Perennial flower beds are the choice of lazy people or an excuse to create a masterpiece. Decorative planting in the garden What plants to plant in a flower bed

Few people do not like plants, especially flowers that not only grow, but also delight with their color. But every year climate change negatively affects them, and in order to see the flowering of a flower bed throughout the summer season, it is necessary to properly equip it and choose the right flowers for planting.

The very first issue that needs to be addressed when creating a flower garden is its parameters.

The size of the flower bed depends on how much free space is available on your site, how many meters you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of beauty, and you need to take into account more time for her care.

A large flower garden is a very beautiful sight, but it is difficult to weed it from weeds, sometimes it is better to make several flower beds, but smaller ones.

The geometric shape of the flower bed depends on your preference, it can be in the form of:

  • Regular square;
  • Trapeze;
  • Circle;
  • Oval;
  • hearts;
  • Cross.

Of course, that the list can be replenished, it is not some kind of standard, and you can equip your flower bed in more complex forms. The more complex the form, the more effort will have to spend on its care.

The center of the flower bed should be planted with flowers with the longest stems. The edges of the flower garden with medium stems, in the remaining space around the perimeter, it is best to plant climbing plants. A couple of months after planting, you will see a beautiful flowering flower bed.

Underwater rocks

If your goal is to create a continuously blooming flower bed throughout the summer, then you need to know some rules to avoid the most common mistakes.

  • Before planting plants in the ground, you need to create a schedule for their flowering, in each period of time the flower garden should delight with buds of at least three types of flowers
  • Draw a plan of a flower bed on a sheet of paper, where in certain places write down the names of seedlings, taking into account their type and flowering period. Thus, create a composition of perennials and annuals that mix from beginning to bloom in the spring, continuing in the summer, and ending in flowering at the end of autumn.
  • In the plan, it is necessary to combine plants in size and color. Plants with broad leaves on the stem, mixed with cereals and angustifolia.
  • Everyone has their own favorite colors, but when creating a blooming flower bed, you must not forget about the combination of shades and choose so that the color scheme is contrasting.
  • Calculate the number of plant species that need to be planted evenly, without dividing by specimens.

Important: If the flower bed is one-sided, at the very end you need to plant tall plants, then medium height, and so reducing the height of the plants to the edge, if the flower garden is round, you need to start from the center.

Flowerbed of perennial flowers

Perennial flowers easily tolerate winter frosts, and they do not need to be planted every spring.

There are a huge number of species of perennials, from the assortment of which it is possible to choose a flower garden for the realization of the idea, at the same time make it original, and admire the flowers from spring to late autumn.

The benefits of perennials are:

  • No need for annual planting;
  • Resistance to winter frosts;
  • Unpretentiousness in care;
  • Easy to grow, when transplanting, you can simply divide, thus propagate
  • All summer they either bloom or delight with green foliage on the stems.

There are several ways to plant perennial flowers:

  • seeds;
  • roots;
  • bulbs.

When planting seeds in the ground, it is better to immediately create compositions that will not need to be planted for 2-3 years.

There are some rules for planting perennials:

  • Drawing up a scheme of a flower bed;
  • Planting undersized flowers in the foreground;
  • Climbing plants are planted along the alleys;
  • It is necessary to take into account the shades of flowers, during the flowering of plants, everything should be in harmony.

Perennial flowering plants are divided by growth into 4 groups:

  • short stature;
  • Medium height;
  • high;
  • Curly.

Flowers that grow no higher than 30 cm are considered undersized. The most popular of them are:

  • Pansies, delight the eye with their multi-colored flowers that bloom throughout the summer;
  • Periwinkle, grows on any soil, tolerates frost well, most often it is planted to decorate stone compositions, after a while it grows into a green carpet with blue or pink drops;
  • Phloxes, have many shades of colors, grow well in moist soil, no more than 7 plants are planted per square meter;
  • Gentian, in appearance resembles bells of a blue or pale blue hue, blooms from June to September.

Medium-sized flowers up to 1 meter high. Most often planted in a flower bed:

  • Daylily, can grow without a transplant in one place for more than 10 years, because it is not whimsical to the soil, has more than 25 species, blooms from the beginning of June with a large number of flowers;
  • Rhodiola, pink rhodiola is popular, but you can often see yellow rhodiola in the flower beds, it blooms for the first two summer months.

