Crassula the hobbit care. Care at home for Crassula - money tree. Botanical description of the plant


Family- fat ones.

Origin- South Africa.

The fat woman belongs to succulents, i.e. plants whose tissues are adapted to store water. Fat women are owners of thick stems and leaves. The leaves on the stem are cross-shaped, opposite. In some crassulas, the leaves are arranged so closely together that they form dense rosettes.

Among the people, the fat woman has many names - most often it is called the money tree, occasionally - the coin tree. It is believed that a good, healthy, strong crassula on the windowsill promises prosperity to the house.

Increasing family income. It is easy to grow, it is an absolutely unpretentious plant that most of all needs plentiful and regular watering.

Crassula blooms with small flowers collected in inflorescences. The color of the petals is white, yellowish and pink, but not all species have fragrant flowers. The leaves come in different shapes, lengths and colors, and the plants themselves, united by the common name "fat girl", are visually quite different from each other. There are tall tree-like plants, and there are creeping, low ones, in which the leaves are collected in dense rosettes so that the stem is not visible.

We have already told you about other plants of the Crassulaceae family: it is widespread, (aka Sedum), as well.

Types and photos of a fat woman

All types of fat women are divided into several categories depending on their appearance. Thus, tree-like, columnar and ground cover (creeping) crassulas are distinguished.

Crassula ovata, or oval crassula (Crassula ovata); Crassula purslane (Crassula portulacea Lam.)- refers to tree-like fat women. It grows on average up to 60 cm in height, but the largest bushes can reach a height of 1 m. The stems and branches are densely branched and woody. The leaves of the fat woman are dense, thick, fleshy, they can reach 5 cm in length, and the leaf width is half as much. The upper part of the leaf plate is green, the lower one is reddish. Some ovata specimens may have green leaves edged with red.

Crassula Hobbit (Crassula Hobbit)- one of the most common types of fat woman; refers to trees. We love flower growers for the unusual shape of tube leaves. Growing, crassula hobbit turns into a small tree with a lignified trunk. Just like other fat women, it needs crown formation. The Hobbit is a cultivar of the fat woman ovata.

Crassula Sunset (Crassula Sunset)- Another variety of Crassula ovata. Valued for its variegated color: the red edging of the sheet is combined with stripes along the edge - white or yellow.

More precisely - Crassula Buddha's Temple- a completely unusual plant, like its name. Upright columns with leaves tightly pressed against each other - this is what a typical representative of this type of fat women looks like. Grows very slowly. Needs very little watering until the soil dries out. The pot should be small.

She is - Crosbis Compact (Crassula minor, Crassula Crosby's Compact)- a compact variety of ovata fat woman. Great for mini gardens.

Crassula Coral (Crassula Coral, Crassula Skinny Fingers)- a fat woman, outwardly very similar to Crassula, a hobbit. Green leafy ears, relatively fast growth, the ability to make bonsai out of it - this is what distinguishes coral from other fat women.

Crassula perforata (Crassula perforata)- Another unusual type of fat women. Upright stems, completely covered with leaves. With "growing up" the leaf changes color from yellow (young leaves) to green.

Crassula Gollum (Crassula Gollum)- Another representative of the fat women with tube leaves. Gollum is the owner of tubes with a funnel-shaped extension at the tip.

Crassula lycopodioides (Crassula lycopodioides), or mossy crassula (Crassula muscosa), - semi-shrubby fat woman with creeping shoots, square in cross section. The leaves are small, tightly adjacent to each other, pointed in shape. Usually the color is dark green, but in the sun they turn red.

Crassula rock (Crassula rupestris Thunb.)- herbaceous fat woman with small leaves. Shoots creeping or erect, can be up to 60 cm long.

Caring for a fat woman at home

Temperature regime. In the summer, fat women feel great in the fresh air - they can be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony.

Lighting. Miniature species, whose leaves are twisted into dense rosettes, love bright lighting and tolerate direct sunlight. But columnar and tree-like species shade. For uniform growth of the plant, it is periodically turned in different directions to the light.

Watering. In summer, for compact species with dense rosettes of leaves, watering should be moderate. Columnar and tree-like need abundant watering, although infrequent. With the onset of autumn and a decrease in temperature for all types, watering is reduced to once a week. If the plant hibernates in a cool room, then it is watered only after the earthen coma has completely dried out, once or twice a month is enough.

top dressing. In summer - once every 10-14 days, alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers. For miniature species, the concentration of dressings should be lower than for other indoor plants. In autumn, with a decrease in temperature, top dressing is applied less often.

Earthmixture. For crassula, a heavy soil mixture is used, while for ground cover, a mixture with a high sand content is used. The usual soil formula for a fat woman is as follows: 4 parts of heavy soddy soil and one part of hardwood, humus and sand. Crassula does not need other additives.

