Removing film from plastic windows: effective methods and useful tips. How to remove old film from plastic windows How to clean plastic windows from film

Today there are several types of film, each of which is designed to reliably protect the home from the scorching sun. With proper use, such material can reduce the summer temperature in rooms by five to ten degrees.

Such a protective agent has only one serious drawback - the difficulty of removing it from windows. The composition of each film includes an adhesive substance with which it is fixed on the glass. And in many cases, when removed, it can leave visible marks on the window, which will negatively affect its appearance.

Sun protection film on the window

All existing types of film are made from materials that reflect light, and many of them contain aluminum, which can also leave ugly stains on glass. It is quite difficult to remove them without causing any harm to the glass surface. But if you use a number of chemicals designed to clean difficult dirt, you can try to remove traces of the use of a protective film with minimal damage to the glass.

All modern materials that are designed to protect rooms from excessively high temperatures contain aluminum and other substances that make it so difficult to remove them from surfaces. In order not to leave ugly streaks and noticeable spots on the glass, the removal of such protective equipment should be approached as carefully and responsibly as possible. There are several of the most common ways to be careful, each of which can lead to success.


If you peel the sun protection material from the windows without prior preparation, then the likelihood of stains and noticeable traces from the adhesive is huge.

The ideal way to prepare the film for removal is to use a modern steamer.

The procedure for cleaning windows from material using a steamer is carried out in several stages:

  1. A small area is heated with hot steam from a steamer. It is very important that the steam is directed to a specific place on the window.
  2. About five minutes after steaming, you should pick up a piece of film and gently pull it towards you, separating it from the window.
  3. The new section of the window is reheated until the material begins to move away from the glass.

The section of the film is heated with a steamer
After five minutes, it separates from the window

This is the most gentle and easy way to remove the sun protection film. In this case, the minimum amount of traces remains on the window, which can be easily removed with a simple soapy solution. This is just one of the simple answers to the question of how to remove the film from the window glass without visible marks.

Detergents and cleaners

Other effective methods include the use of powerful ones designed for cleaning glass surfaces. They allow you to remove stains and traces of film from the window without much effort, but when using them, you should follow safety precautions, which consist of the following rules:

  • when treating surfaces with chemicals, the prescribed protective equipment must be used. These include gloves, closed clothing and a respirator;
  • compliance with the dosage indicated by the manufacturer on the detergent container;
  • compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations to avoid contact of the substance with some materials that are sensitive to the components of the cleaning agent.

Use protective equipment
Learn Dosage

You can clean windows with the help of such effective means as:

  • Domax. This substance is intended for gentle care of glass ceramics and does not contain abrasive substances;
  • Cosmofen;
  • Shumanite;
  • Fenosol.

Shumanit is an effective remedy

However, even modern powerful surface cleaners cannot always cope with the consequences of the presence of a protective film material on window glass. In this case, stains and other marks will have to be removed with a harder scraper, which is designed for cleaning glass ceramics. The remaining traces are then removed with a modern Fenosol cleaner. After that, the glass is washed first with soapy water, and then with warm clean water.

All the methods described above, which tell how to remove the sun-protection film from glass, are suitable for cleaning wooden windows and for modern PVC and metal-plastic profiles. Compliance with safety precautions and the dosage of cleaning agents will allow you to rid your windows of the remnants of the protective material without much harm to the glass and without compromising health.

Scraper for cleaning glass ceramics

other methods

There are other ways by which you can try to remove the film from the window. One is to use a utility knife or other sharp object such as scissors. During the procedure, you need to gently pry the edge of the film with a knife to separate it from the glass, and then pull it towards you. It is recommended to roll the already peeled off sections with a tube so that they do not stick to the window again.

You can also remove some types of film with newspapers and soapy water. The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Ordinary newspapers are placed on the entire glass area.
  2. Newspapers are sprayed with soapy water until they begin to stick to the surface.
  3. Leave for an hour, regularly wetting the paper.
  4. Newspapers and film are removed, which will come off much easier after the procedure.

