Christian hierarchy. church hierarchy

In apostolic times, a bishop was a teacher in the church who oversaw Christians. Unlike the wandering apostles, who preached everywhere, they remained on the territory of a particular city or province. A bishop is an episcopal rank formed due to the emergence of other church ranks: metropolitan, patriarch, pope.

Translated from Greek, hierarch means "senior priest." It is still preserved as an honorary title and is used along with other higher levels of the Orthodox church hierarchy - archpastor, hierarch.

A bishop is a bishop in Orthodox Church who is endowed with the grace to perform all the sacraments of the Church. Wikipedia also mentions this.

In past centuries, the bishops were divided according to the scope of authority into metropolitans and archbishops, it was from among them that the Local Council elected the patriarch.

An Orthodox bishop belongs to the black clergy. Unlike representatives of the white clergy, these church ministers do not enter into a marriage union, that is, they are celibate.

Interesting!: who is this and what does he do in the church

There is a tradition to elevate to bishops persons from monastic higher spiritual ranks. According to Christian teaching, the grace-filled power emanating from Jesus Christ is transmitted through the apostles to the archpastors during ordination.

In other words, a bishop is a church minister who performs all sacred rites. He can ordain deacons or bless the divine service with an antimension - a scarf with sewn-in particles of the Saint's relics.

In addition, he manages the monasteries and churches belonging to his diocese. In general, all the highest ranks of Orthodox spiritual authority can be called bishops: bishops, archbishops, metropolitans, patriarchs.

Interesting to know! In the Scriptures left to us, the Apostle Paul calls Jesus Christ a bishop, that is, a high priest after the order of Melchizedek.

Sanctions of the clergy

Each Orthodox Christian, meeting representatives of the clergy, he understands that there are certain differences in their rank. The criteria are headwear, clothing, the presence of jewelry, precious stones and others. To better understand who a bishop is, let's consider what the ranks of the Orthodox Church are.

As already mentioned, these are Orthodox church ministers who have a family - a wife and children. it
ordinary people who want to be closer to God, they take their position with the blessing of the clergyman.

Starting from the lowest rank, these are:

  1. Altar boy. He is engaged in lighting lamps, candles, censers, monitors the safety and order inside the church premises, prepares clothes and other items for worship. He is responsible for the performance of the church rite, namely the offering of prosphora, wine, etc. If necessary, he rings the bells, reads prayers, but he is strictly forbidden to move between the Royal Doors and the altar, and also touch the throne. He wears the most ordinary attire, over which he puts on a surplice.
  2. Acolyte. Who is a psalmist or reader, as he is also called? This is also a worldly person who reads prayers and, as necessary, interprets them to ordinary parishioners. He wears a special velvet cap and cassock. For special merits, he may be ordained, with the blessing of a clergyman, as a subdeacon.
  3. Subdeacon. He puts on an orarion and a surplice, helps the priest in performing divine services, washes his hands, and gives the necessary symbols of the church rite.
  4. Deacon. Helps in the performance of worship, but cannot perform it independently. The main task deacon is reading Holy Scripture.
  5. Protodeacon. He wears an orarion with the inscription: “Holy, Holy, Holy!”, has a beautiful voice, sings at worship, usually knows a lot of hymns and prayers. How to contact a protodeacon? Just like a deacon, he can be addressed by his name, before which "Father" is pronounced. You can simply say: "Father proto-archdeacon."
  6. Priest. It is the smallest holy order. He has many powers: he independently performs divine services and all church sacraments, instructs people, conducts communion. The headdress of a priest is a kamilavka. They refer to him as "Your Reverend" or by name, preceded by the word "Father".
  7. Archpriest. The chief priest, who received the title for great merit. May be the rector of the temple, wears an epitrachelion, a riza.
  8. Protopresbyter. This is the highest rank of the Orthodox white clergy, followed by ranks in which it is forbidden to start a family.

Interesting! Many clergy, wanting to be promoted, give up worldly life. Usually the wife supports her husband, she goes to a holy monastery, which is far from him, and also takes monastic vows.

