I wanted to light up the whole Earth. Tesla's last interview: “I was defeated. I wanted to give light for free to everyone. I wanted to illuminate the whole Earth

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Tesla: Yes, I did some very important discoveries. And yet I failed. I have not achieved the greatness that I could achieve.

Journalist: What does it mean?

Tesla: I wanted to light up the whole Earth. Electricity is enough to create a second Sun. Light revolves around the equator like a ring around Saturn.

Mankind is not ready for greatness and goodness. In Colorado Springs, I lighted the ground with electricity. Other energies can also be received, such as positive mental energy. They are contained in the music of Bach or Mozart, or in the verses of great poets. The Earth itself contains the energies of Joy, Peace and Love. Their manifestations are banal: a flower growing from the soil, the food we get, and everything that a homeland means to a person.

I have spent years looking for a way to make this energy affect people more. The beauty and smell of roses can be used for medicinal purposes, and sunbeams- like food. Life has an infinite variety of forms, and it is the duty of the scientist to find it in every form of matter.

Three things are significant here.

All I did was look for them. I know that I will never find them, but I will not give up my search.

Journalist: What are these things?

Tesla: One problem is food. How can stellar or terrestrial energy feed the hungry on Earth? What kind of wine can be given to drink all those who are thirsty so that they can rejoice in their hearts and understand that they are Gods?

Another problem is to destroy the power of evil and suffering in which human life passes! Sometimes evil and suffering arise like an epidemic in the depths of space. In this century, the disease has spread from Earth to the Universe.

And the third - is there an excess of Light in the Universe? I discovered a star that, according to all astronomical and mathematical laws, could disappear, but nothing seemed to change. The star is in the galaxy. Its light is so dense that, if compressed, it would fit into a sphere smaller than an apple, but heavier than our Sun.

Religions and philosophies teach that a person can become Christ, Buddha and Zarathustra. What I am trying to prove is even wilder and almost unattainable. The universe is created in such a way that every being is born by Christ, Buddha and Zarathustra.

I know that gravity is the key to everything you need to fly, and I intend not only to create flying devices (planes or rockets), but also to teach man to regain his own wings. I'm trying to awaken the energy in the air.

There are main sources of energy. What is considered empty space is simply a manifestation of unawakened matter.

There is no empty space either on this planet or in the universe. The black holes that scientists talk about are the most powerful sources of energy and life.

Journalist: Birds fly into the window of your room at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on the 33rd floor every morning.

Tesla: A person should be especially warm to birds. Because of their wings. Once he too had wings, real and visible!

Journalist: Your fans complain that you attack relativity. Your assertion that matter has no energy is strange to say the least. If everything is saturated with energy, then where is it?

Tesla: First there was energy, and only then did matter appear.

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, this is equivalent to saying that your father gave birth to you.

Tesla: That's it! How about the birth of the universe? Matter is created from primary and eternal energy, which we know as Light. It shone, and a star, planets, man and everything on Earth and in the Universe appeared from it. Matter is the expression of infinite forms of light, since energy is much older than matter.

There are four laws of creation.

First: the incomprehensibility of the source, the dark plane, which cannot be comprehended by the mind or measured mathematically. The whole universe fits into this plan.

The second law: the expansion of darkness, which is the true nature of Light, from the incomprehensible, and its transformation into Light.

The third law: the necessity of Light to become the matter of Light. And the fourth: there is no beginning and no end. The three previous laws are always in place and Creation is eternal.

Journalist: In your hostility to the theory of relativity, you go so far as to lecture against its creator at your birthday parties.

Tesla: Remember, this is not curved space, this is the human mind, unable to comprehend infinity and eternity! If relativity had been correctly understood by the creator of the theory, he would have attained immortality, even physical immortality, if he had only wished. I am part of the world and this is music. Light fills my six senses: I see, hear, feel, smell, touch and think. My sixth sense is thinking.

Particles of Light are recorded notes. A lightning strike can be a whole sonata. Thousand Lightnings is a concert.
For this concert I created fireball, which can be heard on the icy peaks of the Himalayas. As for the Pythagoreans and mathematicians, the scientist cannot and should not encroach on them. Numbers and equations are just symbols expressing the music of the spheres.

If Einstein had heard these sounds, he would not have come up with the theory of relativity. Such sounds are messages to the mind that life has meaning, that the Universe exists in perfect harmony, and its beauty is the cause and effect of Creation. Such music is the eternal cycle of the starry skies.

Even the smallest star has a complete structure and is also part of the stellar symphony. The human heartbeat is part of the Earth's symphony.

Newton knew that the secret lay in the geometric arrangement and movement of the heavenly bodies. He was aware of the existence of a supreme law in the universe. Curved space is chaos, and chaos is not music. Einstein is the messenger of the times of sound and fury.

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, do you hear this music?

Tesla: I hear it all the time. My spiritual ear is as big as the sky we see above us. And I strengthen the bodily ear with a radar.

According to the theory of relativity, two parallel lines will intersect at infinity. That is, the Einstein curvature will straighten out. Once created, the sound will last forever. It may disappear for man, but it will continue to exist in silence, which is the greatest power of man.

No, I have nothing against Einstein himself. That's the kind of person he is, and he did a lot of good things, some of them became part of the music. I will write to him and try to explain that the ether exists and that its particles are what keeps the Universe in harmony and life in eternity.

Journalist: You have often mentioned the power of visualization.

Tesla: I would like to thank visualization for all my inventions. The events of my life and my inventions really stand before my eyes, visible as everyone separate case or thing. In my youth, I was frightened, not knowing what it was, but later I learned to use this power as an exceptional talent and gift. I nourished her and guarded her jealously.

Also, through visualization, I corrected most of the inventions and finished them by mentally visualizing the solution of complex mathematical equations. For this gift, I received the title of the Highest Lama in Tibet.

My eyesight and hearing are perfect, and, I dare say, stronger than other people's. I hear thunder at a distance of 250 km and see colors in the sky that other people cannot see. I acquired this sharpening of vision and hearing as a child. Later I developed them consciously.

Journalist: Our readers would like to know about your philosophy.

Tesla: Life is a rhythm that must be comprehended. I feel the rhythm, tune into it and indulge it. He expresses gratitude and gives me knowledge.

All life is connected by a deep and wonderful interaction: man and the stars, amoeba and the Sun, the heart and rotation of an infinite number of worlds. Such bonds are indestructible, but can be docile, peaceful and create new and different bonds in the world without breaking the old ones.

Knowledge comes from space; our vision is its most perfect unfolding. We have two eyes: earthly and spiritual. It is recommended that they become one. The universe is alive in all its manifestations, like a thinking animal. A stone is a thinking and rational being, the same as a plant, a wild animal and a person. A shining star asks to be looked at.

And if we weren't so self-absorbed, we would understand its language and message. The breath, eyes and ears of man must obey the breath, eyes and ears of the universe.

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, what is electricity for you?

Tesla: Everything is electricity. In the beginning there was light, an inexhaustible source, from which matter was separated and distributed into all forms presented in the Universe and on earth with all its aspects of life.

The true face of Light is darkness, and only we do not see it. This is a wonderful grace given to man and other creatures. One of the particles of darkness has light, temperature, nuclear, chemical, mechanical and unidentified energy. It has the power to rotate the Earth in orbit. This is truly the lever of Archimedes.

Journalist: Mr. Tesla, aren't you too biased towards electricity?

Tesla: Electricity is me. Or, if you prefer, I am electricity in human form. Mr. Smith, you are also electricity, you just don't realize it.

Journalist: Can you run 1 million volts of electricity through your body?