Newspapers are placed on all glass
They are sprayed with soapy water
Leave for an hour constantly wetting
Easily remove newspapers and film

Precautions for removing film stains from glass

When cleaning windows from traces of solar film, the recommended precautions should be observed. Some of the chemical cleaners can have a negative effect on the skin and respiratory tract of a person, and when using sharp objects, you can get hurt. Therefore, when removing stains from the film, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • carry out all work related to chemical cleaning agents only with strong impervious gloves;
  • when wiping marks, do not press hard on the glass, as this may violate its integrity;
  • when working with sharp objects (knife, scissors, scraper), you should act as carefully as possible so as not to get hurt or damage the window;
  • avoid contact of chemicals with unprotected skin, eyes or inhalation;
  • keep materials and tools intended for removing traces from glass surfaces out of the reach of children.

The repair is over, there are brand new double-glazed windows on the windows, the builders have put the openings in order. It would seem that you can safely wait for winter to check if PVC windows are as good as they say. But you are absolutely in vain to think that you have got rid of all the problems. All windows are covered with a protective layer, and you will have to tear it off. We will talk about how to remove the film from a plastic window if it is not removed.

Why is this film necessary?

Why don't the masters who install PVC windows tear off this film themselves? The fact is that the installation of double-glazed windows usually does not end the repair, but only begins. This is followed by repair of openings, and even the entire room. In addition, glass can be scratched during transport and during installation. To avoid all these troubles, stick a protective material.

The instructions say that the protection must be removed from the plastic windows no later than ten days after installation. It is best to do so, because otherwise you will not have to remove it with a slight movement of your hand, but solve a much more difficult question - how to tear off the film from plastic windows.

Important! It is necessary to remove not only the film, but also the adhesive layer, which always remains on the profile.

What is the film made of?

Before you think about the question of how to remove the protective film from PVC windows, you need to find out what you have to deal with. Then it will be easier to choose cleaning methods. The protective material has:

  • the outer layer, which is usually removed without difficulty;
  • the inner layer;
  • adhesive strip, which is tightly attached to the profile.

Important! The inner layer is so capricious that it melts even from the spring sun.

How to clean plastic windows from old film mechanically?

For a mechanical cleaning method, you will need:

Option 1

You will have to act very carefully so as not to scratch the profile. The protective material peels off more easily if it is properly warmed up. For this, you need a hairdryer - you can also take a household one, but it’s better if there is an industrial one, which they rent in some hardware stores. Having prepared everything you need, get to work to remove the film from plastic windows:

  1. Heat the surface with a hair dryer to puff up the protection. In this case, the jet of hot air should not fall on the PVC profile - it can be extremely sensitive to high temperatures.
  2. Pry the edge of the film with a sharp object - it should come off easily.
  3. Solvent remove the adhesive strip.

Important! It is necessary to remove with a knife or blade evenly and quickly so that the material does not have time to cool. Otherwise, the result may turn out to be the opposite, the film will not only not be removed, but will stick even more strongly.

Option 2

This method is good if the windows face the shady side. Make a soap solution, moisten the brush and wash away all the protective coating inch by inch.

Important! A metal brush cannot be used for such work.

Option 3

The film from plastic windows can be removed using a regular school eraser. True, the process is laborious, therefore, in this way it is better to remove small fragments that remain, for example, after being removed with a knife.

Option 4

Perfectly removes such a protective material with a construction scraper for cleaning ceramic and glass surfaces. You can buy one at a hardware store.

Important! The advantage of this method is that the scraper does not scratch the plastic.

How to remove the film chemically?

This method is more gentle than mechanical. There is much less danger of scratching your precious plastic. In addition, even heavily adhered coating fragments can be removed with solvents. There are many chemical ways to remove the film from plastic windows if it does not come off.

Suitable for the procedure:

  • "Cosmophen";
  • White Spirit;
  • any other solvent.

Option 1

To remove the protection, the special tool “Cosmofen” is just perfect. You can buy it from the same company that installed PVC windows for you. There are several varieties of this drug. It is best to buy it from those who installed windows, since a reputable company selects related products precisely for the material from which the main products are made.

Option 2

An excellent tool for cleaning PVC material is white spirit. But remember that he does not dissolve the film, but separates it from the window. Therefore, you will need some kind of sharp object, such as a blade or knife:

  1. Pry off the edge of the protective cover.
  2. Pour white spirit into the resulting gap.
  3. Remove the film.

Option 3

You can try using a solvent. The method is not very reliable, but sometimes gives good results. Not every solvent is suitable, and it is better to pre-test it somewhere in an inconspicuous area.

