The alpha state is a magical tool for fulfilling desires. Alpha state

I was asked to write more about the alpha state and how to work with intent in it. Of course, I can’t say that I’m directly such a “specialist” in this matter))), although I have some experience.

And this experience is more about the topic of maintaining SECURITY @ work "in this state ... Because it is really very POWERFUL. Not easy. And if you are too smart with the TEXT of the program, then you can get such jambs at the output in real life that you will clear up for a long time. This is really very Seriously (speaking from experience)...

A is an approximate programming text that must be completed individually, according to the issue that you are solving.


The methods for entering the alpha are different: some do not necessarily enter it before going to bed, but simply know how to immerse themselves in the process of meditation (who plays the appropriate music, who counts from a hundred to reverse order…) Find what suits you best. It may not be possible to enter this state right away - it's okay, it will work out over time.

Then danger: you can enter alpha, say the phrase "I'll wake up when ...", WAKE UP. But (!!!) - you can fall asleep BEFORE you finish pronouncing the program written for yourself. And here the danger is the "subconscious mumbling" that triggers the brain. What he will program in this "mumbling" before finally going to sleep, you can find out later and not be very happy about it)))

Therefore, it is better to start with the EASIEST program! And from the simplest intention - in order to work out this process to automatism - after all, it is no less important then to fall asleep normally (AFTER pronouncing the program).


In my opinion, the simpler and shorter the program is formulated, the better. Because:

1) you will not get confused in the text and will not fall asleep ahead of time
2) the fewer details (descriptions) of what you need, the less likely it is to get into a mess.

Because as soon as you make a list of the required of 33 items (for example), you will get confused and will not take into account EVERYTHING (because EVERYTHING cannot be taken into account in an extended description). This is the difference between my point of view on alpha programming and other sources.

For example, I know that girls often try to use this to attract their "prince" ... So, you can list 33 points, what it should be, but forget, for example, about the smell you like (every person has their own smell, I'm talking about THIS smell , and not about the fact that he does not wash or use the wrong perfume, and this factor is very significant in PERSONAL relationships).

… And now you will meet him - he WILL correspond to 33 points, but you forgot about the smell in the program, but he did not suit you - and that's it! All 33 other points will go to waste. This is just one of the examples - to the fact that EVERYTHING in the list is impossible to take into account.

Therefore, it is better to formulate as concisely and briefly as possible.


And not like this: "I meet a man 2 meters tall, blond hair, Blue eyes, fashionable outfit, etc…"))

The same applies to programming for JOB SEARCH.

This method is also good for destroying different difficult questions with bosses, friends, partners (explain the reason for your behavior and ask for forgiveness if something goes wrong).

I know that some in this state even asked to be forgiven for their debts.

You can search for the things you need, the most best options to do something, etc.

BUT I eventually came to a different conclusion: this programming method is great for PRINCIPALLY agreeing one day with your subconscious that it will give you INFORMATION AND SIGNS in "alpha" about what you need to turn to in life Special attention at this stage.

And this, in principle, will cover ALL spheres of life, and you don’t have to wake up every evening or night to program some separate sphere ...

MAIN - !!!
The program must be:
- KEEP A MOUNT TO CHANGE ONLY YOUR (!) LAYER OF THE WORLD - that is, there should be no intention to influence another person (change him) ...
If you have any questions or clarifications, please ask. If you have your own experience - write, share. If I remember anything else, I'll add it.


This method is also very cool, in my opinion, to apply in order to FORGIVE AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS (if necessary).

Good luck to us on the alpha waves... and not only!))))

Did you know that during the day the human brain operates in four completely different states or rhythms? They're called alpha, beta, delta and theta.

For example, now, reading these lines, you are on the beta frequency. This is the basic state of our brain. When you talk, eat, move, think - your brain is in this state. These are all your actions under the control of your consciousness. That is, controlled and conscious. In other words, the beta is where your daily life goes.

And only during sleep, our head computer switches to the other three positions - alpha, theta and delta. The last two belong to the phase of "deep sleep" and we will not consider them here.

We are interested in brain alpha state- a truly magical and unique state of our consciousness, in which we are subject to a lot. Including .

How to get into it and is it subject to everyone, you ask?