Tesla: Imagine a gardener being attacked by plants. Of course, that would be complete nonsense.

The human body and brain are made of a lot of energy; most of me is electricity. The individual energy inherent in everyone creates the human "I", or soul. Other creations are not so: the soul of a plant is the soul of minerals and animals.

The functioning and death of the brain is manifested in the light. When I was young, my eyes were black, but now they are blue. Over time, the tension of the brain becomes stronger, so the eyes seem to fade. White color is the color of heaven.

One morning, a white dove sat on my window, which I used to feed. She wanted to let me know that she was dying. Streams of light emanated from her eyes. I have never seen so much light in the eyes of any creature as in the eyes of a dove.

Journalist: Your lab staff talks about the flashes of light, flames, and lightning that occur when you get angry or put yourself at risk.

Tesla: This is a mental discharge or a warning to be on the alert. The light is always on my side.

Do you know how I discovered the rotating magnetic field and asynchronous motor who made me famous at 26? One summer evening in Budapest, my countryman and I watched the sunset.

Thousands of lights revolved and shone with hundreds of shades of colors. I remembered Faust and was quoting him, when suddenly, as if in a fog, I saw a rotating magnetic field and an induction motor. I saw them in the sun!

Journalist: Are science and poetry the same for you?

Tesla: Every person has two eyes. William Blake was taught that the universe was born from imagination, it persists and will continue to exist until the last person on Earth disappears.

Imagination is the wheel by which astronomers can collect the stars of all galaxies. This creative energy is identical to the energy of light.

Journalist: So your imagination is more real to you than life itself?

Tesla: It gives birth to life. I fed on my teachings, learned to control emotions, dreams and visions. I have always thrived on my enthusiasm.

And all my long life I spent in ecstasy. This is the source of my happiness. Imagination was the source of my happiness. All these years, it helped to cope with the work, which would be enough for five lives.

Amazing person, isn't it?!

VPR All-Russian Testing Job- Biology Grade 11

Explanations to the model of the All-Russian verification work

When familiarizing yourself with the sample test work, it should be borne in mind that the tasks included in the sample do not reflect all the skills and content issues that will be tested as part of the All-Russian test work. A complete list of content elements and skills that can be tested in the work is given in the codifier of content elements and level requirements.
training of graduates for the development of the All-Russian test work in biology.
The purpose of the test work sample is to give an idea of ​​the structure of the All-Russian test work, the number and form of tasks, and their level of complexity.

Work instructions

The test work includes 16 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the work in biology.
Write down the answers to the tasks in the space provided for this in the work. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write down a new one next to it.
When performing work, it is allowed to use a calculator.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that you can't complete right away and move on to the next one. If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks.
The points you get for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the largest number points.
We wish you success!

1. Choose from the list of systematic taxa three taxa that are common when describing the depicted organisms.

List of taxa:
1) class Dipartite
2) non-cellular empire
3) the kingdom of Prokaryotes
4) plant kingdom
5) subkingdom Multicellular
6) Floral department
Write down the numbers of the selected taxa.

All plants that exist on our planet are combined into one kingdom, which is called Plants.

Plants are divided into two sub-kingdoms - higher and lower.

Algae belong to the lower plants.

BUT higher plants are divided into Spore and Seed. The spore divisions include Mosses, Horsetails, Club mosses and Ferns. And to the seed - the department Gymnosperms and the department Angiosperms (Flowers).

Gymnosperms do not have herbaceous forms, and since we see that the plants given to us are definitely not trees or shrubs, they belong to department Flowering(the same conclusion could be drawn from the presence of flowers and fruits).

Garden cabbage is a plant of the Cruciferous (Cabbage) family, peas belong to the legume family, and potatoes belong to the Solanaceae family. The plants of these families belong to class Dicotyledonous.

So the correct answers are 1 , 4 , 6 .

Let's rule out the rest of the answers.

These plants do not belong to the Non-Cellular Empire, as they have a cellular structure, that is, they consist of cells. They do not belong to the superkingdom Prokaryotes, since prokaryotes are organisms that do not have a nucleus in the cell, while plants have a nucleus. They do not belong to the sub-kingdom Multicellular, since in the taxonomy of plants there are sub-kingdoms Higher and Lower, and there are no sub-kingdoms Multicellular at all.

2. Allen's rule states that among related forms of warm-blooded animals, similar lifestyles, those that live in colder climates have relatively smaller protruding body parts: ears, legs, tails, etc.
Consider photographs of representatives of three closely related species of mammals. Arrange these animals in the order in which their natural ranges are located on the surface of the Earth from north to south.

1. Write in the table the appropriate sequence of numbers that indicate

2. Using knowledge of thermoregulation, explain Allen's rule.


Answer to the first question: 312
The answer to the second question: the larger the body surface of a warm-blooded animal, the more intense the heat transfer. Large ears contribute to this.

Answering the first question is not at all difficult. It is worth considering that it is required to arrange the animals, starting from the northernmost one, and according to Allen's rule, protruding parts of the body are smaller in northern animals. This means that we must arrange the animals, starting with the one with the smallest ears.

A decrease in the protruding parts of the body in animals leads to a decrease in the surface of the body, and, consequently, to a decrease in heat transfer. This helps animals living in cold environments conserve heat. This should be the answer to the second question.

1. Sort the organisms according to their position in the food chain.
In each cell write
the name of one of the proposed organisms.
List of organisms:
grasshoppers, plants, snakes, frogs, eagle.

food chain

2. The rule says:"no more than 10% of the energy comes from each previous trophic level to the next." Using this rule, calculate the amount of energy (in kJ) that is transferred to the second order consumer level for a net annual primary ecosystem production of 10,000 kJ.

1. plants - grasshoppers - frogs - snakes - eagle

4. Study the drawing. By what process was such a variety of depicted organisms formed?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

artificial selection,
OR mutational variability,
OR genetic variation

5. Study the graph showing the dependence of the rate of the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme, on the dog's body temperature (the x-axis shows the dog's body temperature (in °C), and the y-axis shows the rate of the chemical reaction (in arb. units)).

It is known that the body temperature of a healthy dog ​​is in the range of 37.5–38.5 °C. How will the speed change chemical reactions in the body of a dog if its body temperature is higher than normal?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

The rate of chemical reactions will decrease (fall)

6. Fill in the empty cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select and write down the number of the desired element in the table.

Missing items:
1) DNA
2) anatomy
3) organismic
4) chloroplast
5) molecular genetic
6) cytology

7. Cholesterol plays an important role in metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. It enters the body from animal products. It is practically non-existent in plant products. The amount of cholesterol that enters the body with food should not exceed 0.3-0.5 g per day.

1. Using the data in the table, calculate the amount of cholesterol in the breakfast of a person who ate 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 25 g of "Dutch" cheese, 20 g butter and two sausages.

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________.

2. What danger to human health is an excess of cholesterol in the human body?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

2. damage to blood vessels,
OR development of atherosclerosis,
OR ischemic heart disease

8. Sergey came to the doctor because he was not feeling well. The doctor gave him a referral for an analysis, the results of which showed that the number of leukocytes is 2.5 × 108, while the norm is 4–9 × 109. What analysis did the doctor suggest and what diagnosis did he make based on the results? Select answers from the following list and write down their numbers in the table.

List of answers:
1) violation of carbohydrate metabolism
2) oxygen deficiency
3) blood test
4) decreased immunity
5) stool analysis

9. Determine the origin of the diseases listed. Write down the number of each
diseases in the list to the corresponding table cell. Table cells can have
several numbers are recorded.