Among the flowers from the high growth group, they are planted more preferably than others:

  • Sunflowers look great both separately from other plants and in combination with them, bloom in the second half of summer;
  • Stock-roses, the most beautiful plant up to one and a half meters tall, bloom brightly and are packed like a peony, bloom all summer and a little in September.

Among curly flowers, the most in demand are:

  • Climbing rose, is a hybrid that turned out after crossing a garden rose with a wild variety, the flowers are small with a delicate aroma, require abundant watering and sunlight, it is better to warm the roots for the winter;
  • Wisteria, similar to a deciduous liana that wraps around a support, flowers resemble bunches of grapes, requires care, is pruned twice a year;
  • Girlish grapes, a tree-like liana with suckers and tendrils that cling to any type of surface without any support, the foliage changes color depending on the air temperature;
  • Honeysuckle is a perennial shrub up to 3 meters tall, requires garters and constant pruning, inflorescences emit a unique aroma, are not whimsical to care for, grows on any soil.

Perennial flowers have many types, varieties, with a variety of colors, names and shapes. For a flower bed, each owner determines for himself what he wants to see from the flowers during warm days.

Flowerbed of annuals

If you have a lot of free time, and you like to dig in the ground every spring, replant flowers, plant plants, then annuals are perfect for arranging a continuously blooming flower bed.

Unlike perennials, annuals are brighter and more saturated, only they need to be planted annually anew. A big plus is that every year your flower bed is original and individual in its own way.

There are annual plants that are not whimsical to care for, which, without much effort on your part, will grow and delight in flowering.

The first step will again be drawing up a plan for the flower garden, placing plants schematically on paper, selecting by color and growth, taking into account the period and time of flowering.

For a flower bed, undersized flowers and medium height would be the best option.

The following plants are especially popular in our area, to create a continuously flowering flower bed:

  • Castor oil, grows up to one and a half meters with palm-like leaves, beautiful, but poisonous;
  • Mallow is an annual, unpretentious plant, beautifully flowering;
  • Sage, sometimes even biennial and perennial, blooms with candles up to 30 cm high;
  • Eschsholzia, a lover of sunny color, can grow up to 60 cm, a chic shrub with small orange flowers, not whimsical to care for;
  • Zinnia, a wonderful flower with a variety of color shades, which pleases with its appearance all summer;
  • Kosmeya, can grow up to 80 cm, long-flowering, and does not require special care, fragile and delicate in appearance;
  • Matiola, a nocturnal flower, closed during the day, opens at night emitting a sweet, beautiful smell;
  • Petunia, undersized flowers that grow in almost every flower bed, beautiful, different colors, needs warmth and light, does not grow in cold climates;
  • Marigolds, not tall terry flowers 20 centimeters in height, bloom from early June to mid-autumn;
  • Purslane, does not require special care other than sunlight, grows well on sandy soil and rocky.

Annual flower lovers know that although they are not too whimsical, they still need to be looked after in order to get a wonderful result in the form of a continuously blooming flower garden for the whole summer.

Where to begin

A beautiful flowerbed of continuous flowering with a minimum amount of time for care, the dream of every gardener.

It is best to break up the area of ​​​​the flower bed and plant flowers in the fall, then they will take root, and in the summer there will already be results in the form of flowering.

Plant species and varieties, first review those that are in the garden.

Make a schedule for their flowering, if at some time you do not have blooming buds, buy a blooming look.

To begin with, you can use no more than 4-5 plants that have a long flowering period, increasing the range over time.

Sow flower seeds for seedlings, which will take well in the flower bed, and are useful for filling empty soil in case the flower dies in the winter.

Plants that turn yellow and dry after flowering should not be used in arranging flower beds, they should remain a wonderful background of green color.

When you did not have a flower bed, and you decided to buy all the flowers to create it, the main thing is to choose them correctly. The most wonderful choice would be flowers that bloom non-stop throughout the summer months, such as:

  • Night violets;
  • Dwarf violas;
  • Iberis;
  • Nemophiles.

Tip: If you don't know much about flowers, just ask the seed shop salesperson for advice, he will advise you on the most frequently purchased ones.