Transfer. Fat women do not need regular transplantation. They are rarely transplanted when the previous pot seems obviously small for the plant, but frequent transplants do not harm them. When transplanting, Crassula is not buried low into the ground; usually it is left at the same level of penetration at which the plant was before transplantation.

The correct pot for a fat woman is shallow, but relatively wide. The diameter of the pot should be approximately equal to the expected diameter of the crown of the plant so that it stands steadily.

reproduction. As a rule, reproduction of the fat woman is used by cuttings and leaves. This is a very simple method in which plants almost always take root and grow. No special conditions are required. A fallen leaf takes root easily. You can contribute to this: press the bottom of the leaf to the soil and water from time to time.

To propagate a fat woman at home with stem cuttings, they act like this. The cuttings are cut and dried, and then planted in a sandy substrate or the earth mixture described above. The first watering after planting is carried out after 2-3 days. Repeatedly and further cuttings are watered occasionally, in order to prevent overdrying of the soil. Crassula cuttings for rooting do not cover.

crown formation. For the fat woman, popularly known as the "money tree", the most common species in indoor floriculture, crown formation is relevant. In order to get a stable, visually harmonious plant, you cannot do without the manual formation of a tree.

The crown of the fat woman is formed by pinching. The length of the branch is considered optimal before branching into 3-4 pairs of leaves. When a new kidney begins to appear, it must be pinched off - manually or using tweezers. In the same way, pinch the top when the plant reaches the desired height.

Too long branches are also suitable for pruning. They are cut off after the fourth pair of leaves, and the cut is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

Possible problems when growing a fat woman

The leaves are falling off the fat woman Possibly insufficient watering. At the same time, watering is increased, and diseased leaves are removed.

Plant dying after transplant- most likely, the root neck was deepened into the soil.

They may have different origins. If these are small dark spots that are easily scraped off by hand, most likely we are dealing with a pest with a scale insect. Brown spots on the leaf plate may indicate excessive watering.

Eva Casio specially for the site All about flowers

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Recently, in almost any home you can see original talismans made from improvised materials (coins, pebbles, paper, etc.), depicting a money tree. It is believed that such a talisman attracts well-being, prosperity, good luck to the house. However, in nature there is a plant that in the countries of the East is considered a living symbol of wealth and good luck, this is Fatty, or Crassula (Money tree).

This tree is completely unpretentious, so even someone who has not grown any plants in his house before can take care of it. And those who love to make something unusual out of indoor plants with the help of pruning can give the Fat Woman a wide variety of shapes.

When buying a flower, you should pay attention to the color and condition of the foliage - it should be fleshy, thick, emerald in color (darker or lighter shade). If the central part of the leaf has a red tint, this indicates that the plant has been in direct sunlight for too long.

Choosing a place for indoor cultivation of Crassula

In a room, the best place for a money tree is windows facing east or west. The leaves of the fat woman should not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the foliage will change its color to red, begin to wither and fall off. Also Crassula can throw off foliage if there is not enough fresh air in the room.

In the summer, this flower can be taken out to the balcony, where there is enough fresh air, warmth and enough sunlight. And in winter, it is better to move it to a window facing south.

During the spring-summer season, the temperature regime in the room should be about 24 - 25⸰С. And in summer, the plant feels best on the street - on a loggia, veranda or balcony.

In the autumn-winter period, the optimal temperature regime is 12-14 degrees and even lower (but not lower than 4-5 degrees). Some flower growers recklessly leave the money tree to winter at a temperature of 20-22 degrees, but in this case the plant may begin to lose foliage.

In no case should you place Crassula near heating appliances in the winter.

In a room, the best place for a money tree is windows facing east or west

Crassula reproduction

Crassula can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, growing from a leaf and dividing the bushes.


When propagating Crassula by cuttings, they must first be placed in water for a while so that they give roots. To make the roots appear faster, you need to add charcoal to the water. After the crassula gives roots, it can be transplanted into pots with a diameter of 6 cm. The soil for planting can be made up by yourself, taking leafy soil, turf and river sand in equal proportions. Planted plants are placed in a sunny place, the temperature in the room should be about 17 degrees. Water young plants once a day. This method of reproduction of the fat woman is the easiest, it is used by most flower growers.

When propagating Crassula by cuttings, they must first be placed in water for a while so that they give roots.


Crassula is propagated by seeds much less often than by cuttings, since this method is less popular with lovers of indoor plants. Seeds are laid out on the surface of the soil in containers, lightly sprinkled with soil on top, moistened and covered with glass. The soil mixture for planting seeds is prepared the same as for planting cuttings. After the seedlings sprout, care for them is carried out in the same way as for the growing cuttings.

Gallery: Crassula (25 photos)


This method is the most difficult, because most of the leaves simply rot during the rooting process. How does a money tree reproduce in a similar way? For this purpose, only strong healthy leaves are selected.. Most of the selected leaves, even having grown roots, rot. But if the whole process is carried out correctly, then this can be avoided (or minimize the decay of the foliage).

