Why dream of swimming on a shallow river. Driving on your own or by boat. What if you dream of swimming across a river

Did you manage to swim against the current in a dream? The coming period will be for you a real struggle for existence. The dream interpretation advises to gather strength in advance and find out why the indicated plot is still dreaming.

Interpretation from Miller

Did you dream that you coped with the current quite easily? Having overcome some obstacle, you can enjoy well-being and peace.

You can do it!

Why else dream if you had to swim against the current? This literally means in a dream that you are able to control some circumstances. Sometimes the plot symbolizes accidents and the fight against them.

Had a dream that swimming was difficult and even dangerous? Such a vision reflects uncertainty and doubt. In addition, you run the risk of taking on a business in which you do not have experience and knowledge.

The dream book reminds: the interpretation of sleep is aggravated if a storm raged in the night. In reality, a major family scandal is coming with tears and worries.


Why dream if you are unlucky to swim against the current fast river? In reality, something will happen that will make you literally turn against everyone and everything. In a dream, this is a sign of cardinal changes and insurmountable obstacles.

Did you dream that you were trying to resist the strong current of the river? Some business will require great will and serious efforts from you. The dream book insists: only unshakable faith will help you achieve what you want.


Did you happen to see that you are swimming in a dream against the movement of the waters of the river? Such a vision has a serious symbolic meaning.

This is a sign of change, activity and relentless movement, while circumstances will not be the most in the best way. Dream book advice: stop fighting and completely rely on fate. Stop wasting energy on things you can't control.


Did you have to see in a dream that a loved one was swimming next to you? Together you have to go through many tests. Possibly married.

Did you dream that you were moving in the water quite easily and confidently? The dream book prophesies: thanks to perseverance and hard work, get good luck. Otherwise, be prepared for disappointments and losses.

Why dream that you had a chance to swim in calm water, even against the current? The image promises a relatively quiet life, with a share of minor problems. If you manage to drown in the night, then beware: your health and habitual existence are at risk.

Additional features

  • Sailing on a strong boat - you have to work hard.
  • On a raft is a risky and difficult undertaking.
  • On a well-maintained ship - profit without much effort.
  • Swim - everyday life.
  • Naked - difficult situation, choice.
  • Scuba diving is a loss of hope.
  • Under water - disappointment, self-deception.

What are you running from?

In a dream, unlucky to swim against the current? A wise dream book recommends understanding why you decided to do this. It is good to see that you are sailing towards a certain goal. This means that you have voluntarily chosen a difficult and rather specific path.

The waters of a river seen in a dream can tell a lot about the future and the present. The plot, in which the river surface was calm and smooth, promises only to receive all sorts of life's benefits and pleasures. Dream Interpretation predicts incredibly happy life span. But here's how to explain why the waves and turbidity dream? You will find an explanation below.


Bathe - good sign. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers says that at present you are in complete harmony with yourself and with the people around you. But, this is how a dream should be understood only if the water seen in a dream was clean. Swim in muddy water in the river - to change. It is not necessary to wait for negative life changes. It is possible that a series of not too pleasant events will eventually help you achieve what you want and change your life for the better. Did you dream of swimming in a clear river? Dream Interpretation Grishina claims that you will be able to cope with all the difficulties and problems that arise along the way. Swimming in a cold river in a dream means that in reality you will have good health.

Swim and cross

Why dream of swimming across a stormy stream, Miller describes. Miller's dream book warns that life will soon take a sharp turn. Take advantage of all the good chances that fate will give. You really need a change right now. Crossing a wide river in a dream means fulfilling all your intentions. Consider that the goal has already been achieved. Wade - to make hasty decisions, which, nevertheless, will help to solve difficult problems. Walking in a dream along the bottom of a dried-up river means quickly achieving absolutely all your goals. Aesop's dream book reports that absolutely no obstacles will arise in your path in the near future.