We fall into it every day when we go to bed. You know this feeling. This is the transition point between wakefulness and sleep, when you are on the border of two worlds, between Yavu and Navu.

This is the state when you have not yet fallen asleep, but you are no longer “here”, when you are just starting to fall asleep. The wonderful wave frequencies and vibrations of alpha are her magic power, conquering which and learning to control it, you will turn into a real wizard!

How to enter alpha state?

Everything is very simple.

Close your eyes. Relax completely. Imagine a clean and clear screen in front of you. Now mentally count from 1 to 12. While counting, you need to stop the so-called "mental stirrer". It is very important. Achieve "mental silence", and if it doesn't work the first time, repeat the count from the beginning. And now we raise the eyeballs up by about 30-40 degrees ... That's it! You have reached the alpha state! Stay in it for a while, for this use the reverse count - from 12 to 1. Return your eyes to the "starting position" and open them.

It is the location of the eyes under the closed eyelids that switches the brain into the mode it needs. You will have to practice a little "rolling your eyes" until you get used to it.

At first, it will be unusual and may not work right away, as the eyelids may begin to open following the upward movement of the eyes. So don't move your eyeballs too high, just turn them up a bit. They should "tremble" and begin to twitch slightly. This is the alpha, congratulations!

Make a wish in the alpha state

And now the fun begins.

The technique is very simple. You can sit or lie down - the main thing is that you are comfortable, so that you can relax and your spine is straight at the same time.

So, before starting, be sure to take 3 deep breaths and start. As soon as you enter the alpha state, immediately begin to imagine your desire, draw on the internal screen a mental picture of what you want to receive. In other words, . Imagine that you ALREADY possess the object of your desires, that your dream has ALREADY come true or the goal has ALREADY been achieved. Be filled with emotions of joy on this occasion!

That's all, that's enough, your order has been sent to its destination!

Those who are not comfortable calling up one image can play a small “video clip” in their head. In time, this should take from 2 to 10 minutes; it is undesirable to delay this process for too long. The main thing here is the quality of the seen picture, its “clarity”!

From my experience I can say that brain alpha state works flawlessly! Like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Checked multiple times! I am sure you will be satisfied too.

May your most cherished desires come true!

Artur Golovin

Interesting on the topic:

these exercises for the mind, you will learn how to quickly move into
Alpha state and stay in it during the day. Close your eyes and
place your consciousness in the crown chakra. Connect index and
middle finger with thumb (on one or both hands). This is an ancient mudra,
used by initiates. Imagine your mind as a small
ball of Light, take a deep breath and say the number "three" three times,
inhale again and say "two" three times, take another breath and three
repeat "one" times. Mentally pronouncing each number to the end
exhaling air, hold your breath as far as it is comfortable for you,
moving to the ZERO POINT of CREATION, then inhale again, mentally
pronouncing the next number. Imagine and feel like a ball of Light
slowly descends through your brain, throat, thymus
glands, heart and stops in the Solar Center of Force, or in the upper
parts of the abdomen. Repeat this exercise until you feel
the ball of Light quickly hits the right place. After a while, everyone
what you will need to do is use the three-finger mudra and
take a couple of deep breaths - and you will automatically dive into
perfect ALPHA state. Eventually you will be able to enter it and
exit it whenever you want, or constantly maintain Alpha
waking state. By improving this skill, you will
richly rewarded: for example, your immune system will be strengthened,
psychic and creative abilities will improve, you will find a connection with
your Higher Self and Divine Consciousness, thanks to which your life
will change.
Enter the Alpha state (the effect of these
there will be more exercises if you begin to perform them while in your
Pyramid of Light) and break all agreements with other people who
no longer serve your highest good. Forgive them, bless them
and let them follow their own path. You only cause
hurt yourself when you hold on to old grudges.
three-finger mudra and deep breathing to enter the Alpha state
several times a day, especially when you are tired or stressed. Remember:
slowly count to five to raise your brain frequencies,
say "I AM fully awakened, I AM ready, I
AM energized" or "I AM energized and am in
flow of lightness and grace. After a while you won't have
the need for these words, because you will get used to existing in
a variety of the Alpha state that is comfortable for you all the time.
For a week (or longer) before going to bed, say, "I will remember my dreams."