Black clergy

In ascending order it consists of:

  1. Hierodeacon. Brings out the necessary vessels for rituals, helps in the service, the performance of the sacraments.
  2. Hieromonk. This is a priest who can conduct church sacraments, that is, he has undergone ordination. White clergy who have converted to monks are usually elevated to this rank.
  3. Hegumen, abbess. The abbot of a temple or monastery, who is entitled to carry a special staff - a wand. How to contact him? We will not be mistaken if, during a conversation, we say: “Your Reverend”, “Venerable Mother (name)”.
  4. Archimandrite. He wears a black monastic robe with red tablets that distinguish him from the rest. They refer to him in the same way as to the abbot.
  5. Bishop. This is one of the highest Orthodox church ranks. The generally accepted address is "Vladyka" or "Your Grace."
  6. Metropolitan. Subordinates exclusively to the patriarch, distinguished by the wearing of a blue robe, a white hood trimmed with precious stones. How to properly address a bishop - Your Eminence, His Eminence Vladyko.
  7. Patriarch. The main clergyman who is responsible for the entire Orthodox people. An appeal to a bishop may sound like: “His Holiness Vladyka”, “Your Holiness”. San is for life, very rarely Vladyka can be excommunicated by temporarily appointing a locum tenens. He is elected at the Bishops' Council.

Informative! The transport of Moscow high-ranking clergy is an object that attracts the close attention of travelers. Thus, the German geographer of the seventeenth century Adam Olearius, traveling around Russia twice, was very surprised. He wrote in his memoirs that the transport of the Moscow bishops was a sleigh, they were used regardless of the season.

Church etiquette is what every Orthodox Christian should know

Getting to the celebration
buffet or dinner party, you need to remember how to behave and follow the following rules:

  1. Arriving at the reception, you need to come for a personal blessing by clergy. A person who does not enter the church can greet the clergyman with a simple handshake.
  2. The meal begins with a common prayer. Persons of other faiths must remain silent during prayer.
  3. It is allowed to make toasts in honor of any of those present, you need to complete your message with the words: “Many years!”.
  4. Being late to an event for no reason is considered an insult, so it's best to plan all your time in advance. People belonging to the lowest hierarchical degree are the first to come to the reception, they are the last to leave.
  5. It is indecent to linger and consume excessive amounts of alcohol at a meal. Getting up from the table earlier than expected is also not recommended.
  6. Throughout the event, attention should be paid to the person sitting next to him, especially if it is a woman, but it is not customary to get acquainted at the table.
  7. It is not recommended to talk with a full mouth, put on a plate a large number of food.
  8. Free behavior, loud conversations, laughter and indecent conversations are not allowed at the meal.
  9. The appearance of a woman in a short skirt, low-cut blouse or trousers is not approved, while it is not necessary to tie a scarf.
  10. When attending an event with the participation of sacred persons, it is better to observe moderation in everything.

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It is customary for us to address the clergy with the words "Father". However, we must not forget that in the Orthodox Church there is a certain hierarchy, therefore, knowledge about the difference between the main ranks and positions is necessary for every Orthodox Christian.

All Orthodox clergy are divided into "white" - consisting of married persons, and "black" - monks (from the Greek "monos" - one)
A widowed clergyman most often takes the monastic rank, since he does not have the right to marry a second time.
Deacons and priests can be either married (but only by first marriage) or monastics, while bishops can only be monastics.

How can lay people serve in the temple? Who is the altar boy, the reader according to the hierarchy in the church

Who is an altar boy

altar boy- the name of a layman helping the clergy at the altar. The sacrament of the priesthood is not performed over the altar boy, he only receives a blessing from the rector of the temple to serve at the altar. The duties of the altar boy include monitoring the timely and correct lighting of candles, lamps and other lamps in the altar and in front of the iconostasis; preparing the vestments of priests and deacons; bringing prosphora, wine, water, incense to the altar; kindling coal and preparing a censer; giving a fee for wiping the mouth during Communion; assistance to the priest in the performance of the sacraments and rites; cleaning the altar; if necessary, reading prayers during worship and performing the duties of a bell ringer. The altar boy is forbidden to touch the throne and its accessories, as well as to move from one side of the altar to the other between the throne and the Royal Doors. The altar boy wears a surplice over lay clothes.

Who is a dude

Reader(psalmist; earlier, before late XIX- deacon, lat. lector) - in Christianity - the lowest rank of clergy, not elevated to the degree of priesthood, reading the texts of Holy Scripture during public worship and singing prayers during worship. In addition, according to ancient tradition, readers not only read in Christian churches, but also interpreted the meaning of difficult-to-understand texts, translated them into the languages ​​of their locality, delivered sermons, taught converts and children, sang various hymns (chants), were engaged in clerical affairs of the church and the parish, charity, and had other church obediences. The reader has the right to wear a cassock, a belt and a skuf.