It is good to combine flower plants that bloom in different periods:

  • May-June: daffodils with tulips and crocuses;
  • June-July: irises, cornflowers, and peonies;
  • July-August: petunias, and daisies with marigolds;
  • August-September: asters with chrysanthemums.

The choice of plants for the flower bed should be creative.

Tip: It is better to check with relatives and neighbors that they are not allergic to any flowers in order to avoid embarrassment.

The best flower garden schemes from perennials

Gardeners, professionals and amateurs, offer to start with a simple but successful flowerbed scheme that will delight you with continuously flowering plants throughout the warm season.

The composition of the flower garden includes the following plants:

  • Astilba pink;
  • Geranium;
  • Day-lily;
  • Heuchera;
  • Phloxes.

Important: While your perennials are gaining growth and strength for flowering, annual plants that are suitable for your area are planted among them.

Your flower bed, your ideas, good luck to you and beautiful flower beds.

To decorate a large flower bed or a small corner in the country, in the courtyard of the private sector, a wide variety of plants are used. If you choose them correctly, taking into account the size, color, flowering time and growing conditions, you can get a bright, attractive, original and long-blooming flower bed. Making flower beds is a very interesting and exciting activity.

Undersized flowers will help to compile a variety of compositions on the flower garden. They are versatile and can play the main role of a "carpet bed" or serve as a separation structure for other plants.

Undersized flowers in the country look neat, cute and original. They create a variety of flower arrangements that provide an attractive view of the flower bed for the entire summer period. For this, both perennial flowers, as well as annual and biennial flowers are chosen.

For the right choice of a suitable variety, you can consider a photo of undersized flowers with names and characteristics.

Types of undersized flowering plants

Annual flowers are one of the options for a quick and beautiful decoration of the site.

A large number of different varieties makes it possible to decorate a flower bed in the first year of sowing. They fill the space where perennials have not yet grown, they can complement new flower beds.

They are chosen by creative people who like to create different compositions, applying new solutions every year. Almost all annuals are unpretentious in care and do not require special attention.

Such annual low flowers act as a worthy decoration of the flower bed: Iberis, asters, begonia, snapdragons, marigolds, primroses, calceolaria, petunias and others.

Consider some types of annuals

The most popular are petunias. It is suitable for a well-lit area, and for a darkened corner. Petunias are divided into two types: bush and ampelous. Bush are large-flowered and multi-flowered.

For an open place, you need to choose multi-flowered ones, they are unpretentious, unlike large-flowered terry ones. These petunias do not tolerate rain well, and therefore they are planted under a canopy.

Ampelous petunias grow in a continuous carpet, one flower can cover a plot of 1.5 square meters. m.

Regardless of the species, petunias require regular watering and fertilizing. They bloom from late May to late September. The color of the flowers is so diverse that you can choose them according to your preference.

Marigolds bloom from the first days of June until late autumn. They grow in any soil and do not require frequent watering. Flowers of yellow, red and mixed colors give brightness and warmth to the flower bed. Having picked up the desired shades, you can create original compositions on the lawn.

Purslane strikes with the diversity and brightness of colors: yellow, white, orange, red. Stems with leaves look like spruce needles. Blooms from June to September. He loves the sun and heat, does not require frequent watering.

Calceolaria feels great in darkened corners on moist soil. The flowers are bright yellow, red or orange, monochromatic, or speckled, have an unusual bubble shape. It begins to bloom in early March and decorates the flower garden all spring.

Daisies grow well in any area. They have the most diverse color scheme, which gives free rein to any fantasy. These flowers are unpretentious in care.

If you are interested in biennial flowers, then you need to know that it is better to plant them in the fall. They tolerate cold well, and already in early spring they delight with juicy shoots.

Two-year-old residents include: adonis, carnation, forget-me-nots, hersperis or night violet, pansies, some types of daisies.

Pansies are very bright and do not require special care. They bloom from early spring until summer. If you didn’t have time to plant them in the fall, then you can plant them at home in February, and transfer them to the soil at the beginning of spring. Flowers love good watering, so the best place for them will be in the shade.

Forget-me-nots should be planted in the same place. They will please with lush flowering with blue buds from the beginning of spring.

Verbena has been decorating the lawn since June. But it takes a long time to prepare for flowering, so it is better to plant it in the fall.

