Political regime. Main types of political regimes

This article will discuss the main types political regimes. Majority ordinary people don't think about various features forms of government, the ideology of the political regime. So, let's start to understand.

The concept and types of political regimes

The political regime is a set of ways, methods of exercising power in the state. This term is diverse, because every political scientist or other scientist, as well as a common person have their own view on the understanding of political reality.

It is very important and relevant to study the main types of political regime due to various processes in society. For example, Stalin and Hitler allowed the country to have a rather nice and romantic constitution with quite democratic provisions. But did it compare with reality? The treatment of people was terrible, they could simply be killed, burned in an oven, imprisoned, sent to a concentration camp. Therefore, it is real activity, deeds that characterize the political regime. Types of political regimes are divided into democratic and non-democratic.

Non-democratic also has its subspecies: authoritarianism and totalitarianism. In this regard, opening the textbook on the paragraph "What are the main types of political regimes?", You will find the following classification: democracy, and totalitarianism.

In principle, the features of democracy are more or less clear, but what about the difference between the other two terms? The main difference lies in the scope of penetration. influences all social areas - from how to speak, think, dress, read, and even how to have sex. Authoritarianism penetrates the political field of society, that is, you can calmly dress as you wish, go to your favorite cafes, but if you have a desire for fair elections, criticism of the actions of the authorities, screaming about the oppression of rights and freedoms, then the state will quickly silence you.

Below we will give a comparison according to some criteria so that you can form knowledge about what are the main types of political regimes.

Who is the basis of the regime, its foundation

Democracy is based on the will of the majority of the population. In other words, it is the power of the majority. In such states, people support democratic initiatives.

Totalitarianism is based on the marginalized, the poor and poor sections of urban residents and semi-criminal elements. Let's take, for example, the October Revolution, because the sailors and soldiers who believed in the Bolshevik ideology and clear propaganda actions became the executors.

The defenders of the authoritarian regime are civil servants, the police, officials, the army, the church. Look at the news stories: if the role of the security forces is significant in your country, and civil servants have great power, using it for their own purposes, you live in authoritarianism.

Such a base has the main types of political regime.

And what about the rights and freedoms of citizens?

Democracy is built on the fact that the rights and freedoms of citizens flourish and become sacred. If someone, somewhere, violates the rights of minorities, women, or any other communities, there will be a lot of screaming and they will be loud. Democrats believe that a free person can bring many benefits to the state, living and developing in a full-fledged society.

Totalitarian countries are very fond of declaring, legislating for rights and freedoms, but this is just paper and empty words. Try it, joke about power. Expulsion from school, party, dismissal from work - this is the best thing that can happen to you. The worst scenario for a joker is to be shot and send his family to a concentration camp.

The authoritarian regime has a constitution in which everything is very beautifully spelled out, but the legislation only works for the state and the officials associated with it. If you knocked down a person at the crossing - you will sit down if the deputy did it - there are many ways to hush up the matter.

After such an analysis, your understanding of what the main types of political regimes should be expanded, but we continue further.

Regime and party system

Democracies allow many parties to exist. It doesn't matter how many, even thousands. Of course, all these organizations cannot come to power, but please register.

The totalitarian regime provides for only one party, the only and officially permitted. She is a state. It is strictly forbidden to create others, but if you want to try, then get ready to become a convict in a concentration camp, because the leader will not forgive you for this.

Economic features in different modes

In a democracy, private property is very important and indestructible. Naturally, there is both state and mixed property, but market relations rule the roost.

Under a totalitarian regime, the entire economic region is subordinate to the state, and you will not find any private cafes or shops. The economy is in the interests of the country.

Features of ideology

Will not hold you criminally liable for other views. Nothing and no one should prevent you from expressing your personal opinion. If this happens, go to court and prove your case.

In totalitarianism there is only one - single and correct - ideology, with the help of which everything can be explained. All dissenters are declared enemies of the people.