Ponomari they also perform the duties of ringers, serve the censer, help in the manufacture of prosphora, clean the temple, unlock and lock it.

Batyushka is a generalized traditional name for a priest in Orthodox Russia. Usually they call the one who conducts.

What is a deacon? Difference between subdeacon, deacon, protodeacon and archdeacon.

Deacon- the first degree of the priesthood. Deacons are assistants to priests in the performance of divine services. He does not have the right to perform divine services on his own. Protodeacon - the title of the white clergy, the main deacon in the diocese at the cathedral. At present, the title of protodeacon is usually given to deacons after 20 years of service in the holy order. A deacon who is in the monastic rank is called a hierodeacon, and one who has accepted the schema is called a hierodeacon. The senior deacon in the white clergy is called the protodeacon - the first deacon, and in the black - the archdeacon (senior deacon).
A subdeacon is an assistant to a deacon. In the modern Church, a subdeacon does not have a sacred degree, although he wears a surplice. The subdeacon is an intermediate link between the clergy and the clergy.

Who is a priest (prosbyter, priest) in the hierarchy in the church?

Priest this is a minister in the temple of the Church, who has the right to perform divine services and six of the seven Christian sacraments: baptism, chrismation, the Eucharist, repentance, marriage and unction.
Presbyter (Greek - senior) is the oldest name for a priest, a clergyman, ordained to the second degree of priesthood.

Subsequently, the presbyters began to be called priests or priests (from the Greek "jerevs" - "priest"). A priest who is in the monastic rank is called a hieromonk, and one who has accepted the schema is called a hieromonk.

Who are monks?

M onakh - priests who additionally gave 3 more vows: non-acquisitiveness, obedience and celibacy. In the case when a monk takes the rank, he can become a hierodeacon (monk-deacon), hieromonk (monk-priest), then - hegumen and archimandrite.

Who is an archpriest? An archpriest is a senior priest (priest), usually the rector of a temple.
Who is the abbot of the temple, monastery? Priest, this is a position. Senior clergyman in a monastery, temple.

Who is a bishop?
Bishop - a general title for a clergyman standing at this level of the church hierarchy: patriarch, metropolitan, archbishop and bishop. According to ancient tradition, only priests who have taken the monastic rank are consecrated to the rank of bishop.

Who is a bishop and archbishop? Bishop (from the Greek word "episkopos" - "caretaker, overseer"). The apostles gave them the power not only to teach and serve as priests, but also to ordain presbyters and deacons, and also to observe their behavior. The bishop governs the parishes the whole region called a diocese. All bishops are equal in order of priesthood, but the oldest and most meritorious of bishops are called archbishops, usually governing a larger diocese.

Metropolitan- Bishop (head priest) of a very large church area. For example: Metropolitan of Tver and Kashinsky Victor. A metropolitan is a bishop of a large metropolitan city and the surrounding area, since the capital is called the metropolis in Greek.

Who is a patriarch? Patriarch (Greek - ancestor) is the highest clergyman (bishop) of the country. The highest rank of the church hierarchy. For example, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill.

How to address the fathers?

"Father (name)" - an appeal to the priest and deacon when you know his name. If you do not know the name, you can refer to the word "father". If you see that you have an important church rank in front of you, then you should refer to it with the word “master”. When addressing a priest and a deacon, they are called “father (name)”, as an exception, elderly and highly experienced monks are called fathers. The appeal Batyushka applies only to a priest.

It is not worth addressing the clergy as "holy father", as is customary in Catholic countries. After all, the holiness of a person is known by his death.

The wives of the altar servers, as well as older women, we call the affectionate word "mother."

Hierarchs—bishops, metropolitans, and patriarchs—should be addressed as “Vladyka,” as if they were invested with ecclesiastical authority.

Sometimes there is a need to address the clergyman in writing. Priests should be called "Your Reverend", Archpriests - "Your Reverence", Bishops - "Your Grace", Archbishops and Metropolitans - "Your Eminence", Patriarch - "Your Holiness".

Brief table of Orthodox ranks. Hierarchy in the Church.

White clergy (married)

Black clergy (monastics)


Patriarch, Primate of the Church

Bishops (high priests)

Metropolitan, Archbishop
Protopresbyter Archimandrite, abbot, abbess


Archpriest Hieromonk
Protodeacon Archdeacon

(assistant priest)

Deacon Hierodeacon
Reader, psalm reader, sexton, altar boy Novice, monk, monk
mamlas in black and white spirit

What is the difference between white clergy and black clergy?