Perennial flowers do not need to be planted every year, many calmly endure harsh winters and delight with lush flowering from the beginning of spring. Almost all perennials are unpretentious, always look well-groomed. But their planting requires a certain layout. Perennial flowers should not interfere with each other, and look harmonious depending on different shades.

In shaded flower beds, where the soil is moist, lungwort, hosta, bergenia, primrose, dwarf irises take root well.

Potentilla white, carnation, evening primrose, stakhis grow well on sunny lawns.

For alpine slides, periwinkle, bluebells, stonecrop, saxifrage, edelweiss are planted.

Muscari, lilies of the valley, daffodils, hyacinths, dwarf tulips bloom in early spring.

Phloxes can decorate the lawn for up to five months a year, starting in May. Styloid Phlox and Douglas Phlox create a vibrant carpet of colorful flowers. They can grow in one place up to 6-8 years.

Asters are one of the most popular perennials. Depending on the type of dwarf aster, bud bloom continues from July to October.

Among the low shrubs, dwarf asters of lilac, purple, white and pink colors look very beautiful. They should be planted in shaded corners, they do not like aridity and high humidity.

Periwinkle has creeping stems and small blue flowers. Prefers moist soil and shady areas.

Hosta can be pure green or striped. She has spreading leaves, flowers on long peduncles of white, lilac, pink. When they fade, they are removed so that the plant does not weaken and has an elegant appearance. Hostas grow well in the shade.

Chrysanthemums bloom from the second half of summer until the first severe frosts. For its frost resistance, all gardeners love. There are many different shades and shapes of inflorescences of such flowers. They love a good watering when it's hot. With the onset of cold weather, watering is reduced.

When decorating a flower bed, it is necessary to combine perennial varieties with annual and biennial varieties. Low-growing flowers look great in group plantings. Thanks to this, the site is filled with a diverse palette of colors and keeps a blooming appearance for a long time.

In order for the lawn to please with a flowering view all summer, you need to know the rules for planting plants.

  • Plant flowers, taking into account the degree of illumination of the site.
  • Sun-loving flowers are planted in an open, bright place - purslane, nasturtium, marigolds, alyssium, coleus, ornamental cabbage.
  • Penumbra like begonia, fuchsia, balsam, violet, blueberries.
  • In the shade - lilies of the valley, hosta.
  • Be sure to take into account soil moisture before planting.
  • Most flowers thrive on damp ground. Daisies, balsam, iris, coleus, begonias like moisture.
  • Anhydrous soils like drought-resistant stonecrops, thyme, young, periwinkle, saxifrage.
  • You should decide on the color palette of the flower bed - multi-colored motley or one color.

A motley lawn requires a special layout. To create an ornament or composition on the lawn, use contrasting or related colors. For example, you can create a standard round flower bed. Settle perennials in the center: phloxes, primroses, hostas, saplings. The edges are framed with annuals: petunias, marigolds.

Monochromatic color scheme includes flowers of different shades of the same color. So, if the flower bed is blue, then blue petunias, bluebells, forget-me-nots, blue muscari look beautiful on it.

Important points when caring for low flowers

  • for good plant growth, periodically weed weeds, loosen the ground, water in a timely manner,
  • properly fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers,
  • if necessary, spray the flowers with soft, effective pesticides,
  • timely remove dry flower buds and diseased plants.

Photo of undersized flowers

To choose one or another method of planting garden plants, you will not only have to look at beautiful illustrations in specialized catalogs, but also learn about the features of the formation of landscape groups. Good taste is not enough to plant flowers in the garden as your fantasy suggests.

It is necessary to follow the rules of compatibility, because some cultures can suppress others or bloom at the same time, and for the rest of the time your site will seem empty.

Even beautiful and well-maintained plants, selected according to the natural conditions of the site, will not make a good impression if planted in a disorder, without taking into account the decorative features of each species.

There are several basic ways to plant flowers, and for each type of composition, plants are selected in a special way. Height, shape, flowering time, course of development during the summer season are taken into account.

You will learn how to properly and beautifully plant flowers in the garden by reading this material.

Vertical gardening and planting flowers in groups

"Vertical gardening" is commonly called the design of vertical surfaces (building facades, fences, trellis or pergolas) with plants.

For such a beautiful planting of flowers, you can use both perennial shrub decorative leaf (,) and flowering () lianas, as well as ampelous herbaceous plants. With such landscaping, it is desirable to use supports (wooden, metal, etc.).