Crassula leaf propagation is the most difficult way.

First, the selected leaves should be dried for two days in a room where it is warm and dry enough. When the leaves become lethargic, they should immediately begin to root. This can be done using the following methods:

You should take a small glass, a pile, fill it with a solution with stimulants, put a leaf in it so that the leaf stalk is a centimeter in the water. This container must be placed in heat and light.

The leaf is placed on the edge of the pot, digging the stalk a couple of centimeters into the substrate. The earth should be moist, but there should be no stagnant water so that the leaves do not begin to rot.

The substrate can be replaced with moss (sphagnum). It is preliminarily crushed and the bottom of the sheet is immersed in the resulting mixture.

The most effective are the first and third methods of rooting foliage. Roots usually appear after about a month.

Features of growing crassula (video)

Type and varieties of crassula

Crassula sickle-shaped is a slightly branched perennial shrub, up to 0.8-0.9 m high, has sickle-shaped foliage, fleshy 8-9 cm in length. The bright red flowers are collected in inflorescences - umbrellas.

Crassula arborescens

Succulent, the trunk of which is quite thick, and the shoots are powerful. Its natural habitats are the south and southwest of the African continent. Under natural conditions, the flower can grow up to 2.8 - 2.9 m. The foliage is oval-shaped, dense and fleshy. The inflorescence is a panicle with small white or light pink flowers.

Crassula arborescens

Crassula oval (ovata gollum)

Strongly branching herbaceous perennial native to the African continent. The oval-shaped foliage is collected in small rosettes.

Crassula oval (ovata gollum)

Crassula purslane

A perennial that grows in southern Africa. Its foliage is obovate, green in color. The flowers are small, white or pale pink.

Crassula purslane

Crassula mossy (mossy)

Semi-shrub with tetrahedral creeping stems, growing in the South-Western regions of the African continent. The shape of the foliage is triangular - oval, dark emerald color. When the sun's rays hit the young leaves, they may acquire a reddish tint. The flowers are small, located singly in the axils of the leaves.

Crassula mossy (mossy)

Crassula perforata (perforata)

Semi-shrub perennial up to 0.8 - 0.9 m high, growing in the South-Eastern regions of the African continent. The foliage is oblong, triangular, pointed in shape, can grow up to 13-14 cm in length. Flowers of a red or white shade are collected in umbrella inflorescences.

Crassula perforata (perforata)

Crassula milky (lactea)

Shrub or semi-shrub, whose shoots spread along the ground, grows in the southern and southeastern regions of the African continent. This dwarf plant does not grow above 0.6 m. Foliage grows together at the base, oval shape, pale emerald color. Small white flowers are collected in inflorescences - panicles.

Crassula milky (lactea)

Crassula dotted

Herbaceous perennial with branched creeping stems, grows in the southern regions of Africa. Foliage collected in loose rosettes. Leaves above - emerald color with red speckles, below - purple with a red tint. The flowers are located in the axils, small white.

Crassula dotted

Crassula Marnier

Refers to dwarf perennial shrubs with erect main stem. The foliage is located opposite, has a blue color, densely arranged around the main shoot. Numerous small flowers are located at the top of the shrub.

Crassula Marnier

Crassula Sunset

It has a beautiful decorative appearance due to the unusual color of the foliage.- it is yellow-white in the center, and a red border runs along the edges.

Crassula Sunset

Crassula Buddha Temple

This plant has an unusual shape. It does not have a stem, and the foliage grows as if from each other, such a “structure” can reach a height of 0.4 - 0.6 m. The color of the leaves is light green.

Crassula Buddha Temple

Crassula Hottentot

Grows on the Australian continent, stems and foliage - thick, fleshy.

Crassula Hottentot

Crassula the Hobbit

Almost all foliage is turned outward, and the edges are fused from the base almost to the middle. As a result, the foliage looks like little bags rolled up by someone's not very skillful hand. Blooms in winter, flowers - small, light pink, collected in inflorescences.

Crassula the Hobbit

Crassula Spring Time

Stems are erect. Foliage - regular, slightly elongated, dark - emerald color. small white flowers are collected in inflorescences, exude a delicate pleasant aroma.

Crassula Spring Time

Crassula Minor

Hybrid variety, bred on the basis of the fat woman ovata. Small foliage, oblong in shape, in the middle - dark emerald color, along the edges - a red border on top and bottom of the sheet.

Crassula Minor

Crassula Mix

Shrub with a massive trunk, many shoots and oval-shaped foliage. A red border runs along the edge of the leaves.

Crassula Mix

Crassula care secrets at home

The genus Crassulus is one of the most numerous of all plant species. These include even those that grow in aquariums. All varieties of crassula belong to, which are easy and simple to grow. Even those lovers of indoor flowers who are just starting to breed them will not have trouble with this plant. After all, taking care of him is quite simple.

