Pregnancy 4 months severe abdominal pain. Fourth month of pregnancy: changes in the body of the mother and fetus. Weight gain

The fourth month of pregnancy is obstetric 13-16 weeks inclusive. Manifestations of early toxicosis disappear, and the tummy begins to grow quite quickly, in some women it is already becoming noticeable to people around.

The fetus has completed the formation of internal organs, the placenta is functioning, and it is more protected from various adverse factors. It's time to enjoy your pregnancy!

What happens to the body of the expectant mother in the 4th month of pregnancy, what she feels and notices

1. Growth of the abdomen. The uterus is growing rapidly, and doctors have the opportunity to control the development of pregnancy by measuring the length of the uterus and the girth of the abdomen at the navel. Normally, both the length of the uterus and the girth of the abdomen increase by a centimeter every week. And the height of the fundus of the uterus is equal to the obstetric week of pregnancy. At the beginning of the fourth month, the uterus only slightly shows above the pubic joint, and closer to the fifth month it approaches the navel.

2. Mom's heart. The amount of circulating blood in the mother's body increases up to 40%, and this puts a lot of stress on her heart. For this reason, many mothers from the fourth month of pregnancy periodically suffer from shortness of breath and tachycardia. The pulse can increase to 100 beats per minute and even higher (at a rate of up to 80 beats). However, although this symptomatology is considered a variant of the norm, it is a reason for a deeper examination of the heart. We need to do an ECG, possibly a Holter study of the heart rhythm and an ultrasound of the heart. There are drugs for tachycardia, but their expectant mothers are prescribed only when absolutely necessary, as they reduce the heart rate and the child. You can fight tachycardia with physical rest, valerian and motherwort - natural sedatives, safe for the fetus.

3. Skin changes. Increases pigmentation. New age spots, moles, freckles appear. Therefore, you should try not to be in the open sun, especially during the warm season and during the time period from 10 am to 5 pm.

A new sign of pregnancy appears - a strip in the middle of the abdomen. During pregnancy, it will darken, possibly become wider. Pigmentation on the abdomen will remain after childbirth, for about a year. Trying to wipe it off with a washcloth is not worth it, it's useless, just hurt the skin.

The nipples and the area around them, the armpits are subjected to pigmentation. But all this too shall pass.

Many expectant mothers develop acne on their face and body. To avoid the spread of acne throughout the body, do not pick them, do not provoke the transfer of infection to other areas of the skin. And wipe the acne itself with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine - this is an excellent antiseptic that is safe for expectant mothers.

And another skin problem that occurs in most pregnant women is the appearance of a large number of small papillomas. Apparently, this is due to a decrease in immunity and the HPV virus, which, perhaps, we all have. Trying to tear them off, pull them off, should not be. This will lead to infection of the wound, which is very dangerous for you and the unborn child. After childbirth, the papillomas themselves will begin to dry out and fall off, even medical intervention will not be needed.

4. Weight. By the end of the fourth month, the total weight gain should be no more than 4 kilograms. If you have more - try to find errors in nutrition and normalize your menu. Excess weight provokes the development of diabetes mellitus, leads to the birth of a large fetus (and hence birth injuries in him) and generally complicates the birth process.

If weight gain is normal, then outwardly the woman does not seem fuller than she was before pregnancy. But the waist begins to slowly round.

5. Sprain. Since the uterus is growing rapidly, the load on the ligamentous apparatus becomes stronger. Sometimes, for this reason, expectant mothers experience sharp pains in the lower abdomen, in the groin area. This is not dangerous for the child, although it is unpleasant for mommy.

6. Nosebleeds. Due to the increase in the volume of blood in the mother, her vessels are under load. Moreover, blood clotting is somewhat reduced. All this provokes bleeding. Not only the nose, but also the gums, for example. If you want to avoid nosebleeds, thoroughly humidify the air in your home, do not allow the mucous membranes to dry out.

7. Constipation and hemorrhoids. The growing uterus and the relaxing effect of the hormone progesterone cause slow intestinal motility and constipation. Also, the intake of certain medications, for example, magnesium and iron preparations, has an adverse effect in this regard. You need to stay as mobile as possible, drink plenty of water and eat fiber-rich vegetables.

