a log, has a much lower shrinkage rate, which simplifies the installation of window and door blocks, and if we are talking about a glued version, then there is no shrinkage at all
attractiveness The appearance of the finished structure is very attractive, since the natural texture of wood is the best suited for a bath, and high-quality finished elements further emphasize the beauty of the material.

Important! Among other things, it should be noted that buildings made of timber weigh less than any other option, while their heat retention indicators meet the highest standards.

Settlement process

In order to understand as much as possible in detail, we will divide all activities into two stages and consider each of them separately.


The calculation of a beam for a bath from a beam begins with the following steps:

  • First of all, you need to decide on the dimensions of the future building, they can be different, from the most compact options to solutions with an attic floor and a terrace. It all depends on your personal preferences and the availability of free space on the site. Remember that there are standards for the location of the bath, regulating the distance to the fence, well, bathroom and neighboring buildings, all these data can be clarified with specialists;

  • Then you need to choose a project, which will become the main guideline in all further work.. Based on the project, a drawing of a bath from a bar is made, which is approved by the relevant authorities, only after that work can begin. Most often, the implementation of this stage is entrusted to special design organizations, you submit a sketch you found or made on your own, and they draw it up in accordance with the standards;

  • Next, the size of the beam for the bath is determined, meaning such an indicator as the cross section of the elements. We strongly recommend not to use elements with a width of less than 150 mm, even this option freezes through at -29 degrees, and thinner bars will keep heat very poorly at all. If you want the building to be able to maintain a comfortable temperature without extra costs in winter, then it is best to use a material sized 200x200 or 150x200.


Now let's figure out how a bath from a bar is calculated, if you have a project on hand, then the process will not be difficult. Of course, you can also use a calculator for calculating a beam for a bath, you can find it on the net without problems, but if the structure is simple, then you can do it yourself in a matter of minutes.

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • We will consider the project shown in the previous chapter, in which the size of the building is 3x4 meters, there is one external partition, the length of which is also 3 meters. Since even the internal partitions in the bath are recommended to be made of the same thickness as the external ones, we will calculate the total length of the walls: 3 + 4 + 3 + 4 + 3 \u003d 17 linear meters. Also immediately note to yourself that you have two walls of 4 meters and three walls of 3 meters, this will be needed a little later;
  • Next, you need to calculate the number of timber, for this you need the height of the structure, in our case it is 2.55 meters, and the height of the timber itself, let's say you have chosen a good option 150x200, that is, the log house will consist of 15 rows;
  • Above, we determined that we have 3 three-meter and 2 four-meter walls, by simple calculations we get the result of 45 three meters long and 30 bars four meters long;
  • Since materials are sold in cubic meters, we will translate our pieces into the desired units of measurement. One linear meter has a volume of 0.03 cubic meters, that is, a three-meter element is 0.09 m 3, and a four-meter element is 0.12 m 3;
  • The calculation is simple - 0.09x45 \u003d 4.05 cubic meters of timber 3 meters long and 0.12x30 \u003d 3.6 cubic meters of elements 4 meters long, you have the exact length result in your hands, so you will get exactly what you need, and in during the work, the amount of waste will be minimal.

Important! If you purchase a ready-made kit, then you don’t have to count anything, since you will be supplied with everything required for the work, this option is also attractive, although it is associated with additional financial costs.

Of course, during construction it is very important to correctly calculate the right amount of materials. After all, each log costs a lot of money, and its transportation is associated with certain difficulties. And if a mistake was made in the calculations, this can lead to serious difficulties. Our online lumber calculator will help you do this online.

With a lack of material, you have to interrupt the construction process, and wait until the timber is delivered in the right amount. If too much timber was bought, then there will be a few extra logs, the money for which was thrown to the wind.

But if you use a calculator when calculating the amount of timber, you will get the most accurate result. It is also important that the calculator is very easy to use, thanks to which even an inexperienced person will be able to carry out the necessary calculations in the shortest possible time.

First you need to enter the approximate dimensions of the future house - the height, length and width of the walls. Of course, to know this data, you need to have

Only then will you be able to use accurate data.
The next step is to choose the length of the beam. The beam can have different lengths, usually from 5 to 12 meters. This allows you to choose the optimal length for any project without overpaying extra money and without wasting time connecting two elements.
The last stage is an indication of the cross section of the beam.

