How to make a real shaman tambourine with your own hands at home. Magical methods and technologies for making a shaman's tambourine with a detailed description and visual photos. How to Fall into a Trance and Travel to the Spirit World p.

Do-it-yourself musical instruments for kindergarten

Cheerful tambourine. Master class on making musical noise instruments.

Markova Ruslana Pavlovna Musical director of MDOU d.s. "Fairy tale" of the village of Trostyanka, Balashovsky district, Saratov region.
Description: This master class will be useful for teachers and music directors. A cheerful tambourine will not let you get bored during the holidays - this is a great gift and a musical noise instrument.
Target: Making musical noise instruments with your own hands.
To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods of making noise musical instruments;
Arouse children's interest in musical creativity.
To increase the level of professional competence of the majority of teachers, as well as parents, their motivation for systematic use in practice.

The teddy bear is dancing in the circus
And fervently waves a tambourine,
His paw taps on him.
The tambourine chimes happily.
A bear came up to him
To sing along to the baby.
In the paws the same tool
Amazing moment.
bells of tambourines ringing
Heard from all sides.
Tambourine is not a joke to you.
Well done, we have bears.

Tambourine - A percussion musical instrument in the form of a leather-covered rim or hoop to which metal plates or bells are attached.

For different peoples of the world, the tambourine performed its own functions. So, in the imagination of the northern peoples of Russia, a tambourine in shamanic hands drove away evil spirits, healed from various diseases.

Among the peoples of the East, Central Asia, especially India, the tambourine was and is a popular solo instrument, on which musicians not only reproduce complex rhythmic patterns with a variety of richness of timbre nuances, but also the plot is full of deep drama.

In Spain, the "Basque drum", as the tambourine is called here, accompanies a sparkling temperamental dance.

Today I invite you, together with me, to make a tambourine from improvised waste materials. I advise you to look into the garage of your spouse, it was there that I found a sidelight from an old car. You can use any object similar to a rim, the main thing is to come up with fasteners. But today we will consider the option with a sidelight. And so let's get started.
We will need: sidelight, satin ribbons, scissors, thin elastic band, bells (again we turn to the spouse, for sure there will be bells in fishing tackle, or they can be purchased at fishing stores), leather or material, large washers, wire cutters.

1. To begin with, we wrap the sidelight with satin ribbon, fixing the edges with hot gun glue. We thread the tape into the hole of the protrusions.

2. We measure the elastic band, pulling it over the ledges of the sidelight. It should be stretched medium, but not weak. We tie the edges of the elastic band and put it on the ledges of the sidelight.

3. We take the bells, remove them from the clothespin and pull out the wire springs. (I used two pairs.)

4. We tighten all the elastic bands in the middle, and fix them with a wire with a bell, cut off the excess wire with wire cutters.

5. It turned out that two elastic bands are directed to the middle from three sides. We tighten each pair with a wire with a bell.

6. We measure and tie another elastic band, now more tightly. We dress it on the ledges, without pulling it to the middle.

7. We take a bitten off wire, and first tighten one washer on it, next to it.

8. We fasten the washers, on the second elastic band from three sides in the middle.

Washers add an extra richer sound to the ringing of bells. But you can do without pucks.

9. Next step: - lay out on the table, better, a piece of leather, in my case, a dense material. We lay our tambourine on top and circle it with a remnant, outlining three sharp elongations.

You can leave the shape round, I made the shape of the material triangular, so that in the future it would be easier for me to decorate the tambourine with tinsel.

Cut out.

10. We insert the extensions into the holes of the ledges of the sidelight.

We stretch the material, cut off the corners, wrap the edges and carefully sew.

11. Let's decorate our tambourine. From a narrow satin ribbon we will make bows. To do this, we will cut three strips of 8.5 centimeters, and three strips of 1.5-2 centimeters. We fold the long strips in half, so that the edges of the ribbon are sewn in the middle of the product.

bend short strips in the middle along.

We wrap the bows, half folded, in short strips and sew the edges.

Glue the bows to the tambourine on the fabric. Since our tambourine is cheerful, New Year's, we will decorate the edge of the tambourine with tinsel.

The shaman's tambourine is a ritual attribute of magical rites. The sorcerer feeds on his life forces, summons spirits with his help, achieves healing, puts him into a trance. A leather-covered object for representatives of an early form of religion symbolized a living being.

Kamlanie involves the use of a magical weapon in rituals with dancing, singing, immersion in a trance. He is given the main role in the action. The magician gives the instrument part of his life energy, he comes to life.

The special rhythm and monotony of the beats provide the hypnotic effect of the drum in the hands of the shaman.