In the Russian Orthodox Church, there is a certain church hierarchy and structure. First of all, the clergy are divided into two categories - white and black. How do they differ from each other? © The white clergy include married clergy who did not take monastic vows. They are allowed to have a family and children.

When they talk about the black clergy, they mean monks ordained to the priesthood. They devote their whole lives to the service of the Lord and take three monastic vows - chastity, obedience and non-acquisition (voluntary poverty).

Before being ordained, a person who is going to take holy orders must make a choice - to marry or become a monk. After ordination, it is no longer possible for a priest to marry. Priests who did not marry before taking the rank sometimes choose celibacy instead of being tonsured monks - they take a vow of celibacy.

church hierarchy

In Orthodoxy, there are three degrees of priesthood. Deacons are at the first level. They help to conduct divine services and rituals in churches, but they themselves cannot conduct services and perform the sacraments. Church ministers belonging to the white clergy are simply called deacons, and monks ordained to this rank are called hierodeacons.

Among the deacons, the most worthy can receive the rank of protodeacon, and among the hierodeacons, the archdeacons are the eldest. Special place in this hierarchy is occupied by the patriarchal archdeacon, who serves under the patriarch. He belongs to the white clergy, and not to the black, like other archdeacons.

The second degree of priesthood is the priests. They can independently conduct services, as well as perform most of the sacraments, except for the sacrament of ordination to the holy order. If a priest belongs to the white clergy, he is called a priest or presbyter, and if he belongs to the black clergy, a hieromonk.

A priest can be elevated to the rank of archpriest, that is, a senior priest, and a hieromonk to the rank of abbot. Often archpriests are abbots of churches, and abbots are abbots of monasteries.

The highest priestly title for the white clergy, the title of protopresbyter, is awarded to priests for special merits. This rank corresponds to the rank of archimandrite in the black clergy.

Priests belonging to the third and highest degree of priesthood are called bishops. They have the right to perform all the sacraments, including the sacrament of ordination to the rank of other priests. Bishops manage church life and lead dioceses. They are divided into bishops, archbishops, metropolitans.

Only a clergyman belonging to the black clergy can become a bishop. A priest who has been married can only be elevated to the rank of bishop if he becomes a monk. He can do this if his wife has died or has also taken the veil as a nun in another diocese.

The patriarch heads the local church. The head of the Russian Orthodox Church is Patriarch Kirill. In addition to the Moscow Patriarchate, there are other Orthodox patriarchates in the world - Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem, Georgian, Serbian, Romanian and Bulgarian.

What is a church hierarchy? This is an ordered system that determines the place of each church minister, his duties. The system of hierarchy in the church is very complex, and it originated in 1504 after an event that was called the "Great Church Schism". After it, they got the opportunity to develop autonomously, independently.

First of all, the church hierarchy singles out white and black monasticism. Representatives of the black clergy are called upon to lead the most ascetic way of life. They cannot marry, live in the world. Such ranks are doomed to lead either a wandering or an isolated way of life.

White clergy may lead more privileged lives.

The hierarchy of the ROC implies that (in accordance with the Code of Honor) the head is the Patriarch of Constantinople, who bears an official, symbolic title

However, formally the Russian Church does not submit to him. The church hierarchy considers the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia to be the head. He occupies the highest level, but exercises power and control in unity with the Holy Synod. It consists of 9 people who are selected for different basis. By tradition, the metropolitans of Krutitsy, Minsk, Kyiv, St. Petersburg are its permanent members. The five remaining members of the Synod are invited, and their episcopacy should not exceed six months. permanent member The Synod is the Chairman of the intra-church department.

The church hierarchy calls the next most important step higher ranks who govern dioceses (territorial-administrative church districts). They bear the unifying title of bishops. These include:

  • metropolitans;
  • bishops;
  • archimandrites.

Bishops are subordinate to priests, who are considered the main ones in the field, in city or other parishes. From the type of activity, the duties that are assigned to them, the priests are divided into priests and archpriests. The person who is entrusted with the direct management of the parish bears the title of Rector.

The younger clergy are already subordinate to him: deacons and priests, whose duties are to help the Rector, other, higher spiritual ranks.

Speaking of spiritual titles, one should not forget that the hierarchies of churches (not to be confused with the church hierarchy!) allow several different interpretations spiritual titles and, accordingly, give them other names. The hierarchy of churches implies the division into the Churches of the Eastern and Western rites, their smaller varieties (for example, Post-Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican, etc.)

