Training exercises in the format of the GIA test in Russian (Grade 8) on the topic. Training exercises in the format of the GIA test in Russian (Grade 8) on the topic Spotlight 8 training exercises gdz

Spotlight 8 (English in focus. Grade 8) Training exercises in the format of the OGE (GIA). Vaulina.

4th ed. - M.: 2017 - 112 p.

The proposed collection is an additional component of the teaching materials of the "English in Focus" series for students of the 8th grade of educational organizations by the authors Yu. E. Vaulina, D. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako and others. -grammar skills as the basis of speech skills. The collection not only solves the problem of training the established formats of examination tasks, but also serves to develop universal educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education. The materials of the manual can be used in English lessons and at home on their own.

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Today, in the public mind, there is a transition from understanding the social purpose of the school as a task of simply transferring knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student to a new understanding of the function of the school. The priority goal of school education is to develop students' ability to independently set educational goals, design ways to achieve them, as well as monitor and evaluate their achievements. In other words, the formation of the ability to learn.
The proposed collection of additional tasks in the GIA format is a new component of the EMC "English in Focus" for grade 8. The creation of this manual in a series for grades 5-9 is a response to a teacher's request to expand the arsenal of tasks in the format of the state final certification in English for the primary school course, which will help ensure more consistent, gradual, in-depth preparation for the exam.
In the FSES of the basic school, the issues of assessment, including as part of the final certification, are inextricably linked with the need to monitor the level of development of key competencies of students, the level of achievement by them of not only subject, but also personal and meta-subject results, the level of formation of universal learning activities.

GIA in Russian, Grade 8


human corridor

(1) It was in the forty-first year. (2) Dark and harsh Moscow, saving us children from the war, loaded us into trains and sent us to Siberia. (3) We drove slowly, suffocating from lack of oxygen and suffering from hunger.

(4) In Chelyabinsk we were dropped off and taken to the station. (5) It was night.

(6) - There is food here, - said Nikolai Petrovich, a stooped man, yellow from illness.

(7) The station whipped a bright light in the eyes. (8) But soon we saw something else. (9) A crowd of thousands of refugees besieged the only restaurant. (10) Something black was moving there, and hooting, and

screamed. (11) Closer to us, right on the rails, people stood, sat, lay. (12) The line started here.

(13) We stood and looked at the windows. (14) It was warm there, hot, smoking life was handed out to people, filling plates with it. (15) Then our Nikolai Petrovich got up on the box and shouted something. (16) And

we could see him twitching his sharp shoulders nervously. (17) And his voice was weak, the voice of a consumptive man. (18) Which of these starving, idle refugees for days will be able to hear him? ..

(19) And people suddenly stirred. (20) They leaned back, and a small crack split the black crowd. (21) And then we saw another: some people joined hands and formed a corridor. (22)

Human corridor...

(23) Later I wandered a lot, but it always seemed to me that I did not stop walking along this human corridor. (24) And then - we walked through it, swaying, alive, difficult. (25) And we did not see the faces,

just a wall of big and loyal people. (26) And a bright light in the distance. (27) Light, where we were very warm, where they also gave us a whole portion of life, hot life, filling smoking plates to the brim with it.

(A.I. Pristavkin)

A 1. Why did the incident that occurred in Chelyabinsk in 1941 forever be remembered by A.I. Pristavkin?

1) He saw an unfamiliar city for the first time.

2) He was shocked by the generosity and selflessness of people.

3) He made many new friends, his peers.

4) He rode the train for the first time.

A 2. What means of artistic representation did the writer use in sentence 20?

1) epithet; 2) personification;

3) comparison; 4) metaphor

A 3. Why is food repeatedly called life in the story (sentences 14, 27)

1) The restaurant had expensive, gourmet food.

2) The children did not know what kind of dishes were handed out in the restaurant.

3) For hungry, exhausted children, hot food was essential.

4) All the refugees who managed to eat in the restaurant liked the dish very much.

A 4. Indicate the meaning in which the word "weak" is used (sentence 17).

1) not tight, not tight

2) weak, unsaturated

3) characterized by low strength, power

4) bad, unskilful

In 1 From sentences 7-9, write out words with unstressed vowels in the root, NOT CHECKED by stress.

B 2. From sentences 13-18 write out the words, the spelling of PREFACES in which depends on the deafness (voicedness) of the sound indicated by the letter following the prefix.

B 3. From sentences 7-12, write down the word, which includes TWO ROOTS.

B 4. In sentences 2-9, find a word in which the spelling HH is determined by the rule: “In adverbs in -O and –E, as many Hs are written as in adjectives and participles from which they are formed.” Write down the found word.

AT 5. Determine the type of one-part sentence 22.

B 6. In these sentences from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write out the numbers denoting commas in gerunds.

Dark and harsh Moscow, (1) saving us, (2) children, (3) from the war, (4) loaded into trains and sent to Siberia. We drove slowly, (5) suffocating from lack of oxygen and suffering from hunger.

B 7. From sentence 15, write out a phrase with the connection type ADJACTION.

B 8. Replace the phrase FROM LACK OF OXYGEN (sentence 3), built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with an agreement connection. Write the resulting phrase.

B 9. In these sentences from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the Clarifying CIRCUMSTANCE.

Something black moved there, (1) and hooted, (2) and screamed. Closer to us, (3) right on the rails, (4) stood, (5) sat, (6) people were lying.

B 10. Among sentences 8-13, find the sentence(s) with homogeneous members. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

B 11. From sentence 14, write out its GRAMMAR BASES.

B 12. Indicate the number of grammatical bases in sentence 23.


Read the text and complete tasks A 1 - A 4, B 1 - B 12

(1) The fire was rapidly approaching. (2) Leontiev, with fear and at the same time with some incomprehensible delight, looked at the wall of living fire beating into the sky with a crash and rumble. (3) Sparks flew in a shower. (4) They burned through the clothes. (5) At times smoke clouded the sky. (6) Then he was knocked to the side, and the wall of flame appeared again, but closer. (7) Leontiev could not take his eyes off her. (8) He understood that such a fire could not be stopped, that it was an element. (9) Fire will burn them as imperceptibly as the flame of a fire burns midges.