Features and frequency of watering

In the summer, the flower is watered every 7 days, but if it gets too hot, then the number of waterings is increased to two times in 7 days. You should carefully monitor the soil in the pot - it should dry out a lot, but you can’t fill it with an earthen ball. This is the most important point when caring for a money tree - do not overdry the soil and do not flood the plant.

How Crassula breeds (video)

In winter, the number of waterings is reduced - the fat woman should be watered no more than once every 12 - 14 days. This flower is indifferent to air humidity, so you do not need to spray the foliage. But you need to wipe them with a damp cloth from dust at least once every two weeks.

top dressing

Usually top dressing is applied under the plant in the summer once every two weeks. You should purchase special fertilizers for cacti and succulents. The rest of the time, the amount of fertilizer is halved, and the plant should be fed once every 30 days, and the concentration of top dressing should be halved. Usually, fertilizers are applied only to moistened soil, so the flower should be fed immediately after watering.

Top dressing is applied under the crassula in the summer once every two weeks

Soil and drainage

Usually it is not possible to make a nutrient substrate for this flower on your own, usually they simply purchase a special mixture for succulents in a specialized store.

The pot should have a hole at the bottom to allow excess moisture to escape during watering., and a drainage layer (4-5 cm thick) should be poured onto the bottom of the pot, small pebbles, medium-sized expanded clay or coarse river sand are suitable for this.

Methods and timing of trimming a fat woman

Cut the bearberry in order to give it a decorative look. The formation of the crown is carried out in spring or autumn, cutting off strongly overgrown shoots. Usually, when pruning, 4-5 leaves are left on each shoot.

You should also pinch the top of the flower so that the plant produces more side shoots. In order for the crown of the fat woman to grow evenly and evenly, it is regularly turned on all sides to the sunlight.

The formation of the crown of a fat woman is carried out in spring or autumn, cutting off strongly overgrown shoots.

money tree transplant

Do not repot this flower often. Usually, a similar procedure is done only if the fat woman has grown greatly, or it is necessary to divide the bush - no more than once every three years. The best time to transplant a flower is mid-spring. For transplanting, a larger pot is taken, and suitable soil - purchased soil for cacti and succulents.

What to do if Crassula leaves fall

Many novice flower growers begin to panic when the foliage dries and falls off at the fat woman. They cannot understand what is the cause of leaf fall. Of course, in this plant, as well as in others, periodic leaf fall is a completely natural process, then the plant loses old foliage. But if young foliage begins to fall, then you should think - what is the reason?

And the reasons for leaf fall are as follows:

  1. Too little light, especially in autumn and winter. During this period, the flower is transferred to the south window, or fluorescent lamps are installed nearby.
  2. Drafts or sudden temperature fluctuations in the room. You should not put a flower next to an open window in winter, or place it on a cold window.
  3. Remember the "three pillars" on which the care of this capricious plant is based: heat, light and moderate humidity. And in this case, this flower will not have leaf fall.

Crassula leaves fall if there is too little light, especially in autumn and winter.

Diseases and other problems when growing a fat woman

The main pests that can affect the money tree are:

  • spider mite;
  • scab;
  • mealybug.

The methods of dealing with these insects are as follows:

  1. If a barely noticeable cobweb appeared on the foliage and stems, it means that a spider mite has settled there. You can fight it with the help of soapy water or special preparations (Fufanon, Fitoverma, etc.).
  2. If yellow or brown spots appear on the foliage, then this indicates the appearance of a scale insect on the foliage. The methods of dealing with it are similar to those carried out against the spider mite.

Named after the heroes of Tolkien's works, Crassula the Hobbit is the most common and original variety of the Crassula oval. Outwardly, the plant looks like a coral reef - such an exotic will certainly become an adornment of any interior. At the same time, it is not capricious in content, does not impose complex care requirements, and therefore is loved by flower growers in many countries.

Origin and botanical description of the plant

Popular names for the crassula succulent plant are the money tree or the fat woman. Crassula ovata Hobbit is an oval or egg-shaped variety of crassula from the Tolstyankov family. The hybrid variety was bred in the 70s of the last century by American breeders based on Crassul ovata and lactea.

The birthplace of culture is the rocky and waterless highlands of the southern hemisphere of the planet. The succulent plant "learned" to store water in the thick pulp of leaves and shoots.

Visually, the Hobbit crassula bush resembles an ordinary oval fat woman. Young plants are bushes with succulent shoots, in adult plants both trunks and branches are woody. It can be grown as a tree or as a shrub, if necessary, can be shaped into a bonsai style. Under natural conditions, it reaches a height of just under two meters, indoor specimens grow up to a maximum of 80 cm.

The shape of the leaves is either completely fused, elongated, or having a funnel-shaped extension on top. After the release of the cartoon about Shrek, the plant was called "Shrek's ears". Their length is up to 4 cm.