Place a notepad and a pen or pencil next to your bed and
As soon as you wake up, write down whatever comes to your mind.
Dreaming is one of the ways in which our Higher Self and angelic
helpers and mentors communicate with us. Everyone sees dreams. Most people
simply forgets them, but we can learn through training
remember your dreams and interpret the symbols you see in them.
LIVE LIKE A MASTER DAILY and watch your life change quickly
for the better. If you find it difficult to enter the Alpha state, try
count from fifty to one before getting out of bed or lying down
sleep. Ask to be taken to that place on the higher planes
stay in which will bring you the greatest benefit (in terms of
healing or study). From time to time, while counting, repeat: "From
each time I will move faster and faster towards the center. After a few
times you can say, "Deeper, faster." In the morning after you
have completed this exercise, count from one to five and say: “I
AM tuned, inspired and filled life energy or "I AM
fully awakened, I AM ready, I AM
full of energy." In the evening, you will gradually fall asleep during
accounts and be sure that you get the most out of your
night stay in the astral body.
Some people have
clairvoyant abilities (in their head they see images, often
very lively and bright). Many of us do not have such abilities, but we
use our "inner vision and knowledge", which are also
effective. We foresee with our mind, or just our
intuition provides us with images. No matter how pertinent and fruitful
was your perception during visualizations or meditations, remember: what
the more clearly you imagine everything, the more effective the process. All
daydream and use their imagination to varying degrees.
Before painting on canvas, the artist presents the picture in his
head. Before making a drawing, the architect mentally sees it.
The story first appears in the imagination of the writer and only then physically
embodied on paper.

Do you know that by nature you are talented, have remarkable creativity and great power of intellect, with the help of which you can achieve goals that now seem unattainable to you, always make the best decisions, act with maximum efficiency in any situation?

The human brain has tremendous power that most people do not use. The fact is that these abilities are not obvious. They are, one might say, dormant. And they won't wake up by themselves - in order to wake them up, we need our active and conscious intervention. Yes, not only the brain controls our life activity - but we ourselves can control our brain! Who comprehended this science - he received the key to success in creativity, professional activity, relationships with people, to improve health, the ability to control oneself and solve almost all of one's problems.

In fact, controlling your brain activity is the key to a whole new quality of life, this is a giant leap in your development, opening up incredible prospects. New opportunities, new abilities, new achievements - all this is waiting for you ahead, and believe me, nothing is impossible, you just need to really want to.

To wake up talents, you need to wake up the right hemisphere of the brain!

Managing your own brain is a completely natural process, planned for a person by nature itself. But the development of civilization followed a path that did not provide for any conscious control of oneself and the processes of one's own nervous activity. Therefore, for most people, the brain works as it should. Namely, the use of the brain is limited to the activity of only the left hemisphere, which is responsible for logic, analysis and is alien to creativity, imagination, creative mental activity.

There are people whose brains can spontaneously switch to a different mode of operation when the right hemisphere, which is responsible for creativity, imagination, creation and intuition, comes into play. Such people usually make artists, actors, musicians and representatives of other creative professions. But in science, and in technology, and in other activities, serious achievements are simply impossible without the involvement of the right hemisphere! The left brain makes us good performers at best. And only the right hemisphere makes it possible to be an active creator of your life. But for this it is not at all necessary to have artistic talents. Everyone is capable of awakening the right hemisphere. And as a result - to develop in yourself any talents you want.

So, to become the creator of your life, need to activate the right hemisphere. And for this you need to know how the difference between the activity of the left hemisphere and the activity of the right hemisphere manifests itself.

Jose Silva, who studied not only psychology but also electronics all his life, was very well versed in everything related to electromagnetic waves. And above all, he was interested electromagnetic waves emitted by the human brain.

Yes, the human brain is naturally electromagnetically active. The electromagnetic waves emitted by it, or waves of brain activity, like any waves, have such important characteristic, how rhythm. It is this rhythm that determines what state we are in.

“All processes and phenomena occurring on our planet have their own hidden rhythm. The rhythm of light is manifested in its wave structure. The same can be said about the sound. Each color of the spectrum also has its own rhythm. Even your heart beats in a certain rhythm. In the past few decades, scientists have found that brain activity also generates measurable waves. These waves are closely related to whether you are asleep or awake, whether you are in a relaxed or, conversely, tense state. These waves also depend on whether you are healthy or sick. All desires, anxieties, stresses and worries that you experience are reflected in the rhythms of the brain. In short, brain rhythms are a product of the state you are in. Wouldn't it be great if these rhythms could be controlled?