How to wash plastic windows?

After the protective coating has been cleaned, it is best to wash the window. Mild detergents are suitable for cleaning the profile - do not forget to look at the markings in the hardware store. There are special products for washing such products, but those designed for ceramic surfaces are also suitable.

Important! It is better to wash not with a rag, but with a foam rubber sponge.

Process order:

  1. Wipe dust off window sills and window frames.
  2. Make a detergent solution.
  3. Wash the glass in zigzag motions.
  4. Wipe it with a soft cloth or blot with paper.

Important! To give the glass a shine, finally wash it with an aqueous solution of ammonia - a few drops per 1 liter are enough. If you wash windows for the winter, then to prevent frost and snow on the window, wash it from the outside with saline.

October 14, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of dachas, garages. The experience of an amateur gardener and horticulturist. He also has experience repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and much more, for which there is not enough time :)

After installing double-glazed windows, many people are interested in the forums - how to remove the film from plastic windows? The fact is that this operation, which at first glance is extremely simple, sometimes becomes a real problem and headache. Therefore, in this article, I will introduce you to some of the most effective ways to remove the protective film from plastic frames.

A few words about the protective film

The film on plastic windows protects the plastic surface during the transportation of windows and their installation. Moreover, manufacturers use special adhesives for gluing it, so that in the future there will be no problems with removal. However, the coating is not intended to be on the windows for a long time.

The fact is that gradually the glue under the film dries up and eats into the surface of the plastic. In addition, the coating itself is destroyed in the sun and loses its characteristics. As a result, when removed, the old film begins to tear or even crumble.

From this it can be concluded that it is necessary to remove the film in the near future, after the installation of windows. True, if the windows are cheap, then problems may arise even when removing the recently glued coating, due to the use of low-quality glue.

But, in any case, you should not despair, because there are quite effective ways to remove the old film from plastic windows, even if it has “tightly” eaten into the plastic. The main thing is to be patient and some means, which I will discuss below.

In summer, glue dries much faster and eats into plastic than in cold weather.

Film removal methods

So, the dried protective film can be removed from the surface in the following ways:

Method 1: using a scraper

First of all, try to remove the film with a scraper or other sharp object, such as a mounting or even a blade. The only thing, work with sharp tools must be very careful not to damage the plastic.

The instructions for removing the coating with a scraper are as follows:

  1. first of all, you need to pry off the edge of the protective coating with a scraper or other sharp object. The unglued edge must be large enough to be grasped;
  2. then you need to pull the foam and try to tear it off in one quick movement;
  3. if the tape starts to break, pry it up again, but try to use the cutting tool as little as possible and work more with your fingers so as not to scratch the plastic.

A similar method can be used if the protective coating has not had time to collapse under the influence of the sun. Otherwise, it will not work to tear off the film, and it is not advisable to constantly pick it with a scraper, as it will take a lot of time, and besides, it will certainly lead to scratches on the plastic surface.

Even if you successfully peel off the protective coating in this way, there will probably be areas with glue on the surface of the plastic. You can remove them in the ways that I will discuss below.

Method 2: with an eraser

If the old coating has become easily torn or even crumbled, it can be removed with an eraser. True, this method is only suitable for small areas, for example, if there is a film or glue residue left in some places after working with a scraper.

To clean the surface, choose the most elastic band possible. With it, simply rub the contaminated area with your hands, as if you were erasing a pencil from paper. As a result, the remaining adhesive and protective coating will roll into a roller that can be removed with your fingers.

It is very difficult to completely clean the frames in this way, so it is better to use a less time-consuming method.

Method 3: hair dryer

If the coating cannot be removed with a scraper alone, you can heat the film with a hair dryer before peeling off the film. This is done as follows:

  1. turn on the hair dryer at maximum power and thoroughly heat a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe coating;
  2. then tuck in the tape and pull on the edge. After heating, the glue should become much more "pliable";
  3. after that, you need to heat the next section and remove it in the same way;
  4. the remaining glue must be reheated and then wiped off with a paper towel.