The color of the leaves of Crassula ovata Hobbit are different shades of green, often with a reddish bloom on their ends. In some species, when exposed to the sun for a long time, the color of the foliage turns from green to crimson.

At home, flowering is extremely rare, but with proper care, this can happen with already quite “old”, perennial plants. Flowers collected in inflorescences are small, pinkish or white. In general, the Crassula Hobbit "live" for a long time - sometimes more than two decades.

Necessary conditions for growing

The plant is usually without pruning, itself acquires the original, "bonsai" form. The growth rate is average.

The unpretentiousness of fat women, including the Hobbit, is widely known. However, in order for the plant to please with a healthy look, lush greenery, some simple care rules must be followed.

Location and lighting

Air humidity

This factor does not play a big role for the plant. Crassula the Hobbit perfectly tolerates both summer heat and dry indoor air in winter. She suffers only from the dust that accumulates on the leaves. They should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth or sponge.

In summer, the flower will be happy to be sprayed with room temperature water. After that, the crassula pot should be lightly shaken so that water droplets do not stagnate in the axils of the leaves, and the wet plant should not be taken out into the sun so that the water drops do not serve as lenses for the sun's rays and do not cause burns.

Soil and pot requirements

Crassula Hobbit soil needs loose, well-drained, but not too nutritious. You can independently prepare the soil mixture from equal parts of leafy and soddy soil, coarse-grained, pre-roasted or steamed sand, a small amount of crushed brick for additional drainage, and crushed charcoal as a prophylactic against rotting of the root system.

The best option is to purchase a soil mixture for cacti and succulents in a specialized store.

A pot for a fat woman Hobbit needs a wide, flat, small height, since the root of the tree grows superficially and will be most comfortable in a container of this shape. The diameter of the pot is not less than the diameter of the crown, but not too large - in an overly spacious pot, the crassula will grow slowly.

The material does not play a special role, but since the flower is distinguished by exquisite decorativeness, they try to pick up beautiful ceramic or clay pots and bonsai for it (all the more, the container for an adult tree should be wide and heavy enough to hold an overgrown crown).

A mandatory requirement for a Hobbit Crassula pot is the presence of drainage holes (as well as good drainage as the bottom layer).

Features of care

At home, caring for the Crassula Hobbit consists in observing the watering regime and temperature, timely fertilization and regular inspections for the appearance of harmful insects or the onset of diseases.

In the summer, like all crassula, Crassula ovata Hobbit feels good at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. In winter, during the dormant period, the plant needs coolness - 12-15 ° C. At the same time, a short "exit" of temperature beyond the comfortable boundaries of the fat woman is calm, but a long stay in such conditions leads to a painful condition and death of the flower.

Need for watering

Being a native of the arid regions of the globe, Crassula has adapted to drought by accumulating water in its leaves. In summer, it is watered no more than a couple of times a month. Before the next watering, check the soil moisture - it should dry to half the layer. If the soil dries out for a long time, you should check the drainage: it may cake or clog the drainage holes in the pot. Constant soil moisture is fraught with the development of rot and mold.

Starting from mid-autumn and including the first week of spring, the plant is watered no more than once a month. The fact that the tree needs water is evidenced by a slight decrease in leaf turgor.

For irrigation, water is defended, if possible, filtered is used. Definitely room temperature or slightly warm.

To determine the amount of water an hour after watering, check the container under the pot: if there is no water in it, add a little more. If there is, be sure to drain the excess.

top dressing

During the active growing season, the plant needs top dressing twice a month. A special fertilizer for cacti and succulents is diluted in water for irrigation. In autumn and winter, Crassula is not stimulated with top dressing in order to avoid disruption of the biological rhythms of the flower.

Pests and diseases

The fat Hobbit, like other members of her family, is resistant to disease, and is rarely damaged by pests. The disease state of a tree is usually caused by improper care of it.

Another "lover" of juicy crassula leaves is a mealybug, leaving behind a slightly sticky cotton-like trace.

Adherents of folk methods can treat all leaves, trunks and branches with soapy water until the “aggressors” completely disappear. As a radical measure, insecticides such as Fitoverma and Actellik are used. The number of treatments and the concentration of the solution are done according to the instructions on the package. Optimally - first apply the first method, and then the second.

Reproduction methods

Crassula ovata The hobbit reproduces easily and in a variety of ways - by cuttings, leaves, dividing the bush, shoots with aerial roots and seeds:

  • propagation by seeds against the background of such a large number of simple options is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. At home, Crassula Hobbit blooms extremely rarely, and getting seeds from it is very problematic, but you can buy them. Then you should lay them out on a moistened substrate, sprinkle them a little with soil and create greenhouse conditions by covering them with a film. After the appearance of several leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into separate small pots;
  • The easiest and most effective way to propagate is with cuttings about 10 cm long. The lower leaves are removed from them and slightly dried in the shade until the cuttings of the removed leaves fall off, after which they are placed in water. It is regularly changed to fresh, but crushed coal is added to prevent decay. As soon as the roots appear, you can plant the cuttings in individual small containers. The light regime is supported by the usual one, but watering for young crassulas is provided daily;
  • leaves that have fallen from the bush often take root themselves, it is enough to leave them on the soil. But the process of rooting and the formation of children is slower than with cuttings.