The rhythm ranges from 4 to 7 beats per second. The sound of a tambourine quickly plunges the sorcerer into a trance. In this state, a person is able to perceive subconscious images. Hypnotic immersion promotes self-knowledge, unity with nature, understanding the secrets of life. Contact with other worlds is being established. Kamlanie gives the shaman the opportunity to communicate with spirits.

Many psychics use a drum instead of a tambourine. It is a powerful magical tool. Playing on it relaxes, promotes immersion in other matter, sets you on a journey to other worlds.

Types of tambourines and their symbols

In peoples who believe in the power of the shaman, the instrument is used in different ways. The symbolism applied to the ritual object varies. The attribute is treated like a living being. He is endowed with the soul of a bird, deer, bear, and other animals.

Each tribe has its own tambourine. They differ in decorations, drawings, symbols.

Shamanic tools are:

  • Sami, decorated with bear fangs and claws. The sorcerer beats the drum with a deer horn, a hare's foot. The surface in the central part contains the symbolism of the sun. 4 rays diverge from the center. They symbolize deities that control other elements;
  • Yakut. The shamans of Siberia do not decorate the tambourine with the image of deities. The frame, called the "sacred deer", is decorated with deer horns. Images of animals and people are applied to the instrument. It is obligatory to have secret signs - red and black;
  • Altai. Decorated with horse ornaments. The Altaians believe that the beats on the drum take the shaman to heaven. Among the symbolism on the device there are images of animals, heavenly bodies, trees;
  • Chukchi. A tambourine without an ornament is used. The handle of the ritual tool is made from a walrus tusk. The mallet is made from whalebone;
  • Evenki. The shaman sees in the tool a boat for traveling along the river in other worlds. It is customary to decorate a ceremonial device with an ornament from red and black circles, silhouettes of animals. The technique of making tools of different groups of Evenks is not the same;
  • Selkup. The tambourine of this nation depicts the Universe, divided into earth and sky. The shaman uses a cedar branch wrapped in bearskin to travel down, a buckskin birch twig to ascend;
  • Nenets. To make a ritual object, magicians use a deer skin. Shamans adorn the tambourine along the edge with an ornament of mountain peaks, directed to heaven;
  • Tunguska tambourines. The magic tool of the Tungus is decorated along the edge with images of animals and birds;
  • samoyed. The subject for kamlanie is clean. Samoyeds do not put ornaments, signs on its surface;
  • Tuvan. Shaman drums contain symbols of the four worlds: the upper one - heaven, the middle one - the human body, the lower one - the earth, tengri, which unites all worlds;
  • Buryat. The tambourine is similar to the Altai ritual attribute. The ritual object is dedicated to the horse. The noble animal symbolizes the soul of adaptation;
  • Mongolian. Sorcerers associate the shaman's drum with a black deer. This symbolism can be observed on the tools of sorcerers living in Alaska.

What materials are tambourines made of?

The shape of the shaman drum is traditionally rounded. There are items for rituals with an oval rim. During the rite, the magician holds the ritual attribute to the left. To do this, it is equipped with a wooden or metal handle. Fixed decorations: bells, rattles, metal figurines of animals support the rhythm. The sound during kamlania comes from the membrane stretched over the rim. The sorcerer beats her with a mallet made of leather, wood.

The shamans make the membrane for the tambourine from the skin of animals, the rim is made of wood. Magicians believe that when wood comes into contact with skin, an object comes to life. During the ritual, the spirit-guide is infused into the weapon. Drums for rituals are made by hand.

Sorcerers do not use machine-made tambourines despite the quality of workmanship. The use of fake shop attributes (made of plastic, cardboard) in a ritual action is unacceptable.

These items can be used for decor, games, holidays.

Making a shaman drum is a serious process. It is held on special days according to the lunar calendar. The master fasts for several days, refuses to eat meat and milk before work. It begins with the call of spirits. You need to enlist their help to create a magical attribute.

Properties of ritual drums and tambourines

The adaptation during the ceremony plays an important role for the shaman:

  • establishes contact with spirits;
  • enters into an ecstatic state and removes from it;
  • promotes travel to other worlds;
  • the shaman protects from evil forces;
  • conducts a cleansing ceremony;
  • gives strength to rituals;
  • tambourine music heals;
  • a shaman with the help of a tool repels energy attacks;
  • receives answers to questions from higher powers;
  • raises the spirit to heaven or descends to the lower worlds;
  • performs a meditation session;
  • prophesies future events.

The shaman can use several tambourines.

A sorcerer can wield 8 tools in a lifetime. If the magician exceeds this amount, violating the ban, death awaits him.

Different nationalities have different ritual traditions: the appearance of the drum, the features of shamanic rituals with it.

