How to count batteries. Calculation of sections of heating batteries by area. Simple and fast calculation method

Most often, bimetallic radiators are purchased by owners to replace cast-iron batteries, which, for one reason or another, are out of order or begin to heat the room poorly. In order for this model of radiators to do its job well, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for calculating the number of sections for the entire room.

Required data for calculation

The right decision will be to turn to experienced professionals. Professionals can calculate the number of bimetallic heating radiators quite accurately and efficiently. Such a calculation will help determine how many sections will be needed not only for one room, but for the entire room, as well as for any type of object.

All professionals consider the following data to count the number of batteries:

  • What material was the building made of?
  • what is the thickness of the walls in the rooms;
  • the type of windows that were installed in this room;
  • in what climatic conditions is the building located;

  • is there any heating in the room above the room where the radiators are installed;
  • how many "cold" walls are in the room;
  • what is the area of ​​​​the calculated room;
  • what is the height of the walls.

All these data make it possible to make the most accurate calculation for the installation of bimetallic batteries.

Heat loss coefficient

To make the calculation correctly, you must first calculate what the heat losses will be, and then calculate their coefficient. For accurate data, one unknown must be taken into account, that is, the walls. This applies primarily to corner rooms. For example, the following parameters are presented indoors: height - two and a half meters, width - three meters, length - six meters.

  • Ф is the area of ​​the wall;
  • a - its length;
  • x is its height.

The calculation is in meters. According to these calculations, the wall area will be equal to seven and a half square meters. After that, it is necessary to calculate the heat loss according to the formula P \u003d F * K.

Also multiply by the temperature difference between indoors and outdoors, where:

  • P is the heat loss area;
  • F is the area of ​​the wall in square meters;
  • K is the coefficient of thermal conductivity.

For a correct calculation, temperature must be taken into account. If the temperature outside is about twenty-one degrees, and the room is eighteen degrees, then to calculate this room, you need to add two more degrees. To the resulting figure, you need to add P windows and P doors. The result obtained must be divided by a number indicating the thermal power of one section. As a result of simple calculations, it will turn out to find out how many batteries are needed to heat one room.

However, all these calculations are correct only for rooms that have average insulation values. As you know, there are no identical rooms, therefore, for an accurate calculation, it is necessary to take into account the correction factors. They need to be multiplied by the result obtained by calculating the formula. The coefficient corrections for corner rooms are 1.3, and for rooms located in very cold places - 1.6, for attics - 1.5.

Battery power

To determine the power of one radiator, it is necessary to calculate how many kilowatts of heat will be needed from the installed heating system. The power required to heat each square meter is 100 watts. The resulting number is multiplied by the number of square meters of the room. Then the figure is divided by the power of each individual section of a modern radiator. Some battery models consist of two sections or more. When making a calculation, you need to choose a radiator that has a number of sections close to the ideal. But still, it should be a little more than the calculated one.

This is done in order to make the room warmer and not freeze on cold days.

Manufacturers of bimetallic radiators indicate their power for some heating system data. Therefore, when buying any model, it is necessary to take into account the thermal head, which characterizes how the coolant heats up, as well as how it heats the heating system. The technical documentation often indicates the power of one section for a heat pressure of sixty degrees. This corresponds to a water temperature in the radiator of ninety degrees. In those houses where the rooms are heated with cast-iron batteries, this is justified, but for new buildings, where everything is done more modernly, the water temperature in the radiator may well be lower. The heat pressure in such heating systems can be up to fifty degrees.

The calculation here is also easy. It is necessary to divide the radiator power by the number indicating the thermal head. The number is divided by the figure indicated in the documents. In this case, the effective power of the batteries will become slightly less.

It is necessary to put it in all formulas.

Popular Methods

To deduct the required number of sections in the installed radiator, not one formula can be used, but several. Therefore, it is worth evaluating all the options and choosing the one that is suitable for obtaining more accurate data. To do this, you need to know that according to the norms of SNiP per 1 m², one bimetallic section can heat one meter and eighty centimeters of area. To calculate how many sections you need for 16 m², you need to divide this figure by 1.8 square meters. The result is nine sections. However, this method is rather primitive, and for a more accurate determination, it is necessary to take into account all the above data.

