Stretch with your own hands. How to make a stretch ceiling with your own hands? Installation of internal and external corners

Many people decide to make repairs in the apartment with their own hands. If there are no serious problems with walls or flooring, then if it is necessary to finish the ceiling, often inexperienced craftsmen panic. Only a specialist can qualitatively level the ceiling, while there will be a lot of dust and dirt in the room. Often there is a need to update the ceiling in a residential area, but there is no desire and financial means to repair the entire room. The way out is stretch ceilings. There is a large selection of color solutions, and after you get acquainted with the technology of their installation and the recommendations of specialists, you will be able to independently perform their installation. Such designs look beautiful and impressive, they can imitate different materials, so they will organically fit into any interior.

Types of stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings appeared relatively recently, but due to their beautiful appearance, ease of installation and other advantages, they quickly gained wide popularity.

The design of the stretch ceiling consists of a canvas and a frame, on which it is stretched under the influence of high temperature. A wide range of canvases allows you to choose the material for any interior. This solution allows you to make a smooth matte or glossy surface, it can be either plain or with any print.

Stretch ceiling allows you to hide all the irregularities

You can create both single and multi-level structures. If the width of the web is sufficient, then it is laid in one piece, and when not, it is connected by a weld. The principle of installation of a stretch ceiling will be the same: first, the frame is mounted from the profile, and then the canvas is fixed. There are several ways to fix the canvas, which we will discuss later.

PVC stretch ceiling

The PVC film used for such a stretch ceiling is environmentally friendly and can be used for residential areas. Such canvases are the most common and occupy about 90%, while fabric ones account for only 10% of the market. The film can be 1.3 wide; 1.5; 1.8; 2.2 m, but now some manufacturers have begun to produce sheets 5 m wide. The PVC sheet is completely sealed, it does not let water through, so if you are flooded by neighbors from above, you just need to drain the water that collects on the film.

Such structures can be of the following types:

  1. Glossy. The surface is shiny, and thanks to its specularity, the room visually increases. For small rooms with low ceilings, light colors are best, and for large and spacious rooms, you need to choose darker colors. If the width of the canvas is not enough, then the connection of the two pieces is carried out by welding, this is done where the stretch ceiling is ordered. The disadvantage is that if there is a seam, although it is not very, it is still noticeable and this slightly spoils the appearance of such a ceiling.

    Glossy surface helps visually increase the size of the room

  2. Matte. In this case, the surface is matte and the choice of colors is much less than in the previous version. Outwardly, such a ceiling resembles a perfectly leveled plasterboard surface. This solution is chosen for large rooms, when natural or artificial light hits the matte surface, glare is not created and the color is not distorted.

    Matte ceiling resembles a well-leveled drywall surface

  3. Satin. Such a surface imitates satin, it has a pearly sheen and a beautiful texture; in other characteristics, the material is no different from matte or glossy options.

    Satin ceiling imitates satin and has a pearly sheen

  4. With photo printing. In this case, any pattern can be applied to the surface of the film, but otherwise they have characteristics similar to the previous types of canvases.

    Any pattern can be applied to the stretch fabric

fabric ceilings

In this case, fabric is used as a fabric, the width of such fabrics can be up to 5.5 m. To create a fabric, nylon or polyester threads are used, after which the fabric is soaked in polyurethane and dried. Usually fabric ceilings are matte and their color range is not as wide as that of glossy options.

The advantages of this solution are its high strength. Fabric canvases are not afraid of cold, so they can be installed both in heated and unheated rooms. Although such a canvas has water-repellent qualities, but if it is in water for a long time, it begins to let it through. The fact that it can pass water is not very good, but such a canvas passes air, so it can "breathe".

Fabric canvas is stronger than vinyl

A pattern is easily applied to the fabric, after a while such a ceiling can be repainted, this can be done up to 5 times.

If a special heat gun is required to install a PVC film, then the fabric web is mounted in a cold way, so everything is very easy to do with your own hands.

with a seam

Usually we do not even suspect that the stretch ceiling has a seam, most often seams are made on PVC film. Although the width of the fabric webs is large, sometimes they also have to be sewn together. Do not be afraid of seams, as they are made in production using special equipment. If the seam is made with high quality, then it has no less strength than the canvas itself and will not burst under load.

If the seam is done correctly, then it is almost invisible

The seam turns out to be imperceptible, it can only be seen at close range, and if canvases of different colors are used, it is practically invisible. Most of all, the seam is visible on a glossy surface, on a matte or satin it is less noticeable.


Modern technologies make it possible to create both PVC and fabric fabrics up to 5 meters wide, so it became possible to install seamless stretch ceilings in large rooms. The installation of seamless and seamed sheets is equally simple when using the seamless option, you do not have to wait until the company completes the welding of the sheets. This allows you to quickly complete the installation and get the finished ceiling. The absence of a seam makes this solution more aesthetic and beautiful. If the width of the room exceeds 5 meters, then in such cases, seamless ceilings turn into structures with a seam.

Seamless canvases can be installed in a room with a width of not more than 5 m

Video: types of stretch ceilings

Photo gallery: options and configurations of stretch ceilings

Calculation of the required amount of canvas and auxiliary components

To create a stretch ceiling, not only the canvas itself is required, but also auxiliary elements:

  1. Fasteners, which are called baguettes. These elements must be strong in order to withstand not only the mass of the canvas, but also the water that can get from the neighbors from above. They can be aluminum or plastic. A visible baguette is mounted on a flat wall. For multi-level structures, invisible baguettes are used, but masking tape must be used with them. In order to determine the number of baguettes, it is necessary to determine the perimeter of the room, that is, the sum of all its sides on which the baguettes will be mounted.

    A harpoon, glazing bead, or clip system can be used to fasten the canvas.

  2. Camouflage tape. It is necessary to hide the gap between the wall and the canvas at the place where the baguette is attached. Make a masking tape from an elastic material. This element is produced in white, and if necessary, it can be painted.

    Masking tape hides the gap between the canvas and the wall

  3. Wall corner. It performs the same functions as masking tape.

    The wall corner allows you to hide wide gaps

  4. Lighting elements. To install lighting devices, thermal rings of different diameters are used, their number in each case is determined separately.

    Universal ring can be used for luminaires of different diameters

When calculating the required amount of canvas, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is taken into account, if the ceiling is mounted horizontally to the floor, then the size of the canvas will correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. When it is located at an angle, when the ceiling has a curved surface or it has a multi-level structure, the calculation is performed using special programs.