Shows cunning in this regard. Other ideologies are, as it were, allowed, but only one is approved and imposed everywhere and everywhere.

After reading the article, you should have a good idea of ​​what types of political regimes and their features are.

Each state successively and gradually passes from one type of regime to another.

State (political) regimes, depending on the set of methods and means of state power, are divided into democratic and anti-democratic.

Democratic regime is the way to implement state power, the characteristic features of which are: the formation of authorities by election; political pluralism, guaranteed existence of political rights and freedoms of citizens.

The concept of "democracy" means, as you know, democracy, the power of the people. However, the situation in which all the people exercised political power, has not yet been implemented anywhere. It is rather an ideal, something that everyone should strive for.

Signs of a democratic regime:

recognition of the people as the main source of state power;

• freedom of enterprise and recognition of private property;

Real guarantee of human rights and freedoms;

· exercise of state power on the basis of the principle of separation of powers;

decentralization of state power;

· real opportunity participation of citizens in the formation of state bodies and in control over their activities;

Lack of a universally binding official ideology, multi-party system, freedom of opinion and belief;

presence of legal opposition.

The types of democracy are:

1. Liberal Democratic Regime.

It exists in those countries where market relations have developed. Examples include the industrialized countries of Europe and the United States. Such a regime is now being established in Russia. The liberal state not only proclaims rights and freedoms, but also promotes their use. In a liberal state, there are many parties of various political orientations, including opposition ones. State bodies are formed on the basis of free elections, when each person is given the right to express his opinion regarding a particular candidate.

State power is exercised on the basis of the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. This is what reduces the possibility of abuse of power.

2. Self-democratic regime.

This is a more developed and more free mode for people. The Scandinavian countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway) came close to him. Main hallmarks such a regime are: the solution of many state issues by taking into account the opinion of the people, expressed in referendums, in the course of polls, with the help of popular initiatives; high level life, humanism and morality of people.

Anti-democratic regimes.

Among the anti-democratic regimes most often called totalitarian and authoritarian.

1. Totalitarian regime.

The term "totalitarian" in Latin means "whole", "whole", "complete" was introduced into political circulation by B. Mussolini in 1925 to characterize the fascist movement. Like a political regime totalitarianism is a comprehensive state control over the population, all forms and spheres of society and is based on the systematic use of violence or the threat of its use.

The totalitarian regime existed in former USSR, now - in Cuba, North Korea, Iraq. The essence of the totalitarian regime is manifested in the control of power over all aspects of human life. Not only a person's views on the social structure are controlled, but even his personal life. And if a person's beliefs do not coincide with the attitudes of the authorities, then measures of coercion are applied to him. Recall that, for example, Alexander Solzhenitsyn was serving a sentence in Stalin's camps only because he wrote a letter to a friend from the front, where he doubted the correctness of Stalin's policy.

The leader is the center of the totalitarian system. His position is akin to the divine. He is declared the most wise and infallible, just, constantly thinking about the welfare of the people.

In a totalitarian state, a person is limited in rights and freedoms, although formally they can be proclaimed in the constitution.

Fascism is considered a form of totalitarianism. Its characteristic feature is the oppression of people on a national basis.

Signs of a totalitarian regime:

ideologization of the whole public life on the basis of the official ideology for the whole country;

intolerance to dissent;

a monopoly on information;

· suppression of human individuality, mass terror against the population;

merger of the state and party apparatus;

centralization of power (often led by a leader);

· denial of private life and private property, the dominant position of state property.

Such a regime is considered more “democratic” than a totalitarian one. Its main specificity is that the state is led by a narrow circle - ruling elite, which is headed by a leader and enjoys great privileges and benefits. Such a regime existed in the USSR during the reign of L. Brezhnev, M. Gorbachev.