There is another simple method for self-calculation. For example, if you take a small room of 12 m², then very strong batteries are useless here. You can take, for example, the heat transfer of just one section of two hundred watts. Then, using the formula, you can easily calculate their number required for the selected room. To get the desired figure, you need 12 - this is the number of squares, multiply by 100, the power per square meter and divide by 200 watts. This, as can be understood, is the value of heat transfer per section. As a result of the calculations, the number six will be obtained, that is, exactly as many sections will be needed to heat a room of twelve squares.

You can consider another option for an apartment with an area of ​​​​20 m². Let's say that the power of the purchased radiator section is one hundred and eighty watts. Then, substituting all the available values ​​​​into the formula, the following result will be obtained: 20 must be multiplied by 100 and divided by 180 will be equal to 11, which means that such a number of sections will be needed to heat this room. However, such results will really correspond to those rooms where the ceilings are not higher than three meters, and the climatic conditions are not very harsh. Also, windows were not taken into account, that is, their number, so a few more sections must be added to the final result, their number will depend on the number of windows. That is, in the room you can install two radiators, in which there will be six sections. In this calculation, another section was added, taking into account windows and doors.

By volume

To make the calculation more accurate, you need to calculate by volume, that is, take into account three measurements in the selected heated room. All calculations are done in almost the same way, only the power data calculated per cubic meter, which are equal to forty-one watts, are based on. You can try to calculate the number of sections of a bimetallic battery for a room with such an area, as in the option discussed above, and compare the results. In this case, the height of the ceilings will be equal to two meters and seventy centimeters, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room will be twelve square meters. Then you need to multiply three by four, and then by two and seven.

The result will be this: thirty-two and four cubic meters. It must be multiplied by forty-one and you get one thousand three hundred and twenty-eight and four watts. This radiator power will be ideal for heating this room. Then this result must be divided by two hundred, that is, the number of watts. The result will be equal to six point sixty-four hundredths, which means that you need a seven-section radiator. As you can see, the result of the calculation by volume is much more accurate. As a result, it will not even be necessary to take into account the number of windows and doors.

And you can also compare the results of the calculation in a room with twenty square meters. To do this, you need to multiply twenty by two and seven, you get fifty-four cubic meters - this is the volume of the room. Further, you need to multiply by forty-one and the result will be two thousand four hundred and fourteen watts. If the battery has a power of two hundred watts, then this figure must be divided by the result. As a result, twelve and seven will come out, which means that for this room the same number of sections is needed as in the previous calculation, but this option is much more accurate.

Today, the consumer market is filled with many models of heating devices, which differ in size and power ratings. Among them it is worth highlighting steel radiators. These devices are quite light, have an attractive appearance and have good heat dissipation. Before choosing a model, it is necessary to calculate the power of steel heating radiators according to the table.


Consider steel panel-type radiators, which differ in size and degree of power. Devices can consist of one, two or three panels. Another important structural element is finning (corrugated metal plates). Several combinations of panels and fins are used in the design of the devices to achieve certain thermal performance. Before choosing the most suitable device for high-quality space heating, you need to familiarize yourself with each variety.

Steel panel batteries are represented by the following types:

  • Type 10. Here the device is equipped with only one panel. Such radiators are light in weight and have the lowest power.

  • Type 11. Consist of one panel and a finning plate. Batteries have slightly more weight and dimensions than the previous type, they are distinguished by increased thermal power parameters.

  • Type 21. The design of the radiator has two panels, between which there is a corrugated metal plate.
  • Type 22. The battery consists of two panels, as well as two fins. The device is similar in size to type 21 radiators, however, in comparison with them, they have a greater thermal power.

  • Type 33. The structure consists of three panels. This class is the most powerful in terms of heat output and the largest in size. In its design, 3 finning plates are attached to three panels (hence the digital designation of the type - 33).

Each of the presented types can differ in the length of the device and its height. Based on these indicators, the thermal power of the device is formed. It is impossible to calculate this parameter on your own. However, each panel radiator model undergoes appropriate tests by the manufacturer, so all results are entered in special tables. According to them, it is very convenient to choose a suitable battery for heating various types of premises.

Determination of power

For an accurate calculation of the heat output, it is necessary to build on the heat loss indicators of the room in which these devices are planned to be installed.