An even more effective way to tear off the protective coating is to heat it with a steam generator. It is also mono to use a building hair dryer, however, work with it carefully so as not to melt the film, and especially the plastic frames.

I must say that this method is quite effective. As a rule, it allows you to get rid of even the most stubborn glue in the plastic surface.

Method 4: medical or industrial alcohol

Now consider how to remove the film from plastic windows with alcohol. This method is effective in removing film and adhesive residues.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the contaminated area should be treated with medical 96% alcohol or denatured alcohol using a sprayer or cotton solution. As the alcohol dries, it should be reapplied within a few minutes;
  • then you can start removing the old adhesive and film residue with a paper towel. In the process, you may need a scraper or other tool to pry off the film.

I must say that alcohol allows not only to clean the surface of the old protective coating, but also to bleach the plastic, as well as get rid of other contaminants.

Method 5: vegetable oil

Choosing how to wipe off the remnants of the coating and glue, you can give preference to vegetable oil. The last one can be anything, the only thing to keep in mind is that after the oil on the surface of the window will remain, even after you wash it. Therefore, it is best to use an essential oil that smells good.

The instructions for removing the coating with this tool look like this:

  1. before washing the surface, you need to apply oil to the contaminated areas with a cotton swab, then wait an hour. As the oil dries, the surface should be periodically lubricated;
  2. after the specified time, the contaminated areas should be wiped off with a paper towel;
  3. at the end of the work, you need to wash off the oil with a non-abrasive detergent.

Method 6: white spirit

White spirit is quite potent. The only thing before using it, wipe a small, inconspicuous area of ​​plastic with a solvent. The fact is that not all PVC windows are resistant to this solvent.

If you are sure that the solvent will not harm the plastic, do the work in the following order:

  1. the edge of the film must be torn off with a scraper or other sharp object, as far as possible;
  2. then the space between the film and the plastic surface should be treated with a solvent;
  3. wait a few minutes before peeling off the film. After that, the tape should easily fall behind;
  4. in the area where the film has not begun to tear, white spirit should be applied again.

If vapor barrier tape was used when installing the window, make sure that the solvent does not get on it, as it may deteriorate.

Method 7: "Shumanite"

"Shumanit" is a powerful detergent, which is intended primarily for removing grease from the surface. However, it also does a good job with adhesives that are used when gluing a protective coating. The only thing to remember is that Shumanit contains substances that can react with frames, so you should not apply it for a long time.

Dried film and old adhesive are removed with this tool as follows:

  1. old glue should be treated with a composition. If the old coating remains on the surface, the area under it, as well as the edges along the tape, should be processed;
  2. almost immediately after applying "Shumanit", the coating should be peeled off, and the remaining glue should be wiped off with a damp towel;
  3. at the end of the work, the plastic surface must be washed with any suitable detergent.

Method 8: "HG Sticker Remover"

Talking about how easy it is to remove the old film, one cannot fail to mention such a tool as HG Sticker Remover. It is sold in household chemical stores, usually in 300 ml bottles.

In general, this composition is designed to remove stickers and all kinds of self-adhesive stickers from the surface. However, as practice shows, with the help of Sticker Remover, an old protective film can also be easily removed.

The principle of its use is similar to working with other solvents:

  1. before tearing off the film, you should pick it up and treat it with a tool;
  2. after a few minutes, the coating can be peeled off;
  3. then the surface should be treated again with the composition;
  4. After a few seconds, the product with adhesive residue must be removed with a paper towel or a clean cloth.

Method 9: "Cosmofen 10"

If you ask plastic window manufacturers for advice on a protective coating remover, they will most likely tell you about Cosmofen 10, which is a mild PVC solvent designed specifically for this purpose.

You can also use its analogue, which is called "FENOSOL". The price of these compounds ranges from 300 rubles per liter.

As in previous cases, the old film is pre-tucked, after which the composition is applied. Also, these products can be used to remove adhesive residue.

Before washing the surface of the glue, you need to wait a few minutes until the product reacts.

Method 10: "P-12"

Finally, I will talk about the RP-6 product, which is an acrylic solvent. With it, you can easily remove adhesive residue.