(10) He thought about it, but did not move. (11) On his face and hands, he already felt the scorching breath of fire. (12) He again looked at the fire, but it was terrible, and he immediately looked higher, at the sky, where burning branches and leaves flew, and even higher, the young moon was dimly visible through the smoke.

(13) Then he felt himself strongly swung by a current of hot air. (14) Dry leaves were carried from the top of the rampart into the fire. (15) Baulin raised his hand, shouted something, and the foresters immediately set fire to the shaft.

(16) The shaft, as it were, sighed, waved a greedy flame from edge to edge. (17) It merged with the fire of the fire and, roaring and crackling, struck into the sky. (18) Leontiev looked around. (19) Two walls of flame collided like two

huge rabid beasts, closely merging, scattering myriads of sparks. (20) It seemed that the fire was about to move on and no one could escape from it.

(21) And suddenly Leontiev cried out in surprise. (22) The fire, as if clipped, fell to the ground and only ran in low tongues, dying down, along the rampart. (23) People rushed to the clearing and began to cover the sluggish flame with sand. (24) In a few minutes there was no more fire. (25) Only acrid smoke quickly streamed to the sky and obscured the light of the moon. (26) Everything was over.

(27) The rapid disappearance of the fire produced the impression of a miracle on Leontiev. (28) What happened? (29) Why did the fire immediately go out?

(30) Leontiev sought out Baulin. (31) It was dark in the forest. (32) Foresters walked with lanterns.

(33) Baulin ordered that guards remain along the border of the fire. (34) It was necessary to watch the conflagration until it was completely extinguished.

(35) - I can’t understand, - said Leontiev, - why the oncoming fire extinguished the fire. (36) They kindled such a fire that it seemed that the whole world was on fire.

(37) - Yes, the whole point of the oncoming fire is to give the fire huge food, really inflate it to unprecedented proportions. (38) Then almost all the oxygen immediately burns out in the surrounding air, the clearing is filled with carbon dioxide and smoke, and the fire naturally goes out ...

(According to K.G. Paustovsky)

A 1. Which sentences contain the answer to the question: “WHY DURING THE FOREST FIRE IT WAS NECESSARY TO BURN THE SHAFT?”

1) 5,6

2) 8,9

3) 16,17

4) 37,38

1) The forest fire seemed to Leontiev a terrible and at the same time majestic sight.

2) People didn't know how to deal with fire.

3) The fire was put out thanks to oncoming fire.

4) In a huge flame, almost all the oxygen burned out, and without oxygen, the flame began to go out.

1) 1,2

2) 13,14

3) 22, 23

4) 24,25

A4. Indicate the meaning in which the word "current" is used (sentence 13).

2) flow, a moving mass of liquid, air

3) human nervous energy perceived by other people

4) a specially equipped area for grain storage

B 1. From sentences 21-26, write out the word with an ALTERNATING unstressed vowel in the root.

B 2. From sentence 38 write down the word(s) in which the spelling prefixes is determined by the rule: “Vowels and consonants in prefixes, except for prefixes on–z (-s) and prefixes pre- and pre-, are spelled the same regardless of pronunciation.

B 3. From sentences 7-12, write out the word with the UNSPELLABLE CONSONANT in the root.

B 4. From sentences 21 - 22 write out the passive past participle with the suffix -Н-(-НН).

B 5. Among sentences 27-32, find SIMPLE ONE-COMPONENT IMPERSONAL. Write down his number.

В 6. In this sentence, all the commas are numbered from the read text. Write the number(s) for the comma(s) in the single gerund participle.

The fire, (1) as if cut, (2) fell to the ground and only ran across with low tongues, (3) subsiding, (4) along the shaft.

B 7. From sentence 25, write out a phrase with the type of connection AGREEMENT.

B 8. Replace the phrase SCREAMED FROM SURPRISE (sentence 21), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the connection connection. Write the resulting phrase.

B 9. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas at the introductory words.

(35) - I can’t understand, (1) - said Leontiev, (2) - why the oncoming fire extinguished the fire. (36) They fanned such a fire, (3) that, (4) it seems, (5) the whole world was on fire.

(37) - Yes, the whole point of oncoming fire is (6) to give the fire huge food, (7) to really inflate it to unprecedented proportions. (38) Then almost all oxygen immediately burns out in the surrounding air, (8) the clearing is filled with carbon dioxide and smoke, (9) and the fire, (10) naturally, (11) goes out ...

B 10. Among sentences 8–12, find the sentence(s) with homogeneous members. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

AT 11. Write out the grammatical basis of sentence No. 22.

Q 12. How many GRAMMATIC BASES are in sentence 12? Write your answer in numbers.



(1) Forests are the greatest source of inspiration and health. (2) These are gigantic laboratories. (3) They produce oxygen and trap poisonous gases and dust. (4) Imagine that on the scaffolding

a dusty storm hit. (5) Already a kilometer from the edge you will feel it only as streams of clean and fresh wind.

(6) Each of you, of course, remembers the air after a thunderstorm. (7) It is fragrant, fresh, full of ozone. (8) So, in the forests, as it were, an invisible and inaudible eternal thunderstorm rages and scatters streams of ozonized


(9) I don’t know if you have heard that in big cities there are about forty thousand different bacteria in a cubic meter of air, and in forests in every cubic meter there are only two hundred or three hundred, or even less. (10) There you breathe air that is two hundred times cleaner and healthier than the air in cities. (11) It is healing, it lengthens life, it increases our vitality, and, finally, it turns the mechanical, and sometimes difficult for us, process of breathing into pleasure. (12) Whoever has experienced this for himself, who knows how one breathes in the pine forests warmed by the sun, will, of course, remember the amazing state of seemingly unconscious joy and strength that engulfs us as soon as we get into the forests from stuffy city houses.

(13) But this is not the main thing. (14) The forest is our most faithful assistant in the struggle for the harvest. (15) I have little time to tell in full about the enormous extent to which the forest contributes to increased yields. (16) It stores soil moisture, softens the climate, stops dry and hot winds, blocks the way with its green dams for loose sands - desert scouts. (17) He

is a moisture condenser: dew, fog, frost. (18) Rivers originate from forest swamps. (19) Finally, groundwater in and near forests is much higher than in treeless areas.