For ordinary apartments, you can be guided by SNiP (Building Norms and Rules), which specify the amount of heat based on 1 m 3 of area:

  • In panel buildings, 1m3 requires 41W.
  • In brick houses, 34 watts are consumed per 1 m3.

Based on these standards, it is possible to identify the power of steel panel heating radiators.

As an example, let's take a room in a standard panel house with dimensions of 3.2 * 3.5 m and a ceiling height of 3 meters. First of all, let's determine the volume of the room: 3.2 * 3.5 * 3 \u003d 33.6 m 3. Next, we turn to the norms of SNiP and find a numerical value that corresponds to our example: 33.6 * 41 \u003d 1377.6 W. As a result, we got the amount of heat needed to heat the room.

Extra options

Normative prescriptions of SNiP are drawn up for the conditions of the average climatic zone.

To calculate in areas with colder winter temperatures, you need to adjust the indicators using the coefficients:

  • up to -10 ° C - 0.7;
  • -15° C - 0.9;
  • -20°C - 1.1;
  • -25°C - 1.3;
  • -30°C - 1.5.

When calculating heat loss, you need to take into account the number of walls that go outside. The more of them, the higher the heat loss of the room will be. For example, if there is one outer wall in the room, we apply a coefficient of 1.1. If we have two or three outer walls, then the coefficient will be 1.2 and 1.3, respectively.

Consider an example. Let's say that in winter the average temperature in the region is -25 ° C, and there are two external walls in the room. From the calculations we get: 1378 W * 1.3 * 1.2 = 2149.68 W. The final result is rounded up to 2150 watts. In addition, it is necessary to take into account which rooms are located on the lower and upper floors, what the roof is made of, what material the walls were insulated with.

Calculation of Kermi radiators

Before calculating the thermal power, you should decide on the manufacturer of the device that will be installed in the room. It is obvious that the best recommendations deservedly have the leaders of the industry. Let us turn to the table of the well-known German manufacturer Kermi, on the basis of which we will carry out the necessary calculations.

For example, let's take one of the latest models - ThermX2Plan. From the table, you can see that the power parameters are prescribed for each Kermi model, so you just need to find the right device from the list. In the heating area, it is not required that the indicators completely match, so it is better to take a value that is slightly larger than the calculated one. So you will have the necessary reserve for periods of sharp cooling.

All relevant indicators are marked in the table with red squares. Let's say for us the most optimal radiator height is 505 mm (written at the top of the table). The most attractive option is type 33 devices with a length of 1005 mm. If shorter fixtures are required, the 605 mm high models should be chosen.

Recalculation of power based on the temperature regime

However, the data in this table is written for 75/65/20, where 75° C is the temperature of the wire, 65° C is the temperature of the outlet, and 20° C is the temperature that is maintained in the room. Based on these values, (75+65)/2-20=50° C is calculated, as a result of which we get the temperature delta. In the event that you have other system parameters, recalculation will be required. For this purpose, Kermi has prepared a special table in which the coefficients for adjustment are indicated. With its help, you can carry out a more accurate calculation of the power of steel heating radiators according to the table, which will allow you to choose the most optimal device for heating a particular room.

Consider a low temperature system that measures 60/50/22, where 60°C is the wire temperature, 50°C is the tap temperature, and 22°C is the temperature maintained in the room. We calculate the temperature delta using the already known formula: (60 + 50) / 2-22 \u003d 33 ° C. Then we look at the table and find the temperature indicators of the conducted / discharged water. In a cell with a maintained room temperature, we find the required coefficient of 1.73 (marked in green in the tables).

Next, we take the amount of heat loss in the room and multiply it by a factor: 2150 W * 1.73 \u003d 3719.5 W. After that, we return to the power table to see suitable options. In this case, the choice will be more modest, since much more powerful radiators will be required for high-quality heating.


As you can see, the correct calculation of power for steel panel radiators is impossible without knowing certain indicators. It is imperative to find out the heat loss of the room, decide on the manufacturer of the battery, have an idea about the temperature of the conducted / discharged water, as well as the temperature that is maintained in the room. Based on these indicators, suitable battery models can be easily identified.