All of the above titles apply to white clergy. The black church hierarchy is distinguished by more stringent requirements for people who have taken the dignity. The highest level of black monasticism is the Great Schema. It implies complete alienation from the world. In Russian monasteries, the great schemniki live separately from everyone else, do not engage in any obedience, but spend day and night in unceasing prayers. Sometimes those who have taken the Great Schema become hermits and limit their lives to many optional vows.

It precedes the Great Schema Small. It also involves the fulfillment of a number of obligatory and optional vows, the most important of which are: virginity and non-possession. Their task is to prepare the monk for the acceptance of the Great Schema, to completely cleanse him of sins.

The cassock monks can accept the small schema. This is the lowest level of black monasticism, which is entered immediately after tonsure.

Before each hierarchical level, the monks undergo special rites, they change their name and are assigned. When changing the title, vows become tougher, the attire changes.

Russian Orthodox Church as part of the Universal Church, it has a three-level hierarchy that arose at the dawn of Christianity. The clergy are divided into deacons, presbyters and bishops. Persons on the first two levels may belong to both the monastic (black) and white (married) clergy. The institution of celibacy has existed in the Russian Orthodox Church since the 19th century.

in latin celibacy(celibatus) - unmarried (single) person; in classical Latin, the word caelebs meant "without a spouse" (both a virgin, and a divorcee, and a widower). In the Late Antique period, folk etymology connected it with caelum (sky), and so it came to be understood in medieval Christian writing, where it was used when talking about angels, embodying an analogy between virgin life and angelic life. According to the Gospel, in heaven they do not marry and do not get married ( Matt. 22, 30; OK. 20.35).

In practice, celibacy is rare. In this case, the clergyman remains celibate, but does not take monastic vows and does not take tonsure. Priests can marry only before taking the ordination. For the clergy of the Orthodox Church, monogamy is mandatory, divorces and remarriages are not allowed (including for widowers).
In a schematic form, the priestly hierarchy is presented in the table and in the figure below.

stepWhite clergy (married priests and non-monastic celibate priests)Black clergy (monks)
1st: DiaconateDeaconHierodeacon
Archdeacon (usually the title of chief deacon serving with the Patriarch)
2nd: PriesthoodPriest (priest, presbyter)Hieromonk
3rd: BishopA married priest can only be a bishop after becoming a monk. This is possible in the event of the death of the spouse or her simultaneous departure to a monastery in another diocese.Bishop
1. Diaconate

Deacon (from Greek - servant) does not have the right to independently perform divine services and church sacraments, he is an assistant priest and bishop. A deacon may be ordained protodeacon or archdeacon. Deacon Monk called hierodeacon.

San archdeacon is extremely rare. It is held by the deacon, who is constantly officiating His Holiness Patriarch, as well as deacons of some stavropegial monasteries. There are also subdeacons who are assistants to bishops, but are not among the clergy (they belong to the lower degrees of the clergy, along with readers and singers).

2. Priesthood.

Presbyter (from Greek - senior) - a clergyman who has the right to perform church sacraments, with the exception of the sacrament of the Priesthood (ordination), that is, the elevation to the holy rank of another person. In the white clergy is priest, in monasticism - hieromonk. Priest can be elevated to the dignity archpriest and protopresbyter, hieromonk - to the dignity abbot and archimandrite.

Sanu archimandrite in the white clergy hierarchically correspond mitred archpriest and protopresbyter(senior priest in cathedral).

3. Episcopate.

Bishops also called bishops (from Greek prefixes archi- senior, chief). Bishops are diocesan and vicar. Diocesan Bishop, by succession of power from the holy Apostles, is the primate of the local Church - dioceses, canonically governing the diocese with the conciliar assistance of the clergy and laity. Diocesan Bishop elected Holy Synod. Bishops bear a title that usually includes the names of the two cathedral cities of the diocese. As needed, to assist the diocesan bishop, the Holy Synod appoints vicar bishops, whose title includes the name of only one of the major cities of the diocese. A bishop may be elevated to the rank archbishop or metropolitan. After the establishment of the Patriarchate in Russia, only bishops of certain ancient and large dioceses could be metropolitans and archbishops. Now the rank of metropolitan, just like the rank of archbishop, is only a reward for the bishop, which makes it possible for even titular metropolitans.
On the diocesan bishop has a wide range of responsibilities. He ordains and appoints clerics to their place of service, appoints employees of diocesan institutions, and blesses monastic tonsure. Without his consent, not a single decision of the diocesan administration can be carried out. In its activity bishop accountable His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The local ruling bishops are authorized representatives of the ROC before the authorities state power and management.