(20) The places where the forest is destroyed are subjected to severe erosion from melt water and rains. (21) Quite a thin layer of fertile land, as you certainly know, is often washed away completely, and the rivers carry it into the sea. (22) And that which the rains have spared is then blown by the wind. (23) Sometimes hurricanes lift whole continents of fertile soil into the air and carry it away for thousands of kilometers. (24) These are the so-called dusty or black storms.

(25) It is impossible to enumerate all the disasters that the destruction of forests brings. (26) If you knew about them, then you probably would not have raised your hand even to break a branch of a blossoming linden for a bouquet.

(K.G. Paustovsky)

A 1. What are the consequences of deforestation NOT?

1) to soil erosion by melt water;

2) to black storms, raising the top fertile soil layer into the air;

3) to the appearance of ravines;

4) to forest fires;

A 2. Which of the statements is NOT REFLECTED in the content of the text?

1) Forests produce oxygen and trap poisonous gases and dust.

2) Forests retain moisture in the soil.

3) Wood is the most valuable raw material for the chemical industry.

4) Ravines appear in those places where forests are destroyed.

A 3. Which of the sentences uses a SYNONYM for the word storm from sentence 24?

1) 4

2) 9

3) 11

A4. Indicate the meaning in which the word "regions" is used (sentence 19).

1) part of the country, territory

2) branch of activity

3) administrative-territorial unit

4) the limits in which some phenomenon, zone, belt is widespread.

IN 1. From sentence 18, write out the word with an ALTERNATING unstressed vowel in the root.

B 2. From sentences 13-19, write out the words, the spelling of PREFACES in which depends on the deafness (sonority) of the consonant sound, indicated by the letter following the prefix.

B 3. From sentences 20-22, write out the word, which includes TWO ROOTS.

B 4. In sentences 16-20, find a word in which the spelling N N written in short suffixespassive participles."

B 5. Among sentences 13-16, indicate only where the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns.

В 6. In this sentence, all the commas are numbered from the read text. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the SEPARATE AGREED DEFINITION.

Whoever experienced it on himself, (1) who knows, (2) how to breathe in the pine forests warmed by the sun, (3) he will remember, (4) of course, (5) an amazing state of seemingly unaccountable joy and strength, (6) covering us, (7) as soon as we get into the woods from stuffy city houses.

B 7. From sentence 23 write out a phrase with the type of connection of words ADJACTION.

B 8. Replace the phrase DUSTY HURRICANE (sentence 4), built on the basis of agreement, with a synonymous phrase with a control connection. Write the resulting phrase.

B 9. In this sentence, all commas are numbered from the read text. Write down the numbers that stand for commas at the INTRODUCTORY WORD.

Pretty thin, (1) as you, (2) of course, (3) you know, (4) a layer of fertile land is often washed clean, (5) and rivers carry it to the sea.

In 10.Among sentences 13-24, find a simple sentence with a GENERALIZING word with homogeneous members. Write down his number.

Q 12. How many GRAMMATIC BASES are in sentence 11? Write your answer in numbers.


Read the text and complete tasks A1-A4, B1-B12

First flowers

(1) Sasha had a bicycle. (2) Me too, only worse. (3) A neighbor girl Marina sometimes took a bike ride from us, and I suffered a lot if she preferred my friend's bike.

(4) One day I took jars of colored ink from Sasha, which were on his father's desk, and decided to write a letter. (5) This was the first letter to the girl, and I wrote it all day. (6) And I wrote each line in a different color. (7) First red, then blue, green ... (8) It seemed to me that this would be the best expression of my feelings.

(9) For two days I did not see Marina, although I tried to pass all the time under her windows. (10) Then her older brother came out and began to examine me intently. (11) And on his face it was clearly written: “And I

I know everything". (12) Then the brother disappeared and Marina ran out. (13) And as a sign of a good disposition towards me, she asked for a bicycle. (14) She drove once for the sake of appearance and said, drawing with the toe of a small shoe on the ground:

(15) - Well, that's what. (16) I will answer a letter if you bring me flowers. - (17) And she stamped her little shoe firmly. – (18) Flowers are needed now!

(19) I rushed into the city garden. (20) Dandelions bloomed, and I collected them like scattered sunbeams. (21) Soon a whole golden hill rose up in the middle of the lawn. (22) And suddenly I was seized by the first male timidity. (23) How can I offer this to her in front of everyone? (24) I covered the flowers with burdock and went home. (25) It was necessary to think. (26) And decide.

(27) The next day, Marina was jumping with her friends on the sidewalk lined with chalk, and she looked at me very sternly:

(28) - Where are your flowers?

(29) I again ran into the garden. (30) I already knew what I would do.

(31) I found my lawn, threw back the mugs - and froze: in front of me lay a bunch of sluggish grass. (32) The golden sparks of flowers went out forever.

(33) And Marina? (34) Marina has been riding Sasha's bike since then.

(A.I. Pristavkin)

A 1. Why did the hero of the story write a letter to Marina with ink of different colors?

1) He did not know what to do with the colored ink that was given to him.

2) He was signing a greeting card and wanted it to be beautiful.

3) He thought that colorful lines would be the best expression of his feelings.

4) He didn't have blue ink.

A 2. How does it characterize the young hero that he wanted to give the girl a whole armful of dandelions?

1) The boy was from a poor family and he had no money for good flowers.

2) The boy was sincere and open, he believed that a large bouquet of dandelions was the best gift for the girl he liked.

3) The boy was prudent: he did not want to spend money on a bouquet until he found out how Marina felt about him.

4) The boy was greedy and thought it was not worth spending money on flowers.

A 3. Which of the sentences contains a METAPHOR?

1) 20

2) 31

3) 8

4) 21

A4. Indicate the meaning in which the word "firmly" is used (sentence 17).

1) hard, strong

2) strong and decisive

3) stable, durable

4) retaining its shape

B 1. From sentences 29-33, write out the word with an ALTERNATING unstressed vowel in the root.

IN 2. From sentences 9-14 write out the words, the spelling of the PREFACES in which depends on the deafness of the consonant sound, indicated by the letter following the prefix.

B3. From sentences 5-7, write out a word with an unpronounceable consonant in the root.