If you decide to independently determine the amount of canvas for a rectangular room, then the calculation sequence will be as follows:

With a complex shape of the ceiling, calculations are performed in the following sequence:

Necessary tools for assembly and disassembly

In order for you to be able to independently perform the installation or dismantling of a stretch ceiling, you must have the following tools:

Ceiling fixing methods

There are several options for mounting a false ceiling. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages, and in order to decide which method to choose, you first need to familiarize yourself with them in more detail.

Fasteners are installed and fixed around the perimeter of the room. The canvas for this installation method should be 7–10% smaller than the size of the room. A harpoon is welded along the edges of the canvas, special equipment is used for this, so they do it only at the enterprise. The canvas is hung on hangers-holders and begins to heat up.

To mount the canvas, a special spatula is used, the work starts from one corner, after which they switch to the one that is placed diagonally and so on. After fixing the corners, you can proceed to refueling the middle of the canvas in a baguette. It is not necessary to control the tension of the canvas, since it is already precisely cut to the size of the room. At the last stage, a decorative insert is installed and the ceiling is ready.

The harpoon is welded to the canvas and ensures its reliable fastening

The advantages of the harpoon mounting system are as follows:

  • at any time, the canvas can be removed and reinstalled;
  • since the canvas is 7–10% smaller than the size of the room, the possibility of its sagging will be minimal, the harpoon securely fixes the canvas;
  • it is convenient to drain the water that came from the neighbors from above, it is enough to remove one side of the canvas, and then install it in place;
  • suitable for creating multi-level structures.

Among the disadvantages of this installation method, it can be noted that its cost will be higher than that of the glazing bead method and the height of the baguette is greater, for the harpoon it is 3.5 cm, instead of 1.5 cm for the glazing bead system.

Shpatik or wedge method

Between themselves, these two methods differ only in the elements of fixing the web. In the first case, glazing beads are used, and in the second, special wedges. The glazing system is more common, since the cost of glazing beads is less than wedges.

First, a baguette is fixed along the perimeter on the walls. After that, the canvas is hung up and heated. In this case, the canvas should have a margin of 10–20 cm in width and length. First, the canvas is fixed on the short side of the room; for this, the glazing bead is inserted into the baguette. After that, installation is carried out on the long sides of the room and at the last moment, installation is carried out on the second short side.

When using the glazing bead method, you need to take the canvas with a small margin

When using the glazing bead method, it is important that the canvas is placed evenly and that it does not move to one side. It remains to cut off the excess canvas and fix the decorative inserts.

The main advantages of the glazing bead mounting system:

  • low cost of necessary components;
  • the height between the stretch ceiling and the base is only 1.5 cm, which is very important for low rooms;
  • no need to accurately measure the canvas, as is done in the harpoon method.

Such a system also has a number of disadvantages that must be considered when choosing it:

  • after the installation of the glazing bead, the canvas is deformed, therefore, after its dismantling, it will no longer be possible to reinstall it;
  • if the neighbors flooded from above, then it will not work to drain the water by removing the canvas on one side of the baguette and it is often necessary to replace it;
  • after a while, the glazing beads can change their size and fall out of the baguette;
  • if the web tension is carried out by insufficiently qualified installers, there may be a curvature of the seams;
  • canvas sagging is possible;
  • this installation method is not suitable for creating multi-level structures.

Cam method

When using the cam method of mounting a stretch ceiling, a special tape is used, on which there are retractable cams. One element is fixed, and the second is dynamic; a canvas is installed and fixed between them. The cams, when the film is advanced with a spatula, move apart, after which they automatically compress and securely fix the stretch ceiling. When using special baguettes, the distance between the canvas and the ceiling can be only 8 mm.

This method is very similar to the previous one, so it has the same advantages and disadvantages. After installation, a white plastic profile will be visible around the perimeter of the ceiling, and if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is large, then small folds may form along the perimeter and in the corners that do not decorate the ceiling.

In the clip system, one cam is fixed, and the second is automatically compressed

No matter how the installation of the stretch ceiling is carried out, until the fixtures are installed, the surface will not take on a finished look. Proper placement of lighting fixtures will help create beautiful effects.

Dismantling Features

You can do the installation of a stretch ceiling with your own hands, but for this you need not only to familiarize yourself with the technology for performing work, but also to purchase all the necessary tools and equipment.

Regardless of the type of canvas and the type of its installation, the technology for performing such work consists of the following steps:

  1. Wall markings. To do this, use a laser level, with which they expose and mark the line for attaching baguettes.
  2. Fastening profiles to the wall. The step between the dowels should be about 10-20 cm to ensure secure fixation of the baguettes.
  3. Panel installation. To install PVC sheets, you will need a heat gun, you can rent or buy it. Even if you only need it for mounting the canvas, having bought such equipment, you can use it to heat the garage, utility room, or install custom-made stretch ceilings.

Preparatory stage

Before proceeding with the installation of a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to perform preparatory work. The sequence of their execution will be as follows:

  1. Assessment of the state of the ceiling surface. It is necessary to carefully examine the ceiling, if there are areas on it that can fall off, they must be repaired so that after the installation of the canvas it is not damaged. In order for the coating of the base ceiling not to crumble, it must be primed.

    The surface of the ceiling must be cleaned of areas that can fall off, after which it is primed

  2. Seal cracks and holes in the ceiling. If the installation is carried out in a private house and there is a wooden floor in it, then it is necessary to seal up all the cracks with high quality foam. To prevent the canvas from swelling due to air movement.
  3. Room preparation. It is better when there is no furniture in the room, so if there is such an opportunity, then it is better to take it out for this time to ensure the possibility of free movement. If this is not possible, then you need to at least move the furniture to the center of the room.
  4. If there is external wiring, then it is attached to the base so that it does not touch the panel.

    The wiring is fixed to the base surface so that it does not reach the web

  5. If sloping corners are installed on plastic windows, then it is better to remove them while the room is warming up.
  6. It is necessary to note the places for attaching the baguettes and the places for installing fixtures.

    The marking of the baguette fastening points is carried out using a laser level

Step by step installation of PVC ceiling

Consider the procedure for installing a single-level stretch PVC ceiling using a harpoon method:

  1. Profile mounting. Baguettes are fastened along the marked line along the perimeter of the room. To do this, use dowels, install them in increments of 10–20 cm. If it is impossible to install wall profiles, mount ceiling ones.