(Jose Silva, Bert Goldman. Silva Intelligence Management)

Any wave by its nature has a certain frequency of oscillation. Fluctuations are an essential attribute of a wave. And if you, sitting on the seashore, set yourself the goal of counting how many times a wave runs up to the shore per unit time, then in this way you will determine the frequency of oscillations of the sea surf.

In the same way - and with the electromagnetic oscillations emitted by the brain. They produce a certain number of repeating cycles (a kind of ebb and flow) per second. The number of such cycles per second is the rhythm of brain activity. And this rhythm is not always the same. For most people, it can range from one cycle per two seconds to forty cycles per second. Depending on the frequency of oscillations of the waves of brain activity, four main categories of these rhythms characteristic of the human brain are distinguished: alpha rhythm, beta rhythm, theta rhythm and delta rhythm.

Beta rhythm: the normal state of wakefulness

Most people in the normal waking state are characterized by a beta brain wave rhythm. Its frequency is from 15 to 40 cycles per second.

In this state, the left hemisphere of the brain is predominantly active.

When the frequency of brain waves does not exceed 20 cycles per second, you feel calm and comfortable. You are focused and attentive, you can think clearly and clearly, perceive information, make decisions and act.

However, if the brain begins to emit electromagnetic waves with a frequency exceeding 20 cycles per second, you find yourself in a state of anxiety, anxiety, stress. Thoughts begin to jump in your head chaotically, you find it difficult to focus on one thing, your heart is pounding, and your breathing quickens. And if the activity of the beta waves rises even more and their rhythm approaches forty cycles per second, your intelligence "rolls over" and is completely out of your control: you are not able to think at all, and it is even difficult for you to sit still. In fact, this is a state of extreme excitement or panic. And in this state, no more or less efficient operation impossible at all. The brain in this case works with colossal overloads.

The higher the frequency of beta waves, the less effective our mind is and the more harm is done to our health: after all, a state of stress, and even more so panic, has a destructive effect on almost all body systems.

Theta rhythm: falling asleep

As you fall asleep and fall asleep, your brain activity slows down to 4 to 8 cycles per second. In this state, consciousness ceases to be active, but the subconscious awakens. Everything that remains unconscious to you in the waking state can break through in dreams. Some people reach theta rhythm in a state of deep meditation.

And when in the waking state you are visited by some kind of vague premonitions, sensations that are difficult to put into words, or you feel that you should understand or remember something, but you don’t know what it is, all this is the result of the work of theta waves, which were active when your consciousness was in a sleepy state.

In this state, the right hemisphere of the brain is active, and the left is at rest. The brain is resting and recovering. However, in this state the intellect is not capable of any effective work. Our subconscious can tell us a lot about ourselves - but without the participation of the left hemisphere, our consciousness is not able to perceive this information.

Delta rhythm: deep sleep and unconsciousness

The frequency of delta waves is extremely low, ranging from one cycle per two seconds to four cycles per second. This rhythm is typical for a person who is in a state of deep sleep or unconscious.

Theta waves are necessary for the body to recover, recover from serious illnesses. A person in this case is in contact with the deepest layers of the subconscious - those that never come to the surface and do not become the property of the conscious intellect. Some researchers believe that in this state, for example, telepathic communication with people you have never known is possible. And if you later meet these people in reality, then you may have a vague feeling that you are familiar with them, but you will never know the reasons for these feelings.

Our behavior in the waking state can sometimes be determined by the contact with the subconscious that took place at the delta level. But we cannot control this contact, let alone manage it.

Alpha Rhythm: Unleashing Creativity

The frequency of alpha waves is from 8 to 15 cycles per second - this is lower than in the normal state of wakefulness, but higher than in the state of sleep. The frequency of 8-10 cycles per second corresponds to complete relaxation, rest, bordering on a half-asleep state. But when the brain emits waves with a frequency of 10-15 cycles per second, we are not sleeping at all, we are awake, our consciousness is active. Moreover, in this state we think even more clearly, clearly and productively than usual. This happens due to the fact that the alpha rhythm creates a state of peace and comfort, in which nothing interferes with concentration and clear work of thought.