B 4. From sentences 27-34, write out the word in which the spelling H / HH is determined by the spelling rule for SUFFIX participles and verbal adjectives formed from verbs

perfect look.

B 5. Determine the type of one-part sentence No. 25.

B 6. Among sentences 26-31, find a sentence with a SEPARATE AGREED DEFINITION. Write down his number.

B 7. From sentence 22 write out a phrase with the type of connection of words ADJACTION.

B 8. Replace the phrase LOOKED STRICTLY (sentence 27), built on the basis of adjacency, with a synonymous phrase with a connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

In 9. Among sentences 19-28, find a sentence that includes a COMPARATIVE TURNOVER. Write down his number.

B 10. Among sentences 4-9, find the sentence(s) with homogeneous members. Write the number(s) of this offer(s).

B 11. From sentence 10, write out its GRAMMAR BASIS.

Q 12. How many GRAMMATIC BASES are in sentence 4? Write your answer in numbers.


Read the text and complete tasks A 1 - A 4, B1 - B 12

(1) In the summer of 1894, Levitan lived near Lake Ostrovenskoye in an old abandoned estate. (2) He painted sketches, sailed in a boat to a green island, wandered in the forests with a hunting rifle.

(3) In the neighborhood, on a hill, there was the Gorka estate, where the family of the St. Petersburg dignitary Turchaninov spent the summer. (4) Mother, Anna Nikolaevna, and her three young daughters - calm dark-haired Sophia,

impetuous fair-haired Varenka, playful brown-eyed teenager Anya. (5) Having heard that a famous landscape painter lives with the neighbors, the girls went to get acquainted. (6) Very soon Levitan became a regular guest of "Gorka" and immediately enlivened the monotonous country life.

(7) That autumn, Levitan became especially fond of pastels. (8) These, it would seem, such unyielding and fragile crayons in his hands became obedient. (9) He wrote with them on the shore of the lake, at the edge of the forest.

(10) Fascinated by the new technique of painting, the artist did not know fatigue. (11) One by one new beautiful cardboards appeared. (12) And in them is the already strengthened skill of a fine pastelist.

(13) He painted autumn on a sunny day or waited for the lake to frown in order to touch its gray noble tones. (14) He transferred the last yellow leaves to the cardboard, as if golden

sprinkled alleys of the park.

(15) Little Anya, who in childhood was affectionately nicknamed Lyulya, tried her best to help the artist. (16) He was often unwell, a severe heart disease called for caution. (17) But the landscape painter is hard to stop when the crimson of the forest is blazing around and all nature is dressed in a bright autumn dress.

(18) Lulu carried a box of paints to the artist. (19) She was rowing in a boat when he painted water lilies. (20) The girl silently stood behind the artist, and amazing masterpieces were created before her eyes. (21) Levitan was changeable in his moods. (22) Now he works silently, plunging into deep thought, then he is unusually lively and aloud pronounces the praise of the beauty of nature.

(23) The girl was a witness to the impetuous enthusiasm of the artist, his selfless work. (24) I learned to be silent with him, when he looked in front of him hushed, enchanted by beauty.

(According to S.Prorokova)

A 1. Why did the girl Anya constantly accompany the artist and try to help him?

1) The girl was bored, she had nothing to do.

2) The artist paid her money for her help.

3) The girl admired the work of the artist, next to him she learned to understand the beauty of nature.

4) Anya wanted to become an artist.

A 2. Which statement is NOT REFLECTED in the content of the text?

1) Levitan was an excellent landscape painter.

2) Levitan selflessly loved Russian nature.

3) Levitan was carried away by a new painting technique - pastel.

4) Already at the age of thirteen, Levitan firmly decided to become an artist.

A 3. Which of the sentences contains a COMPARISON?

1) 13 2) 14 3) 17 4) 20

A4. The meaning of which word is defined INCORRECTLY?

1) Pastel (1) - soft colored crayons for drawing.

2) Landscape painter (11) - an artist, a specialist in the field of landscape.

3) Masterpiece (14) - a piece of music.

4) Alley (8) - a road (in a park or garden) with trees planted on both sides of it.

B 1. From sentences 13-14, write out the word with an ALTERNATING unstressed vowel in the root.

IN 2. From sentence 24 write out the word in which the spelling of the prefixis determined by its value of incomplete action.

B 3. From sentences 18-20 write out a word with an unstressed vowel in the root, NOT CHECKED by stress.

B 4. From sentences 15-20, write out the adjective in which it is written - НН-, because it is formed from a noun with a stem on H using the suffix H.

B 5. Among sentences 7-14, find a SIMPLE DOUBLE INCOMPLETE WITH SKIP PREDIAL. Write down his number.

B 6. Among sentences 18-24, find a sentence complicated by the GENERAL TERMS. Write down his number.

B 8. Replace the phrase AT THE EDGING OF THE FOREST (sentence 9), built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

B 9. In these sentences from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers that stand for commas at the INTRODUCTORY WORD.

(8) These, (1) it would seem, (2) such unyielding and fragile crayons in his hands became obedient. (9) He wrote with them on the shore of the lake, (3) at the edge of the forest.

(10) Fascinated by the new technique of painting, (4) the artist did not know fatigue.

(13) He wrote autumn on a sunny day or waited (5) for the lake to frown, (6) to touch its noble gray tones.

B 10. Among sentences 20-24, find the one in which there are no HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS OF THE PROPOSITION. Enter his number.

B 11. From sentence 6 write out its GRAMMATICAL BASIS.


Read the text and complete tasks A1-A4, B1-B12.

(1) The name of Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov will forever remain among the names of those people who, with their disinterested love and devotion, moved Russian painting forward together with the artists. (2) His ardent faith in the future of folk art, his active and constant support strengthened artists in the consciousness of the necessity of the work they are doing.

(3) Tretyakov was not a "patron of the arts", a patron of the kind that many well-born grandees in Russia were in their time. (4) He did not show off, did not amuse his own vanity, did not choose his favorites among artists and did not throw money like a prince. (5) He was prudent, prudent and did not hide it. (6) “I always tell you,” he once wrote to Kramskoy, “that I want to buy as cheaply as possible, and, of course, if I see two numbers, I will always choose the smaller one, although I often have anti-merchant merits.”