Spilled and dry

To dream that a river overflowed its banks is not a very good omen. Esoteric dream book believes that such a plot predicts trouble in the service. If the river overflowed its banks and flooded the entire area in the district, then in real life you will do something very bold. An explanation of why the spill of river waters is dreamed of is also available in the interpreter of the 21st Century. This source believes that this dream promises material enrichment. Life will be prosperous and not overshadowed by financial difficulties. If a river overflowed in a dream and the water was muddy and dirty, health problems should be expected. Try not to ignore the alarm signals that your body sends you. A dreaming shallow river symbolizes a lack of vital energy. Most likely, you are overtired and need a full recovery. Sanatorium rest - the best option in your case. Women's dream book warns that a dry bed often dreams of sad events. In real life, something will happen very soon that will seriously upset you.

Bridge over river

Why such a plot is dreamed of is described in detail by the Universal Interpreter. If you dreamed of a bridge across the river, then you will soon have to go through a difficult period. At this time, you will be able to fulfill your dreams, but for this you will have to work hard. If the bridge seen in a dream is large and strong, then you have chosen the right path in life. Both the profession and the person next to you are exactly what you need. Try not to lose what you have. dreamed little bridge? This predicts that soon the current stage will end and a new one will begin. If the dream of crossing the river was woven from a rope, and there was seething water below, this means that in reality one will have to face major shocks. Miller's dream book advises not to give in to emotions and solve all problems as they arise.

Drown in the waters

Why dream of such a plot, Grishina explains. Dream Interpretation Grishina believes that drowning in a river is a sign of joy and happiness. But, this is how you should interpret what you saw in a dream only if the waters were clean and calm. Fall into dirty water and feel that you are going to the bottom - bad sign. It means that in reality a certain person is devoid of any moral principles, forcing you to give up a substantial amount of money by cunning and deceit. Not sure if you can trust a new acquaintance - better not trust. Before you decide with this person money matters try to get to know him better. Aesop also has the interpretation of a dream in which you saw yourself in the role of a drowning man. Aesop's dream book claims that drowning in a river is a sign of certain financial difficulties. Moreover, in this case, it does not matter what kind of water that was seen in a dream: clean or dirty.

ice river

Dreamed of ice on the river? This means that certain difficulties will arise in the current case in which you are participating. And the cause of the difficulties will be your ill-wishers. Walking on a frozen river in a dream means successfully overcoming all the problems that arise on the way to the goal. If the ice in a dream was strong and durable, then difficulties will be resolved easily and in short term. The meaning of the dream in which you saw a crust of ice on the surface of the river can also be found in the universal interpreter. This dream book suggests that such a dream is a sign that indicates the need to become more independent. Stop waiting for help from other people. Rely only on yourself. Miller explains why the ice drift on the river is dreaming. It is believed that the ice drift marks the imminent participation in real life in a very profitable event. Moreover, a profitable business will be associated either with trade or with fishing.

Various interpretations

A children's dream book compares a river with life. So, if you saw in a dream the fast flow of a mountain river, then life will be interesting, full of various events. If you dreamed of calm waters, then they promise a rather boring and unremarkable existence. The fast flow of dirty water symbolizes the bad rumors that are circulating around you. Eastern dream book recommends finding out who is the source of gossip and taking measures that will save your reputation.
A dreamed cliff over a river predicts a hopeless situation in reality. Jump off this cliff straight down into the water - to big problems. Velesov's dream book believes that it will be possible to overcome difficulties only if you gather all your will into a fist. Otherwise, circumstances will succeed in breaking you. Standing on the banks of the river and seeing how fish swim in its waters is a monetary gain. If she was small, then the income will be small. Another interpretation of what the fish is dreaming of is a quick replenishment in the family. Seeing a full-flowing river of blood is a sign of changes that will arise in relationships with relatives. Sailing along a bloody river on a boat means being in harmony with loved ones.

In order to figure out what the river is dreaming of, you need to remember all the details, and begin to familiarize yourself with the meanings of various sources.

Dream interpretation: to see the river in a dream

Miller's dream book takes into account many nuances. A calm river - to joyful events, an increase in well-being. Muddy and seething - quarrels. The flood of the river has limited freedom of movement - trouble in the working area. When you dream of a river with a dry bed, you have to grieve.

According to Vanga's dream book to be in the river right in your clothes is excellent well-being. Suddenly fall into the water, and take a sip of it - to career advancement. Successfully overcome the current - gain wealth through significant work.