In addition, the alpha rhythm calms the chaotic confusion of thoughts in the head. Unnecessary "noise" disappears, all sorts of worries, anxieties, stresses go away - the brain is freed from everything that interferes with the thought process. Due to this calming of the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain, additional energy is released for the activity of the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere continues to work actively - but ceases to dominate, and instead enters into an equal partnership with the right hemisphere.

The right hemisphere, which has finally freed itself from the pressure of the left hemisphere, can now show its capabilities. It gives you access to the power of your imagination. You can create mental images. And thus you have at your disposal the most powerful tool for transforming your life. After all, everything that we want to create in our life - whether it be some material things or health, success, well-being, the qualities of character we need, personality traits, relationships with other people - must first be laid down in the form of a “project”, a desire or intentions. And truly effective "projects" are created not even by thought, but by mental images. It is with the help of the alpha rhythm that we can reprogram our lives and ourselves as we see fit, for example, get rid of bad habits, poverty and disease and become a strong, healthy, prosperous person. After all, we somehow plan and program our lives and do it with the help of our brain - although we are not always aware of it. So why not start doing it consciously, and not as we have to, but as we need?

The alpha rhythm also has this useful property: it gives you access to the power of your intuition. In this state, you access information stored in your subconscious. You can receive answers from your subconscious mind to questions that concern you. After all, the subconscious knows much more than the consciousness - simply because it captures several orders of magnitude more information than is available to consciousness. Guided by intuition, you will stop making those mistakes that erroneous logic pushes you to every now and then.

And another important property of the alpha rhythm is that it has healing properties for the whole organism. It is no coincidence that in a state of illness, the brain sometimes automatically readjusts to the alpha rhythm. This is how the body tries to heal itself. And this is possible thanks to a calm, relaxed state, when tension and anxiety go away, the fuss of thoughts steps aside, and, as a result, self-healing mechanisms begin to work in the body, gradually returning the lost harmony to us.

Some people fear that, having tuned in to the alpha rhythm, they will find themselves in some kind of inhibited state, when everything around them will be perceived as if through a foggy haze. But that's not the case at all. On the contrary, in a state characterized by the alpha rhythm, everything around you is perceived much clearer and sharper, your reaction becomes faster and more adequate, and your thought processes flow more actively and, most importantly, more efficiently, because such common interference as tension, anxiety and state of mind disappear. stress.

Thus, the alpha rhythm is the most favorable, healthy, creative state of the brain. Moreover, it is a state of genius! All the great discoveries, insights, the most good ideas in science, business, art, politics were found precisely in the state of alpha rhythm. This is the state of the most right decisions and most effective actions.

All great geniuses were able to enter this state spontaneously. But genius lies dormant in every person! To awaken it, you just need to learn how to enter this state consciously, on your own, without leaving it to chance.

And it is not at all difficult to do this - it will take you quite a bit of time to learn how to do it.

How to reach the alpha level

The process of entering a state characterized by an alpha rhythm, or entering the alpha level, Jose Silva calls meditation. However, he puts in this word a slightly different meaning than is usually accepted. In meditative practices typical of traditional Eastern culture, meditation is an end in itself and is a relaxed state of peace and thoughtlessness. Meditation, as José Silva understands it, is an active process, not an end in itself, but a means to improve one's life and solve all sorts of problems.

Meditation itself can already solve many of your problems - you will become calmer, you will sleep better, your health will begin to improve. But José Silva offers much more - by applying in a state of meditation various techniques visualization, creating mental images, reprogramming your life. We will achieve this through the following steps. In the meantime, you need to lay the foundation for grandiose changes in your life - learn to meditate, or go to the alpha level. In this way, you will take the most important step in learning to use your brain much more widely and open its creative possibilities for your benefit.

There are four main ways to train to enter the alpha level. You can choose any of the ones listed below. These techniques are not yet suitable for serious deep work at the alpha level, this will require more thorough training, which will be discussed in detail in the practical part of this chapter. And you need to start with a light alpha level, which will help you with these four tricks.