(7) It was these "anti-trade values" - enlightenment, humanism, understanding of the nationwide role of art - that allowed Tretyakov to choose for his gallery all the best, the most

truthful and talented, which was then given by Russian painting.

(8) From the very first exhibition of the Wanderers, he acquired about a dozen paintings, among the many canvases he chose Savrasov’s “Rooks Have Arrived”, “Peter the Great interrogates Tsarevich Alexei in Peterhof”

N.N.Ge, “Pine Forest” by Shishkin, “May Night” by Kramskoy.

(9) Tretyakov was known for his amazing flair. (10) Quiet, taciturn, restrained, he appeared in the studios where future masterpieces of painting were just finishing, and sometimes bought them for his gallery before they had time to appear on the exhibition.

(11) His unselfishness was unparalleled. (12) Having acquired a huge collection of his Turkestan paintings and sketches from Vereshchagin, he immediately offered it as a gift to the Moscow Art School. (13) From the very beginning, he conceived his gallery as a museum of national art and donated it to the city of Moscow during his lifetime.

(14) And only six years later (just in the year of the death of P.M. Tretyakov) the first state Russian museum was opened in the capital Petersburg, and even then it was much inferior to the Tretyakov Gallery, which had already become

time a place of pilgrimage for many thousands of people who came to Moscow from all over Russia.

(According to L.N. Volynsky)

A 1. What quality of Tretyakov's character is mentioned in sentences 12-13?

1) about ambition; 3) about disinterestedness;

2) about restraint; 4) about prudence

A 2. Which of the statements is NOT REFLECTED in the content of the text?

1) Tretyakov did not like to “throw” money in a princely way.

2) For his gallery, Tretyakov bought paintings only by foreign artists.

3) For his gallery, Tretyakov bought Savrasov's painting "The Rooks Have Arrived".

4) Tretyakov donated his gallery to Moscow.

A3. Which sentence contains an EPITET?

1) 3

2) 4

3) 9

4) 13

A 4. Which of the words is interpreted INCORRECTLY?

1) Collection (12) - a collection of any items, usually of scientific, artistic or historical interest.

2) Patron (3) - a rich patron of sciences and arts.

3) Gallery (13) - paintings for sale

4) Etude (12) - a preparatory sketch for a future painting, performed from nature

B 1. From sentences 1-4, write out the word with an ALTERNATING unstressed vowel in the root

B 2. From sentences 11-13, write out the words, the spelling of the PREFACES in which depends on the deafness of the consonant, indicated by the letter following the prefix.

B 3. From sentences 1-4, write out a word with an unpronounceable consonant in the root.

B 4. From sentences 10 - 13 write out an adjective in which two letters -H- are written, because it has the suffix -ENN (ONN).

In 5. Among sentences 11-14, find a two-part sentence with two simple verb predicates. Write down his number.

In 6. Among sentences 9-13, find the sentence in which the definitions related to the personal pronoun are SEPARATED.

B 7. From sentence 5 write out a phrase with the type of connection of words MANAGEMENT.

B 8. Replace the phrase VELMOZHI IN RUSSIA (sentence 3), built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

In 9. Among sentences 8-14, find the sentence that includes INSERT STRUCTURE. Write down his number.

B 10. Among sentences 9-13, indicate the one in which there are HOMOGENEOUS COMPLEMENTS. Write down his number.

B 11. From sentence 9, write out its GRAMMAR BASIS.

Q 12. How many GRAMMATIC BASES are in sentence 2? Write your answer in numbers.


Read the text and complete tasks A1-A4, B1-B12.

(1) We are entering an age in which education, knowledge, professional skills will play a decisive role in the fate of a person. (2) Without knowledge, by the way, which is becoming more and more complicated, it will simply be impossible to work, to be useful. (3) For physical labor will be taken over by machines, robots. (4) Even calculations will be done by computers, as well as drawings, calculations, reports, planning. (5) Man will bring in new ideas, think of things that a machine cannot think of.

(6) And for this, the general intelligence of a person, his ability to create something new and, of course, moral responsibility, which a machine cannot bear in any way, will be increasingly needed.

(7) Teaching is what a young person needs now from a very young age. (8) You should always learn. (9) Until the end of their lives, not only taught, but also studied all the leading scientists. (10) If you stop learning, you won’t be able to teach. (11) For knowledge is growing, ever more complex.

(12) It must be remembered that the most favorable time for learning is youth. (13) It is in youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in youth, that the human mind is most receptive. (14) And here I hear the heavy sigh of a young man: what a boring life you offer our youth! (15) Only study. (16) And where is the rest, entertainment? (17) Why should we not rejoice? (18) No! (19) The acquisition of skills and knowledge is the same sport. (20) Teaching is difficult when we do not know how to find joy in it. (21) We must love to study and choose smart forms of recreation and entertainment that can also teach something, develop in us some abilities that will be needed in life. (D.S. Likhachev)

A1. Which sentence contains the MAIN THOUGHT of the TEXT?

1) 1; 2) 5; 3) 8; 4) 9

1) Computers will work on the development and implementation of new ideas.

2) You need to learn at any age.

3) The knowledge possessed by mankind is constantly expanding and becoming more complex.

4) Recreation and entertainment can also contribute to human development.

A3. Which sentence does not contain an epithet?

1) 5

2) 4

3) 12

4) 14

A4. Which interpretation of the word INTELLIGENCE(6) is correct?

1) knowledge of foreign languages;

2) education, a broad outlook, a high level of morality;

3) outstanding abilities, talent;

4) the ability to quickly find a common language, to make acquaintances with other people.

IN 1. From sentences 14-21, write out the words with ALTERNATING vowels in the root.

IN 2. From sentences 1-6 write out a word in which the spelling of the prefix depends on its meaning.

IN 3. From sentence 4 write out a word with an unchecked unstressed vowel in the root.

B 4. From sentences 4-6, write out an adjective in which two letters -Н- are written, because it has the suffix -ENN (ONN).

B 5. Determine the type of one-part sentence No. 15.

B 6. Among sentences 10-13, find a sentence complicated by GENERAL TERMS. Write down his number.

B 7. From sentence 7 write out a phrase with the type of connection of words ADJACTION.