Remember that frequent constipation, coupled with uterine pressure on the rectum, provokes hemorrhoids. And if he appeared, then for life. You can't get rid of it without a major operation.

8. Movement of the child. Some women begin to feel them as early as 14-15 obstetric weeks.

What happens to the fetus in the fourth month

The baby completely becomes dependent on the placenta. It is through it that the body is supplied with oxygen and nutrition. Through it, toxic substances are removed from his body.

In addition, the placenta is a defense against viruses and bacteria, not all, but very many.

The baby already has reflexes, which will remain with him for a long time after birth, and some for life. Swallowing and sucking first.

The baby is very active and moves often, but is still very small, so most expectant mothers will feel the presence of a new life in themselves only in the next four weeks.

The baby has fluff all over his body - lanugo, a small amount of it will remain with him until the very moment of birth. These fluffy hairs have a certain function - they help the protective lubricant to linger on the child's body, without it it is impossible to live constantly in the water.
But in addition to lanugo, real hairs on the head, cilia and eyebrows are already appearing. There are nails on the fingers.

The baby has a functioning urinary system, and he urinates into the amniotic fluid at least once an hour. But this is not scary, since the amniotic fluid tends to be completely renewed once every 2-3 hours. Thus, their sterility is maintained, and nothing threatens the baby. The chemical composition of the waters is the same. Amniotic fluid plays a multifaceted role - it protects the child from mechanical damage, expands the uterus so that it is convenient for the fetus to move in it, nothing limits its development. Water is also involved in metabolism.

Now the prostate gland is formed in boys, and the ovaries in girls. However, the doctor with an ultrasound examination is still unable to accurately determine the sex of the child by the appearance of his genitals.

The face of the child becomes more and more formed, close to the ideal. However, the ears are not yet fully formed on the outside. But the baby already hears and reacts to loud sounds.

At the end of the fourth month, the little one sometimes opens his eyes, his retina becomes sensitive to light. Weight is about 200 grams, and height is 20 cm. Still a baby.

2 common and dangerous problems of the fourth month

The first is isthmic-cervical insufficiency or ICI. A pathology in which the cervical os is unable to remain closed throughout pregnancy. The fetus grows, and the fetal bladder begins to protrude into the neck, which leads to its gradual shortening and opening. This is the main cause of premature birth and miscarriage in late pregnancy. The causes of ICI are surgical interventions in which the cervix was mechanically opened (for example, abortions), hormonal disorders, and trauma during childbirth.

Treatment - suturing or wearing an unloading obstetric ring on the cervix. The first method is considered more effective and safer.

The second problem is disturbances in the placenta. Placental insufficiency begins to form. As a result, the fetus receives less nutrition, oxygen, and in the second half of pregnancy, it begins to lag behind in development. These problems arise due to infectious diseases transferred during pregnancy, violations of the formation of the placenta in the early stages of pregnancy. And it's not curable. Doctors can only monitor the condition of the fetus and, if necessary, deliver the woman early to try to save the fetus.

Other problems may arise with the placenta - this is its presentation, that is, being too close to the cervix. It threatens with detachment, severe bleeding and fetal death. With increasing gestational age, the placenta almost always rises to a fairly high level in the uterus. Until then, you need to take care of yourself.

New tests and examinations

At the end of the fourth month, namely at 16 obstetric weeks of pregnancy, a woman takes a blood test for alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), chorionic gonadotropin (CG) and unconjugated estriol (NE). This is the second screening. It is necessary for the diagnosis of some congenital abnormalities in the development of the fetus. And if the result of the analysis is unimportant, and the results of the ultrasound are also suspicious for malformations, doctors may recommend an invasive study - to pass amniotic fluid for analysis. This procedure is called amniocentesis. Since miscarriages sometimes occur after it, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons before agreeing to it.

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The fourth month of pregnancy "opens" the most pleasant and safe trimester in general - the second. By the fourth month, all the unpleasant phenomena associated with toxicosis should already subside, in any case, their intensity has noticeably decreased. Nausea and vomiting are often replaced by increased appetite - the baby continues to grow and develop actively, requiring nutrients and nutrients in the required quantities. The fetus is now growing, as if in a fairy tale - not by the day, but by the hour, and by the end of the fourth month, for the first time, with bated breath, a woman can feel his first tremors and movements. However, it should be borne in mind that the issue of sensations of the first tremors is very individual: many mothers can feel the crumbs only next month. It all depends on the physique of the woman, on the anatomical features, on whether the lady is “pending” for the first time or again.