The only thing before doing the job, be sure to check if the solvent reacts with plastic frames. The fact is that some types of plastic under the influence of "RP-6" can change color.

The composition is applied in the same way as other solvents. As a rule, several minutes are enough for it to react with the old adhesive.

The frames of plastic windows are protected with a special film to protect them from dirt, scratches and other damage during transportation and installation. It is very easy to remove the film from plastic windows if you do it in a timely manner, that is, immediately after the windows have been installed. If for some reason you are delayed with this, then removing the film can be a big problem. According to the instructions, the film must be removed within ten days after the installation of plastic windows. If you increase this period to a month or two, then, most likely, nothing terrible will happen. If the film remains on the frames for three or more months, then it will take a lot of effort to remove it.

Why does this problem occur? The fact is that the protective film consists of two layers and is glued to the frames with a special glue. Under the influence of heat and ultraviolet light, a thin inner layer of the film decomposes and tightly adheres to the plastic. To separate the top layer of the film is not as difficult as the inner one.

Factors that enhance the adhesion of the film to the frame:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays. If the film on the windows located on the shady side of the house can be removed after a few months, then on the sunny side it will begin to soak into the frame after a few days.
  • Glue quality. The lower the quality of the adhesive that holds the film, the more difficult it will be to tear it off. In the case of installing cheap plastic windows, the likelihood of encountering low-quality glue is higher.
  • The impact of heat. If the windows are installed in winter, the film will begin to dry to the frame later. In the summer it will happen very quickly.
So, let's look at how to remove the film from plastic windows if it has not been removed in time.
  1. Use a building hair dryer. This is the best film remover. The main thing is to direct it to the frame, and not to the double-glazed window, otherwise it may burst from the temperature difference. The film is heated with hot air, dissolves and is easily removed. The only problem is to find a building hair dryer. Some try to use normal, in turbo mode. This can only be successful if the film is not adhered very strongly.
  2. Contact a cleaning company. Most of these companies provide a similar service, and they have the necessary tools for this: a building hair dryer, special scrapers and cleaners. And experience in solving similar problems.
  3. With a professional scraper for cleaning glass-ceramic cookers. Such a scraper will not damage the plastic.
  4. Slowly, piece by piece, picking up the edge of the film with a thin knife, blade or scraper, and then tearing it off with your hands. Cutting tools should be used as little as possible, trying to separate the film with your fingers. Adhesive residues can be washed off with the rough side of a sponge and bathroom detergent.
  5. Weak solvent. When using thinner, be very careful and test in an inconspicuous area first. The solvent may change the color of the plastic frames.
  6. Eraser. A regular school pencil eraser can help remove film residue.
  7. Hard, but not a metal brush and soapy water. The method is suitable for the film on the shady side.
  8. white spirit. But it should not be applied on top, on pieces of the film, but between the film and the plastic. To do this, pry off the edge of the film, pour white spirit into this place, wait a bit and separate the film.
  9. "Cosmophen". In companies that install plastic windows, you can purchase a special plastic cleaning agent - Cosmofen. Depending on the degree of activity of the active substance, Cosmofen No. 5, Cosmofen No. 10 and Cosmofen No. 20 are distinguished. No. 5 is the strongest solvent, it dissolves plastic, so you need to use it with great care. However, like the other two. These are potent and hazardous to human health agents.
Often the film is not removed because the repair is delayed and you want to protect the window frames from paint, whitewash and other contaminants. This is the wrong approach and will lead to more problems. It is better to remove the protective film, and if necessary, stick masking tape on the frames. It won't be hard to take it off.

Newly installed plastic windows are always covered with a protective film. It is advisable to remove it as soon as possible, otherwise the coating will stick firmly to the double-glazed window, and it will be very difficult to remove it. There are several ways to remove the film.

Why does the film stick to the window

New PVC windows are covered with a protective film that needs to be removed

Double-glazed windows can be scratched during transportation and installation, so manufacturers cover them with a protective film. Its top layer is dense, it is easy to wash it. But inside there is a delicate material that quickly collapses and is tightly glued to the structure. Such an “addition” spoils the appearance of the room, it must be removed no later than 10 days after the installation of the windows.