B 8. Replace the phrase IN THE FATE OF A HUMAN (sentence 1), built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

In 9. Among sentences 2-7, find sentences that include INTRODUCTORY WORDS AND SENTENCES. Write down their numbers.

B 10. Among sentences 12-16, indicate the one in which there are HOMOGENEOUS CIRCUMSTANCES. Write down his number.


Read the text and complete tasks A1-A4, B1-B12.

(1) Flaunting rudeness in language, as well as flaunting rudeness in manners, slovenliness in clothes, is the most common phenomenon, and it basically indicates a person’s psychological insecurity, his weakness, and not at all strength. (2) The speaker seeks to suppress the feeling of fear, fear, sometimes just fear with a rude joke, harsh expression, irony, cynicism. (3) By rude nicknames of teachers, it is the weak-willed students who want to show that they are not afraid of them. (4) It happens semi-consciously. (5) I'm not talking about the fact that this is a sign of bad manners, unintelligence, and sometimes cruelty. (6) At the heart of any slang, cynical expressions and swearing is weakness. (7) “Word-spitting” people demonstrate their contempt for traumatic phenomena in life because they are disturbed, tormented, worried, because they feel weak, not protected against them. (8) A truly strong and healthy, balanced person will not needlessly speak loudly, will not swear and use slang words. (9) After all, he is sure that his word is already weighty. (10) Our language is an essential part of our general behavior in life. (11) And by the way a person speaks, we can immediately and easily judge who we are dealing with. (12) It is necessary to learn good, calm, intelligent speech for a long time and carefully - listening, remembering, noticing, reading and studying. (13) But although it is difficult, it is necessary, necessary. (14) Our speech is the most important part of not only our behavior, but also our personality, our soul, mind, our ability not to succumb to the influences of the environment, if it is “dragging” (D.S. Likhachev)

A1. Which of the following statements DOES NOT CORRECT with the content of the text?

1) Language is an essential part of our general behavior in life.

2) It is impossible to learn good, intelligent speech.

3) A strong, balanced person will not speak loudly, shout, swear unnecessarily.

4) Rudeness in language, in manners - a sign of weakness, not strength.

A2. Which sentence expresses the main idea of ​​the text?

1) 2;

2) 5;

3) 12;

4) 14

1) 2;

2) 3;

3) 10;

4) 13

A 4. The meaning of which word is defined INCORRECTLY?

1) Irony (2) - hidden mockery.

2) Cynical (6) - impudent, rude, indecent.

3) Intelligent (12) - cultured, expressive, calm.

4) Personality (14) - last name, first name, patronymic of a person.

IN 1. From sentences 1 - 5, write out a noun that is not used without NOT.

IN 3. From sentences 6 - 9 write out a word with an unpronounceable consonant in the root.

AT 4. From sentences 7-9, write out the word whose spelling is determined by the rule: “In denominative adjectives formed from the stem on -Н with the suffix -Н-, it is written НН”.

AT 5. Determine the type of one-part sentence No. 12.

AT 6. Among sentences 5-8, find a sentence with an UNSEPARATED DEFINITION, expressed as participial turnover. Write down his number.

AT 7. Determine the type of connection of words in the phrase BALANCED PERSON (proposition 8).

AT 8. Replace the phrase SLEEP IN CLOTHES (sentence 1), built on the basis of management, with a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

AT 9. Among sentences 10 - 14, find those in which a dash is placed between the subject and the predicate, expressed by nouns in the nominative case. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Among sentences 8-11, indicate the one in which there are HOMOGENEOUS DEFINITIONS. Write down his number.

B 11. From sentence 2, write out its GRAMMAR BASIS.

Q 12. How many GRAMMATIC BASES are in sentence 5? Write your answer in numbers.


Read the text and complete tasks A1-A4, B1-B12.

(1) Between the forests and the Oka, water meadows stretch in a wide belt. (2) At dusk, the meadows look like the sea. (3) As in the sea, the sun sets in the grass and signal lights on the banks of the Oka burn like beacons. (4) Just as in the sea, fresh winds blow over the meadows and the high sky has turned over like a pale green bowl. (5) In the meadows, the old channel of the Oka stretches for many kilometers. (6) His name is Prorvoy. (7) It is a dead, deep and motionless river with steep banks. (8) The shores were overgrown with tall, old, three-girth, blackberry, hundred-year-old willows, wild roses, umbrella grasses and blackberries. (9) We called one stretch on this river “Fantastic Abyss”, because nowhere and none of us have seen such huge, two human height, burdocks, blue thorns, such a tall lungwort and horse sorrel and such gigantic puffball mushrooms, like on this stretch. (10) The density of grasses in other places on the Prorva is such that it is impossible to land on the shore from a boat - the grasses stand as an impenetrable elastic wall. (11) They repel a person. (12) Herbs are entwined with treacherous brambles, hundreds of dangerous and sharp snares. (13) There is often a light haze over the Abyss. (14) Its color changes from the time of day. (15) In the morning it is a blue fog, in the afternoon it is a whitish haze, and only at dusk the air over the Abyss becomes transparent, like spring water. (16) The foliage of the black-throated trees barely trembles, pink from the sunset, and Prorva pikes beat dully in the whirlpools. (K.G. Paustovsky)

A1. Why was one of the stretches on the river called "Fantastic Abyss"?

1) This stretch is described in a science fiction novel.

2) The herbs that grow there are striking in their size.

3) Rare animals are found in this place.

4) Mysterious, inexplicable events took place in these places.

A2. Which statement is NOT reflected in the content of the text?

1) The old, overgrown bed of the Oka is called Prorva.

2) Due to the density of grasses on Prorva, it is difficult to land on the shore in some places.

3) There is often a light fog over the Abyss.

1) Channel (5) - a depression in the soil along which a water stream flows.

2) Reach (9) - a wide, calmly flowing section of a flat river bed, located between rifts or islands.

3) Mist (13) - the reflection of a distant fire.

4) Flooded (meadows) (1) - flooded with water during a spill.

A4. Which of the means of artistic expression is used by the author in sentences 2-4?

1) epithets; 3) comparisons;

2) metaphors; 4) impersonation

B1. From sentences 5-8, write out a word with an alternating vowel in the root.