List of human diseases:
1) chickenpox
2) Down syndrome
3) myocardial infarction
4) dysentery
5) malaria

2 145 3

10. Medical genetics is widely used genealogical method. It is based on the compilation of a person's pedigree and the study of the inheritance of a particular trait. In such studies, certain notations are used. Study a fragment of the family tree of one family, some members of which have deaf-mutism.

Fragment of family tree

Using the proposed scheme, determine:
1) this trait is dominant or recessive;
2) this trait is not linked or linked to the sex chromosomes.


  1. recessive trait

2. the trait is not sex-linked

11. Sveta always wanted to have the same “dimples” on her cheeks as her mother (the dominant trait (A) is not sex-linked). But Sveta did not have "dimples", like her father. Determine the genotypes of family members based on the presence or absence of "dimples". Record your answers in the table.

Mother Father Daughter

Mother - Aa; father - aa; daughter - a

12. The court considered the claim to establish the paternity of the child. A blood test was made of the child and his mother. In the child, it turned out to be II (A), and in the mother - I (0). Analyze
table data and answer the questions.

1. The mother of the child stated in court that the father of her son is a man with IV (AB) group
blood. Could he be the father of the child?

2. Based on the rules of blood transfusion, decide if the child can be a donor
blood for his mother.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

3. Using the data in the table "Blood groups according to the AB0 system" explain your decision.

* Note.
An antigen is any substance that the body perceives as foreign or potentially dangerous and against which it usually begins to produce its own antibodies.
Antibodies are blood plasma proteins formed in response to the introduction of bacteria, viruses, protein toxins and other antigens into the human body.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

Answer to the first question: yes
Answer to the second question: no
Answer to the third question: as a result of being simultaneously in
bloodstream of the mother, during transfusion, of the same name antigens A
of the child and antibodies α (mother), erythrocytes will stick together, which
can lead to the death of the mother

13. In a biochemical laboratory, the nucleotide composition of a fragment of a wheat DNA molecule was studied. It was found that the proportion of adenine nucleotides in the sample is 10%.
Using the Chargaff rule, which describes the quantitative relationships between different types of nitrogenous bases in DNA (G + T = A + C), calculate the percentage of nucleotides with cytosine in this sample.

Answer: ______________

1. Consider the image of a two-membrane organoid of a eukaryotic cell. What is it called?


2. Violation of what process will occur in the cell in case of damage (malfunctions) of these organelles?

Answer: _________________________________________

1. mitochondrion

2. energy metabolism,
OR the breathing process,
OR biological oxidation

15. The genetic code is a way inherent in all living organisms encoding the sequence of amino acid residues in proteins using
nucleotide sequences in a nucleic acid.
Study the table of the genetic code, which demonstrates the correspondence of amino acid residues to the composition of codons. Using the example of the amino acid serine (Ser), explain the following property of the genetic code: the code is triplet.

Table of the genetic code

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________

1) each amino acid corresponds to a combination of three nucleotides
(triplets, codons);
2) coding for the amino acid serine (Ser) can occur with
using one of the following codons (triplets): TCT, TCC,

16. The figure shows Archeopteryx, an extinct animal that lived 150–147 million years ago.

Using a fragment of a geochronological table, set the era and period in which
this organism lived, as well as its possible ancestor of the class level (superorder)

Era: ________________________________________________________________
Possible ancestor:_________________________________________________

Era: Mesozoic era;
Period: Jurassic;
Possible ancestor: ancient reptiles, OR
reptiles OR reptiles OR dinosaurs

© 2017 federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science Russian Federation

2017 Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

Russian Federation

The test work includes 16 tasks. 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) is allotted to complete the work in biology.
Write down the answers to the tasks in the space provided for this in the work. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write down a new one next to it.
When performing work, it is allowed to use a calculator.
When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.
We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip the task that you can't complete right away and move on to the next one. If after completing all the work you have time left, you can return to the missed tasks.
The points you get for completed tasks are summed up. Try to complete as many tasks as possible and score the most points.
We wish you success!


1. Choose from the list of systematic taxa three taxa that are common when describing the depicted organisms.

List of taxa:
1) class Dipartite
2) non-cellular empire
3) the kingdom of Prokaryotes
4) plant kingdom
5) subkingdom Multicellular
6) Floral department


All plants that exist on our planet are combined into one kingdom, which is called Plants.

Plants are divided into two sub-kingdoms - higher and lower.

Algae belong to the lower plants.

And higher plants are divided into Spore and Seed. The spore divisions include Mosses, Horsetails, Club mosses and Ferns. And to the seed - the Gymnosperms department and the Angiosperms (Flowering) department.

Gymnosperms do not have herbaceous forms, and since we see that the plants given to us are definitely not trees or shrubs, they belong to department Flowering(the same conclusion could be drawn from the presence of flowers and fruits).

Garden cabbage is a plant of the Cruciferous (Cabbage) family, peas belong to the legume family, and potatoes belong to the Solanaceae family. The plants of these families belong to class Dicotyledonous.

So the correct answers are 1 , 4 ,6 .

Let's rule out the rest of the answers.

These plants do not belong to the Non-Cellular empire, because they have a cellular structure, i.e. are made up of cells. They do not belong to the superkingdom of Prokaryotes, since prokaryotes are organisms that do not have a nucleus in the cell, while plants have a nucleus. They do not belong to the sub-kingdom Multicellular, since in the taxonomy of plants there are sub-kingdoms Higher and Lower, and there are no sub-kingdoms Multicellular at all.

2. Allen's rule states that among related forms of warm-blooded animals, similar lifestyles, those that live in colder climates have relatively smaller protruding body parts : ears, legs, tails, etc.

1. Write in the table the appropriate sequence of numbers that indicate

2. Using knowledge of thermoregulation, explain Allen's rule.

Answer to 1 question : 312 Answer to question 2 : The larger the body surface of a warm-blooded animal, the more intense the heat transfer. Large ears contribute to this.

Answering question 1 is not difficult at all. It is worth considering that it is required to arrange the animals, starting from the northernmost one, and according to Allen's rule, protruding parts of the body are smaller in northern animals. This means that we must arrange the animals, starting with the one with the smallest ears.

A decrease in the protruding parts of the body in animals leads to a decrease in the surface of the body, and, consequently, to a decrease in heat transfer. This helps animals living in cold environments conserve heat. This should be the answer to question 2.

1. Sort the organisms according to their position in the food chain.
In each cell write
the name of one of the proposed organisms.
List of organisms:
grasshoppers, plants, snakes, frogs, eagle.

food chain

2. The rule says:"no more than 10% of the energy comes from each previous trophic level to the next." Using this rule, calculate the amount of energy (in kJ) that is transferred to the second order consumer level for a net annual primary ecosystem production of 10,000 kJ.


1. plants - grasshoppers - frogs - snakes - eagle

4. Study the drawing. By what process was such a variety of depicted organisms formed?


artificial selection,
OR mutational variability,
OR genetic variation

5. Study the graph showing the dependence of the rate of the reaction catalyzed by the enzyme, on the dog's body temperature (the x-axis shows the dog's body temperature (in °C), and the y-axis shows the rate of the chemical reaction (in arb. units)).

It is known that the body temperature of a healthy dog ​​is in the range of 37.5–38.5 °C. How will the rate of chemical reactions in a dog's body change if its body temperature is higher than normal?


The rate of chemical reactions will decrease (fall)

6. Fill in the empty cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select and write down the number of the desired element in the table.

Missing items:
1) DNA
2) anatomy
3) organismic
4) chloroplast
5) molecular genetic
6) cytology


7. Cholesterol plays an important role in metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. It enters the body from animal products. It is practically non-existent in plant products. The amount of cholesterol that enters the body with food should not exceed 0.3-0.5 g per day.