1. Sit in a comfortable position, but keep your back straight. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Gradually calm your breathing so that it becomes slow, even and deep. Then begin to say to yourself: “Three, three, three”, while imagining this number. Having taken three inhalations and exhalations and at the same time repeating the number "three", take the next three inhalations and exhalations, mentally repeating: "Two, two, two" and at the same time imagining this figure. Then do the same, repeating the number "one" and mentally imagining it. After that, you will be at the alpha level.

2. Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back, close your eyes, calm your breathing so that it becomes even, slow and deep. As you exhale, say the word “Relaxation” very slowly and calmly. Do this until you feel completely relaxed.

3. Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back, close your eyes, calm your breathing and begin to slowly count to yourself from ten to one. At the same time, imagine what each of the numbers you call looks like. You will feel that with each number you relax more and more and eventually find yourself at the alpha level.

4. In the morning, after waking up, or in the evening, before going to bed, lying in bed, close your eyes and, under closed eyelids, look up at an angle of about 20 degrees. Start slowly, at intervals of about two seconds, counting down from one hundred to one. By fully focusing on the score, you will enter the alpha state.

You can stay at the alpha level for as long as you want. There are no restrictions here, since this state can never harm you in any way, but on the contrary, it will only benefit you. If you want to return to your normal waking state, all you have to do is say to yourself, “Now I will count to five, at the count of three I will return to the beta level and I will feel very good.” Then mentally count to five and open your eyes.

“One of the beauties of meditation in the alpha state is that you cannot carry any bad feelings and anger there with you. If such feelings invade your state, then you will fly out of meditation like a cork from a bottle. Over time, these feelings will remain outside of your state for longer, until one day they disappear altogether. This will mean that those types of brain activity that lead to diseases of the body are neutralized.

(Jose Silva, Philip Miele. Mind control)


Exercise 1. Learning to enter the alpha level

Choose a day on which you will begin to learn how to enter the alpha level. Keep in mind that from this day on, your workouts should become daily. It won’t take you much time, you can practice for 5-10 minutes from one to three times a day.

If you suffer from insomnia, then it is better to practice reaching the alpha level in the evening, before bed. In other cases, it is advisable to practice when you are alert and full of energy - best in the morning and in the morning.

Choose one of the four methods listed above to train your alpha level. Or you can alternately apply all of them, but not in a row, but with a break of 2-3 hours - so you choose the method that you like best and work best for you. Practice any of the methods for a week. Do not expect that you will immediately have some unusual sensations. The fact is that the alpha rhythm - natural state person, and you have found yourself in this state more than once in your life spontaneously and unconsciously. That is, you have already experienced this more than once - therefore, perhaps for you in this state there will be nothing new and unexpected. However, you will notice that this state is pleasant for you. And as you train, it will be easier and faster for you to reach the alpha level.

The task of training exercises is to reach such a result when you will almost instantly and at your own desire find yourself at the alpha level. Try to automatize both entering the alpha level and exiting it. Now the main thing for you is to master this particular sequence of entry and exit. A week of training may be enough for this - but if you feel that this is not enough for you, extend the classes for another week.

Exercise 2: Mastering Deeper Alpha

After you have mastered the previous exercise and learned how to reach the alpha level within one to two weeks, you can move on to deeper “immersions”. Training exercises gave us a light alpha level, but serious work on reprogramming your life will require more thorough training.

It will take a month of daily training to learn how to enter that deep alpha level that you need in your work.

Note: during this time you can read the entire book to the end, but do not start mastering the practical part of step 2 and subsequent ones until you have fully mastered the tasks of step 1.

Spend at least 10-15 minutes doing the next task. It is advisable to perform it not once a day, but at least two or three.

Sit on a chair or the edge of the bed with your feet flat on the floor. Keep your head and back straight. Place your hands relaxed on your knees. Don't close your eyes. Bring your attention to your left foot, notice if there is any tension there, and let it go. Then successively transfer attention to the left shin, knee, thigh, left side of the body, left hand, the left side of the neck and head, allowing the tension to go away. Then do the same sequence of actions with the right half of the body.