IN 2. From sentence 10, write out the word, which includes TWO PREFACES.

IN 3. From sentences 5-8, write out the word, which includes TWO ROOTS.

AT 4. From sentences 9-11, write out the word that corresponds to the rule: “DO NOT spell together in participles that do not have dependent words”

AT 5. Among sentences 5-8, find a SIMPLE ONE-COMPONENT INDEFINITELY PERSONAL. Write his number

AT 6. Among sentences 11-16, find a sentence with a SEPARATE AGREED DEFINITION. Write down his number.

AT 7. From sentence 13 write out a phrase with the type of connection CONNECTION

AT 8. Replace the phrase BLACKBERRY LOOP (sentence 12), built on the basis of control, with a synonymous phrase with the connection agreement. Write the resulting phrase.

AT 9. Among sentences 10-15, find a sentence with a predicate omission.

B 10. Among sentences 7-10, find the one in which there are no HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS OF THE PROPOSITION. Enter his number.

B 11. From sentence 5, write down its GRAMMAR BASIS.

Q 12. How many GRAMMATIC BASES are in sentence 9? Write the answer.


Read the text and complete tasks A1-A4, B1-B12.

(1) The little house where I live in Meshchera deserves a description. (2) This is a former bathhouse, a log hut, lined with gray timber. (3) The house stands in a dense garden, but for some reason it is fenced off from the garden by a high palisade. (4) This stockade is a trap for village cats who love fish. (5) Every time I return from fishing, cats of all colors - red, black, gray and white and tan - take the house under siege. (6) They snoop around, sit on the fence, on the roofs, on the old apple trees, howl at each other and wait for the evening. (7) All of them look without stopping at the kukan with fish - it is suspended from the branch of an old apple tree in such a way that it is almost impossible to get it. (8) In the evening, the cats carefully climb over the palisade and gather under the kukan. (9) They rise on their hind legs, and with their front legs they make swift and dexterous strokes, trying to hook the kukan. (10) From a distance it seems that cats are playing volleyball. (11) Then some impudent cat jumps up, clings to the hook with a stranglehold, hangs on it, sways and tries to tear off the fish. (12) The rest of the cats beat each other on the mustachioed muzzles out of annoyance. (13) It ends with me leaving the bathhouse with a lantern. (14) Cats, taken by surprise, rush to the stockade, but do not have time to climb over it, but squeeze between the stakes and get stuck. (15) Then they flatten their ears, close their eyes, and start screaming desperately for mercy. (K.G. Paustovsky)

A1. Which statement is NOT reflected in the content of the text?

3) The cats can't get the fish kukan because it is hung high.

4) The cats scatter when the author comes out of the house with a lantern.

1) The palisade is very high;

2) In the evening, cats climb over the palisade;

3) Cats dart around;

4) Cats get stuck between stakes.

A3. Which of the words is given the WRONG interpretation?

1) Palisade (3) - a fence, a fence of stakes, poles driven into the ground close to each other often, one next to the other.

2) Kukan (7) - a string on which a fish is strung.

3) Tes (2) - thin boards (hewn or sawn).

4) By surprise (14) - a long wait for something.

A4. Which of the following sentences has ANTONYMS?

1) 7; 2) 9; 3) 12; 4) 15

IN 1. From sentences 6-8 write out a word with alternating vowels in the root.

IN 2. From sentences 8-12, write out the words, the spelling of the prefixes in which depends on the deafness (voicedness) of the consonants, indicated by the letters following the prefixes.

IN 3. From sentences 1-3, write out the word, which includes TWO ROOTS.

AT 4. In sentences 7-9, find the word in which the spelling H determined by the rule: "One letter H written in short suffixespassive participles."

AT 5. Among sentences 1-7, find a sentence in which the subject and predicate are expressed by nouns.

AT 6. Among sentences 11-15, find a simple one, complicated by PARTICIPIAL CONTRACT and HOMOGENEOUS PREDICT.

AT 7. Determine the type of connection of words in the phrase GO OUT OF THE BATH (sentence 13)?

AT 8. Replace the phrase DESPERATELY SCREAM (sentence 15), built on the basis of the adjunction, with a synonymous phrase with the connection control. Write the resulting phrase.

AT 9. In the sentences below from the read text, all commas are numbered. Write down the numbers denoting commas in the APPENDIX.

The little house (1) where I live in Meshchera (2) deserves a description. This is a former bathhouse, (3) a log hut, (4) sheathed with gray timber. The house stands in a dense garden, (5) but for some reason it is fenced off from the garden by a high palisade.

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Among sentences 11-15, find those in which there are no HOMOGENEOUS MEMBERS OF THE PROPOSITION. Enter his number.

AT 11. From sentence 9 write out the basis.

Q 12. How many GRAMMATIC BASES are in sentence 5? Write your answer in numbers. 3

The proposed collection is an additional component of the teaching materials of the "English in Focus" series for students of the 8th grade of educational organizations by the authors Yu. E. Vaulina, D. Dooley, O. E. Podolyako and others. -grammar skills as the basis of speech skills. The collection not only solves the problem of training the established formats of examination tasks, but also serves to develop universal educational activities in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education.