Despite the fact that the second trimester of pregnancy, which began with the fourth month, is considered the most calm and safe, the expectant mother, as before, needs to be careful. Among other things - eat well, walk in the fresh air, relax and get enough sleep, monitor weight and blood pressure.

Baby at four months pregnant

This month, the formation of the internal organs of the child is almost completed: the kidneys already excrete urine on their own, the adrenal glands produce hormones, all the functions of a small organism are controlled by the nervous and endocrine systems, and the immune system is actively developing. The development and growth of the baby's brain continues: the fourth month is marked by the formation of the cerebral cortex.

Now the placenta performs the function of transporting all nutrients and nutrients to the child, it is also responsible for removing harmful substances and waste products, for protecting the crumbs from harmful viruses and bacteria.

In the fourth month of pregnancy, the baby is already bending its legs and arms, clenching its palms into fists, it has grasping and sucking reflexes. In the same month, hair on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes will begin to grow, nails will form. At the same time, an embryonic fluff appears on the baby's body - lanugo, which will retain a special protective lubricant secreted by the skin.

The child already knows how to squint, and by the end of the month he will completely open his eyes. By the end of the fourth month, the baby will grow to 16-20 cm, its weight reaches 200 g.

Feelings and possible problems of the fourth month of pregnancy

This month, there is a gradual improvement in overall well-being: toxicosis disappears, increased appetite sprinkles, activity increases. The figure changes more noticeably: the uterus grows rapidly, accordingly, the tummy is rounded and the waist is smoothed out, the mammary glands increase even more, but, fortunately, their soreness and swelling gradually disappear.

In the fourth month, age spots may appear on the skin, the appearance or darkening of already existing freckles. In addition, the strip on the abdomen becomes more pronounced, and the nipples and areolas also darken.

Due to the large amount of fluid in the body, increased sweating and some increase in whitish vaginal discharge are possible. With any changes in the nature of the discharge - if their color, consistency changes, the discharge is accompanied by itching and / or burning - you should consult a doctor, because with such symptoms, most likely, treatment of the attached infection is necessary.

At the 4th month of pregnancy, periodic headaches and dizziness are still possible, while brushing your teeth, there may be a slight bleeding of the gums. Some nasal congestion is possible, and if small vessels do not withstand - nosebleeds.

An extremely unpleasant problem can be constipation, as a consequence of hormonal changes in the body and the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines. It is better to avoid constipation by carefully monitoring the diet, and if constipation nevertheless manifests itself, try to quickly debug the work of the digestive system and intestines in particular. After all, it is often constipation that causes a painful and delicate disease - hemorrhoids.

In the fourth month, the uterus already extends beyond the small pelvis, and its growth continues in the abdominal cavity. A significant increase in the uterus is accompanied by a sprain, which many expectant mothers feel in the form of pulling pains in the lower abdomen. That's just in order to establish the nature of the pain and eliminate the possible risk of losing a child, you should definitely consult a doctor about pain.

Nutrition in the fourth month of pregnancy

The appetite of a pregnant mother at this stage of bearing a baby can only be envied: toxicosis has become just an unpleasant memory, and now the woman is more and more drawn to “eat-eat-nibble”. At the same time, now it is simply necessary to monitor weight in order to prevent excessive correction and avoid less or more severe complications associated with it (for example, stretch marks on the skin or, worse, diabetes in pregnancy).

Therefore, it is important to properly organize and choose those products that can satisfy the needs of the body of the woman herself and the life growing inside her for useful and nutritious substances. When compiling a daily menu, it should be borne in mind that for a month a woman, on average, should gain between 2-2.5 kg.

Experts recommend organizing meals at 4 months of pregnancy in such a way as to prevent hunger and eat food with maximum benefit. So, you should eat more often, but in small portions, eat most of the food in the morning: the first and second breakfasts should be nutritious enough, lunch should be the most satisfying, in the evening you should eat easily digestible foods. At the same time, it is allowed to eat fruits and vegetables in almost unlimited quantities during the day (with the exception of citrus fruits, fresh cabbage, which causes bloating, and potatoes, which are rich in carbohydrates and starch).