In a small garden, a group is a composition of herbaceous plants, shrubs, dwarf forms of trees, which, in imitation of nature, has free outlines. In a simple group, plants of one species are used, in a mixed group, two or more.

Plants are chosen in such a way that their visible part is stably decorative.

Plants that decorate the facades of buildings, especially the upper floors, must also be wind resistant. Crops with delicate flowers and leaves, such as petunias, are not suitable. In this case, plants with dense or hard foliage are used (which is easy to determine by touch).

How beautiful to plant flowers in a rocky garden

Another interesting idea for planting flowers in the garden is to create a rockery. Compositions of plants with stones, imitating mountain landscapes, have gained extraordinary popularity in private gardens.

They can be performed not only in the form of "slides", but also on flat areas, give them a strict geometric or free landscape shape.

Before planting flowers in a rocky garden, you need to beautifully arrange the stones. Having chosen a rock, arranging the boulders in a picturesque order, you can think about acquiring plants.

Aggressive species that grow rapidly and hide stones are not suitable for rockeries. To preserve the originality of the composition of the "mountain landscape", do not allow it to turn into a flowering flower bed. Powerful tall plants planted next to medium-sized boulders also look comical - it is better to dwell on miniature forms and varieties.

Single plantings of plants

A single planting method allows you to highlight one of the plants in the garden and turn it into the center of attention. This technique, for all its apparent simplicity, requires a special taste and artistic flair.

Planting spring flowers that can grow in a regular mowing lawn. These are mainly early spring flowers that have time to bloom and enter a dormant period before the first mowing. Planting flowers in the lawn is done as follows: with the help of a cone, a hole is made in the turf, an onion or corm is inserted into it, then sprinkled with ordinary sand.

Each grower, picking up bright and beautiful flowers for a flower bed, wants them to bloom all summer and decorate the yard, plot. You can select varieties among both annuals and perennials. Optionally, it is allowed to combine undersized and tall plants that will help create a multi-tiered flower bed. According to the suggested tips, the names of the inflorescences, schemes with photos and videos of design, you can make an unusual flower garden in the country or in the school yard. Unpretentious plants that bloom all summer will complement the landscape design in an original way.

Bright undersized flowers for a flower bed blooming all summer - varieties with photos and names

Most summer residents and owners of private houses prefer low plants. It is easy to make a neat flower bed or small zoning of the territory from them. Among such low varieties, you can easily pick up flowers for a flower bed that bloom all summer until autumn. They will create a beautiful fluffy rug on the ground and can be laid from home to garden or vegetable garden.

What varieties of undersized flowers blooming all summer should be planted in a flower bed?

Most of the considered varieties have bright shades, blend well with each other. To create small flower beds, you can use undersized flowers for a flower bed with different colors, original color transitions. Catchy combinations can be easily used to create an exclusive landscape design. You can choose the following flowers of continuous flowering for a beautiful design of a garden bed:

These flowers are optimal for creating a colorful flower garden, which will be located near the house, a recreation area in the yard. Using the indicated names of flowers for a flower bed, you can buy them for framing a summer residence, a summer kitchen. Such flowers are also suitable for the original design of paths in the garden.

Beautiful perennial flowers for flower beds - photos of inflorescences with names and features of care

Looking through the most beautiful and unpretentious perennial flowers for a flower bed, you should pay attention to classic plants (lilies, roses) and non-standard inflorescences (phloxes, bells). With the right selection of varieties, you can create a continuously blooming flower bed.

Photo of beautiful perennials in a flower bed and rules for caring for flowers

Many housewives, when choosing perennials, are guided by their appearance. After all, the beauty of the created flower garden depends on the correct combination of their shades. You can choose which flowers to plant in a flower bed from the following hint:

They attract with a gentle and elegant look, do not require special care. They do not tolerate high humidity and survive quite well with rare watering.

Bright flowers with unusual color transitions are optimal for fans of colorful flower beds. They grow well in the shade, do not require frequent watering, but will quickly die in direct sunlight.

They do well in both sun and shade. They love moisture very much, so they can be planted near artificial reservoirs.

Daylilies are one of the most attractive flower gardens. But the flowers themselves are demanding on care, temperature, lighting.