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

The Primate Bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church is its Primate, bearing the title - His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The Patriarch is accountable to the Local and Bishops' Councils. His name is ascended at divine services in all churches of the Russian Orthodox Church according to the following formula: About the Great Lord and our Father (name), His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia ". A candidate for the Patriarchate must be a bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church, have a higher theological education, sufficient experience in diocesan administration, be distinguished by adherence to the canonical legal order, enjoy a good reputation and the trust of hierarchs, clergy and people, "have a good witness from outside" ( 1 Tim. 3.7), be at least 40 years of age. San Patriarch islifelong. The Patriarch is entrusted with a wide range of duties related to the care of the internal and external welfare of the Russian Orthodox Church. The patriarch and diocesan bishops have a stamp and a round seal with their name and title.
According to clause IV.9 of the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is the diocesan bishop of the Moscow diocese, consisting of the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. In the administration of this diocese, His Holiness the Patriarch is assisted by the Patriarchal Vicar as a diocesan bishop, with the title Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna. The territorial boundaries of the administration exercised by the Patriarchal Vicar are determined by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (at present, the Metropolitan of Krutitsy and Kolomna manages churches and monasteries in the Moscow region, minus stavropegic ones). The Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia is also the Holy Archimandrite of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, a number of other monasteries with a special historical meaning, and governs all church stauropegia ( word stauropegia derived from the Greek -cross and - erect: the cross established by the Patriarch at the foundation of a temple or monastery in any diocese means their inclusion in the Patriarchal jurisdiction).
His Holiness the Patriarch, in accordance with secular ideas, is often called the head of the Church. However, according to Orthodox doctrine, the Head of the Church is our Lord Jesus Christ; The patriarch is the Primate of the Church, that is, the bishop who prayerfully stands before God for his entire flock. Often, the patriarch is also called First Hierarch or High Hierarch, because he is the first in honor among other hierarchs equal to him by grace.
His Holiness the Patriarch is called the Hieroabbot of stavropegial monasteries (for example, Valaam). The ruling bishops, in relation to their diocesan cloisters, may also be called Holy Archimandrites and Holy Hierarchs.

Bishops' robes.

Bishops have a distinctive sign of their dignity mantle- a long, fastened at the neck, cape, reminiscent of a monastic mantle. In front, on its two front sides, above and below, tablets are sewn - rectangular plates of fabric. On the upper tablets are usually placed images of evangelists, crosses, seraphim; on the lower tablet on the right side - the letters: e, a, m or P meaning the rank of bishop - e piskop, a archbishop, m metropolitan, P patriarch; on the left is the first letter of his name. Only in the Russian Church does the Patriarch wear a mantle Green colour, Metropolitan - blue, archbishops, bishops - purple or dark red. AT Great Lent members of the episcopate of the Russian Orthodox Church wear a robe black color.
The tradition of using colored hierarchal robes in Russia is quite ancient; the image of the first Russian Patriarch Job in a blue metropolitan robe has been preserved.
Archimandrites have a black robe with tablets, but without sacred images and letters denoting rank and name. The tablets of archimandric robes usually have a smooth red field surrounded by gold lace.

During worship, all bishops use a richly decorated staff, called a rod, which is a symbol of spiritual power over the flock. Only the Patriarch has the right to enter the temple altar with a rod. The remaining bishops in front of the royal doors give the baton to the subdeacon-assistant, who stands behind the service to the right of the royal doors.

Election of bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church.

According to the Charter of the Russian Orthodox Church, adopted by the Jubilee Bishops' Council in 2000, a man of the Orthodox confession at the age of at least 30 from monastics or unmarried persons of the white clergy with obligatory tonsure to monasticism can become a bishop.
The tradition of electing bishops from among the monastic ranks developed in Russia already in pre-Mongol period. This canonical norm has been preserved in the Russian Orthodox Church to this day, although in a number of Local Orthodox Churches, for example, in Georgia, monasticism is not considered prerequisite appointment to the bishopric. In the Church of Constantinople, on the contrary, a person who has accepted monasticism cannot become a bishop: there is a position according to which a person who has renounced the world and taken a vow of obedience cannot lead other people. All the hierarchs of the Church of Constantinople are not mantle, but cassock monks. Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church may also be widowed or divorced persons who have accepted monasticism. The elected candidate must correspond to the high rank of bishop in moral qualities and have a theological education.