Description of the tutorial

Module 1
1. Read the text. Match the titles with the book reviews. One title is missing.
1. Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears
A. Yooks and Well live in neighboring communities separated by a wall and custom. The Yooks eat their bread and butter, but eat your bread and butter side down! This difference causes dislike, distrust, and, finally, hatred. With classic simplicity and amazingly creative language, characters and illustrations, Dr. Seuss explains how small differences can grow into big disagreements, which in turn can escalate into potential destruction. This book makes her point of view clear for all ages, and all ages will respond to her message and her mind.
B. The book addresses the many kinds of peace needed in today's world, as described on the jacket: "peace between people living in different countries, but also among neighbors in the neighborhood. Harmony between people of different races - and between sisters and brothers. Understandings are among those who share their beliefs, and these are divided across generations.” The book emphasizes mutual support for friendship, avoidance of misunderstanding between individuals and groups, and peaceful ways to bring about social change.
C. The "little lie" becomes a rumor that leads to panic, which results in accidental death and has devastating consequences for the entire earth. The animals in this jungle parable (parable) are called to a meeting where each takes turns explaining their actions. By the end, it becomes clear that no one meant harm because animals have the opportunity to hear different points of view. But the mosquito, which started the whole chain of events, hides from the meeting and never presents its case. His guilty conscience leads to his own punishment.
D. A 12-year-old Japanese girl has become a hero to children in Japan and around the world for her energetic fight against leukemia caused by
atomic radiation after the bombing of Hiroshima. This story highlights her spirit and courage as she tried to fold a thousand paper cranes (cranes) in the hope that it would bring her health. When a girl died before she could finish her assignment, the kids in her class finished it for her. Cranes making has become an annual ritual throughout Japan and internationally to remember the human cost of war and highlight the need for peace.
E. This remarkable work by a young Jewish teenage girl, written in Amsterdam while hiding from the occupying Nazi army, has had a dramatic effect since its first publication. The fact that we know she died in a concentration camp makes this beautifully written, optimistic and humanistic work all the more emotionally moving. The Holocaust of World War II, and the millions of deaths caused by wars since then, give students a reason to tackle the problem of violence. The illustrated book by Anne Frank helps students understand why Anne was in hiding and what happened to her and millions like her when her family was captured.
2. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), NS (not specified).
Social etiquette in the UK
There are no strict rules of etiquette that you must follow when in the UK. However, it is desirable to demonstrate dignified manners and respect for local culture and traditions. The first and most important step is the awareness of the well-defined nations that make up Great Britain. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Citizens of any of these countries may be referred to as "British". When you are sure of the heritage, you can call the various residents in the following way: English, Scottish, Welsh or Irish. At the first meeting with the British, he may seem reserved and cold, but this is only an impression. In fact, they are very friendly and helpful to foreigners.
A handshake is the most common form of greeting, but try to avoid prolonged eye contact as it can make people feel uncomfortable. The British are not very fond of showing affection in public. Hugs, kisses and touches are usually reserved for family members and very close friends. Loud public conversations or extreme hand gestures during communication should also be avoided. Don't stand too much
close to another person or put your hand on someone's shoulder. The British often use expressions like "come in anytime" and "come see me soon". However, don't take them literally. To be on the safe side, always call before visiting someone's home. If you receive a written invitation to an event labeled "RSVP", you must respond to the sender as soon as possible, whether or not you intend to attend. The British are very strict when it comes to punctuality. In the UK, people make great efforts to arrive on time, so it is considered impolite to be even a few minutes late. If you are late, be sure to inform the person you are meeting with.
1. Before traveling to the UK, you need to familiarize yourself with customs
and the traditions of the four countries of which it is composed._
2. Any British citizen can be called "British".
3. UK includes England, Wales,
Scotland and Northern Ireland._
4. Hugs are a typical way of greeting
foreigners in the UK._
5. It gives the false impression that the British
unfriendly to beginners._
6. For successful communication in the UK
you have to learn special body language._
7. The British love their personal space during
the course of communication._
8. When meeting foreigners, the British
usually look at a new person for a long time._
9. After you meet a British person
you can call him/her at any time._
10. The English are very punctual people and
expect others to be the same._
3. Read the text and choose the correct option.
Hi, I'm Amy Chua and thank you very much for visiting my website! The battle hymn of mother tiger is the story of my family. I wrote this book at a critical moment when my youngest daughter seemed to be against everything I stood for and felt like I was losing her and everything was falling apart. After one terrible fight, I sat down at the computer and the words just poured out. I showed every page to my daughters and husband. It was like family therapy.
I was raised by very strict Chinese immigrant parents who came to the US as graduate students with little to no money. As parents, they demanded full respect and were very tough on my three younger sisters and me. We had problems with the cons, had to drill math and piano every day, no sleepovers, no boyfriends. But the strategy worked for me. To this day, I am very close to my parents and feel that I owe them all. In fact, I believe that my parents' high expectations of me, combined with love, is the greatest gift I have ever been given. That's why I tried to raise my two daughters the way my parents raised me.
Everything went smoothly with my first daughter Sophia. But my second daughter, Lulu, is a real fireball, and at thirteen, she rebelled. This book is basically the story of my own transformation as a mother. While I definitely regret if I had to raise my girls again, I think I would basically do the same, with some adjustments. The book is about how to believe in your child more than anyone else - more than they believe in themselves - and help them reach their potential, whatever that may be. My younger sister, Cindy, has Down's Syndrome and I remember my mother spending hours with her teaching her how to tie her shoelaces, how to drill times tables, how to practice the piano every day. My mom wanted her to be the best within her limits. Today, Cindy works at Walmart, has a boyfriend, and still plays the piano - one of her favorite things is to perform for her friends. She and her mom have a great relationship and we all love her for who she is. I truly believe that there are many ways to be a good parent. We all want our children to grow up happy, strong and independent. But different cultures have very different ideas about how best to do it. And we should all learn from each other.
1. Here._
Web site
b) art book
c) letter to fans
d) author's review of the book
2. Amy Chua wrote the book Tiger Mother Battle Hymn.
a) in memory of their parents
b) to prove that she is really talented
c) in an attempt to resolve the conflict with the youngest daughter
d) set an example for their daughters
3. When the author's family read the book.
a) they were surprised
b) they began to understand each other
c) it was a real shock
d) nothing has changed
4. Amy Chua's parents were...
a) very hard
b) very demanding
c) too bossy
D) completely indifferent
5. Amy's parents punished their daughters for_as they wanted
they must be top of the class.
bad mark
b) bad behavior
c) good grades
d) being late
6. The parenting style of Amy_her parents.
b) criticism
c) appreciates
e) doubts
7. Parents must be demanding because they want their children_.
a) obey them in everything
b) be rich
c) realize their abilities
d) learn better
8. Amy's younger sister with Down's Syndrome achieved great success because of_.
special school
b) help from her sisters
c) her willpower
d) the efforts of her parents
4. Read the text and match the headings for each step. One title is missing.
a. To take the responsibility
b. Brainstorm solutions
C. cool down
d. Affirm, forgive or thank
e. Remember what your partner says
f. Tell what's bothering you using "I messages."

Spotlight 8. English in focus. 8th grade. Training exercises in the format of the OGE (GIA). Vaulina.