How to do it yourself and how to decorate

Making a tambourine with your own hands is not easy. You must follow the rules and sequence of actions:

  1. Leather dressing stage. The shaman associates himself with a trotter, a deer. He turns to the animal to enlist support. The sorcerer slaughters the animal, carries out the dressing of the skin. He recreates the rite of seeing off the slain beast to heaven. This is done so that the tool serves well. The strength of the drum is determined by the magician's belief in the item's magical abilities.
  2. Selection of material for the rim of the tambourine. The shaman chooses a tree with clues from higher powers. This may be a plant struck by lightning or selected with closed eyes. From the material you need to make a frame, pull the skin over it, fixing it with tendons.
  3. Carrying out a life-giving ceremony. When the body of the instrument is ready, it is sprinkled with a liquid composition to revive it. During the ritual, the shaman is infused with the spirit of the slain animal. He begins to speak with the voice of an animal. This is evidence that the tambourine has found a soul.
  4. feeding ritual. In order for the device to fulfill its purpose, the sorcerer must “feed” it. The magician makes offerings to the drum: honey, milk, butter, fumigation with tobacco smoke.

Other attributes of a shaman for rituals

A tambourine is not the only magical device for ritual rituals. Other attributes of the shaman are also used for rituals:

  • the wand is the personification of the world tree. The plant connects the upper, middle and lower worlds. The item contains the symbolism of these worlds. It is installed in a prayer place. The shaman performs the ritual using a tambourine, a wand.
  • Khomuz is used to plunge into a trance. A musical instrument is considered a living being. It facilitates the sorcerer's journey through the middle world. There he calls the spirits, communicating with them in the language of Khomuz.
  • Kamla is a beater that extracts sounds from a tambourine. It is made from a branch of the world tree. This is a symbol of the magical power of the shaman.
  • The hat of the magician is made in the form of a bird, it can be an owl. The creature helps the sorcerer to travel to the world of Tengri. The robe on top contains many birds. The elements allow a person to reincarnate into a winged creature.

The tambourine is used as a musical instrument. Its roots lie in the ancient rituals of kamlaniya. The attribute leads the shaman into the world of spirits, the music of the drum helps to enter into a trance during the ceremony, to delve into the matter of the human subconscious.

On his tambourines, drawings appeared by themselves, and the shamans heard the sounds they made from several hundred miles away.

Before his retirement, the former school teacher, a native of the Aginsky Buryat district Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi, did not even think that in his old age he would become an unsurpassed master of making shaman tambourines.
And even more so, he did not know that his ancestors, representatives of an ancient family, since the time of Genghis Khan were dedicated craftsmen who created fine ritual things. The link between generations, which had broken many years ago, was restored by a well-known shaman in Buryatia.

One day an unfamiliar man came to me, introduced himself as a shaman and said that I should make tambourines, because my ancestors were great masters. I was surprised to say that I never made tambourines. The shaman answered: “I will teach!”.

More than ten years have passed since then, and the tools made by Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi are used by the most eminent shamans. The 85-year-old master, who has long made his last, 48th, tambourine, has become a teacher - he teaches the art to his son and grandson.

Making a tambourine is a whole ritual that cannot be deviated from, - says Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi. - And they are made exclusively by order of the shaman, and not just like that - for a reserve. Don't ask, don't do. And if anyone needs it, they go to the birch forest together - a shaman who desired a tambourine, a master and a person who will cut a tree.

I am looking for the birch I need not far from the Ivolginsky datsan, where the river flows. On both its banks are birch forests.

Each area has its own owner, from whom the shaman asks for permission to cut down a tree. The master chooses the right birch. He walks through the forest, looking for one in which two or three trunks grow from one root. Since there are not many of them, it takes a long time to wander.

I can't point my finger at a birch. I agree in advance with the cutter that I will go around the tree I need three times, and I need to cut the trunk opposite which I stop. Approximately two meters are taken from it, as well as branches from the crown, necessary for the manufacture of a beater and other devices necessary for the shaman.

When the woodcutter has done his job, it's the shaman's turn. He prepares an offering to his ongon, the owner, putting food in the first row, then - to the spirit of the area. The second row of milk, vodka, green tea appears on the ground... And, finally, the third row with an offering to the master himself. Then the shaman begins to sing a prayer, without fail in a rich language, presenting treats to the ongon and the lord of the forest.

I also pray, - continues Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi. - I sprinkle, scatter crumbs and say thank you for the birch tree, which I took for the benefit of people, pronouncing various wishes to the lord of the area. May your forest multiply like bread on arable land, may flowers grow, and birds sing on the trees ...

The felled trunk is routinely loaded onto a truck and taken to the workshop.

In the workshop, where access is closed to almost everyone (especially women), there is a ritual, outwardly, however, that seems to be ordinary carpentry work.