Terms and technology of transplantation

Young copies of Crassula Hobbit are transplanted annually in the spring. Replace the soil and select a suitable pot with a diameter of 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Plants older than three years - once every three years. Fat women of "solid" age - even less often, sometimes instead of transplanting, they only replace the top layer of soil.

At each procedure, the drainage is well washed (expanded clay or pebbles), the soil is replaced. If there is a suspicion of rotting of the roots, they are carefully examined and, if necessary, the spoiled ones are cut off. Sections are powdered with ash. In general, if possible, they try not to disturb the root system and relocate the tree to a new place of residence by transshipment.

The fat woman reacts painfully to transplantation, it can shed its leaves. After a couple of weeks of adaptation, she will recover.

Possible difficulties in growing

They usually occur when the rules for caring for a plant are violated:

  • if even after watering the leaves remain soft for a long time - most likely, the flower suffers from overflow. It is removed from the soil, the roots are examined, the rotten ones are cut off, washed with water. Transplanted into a new pot and substrate, fertilized with a solution of carbendazim. Leave in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight, water only after recovery;
  • leaf fall can be both a natural process (the money tree changes foliage every two years), and the result of waterlogging the soil or too long a drought, as well as watering with cold water;
  • the reasons for the cessation of growth may be too small a pot or an attack by pests;
  • a tree can constantly fall due to an incorrectly selected capacity, when the root system does not grow in depth. For greater stability of the pot, the soil is sprinkled on top with a layer of small pebbles;
  • brown, white, brown spots on the leaves - a sign of the development of a fungal disease. Treatment is carried out with fungicides, following the instructions attached to the drug. Red-brown, yellowish - the result of the "work" of scale insects. They are removed manually with a cotton swab dipped in an insecticide, and then the entire tree is treated by spraying with the same preparation.

Amazing, stylish, attention-grabbing and unpretentious Crassula Hobbit will please the eye for many years, you just need to treat her with attention, following the simple rules for care.

Briefly: April 2018 seed collection. Description

The Crassula or Crassula plant is a representative of the genus of succulent plants of the Crassula family, which includes, according to various sources, from 300 to 500 species. More than two hundred of them grow in South Africa, many in tropical Africa and Madagascar, some species are found in the south of the Arabian Peninsula - crassulas are distributed mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. The name of the genus comes from the word "crassus", which means "thick", which in most cases is the fleshy structure of the leaves of many representatives of the genus. In indoor floriculture, crassula flowers are known as "money tree" or "tree of happiness."

Crassula is the guardian of your health: it releases substances into the air that have strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. In addition, crassula leaf juice, like aloe juice, is used in folk medicine in the form of lotions for the treatment of herpes, bee and wasp stings, as well as for bruises, cuts and abscesses; in the form of a rinse for the treatment of sore throats and inflammation of the gums; in the form of rubbing at night with arthritis. However, it should be remembered that crassula juice should not be taken orally, since it contains arsenic in high concentrations.

It is believed that Crassula brings good luck in business and prosperity to the house, which is why, and also because of its unpretentiousness in care, Crassula can often be seen not only in apartments, but also in the offices of trading companies and shops.

Crassula. Care and maintenance:

Most crassulas will not be harmed by direct sunlight, so you may well place a pot with a plant on a south window, although the best place for a crassula is the windowsill of a window facing southwest or east. The lack of light negatively affects the decorativeness of the crassula - the shoots are drawn out, the leaves fall off. If you have the opportunity to keep Crassula outdoors in the summer - on a balcony or terrace - this will benefit the plant. Crassulas are thermophilic, therefore they tolerate summer heat normally, and in winter they do not suffer from proximity to working heaters like other plants, at the same time they feel great in winter and in cool rooms at a temperature of 10-15 ºC. Low air humidity is also not a problem for Crassula.

In fact, the constant care of Crassula includes only infrequent watering of the plant, washing the leaves and top dressing. How to water Crassula, which, as has been mentioned more than once, is a succulent? How often to do it? In summer, moisten the plant only after the topsoil has dried, in winter, let the soil dry 2-3 cm deep. Much more than drought, Crassula is afraid of waterlogging, so she will calmly transfer your departure to summer vacation for 3-4 weeks.

Crassula is fertilized in the spring and summer once a month with liquid fertilizer for succulents and cacti; in autumn and winter, the plant does not need to be fed.

