Houseplants bearing fruit. Fruit paradise on the windowsill. Beautiful flowering home exotics

In your room, on the window, you can arrange a miniature orchard. fig, a coffee tree, feijoa, and well-known citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine) can grow and bear fruit in an ordinary living space. Of course, to get the fruits, you need to put a lot of effort.
H more amateur flower growers grow lemons. They form fragrant white flowers and later golden, fragrant fruits. Citrus fruits, sometimes, grow unexpectedly in rooms - when in a pot with geraniums, or fuchsias planted a seed and forgot about it, and then, after a long time, a strong sprout appears. If it is transplanted and carefully looked after (most importantly, in winter it is necessary to provide the plant with a low temperature of 8-12 degrees), then in a few years a beautiful, slender tree with dark green shiny leaves will form, and at 10-12 m it can give the first fruits. .
And sometimes citrus fruits are propagated by cuttings, this greatly accelerates fruiting. But, it is better to graft a cutting, or an eye from an adult specimen, is already bearing fruit up to a 3-4 year old seedling that has grown from grain. The fruits may already appear next year.
In light warm room with windows facing south or southeast, the coffee tree grows well, you just need to take care of sufficient air humidity.
More demanding care requires a pomegranate - a deciduous shrub native to Northwest India. Since the seeds do not germinate well, even in greenhouses it is mainly propagated by cuttings taken from young annual shoots. The cuttings take root in a greenhouse at 20-25 °. Pomegranate loves the light, he needs nutritious clay-humus soil and regular, but moderate watering. Young bushes are transplanted annually, and old ones, in spring, are changed. upper layer earth. In winter, you need to keep them in a cool room, and sometimes water a little so that the earth does not dry out. Flowers and fruits develop on strong annual shoots in the 3rd year.
Not bad can develop on the window and figs - an ordinary fruit plant Black Sea coast, only the time before fruiting is doubled. The fig grows quickly, so you need to replant it annually in fresh nutrient soil, and in the fall, partially cut off the crown. Cut out excess "fat" shoots and ends of branches. Figs are also photophilous, so in summer it is recommended to take them out to the balcony or garden, slightly shading. In winter, figs shed their leaves and demand low temperature air (6-12 °).
The tomato tree, or cefomandra, is relatively rare in rooms, originally from Brazil. It's fast growing evergreen tree with large heart-shaped leaves, very decorative and original. Orange - red fruits to taste and appearance reminiscent of tomatoes. Ground tomato cuttings can be grafted onto cefomandra, they will grow like perennials.
Cefomander can be grown in a bright place at a temperature of 15-17 °, in nutrient soil. In summer, water should be plentiful, and in winter - moderately. In the spring, the tops of the shoots are pruned. At good care plants begin to bloom and bear fruit for 3-4 years.

Many other plants with bright fruits can be grown on the windows, for example, various peppers, "egg trees" (one of the varieties of eggplant), and others.
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Types of indoor fruit plants

a pineapple



Many fruit houseplants not only bloom beautifully and really bear fruit, but also spread a pleasant aroma. In the room you can successfully, pineapples, bananas, avocados, coffee and tea trees. But the best plants with a guarantee of harvest, and by the way, the most spectacular in appearance, are lemon, orange, pineapple, pomegranate and figs. They will definitely “succeed” with you, and together they will provide you with a varied “picture” of your indoor garden.

indoor lemon presented dwarf varieties, which are guaranteed to bear fruit in the apartment. In a year, you can get 10 - 20 fruits from one tree. The fruits are very bright, and the whole tree, including both leaves and flowers, is extremely fragrant. Fruits appear 3-5 years after planting. Indoor lemon is good because it does not have a dormant period, and you can see both flowers and fruits on the tree at the same time. Lemon loves light and warmth - he is also a southern "guest". But the heat is not aggressive, therefore. In winter, the lemon can be additionally illuminated with special fitolamps. You will get a fruit-bearing tree faster if you propagate a lemon with cuttings.