In private construction, a bar with a section from 150x150 to 200x200 is usually used. The choice of a suitable timber depends on the desire and capabilities of the future owner of the house.

But it is worth noting that the thicker the beam, the better heat and sound insulation characteristics it will have. However, at the same time, the cost of building material also increases. So, you should seriously approach the choice of material so that it meets not only your requirements, but also its cost does not make the material inaccessible to you.

Wood has always been the most popular material for building houses and baths. In our time, the demand for wood is still high. In order not to spend extra money, you need to correctly calculate how much timber is worth buying.

What are the difficulties in calculating the volume of a beam

At the time of preparation, before the start of construction, it is not easy to calculate the required amount of timber. The volume is calculated in cubic meters, it is at this moment that difficulties begin. It is difficult for the buyer to understand the correct calculation of cubic capacity. It is required to calculate so that during construction work it is not necessary to buy an additional amount of timber. After all, it will be a shame if in the midst of construction work there is not enough board. Again, you will have to run around the market or companies in search of the missing part, spend your money for delivery. Or after the construction is completed, you will have to think about where to attach the remaining material.


If you figure it out, then there is nothing complicated about it. For example, take the following values.

When calculating, it turned out that 30 boards 6 meters long, 50 millimeters thick, 200 millimeters wide are required. All data must be multiplied. To do this, all units must be converted into one measurement value - a meter. It turns out that the width of the board is 0.20 meters, the thickness of the board is 0.05 meters. We multiply: width x length x thickness x quantity = 0.20 x 6 x 0.05 x 30 = 1.8 cubic meters.

If the buyer knows how many cubes of lumber are required, you can find out how many boards are contained in a cubic meter. We calculate how many pieces are in one cubic meter, if the lumber is 200 millimeters wide, 50 millimeters thick, and 6 meters long. All quantities must be divided. Volume/width/thickness/length=1/0.20/0.05/6=16.666.

For a quick calculation, you can use the table. Before you calculate the cubic capacity of the timber, you need to find out what parameters it will have.

Beam Width (mm)

Beam thickness (mm)

Beam length (m)

The number of cubic meters in one bar

The number of timber in one cubic meter (pcs)

According to the table, it is clear that in a cubic meter the number of units of timber depends on the dimensions of length, thickness, width. Therefore, in one cubic meter, changing the dimensions, we get a different amount of timber.

Subtleties in the calculation

In order to use your funds economically and rationally, it is necessary to calculate the number of cubic meters as accurately as possible. But when buying, take not much in stock, about five to ten percent more, because the timber may turn out to be defective, it may twist at the time of work, and other unforeseen situations may also occur.

Whatever the volume of work, you always need to take different ones. For the construction of walls, some are suitable, completely different ones are used for the truss system. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully plan the project of a house or a bath. Using tables or formulas, calculate the quantity and required dimensions.

How to independently calculate the cubic capacity of a bar for a house

For example, consider the option of a small one-story country house for summer living. It was decided to build a house six by six meters with a ceiling height of three meters and make one six-meter partition. We calculate the cubic capacity of the timber per house with such parameters. If the house will be used only during the summer period, it is worth buying a bar with a section of 100 x 100 millimeters. When planning year-round living, it is necessary to make walls of thicker material, the width of which will be at least 150 millimeters.

Calculation of the required volume of timber per house:

  • perimeter: (length + width) x 2 + partition = (6 + 6) x 2 + 6 = 30 meters;
  • the volume of the walls of the house: (perimeter x beam thickness x wall height) \u003d 30 x 0.1 x 3 \u003d 9 cubic meters for a summer house. Or 30 x 0.15 x 3 = 13.5 cubic meters for a house with winter residence;
  • gables: (width x beam thickness x height) \u003d 6 x 0.1 x 3 \u003d 1.8 cubes will be required for a summer house. And 6 x 3 x 0.15 = 2.7 cubic meters for living in the house all year round.
  • Add up the results and add 20% of the total volume to them, for a reserve. (9 + 1.8) + 20% = 10.8 + 2.16 = 12.92 cubic meters and (13.5 + 2.7) + 20% = 16.2 + 3.24 = 19.44 meters cubic.