According to Freud's dream book when you dream of a river that cannot see the edges, in reality the sleeping person has very bizarre and large-scale erotic fantasies.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov interprets the powerful current of the river, which makes it difficult to get out, as interference in business. Those who are ill will not recover soon.

According to a Muslim source drinking river water is an unexpected acquisition of property. A high-ranking or simply famous person will contribute to this.

Getting out of the boat to the river bank is a great symbol. Enemies will not be able to harm, and will be defeated.

Why dream of swimming in the river

The meaning of the dream in which it happened bathing in a river depends on the state of the water. A clean one represents inner harmony, a dirty one represents unfavorable changes.

Float down the river stormy means to face sudden obstacles. The reason for delays will not be someone's will, but changed circumstances.

In a dream to go with the flow rivers - a successful alignment of forces and achieving the goal almost effortlessly. I had a chance to fight with the current - for success you have to work hard.

Having fun swimming in the river means that it's time to take the initiative and change the usual routine. This will definitely come in handy.

A good sign when it happened successfully swim across swim the river. All planned tasks will be completed.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of water in the river

dreaming dirty the water in the river signals the approach of a difficult period. Mutual understanding with relatives and colleagues will noticeably worsen.

Against, clean water in the river is considered an excellent sign. There will be joyful communication with people dear to the heart, receiving good news.

Also transparent the water in the river symbolically reflects the kindness of the dreamer, the purity of thoughts. Excellent health and success complement the interpretation of this plot.

muddy water in the river warns of a change in circumstances for the worse. Joy will be replaced by sadness.

What river did you dream about

For the most correct definition of what the river is dreaming of, the most important thing is to consider how it looked. What matters is the color of the water, the speed of the current, and many other nuances.

dreaming dirty the river has a sad meaning. You have to experience the pain of loss. Various misunderstandings are possible that will lead to quarrels.

Also muddy the river indicates the need to change the course of life. Correctly set priorities will help to achieve success, which in this moment unattainable.

A reflection of the troubled period is stormy dream river. This stage will not give rest, and put everything upside down.

When the river dreams with fast flow, this characterizes the dreamer as a person who knows how to defend his own convictions.

To a sick person bubbling the river prophesies a speedy recovery.

Fast a river with breakers and whirlpools means unforeseen chores. You will have to quarrel with others, which is not always beneficial.

Mountain the river is the most beautiful symbol among all the swift water currents. Dizzying events will happen, perhaps a passionate love interest will appear in life.

frozen the river symbolizes the absence of change. Sometimes unshakable stability can even bother you.

A sign of something significant is a dream big river. This may be an important conversation with superiors, a good or bad event. Exact value give details.

Wide the river personifies unusual intimate fantasies.

About the onset of a favorable life stage informs deep the river is clear and pure. Muddy - warns against participating in dubious projects and events.

A small river - to difficulties. The information received can be misleading.

Small the river also symbolizes a decline in strength. Rest is needed.

withered the river in a dream indicates the need to abandon large purchases in the near future. Ahead of the financial crisis, when you have to bitterly regret rash spending. A dry river for gardeners means crop problems. For people going on a business trip, the plot serves as a warning. The road will be accompanied by problems, so if possible, it is worth rescheduling the trip.

Pure the river is a symbol of the right course of life. Therefore, the dreamer is successful.

Everyone without exception transparent river means good health. Family also prophesies peace and harmony.

White a river in a dream means receiving good news. A fabulous dairy with jelly banks - to wealth.

Green the river symbolizes that the dreamer is a real favorite of fortune. Everything is done in a playful way.

It is a sign of sadness and disappointment black river.

Dark the river indicates obstacles that will cause a lot of anxiety.

In reality, a daring act will be committed, that's what the river is dreaming of, overflowing, and flooded area clean water. However, it will not affect the reputation.

If a spilled the river is muddy, the plot indicates a hidden malaise. It is advisable not to ignore even minor symptoms. Another flood of the river is interpreted as an increase wages. The harvest will rejoice in abundance.