Under an authoritarian regime, the authorities do not so openly violate human rights and freedoms. For example, academician Andrei Sakharov, the authorities did not dare to imprison him for his views, in particular for his condemnation of the war in Afghanistan. A. Sakharov was exiled to the city of Gorky, where he lived in an ordinary city apartment, but under the vigilant control of the KGB, without the right to leave the city.

Under authoritarianism, a parliament can exist, but it does not play any role in the state. In reality, social life is directed by the party (religious) leadership. The decisions of the central government do not take into account the opinion of the people, and therefore for their implementation it is necessary to use coercion. That is why in such a state the power of punitive organs (police, security agencies) and the army is strong.

The power of the elite is not limited by law;

· the people are removed from government and cannot control the activities of the ruling elite;

· in political life the existence of a multi-party system is allowed, but there are really no opposition parties;

· the presence of areas free from political control - the economy and private life. It is mainly the political sphere that is subject to control;

the priority of the interests of the state over personal interests.

In addition to the above types of anti-democratic regimes, there are other types:

3. Despotic regime.

It existed, for example, in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs, in Babylon, in Assyria, in Russia under Ivan the Terrible.

In despotism, power is exercised exclusively by one person. The despot delegates some managerial affairs to another person who enjoys special confidence in him (for example, the vizier in the East). The will of a despot is arbitrary, and sometimes autocracy borders on tyranny. The main thing in a despotic state is obedience, the fulfillment of the will of the ruler.

Under despotism, any independence, discontent, indignation and disagreement of the subject are brutally suppressed. The sanctions applied in this case stagger the imagination with their severity (hanging in the square, stoning, burning, quartering, wheeling, etc.). The authorities strive for visibility in the application of punishment in order to sow fear and ensure obedience.

A despotic regime is characterized by the utter lack of rights of its subjects.

4. Tyrannical regime.

It is based on one-man rule and is characterized by the presence of a governor. Usually, tyranny was established in the process of territorial conquest (Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire, etc.), accompanied not only by physical and moral violence against people, but also by violence against the religion and customs of the people. Yes, in Ottoman Empire literally slaughtered part of the population that opposed the imposition of Islam.

The power of a tyrant is cruel. In an effort to suppress resistance and sow fear among the population, he executes not only for expressed disobedience, but also for the discovery of intent to this effect. Tyrannical power is perceived by the people as oppression, and the tyrant as an oppressor, tormentor.

5.military regime.

This is a political regime in which the head of the state is a military group (junta), which received its power as a result of a coup d'état.

The political regime is a combination of all the norms of the country's political life, as well as methods and forms of exercising power in it. In today's social sciences, this term is rather vague and does not have a clear definition.

delineated boundaries. Thus, according to some approaches to the definition, the political regime can closely coincide with the concept of a political system, and sometimes even mean the same thing. Some researchers see the state regime as a practical way to implement the declared political system. This means that under the same system, the political regime can change. For example, the institutional base of power may not correspond to the practical participation of the people, as well as the observance of civil rights in the country. Other scientists actually equate these two concepts. The classification of political regimes, as well as systems, today assumes three main and a number of secondary categories.


The people are recognized as the highest bearer of power in the state. All legislative and executive government bodies are elected by direct or indirect voting on the basis of popular sympathies and aspirations. In the future, after the election, the government becomes the spokesman for the will of the voters in its domestic and international activities. Modern political regimes, as a rule, presuppose just such an organizational beginning. The characteristic features of democracy are: the popular election of government structures, the separation of branches of power, the rights and obligations fixed by law - civil and universal, political pluralism, the existence of many parties representing different categories of the population.

Such a political regime is a consequence of the seizure of full power in the state by one special or group of persons. And subjugation to their will of all branches of government. In such a situation of failure of the main legal mechanisms, the violation of civil and human rights, the persecution of dissidents and individuals simply dangerous to the authorities, becomes a frequent occurrence. At the same time, authoritarian power often arises during periods of crisis for the state. Such a regime allows us to shed the routine and bureaucracy inherent in democracy and take urgent measures necessary to

salvation of the state. Often such power rests on the charisma of one leader and ceases to exist with his death.