When you feel the extra tension is gone, look about 45 degrees higher than your normal gaze direction when looking straight ahead. Start staring at an imaginary point on that level (on the wall or ceiling) until your eyelids begin to feel heavy. When this happens, let the eyelids fall freely and begin to silently count from fifty to one. This will take you to a deep alpha level. So that the entire duration of the exercise does not exceed 10-15 minutes, you can set an alarm in advance, the sound of which will be a signal for you that it is time to return from the alpha level. Exit it exactly the same way you did before (tell yourself that by counting to five you will be back at the beta level and feeling great, then count and open your eyes at the count of five).

In the second ten days of training, you need to slightly modify the exercise: count not from fifty to one, but from ten to one. On the third ten days, move on to counting from five to one. By this time, you will have already learned how to enter the alpha level quickly and easily.

Exercise 3. Closed Finger Technique: Activating the process of reaching the alpha level

Having mastered the previous two exercises, you will learn how to enter the alpha level at any time: for this, you just need to close your eyes and calm your breathing, making it slow, deep and even. In order to activate this process and learn how to get to the alpha level even easier and faster in any situation, you can master the “closed fingers technique”. Its essence is very simple: you connect the pads of the thumb, index and middle fingers on any hand - and turn this gesture into a kind of "trigger" that instantly takes you to the alpha level. But in order for this mechanism to work, training is needed - the first time, of course, nothing will happen. It takes time for the mechanism of communication between this gesture and entering the alpha level to be fixed in your consciousness and subconsciousness. In order for this mechanism to be fixed, it is necessary to perform the following exercise at least once a day for seven days.

Enter the alpha level in any of the ways you have mastered. Connect together the thumb, index and middle fingers on either hand and at the same time say (mentally or aloud): "When I want to achieve something, I put my fingers together like this and instantly find myself in the state necessary to achieve what I want." You can also use a shorter wording, for example: "When I put my fingers together like this, I instantly find myself at the alpha level."

Attention: this exercise can be mastered only after you have already learned well how to enter the alpha level in the ways described above.

As you train for seven days, the association between finger position and alpha level will become fixed in your brain. After a week, you will be able to instantly enter the alpha state with this gesture, without using any additional techniques.

Are you good at making wishes? Alpha and theta - altered states of the brain open the door to the subconscious and contribute to the fulfillment of desires.

Alpha, beta, theta, delta and gamma brain states are the modes in which the human brain works during the day.

To successfully make wishes, work with the subconscious¹ and some practices for self-development, it is necessary to master the alpha and theta states of the brain. It is important not only to enter these altered states, but also to linger in them for some time.

Now there is a lot of information about how to make wishes and change internal installations². But not all such instructions mention that much depends on the mode of brain activity.

For example, the sensational film "The Secret" only talks about the results of brain activity, but does not explain how and what to do. So when people try to follow the guidelines given in the movie, they tend to get zero results and get frustrated.

How to catch alpha and theta brain states?

There are states of the brain when they have a special power, when consciousness turns off and ceases to control thought processes. This state of the brain can be caught before sleep, at the moment of falling asleep or at the moment of awakening, when the eyes are still closed.

At the moment when consciousness is almost turned off and thoughts are confused, when dreamy visions already appear, but there is no “failure” into sleep yet, the brain goes into the theta state. It is not immediately possible to track it, but with practice you can learn to hold it.

The second magical moment is the moment of awakening. That is, the sleepy state is still present, but consciousness has almost returned. The main thing at the moment of awakening is not to move and not open your eyes, so as not to increase brain activity.

Only theta and alpha states of the brain open the door to the subconscious and it becomes possible to directly transfer our attitudes and tasks to the Higher Self.

Many people call this altered state of the brain trance and it is very different because it has so many levels of depth.

If a person does not know how to enter a trance at will, then it is easiest for him to catch the desired state before going to bed or during awakening.

What is important to remember when working with the subconscious?

When working with the subconscious, it is very important to think positively and in the present tense. You need to clearly and realistically imagine your desire, as if it already exists in the real world.

The settings transmitted to the subconscious must be without the “not” particle, since the Higher “I” does not see or hear the “not” particle. Affirmations should not contain negatives, otherwise you will get the opposite result.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The subconscious is an outdated term used to refer to mental processes that occur without displaying them in consciousness and in addition to conscious control (Wikipedia).

² Learn how to change negative attitudes into positive ones,