What did you see on the river in a dream

Correct interpretation takes a lot of time, but these costs are justified by the fact that you can get a valuable clue. When a river is dreaming, for decoding it is advisable to remember what details were encountered.

White waves on the river mean a global stage in self-knowledge. High points indicate procrastination in business.

Ice on the river - a symbol of cooling between lovers. The started business will stall when trying to continue.

To participate in a status event is dreaming ice drift on the river. All things will finally get off the ground.

A boat on the river - dreams of change. However, in addition to thinking about them, actions are certainly needed, otherwise the result cannot be achieved.

dreaming bridge on the river means achieving the goal through determination. Durable, indicates help from the outside, which does not need to be abandoned. Rope - warns against making sudden steps.

To the gifts of fate dreams fish in a river. It is possible to make a profit.

The plot in which I dreamed snake in the river, not too pleasant. But the meaning is innocent enough. The son will become popular - that's what this dream means.

Mine child in the river serves as a warning. At the moment, he needs the support of his parents, otherwise he will be overwhelmed with problems.

If a car drowned in the river, but none of the people were hurt, it will be possible to get rid of obsolete ties. At first, it will not be quite familiar, but soon you will be able to feel the beauty of change.

Actions on the river in a dream

Life gradually calms down if you dreamed sit on the beach rivers. You can finally relax.

Wash clothes in the river - a good story for ladies. Unmarried people can count on matchmaking, the rest will be lucky.

To malaise - fall into the river. It is especially bad if the water was very cold or littered.

Dreaming of financial losses drown in a river. Managed to escape - soon everything will work out. Drowning in the river - to a sense of shame and guilt. It is also a symbol of malaise.

Throw a wreath from flowers to the river - beautiful. The plot symbolizes longevity.

Cross the bridge across the river, and fear for its strength - to losses. Reliable crossing - the right path is chosen.

To delay the fulfillment of dreams ford a river. Insufficient funding hinders.

Why dream of fish in the river

The financial situation will improve if it is seen lot fish in the river.

dead fish in the river is a bad sign. Significant losses in reality are very sad.

Big fish in the river - good luck. However, success will cause envious people to want to gossip.

Fish in the river man- instructions to monitor well-being. Then it will be possible to avoid illness.

Fish in the river woman- a symbol of pregnancy. It will come directly from the sleeping person, or from someone from relatives or close friends.

When interpreting what the river is dreaming of, only a cumulative analysis of all the details of what you see will help you get the clearest forecast and an indication of ways to stabilize the situation.

Why did the River dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian's dream book)

River - The seen river is a symbol of our present and future. Why she dreams depends largely on the actions of the dreamer, as well as water.

  • calm, clean river predicts a bright future.
  • But the muddy, seething waters of the river predict danger.
  • Seeing a flood in a dream - to a rich harvest, an increase in wages.
  • Why dream of a dry river - to crop failure, difficulties on the road.
  • To see that you are walking along the river, as if on land, in reality there will be a promotion. For an entrepreneur, this is a sign of improving income, covering losses.
  • To look at the river from a distance, according to the dream book, to a long journey.
  • If you ford the river, there will be minor troubles, delays.
  • If you are sailing in a strong current of the river, you should prepare for serious problems.

Why did the Rivers dream (Psychiatric dream book)

Why the river is dreaming is a symbol of your life energy. From what it is, depends on the state of mind.

  • Muddy, dirty river indicates diseases that you ignore, do not want to deal with them.
  • A shallow or dry river speaks of nervous exhaustion, chronic fatigue. The body needs to be restored.
  • Seeing a bridge across the river is a favorable sign. The subconscious confirms the correctness of the path you have chosen. It is also a push to take the first step in a new direction. Stop thinking, you need to move forward, everything will work out.

Why the River is dreaming (Romantic dream book)

  • If you dream of a wide, stormy river, your sexual fantasies go beyond the limits of decency. You strive for diversity in the intimate sphere, but you are afraid of misunderstanding on the part of your partner.
  • Seeing yourself floating in a river in a dream is a strong love. You will be deeply immersed in your feelings, because of which you will not notice anything around you. You need to emerge at least occasionally and delve into the ongoing events, they are very important to you.
  • Why a woman dreams of a river is a sign of reconciliation with a partner.
  • According to the dream book, to see in a dream that you are jumping into the river with a run - in reality you will have to experience strong feelings to meet a new person.