The adhesive layer hardens over time. Temperature can affect the rate of this process. The windows are located above the heating radiators, warm air flows rise up and heat the double-glazed window. The film begins to dry quickly, and it becomes difficult to tear it off. If the sun's rays hit a window, the heating from the radiation is exacerbated by exposure to ultraviolet light.

Good materials, even in heat and direct sunlight, will not harden within 10 days, but film manufacturers are trying to save money. They can use cheap low-quality glue that sets very quickly.

The rate of dense adhesion of the film to glass depends on the quality of the material and the conditions in which the structure is operated. Be serious about choosing a company that installs plastic windows. Remove the coating immediately if the insulating glass units are exposed to heat or sunlight.

Mechanical methods for removing the protective coating

Building hair dryer will help remove the film from the window

Do not try to scrape off the film with a knife or scraper, no matter how firmly it adheres. With the inept use of tools, you can scratch PVC bindings and glass, expensive windows will look sloppy. Do not use a metal brush, its teeth will surely leave marks.

Do not scrape off with a knife, but only pry off the edge of the film, and then tear it off with your hands. If you don't take too long to remove the coating, it will easily come off the glass. It remains only to wash the window block to remove the remaining glue. Instead of a knife, it is better to use a special scraper for glass-ceramic tiles, it scratches the plastic surface less.

Heat the firmly adhered film with a building hair dryer. Using a steam generator or a hair dryer will not always give the desired result: the air flow temperature of household appliances is too low. Direct the air stream not at the glass, which can burst from temperature changes, but at the frame. Pick up the lagging edge of the film with a knife and separate it from the double-glazed window with your hands.

Mechanical methods help only at the initial stage - within a few days after installing the windows, and even better - immediately after the installers leave. If they do not work, you have to move on to other measures.

Chemical preparations for cleaning double-glazed windows from the film

When working with aggressive substances, protective equipment is useful

You can clean the windows from the dried film with the help of chemicals. All of them are harmful to the skin of the hands and dangerous to the eyes. Work with gloves and goggles. It is advisable to wear a respirator.

To reduce the adhesion of the protective coating to the glass or frame, you can use the following means:

  • White Spirit. Peel off the edge of the film, and pour a little solvent into the resulting gap. The softened part of the coating should be well removed. Repeat the procedure until you have cleared the entire area.
  • Denatured alcohol. Apply it to the entire surface with a spray bottle. After a few minutes, the film will become softer, pick it up by the edge and remove. You can wash off the remaining adhesive with soapy water or acrylic thinner.
  • Cosmofen. A special solvent that is number 5, 10 or 20 depending on the aggressiveness. The strongest is number 5, it can dissolve plastic bindings. Take number 10 or 20 and follow the instructions.
  • Paint remover SP 6. Apply it to plastic windows in a thick layer.
  • "Shumanit". Detergent, which must also be used in accordance with the instructions. After 10 minutes, the coating will begin to bubble, remove it.

Be careful that the aggressive preparation does not damage the glass and frames. First, try it on an inconspicuous area: some drugs can ruin the plastic.

Folk remedies for removing coatings from windows

If you heat the film with a hair dryer, it will be easier to remove it.

Instead of aggressive chemicals, safer alternative methods can be used. Try to use:

  • hair dryer complete with wooden sticks;
  • brush;
  • eraser rubber.

You can use a combined method. First, heat the film with a hairdryer, then clean it from the window with a sharp object. Use detergent or acrylic thinner to remove adhesive residue.

Wooden toothpicks or sticks for cleaning nails, kitchen spatulas made of wood are good, but they will need to be sharpened periodically. Wipe the sticky tape with a brush made of hair or synthetics with detergent, this method can give a good result.

Sometimes it is necessary to wipe off not the building film from the windows, but the old coating to protect the apartment from the sun's rays. It is made from lavsan, which is not affected by solvents. Clean the glass with a sponge and a strong detergent such as Shumanite. If it does not help, there is only one way out - to slowly clean the film with a knife.

The use of folk methods does not give a 100% guarantee. It all depends on the materials and the strength of the bond between the film and the coating. For example, an eraser on some windows quickly wipes the entire surface, on others it cleans a piece the size of a palm in half an hour.