    The baguette is fixed every 10–20 cm

  2. In the marked places for lamps, embedded rings are installed, they are attached to the ceiling on special brackets, and wiring is carried out. After mounting the canvas on the embedded elements, thermal rings are glued, after which slots are made, lamps are installed and connected. To attach the chandelier, you need to securely fasten the hook.

    In places where fixtures are attached, embedded rings are installed

  3. Canvas installation. The room is heated to 40 degrees, after which the canvas is unfolded and fixed with special clamps in the base corner. Warming up the canvas, fix it in the opposite corner, and then in the other corners. After that, they fill it in the middle of the walls and continue until there are no unfilled sections left. The heated harpoon becomes elastic, the canvas stretches well and is easily fixed. Filling a harpoon into a baguette is carried out using a spatula.

    PVC fabric must be heated with a heat gun

  4. Installation of masking tape. The remaining gap between the ceiling and the wall is closed with a masking tape, a ceiling plinth or a special insert. The gap is closed with a tape or insert, one of their sides is inserted into the baguette connector, and the other onto the wall plate. These items can always be removed. Foam or polyurethane baseboards are mounted on liquid nails, they can be painted in the desired color or left white.

    Masking tape helps to hide the gap between the wall and the stretch fabric

For a wide gap, skirting boards are used, and for narrow gaps, wall corners or masking tapes are used.

Installation of fabric stretch ceiling

Preparatory work and installation of profiles for a fabric ceiling are carried out in the same way as when installing a PVC sheet. There will be differences when fixing the panel, since a heat gun is not used here and installation is carried out by the “cold method”:

Video: instructions for installing a stretch ceiling

Regardless of whether a fabric or PVC stretch fabric was installed, such ceilings are unpretentious in operation and it is easy to keep them clean. If you follow the rules of operation and care instructions, then fabric and vinyl canvases will last a long time and always look beautiful.

Basic rules of operation:

  1. For PVC film, negative temperatures are detrimental, so it cannot be installed in unheated rooms. To create a stretch ceiling in the country, if you live there intermittently, you must use fabric sheets.
  2. With careless behavior with sharp objects, you can easily damage both the vinyl and the fabric canvas.

    With careless handling of sharp objects, the stretch ceiling is easily damaged

  3. If the fabric canvas is damaged, then you can try to sew up this place, install a broken lamp or stick an application, it will be cheaper than changing the entire fabric.
  4. If the vinyl film is damaged, the cut can also be sealed with a patch, usually the installers leave a small piece of the canvas. If there is no such film, then you can make an application from another canvas, install a fake lamp in this place.
  5. During flooding, the vinyl film does not allow water into the room, the thickness of the film is enough for one square meter of such a coating to withstand 80-100 liters of water. If the flow is insignificant, then over time the water will simply evaporate.
  6. Although the fabric cloth has a high moisture resistance, but moisture must be removed from it no later than in a day, otherwise it will begin to leak.
  7. To drain the water, use a hole for the lamp, and if it is not there, then you need to remove the film on one side. After that, the water is drained into the prepared container using a flexible hose. After draining the water, do not rush to close the hole, let the ceiling dry.

    Drainage of water can be done through the holes for fixtures or remove part of the canvas

  8. Since the material does not attract dust, its cleaning in the bedroom or living room comes down to periodic dry cleaning. If stains appear, they can be washed off with soapy water, and then wiped with a dry sponge.
  9. Often in the kitchen, the glossy surface loses its luster due to the ingress of soot and grease on it. To restore the condition of the canvas, use special tools or ammonia dissolved in water.
  10. Solvents, aggressive detergents and abrasive materials should not be used to clean vinyl and fabric sheets.
  11. The fabric canvas can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush, it can also be repainted up to 5-7 times.
  12. The power of incandescent lamps used should not exceed 60 W, and halogen lamps 30 W, otherwise the material will begin to melt and change its color.

Do-it-yourself stretch ceiling dismantling

If you do not independently carry out the installation of a stretch ceiling, then be sure to ask what profile it is being installed on. This is necessary, since the harpoon method of installation allows you to dismantle and re-mount the stretch ceiling without problems, and the screed or wedge method does not make it possible to remove the canvas without damaging it, and subsequent installation is no longer possible.

A stretch ceiling is not cheap, and if it becomes necessary to dismantle it with further installation, and you do not have the relevant experience, then it is better to invite a specialist. His services will still be cheaper than buying a new canvas. After you have decided on the type of baguette and the vinyl or fabric canvas, you can proceed to dismantling.

Before starting dismantling, as well as before installation work, it is necessary to free the room from furniture, and if this is not possible, then at least move it to the middle, this is necessary in order to provide free access to fasteners. Since a heat gun will be used in the room, it is necessary to protect objects that are afraid of exposure to high temperatures.

How to remove PVC ceiling

Depending on the fastening used, the sequence of dismantling the vinyl sheet will differ.

Harpoon system

  1. In this case, it is necessary to start removing the PVC sheet from the corners.
  2. Warm up the film.

    The harpoon in the corner of the room is hooked with pliers, and then pulled out with your hands

  3. With the help of the hands, the baguette is further extended, starting from the corner and moving towards the middle, this is done in all corners.

Bead or wedge system

Cam system

In this case, there is no protective insert, since its function is performed by the lower cam. It is enough with the help of two screwdrivers located at a distance of 30–40 cm from each other to press on the movable cam and release the canvas, so they move along the perimeter of the room and remove the stretch ceiling.

Using a screwdriver, release the movable cam and remove the blade

How to remove fabric ceiling

When dismantling the fabric web, there is no need to create a high temperature. If a bead or wedge system is used, then dismantling is carried out in the same way as for a vinyl sheet. The only difference will be that they start from the middle of the room and move towards its corners.

The fabric canvas begins to be dismantled from the middle of the wall and moves to the corners of the room

If during installation, the fabric was cut off without a certain margin, then it will not work to install it again in the same room. The fabric stretches much worse compared to the vinyl film.

When using a cam fastening, it is not possible to dismantle only one side of the blade. It is necessary to remove it completely, otherwise, when re-installing, the clip may not provide a secure fastening, and the material will slip out of the baguette.

Video: dismantling the stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling is a popular and modern way of finishing, which is used both in houses and apartments, as well as in offices, bars and other premises. The technology of its installation is simple, and if you adhere to it, then any home craftsman will be able to cope with the work.