How to calculate the cubic capacity of a beam per bath

Recently, the fashion for a holiday outside the city has returned. Young families with children are increasingly purchasing garden plots. Many are wondering how to build with their own hands and how to calculate the amount of lumber per bath. If you understand all the subtleties and moments, then there is nothing complicated.

The most demanded 4 x 6 meters. It is better to do it from natural timber. Starting construction, you need to decide on the exact amount of lumber. For external walls use 250 x 130 mm, for internal partitions 130 x 95 mm. Let's calculate:

  • The perimeter of a bath of this size is 5500 x 3500 millimeters.
  • For each of the walls, 21 timber is required. This is calculated taking into account the size of the floor and the thickness of the ceiling.
  • The log house has four walls. It turns out (6 x 2) + (4 x 2) = 20 meters. Converting to millimeters, it turns out 20000.
  • We need to find the total length of the bars. For this, the number of bars x per length = 21 x 20000 = 420 meters. Converting to millimeters, it turns out 420000.
  • Multiplying the resulting amount by the size of the beam, we get 420 x 250 x 130 = 13.65 cubic meters.

To calculate the required amount of timber for partitions, use the same description, with the only difference being that a different size of timber is required measuring 95 x 130 millimeters. The cubic capacity for partitions is also calculated. For internal walls, a smaller timber in thickness is used.

For large volumes

How to calculate the cubic capacity of timber for a large house? In this case, lumber of different lengths, widths, thicknesses will be required. It will be easier to calculate not the volume of wood (dense), but use the calculation of the "folded cubic meter". In the first case, the results are used when measuring each beam separately, without voids. In the second case, all the lumber is stacked in piles, joining bars of different sizes to each other so that their length is the same. When everything is sorted and evenly stacked, measure the dimensions (width, length, height). The results obtained are multiplied. Now - how to find out the cubic capacity of a dense beam. To do this, the result of the folding cubature should be multiplied by a special coefficient.

Crown calculation

In order to find out the required number of crowns in a log house, it is necessary to divide the height of the house by the height of the timber (working). Let's calculate the cubature of a bar for a house measuring 9 x 9 meters with one cut. For example, we use a beam profiled 140 x 190 millimeters, it is necessary to calculate the number of crowns at a height of 2.5 meters.

Calculation: 2500/130 = 19.23. We round up, it turns out 19 crowns are needed for a given height. The length of one crown is 9 meters, it is required to calculate how many running meters are in one crown, along with overcuts. Let's calculate how many linear meters in the lower crown. To do this, add up all sides 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 45 meters. To calculate the total number of linear meters in a given house, it is necessary to multiply the length of one crown by the number of crowns. It turns out, 19 x 45 = 855 running meters. Given the zero crown, you need to add it to the total number so that there is a row shift. 2.5 x 9 \u003d 22.5 meters of running halves of the crown. 855 + 22.5 = 877.5 m. p., this is with door and window openings.

How to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of a profiled beam? To do this, multiply the resulting length of the crowns by the height of the beam and multiply by the thickness of the profiled beam = 877.5 x 140 x 190 = 23.34 cubic meters will be required for a house measuring 9 x 9 meters. Be sure to take into account when calculating the loss of the beam, approximately 7% of the total, for trimming and sawing.

Advantages of a wooden house built using timber

  • There is no need for interior and exterior decoration of the house. The walls are even and smooth. They look beautiful.
  • Moisture does not penetrate into the seams located between the crowns. Moisture does not collect on the walls and rot does not appear.
  • After a while, after shrinkage of the log house, no caulking is required.
  • The beam has a tight connection with a lock, which protects against blowing.
  • Virtually no cracks appear and are not deformed during shrinkage.
  • Natural material, environmentally friendly.
  • It does not require long assembly, it is assembled quickly, like a designer.
  • The houses have a beautiful aesthetic appearance.
  • The house is easy to care for, there is practically no dust on the walls.
  • Possibility to paint the house in any color.

Building a wooden house requires careful preliminary calculation and drawing up the most detailed estimate. Any large construction project is associated with significant costs, and it is important to initially correctly assess the financial possibilities and present all future costs.

An important expense item is the foundation, but the “box” itself will become the most expensive part, so you need to perform a preliminary calculation of the material for a house from a bar. In this case, it is advisable to consult with a professional architect and builders who know the real prices on the materials market.