1. Using the data in the table, calculate the amount of cholesterol in the breakfast of a person who ate 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 25 g of Dutch cheese, 20 g of butter and two sausages.

2. What danger to human health is an excess of cholesterol in the human body?


2. damage to blood vessels,
OR development of atherosclerosis,
OR ischemic heart disease

8. Sergey came to the doctor because he was not feeling well. The doctor gave him a referral for an analysis, the results of which showed that the number of leukocytes is 2.5 × 108, while the norm is 4–9 × 109. What analysis did the doctor suggest and what diagnosis did he make based on the results? Select answers from the following list and write down their numbers in the table.

List of answers:
1) violation of carbohydrate metabolism
2) oxygen deficiency
3) blood test
4) decreased immunity
5) stool analysis


Record the number of each of the diseases in the list in the appropriate cell of the table. Table cells can have
several numbers are recorded.

List of human diseases:
1) chickenpox
2) Down syndrome
3) myocardial infarction
4) dysentery
5) malaria


10. Medical genetics is widely used genealogical method. It is based on the compilation of a person's pedigree and the study of the inheritance of a particular trait. In such studies, certain notations are used. Study a fragment of the family tree of one family, some members of which have deaf-mutism.

Fragment of family tree

Using the proposed scheme, determine:
1) this trait is dominant or recessive;
2) this trait is not linked or linked to the sex chromosomes.


    recessive trait

2. the trait is not sex-linked

11. Sveta always wanted to have the same “dimples” on her cheeks as her mother (the dominant trait (A) is not sex-linked). But Sveta did not have "dimples", like her father. Determine the genotypes of family members based on the presence or absence of "dimples". Record your answers in the table.


Mother - Aa; father - aa; daughter - a

12. The court considered the claim to establish the paternity of the child. A blood test was made of the child and his mother. In the child, it turned out to be II (A), and in the mother - I (0). Analyze
table data and answer the questions.

1. The mother of the child stated in court that the father of her son is a man with IV (AB) blood type. Could he be the father of the child?

2. Based on the rules for blood transfusion, decide if the child can be a blood donor for his mother.

3. Using the data in the table "Blood groups according to the AB0 system" explain your decision.

* Note.
An antigen is any substance that the body perceives as foreign or potentially dangerous and against which it usually begins to produce its own antibodies.
Antibodies are blood plasma proteins formed in response to the introduction of bacteria, viruses, protein toxins and other antigens into the human body.


Answer to 1 question: yes
Answer to question 2: no
Answer to question 3: as a result of the simultaneous presence in the mother’s bloodstream, during transfusion, of the child’s A antigens of the same name and α (mother’s) antibodies, erythrocytes will stick together, which can lead to the death of the mother

13. In a biochemical laboratory, the nucleotide composition of a fragment of a wheat DNA molecule was studied. It was found that the proportion of adenine nucleotides in the sample is 10%.
Using the Chargaff rule, which describes the quantitative relationships between different types of nitrogenous bases in DNA (G + T = A + C), calculate the percentage of nucleotides with cytosine in this sample.


1. Consider the image of a two-membrane organoid of a eukaryotic cell. What is it called?

2. Violation of what process will occur in the cell in case of damage (malfunctions) of these organelles?


1. mitochondrion

2. energy metabolism,
OR the breathing process,
OR biological oxidation

15. The genetic code is a way inherent in all living organisms encoding the sequence of amino acid residues in proteins using
nucleotide sequences in a nucleic acid.
Study the table of the genetic code, which demonstrates the correspondence of amino acid residues to the composition of codons. Using the example of the amino acid serine (Ser), explain the following property of the genetic code: the code is triplet.

Table of the genetic code


1) each amino acid corresponds to a combination of three nucleotides
(triplets, codons);
2) coding for the amino acid serine (Ser) can occur with
using one of the following codons (triplets): TCT, TCC,

16. The figure shows Archeopteryx, an extinct animal that lived 150–147 million years ago.

Using a fragment of a geochronological table, set the era and period in which the given organism lived, as well as its possible ancestor at the level of the class (superorder) of animals.

Era: ________________________________________________________________
Possible ancestor:_________________________________________________


Era: Mesozoic era;
Period: Jurassic;
Possible ancestor: ancient reptiles, OR
reptiles OR reptiles OR dinosaurs


List of taxa:
1) plant kingdom
2) class Ferns
3) class Bryophytes
4) Department Ferns
5) Department Gymnosperms
6) sub-kingdom Lower plants

Write down the numbers of the selected taxa.


The drawings depict plants (there are plant organs - leaves, stems); class Fern-like department Fern-like - Fern-like have roots and shoots (stems with leaves), reproduce by spores.

The leaves grow at the apex (like shoots), young leaves form curls at the apex - "snails" that protect the apical meristem. Because of these features, which are not characteristic of leaves, they are called fronds. Adventitious roots form on the rhizome. Figure 2 shows a water fern.

Answer: 142.

2. The law of the limiting factor states that the most important factor for the survival of a species is the factor that deviates more from its optimal values. Factors that hinder the development of organisms due to a lack or excess of them compared to needs are called limiting (limiting).

The drawings depict various natural ecosystems. Arrange these ecosystems in the sequence in which the value of the limiting factor (lack of heat) decreases.

    Write in the table the corresponding sequence of numbers that denote ecosystems.

2. visual illustration the law of the limiting factor is Liebig's barrel. What does the limiting factor represent in the figure?


2.1: 231
2.2: the short board symbolizes the limiting factor; its length determines the level to which the barrel can be filled, and the length of other boards no longer matters

2.1. The figures show natural areas: 1 - steppe; 2 - tundra; 3 - deciduous forest.
According to the assignment value limiting factor (lack of heat) declining, i.e. mean annual temperature rising: tundra → broadleaf forest → steppe

2.2. There are different formulations of this law. But the essence of the law of the minimum (or the law of the limiting factor) can be formulated as follows:
The life of an organism depends on many factors. But, the most significant at any given time is the factor that is most vulnerable.
In other words, if any of the factors in the body significantly deviates from the norm, then it is this factor that this moment time is the most significant, the most critical for the survival of the organism.
It is important to understand that for the same organism in different time such critical (or in other words limiting) factors can be completely different factors.
In this half-broken barrel, the limiting factor is the height of the board. Obviously, the water will overflow over the smallest plank in the barrel. In this case, the height of the remaining boards will no longer be important to us - it will still be impossible to fill the barrel.
The smallest board is the very factor that deviated the most from the normal value.

1. Sort the organisms according to their position in the food chain. In each cell, write down the name of one of the proposed organisms. List of organisms: weasel, leaf litter, mole, earthworm.

food chain

2. "Rule of 10%": when moving from one trophic level to another, 90% of the energy is dissipated. Using the “Rule of 10%”, calculate the mass of earthworms (in kg) necessary for the normal life of one weasel weighing 102 g in the food chain leaf litter → earthworms→ mole → weasel


1. leaf litter → earthworm → mole → weasel

Detrital food chains (decomposition chains) - food chains that begin with detritus - dead plant remains, corpses and animal excrement. Heterotrophic organisms that feed directly on detritus are called detritophages. Followed by consumers (secondary consumers)

The amount of plant matter that serves as the basis of the food chain is about 10 times greater than the mass of herbivorous animals, and each subsequent food level also has a mass 10 times less. This rule is known as the Lindemann rule, or the 10 percent rule.

When calculating mass and energy from the bottom up, we remove one zero at the transition to each level, and if we move from top to bottom, we add one zero.