Assumes the control of power over all aspects of social and economic life in the country. Such a government usually seeks to control all the interests and spheres of life of its citizens: state-controlled television, radio and the press, the creation of mandatory public organizations- children and adults. On the one hand, this determines the total dominance of a single state philosophy, on the other hand, it solves many problems with the upbringing of children and citizens.

Political regime- a set of methods, techniques and forms of political relations in society, that is, a way of functioning of its political system. It is characterized by the methods of exercising political power, the degree of participation of citizens in governance, the attitude state institutions to legal framework own activities, the degree of political freedom in society, openness or closeness political elites from point of view social mobility, the actual state legal status personality.

Aristotle divided political regimes into two types - right and wrong. They differ from each other in their purposefulness: with the right regime, power is used for the common good, and with the wrong regime, for the sake of the interests of a certain ruling group or personality.

Aristotle refers to the first type of political regime: monarchy (the rule of one); aristocracy (rule by a few); republic (rule by many). In the latter case, some authors retain the Greek term "politea", the same number the thinker calls and irregular shapes government: tyranny (the use of power in the interests of one person); oligarchy (power is used in the interests of a few); democracy (the rule of the poor majority over the rich minority).

In the XVI century. French thinker J. Badin, based on the ideas of Aristotle, in his multi-volume work "Republic" develops the theory of state sovereignty and royal absolutism. At the center of these theories is the idea of ​​an indivisible, strong and effective state power standing above the law. The thinker endowed the monarch with the right to exercise absolute, unlimited power. Baden proposed his qualification of political regimes, which he divided into three types: monarchy ( sovereignty belongs to one person) an aristocracy (a minority of the population is in power) and a people's state, or republic (all the people take part in the exercise of power).

Usually there are two basic type political regimes:

1. Non-democratic political regimes. totalitarian and authoritarian.

2. Democratic political regime.

Totalitarianism. Translated from the Latin "totalitarian" - "pertaining to the whole." The term was introduced by the ideologue of Italian fascism, G. Gentile, who called for the total subordination of man to the state and the dissolution of the individual in political history.

The model proposed by the American political scientists K. Friedrich and Z. Brzezinski, which includes six basic characteristics:

Centralized leadership and management of the economy;

General control over the behavior of the individual in social sphere;

Recognition of the leading role of one party in political sphere and the exercise of its dictatorship (state and party structures merge and the phenomenon of "party-state" is formed);

The dominance of the official ideology;

Concentration in the hands of the state and the party of all means of mass communication;

Concentration in the hands of the party and the state of all means of armed violence.

Thus, the state exercises total control over all spheres of the life of society as a whole and of the individual as well.

Totalitarian regimes are traditionally divided into "left" and "right" forms. They differ in the nature of their ideologies, the goals and tasks that the hegemonic parties set before the masses.

Authoritarianism(from Latin auctor - initiator, founder, creator and auctoritas - opinion, decision, right) is defined as a regime in which the meaning of government is to concentrate power in the hands of one or more leaders who do not pay attention to achieving public agreement on the legitimacy of their power, however, there are certain limits to the power. Sometimes seen as an extreme form of an authoritarian regime. Modern authoritarian regimes have a number of features of a transitional regime, occupying an intermediate position between democracy and totalitarianism. An authoritarian regime can act as a dictatorship and be more liberal. The latest forms of authoritarianism are a kind of symbiosis of autocratic and democratic tendencies.

Traditionally, supporters of authoritarian power advocated the active intervention of the government in the issues of ideology and behavior of citizens and, accordingly, for the destruction of the opinions of individuals. Authoritarian regimes, in comparison with totalitarian ones, have greater chances of transition to democracy, because Here, economic interests independent of the state are already manifested, on the basis of which political interests can be formed, and therefore, there is a potential for the political self-organization of civil society. The transition from totalitarianism to democracy requires not only political reforms, but also comprehensive economic reform.