Pineapple is very easy to grow. To do this, cut off the top with leaves from the pineapple fruit and root it in a mixture of peat and sand under a plastic bag. Then the rooted plant must be transplanted into the soil, consisting of leaf humus, soddy soil and sand. Pineapple needs big pot Only then will it be possible to reap the rewards. The optimum temperature for it is 25 degrees, and at the same time it must be periodically sprayed.

Indoor orange is also a dwarf variety, and according to growing conditions it is close to lemon. There are only some differences - he does not really like direct sunlight, so it is better not to put it directly in front of a sunny window. He also loves moisture very much - it must be sprayed in warm time year, but in winter - only water. For an orange to have beautiful shape, it needs to be trimmed, it has a tendency to grow disproportionately. With fruits, it is somewhat more difficult than with a lemon - to get fruits, orange tree must be grafted from another already bearing fruit.

Indoor pomegranate is very decorative. The fruits, respectively, are also dwarf, and in order to get them, it is better to pollinate the flowers manually with a brush. The tree grows up to 1 m tall. In flowering, it is not inferior to the most beautiful indoor flowers. Light and heat (23 - 25 degrees) are his favorite conditions, he does not need special humidity. propagate it better cuttings but can also be grown from seed. Just in this case, you have to wait longer for fruiting.

Avocado - OK affordable exotic and is very easy to grow from seed. The avocado has a large seed, which must be peeled before planting, and stuck with a blunt end into the ground, and then pulled over a plastic bag. Avocado - big plant, indeed a tree, and with expressive foliage. But you are unlikely to wait for fruiting in a natural way. To do this, you need to graft a tree with a cutting from an already fruiting avocado, and then - harvest.

The figs will be guaranteed to bear fruit in the room, and will begin fruiting as early as the first year. The figs are rooted with a sprig, which must have at least 3 buds, and this is done in the spring. In addition, fig seedlings can be found on sale. The conditions for caring for figs are the same as for citrus fruits, but there is one major difference: this is a deciduous tree. It sheds leaves around October, and then it needs to provide a dormant period for two months. This is not difficult: you need to put it in the coolest place in the apartment, and tighten it with a dark cloth (for this you need to build a kind of frame around the plant, on which the fabric will be stretched). If the cottage has a basement, you can transport the plant there. Rarely watered during this period. Then new buds will begin to appear at the tree, and it is again put on the windowsill.

You can organize your indoor orchard garden in different ways, but in any case, you need to group the rooms in one place, arrange them beautifully: higher ones in the background, lower ones in the front, and alternate them so that they are as different as possible next to each other. in appearance of the plant. In the selected corner of the room, you can put individual colored ceramic tiles, and put the pots on them, or put beautiful light stones between the pots - large pebbles, or large shells. Be sure to take care of for fruit plants - for them it is best to choose ceramic containers. For citrus fruits, pots are especially suitable.

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The time has come for planting, the migration of seedlings from the windowsill to the garden and painstaking worries about the future harvest. Fresh, without unnecessary additives, fruits delight much more than purchased ones. And for those who do not have their own plot, website advises not to be upset, but to try to grow fruits directly from the seeds at home or even at work.

Of course, the fruits will have to wait, and in some cases for more than one year. However, growing fruit is a good anti-stress, as well as an occasion to get closer to colleagues.


Citrus fruits, which include lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit, etc., have a rich aroma and can be experimented with almost all year round. The seeds for sowing must be fresh. Planting them is quite simple: we wash the bones and plant them in a moistened mixture of garden soil, peat and river sand or special soil for citrus fruits. It is best to immediately plant each bone in a separate pot or cup.

It is very important to provide the plants with sufficient lighting, but protect them from the midday sun, as well as dry air. In addition, in winter it is necessary to keep citrus fruits at a temperature of 12-16 degrees.

Date fruit

Even from the seed of a dried date, you can grow a palm tree. Before planting, it is better to pre-soak for a few days. Plant it in a mixture of peat and sand and don't forget to moisten it with a spray bottle every 2 days. In about a month, the future palm tree should sprout. Like citrus fruits, dates require plenty of light and a cool winter.