Actually, the food chain: leaf litter → earthworms → mole → weasel

Moles 102 g * 10 = 1020 g

Worms 1020 g * 10 = 10200 g or 10 kg 200 g

4. Study the drawing. What process resulted in the formation of such a variety of living organisms depicted in the figure?


artificial selection OR mutational variation OR hereditary variation.

The variety of breeds of pigeons is the result of artificial selection - this is a selection made by humans on the basis of mutational (hereditary) variability.

Man led the selection in a certain direction: the size of the goiter, the beak, the tail.

5. Study the graph that shows the survival rate of the species as a function of temperature.

Determine how many (in %) of individuals will survive in the temperature range from 15 to 25 °C.

ANSWER 75-100%.

biology method

Description of the method



Possibility to ignore a number
non-essential properties
and signs; selection
important properties and features


Missing items:
1) abstraction
2) discovery of new species
3) evolutionary processes
4) use of special devices
5) instrumental
6) gathering facts

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:


1. Fats are an essential part of the human diet.

Sergey is 12 years old (weight 36 kg). In winter, on vacation, he visited the city of Kislovodsk. After a long walk through the Kurortny Park, he dined in a cafe. The order included the following dishes: a complex hot sandwich with pork, vegetable salad, ice cream with chocolate filling, waffle cone and Coca-Cola. Using the data in tables 1 and 2, determine the amount of fat that came with food during lunch, and their relationship to the daily allowance.

Daily nutritional norms and energy needs of children and adolescents

Age, years

need, kcal

Proteins, g/kg

Fats, g/kg

Carbohydrates, g

16 and older

Table of energy and nutritional value ready meals

Dishes and drinks

value (kcal)

Protein (g)

Fat (g)

Carbs (g)

Complex hot sandwich
with pork (bun, mayonnaise,
lettuce, tomato, cheese, pork)

Complex hot sandwich
with ham (bun, mayonnaise,
lettuce, tomato, cheese, ham)

Complex hot sandwich
with chicken (bun, mayonnaise,
lettuce, tomato, cheese, chicken)

Omelet with ham

Vegetable salad (fresh tomatoes,
cucumbers, peppers)

Caesar salad (chicken, salad,
mayonnaise, croutons)

Rustic potatoes

Small portion of potatoes

Standard serving of potatoes

Ice cream with chocolate

Waffle cone

"Coca Cola"

Orange juice

Tea without sugar

Tea with sugar (two teaspoons)

2. Fats are an essential part of the human diet.

Why do dietitians for weight loss advise to reduce the amount of fat in the diet, and not completely abandon them?


1. The amount of fat in lunch \u003d 33 + 0 + 11 + 4 + 0 \u003d 48 g; the ratio of dietary fat to the daily norm \u003d 48: 61.2 (daily fat requirement - 36 kg x 1.7) 0.78 (or 78%)

2. It is impossible to completely exclude fats from the diet, since fats are components of cell structures (membranes) and are part of hormones, promote the absorption of certain vitamins.

8. At the appointment with the therapist, the patient complains of increased excitability, rapid pulse, bulging eyes, trembling hands, sweating, weight loss with good appetite, mood swings. What diagnosis will the doctor make? To which specialist will the patient be sent to clarify the diagnosis? Select answers from the following list and write down their numbers in the table.

List of answers:

1) bronze disease
2) Graves' disease
3) violation of protein metabolism
4) neurologist
5) endocrinologist


Graves' disease, also known as Graves' disease (medical name - diffuse toxic goiter) is a disease associated with the deviation of the thyroid gland (its increase in size and excessive production of hormones).

Graves' disease begins for ordinary person almost imperceptible. Its first signs may be: excessive sweating, frequent trembling of the upper limbs, insomnia, mood swings. The patient's skin becomes darker over time, in the area of ​​​​his lower extremities you can notice small permanent swelling.

Endocrinologist - a doctor of this specialization monitors the state of the endocrine system of the body. An endocrinologist deals with the diagnosis and treatment, as well as the prevention of hormonal regulation problems in our body.

9. Determine the origin of the diseases listed. Record the number of each of the diseases in the list in the appropriate cell of the table. Table cells can contain multiple numbers.

List of human diseases:

1) hepatitis
2) tuberculosis
3) angina
4) scoliosis
5) flu


10. Study the fragment of the pedigree.

Set the nature of inheritance of the trait highlighted in black in the diagram.

1) Is this trait dominant or recessive?

2) Is this trait sex-linked or not?


1. The trait is dominant autosomal, since it manifests itself in each generation.

2. It is equally likely to occur in both men and women - it is not linked to the X chromosome.

11. Parents have brown eyes. Their daughter has Blue eyes. Determine the genotypes of family members on the basis of "brown / blue eyes". Record your answers in the table.

ANSWER mother - Aa, father - Aa, child - aa.

12. The mother has the fourth (AB) blood type, the father has the first (00). Analyze the data in the table and answer the questions.

1. What type of blood does their daughter have?
2. Based on the rules for blood transfusion, decide if a father can donate blood for his daughter.

3. Using the data in the table "Classification of blood by groups", explain your decision.

* Note.

An antigen is any substance that the body perceives as foreign or potentially dangerous and against which it usually begins to produce its own antibodies.

Antibodies are blood plasma proteins formed in response to the introduction of bacteria, viruses, protein toxins and other antigens into the human body.


Response elements:

12.1. Answer: II (A) or III (B)

Let's use a table. We find the column with the father's blood group I (0), we are looking for the line - IV (AB) the mother's blood group. At the intersection we find the blood group of possible children - II (A), III (B)

12.2. Answer: yes.

Let's use the "blood transfusion" scheme. MAYBE, BUT - when transfused large quantities blood should use only single-group blood.

12.3. Answer: a person with the first blood group (father) is a “universal donor”, ​​→ his blood can be transfused into the blood of any group.

13. When studying the nucleotide composition of a crayfish DNA molecule fragment, it was found that the proportion of nucleotides with guanine in the sample is 18%. Using the Chargaff rule, which describes the quantitative ratios between different types of nitrogenous bases in DNA (G + T = A + C), calculate the percentage of nucleotides with thymine in this sample.


According to the rule of complementarity, the amount of guanine is equal to the amount of cytosine; the number of nucleotides with thymine is equal to the number of nucleotides with adenine.

18% cytosine = 18% guanine according to the rule of complementarity,
64% for thymine and adenine, and since they are equal in number, then
32% adenine = 32% thymine.

Percentage of nucleotides with thymine 100% - (18% C + 18% G) = 64%:2=32

1. Consider the image of the organoid. What is it called?

2. View the image of the organoid. What processes does the depicted organoid provide?


1. In the figure, the Golgi apparatus. It is a stack of disk-shaped membrane sacs (cistern), a system of tubules and vesicles at the ends (lysosomes are formed)

2. Accumulation and chemical modification (processing) of substances that are synthesized in the EPS channels ( endoplasmic reticulum) in an inactive form; transport of modified chemical substances; the formation of lysosomes.

15. Genetic code - a method of encoding the sequence of amino acids in the composition of proteins using the sequence of nucleotides in the composition of the nucleic acid in all living organisms. Study the table of the genetic code, which demonstrates the correspondence of amino acid residues to the composition of codons. Using the amino acid methionine (MET) as an example, explain such a property of the genetic code as unambiguity (specificity).

Genetic code


Second base


hair dryer
hair dryer





















Unambiguity - one triplet cannot code for more than one amino acid.