Democratic regime. Translated from Greek, "democracy" means "power of the people" (demos - people, cratos - power). The form political organization a society based on the recognition of the people as a source of power, on their right to participate in solving state affairs and on endowing citizens with a fairly wide range of rights and freedoms. American President A. Lincoln: "government of the people, elected by the people and for the people."

The first idea of ​​democracy as a form of government arose in ancient Greece. Aristotle defined democracy as "rule by all". But when considering the history of the formation of democracy, it turns out that of all the examples that existed in the past, the most democratic was "primitive democracy", where decisions were made by all adult members of a clan or tribe. Only by the middle of the 20th century, having passed the path of removing class property and other restrictions, did civil and political rights equal for all strata of society become a reality, incl. general elections to the legislature. Modern democracy differs from previous historical models in other essential features, primarily liberalism, i.e. respect and protection of human rights, incl. the rights of the opposition (those in this moment remained in the minority) to defend their opinion and criticize the government.

Modern democracy includes a set of democratic institutions, procedures and values ​​that ensure the stability of the political system.

Main features democracy:

1. The sovereignty of the people - the people are the source of power, it is he who chooses his representatives of power and replaces them periodically.

2. The periodic election of the main authorities makes it possible to provide a clear legitimate mechanism for the succession of power.

3. Universal, equal and secret suffrage. One citizen, one vote.

4. A constitution that establishes the priority of individual rights over the state and provides a citizen-approved mechanism for resolving disputes between the individual and the state.

5. The principle of separation of powers (into legislative, executive and judicial) in the construction of the state apparatus.

6. The presence of a developed system of representation (parliamentarism).

7. Guarantee of fundamental human rights.

8. Political pluralism, which allows not only political and social movements that support government policy, but also opposition parties and organizations to legally operate.

9. Freedom of expression of political opinions and freedom of formation of associations, movements is complemented by a variety of different sources of information, independent media.

10. Democratic decision-making procedure: elections, referendums, parliamentary voting. Decisions are taken by the majority, respecting the right of the minority to disagree.

11. Resolving conflicts peacefully.

Basic forms of democracy:

Depending on the forms of participation of the people in the exercise of power, they distinguish direct, plebiscitary and representative democracy.

In direct democracy, there are no mediating links between the will of the people and its embodiment in decisions - the people themselves participate in the discussion and decision-making. Today it is used in organizations and small communities (cities, communities) as self-government.

Plebiscitary democracy is another channel for expressing the will of the people. A number of researchers consider it as a kind of direct democracy and do not single it out as a separate group. This form of democracy is the voting of the people on the most important state issues, on draft laws and other decisions through a referendum, sometimes called a plebiscite, which in literal translation is a people's decision.

Political regime is a system of methods, ways and means of exercising political power. Any changes that occur in the essence of the state of this type, first of all, are reflected in his regime, and he affects the form of government and the form of government.

The concept of a political regime is key to the formation of ideas about the main systems of power. Based on it, they judge the true picture of the principles of organizing the political structure of society. The political regime characterizes a certain political climate that exists in a particular country in a particular period of its historical development.

Signs of a political regime:

The degree of participation of the people in the mechanisms of formation of political power, as well as the very methods of such formation;

The ratio of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen with the rights of the state;

Guaranteed rights and freedoms of the individual;

Characteristics of the real mechanisms for exercising power in society;

The degree to which political power is exercised directly by the people;

The position of the media, the degree of openness in society and the transparency of the state apparatus;

The place and role of non-state structures in political system society;

Character legal regulation(stimulating, restricting) in relation to citizens and officials;

The nature of political leadership;

Taking into account the interests of the minority in making political decisions;

The dominance of certain methods (persuasion, coercion, etc.) in the exercise of political power;

The degree of rule of law in all spheres of public life;

The political and legal status and role in society of the "power" structures of the state (army, police, state security etc.);

A measure of political pluralism, including a multi-party system;

The existence of real mechanisms for bringing political and legal responsibility to officials, including the highest ones.