What does the dream symbolize (Idiomatic dream book)

  • "River of life" - a long period of life.
  • “Go with the flow of the river” - submit to the situation, laziness, successfully adapt to the situation, consent.
  • "Get in the stream" - success, recognition.
  • "Go to the bottom" - a collapse in the personal.
  • "Aground" - lack of money.
  • "Run aground" is a predicament.
  • “Sink into oblivion” - forget (the river Lethe in Greek mythology is the river of oblivion in the kingdom of the dead).
  • “Sink to the very bottom of life” - moral degradation, poverty.
  • "River rapids" - dangerous obstacles; "waterfall" - danger.

Why does a woman dream of a river (according to the dream book of Natalia Stepanova)

  • If the surface of the river in a dream is smooth and calm, intoxicatingly joyful events await you soon, and your well-being will noticeably improve.
  • If the river is muddy and restless, grumpy squabbles and various misunderstandings await you.
  • Why dream of a dry river - to sad events.
  • If the river overflowed and blocked your path, troubles await you at work. Beware of doing reckless and daring things, otherwise your reputation may be seriously damaged.

To dream about the River, what does it mean? (ABC of dream interpretation)

  • Seeing a river in a dream symbolizes sexual and vital energy man, the direction of life.
  • Dreaming of a river with clear and calm water, portends freedom, independence.
  • I dreamed of a muddy, dirty river - quarrels, problems.
  • Shoal of the river in a dream - lack of energy, a difficult period in life, sexual problems.
  • I dreamed of crossing the river - to decisive changes, sometimes a harbinger of death.

We analyze the vision in which the River was dreaming (interpretation of the psychologist A. Meneghetti)

  • According to the dream book, what the River is dreaming of - Indicates the course of life. The nature of its flow (rapidity, slowness), the nature of the flow, fullness, purity, turbidity, dirt, etc., indicate the behavior of instincts. The typical nature of the surrounding landscape characterizes the general situation of the subject, personal and social effects that arise as a result of individual behavior.
  • If the river is transparent and flows towards the sea, then such an image may indicate the self-realization of the subject and his approach to ontovision (that is, the vision of life as a whole and each of its parts). In this case, the subject perceives himself as water or sees himself as being in the water at the moment the river merges with the sea.
  • The stream also symbolizes the female genitals. Since it is moving - this o6paz also means forward movement (progress), and other images this type. The identification with the characters and the actions associated with the water are more important than the fact that the river itself appeared.
  • To dream that you are moving downstream of the river - this may indicate a feeling that strength, health and luck are starting to leave him, the difficulties that he experiences as arising on the way to achieving his goal, the desire to treat what is happening easier and experience less resistance , fear of lack of will.
  • If a person sees himself floating up the river, this is a symbol of the fact that everything that is given to this person requires high costs from him and others. Belief in one's perseverance, in the fact that it will be possible to overcome all the obstacles that separate from the desired goal. Feelings that other people persistently impede achievements, fear that a person is unhappy by nature, faith in the possession of a strong will.
  • If you dream of crossing a river, this reflects a desire to achieve a specific goal on the other side, a desire to avoid an unpleasant situation, or an unpleasant or uncomfortable business, or painful personal relationships, a desire to be more competent and wise (especially if crossing a body of water to see what is on the other side).
  • If a person sees that he is standing on the bank of a river, then this image expresses a feeling of inadequacy.
  • If a person is afraid to cross a river, then this is a symbol of satisfaction with the status quo, if a person does not have a desire to cross a body of water, the latter interpretation is more plausible. It is useful to get answers to the following questions: what is the interaction with the river (crossing, swimming, observing, etc.)? Why is this the interaction? what are the actions of other characters when interacting with water? what is the subject's reaction to other characters and their reaction to him? what objects are still present?

Analysis of the dream in which the River dreamed (interpretation of the psychologist Z. Freud)

River - If you dreamed of a wide river in a dream, this indicates that in life you are often overwhelmed by sexual fantasies that you are embarrassed to admit to your other half. What are you afraid of? Take a more sober look at life.