The amino acid methionine (MET) is encoded by only one triplet. According to mRNA AUG; by DNA TAC

16. The figure shows psilophytes - extinct plants.

Using a fragment of a geochronological table, set the era and period in which these organisms appeared, as well as a possible ancestor at the plant division level.

Geological table

ERA, age
in million years


Vegetable world

Mesozoic, 240

Angiosperms appear and spread; ferns and gymnosperms are reduced


Paleozoic, 570



The flourishing of tree ferns, club mosses and horsetails (formed "coal forests"); seed ferns appear; psilophytes disappear


Development and then extinction of psilophytes; emergence of major groups spore plants- lycopsform, horsetail, fern; the appearance of the first primitive gymnosperms; occurrence of fungi


dominance of algae; the emergence of plants on land - the appearance of rhinophytes (psilophytes)


algal bloom


Divergent evolution of algae; appearance of multicellular forms

Proterozoic, 2600

Blue-green and green unicellular algae and bacteria are widespread; red algae appear


Let's use the table, in the third column we will find psilophytes; we determine from the second and first columns the era and period when the psilophytes lived

Answer: Era: Paleozoic

Period: Silurus

The ancestors of psilophytes are multicellular green algae.


1. Choose from the given list of systematic taxa three taxa that are common in the description of the depicted organisms.

List of taxa:

1) Animal kingdom
2) class Ciliary worms
3) class Flukes
4) Flatworm type
5) type annelids
6) Nematode type

Write down the numbers of the selected taxa.

2. Bergman's rule states that among related forms of warm-blooded animals, leading a similar way of life, those who live in areas with predominant low temperatures, have, as a rule, larger body sizes compared to the inhabitants of warmer zones and regions.

Consider photographs of representatives of three closely related species of mammals. Arrange these animals in the order in which their natural ranges are located on the surface of the Earth from north to south.

1. Write down in the table the corresponding sequence of numbers that indicate the photographs.

2. Using knowledge of thermoregulation, explain Bergman's rule.

3.1. Arrange the organisms in the correct sequence according to their place in the water meadow food chain. In each cell, write down the name of one of the proposed organisms.

List of organisms: earthworm, falcon, snake, shrew, humus.

food chain

_________ → _________ → _________ → _________ → _________

3.2. The rule says: "no more than 10% of the energy comes from each previous trophic level to the next." Using this rule, calculate the amount of energy that goes to the level of consumers of the first order with a net annual primary production of the ecosystem of 200 kJ.

4. Study the drawing. What type of relationship does the picture illustrate?

5. Analyze the graph of the rate of reproduction of lactic acid bacteria and answer the following question: how will the rate of reproduction of bacteria change within the temperature range from 24°C to 34°C?

6. Fill in the blank cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select and write down the number of the desired element in the table.

Missing items:

1) protein biosynthesis;
2) ecology;
3) organismal;
4) food chains;
5) conduction of a nerve impulse;
6) cytology;

7.1. Below is a table showing the content of vitamins in some fruit juices (according to the Popular Medical Encyclopedia). The bottom line shows the average daily requirement for these substances (in mg). Using the table, answer the questions, when calculating, use the maximum data indicator (for example, 2-8 - use 8).

Is it enough to drink 250 ml of a citrus mix consisting of orange (100 ml), lemon (50 ml) and tangerine juice (100 ml) to meet the daily requirement for vitamin A?

7.2. Anya, 14 years old, weight 55 kg, vegetarian. Why Julia needs to be converted Special attention on the content of proteins in ordered dishes?

8. During the examination, Anastasia (19 years old) was diagnosed with a sugar level of 12 mmol/l at a rate of 3.2-5.5 mmol/l. What analysis did Anastasia take? What diagnosis will the doctor presumably make based on the results? Choose an answer from the list and write down the number of the answer in the table.

1) blood test
2) urinalysis
3) violation of carbohydrate metabolism
4) inflammatory process
5) allergic reaction

Write down the numbers in response, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:

9. Determine which organs from those listed in the list got their development from which germ layers. Write down the number of the organ in the list in the corresponding cell of the table. Table cells can contain multiple numbers.

List of human organs:

1) nails
2) biceps
3) lungs
4) femur
5) brain

10.1. According to the pedigree shown in the figure, set the nature of the manifestation of the trait (dominant, recessive), indicated in black. Determine the genotype of parents and children in the first generation.

10.2. Study the scheme of crossing chickens.

Establish the nature of inheritance of black plumage in chickens.

Is this trait inherited according to the principle of complete or incomplete dominance?

11. In humans, glaucoma is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait (a). The wife suffers from glaucoma, and the husband is heterozygous for this trait. Determine the genotypes of the parents and the probability of having a healthy child. Record your answers in the table.

Probability of birth
healthy child, %

12. The forensic medical examination is tasked with finding out: whether the boy in the family of spouses P 1 is native or adopted. A study of the blood of the husband, wife and child showed: the wife - IV blood type, the husband - I, the child - I blood group. Analyze the data and answer the questions.

1. What conclusion should the expert give?
2. What blood type can a child of these parents have?

3. Explain the expert's decision.

13. What is the number of amino acids in a protein if its coding gene consists of 600 nucleotides? Write ONLY the corresponding number in your answer.

14.1. Consider the drawing of a plant part, what structure is shown in the drawing. What is it called?

14.2. What function does this structure?

15. Genetic code- a method of encoding the sequence of amino acids in the composition of proteins using the sequence of nucleotides in the composition of the nucleic acid in all living organisms.

Study the table of the genetic code, which demonstrates the correspondence of amino acid residues to the composition of codons.

Using the amino acid glutamine (GLN) as an example, explain which triplets can encode this amino acid on messenger RNA (mRNA), indicate all possible combinations of triplets. Explain such a property of the genetic code as degeneracy or redundancy.

16. The figure shows a belemnite - an extinct animal that lived 440-410 million years ago.

Using a fragment of a geochronological table, set the era and period in which this organism lived, as well as the “close relatives” of this animal in the modern fauna (the answer is at the genus level)

Geological table


    213; Heat production (heat generation by the cells of the body) is proportional to the volume of the body. Heat transfer (loss of heat, its transfer to environment) is proportional to the surface area of ​​the body. With an increase in volume, the surface area increases relatively slowly, which makes it possible to increase the “heat production / heat loss ratio” and thus compensate for heat loss from the body surface in cold climates.

    1. humus → earthworm → shrew → snake → falcon; 2.20


    A - 2, B - 4, C - 3, D - 5, D - 6, E - 1.

    1. No; 2. Protein is the main building material for the body, and with a vegetarian diet, protein may not be enough in food.

    Ectoderm - 15, endoderm - 3, mesoderm - 24.

The trait is recessive, because there is a “jump” through the generation.

Genotypes of parents: mother - aa, father - AA or Aa;

Genotypes of children: son and daughter of heterozygotes - Aa

2. Incomplete dominance

    Mother - aa, father - Aa, probability - 50.

    1. Let's use the table. We find a column with the father's blood group II (A), we are looking for a line - the 2nd blood group of the mother. At the intersection we find the blood group of possible children - two answers II (A) and I (0).

3. When transfusing large amounts of blood, only one-group blood should be used. With the blood of a donor, it enters the blood of children a large number of agglutinins, which can cause hemolysis of the recipient's own erythrocytes. As a result of agglutination of erythrocytes of antigen A (father) and plasma antibodies α (in children), children may die.

    1. Shoot, OR stem with leaves and buds;

2. The figure shows chromosomes. Dense elongated or filamentous formations that can only be seen during cell division. They contain DNA - the carrier of hereditary information that is transmitted from generation to generation.

The function of chromosomes is the storage of hereditary information, OR the regulation of all life processes.