Which timber to choose for construction

First you need to choose the material for the house from the timber. It differs both in characteristics and in cost:

  • The cheapest option is the usual bar of natural moisture. It is the most common, but the least reliable. During the drying process, it can significantly deform, which leads to the formation of cracks and crevices in the walls.
  • Dried timber - wood material that has undergone preliminary chamber drying. Most of the natural moisture is removed from it, so it will be more reliable, but the cost will also increase significantly.
  • Profiled timber is an even more expensive type of material that will allow you to build completely smooth walls without gaps between the crowns. A special system of spikes and grooves on the top and bottom sides will allow you to build a building with the most durable walls.
  • Glued laminated timber - the leader in cost. This is not exactly a bar, since it is not made from solid wood, but from several layers of wood glued together. Such material requires long processing, and it will be very expensive.

Thus, the calculation of material for building a house from a bar begins with an analysis of the construction market and the choice of a suitable material. When this issue is resolved, you can proceed directly to the calculations.

How much material is required to build a log house

The calculation of the material for building a house from a bar can be carried out using a special calculator program that is posted on construction sites. This will speed up the calculation, but the result will still only be an approximation. You can also calculate the material manually using the following parameters:

  1. Bar section. It depends on the required thermal conductivity: for a house without additional insulation, a beam with a section of 200x200 mm is required: it is quite expensive, so future owners often prefer to purchase thinner and cheaper material, and then insulate the building with inexpensive materials. It is permissible to build a building for permanent residence from a bar with a thickness of 150x150 mm or 150x100 mm.
  2. House dimensions. The standard project is a building made of timber 6x6 meters in size, as it will allow you not to connect the timber to each other.
  3. The height of each floor. The minimum height from floor to ceiling is 2.5 m, often it is made higher so that later you do not limit yourself in the choice of furniture and finishes.
  4. Area of ​​window and door openings. It is clear that the larger the window area, the less material is required. When developing a building project, the dimensions of the openings are indicated in the drawings, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare used for calculations.

An example of calculating materials for a standard house

It will be of great help in calculating the required amount of timber for building a house. But let's try to perform simple calculations on a simple example.

The calculation of materials for a house from a bar requires making fairly simple calculations that make you remember school geometry lessons.

Preliminary calculation of the material for a timber house:

It is required to build a small house with linear dimensions of 6x6x2.5 meters. For construction, you need to purchase an ordinary bar with a section of 200x200 mm. It is planned to make a door with an opening size of 800x2000 mm in the building, in addition, it will have two windows measuring 600x800 mm.

Let's move on to the calculations:

  • The perimeter of the house: 6 * 4 = 24 meters. We multiply this value by the height: 24 * 2.5 \u003d 60 square meters. meters - the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls.
  • We calculate the area of ​​windows. We multiply 0.8 * 2 \u003d 1.6 square meters. m. - door area, 0.6 * 0.8 * 2 \u003d 0.96 m. - area of ​​\u200b\u200btwo windows. These values ​​​​must be subtracted from the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls: 60 - 1.6 - 0.96 - 57.44 square meters. m. - this is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.
  • Since the thickness of the timber is 0.2 meters, the volume of the walls is calculated as follows: 57.44 * 0.2 = 11.488 cubic meters of timber will be required for construction.

Important points when calculating the material

If you need to build a house from a bar, the calculation of materials will always be approximate. It is imperative to add at least 15% to the obtained value, which will be required for trimming, damage, arranging corners, etc.

The timber is required not only for the construction of the box, but also for the installation of rafters, floor logs, ceilings, etc. As a result, in the final calculations, the amount of timber increases by about a fifth.

The exception is the construction of a house from a finished house kit. In this case, together with the architect, the exact amount of materials that will be required for construction is calculated, and all parts are pre-treated in the factory.

A ready-made set of numbered parts arrives at the construction site, from which the building is being erected, like a large constructor. All the details are exactly adjacent to each other, nothing needs to be adjusted and modified. You will have to buy only fasteners and insulation, and the work can be completed faster.

The calculation of lumber should take into account not only the purchase of the timber itself. You will need an inch board for the construction of a rough and fifty for a finished floor of a given area, material for the construction of a roofing pie and other expenses.

Each wooden element used in construction must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants, the finished house needs to be painted or otherwise finished. The walls can be sheathed with drywall and additionally insulated.