To install a stretch ceiling with your own hands, which today is a fairly popular design, you need to have a good understanding of the technology of its installation. During installation, a number of nuances always arise, which are closely related to the individual characteristics of the ceiling being designed. How to make a stretch ceiling with your own hands, and will be discussed in this article.

Mounting technology

If you decompose the entire installation process point by point, you get the following instructions for installing a stretch ceiling with your own hands:

  • Ceiling marking and baguette installation;
  • Installation of lamps;
  • Installation of hangers for curtains;
  • Stretch ceiling;
  • Installation of lamps;
  • Installing the cap and cornice.

Before you make a stretch ceiling with your own hands, you need to consider each stage in detail so as not to encounter surprises during work.

Stretch ceiling marking and baguette installation

The first stage of installation of a stretch ceiling includes the following operations:

  • Before you install a stretch ceiling with your own hands, you need to properly prepare the surface. It is necessary to remove a layer of old plaster and treat the ceiling with a primer with an antiseptic - this will protect the structure from the appearance of mold and fungus, which always appear in areas that do not have any ventilation.
  • The next step is the markup, which must be done before you stretch the stretch ceiling with your own hands. With the help of the level you need to beat off the horizon line. Next, you need to find the lowest point of the ceiling and calculate the distance at which spotlights with fixtures and wiring can be placed. The free space for the installation of these elements must be at least 7 cm. A pencil or a coloring cord is used for marking.

  • A baguette is attached to the marked areas. Aluminum baguettes show themselves best - they are more durable, so the probability of sagging of the stretch ceiling is minimized. However, you can also choose plastic elements. The back of the baguette is sawn in those places that will be adjacent to the corner sections of the walls. The baguette is attached to the wall with self-tapping screws and dowels, which are driven into the wall every 20 cm (if the walls are not very strong, then the step can be reduced to 10 cm). All joints of the structure are sealed with masking tape. Before a stretch ceiling is made, consider in detail all the stages of work.

Installation of fixtures

  • First you need to purchase everything you need to install stretch ceilings, including mortgages for fixtures. A good option would be special thermoplastic platforms, which are selected according to the diameter of the lighting fixtures already purchased. However, if necessary, you can take universal platforms that can be cut to fit any size of lamps.
  • Mortgages are attached to the ceiling with metal hangers. Exactly the same suspensions are used to form the frame of the plasterboard ceiling. To fix the hangers, self-tapping screws 3.5x11 mm are used.

  • On the ceiling you need to make marks that will show the location of the lamps. When choosing the lighting power, it is worth starting from the proportion of 35 W of lamp power per 1 m 2 of the ceiling. Each group of lamps has its own branch box, and the wires stretch up to those areas where the lamps will be located. It is recommended to pull the wires through the corrugation - it is more reliable and safer.
  • Mortgages together with wires are fixed on the ceiling. The second edge of the metal hangers is fixed, and you need to make sure that their lower level ideally matches the level of the stretch ceiling.
  • The loop with wires is extended beyond the mortgage by about 15 cm and cut in half at the very bottom. The wires are stripped and insulated, after which the terminal blocks are installed. The insulation must be strong enough so that no short circuit can occur under the platform. The wires, together with the terminal blocks, are laid on the mortgage - otherwise, these elements may interfere with the installation of the stretch ceiling canvas.

Using the same technology, all elements for the chandelier are installed, which will be located in the center of the ceiling. The only difference is the increase in the size of the embedded platform.

Attachment for curtain hangers

If the curtains will be attached to the ceiling, then you need to pre-mount the appropriate suspensions, which is done as follows:

  1. First you need to install mortgages for the cornices. Installation is very simple - first you need to drill holes, insert dowels into them and fix straight hangers with self-tapping screws. Further, a paint cord is stretched between the walls at the same height where the stretch ceiling will pass.
  2. At the measured level, you need to install a wooden beam of suitable length. If the length is not enough, you need to take another piece and combine them. It is attached to the ceiling with metal hangers. In order for the tree to last long enough, it is recommended to treat it with a protective compound before installation, which will prevent contact between material and moisture.

ceiling stretch

After completing the previous steps, you can finally do the installation of the canvas, for which you need to perform the following operations:

  • Proper installation of stretch ceilings suggests that crocodile-type clothespins will be hung at the corners of the ceiling, which will prevent the canvas from slipping out during the stretching process. Thanks to the existing gasket, the canvas will not be damaged. The installation in this example will be done with a gas gun and a rounded trowel.
  • The canvas is unfolded and carefully inspected for damage. If everything is in order, then the edges of the canvas are wound into clothespins located in the corners. The canvas needs to be fixed in several more places and brought into a baguette using a spatula. Gently heating the canvas with a gun, you need to fill it into a baguette in the direction from the corners to the center.

  • In the event that a Clipso-type canvas was chosen for installation, the installation will take place using a slightly different technology. In this case, a gas gun is not required - the canvas will be stretched over the hoop, and all irregularities are smoothed out with a hair dryer.
  • Extra strips that hang down when stretched must be cut off with a knife, but this can only be done if the canvas is well stretched. If the stretch ceiling sags, you must immediately solve this problem. Having filled all the corners, you need to continue heating the canvas and fill its middle part. To qualitatively stretch the ceiling with your own hands, you need to heat the gas gun to 60 degrees.
  • As you stretch the canvas, you can remove the clips. Being engaged in the installation of the canvas, you need to try to simultaneously hold it and tuck it into a baguette. It is best to involve an assistant to complete the work - the installation will be much faster, and more attention can be paid to the quality of individual operations.

Installation of lighting fixtures

By installing a stretch ceiling with your own hands step by step and having completed all the previous operations, you can proceed to install the lamps:

  • When the canvas is stretched, you need to find the points where the mortgages for the fixtures were installed. Next, thermal rings are taken and coated with a special adhesive. You can’t take ordinary glue - most of these compounds render the ceiling canvas unusable.
  • The thermal rings smeared with glue are carefully applied to the mortgages and held for several minutes so that the glue grabs. In the inner circle of the ring, the canvas is cut with a sharp knife. This operation is performed with each mortgage. Through the holes obtained, wires are pulled out to connect the lamps.
  • Now you can proceed directly to the installation of light bulbs. It is recommended to select them so that the power of each individual lamp is no more than 40 W - otherwise the risk of damage to the stretch ceiling fabric is very high. Spotlights must have a rim that covers the thermal ring. In addition, when choosing lamps, you should give preference to products with cooling grilles and a durable radiator.