    1) coding for the amino acid glutamine (GLN) can occur using one of the following triplets: CAA, CAG;

2) degeneracy, or redundancy - one amino acid can be encoded by several triplets.

    In the Silurian period (440-410 million years ago), large animals first appeared in the seas, before that their size did not exceed a few centimeters. The largest marine animals of the Silurian were cephalopods with an outer shell the size of a telegraph pole, sometimes reaching 4-5 meters in length.

Belemnites are very similar to modern squids and like them were good swimmers. On their heads were large eyes and ten arms with suction cups - two long and eight shorter. Like some squids, belemnites had a shell inside the body - these shells are often found in Mesozoic deposits and are called "devil's fingers". In shape and size, they really look like pointed fingers. Most scholars believe that the shell was calcareous, like those of other mollusks, but some think that living belemnites had soft, cartilaginous shells that were fossilized after death. Ammonites and belemnites completely died out at the end of the Mesozoic era.

ERA: Paleozoic

Period: Silurian

Possible "relative": squid

I have always wanted to have such an apartment. you have such nice furniture! they have so many pictures in the house.
4. this staircase is so cool
5. I always wanted to have the same big window overlooking the garden
6. such small refrigerator not convenient.
7. I don't like such street lights.
8. I don't like such houses.
9. I have never met such a wonderful person.
11. she spoke to me so kindly.
12. they live so friendly.
thirteen . we had such a good time with them

I have always wanted to have such an apartment. you have such nice furniture! they have so many pictures in the house. 4. this staircase is so steep 5. i always wanted to have the same big window overlooking the garden 6. such a small refrigerator is not convenient. 7. I don't like such street lights. 8. I don't like such houses. 9. I have never met such a wonderful person. 11. she spoke to me so kindly. 12. they live so friendly. thirteen . we had such a good time with them

0 /5000

Detect Language Klingon (pIqaD) Azeri Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Bosnian Welsh Hungarian Vietnamese Galician Greek Georgian Gujarati Danish Zulu Hebrew Igbo Yiddish Indonesian Irish Icelandic Spanish Italian Yoruba Kazakh Kannada Catalan Chinese Chinese Traditional Khysha Lati Creole литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский панджаби персидский польский португальский румынский русский себуанский сербский сесото словацкий словенский суахили суданский тагальский тайский тамильский телугу турецкий узбекский украинский урду финский французский хауса хинди хмонг хорватский чева чешский шведский эсперанто эстонский яванский японский Клингонский (pIqaD listen)) Azerbaijani Albanian English Arabic Armenian Afrikaans Basque Belarusian усский бенгальский болгарский боснийский валлийский венгерский вьетнамский галисийский греческий грузинский гуджарати датский зулу иврит игбо идиш индонезийский ирландский исландский испанский итальянский йоруба казахский каннада каталанский китайский китайский традиционный корейский креольский (Гаити) кхмерский лаосский латынь латышский литовский македонский малагасийский малайский малайялам мальтийский маори маратхи монгольский немецкий непали нидерландский норвежский Punjabi Persian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Cebuan Serbian Sesotho Slovak Slovenian Swahili Sudanese Tagalog Thai Tamil Telugu Turkish Uzbek Ukrainian Urdu Finnish French Hausa Hindi Hmong Croatian Cheva Czech Swedish Esperanto Estonian Javanese Japanese Target:

Results (English) 1:

I always wanted to have such an apartment. you have such a good furniture! they have so many pictures in the House. 4. the staircase is steep 5. I always wanted to have a large window overlooking the garden6. a small refrigerator is not a good choice.7. I do not like such street lamps.8. I do not like such houses.9. I "ve never met such a wonderful person.11. She talked with me so kindly.12. they live together.13. We had a good time

translating, please wait..

Results (English) 2:

I always wanted to have the apartment. you have such a good furniture! they have so many pictures in the house.
4. this ladder so cool
5. I always wanted to have as large a window into the garden
6. a small refrigerator is not convenient.
7. I don't like those street lights.
8. I don't like this kind of house.
9. I have never met such a wonderful person.
11. she spoke to me so kindly.
12. they live together.
13. so we had a lot of their time

Getting ready for VPR in biology Grade 11 Prepared by: Trefilova Raisa Polikarpovna, biology teacher

MBOU "Karagai secondary school No. 2"

Karagay - 2017

  • The All-Russian Testing Work (VPR) is intended for the final assessment of the educational preparation of graduates who have studied the school biology course at the basic level.
  • The objects of control are the knowledge and skills of graduates, formed during the study of the following sections of the basic general and secondary biology course general education: “Biology as a science. Methods scientific knowledge”, “Cell”, “Organism”, “View”, “Ecosystems”, “The human body and its health”.
  • The content of the test includes applied knowledge from the field of a healthy lifestyle.

Trefilova R.P.

All-Russian verification work

  • The priority in the design of the VPR is the need to check the formation of the ways of activity among graduates: assimilation of the conceptual apparatus of the biology course; mastering methodological skills; application of knowledge in explaining biological processes, phenomena, as well as solving elementary biological problems.
  • Mastering the skills to work with information of biological content is checked indirectly through its representation in various ways (in the form of drawings, diagrams, tables, graphs, diagrams).

Trefilova R.P.

Structure and content of the VPR

  • Each version of the All-Russian test work consists of 16 tasks that differ in forms and levels of complexity.
  • Tasks 1, 2, 4, 14, 16 contain images that are the basis for finding the correct answer or explanation.
  • Tasks 3, 5, 7, 12 require students to be able to work with diagrams, graphs, tabular material.
  • Tasks 6, 8, 9, 10 involve choosing or creating correct judgments based on the task context.
  • Tasks 11, 13, 15 are elementary biological tasks.

Trefilova R.P.

Control of general educational skills and methods of action

  • use biological terminology;
  • recognize wildlife objects by description and drawings;
  • explain biological processes and phenomena using various ways presentation of information (table, graph, diagram);
  • establish causal relationships;
  • carry out analysis, synthesis; formulate conclusions;
  • solve qualitative and quantitative biological problems; use theoretical knowledge in practical activities and everyday life.

Trefilova R.P.

Distribution of tasks by types of skills and methods of action

Basic skills and methods of action


Know / understand the main provisions of biological laws, theories, patterns, rules, hypotheses

Know/understand the structure of biological objects: cells, genes and chromosomes, species and ecosystems (structure)

Know/understand the contribution of outstanding scientists to the development of biological science

Be able to explain and establish relationships

Be able to solve elementary biological problems

Be able to recognize and describe biological objects

To be able to identify adaptations of organisms to the environment, anthropogenic changes in ecosystems.

Be able to compare and draw conclusions based on comparison.

Trefilova R.P.

Distribution of tasks by difficulty level

Trefilova R.P.

Grading system

  • Correctly performed work is estimated at a maximum of 30 points.
  • The correct answer to each of the tasks 4, 5, 13 is estimated at 1 point.
  • A complete correct answer to each of the tasks 1-3, 7-12, 15, 16 is estimated at 2 points. If one mistake is made in the answer (including an extra digit is written or one necessary digit is not written), 1 point is given; if two or more mistakes are made - 0 points.
  • The correct answer to task 6 is worth 3 points. If one mistake is made in the answer (including an extra digit is written or one necessary digit is not written), 2 points are given; if two errors were made in the answer - 1 point; if three or more mistakes are made - 0 points.

Trefilova R.P.

Terms and Conditions

  • 1.5 hours (90 minutes) are given to complete the entire work.
  • Answers to the tasks of the all-Russian test work are recorded in the text of the work in the places provided for this. The instructions for the option describe the rules for recording answers to tasks.
  • When conducting VPR in biology, a non-programmable calculator is used (for each student).
  • When completing assignments, you can use a draft. Draft entries will not be reviewed or graded.