Crassula formation. The formation of the tree must begin when the plant is still young, because when an adult tree is formed, stumps remain at the site of removal of leaves and truncation of shoots, which affects the decorativeness of Crassula. The first step is to choose the right pot for the plant: the crassula root in a vessel that is too large tends to go deep, and the crassula itself rises, which makes the trunk stretch, becoming weak and thin, so the crassula needs a small pot and, most importantly, shallow. As for the composition of the soil, the soil for crassula should contain three parts of soddy soil, one part of humus soil, leafy soil, sand and fine gravel or brick chips. When the crassula reaches a height of 15 cm, pinch off the two smallest
upper leaf - branching should begin at this place, that is, instead of two, two pairs of leaves should appear. As the crassula grows, remove the top leaves in places where you think the shoots should branch - this will form the crown of your money tree.

Crassula transplant. Crassula is transplanted as needed when the roots fill the entire pot, not necessarily annually, but if you want to see the flowering of Crassula, then transplant it at least once every two years. It is better to do this in the spring, at the beginning of active growth. How should Crassula be transplanted? Take a slightly larger pot than the previous one, put a decent layer of drainage material in it - expanded clay or chipped shards, then transfer the crassula from the old pot to a new one with a clod of earth and add fresh substrate as needed to fill the voids. If the crassula root has become too long, shorten it before transplanting to fit in the new pot. If you are trying to keep the Crassula compact, try not to transplant the plant at all, annually replacing only the top layer of the substrate in the pot.

Crassula. Sowing seeds:

Crassula seeds are sown in wide bowls with soil of the following composition: leafy earth - 1 part, sand 0.5 parts. The bowls are covered with glass, which is removed daily to remove condensate and ventilate the crops. Seeds germinate in two weeks. Slightly grown seedlings dive at a distance of 1 cm from each other into a container with soil from one part of leafy soil and half a part of sand and light soddy soil. Contain picked seedlings under bright diffused light. Strengthened and grown crassulas are planted in pots 5-7 cm in diameter in the soil, consisting of leafy, soddy soil and sand in equal parts, and kept for the first time, until they take root, at a temperature of 16-18 ºC, and then transferred to a permanent place .

Hobbit or Gollum?

Crassula ovata is the main species of the Tolstyankov family. Its main types have thick leaves that resemble coins in their appearance. Because of the external similarity, the popular name of Crassula came about - the money tree. Crassula itself can be called the fundamental plant in the family, since there are already more than 300 species and varieties of this succulent.

Crassula ovata The Hobbit and Gollum, outwardly similar, were bred by American breeders in the 50s of the last century, when J. R. R. Tolkien's book "The Lord of the Rings" was published and produced a real "boom".

New unusual varieties were named after the heroes of this book. Varieties Hobbit and Gollum are very different from their ancestors in the form of leaves. These are two similar varieties: in the Hobbit, most (but not all) of the leaves are turned outward and fused from the base to the middle and resemble a funnel, while in Gollum they are already completely tubular with a funnel-shaped extension at the end.

Crassula ovata the hobbit (Crassula ovata Hobbit)

A common variety, most likely bred from Crassula oval. Some flower growers believe that its wonderful plump leaves resemble the ears of one cartoon character - Shrek. That's what they call the leaves - "Shrek's ears." Well, what can you do if they really have similarities.

The color of the foliage can change from emerald green to a shade of crimson if the succulent is in full sun.

The plant is quite compact, has an average growth rate. Itself (without pruning and shaping) takes the intricate shape of a bonsai plant. Therefore, it is perfect for compositions of succulents. A rich burgundy hue on the back of the leaves also gives originality, this is not noticed in other species. The original leaves attract attention both in shape and color. Especially if you keep the plant clean in time. Leaves up to 4 cm long, bush compact, up to 60 cm high.

Crassula ovata Gollum (Crassula ovate Gollum)

This cultivar is very similar to Crassula ovata Hobbit, it differs in the shape of the leaves, which have cup-shaped extensions only at the tips. It grows more slowly than its "brother" Hobbit. It also independently forms the shape of the crown of the original type. It grows on windows oriented to any direction of the world.

The height of an adult bush reaches half a meter in height. Of all the types of crassula, these two species - the Hobbit and Gollum - are the most loved by interior designers, as they have original greenery and are not demanding to care for. It is quite possible to create all the necessary conditions even in the office.



Watering this succulent from mid-autumn, winter and the first week of spring is rarely carried out. Crassula ovata comes from deserts and semi-deserts, so even a temporary drought is experienced quite easily. It accumulates all the moisture in the leaves. Even if the plant is forgotten and not watered for a very long time, it loses the elasticity of the leaves, and even throws off part of them, but remains alive.

In summer you need to water more often. Once every two weeks, but you need to check if the top layer of soil has dried out by about half. If the soil does not dry out in due time:

  • It is necessary to check the drainage, perhaps it is so caked and clogged that it does not pass excess water quickly enough.
  • With constant soil moisture, there is a threat of rot or mold, which can destroy the entire plant.