River - why dream in a dream (Dream Interpretation of the XXI century)

  • Drop something in a dream to the bottom of the river - that soon you will have to profitably invest money or make a good purchase.
  • A big, wide river in a dream means big tears or joy, an important conversation, gossip.
  • In a dream, to swim across the river - to the fulfillment of intentions.
  • Why dream of a river carrying a lot of litter, trees, etc. - means that you have to build life anew, as well as harm, loss.
  • A river in the middle of a rocky desert - you have a closed life, full of restrictions.
  • Crossing a river in a dream - to the fulfillment of a desire.

What is the dream of the River in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

  • The smooth calm surface of the river is dreaming, it means the joys of life, your well-being will allow it.
  • Seeing a muddy and restless river in a dream portends grumpy squabbles and misunderstandings.
  • I dreamed that a river blocked your path - trouble at work, fear for your reputation.
  • dreamed of swimming in clear water and to see sunken corpses at the bottom - part with joy and good luck.
  • Seeing a dry river in a dream - sorrows await you.

The meaning of the dream about the River (Assyrian dream book)

  • If a person falls into a river and water enters his mouth, he will become an important person.
  • If he sinks and yet emerges, then he will become rich in reality.
  • If he plunges into the river in clothes, in reality he will firmly stand on his feet.
  • If he falls into the water and swims against the current, this means that his enemy will help him and serve him.
  • If he swims along the river, then his enemy will refuse to help him.
  • Sailing in stormy waters - to a lawsuit.
  • Washing in the river is a loss.
  • What is the dream of the river you are trying to cross - to trouble.
  • Leaving the river in a dream is good news.
  • Building a dam on the river is a harbinger of difficult times.
  • Catching a turtle in the river, according to the dream book, predicts sadness; snake - wealth; fish - the fulfillment of heart desires.
  • If a person wears clay, then in reality he will build a new house.
  • Dive into the river - that sorrows will not touch him.
  • If he comes to the river and sees a snake, his son will glorify his family.
  • River - These dreams about a river usually symbolize a meeting with a prominent statesman or even the ruler of the country himself. However, if the water seemed unusually warm to you, beware: in reality you may be involved in a serious crime.
  • In the event that you feel that the water is somehow too, unpleasantly salty in taste, then, apparently, you are planning to take part in some kind of reprehensible and, of course, illegal actions.
  • Why dream of a muddy river - a dream usually promises death to the dreamer.
  • Swim across the river in a dream, according to the dream book - to triumph over enemies and any opponents.
  • You are drowning - to receive damage due to the actions of the authorities aimed at harming you.
  • To swim out and get out to the river bank is in general an undoubted sign of liberation; can be interpreted in the widest possible way - for example, as a way out of prison to freedom.
  • We got out of the river and are trying to clean clothes from silt and dirt - in reality you are destined to get rid of all sorrows.
  • What is the dream of the river in which you drowned - in reality it is quite likely that you will awaken your interest in religion.
  • If a dream was sent to you in which, having seen water from afar, you managed to get closer to it, then in reality all your plans will come true, and your most cherished goals will come true.
  • When in a dream you are swimming right in the middle of the river, then in reality it makes complete sense for you to be careful in everything that is directly related to your business.
  • A dried up river bed - this dream predicts trouble!
  • If the water in the river has increased significantly, the dream is favorable.
  • To fish and stay with a good catch - such a dream portends honest enrichment and harmony in the family.

The meaning of the dream about the mouth of the river (from the book by Nina Grishina)

  • The mouth of the river, it flows into a reservoir approximately equal in width to it - the beginning of a new period in life.
  • Why dream of a river flowing into the sea - to think a lot about death; a peaceful death in old age awaits you.
  • Seeing a river rushing into the sea in a stormy stream is a violent death in the distant future.
  • The stream swiftly takes you out to sea - a danger to life, very disturbing forebodings about the near future.