When all the bulbs are installed in their places, it remains only to check the lighting devices for operability.

Mounting the cap and cornice

Performing a step-by-step installation of a stretch ceiling with your own hands, it remains only to mount the plug and the cornice of the stretch ceiling. As a result, a noticeable gap will remain between the wall and the stretch ceiling, to mask which you can use special skirting boards, matching them to the corresponding interior. Only the wall can be used as a support for the plinth - the ceiling is not a rigid structure, therefore, when attached to it, the web may be pulled together and damaged. A ceiling cornice is attached to the mortgages on metal hangers, on which curtains are hung.


Mounting a stretch ceiling with your own hands is easy if you use the technology described in this article. Attentiveness and accuracy at every stage of work will allow you to create a high-quality and beautiful ceiling that will delight all residents and guests with its appearance.

Today, many are wondering "How to make a stretch ceiling with your own hands." The question is more than relevant, because. Without the involvement of specialists, you can save a substantial amount of money on repairs. But not many people know how to properly install a stretch ceiling. Our article is designed to correct this situation and help you understand all the nuances of this process.

The technology for installing a stretch ceiling made of PVC film is approximately the same. A baguette is installed along the perimeter of the room at the same level - a profile that performs fastening functions. Then unfold the canvas of the future ceiling and hang it in the corners of the room. Next, the suspended canvas is heated with a heat gun. As a result, the film becomes elastic and stretches quite easily. The canvas is stretched at the corners of the room, fixing each corner of the film into a baguette. After that, the remaining perimeter of the room is snapped into the profile. Upon completion of the work, the film cools down and stretches tightly, turning into a perfectly smooth and even ceiling covering.

Preparing for installation

Before installing a stretch ceiling, it is necessary to carry out several procedures with the walls and with the base ceiling.

The walls must be even. In new buildings, this is the stage of finishing putty, or the walls are sewn up with drywall. The ceiling itself is cleaned from the old finishing coating - everything that crumbles or can fall off is eliminated. After we apply a layer of soil mixture that protects the ceiling from mold and fungi. Docking and interpanel seams are well foamed. The junction of the ceiling with the walls, around the entire perimeter, must also be airtight. If the gaps are not eliminated, in the future this may adversely affect the stretch ceiling. It can either "inflate like a balloon" or stick to its native ceiling.

The ideal conditions for installing a stretch ceiling are a room without furniture. If this is not possible, then it is necessary to facilitate access to the corners and to the perimeter of the room as much as possible. Take out household items and household appliances. Furniture and everything left to move to the center of the room, then cover with a protective film.

Necessary tools and accessories for installation of a stretch ceiling

  • level (laser or water);
  • chopping cord;
  • roulette;
  • saw blade for metal;
  • screwdriver;
  • perforator;
  • a heat gun with a gas cylinder or a building hair dryer;
  • spatula (spatula);
  • clerical knife with replaceable blades;
  • hammer and screwdriver;
  • ladder;
  • Ceiling material and fixing profile (baguette).

Additional components (depending on the work being done, not all may be needed): self-tapping screws and dowels (you can dowel-nails); second glue; heat-resistant rings for lamps; clips for hanging the canvas (crabs, crocodiles); screwdriver bit; drill for perforator; direct suspensions; bedbugs (small self-tapping screws for assembling mortgages); mortgages themselves.

Wall marking

When marking the walls, it is necessary to take into account the unevenness of the base ceiling. In 95% of cases, the corners of the room will be at different levels. Based on this, there are several markup options:

  • If you use a laser level on a tripod, then this process will be as simple as possible for you. We set the level in the center of the room and alternately direct it to each corner. We find the lowest one, we indent from the ceiling a few centimeters. For ease of installation, the recommended indent is from 3-5 cm. It should be done more if you plan to install spotlights. On the laser line, we draw marks with a pencil in each corner.

  • In the absence of a level, you can use the usual roulette. Of course, a small error of 1-2 cm may occur, but against the general background of the installed stretch ceiling, this will not be visible. We measure the height of each corner from floor to ceiling. Find the lowest one. Subtract the planned indent from the obtained value (for example, 5 cm). Next, mark the result on the wall. On the remaining corners, we also mark the obtained height value from the floor.

Next, you will need the help of a “partner”. We stretch the chopping cord along the wall, apply it to the prepared marks and “shoot”. As a result, a straight line will remain on the wall, indicating the level of your future ceiling. In the same way we connect all the marks around the perimeter.

Installation of a profile (baguette)

Before installing the profile on the walls, drill holes in it with a screwdriver at a distance of 7-10 cm. In the future, this will facilitate installation and there will be less risk of damaging the walls and wallpaper.

You should start from any of the corners. On the ribbed side of the baguette, we washed down to the middle, bend the stick.

We apply the ribbed side to the wall, along the lower edge of the profile, to the marking line. We drill, we hammer in the dowel-nails with a hammer.

We fasten the next profile stick butt-to-butt with the installed one, the lower edge should be even. We glue all joints with paper tape.

Having reached the next corner, the question arises of “how to do it?”. We measure the length from the corner to the edge of the baguette with a tape measure, subtract 1 cm, remember. We take the next stick, on the reverse side (ribbed) we mark the resulting length. We saw along the line to the middle, bend, try on a corner on the wall, fasten.

When installing the profile on drywall, tighten the screws at an angle. This will give additional rigidity to the fasteners and, during the stretching of the canvas, will not allow the baguette to be pulled away from the wall (to form cracks).

Proper profile installation is the key to successful installation of a stretch ceiling! From this stage depends on how, in the end result, your ceiling will look.

After, if necessary, we mount mortgages and lay wiring.

Canvas installation

Consider the example of a rectangular room.

First of all, we fasten the garters (clips) to the profile in the corners of the room.

Carefully unpack the canvas, fasten the corners of the film into the clamps.

If the film was in a cold room, first bring it into the heat and let it warm up. During unpacking, you can heat the material from the heat gun, only very carefully (do not point the gun nozzle at the same part for a long time, you can burn the film).

So, the film is suspended, we fill the first corner (any). After we move to the corner diagonally. We take the corner of the canvas in our hands, remove the clamp. The partner starts the heat gun and starts to heat the canvas from the angle set in the profile, diagonally towards you. After a while, the ceiling will begin to stretch under your efforts. You can use the help of a partner: he can climb a ladder and help pull the film to the corner. You just have to snap the harpoon into the baguette using the special. spatula (spatula). We perform the same actions with the remaining corners.