It is better to water with soft, settled water at room temperature. You can use a household filter and water with filtered water.


All crassulas love good sunlight. It is better to place them on the south and southwest windows. But, even without sufficient lighting all the time, the succulent can develop perfectly if you put it in a sunny place for a couple of hours.

In summer, you can move pots with plants to the veranda or terraces and give them a small corner there. With a strong lack of light, the plant I loses leaves and stretches. At the same time, it loses its decorative effect, and it will be quite difficult to restore it.


As with all Crassulaceae, the temperature in summer can range from 20 to 25 degrees. In winter, when the plant is resting, the temperature should be significantly reduced to -10-15 degrees.

  • Leaf succulents can withstand both temperature drops and rises for a short time. In natural habitats, this happens, and although these are bred varieties, they have inherited this quality.
  • In winter, it is imperative to arrange a cool period for the plant - this will help to fully bloom in spring or summer. If there is no such period, then flowering should not be expected - the plant will only increase the leaf mass.


In practice, it does not play a big role for the plant. Easily tolerates the dry air of our city apartments and the summer heat of country houses. Only when a lot of dust accumulates on glossy leaves can be wiped with a damp sponge.

In summer, a warm small shower is possible, as a replacement for natural rain. After this procedure, you must gently shake the flower pot. This is necessary so that all the droplets of water roll off the leaves.

The succulent should dry out indoors - you can’t expose it to fresh air after a shower and, especially, to the sun. Drops of water on the plant can cause sunburn.

The soil

The soil in the flower pot should be specially selected for succulents. Store-bought mixes may also work, but of good quality.

You can make a mixture in the old fashioned way, with your own hands. All components are not so hard to find, but you will be sure of the quality of the mixture. You will need:

  • 1 part of leafy earth, sifted through a sieve with large cells (you can take the purchased earth from the store, any neutral one will do);
  • 1 part coarse river sand (also sold in flower shops);
  • 1 part of sod land, taken away from autobahns and major roads;
  • Expanded clay of fine fraction, crushed charcoal and a little zeolite should be added to this mixture.

Do not forget to put a significant layer of drainage on the bottom of the pot. Stagnation of water has a detrimental effect on plants. One of the causes of leaf shedding is precisely the excessive moisture of the plant, which occurs if the drainage is poor.


In order to properly transplant Crassula, you need to follow some rules:

  • Only young plants are transplanted annually. At the same time, the new pot should be slightly larger than the old one - 2-3 cm in diameter.
  • Adult and old plants are transplanted every three years. Replace (or wash the drainage well), change the earthen substrate. Be sure to look through the root system and cut off too long roots. Slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal;
  • Very good results are obtained by replacing the topsoil to a depth of 2-5 cm, depending on the age of the plant.


To fertilize Crassula, you can use a traditional complex fertilizer for cacti and succulents. It can be easily bought at a specialized flower shop.

  • In the spring-summer period, you can feed the plant twice a month, following the instructions for using the fertilizer.
  • In winter, feeding should be reduced, and it is better to remove it completely.


One of the advantages of this type of succulent is the ease of reproduction. It is easiest to propagate it by cuttings or sheets. This procedure can be carried out at any time of the year, but it is better to do it in the spring.

Can be combined with pruning when forming a crown. Cuttings or leaves suitable for planting should be dried for two to three days. Then plant in small containers filled with the necessary substrate. There must be good drainage - this is important for young plants.

Seed propagation is less common. Fresh seeds are sown in a small greenhouse with suitable soil and covered with foil. Spray crops daily and ventilate a little. When the seedlings get stronger, they dive into separate containers.

Germinated cuttings/leaves


If you want to form a thick trunk, then you need to start trimming the side shoots quite early. In order for the crown itself to be thick, formed in the form of a certain shape, it is necessary to constantly cut off and pinch the shoots with a clean pruner.

It is possible to form a plant in a fantasy style, especially if you are going to use it in mini-gardens. Or when decorating an office, you will need an unusual type of succulent.


The most reliable way to identify a Crassula variety is to look at the flowering.

  • Crassula Gollum blooms with white and pink flowers. It blooms in winter, the duration of flowering is medium. Star-shaped flowers, loose buds.
  • Crassula the Hobbit has pure white flowers, very neat little stars. The buds are dense and add some decorative effect. Flowering also occurs in winter. In summer, the plant mainly increases its green mass.

To see flowering, when forming the crown, several shoots must be left intact so that flower buds form on them.

Diseases and pests

Subject to the norm of watering, Crassula is quite resistant to bacterial and viral infections, therefore it rarely gets sick.

Pests also rarely infect this succulent, but even if you notice a mealybug or spider mites, just wash the leaves with soapy water. And check the neighboring flowers. Although most often the infection occurs in a flower shop.