They need proper pruning and fertilization, but they are drought tolerant. Most modern varieties with non-standard appearance can bloom from May to August.

You can use these plants to decorate any flower beds. They can be located both at their summer cottage and near a country house. Perennial flowers are suitable for a school flower bed, a flower bed in a kindergarten.

Cute annual flowers for flower beds - photo with variety names

Annual flowers are ideal for creating a new, brighter or more sophisticated flower bed each year. But if you wish, every year you can choose just inflorescences with new shades. Using the proposed flowers for a flower bed with a photo, with names, it will not be difficult to find "your" plants.

Photos and names of flowers on a cute flowerbed with annuals

For many housewives, unpretentious flowers are considered preferable. But even capricious plants can be used to decorate a flower bed for only one year. The most attractive and original varieties can be selected among the following options:

Such beautiful flowers for a flower bed will certainly please every colorist. And thanks to their difference in height, the size of the inflorescences, you can easily create an unusual flower garden on any land plot.

Do-it-yourself multi-tiered flowerbed in the country - photo and video example with descriptions

The most attractive solution for a small courtyard or large land area is planting flowers in several tiers. In this case, you can use a base with height differences or simply pick flowers with different stem heights. In the proposed examples, you can learn how to make a flower bed in several tiers quickly and easily.

Photo examples of planting flowers on a multi-tiered flower bed with your own hands

The original flower bed can be created according to your own sketches or according to the proposed examples. In any case, the florist can add his own ideas to the considered options or radically change one of the following solutions:

Additionally, it is worth considering the features of the location of supports for plants or frames made of stones, borders. They will help make the design of flower beds complete and complete.

Video example of planting flowers with your own hands in a multi-tiered flower bed

In the proposed video, you can get useful ideas that will help you learn how to plant flowers in a flower bed and make it multi-tiered. The recommendations of experienced flower growers will be useful for beginners and those who decide to update the area near the house.

How to plant flowers in a flower bed so that they bloom all summer - the layout of varieties

With the right combination of several types of color, even an ordinary rectangular or round flower bed can become non-standard. This arrangement of flowers is also considered optimal when they are planted along the fence, at home. And if at the same time you know which flowers bloom all summer, you don’t have to worry about maintaining the attractive appearance of your flower garden.

Examples of flower planting schemes to create a flower bed that blooms all summer

Even the usual rectangular flower bed can easily turn into a work of art. But for work, you need to use a variety of flowers and plant them according to the proposed schemes. You can choose a good option in these tips:

1 - Liatris spiky. 2 - Zopnik Ruselovsky. 3 - Echinacea purpurea. 4 - The small-scale is beautiful. 5 - Ptarmic yarrow. 6 - Catnip hybrid. 7 - Fragrant rue. 8 - Oak sage. 9 - Carpathian bell. 10 - Geranium Renard. 11 - Chistets Byzantine.

1 - Muscari. 2 - Common lumbago. 3 - Caucasian rezuha. 4, 5, 9 - Undersized tulips. 6 - Catchment. 7, 8 - Daffodils. 10 - Eastern hellebore. 11 - Polyanthus rose. 12 - Small-leaved lilac.

1 - Pleniflora. 2 - Ten-petalled sunflower. 3 - Icelandic poppy. 4 - St. John's wort. 5 - Lobelia cardinal. 6. - Kotovnik. 7 - Bell. 8 - Catananhe. 9 - Perennial gravel. 10 - Sedum matron. 11 - Heuchera Miracle.

After reviewing the recommendations for combining different varieties, it will not be difficult to understand how beautiful it is to make flower beds throughout the site. And if you wish, you can replace them with other colors that are similar in shape or color. You can also create a flower bed in just two or three colors. A white-burgundy flower bed will look sophisticated and unusual. A tandem of white with blue, blue or purple will make the site more "calm", cozy. A yellow-red flower bed will help to give a sparkle even to a small and nondescript area.

Among the considered varieties of flowers with names, photos, you can easily find excellent perennials and annuals that will bloom all summer. It can be both unpretentious plants and very capricious varieties. The main thing is that they help create a bright and beautiful flower garden. Tips on the features of planting flowering plants, their combinations can be found in the attached diagrams and video recommendations. The proposed flowers for the flower bed will help you create a unique landscape design for any site with your own hands.