Next, we proceed to fixing the straight sections along the walls. So that the process goes evenly and folds (wrinkles) do not form on the canvas, we divide all the unfixed sections in half and fix them in a baguette. In the absence of experience and skills in installing a stretch ceiling, halve loose areas as often as possible. This will greatly facilitate the fixation of the canvas.

There are times when folds (wrinkles) appear during installation. Eliminate them with a heat gun. Point the nozzle and heat the crease area for a few seconds. Wrinkles will disappear.

The ceiling is stretched, we install a decorative insert, or a ceiling plinth. We glue heat-resistant plastic rings under the chandelier and lamps, if necessary, completing the installation process.

Installation of seamless fabric ceilings

Installation of fabric ceilings is slightly different from installation of PVC film. The advantage is that there is no need to heat the room. This means that you will not need such an important tool as a heat gun and a gas cylinder.

If we begin to stretch the PVC ceiling from the corners of the room, then the fabric one, on the contrary, from the middle of the walls. At the same time, at the beginning of the process, a kind of cross is formed. Starting from which, we stretch the fabric from the center to the corners.

We cut off the fabric hanging along the edges with a knife.

To finally visualize the whole process, watch this video:

Summing up, I’ll say the following: “You can always try to start doing it yourself, the price will decrease by at least 2-3 times. And if something does not work out, it is never too late to invite specialists. Good luck and patience to you and your repair.

To give the interior sophistication and originality, stretch ceilings are installed in the room. This work is not easy and requires a lot of responsibility. But if you follow all the recommendations and have a partner, then everyone can do it themselves.

Stretch ceiling features

Stretch ceilings are mounted either from a PVC sheet or from a polyester-based fabric, which are fixed in the profile. Their disadvantages include the fact that the canvas is easy to cut through with a sharp object. But the installation of such ceilings has many advantages.

Thanks to this ceiling, you can hide any defects on the draft ceiling and get a perfectly flat surface. Performing its installation, you do not need to expend effort to take the furniture out of the room. Stretch ceilings are guaranteed to last at least 10 years. They are multifunctional, since behind them you can hide heat and sound insulation, all wires and mount any lamps in them.

PVC sheets are not afraid of fire, so they can be installed in the kitchen and in rooms with fire communications. They are not afraid of moisture, they can withstand a lot of water, while bending to the floor, and not tear. And after pumping it out, the ceiling easily takes its original position.

PVC ceilings have a strength that is equal to 100 kg per 1 m 2. Since they do not collect condensate, they can be installed in rooms with high humidity. Due to the fact that during their installation the height of the room is reduced by only 50 mm, stretch ceilings are suitable for rooms with low ceilings. They are very easy to care for, just wipe them with a damp cloth.

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Mounting methods

There are 3 ways to fix the stretch ceiling. The harpoon fastening method is used for PVC-based ceilings. At the same time, the film must be checked, measured and cut correctly, i.e. its size should be 7% less than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling itself.

Further along the edges of the canvas, a hook in the form of a harpoon is welded, made of the same film on a special machine. During installation, the ceiling fabric is stretched due to the fact that this harpoon hook clings to the installed profile. If necessary, the canvas can be easily removed and installed back.

The wedge or clip method is the opposite of the harpoon method. In this case, the canvas is not measured and the pattern is not made. Its size should exceed the size of the ceiling area. The canvas is stretched, and the excess residue is cut off. Since this method of fastening uses a plastic baguette, it is only suitable for fabric ceilings.

The bead or cam method resembles the wedge method, since the canvas is not measured, the pattern is not made, its size must be larger than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. The difference is that the film is fixed to the profile with a special tape that provides tension.

In this method of fastening, a U-shaped aluminum profile and a wood bead are used, thanks to which the ceiling sheet is clamped. This method has disadvantages. First, a glazing bead may pop out of the groove. Secondly, it is very difficult without sufficient experience to securely fix the film.

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Frame installation

You will need:

  • laser level;
  • cord;
  • glue;
  • drill;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • frame material.

Before you start making the ceiling with your own hands, they carry out preparatory work, i.e. change the wiring, prepare the basis for the fixtures. It must be remembered that the power of the light bulbs should not exceed 50 W, so as not to damage the ceiling canvas.

The installation of the frame begins with the markup. To do this, the height of all corners of the room is measured and the lowest of them is marked. It is from him that all subsequent measurements are performed. Then they retreat from this corner down by about 2 cm, so that it is more convenient to fasten the profile. And with the help of a laser or building level, a mark is made along the perimeter of all walls.

After that, the correctness of the markup is checked, in which the beginning of the line must coincide with its end. Next, the opposite corners of the room are connected with the help of cords, they should converge in the center. For a chandelier, a bar is attached at the junction. A hook is fixed on it, the bend of which should protrude 20 mm below the level of the future ceiling.

After all the preparatory work, the installation of the profile is carried out. First, a rake is prepared for him. If it is longer than the width of the room, then its edges are sawn at an angle that is equal to half the corner of the room. The corners of the room are measured with a folding protractor.

In the event that the rail is less than the width of the room, one of its edges is also sawn at an angle, and the second is made exactly at 90 °. This is necessary so that it closely adjoins the next profile rail, which has a bevel for the corner on the opposite side. Then all the prepared elements for the profile are glued with glue and pressed against the wall along the marked line. After that, they are fixed with self-tapping screws or screws in increments of approximately 80 mm along the entire length of the profile, indented from its edge by 10 mm.

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Canvas installation

You will need:

  • PVC canvas or fabric;
  • heat gun;
  • building hair dryer;
  • glue;
  • putty knife.

After the frame is installed around the entire perimeter of the room, the installation of the stretch fabric is carried out. To do this, the room is heated with a heat gun or fan heater to a temperature of 40 ° and above, preventing it from falling during all the work. Further, without bringing the PVC film close to the thermal device, you need to unwind it.

To increase elasticity, it must be heated with a building hair dryer to 60 °.

After that, the canvas is fixed in one of the corners of the room, and then in the opposite diagonally. With the remaining two corners, the operation is performed by analogy. Fixation of the sides is carried out from the corners to the center with a step of 80 mm. Along the entire perimeter of the profile, the film is evenly stretched and fixed with a spatula. If the stretch ceiling is made on a fabric basis, then its fixation starts from the sides and ends in the corners of the room.