The vast majority of political scientists do not attribute the political regime to the form of the state, but consider it a separate institution. The political regime can completely, fundamentally pervert the form of government, so this is the most important manifestation of the essence of the state. All modes are divided into: democratic and undemocratic.

concept "democracy" means government of the people, power of the people. However, the situation in which the entire people would exercise political power has not yet been realized anywhere. It is rather an ideal, something to strive for. Meanwhile, there are a number of states that have done more in this direction than others (Germany, France, Sweden, the USA, Switzerland, England) and to which other states are often guided.

Signs of a democratic regime:

1. The population participates in the exercise of state power through direct (when citizens, for example, directly make decisions on the most important issues of public life in a referendum) and representative democracy (when the people exercise their power through representative bodies chosen by them);

2. Decisions are taken by the majority, taking into account the interests of the minority;

3. Election and turnover of central and local government bodies, their accountability to voters, publicity;

4. Methods of persuasion, agreement, compromise dominate;

5. Law prevails in all spheres of public life;

6. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen are proclaimed and actually ensured;

7. Political pluralism, including multi-party system;

8. Separation of powers.

9. Developed cultural level of people, readiness for cooperation, compromise and agreement.

Democratic regimes subdivided into: bourgeois-democratic, social-democratic, patriarchal-democratic, liberal-democratic regime.

signs bourgeois-democratic regimes:

1. The supremacy of the constitution and parliament.

2. Multi-party system (parties must be developed).

3. Variety of forms of ownership (leading - private).

4. The introduction of a system of separation of powers in the entire state mechanism.

5. Presence in the constitution of an extensive system of democratic rights and freedoms.

6. Pluralism of ideology and pluralism of expression.

signs social democratic regime the same as in the bourgeois-democratic, the difference is one, but significant: in such countries, the main emphasis is on social protection personality, for the implementation of huge social programs, in its pure form, this regime exists only in Sweden.

Patriarchal Democratic Regime(Kuwait, Brunei, Swaziland, Bhutan) - customs and traditions prevail as sources of law.

Liberal Democratic Regime - slightly progressive. Liberal values ​​are the protection of human rights, the priority of universal values, integration with the world. The head of the state with such a political regime is the intelligentsia and carries out progressive transformations, but there are no material and financial resources for implementation national interests. Such a political regime exists in Namibia, India.

Non-democratic political regimes:totalitarian, authoritarian, fascism. The main difference between non-democratic and democratic regimes is that there is an absolute dominance of the executive over the legislative.

The concept of " totalitarianism" in the literal sense of the word means "whole", "whole", "complete". In each of the countries where a political totalitarian regime, he had his own specifics. However, there is common features inherent in all forms of totalitarianism and reflecting its essence. Totalitarian regime characterized by the absolute control of the state over all areas of public life, the complete subordination of a person to political power and the dominant ideology (a state of a purely fascist type).


1. In the process of establishing a regime, the nature of the law, which is seen as a form of expression of violence, changes. The creation of a huge state apparatus contributed to the expansion of power influence. Power is usurped either by one person or by a small group of people.

2. Unification and ideologization of public life. There are no independent public organizations - children's, youth, adults.

3. State-bureaucratic monopoly in the economy: the absence of private property leads to the fact that the state is the only employer.

4. Declarative and limited rights and freedoms of a citizen. Totalitarianism is based on statism, the source of rights and freedoms is the state, which grants rights and freedoms in accordance with its goals.

5. Violence and terror as a means of control.

6. Isolation from the outside world.

In turn, the totalitarian regime is divided into:

Tyranny- power belongs to one who himself creates laws, but does not obey them. The army and the punitive apparatus play an important role.