Trefilova R.P.

VLOOKUP assignments 2017 1 task - Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge(B, 2 points)

  • Choose from the list of systematic taxa given three taxa that are common in the description of the depicted organisms:
  • 1) class Dicotyledonous 2) empire Noncellular 3) superkingdom Prokaryotes 4) kingdom Plants 5) subkingdom Multicellular 6) department Flowering

Write down the numbers of the selected taxa.

Trefilova R.P.

Trefilova R.P.

Task 2. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge (B, 2 points)

  • Allen's rule states that among related forms of warm-blooded animals that lead a similar lifestyle, those that live in colder climates have relatively smaller protruding body parts: ears, legs, tails, etc.
  • Consider photographs of representatives of three closely related species of mammals.
  • Arrange these animals in the order in which their natural ranges are located on the surface of the Earth from north to south.
  • 1. Write down in the table the corresponding sequence of numbers that indicate the photographs.
  • 2. Using knowledge of thermoregulation, explain Allen's rule.

Trefilova R.P.

Task 3. Species / Ecosystems (B, 2 points)

  • 1. Sort the organisms according to their position in the food chain. In each cell, write down the name of one of the proposed organisms.
  • List of organisms: grasshoppers, plants, snakes, frogs, eagle.
  • Food chain:

2. The rule says: "no more than 10% of energy comes from each previous trophic level to the next." Using this rule, calculate the amount of energy (in kJ) that is transferred to the second order consumer level for a net annual primary ecosystem production of 10,000 kJ.

Trefilova R.P.

Task 4. Species / Ecosystems (B, 1 point)

  • Study the drawing. By what process was such a variety of depicted organisms formed?

Trefilova R.P.

Task 5. Organism / Species (B, 1 point) X the body temperature of the dog is plotted (in °C), and on the y-axis the rate of a chemical reaction (in arb. units)). 2. It is known that the body temperature of a healthy dog ​​is in the range of 37.5–38.5 °C. How will the rate of chemical reactions in a dog's body change if its body temperature is higher than normal?

Trefilova R.P.

Task 6. Biology as a science. Methods of scientific knowledge (P, 3 points)

  • Fill in the empty cells of the table using the list of missing elements below: for each gap marked with a letter, select and write down the number of the required element in the table.

Missing elements: 1) DNA; 2) anatomy; 3) organismic

4) chloroplast; 5) molecular genetic; 6) cytology.

Trefilova R.P.

Task 7. The human body and its health (B, 2 points)

  • Cholesterol plays an important role in metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. It enters the body from animal products. It is practically non-existent in plant products. The amount of cholesterol that enters the body with food should not exceed 0.3-0.5 g per day.
  • 1. Using the data in the table, calculate the amount of cholesterol in the breakfast of a person who ate 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 25 g of Dutch cheese, 20 g of butter and two sausages.

2. What danger to human health is an excess of cholesterol in the human body?

Trefilova R.P.

Task 8. The human body and its health (B, 2 points)

  • Sergei came to the doctor because of poor health. The doctor gave him a referral for an analysis, the results of which showed that the number of leukocytes is 2.5 × 108, while the norm is 4–9 × 109.
  • What analysis did the doctor suggest and what diagnosis did he make based on the results? Select answers from the following list and write down their numbers in the table.
  • List of answers:
  • 1) violation of carbohydrate metabolism
  • 2) oxygen deficiency
  • 3) blood test
  • 4) decreased immunity
  • 5) stool analysis

Trefilova R.P.

Task 9. Organism (B, 2 points)

  • Determine the origin of the diseases listed. Record the number of each of the diseases in the list in the appropriate cell of the table. Table cells can contain multiple numbers.
  • List of human diseases:
  • 1) chickenpox, 2) Down syndrome, 3) myocardial infarction,
  • 4) dysentery, 5) malaria

Trefilova R.P.

Task 10. Organism (P, 2 points)

  • In medical genetics, the genealogical method is widely used. It is based on the compilation of a person's pedigree and the study of the inheritance of a particular trait.
  • In such studies, certain notation is used. . Study a fragment of the family tree of one family, some members of which have deaf-mutism.
  • Using the proposed scheme, determine:
  • Is this trait dominant or recessive?
  • This trait is unlinked or linked to the sex chromosomes.

Fragment of family tree

Trefilova R.P.

Task 11. Organism (B, 2 points)

  • Sveta always wanted to have the same “dimples” on her cheeks as her mother (the dominant trait (A) is not sex-linked). But Sveta did not have "dimples", like her father.
  • Determine the genotypes of family members based on the presence or absence of "dimples". Record your answers in the table.

Trefilova R.P.

Task 12. Organism (P, 2 points)

  • The court heard a lawsuit to establish the paternity of the child. A blood test was made of the child and his mother. In the child, it turned out to be II (A), and in the mother - I (0).
  • Analyze the data in the table and answer the questions.
  • 1. The mother of the child stated in court that the father of her son is a man with IV (AB) blood type. Could he be the father of the child?

Trefilova R.P.

Task 12 (continued) 2. Based on the rules for blood transfusion, decide if the child can be a blood donor for his mother.

Blood transfusion rules

Trefilova R.P.

Task 12 (continued). * Note.

  • An antigen is any substance that the body perceives as foreign or potentially dangerous and against which it usually begins to produce its own antibodies.
  • Antibodies are blood plasma proteins formed in response to the introduction of bacteria, viruses, protein toxins and other antigens into the human body.

"Blood groups according to the AB0 system"

Trefilova R.P.

Task 13. Cell (B, 1 point)

  • In the biochemical laboratory, the nucleotide composition of a wheat DNA molecule fragment was studied. It was found that the proportion of adenine nucleotides in the sample is 10%.
  • Taking advantage Chargaff's rule describing the quantitative relationships between different types of nitrogenous bases in DNA (G + T = A + C), calculate the percentage of nucleotides with cytosine in this sample.

Trefilova R.P.

Task 14. Cell (B, 2 points)

  • Consider the image of a two-membrane organoid of a eukaryotic cell. What is it called?
  • What process will be disturbed in the cell in case of damage (malfunctions) of these organelles?

Trefilova R.P.

Task 15. Cell (B, 2 points)

  • Genetic code- a method inherent in all living organisms to encode the sequence of amino acid residues in the composition of proteins using the sequence of nucleotides in the composition of the nucleic acid.
  • Study the table of the genetic code, which demonstrates the correspondence of amino acid residues to the composition of codons. Using the amino acid serine (Ser) as an example, explain the following property of the genetic code: triplet code.

Trefilova R.P.

Task 16. Species / Ecosystems (P, 2 points)

  • The figure shows Archeopteryx, an extinct animal that lived 150–147 million years ago. Using a fragment of a geochronological table, set the era and period in which the given organism lived, as well as its possible ancestor at the level of the class (superorder) of animals.
  • Answer: Era: ___________________
  • Period: ___________________
  • Possible ancestor:_________

Trefilova R.P.

VPR answers, grade 11, 2017

Trefilova R.P.

Sources Template author: Tikhonova Nadezhda Andreevna, teacher of Russian language and literature, Kostanay http://www.lenagold.ru/fon/tkan/tkan/zel/zeltkan46.jpg http://bestfon.ucoz.ru/_ph/2/2/53061530.jpg http://www.fipi.ru/vpr VPR in biology, grade 11, 2017 http://relasko.ru/_fr/201/s2166996.jpg vpr emblem