When using bead or wedge fastening methods, the remaining part of the web is cut off. All folds and stripes formed on the ceiling are straightened in a circular motion, heated with a building hair dryer. After mounting the ceiling cloth, decorative plugs are inserted. They are necessary in order to hide the fasteners. Then the lighting fixtures are installed.

To fix the chandelier, a plastic ring is prepared, the outer diameter of which should be less than the decorative lining of the chandelier itself. It is fixed to the ceiling with glue, its center must coincide with a pre-marked point at the place where the lamp is attached. After the glue dries, a hole is made in the canvas, the chandelier is attached to the prepared hook. If you make a fabric-based ceiling, you can cover it with acrylic paint, creating various effects, such as clouds, sea waves, etc.

Stretch ceilings are a type of suspended systems that consist of a frame and a decorative surface. In this case, a special canvas is stretched over a strong profile frame, presented in various shades and textures.

Stretch ceiling strengths

During the installation of stretch ceilings, a light, durable film or fabric is fixed with their own hands. For the manufacture of decorative panels, high-quality material is used. A framing structure acts as a mounting frame, holding the canvas in a taut state.

Decorative panels are of two types:

  1. Plain weave fabric. It looks like a seamless canvas up to 5 meters wide. For large rooms, it is necessary to stitch together several parts or use a special dividing bar. The raw material for the manufacture of the fabric is polyester coated with elastic polyurethane. The weight of the product is relatively small - no more than 180-250 g / m 2. The thickness of the fabric ranges from 0.35–0.44 mm.
  2. PVC film. Presented in a wide variety of colors. This type of tension surface can be matte or reflective, consist of several levels and contain decorative lighting elements. The thickness of the PVC material is 320 mm, with a width of not more than 2.5 meters. In order to finish larger areas, the panels have to be welded together: the resulting seam is almost imperceptible. For additional decoration, the surface of the film is often covered with printed images. Under-film illumination is also widely used. For the manufacture of PVC films, modern technologies are used, which allows the product to retain its original freshness for a long time.

Tension systems are environmentally friendly solutions, with good water resistance, dust resistance, anti-allergy. Tension fabrics do not burn, are easy to clean, can be repainted and equipped with additional sound-absorbing elements. Fasteners of the system are available in various configurations - rectangular, oval, curved, three-dimensional.

For the manufacture of the mounting profile, rolled aluminum or PVC is used. The modern fixation system guarantees a smooth tension of the membrane, without any folds. 3D ceilings are equipped with special frame elements, which are given a curved shape. Do-it-yourself flexible installation of stretch ceilings opens up wide opportunities for the implementation of creative ideas.

The principle of stretch ceilings is the possibility of creating a universal finish: it can be used both in residential premises and in large commercial centers. These systems are characterized by an excellent thermal insulation effect due to the formation of an air insulating layer in the overhead space. This makes it possible to save money on heating and cooling the room.

Thanks to the use of modern technologies, how to properly install a stretch ceiling, there is an improvement in indoor air quality, preventing the accumulation of dust and harmful microorganisms from gypsum or concrete floors. It is for this reason that this type of finish is very popular in medical institutions. Another positive effect of the use of tension structures is to improve the acoustics of the room.

A properly installed canvas is able to withstand significant loads - up to 100 kg / m 2. This ability allows you to accumulate water spilled from neighbors inside the film. After the accident is eliminated, the membrane completely restores its shape. As a rule, it is possible to properly mount stretch ceilings without special equipment.

Profiles for PVC film

When choosing a frame for stretching a PVC film, it is necessary to take into account its dimensions and thickness.

For the construction of a frame structure, you can use the following types of profile:

  1. Universal aluminum. With its help, rectangular perimeters or linear sections of complex two-dimensional configurations are created. An excellent option for those situations when during installation it is required to mount the profile on a wall or ceiling. In this way, a frame with a height of about 2.6 cm can be obtained, for any length of the profile.
  2. Wall mounted aluminum. This element forms small segments of the perimeter, including rounded and complex structural nodes. We are talking about moldings, alcoves, rounded corners of the room. The frame has a curved shape with a height of about 26 mm. With it, you can achieve a seamless connection of straight sections of the frame structure.
  3. Ceiling aluminum. Intended for the construction of straight perimeters. With this profile, you can reduce the size of the ceiling space. Most often it is used in cases where the use of a more durable and heavy universal profile is difficult for some reason. The finished ceiling frame has a height of no more than 20 mm. If required by the specific design, this type of profile can be mounted on the ceiling in the transverse direction.
  4. Separating aluminum. It is used in cases where it is necessary to connect two or more tension membranes together, or when the film needs additional fixation. We are talking about creating a coating on ceilings with an area of ​​​​200 m 2. In this way, linear ceiling fragments can be connected. The finished frame has a height of 18 mm, with unlimited length. With the help of a dividing profile, you can get a 3D effect and build multi-level structures.

All mentioned types of profile are equipped with harpoon fastening of membranes, which provides for the need to pre-weld the ceiling film with a special retainer. If the installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out on its own, it is recommended to choose simpler profiles with a wedge or glazing bead. There is also an option to order welding with a harpoon from a PVC film manufacturer. When determining the size of the membrane, it is necessary to take into account the effect of stretching of the material during installation (the increase in size can be up to 6%). Only in this case, the finished surface will be smooth, without any sagging.

Profile for fabric

A fabric ceiling is a wide-format panel that differs in weight and elasticity from PVC film. This explains the fact that the frame structures of these ceilings are different.

In the process of installing fabric stretch ceilings, two types of profile are used:

  1. Plastic AR. With its help, linear sections of the perimeter are equipped. The ceiling space is very thin (no more than 10 mm). The finished design provides reliable fixation of the panel, well resisting drafts and gusts of wind. The wide side of the profile is attached to the ceiling. In some models, there is an additional thin plastic part on the profile from the side of the wall, which makes it possible to achieve tightness of the internal space. As a result, dust, dirt and bacteria do not accumulate there.
  2. Plastic AM. Designed to organize additional space between the fabric and the ceiling. The finished frame has a height of 30 mm. Most often, this profile is used to create acoustic insulation.

The dimensions of the fabric web should be 10-15 cm larger than the width of the ceiling. To fix them, a harpoonless method is used with a special wedge or plastic glazing bead. Excess parts of the material are cut off after installation.