Dictatorship- power in the state belongs to a certain estate or class, all other strata of society are declared hostile, legality is replaced by expediency. Examples are the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, the Jacobin Dictatorship, the Paris Commune.

military dictatorship- the highest command ranks are at the head of the state and the entire economy is subordinated to the development of the military complex. Such regimes existed in Japan and Greece.

Junta(Chile) - the military is at the head of the state, but the government is created from the rest of society (liberal government).

Cult of personality- the extreme degree of totalitarianism, the genocide of their own people is carried out, a combination of repressive methods, the persecution of dissidents. Such regimes existed in the USSR (Stalin), China (Mao Zedong), Yugoslavia (Bros Tito), Turkmenistan (Saparmurat Ataevich Niyazov) and others.

Racist political regime- at the head of the state representatives of one race or nation. According to the ideology of racism, there is a struggle between races until the superior race defeats the inferior. Society is divided into certain racial groups.

Theocratic (religious regime)- such a regime poses a huge threat to its own people and other peoples and countries. The head of state is also the head of the church (the king in Saudi Arabia). In the country state religion only one, the rest are prohibited under threat of death (Afghanistan, Iran). The sources of constitutional law are sacred scriptures and traditions (Koran, Sunnah, Vedas, Bible, Torah). The role of judicial law (in the broadest sense) is performed by canon law. Special religious courts are being created. Special religious spiritual punitive bodies are being created.

Nomenclature democracy regime- this regime has established itself throughout the post-Soviet space, with the exception of the Baltic countries and Turkmenistan.

Fascism- a regime in which the state ideology is extreme nationalism, manifested in the fact that the state decided to take care of the prosperity of its nation at the expense of the destruction and enslavement of other states. The consequence is genocide against the Gypsies, Jews, Slavs, who were subject to physical destruction. Repressions are directed not inside the country, as in the cult of personality, but against other countries and peoples.

At the head of the state - the leader (the Fuhrer, Duce, etc.), there is a party system (with the exception of Japan during the Second World War). In fascist states, the party and state apparatus is completely merged. The role of representative bodies of power is reduced to nothing. All power is exercised by the leader and his apparatus. A simplified legal procedure is being introduced, i.e. coercion is carried out not by a permanent court, but by emergency organs.

Authoritarian regime- the state-political structure of society, in which political power carried out by a specific person (class, party, elite group, etc.) with minimal participation of the people.

The main characteristic of this regime is authoritarianism as a method of ruling and governing, as a kind of public relations(for example, Spain during the reign of Franco, Chile during the reign of Pinochet), Azerbaijan, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Zimbabwe, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Cameroon, Kenya, Laos, Malaysia, etc. - today. An authoritarian regime can be seen as a kind of "compromise" between totalitarian and democratic political regimes.


1. In the center and in the localities, there is a concentration of power in the hands of one or several closely interconnected bodies, while the people are alienated from the real levers of state power;

2. The principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial is ignored (often the president, executive and administrative bodies subjugate all other bodies, are endowed with legislative and judicial powers);

3. The court acts as an auxiliary body, together with which extrajudicial instances can also be used;

4. Narrowed or nullified the scope of the principles of election of state bodies and officials;

5. As methods government controlled dominated by command and administrative, at the same time there is no terror, practically not used mass repression, harsh violent methods of exercising political power;

6. Partial censorship remains, there is no complete total control over all spheres of public life, as in a totalitarian political regime;

7. There is no single ideology.

8. There is partial pluralism, opposition is not allowed, there can only be an imitation of a multi-party system;

9. The rights and freedoms of man and citizen are mainly proclaimed, but in reality they are not fully ensured (primarily in the political sphere);

10. A person is deprived of security guarantees in relations with the authorities;

11. Strong structure are practically beyond the control of society and are sometimes used for purely political purposes;

12. The role of the leader is high, but unlike totalitarianism, he is not charismatic.