Seeds of this exotic plant should be selected from a ripe and soft fruit. If the purchased feijoa is not yet ripe, you can put it in a warm place and wait a few days. Seeds should be washed from the pulp and dried. Without digging deep, we put the seeds in the ground with sand.

The plant can sprout and germinate fairly quickly. Therefore, do not forget to plant the sprouts, pinch the main root and transplant, together with the old soil, into a larger pot.


To grow the unfig fig tree, you need to do the same as with feijoa seeds: rinse, dry and put shallowly in moist soil. Sprinkle the soil a little with sand and cover with a film. For figs, you should find a warmer place. The first shoots will be in about 3 weeks, if you regularly moisten the ground and ventilate the room. In the warm season, keep the temperature at least 20 degrees, and in winter period- not higher than 14 degrees.

passion fruit

If you plant passion fruit seeds, most likely, not a fruitful tree will grow, but a liana that will delight you with its luxurious flowering. However, who knows, maybe you will be able to achieve a juicy fruit at home. Passion fruit loves everything that tropical plants like: bright light, plenty of air, warmth and high humidity.


There are two ways to grow this storehouse of vitamins from the bone. In the first case, we remove the shell from the bone, plant it with a wide side to a depth of 2-3 cm, so that the tip protrudes above the surface. The second method is called open: we leave the shell and drill 3 small holes at an angle of 120 degrees at the level of the middle of the bone. 3 matches are inserted into them, which will be supports along the edges of a glass of water. The water level must be maintained exactly under the bone. As soon as a sufficient number of roots appear, the bone can be planted in a pot.

Photo: Andrew Mayovskyy/

AT friendly family already familiar to you houseplants, southern fruit "exotics" can quite harmoniously join.

They will fill the house with fresh aromas, the rare beauty of their foliage and flowers, and with diligent care they will give you sunny fruits even in winter time. But before choosing the inhabitants of your future orchard, it is important to be aware of some of their whims.

All southern fruit strangers, most often found on domestic window sills, can be divided into three types:

- citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange, tangerine, grapefruit);
- Oriental (pomegranate, persimmon, peach, apricot, fig);
- exotic (banana, feijoa, kiwi, pineapple, avocado, passion fruit).

Undoubtedly, each of the plants has its own care requirements, which you need to carefully familiarize yourself with in advance. But some general rules nevertheless there are:

For any "exotic" you need a specially selected soil mix, ordinary earth from the yard they are unlikely to be to their taste;

With the help of self-cross-pollination of plants manually, you can achieve better harvest fruits;

Don't forget to provide "southerners" with enough sunlight and warmth. In some cases it's good to stock up artificial sources light and heating;

If you are less interested in the fruits than in the decorative foliage of the plant, then it is permissible to place it on the northern windowsills;

In warm seasons, indoor fruits can be safely taken out into the fresh air, but immediately left under scorching sun not worth it: accustom them to direct rays gradually, starting with light partial shade;

Fruit trees can grow to quite decent sizes, so it is important to prepare new convenient containers for them and spacious habitats in the room in advance;

Fruits grown from seeds, as a rule, adapt better to new conditions, but it will take at least 7-8 years to wait for fruits from such plants, and even then after grafting from a fruiting tree;

Before planting, the fruit stone is washed, cleaned of pulp residues and soaked for several days in ordinary water, then placed in the refrigerator for another 2-3 days. After that, it is deepened into the moist prepared soil by 1.5-2 of its size, the container is covered with polyethylene and humidity is regularly maintained. Sprouts may appear in 1-4 weeks.

Fragrant citruses

There are many dwarfs specially bred for the plant in containers (Meyer lemon, Key lime, Calamondin orange, Oroblanco grapefruit, etc.). But it is quite possible to grow any kind of store-bought citrus by burying a fruit seed in well-drained soil.

All citruses love a regular shower, but you should not be zealous - it is important to ensure that the ground under them does not dry out. A humidifier will also be useful. Fertilizing with manganese, iron, zinc, nitrogen and trace elements has a very beneficial effect on citrus fruits. They are usually fertilized once a month.

Citrus trees, as a rule, love to please with flowers, of which, alas, not everyone is ready to turn into a fragrant fruit. To increase fertility, try using a soft brush to pollinate the plant yourself.