The river in the green-framed banks, if it flows calmly and smoothly, symbolizes the dreamer's well-being and success, regardless of whether he watches someone in the water or crosses the stream himself on a raft, boat or without special means. There are many interpretations of the plot, but more often the predictors agree that a quick journey is expected, a victory over enemies and the fulfillment of desires. The condition of the river will tell you how difficult the path to fame and prosperity will be, whether there will be difficulties in the future cruise.

The nature of the flow and its overcoming

The flow in a dream has signs that are important for a more accurate interpretation of it. These are parameters such as:

  • whether the rapids are full-flowing or abound in shallow water;
  • turbulent stream, calm movement, backwaters and reaches;
  • muddy, white, clean, cold water;
  • swim with the flow or against, across the rapids to the other side.

A calm and full-flowing river portends an eventful life without much shock. On the contrary, a journey along a seething rapid is a sign of obstacles, problems and difficulties. If the river bends in a ring, then in reality you have to walk in a circle. Follow the shallow water with the risk of running aground - to financial loss and lack of money.

I dreamed of swimming in troubled waters - to quarrels and losses, in white - there will be pure harmonious relationships, peace will reign in the family. Swimming at night - in reality, you have to act blindly. A dirty stream is a harbinger of hard times and illnesses, a black one - quarrels in the family up to divorce. A clean and transparent river means that everything will be fine, a cloudless future, a measured and calm life are ahead.

Float downstream in a dream - in reality, do not strive for any changes in your destiny. Sailing down the river against the flow - to show a rebellious essence and an active life position. If you had a chance to cross to the other side in a dream, then the successful completion of some business is nearing. Getting entangled in algae, but getting out is a sign of a safe way out of an unpleasant situation. Swimming naked - waking up to be in an uncomfortable position.

Driving on your own or by boat

The floating vehicle, on which you have to overcome the stream in a dream, determines the direction of the future in real time. Traveling by ship, according to the dream book, promises honor and promotion. But it can be not only large ships, but the simplest watercraft. Here is a sample list of them:

  • pirate or merchant ships, ship and yacht;
  • boat and car;
  • boat, raft and logs.

Float down the river in a dream pirate ship- a warning against risky collusion in reality. Traveling on a merchant ship promises good luck in business and a good income. I dreamed of visiting a ship - soon a person’s desires will materialize, a friendly meeting will take place, early marriage, a happy marriage. If it was a yacht, then it is important not to miss your chance in reality.

If you had a chance to sail in a dream on a boat, then soon a real journey awaits the sleeper, and maneuvering on it means easily bypassing your rivals. Cars can also cross the river, this is a symbol of unfulfilled plans in reality. If cars are passing by, you need to stop the period of inactivity, all the troubles from here.

It happened in a dream to fall from a boat into the water - some danger awaits ahead, you should be careful. Rafting - to a move or a difficult undertaking. Swimming in a dream on this means is an image of an unstable position and uncertainty. Traveling on it portends a risky deal. If logs are fused, then in reality a profit is flowing out of the dreamer's hands.

Sailing along the river under its own power against the current - the enemy will render a sleeping service and help. If you move in the direction, then there will be no support. Crossing the stream - to trouble, in stormy waters - to litigation. Dive into the river - avoid sadness. It is good to see yourself getting ashore, which means that in reality you will be able to get around the danger and successfully complete the work you have begun.

Seeing a floating creature or being in company with someone

If you dream of crossing a river with a friend, this is a symbol of support, and with a stranger - trouble and danger. A woman swimming with a man is a confirmation that in reality she has a life partner. Seeing from the side of a floating person means waking up to observe someone else's activities. A girl swims - to joy, pleasure and contemplation of a beautiful image. If someone helped the dreamer to swim to the other side, a happy accident, a win or easy money awaits him. In a dream, other creatures and objects can cross the river:

  1. 1. Cats plying past mean that enemies will not be able to harm the dreamer. And the crocodile is a real danger that you can get away from.
  2. 2. The coffin in the stream speaks of the need to get rid of past memories and hopes. Floating corpses promise that all misfortunes and negatives will soon leave the dreamer's life.

In order to correctly recognize the signs of fate, you need to take into account the details of sleep and choose situations that best suit a particular plot. In this case, it will be possible to prepare in advance for the upcoming tests.