Most likely you have already decided for yourself Which heating radiators are better, but you need to calculate the number of sections. How to perform it accurately and accurately, take into account all the errors and heat losses?

There are several calculation options:

  • by volume
  • by room area
  • and full calculation including all factors.

Let's consider each of them

Calculation of the number of sections of heating radiators by volume

If you have an apartment in a modern house, with double-glazed windows, insulated outer walls and, then the value of the thermal power of 34W per 1 cubic meter of volume is already used for the calculation.

An example of calculating the number of sections:

Room 4*5m, ceiling height 2.65m

We get 4 * 5 * 2.65 \u003d 53 cubic meters The volume of the room and multiply by 41 watts. Total required thermal power for heating: 2173W.

Based on the data obtained, it is not difficult to calculate the number of radiator sections. To do this, you need to know the heat transfer of one section of the radiator you have chosen.

Let's say:
Cast iron MS-140, one section 140W
Global 500,170W
Sira RS, 190W

It should be noted here that the manufacturer or seller often indicates an overestimated heat transfer calculated at an elevated temperature of the coolant in the system. Therefore, focus on the lower value indicated in the product data sheet.

Let's continue the calculation: we divide 2173 W by the heat transfer of one section of 170 W, we get 2173 W / 170 W = 12.78 sections. We round up towards a whole number, and we get 12 or 14 sections.

Some sellers offer a service for assembling radiators with the required number of sections, that is, 13. But this will no longer be a factory assembly.

This method, like the next one, is approximate.

Calculation of the number of sections of heating radiators according to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room

It is relevant for the height of the ceilings of the room 2.45-2.6 meters. It is assumed that 100W is enough to heat 1 square meter of area.

That is, for a room of 18 square meters, 18 square meters * 100W = 1800W of thermal power is required.

We divide by the heat transfer of one section: 1800W / 170W = 10.59, that is, 11 sections.

In which direction is it better to round the results of calculations?

The room is corner or with a balcony, then we add 20% to the calculations
If the battery is installed behind the screen or in a niche, then heat loss can reach 15-20%

But at the same time, for the kitchen, you can safely round down, up to 10 sections.
In addition, in the kitchen, it is very often mounted. And this is at least 120 W of thermal assistance per square meter.

Accurate calculation of the number of radiator sections

We determine the required heat output of the radiator using the formula

Qt \u003d 100 watt / m2 x S (rooms) m2 x q1 x q2 x q3 x q4 x q5 x q6 x q7

Where the following coefficients are taken into account:

Glazing type (q1)

  • Triple glazing q1=0.85
  • Double glazing q1=1.0
  • Conventional (double) glazing q1=1.27

Wall insulation (q2)

  • High-quality modern insulation q2=0.85
  • Brick (in 2 bricks) or insulation q3= 1.0
  • Poor insulation q3=1.27

The ratio of window area to floor area in the room (q3)

  • 10% q3=0.8
  • 20% q3=0.9
  • 30% q3=1.0
  • 40% q3=1.1
  • 50% q3=1.2

Minimum outdoor temperature (q4)

  • -10С q4=0.7
  • -15С q4=0.9
  • -20С q4=1.1
  • -25C q4=1.3
  • -35С q4=1.5

Number of outer walls (q5)

  • One (usually) q5=1.1
  • Two (corner apartment) q5=1.2
  • Three q5=1.3
  • Four q5=1.4

Type of room above settlement (q6)

  • Heated room q6=0.8
  • Heated attic q6=0.9
  • Cold attic q6=1.0

Ceiling height (q7)

  • 2.5m q7=1.0
  • 3.0m q7=1.05
  • 3.5m q7=1.1
  • 4.0m q7=1.15
  • 4.5m q7=1.2

Calculation example:

100 W/m2*18m2*0.85 (triple glazing)*1 (brick)*0.8
(2.1 m2 window/18m2*100%=12%)*1.5(-35)*
1.1(one outdoor)*0.8(heated apartment)*1(2.7m)=1616W

Poor thermal insulation of the walls will increase this value to 2052 W!

number of heating radiator sections: 1616W/170W=9.51 (10 sections)

How to calculate heating radiators so that the temperature in the apartment is extremely comfortable is a question that arises for everyone who decides to repair. Too few sections will not fully warm up the room, and the excess will only entail too much spending on utilities. So, what needs to be considered in order to correctly calculate the dimensions of the batteries?

