Novaya Gazeta: We will lie to you for your own money. “Time for your money”: how the traitor Korotkov and Novaya Gazeta deceive people (4 photos) For your health and my point

Finally, concrete confirmation was found that this information dump is brazenly deceiving readers for their own money. And this is condoned by its newly minted author, the traitor Denis Korotkov, who has perfectly suited the court of this false media.

In the very first opus on the pages of Novaya Korotkov, who leaked the personal data of the pilots fighting in Syria, wildly screwed up. His entire pseudo-investigation is a blatant lie, from the first word to the last photo. But the news papers did not miss the opportunity to make a huge storm and almost all over Ivanovskaya yelled that their informant Amelchenko, who disappeared in October of this year, had allegedly been “dismembered”.

In this regard, Korotkov's article was smashed to smithereens by war correspondent Roman Saponkov, who pointed out that the journalist knew nothing about Amelchenko, but exposed him as a "super secret informant." Take at least the fact that the past of this person is very vague and his story does not break through at all.

Or the situation with his alleged disappearance, in which the "abductors" "accidentally" dropped his phone, carefully deleted all the photos from there, which, in principle, is absurd, and left only 3 pictures. Korotkov later passed them off as photos from Syria, which were actually taken in Beirut.

But the most striking thing is that Amelchenko's lost phone was found by some bum behind the garages, who picked it up at the very moment when he was called from Novaya. And he not only had a kind conversation with them, but also brought his mobile phone to the editorial office. In our country, as you know, any homeless person is the color of nations, conscientious and honest, and always does so.

And yesterday it was finally confirmed that Korotkov, together with Novaya Gazeta, were insolently trying to deceive everyone. It turned out that the “lost and killed” Amelchenko was alive and came to the police to testify. According to the "informant", Korotkov offered him some money and promised him about 300,000 rubles in exchange for reading information that the journalist had invented himself into a dictaphone.

At the same time, the Novogazetnik promised Amelchenko 20,000 euros in addition for a video proof, and then hid it for a month in a remote village. Just at that moment, a wave of rumors about the "brutal murder" or almost about the "dismemberment" of Korotkov's informant began to roll. In the end, Amelchenko was given about 200 thousand more, and then, apparently, they were thrown out as unnecessary. It was then that the "informant" realized that, it seems, Korotkov had thrown him and rushed with a statement to the police.

Therefore, this whole exaggerated "detective" story with Amelchenko succinctly fits into the framework of the policy of Novaya Gazeta, which is no stranger to lying. All her previous "investigations" are fakes made with a finger. For example, about the fact that Moscow was allegedly ready to exchange the terrorist Sentsov for Butina, Yaroshenko and Bout

Novaya Gazeta has always been a lousy information sheet with no truth in it. And now Novaya can be completely buried: recently, Denis Korotkov, the king of linden and a real fake thrower, has been working in this newspaper as a staff journalist. Although this time, this creative union can be considered successful: finally, Korotkov's journalistic obscenity will immediately "float" in the cesspool of NG.

Korotkov not only earned himself a bad name by leaking personal data of our military pilots and volunteer heroes in Syria to the Syrian Islamists. The other day, Denis Korotkov completely concocted a non-existent case about his informant, who provided him with information on Syrian issues, and then suddenly disappeared, most likely, was kidnapped and killed by Korotkov's ill-wishers.

But the day before yesterday, this allegedly murdered informer, Valery Amelchenko, appeared at the police station and testified against Korotkov, telling how it was with information on Syria and his ephemeral kidnapping, in fact. So, Korotkov simply paid Amelchenko, first for the fake material that Deniska himself composed about SAR, and then for the temporary disappearance of the fake informant, staging his possible death.

At the same time, this whole story with Amelchenko was fabricated so clumsily that Korotkov was exposed even before the false informant of the police appeared. The first to bring Deniska to clean water was the military commander Roman Saponkov. He immediately drew public attention to the fact that the story of Korotkovsky's informant was not getting through and was not "googled". And the fact that only the necessary photos from Syria remained on his phone, which was miraculously found and returned after the mysterious disappearance of Amelchenko himself, also seemed strange to Saponkov.

Although, after it turned out that these pictures were all fake, since they were not from the SAR, but from Beirut, everything fell into place, and Korotkov's deception was fully revealed. The day before yesterday's appearance and confession of Amelchenko set the last currents over "and" in this grotesque story of journalistic forgery and professional meanness of Korotkov.

True, from the very beginning, few people believed in the veracity of this whole story about the disappearance of a fake informant. According to Roman Nosikov, columnist for Odnako magazine, he had no doubts about such an ending to this “grand” adventure in its absurdity. “Basically, it was expected. This is Korotkov, ”the journalist noted.

By publishing such fake materials, Novaya performs in its usual repertoire. And the fact that this Korotkovsky linden appeared on the virtual pages of Novaya Gazeta is also expected and extremely symbolic: two noble fake-men found each other, as they say. After all, Novaya Gazeta has never shied away from publishing all sorts of lies and outright anti-Russian disinformation.

For example, Novaya Gazeta lied about the fact that Moscow wants to exchange the Ukrainian terrorist Sentsov for Bout, Yaroshenko and Butina. Another fictitious material of the “newspapers” was a rubbish newspaper publication that the legendary Donbass militia commander Givi was allegedly killed by his subordinates, which was also a pure lie from a to z. So it was as easy for Novaya Gazeta to lie about Amelchenko as it was to receive Western funding for practicing the Russophobic agenda in the Russian media space by NG's hacks.

In its boundless impudence and cynicism, Novaya Gazeta went even further. In addition to the fact that only fakes and fakes appear from this cesspool, NG does not hesitate to beg donations from its readers, under the slogan "Become an accomplice."

True, in the context of Novaya Gazeta, only one continuation of such a motto suggests itself: “Become an accomplice in the crimes of Novaya Gazeta,” the informational nature of which does not make them any less disgusting. Only such hardened businessmen as Muratov and Kozheurov could come up with such a scam to voluntarily collect money from their subscribers for outright lies in their lousy publication. Korotkov's last material, completely sucked from the finger, once again clearly shows what high-profile scandals and fake murders NG readers can become an accomplice for their own money.

In conclusion, I would like to repeat once again, saying that the liar and fake thrower Korotkov has the right place in the staff of other Russophobic hacks of Novaya Gazeta. With his participation in the work of "NG", the fake materials of this anti-Russian newspaper will become even dumber and clumsier, and the reputation of the editorial board of "Novaya" as the most deceitful edition of Runet will forever remain a disgrace to domestic journalism.