Guests from the East

Among oriental fruits, peaches, pomegranates, persimmons, figs, etc. are often grown indoors. Unlike tropical plants, guests from the East do not need so much moisture in the soil and air. Calmly tolerate moderately warm, room conditions. But they need no less sunlight. For example, peaches, nectarines, apricots take root well on sunny windowsills with a temperature of 10-13 C. During the period of fruit formation, it should be warmer - from 18 to 21 C.

Indoor pomegranate can grow up to 1 m in height, so it needs a spacious pot with well-drained soil. Under favorable conditions, it often blooms with pretty scarlet flowers. The fruits appear in early autumn, but they rarely ripen. At the end of summer, pomegranate especially needs fresh air and sunny color. Annually, the crown of the plant must be cut.

It can become quite "compliant" among oriental fruits. It is grown from dry seeds at warm room temperature (above 20 C). In winter, heat is reduced to + 12-15 C and the plant is placed away from heating appliances. He loves the sun, except for too direct frying rays, moderate watering and organic top dressing (chicken or pigeon droppings diluted with water 1:10 are good).

tropical capricious

One of the tempting ideas for connoisseurs of the exotic is often to grow a pineapple from the top of a fresh fruit. The planting mechanism is simple: cut off the green top of the fruit with pulp and place it in wet sand, then regularly water it. In the cool months, the future plant is covered with a film until the roots appear. However, indoor pineapple rarely pleases with real fruits, but the original pointed leaves look quite decorative.

Those dreaming of having a banana palm tree in their apartment should immediately tune in to painstaking work. These plants are very demanding. They usually reproduce by offspring or seeds. Their development requires heat(+25-29 C), even in winter (at least 16 C). Abundant watering and regular organic top dressing are fruitful. Bananas may appear after a minimum of 3 years. It is important to avoid strong drafts.

For beginners, you can be advised to tame coffee or. They are quite non-capricious and are ready to regularly please with crops. In winter, it is important to provide them with a temperature not higher than +10 C and maintain moist air around the plants all the time, for example, by spraying them regularly.

If desired, at home, you can grow almost everything overseas fruits. The main thing is to be patient and carefully study the recommendations for care. Good luck with your fruit experiments!

Fruiting indoor plants

Indoor plants, which not only bloom beautifully and fragrantly, but also delight households with edible fruits, are becoming more and more popular. As practice shows to grow these exotic trees although not easy, it is possible.

You can grow a variety of fruit-bearing indoor plants such as: tea or coffee tree, bananas, avocados or even pineapples. However, not all of them take root easily and are guaranteed to bring a harvest.

Some of the most unpretentious southern guests, with a guarantee of fruit, will be:

a pineapple;


Indoor lemon is an evergreen tree that blooms and bears fruit several times a year. The fruits have a strong aroma, thinner skin than those grown in open field. There are two ways to grow these plants: from a seed or a cutting. In the first option, you will get a stronger tree that has a beautiful crown and is resistant to diseases.

True, be prepared for the fact that the lemon obtained in this way will be slightly different from the fruit from which the bones were taken. If you want to get, quickly, a beautiful and fruitful tree, then it is better to purchase an already grafted, strong cutting.

Lemons love sunlight, but remember that if the plant is under direct sunlight for a long time in the summer sunbeams, it would be better to cover the tree or rearrange it in a darker place.

It is also important to monitor the temperature coming from the batteries in winter, the lemon does not like when it is very hot. Therefore, it would be better to cover the sources of heating or rearrange the plant in a cooler place.

To maintain moisture, the lemon should be sprayed regularly. You can also put a pot with a tree in a pan with water. Water it with boiled or well-settled water. On average, watering is carried out - twice a week in summer, once in winter.

Mandarin and orange

These citrus trees are very similar to each other in terms of care and cultivation. They can be grown both from the bone, and by buying an already grown cutting. It is better not to overdry the bone for planting, immediately taking it out of the fruit and planting it in the ground.
Ordinary store soil for indoor plants is not suitable for them.