Preliminary preparation

What must be considered to calculate the power of a heating radiator per room:

  • determine the temperature regime and potential thermal losses;
  • develop optimal technical solutions;
  • determine the type of thermal equipment;
  • establish financial and thermal criteria;
  • take into account the reliability and technical parameters of heating devices;
  • draw up heat pipe diagrams and the location of batteries for each room;

Without the help of specialists and additional programs, it is quite difficult to calculate the number of sections of heating radiators. In order for the calculation to be most accurate, one cannot do without a thermal imager or programs specially installed for this.

What happens if the calculations are done incorrectly? The main consequence is a lower temperature in the rooms, and consequently, the operating conditions will not correspond to the desired. Too powerful heating devices will lead to excessive spending both on the devices themselves and their installation, and on utilities.

Self calculations

You can roughly calculate what the power of the batteries should be, using only a tape measure to measure the length and width of the walls and a calculator. But the accuracy of such calculations is extremely low. The error will be 15-20%, but this is quite acceptable.

Calculations depending on the type of heating devices

When choosing a model, keep in mind that the thermal power depends on the material from which they are made. Methods for calculating the size of sectional batteries do not differ, but the results will come out different. There are averages. They should be guided by, choosing the optimal number of heating devices. Power of heaters with sections of 50 cm:

  • aluminum batteries - 190 W;
  • bimetallic - 185 W;
  • cast iron heating devices - 145 W;

  • aluminum - 1.9-2 sq.m.;
  • aluminum and steel - 1.8 sq.m.;
  • cast iron - 1.4-1.5 square meters;

Here is an example of calculating the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators. Let's say that the dimensions of the room are 16 square meters. It turns out that a room of this size needs 16m2 / 2m2 = 8 pcs. By the same principle, count for cast iron or bimetallic appliances. It is only important to know exactly the norm - the above parameters are correct for models with a height of 0.5 meters.

At the moment, models from 20 to 60 cm are produced. Accordingly, the area that the section can heat will differ. The most low-power models are curb ones, 20 cm high. If you decide to purchase a thermal unit of non-standard sizes, then you will have to make adjustments to the calculation formula. Look for the necessary data in the data sheet.

When making adjustments, it should be borne in mind that the size of the batteries directly affects heat transfer. Therefore, the smaller the height with the same width, the smaller the area, and with them the power. For correct calculations, find the ratio of the heights of the selected model and the standard one, and use the data obtained to correct the result.

Let's say you have chosen models with a height of 40 cm. In this case, the calculation of the number of sections of aluminum heating radiators per room area will look like this:

  • we will use the previous calculations: 16m2 / 2m2 = 8 pieces;
  • calculate the coefficient 50cm / 40cm = 1.25;
  • correct the calculations according to the main formula - 8pcs * 1.25 \u003d 10 pcs.

The calculation of the number of heating radiators by volume begins, first of all, with the collection of the necessary information. What parameters need to be taken into account:

  • Housing area.
  • Ceiling height.
  • The number and area of ​​door and window openings.
  • Temperature conditions outside the window during the heating season.

The norms and rules established for the power of heating parts regulate the minimum allowable indicator per square meter. apartment meter - 100 watts. The calculation of heating radiators by the volume of the room will be more accurate than the one in which only the length and width are taken as the basis. The final results are adjusted depending on the individual characteristics of a particular room. This is done by multiplying by the adjustment factor.

When calculating the power of heating appliances, the average ceiling height is taken - 3 m. For apartments with a ceiling of 2.5 meters, this coefficient will be 2.5m / 3m = 0.83, for apartments with high ceilings of 3.85 meters - 3.85m / 3m = 1.28. Corner rooms will require additional adjustments. The final data is multiplied by 1.8.

The calculation of the number of sections of the heating radiator by the volume of the room should be carried out with adjustments if the room has one large window or several windows at once (factor 1.8).

The bottom connection will also require you to make your own adjustments. In this case, the coefficient will be 1.1.

In areas with extreme weather, where winter temperatures reach record lows, capacity must be doubled.