Food for a pregnant woman should be as natural as possible: fast food, convenience foods, smoked meats, marinades are prohibited. In addition, salty foods should be abandoned (salt provokes fluid retention in the body and the development of edema), sweet and confectionery delights (“fast” carbohydrates contribute to very rapid weight gain, in addition, they do not provide any “usefulness” to a developing baby).

In the diet of the expectant mother, lean meat and fish must be present as the main source of protein. Milk and cottage cheese will provide the body with the necessary calcium, sour-milk products will have a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines. Again, for normal intestinal motility, fruits and vegetables will also be needed, which will also supply vitamins, macro- and microelements. Integral "elements" of the diet of a pregnant woman should also be cereals, whole grain bread, vegetable and butter, nuts. To avoid anemia, you should enrich the diet with iron-rich foods - beef, liver, pomegranates, dried apricots.

However, it should be borne in mind that iron is poorly absorbed from food, and you may need to take it additionally as part of a vitamin-mineral complex. In addition to the increased need for iron at this time, the pregnant woman’s body, and with it the baby in her mother’s tummy, needs sufficient amounts of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium, B vitamins. Therefore, it is quite possible that the doctor will decide whether to take the pregnant woman one or other vitamin and mineral complex.

Sex in the fourth month of pregnancy

Is sex allowed in the fourth month of pregnancy? Very even, but: provided that the doctor leading the pregnancy did not sound warnings about the impossibility of intimacy during this period. Sex in the fourth month of pregnancy is also acquiring new colors and shades because now, after the first months of adaptation of the body to a new state, a woman seems to be “reborn” and is capable of physical love with renewed vigor and rapture. All this, of course, is great, but there are quite clear contraindications, according to which it is better to refuse intimacy now.

These may be:

  • spotting, vaginal bleeding;
  • high risk of miscarriage;
  • damage to the fetal bladder;
  • placenta previa or low location;
  • genital tract infection in a woman;
  • sexually transmitted infections in the spouse.

Tests and examinations at 4 months of pregnancy

In the normal course of pregnancy, a “date” with a doctor this month for a pregnant woman will take place once. During a scheduled visit, a specialist measures the weight and blood pressure of the expectant mother, listens to the fetal heart, palpates to determine the size and. In addition, a urine test will traditionally be taken - to detect protein and determine the level of sugar.

Perhaps a woman will be advised to take the so-called triple (or "simplified" double) test. This screening test measures the blood levels of three substances produced by the mother's body and the placenta: alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), and estriol (E3). The optimal period for its implementation is considered to be 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. Prenatal screening in the form of a triple test allows you to identify the risks of chromosomal abnormalities and fetal malformations, such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome, neural tube defects. However, it should be remembered that the triple (double) test is by no means diagnostic; it can only be used to suggest increased risks. If the results of the analysis are unsatisfactory, the woman will be recommended an in-depth examination.

The fetus at the seventeenth week of pregnancy photo:

The most fertile period of pregnancy has come - the 2nd trimester. A third of the way passed. Behind the difficulties of the first months: toxicosis, visiting doctors, passing tests. Anxiety and irritability replace lightness and energy. It is time to exhale and enjoy the position and new status. Pleasant changes await you.

4th month of pregnancy: signs

In the 2nd trimester, changes in the body of the expectant mother occur gradually, smoothly and do not greatly affect health. The symptoms of pregnancy at 4 months are minor and you may have already experienced them in previous months. In general, this relatively calm period will leave positive impressions.

  • The placenta has fully matured, and its work in ensuring the full and comfortable state of the baby has been established. In this regard, the volume of circulating blood in your body increases by an average of 40%. The heart starts to work harder. And if it is healthy, then such a load will not affect the general well-being.
  • Unpleasant signs of this period include constipation. Due to the size of the uterus and hormones, intestinal motility decreases, as a result of which this symptom occurs. If you do not pay attention to this, then hemorrhoids cannot be avoided, because the uterus will only grow. Therefore, it is better to take care of it now: drink more water, eat vegetables and fruits, walk and do gymnastics.
  • Unfortunately, many women at this stage develop warts (including in intimate areas), which cause anxiety. These are warts. If they increase in size, you need to inform your doctor. Don't worry, they are removed without the risk of complications in your position.
  • Other skin changes include hyperpigmentation. Freckles can darken, birthmarks grow. The strip from the navel to the pubis becomes more pronounced. Such changes are associated with the deposition of melanin, a substance that causes pigmentation. And the reason is in the hormones that are still rebuilding within you. After giving birth, everything will return to its place.