You will have to buy special land for citrus fruits or make it yourself. The most ideal composition is:

1 part sand;
2 parts of forest land;
2 parts humus.

A plant grown from a seed and not grafted may not bear fruit at all or very rarely, and also not bloom at all. If this does not bother you, then we leave everything as it is, if you want fruits - the tree must be grafted. Buying a grafted, grown cuttings of a fruit plant will remove these chores.

Also be prepared for the fact that the fruits obtained can differ significantly in size and taste from those that we are used to seeing on store shelves.

Citrus trees love sunlight, but they need to be hidden from the scorching rays. For irrigation, water should be at room temperature, well-settled. Try to spray them once a week. It will be very useful to put a pot of citrus tree in a pan of water.

A pineapple

This exotic guest will please not only with delicious fruits, but also with a very original appearance. It blooms beautifully, after a few years, with good care, it can give edible fruit. As well as other fruit-bearing houseplants, you can grow it yourself from a part of a pineapple, or buy an already rooted cutting.

In order to grow a pineapple yourself, you need to cut off the top of the fruit, plant it in a mixture of peat and sand, covering everything with a plastic bag or jar to preserve moisture. As soon as the roots appear, it can be transplanted into a soil consisting of leaf humus, sand and soddy soil. A grown bush is planted in a large, shallow pot. Pineapple loves space and only then bears fruit.

Since this guest is southern, the temperature in the room where it grows should not fall below 18 ° C, the ideal temperature for it is 25 ° C. Pineapple loves sunlight very much, if in winter, in late autumn or early spring it is not enough, you need illuminate with a fluorescent lamp.

Water the plant well-settled, warm water, very useful spraying. In summer, watering should be plentiful, make sure that the whole earth is saturated, but in winter, watering should be reduced and not sprayed.


Since in nature this tree grows on rocky, dry slopes, growing it at home does not cause any particular difficulties. This indoor fruit plant will do well on mixtures such as:

50% - sod land, 25% - leaf humus, 12% - peat, 13% - sand;
sand - 50%, loam - 25%, peat - 25%;
2 parts of clay-turf land and in equal parts leaf ground, humus, sand;
young plants suitable soil, consisting of equal parts: soddy soil, humus, leaf earth, sand.
Be sure to drain!

By analogy with previous plants, pomegranates can be grown both from cuttings and from seeds. But remember that in the latter case, you will have to wait a very long time for the formation of fruits. Also note that the bush will be dwarf, not higher than 1 meter, which means that the fruits are small. You will have to pollinate the flowering guarantor manually using a small brush.

The plant loves the sun, the best place for it is the windowsill of a south-facing window. If the sun shines strongly, then the bush will begin to turn yellow, the leaves will fall off, and if there is a lack of sunlight, the pomegranate will not bloom. Therefore, you need to find golden mean, put the tree so that it is well lit, but does not burn in the sun.

In spring and summer, the bush is watered abundantly, but so that the soil dries slightly between waterings. Since September, watering is gradually reduced, in winter it should be no more than once a month. Water is used for watering soft, well-cleaned, settled.


This is an unpretentious, indoor fruit plant, one of the few that is guaranteed to delight you with delicious fruits. Unfortunately, it won't stand year round with green foliage like citrus trees.

For the winter, figs shed their leaves and fall asleep. That is why the most the best place to grow it glazed balcony or loggia. In summer it is quite warm and there is a lot of sun, and in winter it is cool.

Figs can be grown using cuttings or seeds. However, remember that a plant grown from a cutting will begin to bear fruit much faster than something grown from a seed.

Also, for active fruiting, figs require a lot of light, so you need to place it on the south side. There are no special requirements for the soil. A high-quality purchased substrate with a small addition of soddy soil and sand will be an ideal soil.

It is necessary to water and spray figs actively, especially during the vegetative period. In winter, during the rest, watering can be reduced completely. It also costs a little to reduce watering during fruiting, this will help to avoid watery fruits.

Considering all the above features of growing and the subtleties of caring for indoor fruit plants, you can organize a small garden on your windowsill or balcony. These trees will delight you all year round with green foliage, fragrant flowering and delicious fruits.