Plastic double-glazed windows, on the contrary, will require a downward adjustment, a coefficient of 0.8 is taken as the basis.

In the above data, average values ​​are given, since they were not additionally taken into account:

  • thickness and material of walls and ceilings;
  • glazing area;
  • flooring material;
  • the presence or absence of insulation on the floor;
  • curtains and curtains in window openings.

Additional options for more accurate calculations

An accurate calculation of the number of heating radiators per area will not do without data from technical documents. This is important in order to more accurately determine the value of heat loss. The best way to determine the level of heat loss is with a thermal imager. The device will quickly determine the coldest areas in the room.

Everything would be much easier if each apartment was built according to a standard layout, but this is far from being the case. Each house or city apartment has its own characteristics. Given the many characteristics (number of window and door openings, wall heights, housing area, etc.), the question naturally arises: how to calculate the number of heating radiators?

The peculiarities of the exact technique are that more coefficients are needed for calculations. One of the important values ​​to calculate is the amount of heat. The formula is different from the previous ones and looks like this: CT \u003d 100 W / m2 * P * K1 * K2 * K3 * K4 * K5 * K6 * K7.

More about each value:

  • CT - the amount of heat that is needed for heating.
  • P - the dimensions of the room m2.
  • K1 - the value of this coefficient takes into account the quality of window glazing: double - 1.27; plastic windows with double glazing - 1.0; with triple - 0.85.
  • K2 - coefficient taking into account the level of thermal insulation characteristics of walls: low - 1.27; good (for example, two-layer brickwork) - 1.0; high - 0.85.
  • K3 - this value takes into account the ratio of the areas of window openings and floors: 50% - 1.2; 40% - 1.1; 30% - 1.0; 20% - 0.9; 10% - 0.8.
  • K4 - coefficient depending on the average temperature indicators of air in the winter season: - 35 ° С - 1.5; - 25 ° С - 1.3; - 20 ° С - 1.1; - 15 ° С - 0.9; -10 ° С - 0.7.
  • K5 depends on the number of external walls of the building, the data of this coefficient are as follows: one - 1.1; two - 1.2; three - 1.3; four - 1.4.
  • K6 is calculated based on the type of premises located on the floor above: attic - 1.0; heated attic room - 0.9; heated apartment - 0.8.
  • K7 - the last of the correction values ​​\u200b\u200band depends on the height of the ceiling: 2.5 m - 1.0; 3.0 m - 1.05; 3.5 m - 1.1; 4.0 m - 1.15; 4.5 m - 1.2.

The described calculation of heating battery sections by area is the most accurate, since it takes into account much more nuances. The number obtained during these calculations is divided by the heat transfer value. The final result is rounded up to an integer.

Temperature adjustment

The data sheet of the heater indicates the maximum power. For example, if the water temperature in the heating pipeline is 90°C during supply and 70°C in reverse mode, the apartment will be +20°C. Such parameters are usually denoted as follows: 90/70/20, but the most common capacities in modern apartments are 75/65/20 and 55/45/20.

For a correct calculation, you must first calculate the temperature difference - this is the difference between the temperature of the battery itself and the air in the apartment. Please note that the average value between the flow and return temperatures is taken for calculations.

How to calculate the number of sections of aluminum radiators, taking into account the above parameters? For a better understanding of the issue, calculations will be made for aluminum batteries in two modes: high temperature and low temperature (calculation for standard models with a height of 50 cm). The dimensions of the room are the same - 16 sq. m.

One section of an aluminum radiator in the 90/70/20 mode heats 2 square meters. Therefore, to fully heat the room, you will need 16m2 / 2m2 = 8 pcs. When calculating the size of batteries for the 55/45/20 mode, you first need to calculate the temperature difference. So, the formulas for both systems are:

  • 90/70/20 - (90+70)/2-20 = 60°С;
  • 55/45/20 - (55+45)/2-20 = 30°C.

Therefore, at low-temperature conditions, it is necessary to increase the size of the heaters by 2 times. Given this example, in a room of 16 sq. meters need 16 aluminum sections. Please note that for cast iron appliances you will need 22 sections for the same area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and for the same temperature systems. Such a battery will turn out to be too large and massive, so cast iron is least suitable for low-temperature structures.