Preparatory measures for installation

The technology for installing stretch ceilings does not require special experience in construction work. The main thing is to complete the laying of electrical wiring in the process of preparatory measures before installation begins. The points where the lamps are located can be conveniently marked with a marker on the floor (directly under the lamp attachment point). The floor slab does not need to be specially prepared. If possible, all crumbling fragments of the old finish and protruding fasteners should be removed from its surface.

Upon completion of the installation work, no additional finishing is required. The absence of wet processes contributes to the high speed of installation work. In the process of preparation, it is desirable to free the room from furniture and other interior items, because. the principle of installation of stretch ceilings provides for the need to heat the air up to +40 degrees. Some materials do not tolerate such vibrations very well.

List of tools and fixtures required for installation:

  • Spatula or spatula. With their help, the ceiling membrane is fixed to the profile for stretch ceilings. It is advisable to prepare a set of spatulas of various shapes.
  • Mounting profile. It should be enough for the entire perimeter of the room.
  • Clamps for every corner of the room. Allows the initial stretching of the film.
  • Perforator, screwdriver and self-tapping screws. Designed to fix the profile on the wall or ceiling.
  • Ladder. Its height should be sufficient for normal access to the ceiling.
  • Level (water or laser). Markup is required before installing the profile.
  • Air heater (if PVC film is installed). Professional installers use liquefied gas heat guns. If the installation of the ceiling is carried out independently, it is allowed to use a household heater and a building hair dryer to remove wrinkles.
  • Mounting rings made of PVC. With their help, they strengthen the panels around pipes, lamps and other engineering communications.

The rules for installing stretch ceilings recommend the use of ventilation grilles. This makes it possible to provide ventilation of the ceiling space, protecting it from the appearance of condensate and fungus. It is best to install such a grille in the most inconspicuous corner.

How to prepare a profile and canvas

When starting to install a stretch ceiling with your own hands, you need to prepare a profile:

  1. Mark the location of the mounting profile on the walls. This will make it possible to correctly install the tension membrane. Most often, the profile is fixed to the wall around the entire perimeter, choosing the desired height for this. The applied markup is checked using a level. The marking procedure is facilitated by the use of a fixing ceiling profile. At the same time, it is necessary to keep in mind the presence of ceiling lights: the surface of the ceiling should be along the line of the mounting hangers.
  2. Profile all the outer and inner corners of the room (the distance between the individual fasteners is 8–12 cm). To eliminate sharp corners, a file is used: this is done to avoid punctures and cuts in the canvas.
  3. When removing the ceiling membrane from the package, it is advisable not to touch it with dirty surfaces - the canvas must remain clean during the tensioning process.
  4. Fix the canvas at several points on the profile using special clamps. If the room has a rectangular shape, the first step is to fix the film in the corners. Rounded sections of the profile are formed by a uniform distribution of clamps along the arc.
  5. The technology, how to install PVC film stretch ceilings, provides for heating the temperature in the room to + 40-45 degrees. Before turning on the heater, they block the sources through which cool streams enter the room - windows, doors, ventilation grilles. The membrane in a heated state acquires special tenderness: under the influence of drafts and cooled air, its surface can be covered with mechanical damage. The defects that have arisen worsen the operational characteristics of the canvas, introducing additional difficulties in its installation.
  6. According to the rules for installing a stretch ceiling, the film must come in a flexible, crease-free state. If deep folds are found on the surface, they are treated with a heat gun or hair dryer.
  7. The procedure for installing a fabric stretch ceiling does not require an increase in temperature at the place of work: the procedure in this case is carried out under normal conditions. Fabric cutting is carried out upon completion of the installation. PVC film must be initially cut to the size of the room, taking into account its stretching during the stretching process (6%).

The sequence of installation work

With strict adherence to the step-by-step instructions for installing stretch ceilings, work can be done in 2-3 hours. In the course of work, construction debris is practically not generated. The main task is to tension and fix the canvas on a pre-arranged frame.

In this case, the following sequence of installation of a stretch ceiling is applied:

  • The beginning of the implementation of the installation scheme of the stretch ceiling can be any angle. It is necessary to fill the membrane inside the mounting profile, using a spatula with a curved working surface. If harpoon fixation is used, when the web is immersed in the frame, the spatula is inserted into the harpoon. The wedge or bead fastening method involves the use of a spatula and a suitable plug.
  • Upon completion of the procedure in one corner, they move to a diagonally opposite area. In the same way fill the other two corners. In the course of the operation, it is necessary to constantly monitor the balanced tension of the web in order to protect it from distortions.
  • Next, the web is fixed in areas evenly spaced from the corners. The procedure is continued until the entire stretch fabric is inserted around the entire perimeter of the ceiling frame.
  • At each stage of the implementation of the stretch ceiling installation scheme, careful control of the uniform tension of the web is required: this will make it possible to avoid the appearance of folds and wrinkles. It is recommended to additionally heat the PVC sheet from time to time in problem areas. To do this, use a heat gun or hair dryer.
  • The bypass sections of pipes and other communications must be further strengthened. Usually a PVC mounting panel is used for this. It is glued to the finished ceiling, cutting off the panel in this area.
  • The last step in the installation of a stretch ceiling is the installation of a decorative plinth or a special tape. These elements mask the gaps between the membrane and the wall well.
  • At the end of the installation, the air in the room must be cooled to normal values. As the PVC film cools, it stretches, taking on its final form.
  • At the end of the work, the tension system must be washed. Use a soft cloth or sponge for this. It is allowed to dilute a little glass cleaner in warm water: it should not contain grease and acetone. It is better to refuse the use of soap, because. stains remain on the canvas from him.


All lamps, fans and other hanging elements must have separate hangers fixed directly to the floor slab.

Installing a luminaire will require the following items:

  • plastic ring.
  • Mounting adhesive (cyanoacrylate).
  • Sharp knife.

A hole is made in the stretched ceiling for lighting fixtures. For a series of lamps, it is more convenient to make projection markings in advance: they make it on the floor directly under the lamps. The mounting ring is smeared with glue and glued to the canvas so that the centers of the ring and the lamp coincide. After the ring and film have set, the membrane inside the ring is carefully cut out. The height of the luminaire must be set in such a way that it is on the cut of the film. After that, you can screw the lamp. In order to avoid deformation of the PVC film from strong heating, it is recommended to use lamps with a power of up to 60 W.