To prevent pigmentation, use safe cosmetics with sunscreens. If you want to lighten already existing spots, this can be done using masks based on lemon juice or sour-milk products.

  • Active growth of hair and nails will please any woman. In addition, their condition will improve significantly, which will be noticed even by others.
  • The mammary glands will continue to grow, especially the areola - the area covering the nipples.

You are now in your fourth obstetric month - one of the most comfortable periods of bearing a baby. Toxicosis stops tormenting you, appetite appears, and you feel a surge of strength. You need to know what's going on with your body and your baby at 4 months pregnant. And we will try to help you understand this issue.

The 4th obstetric month of your pregnancy has begun. Your due date is calculated in obstetric months, which consist of exactly four weeks (28 days). Are you wondering: “4 month pregnant: how many weeks is that?”? From the point of view of medicine, this is the period from the 13th to the 16th obstetric week.

4 weeks of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus?

Undoubtedly, you are wondering how your baby looks like at 4 months of pregnancy, after how long it will move. The body of the baby is not yet proportional: the arms are already proportionate to the body, but the legs are still short. The size of the fetus at 4 months of pregnancy: height - 13 cm, weight - about 60-70 grams.

Your baby is already beginning to form the external genitalia. But it is not yet clear whether it is a girl or a boy.

Now the baby's nervous system is actively developing, his skin becomes sensitive. The child's facial features become noticeable. And even in such a short time, he already smiles, frowns and frowns. Your baby is already quite developed - he sucks his finger, turns his head, stretches, yawns, squeezes his fingers into a fist and plays with his legs and arms. At the end of the fourth obstetric month, many expectant mothers already notice the movements of their baby. They may still be very weak, but in the future they will be more and more intensified.

During this period of intrauterine development, your child is already beginning to synthesize its own hemoglobin, the pituitary gland and the adrenal cortex are functioning more actively. The baby's body becomes more and more independent.

What does the belly look like at 4 months pregnant?

Is the belly growing and how visible is it at 4 months of pregnancy? During this period, as a rule, external changes are not particularly noticeable. What your belly looks like at 4 months pregnant depends largely on your constitution. If this is your first pregnancy, then the stomach does not particularly protrude (the uterus has just begun to go beyond the small pelvis). With repeated pregnancies during this period, the abdomen is already quite noticeable, since the ligaments that hold the uterus are already stretched. The stomach at this time does not yet constrain movements, and you feel quite comfortable.
The uterus begins to grow rapidly, the volume of amniotic fluid is about 300 ml. By this time, you could already gain 5-7 kg (and this is normal). The uterus is now located in the area between the navel and the pubic bone.

4 month pregnant feeling

By the 4th month of pregnancy, the symptoms and sensations of the first trimester practically disappear or occur only occasionally. You already noticeably improved appetite and well-being due to the absence of nausea. But there may be symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • slight pain in the lower abdomen due to stretching and thickening of the ligaments of the uterus;
  • headache;
  • nosebleeds;
  • copious white discharge from the vagina;
  • feeling of light suffocation;
  • involuntary excretion of urine, etc.

All of these symptoms are due to hormonal changes in your body and are acceptable and normal.

If you begin to notice swelling of the hands and feet, an increase in blood pressure and a deterioration in well-being, you should consult a doctor.

A sharp weight gain in combination with severe swelling may indicate problems with the kidneys. Therefore, during this period it is very important to diagnose the existing pathologies in a timely manner and cure them. At this time, pyelonephritis may occur, which is caused by the influence of the hormone progesterone.

In addition, it is important to monitor changes in the color of urine and secretions. If your urine is often pink or cloudy, you should tell your doctor. It is also necessary to urgently contact a gynecologist if you find brown or bloody discharge from the vagina.