Using this formula, you can easily calculate how many sections of radiators are needed per room, taking into account the desired temperature regime. In order for the apartment to be + 25 ° C in winter, simply change the temperature data in the heat head formula, and substitute the resulting coefficient into the formula for calculating the size of the batteries. Suppose, with parameters 90/70/25, the coefficient will be as follows: (90 + 70) / 2 - 25 \u003d 55 ° С.

If you do not want to spend time calculating heating radiators, you can use online calculators or special programs installed on your computer.

How to use the online calculator

Calculate how many sections of heating radiators per sq. you will need a meter, you can use special calculators that will calculate everything in the blink of an eye. Such programs can be found on the official websites of some manufacturers. These calculators are easy to use. Just enter all the relevant data in the fields and you will instantly receive the exact result. To calculate how many sections of heating radiators you need per square meter, you need to enter data (power, temperature, etc.) for each room separately. If the rooms are not separated by doors, add up their total dimensions, and the heat will spread through both rooms.

When planning a major overhaul in your house or apartment, as well as when planning the construction of a new house, it is necessary to make calculation of the power of heating radiators. This will allow you to determine the number of radiators that can provide heat to your home in the most severe frosts. To carry out calculations, it is necessary to find out the necessary parameters, such as the size of the premises and the power of the radiator, declared by the manufacturer in the attached technical documentation. The shape of the radiator, the material from which it is made, and the level of heat transfer in these calculations are not taken into account. Often the number of radiators is equal to the number of window openings in the room, therefore, the calculated power is divided by the total number of window openings, so you can determine the size of one radiator.

It should be remembered that it is not necessary to make a calculation for the entire apartment, because each room has its own heating system and requires an individual approach. So if you have a corner room, then you need to add about twenty percent. The same amount should be added if your heating system is intermittent or has other efficiency deficiencies.

The calculation of the power of heating radiators can be carried out in three ways:

According to building codes and other rules, you need to spend 100W of your radiator power per 1 square meter of living space. In this case, the necessary calculations are made using the formula:

S*100/P=K, where

To- the power of one section of your radiator battery, according to its characteristics;

With- area of ​​the room. It is equal to the product of the length of the room and its width.

For example, a room is 4 meters long and 3.5 wide. In this case, its area is: 4 * 3.5 = 14 square meters.

The power of one section of the battery you have chosen is declared by the manufacturer at 160 watts. We get:

14*100/160=8.75. the resulting figure must be rounded up and it turns out that such a room will require 9 sections of a heating radiator. If this is a corner room, then 9 * 1.2 = 10.8, rounded up to 11. And if your heating system not effective enough, then once again add 20 percent of the original number: 9*20/100=1.8 is rounded up to 2.

Total: 11+2=13. For a corner room with an area of ​​14 square meters, if the heating system works with short-term interruptions, you will need to purchase 13 battery sections.

Approximate calculation - how many battery sections per square meter

It is based on the fact that heating radiators in mass production have certain dimensions. If the room has a ceiling height of 2.5 meters, then only one section of the radiator is required for an area of ​​1.8 square meters.

The radiator for a room with an area of ​​​​14 square meters is equal to:

14 / 1.8 = 7.8, rounded up to 8. So for a room with a ceiling height of 2.5m, eight sections of the radiator will be needed. It should be borne in mind that this method is not suitable if the heater has a low power (less than 60W) due to a large error.

Volumetric or for non-standard rooms

This calculation applies to rooms with high or very low ceilings. Here, the calculation is based on the data that heating one meter of a cubic room requires a power of 41W. For this, the formula is applied:

K=O*41, where:

TO- the required number of radiator sections,

O- the volume of the room, it is equal to the product of the height times the width times the length of the room.

If the room has a height of 3.0m; length - 4.0m and width - 3.5m, then the volume of the room is:

3.0*4.0*3.5=42 cubic meters.

Calculate the total heat demand for this room:

42*41=1722W, given that the power of one section is 160W, you can calculate the required number by dividing the total power requirement by the power of one section: 1722/160=10.8, rounded up to 11 sections.

If radiators are selected that are not divided into sections, the total number must be divided by the power of one radiator.

It is better to round the received data up, as manufacturers sometimes overestimate the declared power.

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