On a circular saw, I cut the trunk into several longitudinal plates, of which there are, as a rule, two or three good ones suitable for a gadfly. The best goes to the manufacture of a tambourine to the customer. The rest I beg from the shaman in exchange for some value. Suddenly, a poor shaman will come, who does not have the opportunity to go into the forest himself, having hired a car and a cutter.

The plate should be planed to the desired thickness and weight, and then boiled to give flexibility.

In the old days, the masters had a harder time. They heated the plate over the fire to bend it into a hoop. It's long. There are such tambourines that store numerous scars. This means that a layer of wood was cut, extinguishing resistance, gradually achieving the desired bend. It's much easier for us.

In the workshop at Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi, a two-meter steel pipe, soldered at one end. This is where the cooking plate is placed, but again, not on a household stove, but in the real forge itself.

The temperature is high, the water is seething and it is important to catch the moment when the plate is relatively easy to bend into a gadfly on a special device - a bend.

Sometimes it breaks. But the old master says that a broken plate means that something is wrong with the shaman: "Maybe it's harmful, maybe something else ...".

The skin for a tambourine is also needed not just any, but only the one indicated by the shaman's ongon.

Either a black goat, or a white goat, or a cow. One of my customers was ordered by his master to use the skin of a sire bull. Somehow found one!

The skin of the bull-producer turned out to be very thick, like the sole of a winter boot, master Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi laughs. This, having dried, will surely twist or even break the gadfly. Having cut out the circle, I thought for a long time how to make it thin, until I thought of it. And in the yard - Epiphany frosts. The master pulled the circle on a flat surface and took it out into the street - to cool. And in the same place on the street, he began to hew leather, hard as steel, with a planer, the blades of which he sharpened ahead of time to a razor sharpness. A few strokes and the skin, as a result of friction, begins to warm up, melt, and the blades get stuck.

I go to drink tea, I go out again. And so - for a whole week, until the skin after such treatment became thin, smooth and transparent to the light.

The tambourine turned out to be good, with an exceptional sound. But his story didn't end there.

The shaman told me: draw the mountain on which I perform the ritual. He is my countryman and former student, he knows me, I know him. And, of course, I understood what kind of mountain he had in mind. Well, I say, I'll draw on your bull's skin ...

But time passes, the master does not return to the tambourine. Either one or the other interferes - once! The shaman came once, came twice. Gone again. Once he looked directly into the workshop, where he was not ordered to go - to see if the tambourine was dry enough.

He leaves the workshop joyful, satisfied. He says strange words that, they say, I'm playing him, but the drawing turned out to be very good.

The master looked. On the skin, in fact, it was clearly visible in detail the image of the same mountain with spurs stretching to the edges of the tambourine “written” by an unknown hand. Clouds were thickening over the mountain, nearby, on the mountain, one could see like a speck tinted with oil paint, illuminated as if by the light of a twilight fire - a place for shamanship!

The mountain really looked like it had been drawn by a brilliant artist.

I didn't draw, I tell the shaman. He does not believe me and points his finger at the place for the ritual, they say, oil paint is clearly visible! Rub and make sure that there is no paint, I answer him ...

A miracle happened that even the old master and the shaman could not explain. The natural manifestation of dried skin tones formed into a drawing of a real-life mountain, the image of which the shaman-customer so wanted to see on his tambourine.

The ongon helped in no other way, - the master concludes and adds: - When I need the services of shamans, I go to those who have drawings on their tambourines. They are real shamans.

And Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi is a real master. The drawings appeared several more times - now in the form of a simple figure of a man, then - a shaman floating in the clouds, dressed in a national long-brimmed robe. In his hands is a tambourine and a kalatush.

One day a woman knocked at the master's house. In old worn clothes, worn-out shoes, as if she was walking from a distant place. Tired, in the eyes - reflections of long suffering.

I immediately felt sorry for her. I ask who is this? Where? She answered that a shaman from the island of Olkhon had come to order a tambourine, which she needed to cure herself of a strange and exhausting illness.

But the woman had neither money nor relatives in Ulan-Ude. That's when the birch plate asked for from the previous shaman came in handy.

I agreed to make her a tambourine. She asked when it would be possible to come for him, said that I could not answer this question. Maybe in half a month, or maybe in 20 days. What shamans - such and terms.

And suddenly, it was as if someone had put a ready-made answer into the Dambu-Nimu Tsyrendashi. The mouth, opening by itself, said: “When your tambourine is ready, I will go out after sunset on the porch and hit it. If you are a shaman, you will hear…”.

The tambourine turned out to be good, feminine, light and in just ten days, which means that the woman turned out to be a good person, the master recalls. As agreed, at dusk, as soon as the sun finally sank below the horizon, he went out onto the porch and struck the tambourine several times.

A woman from Olkhon appeared on the threshold of the house of master Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi two days later…

The young shaman asked the master how much his tambourine cost. The master answered: one ram or in monetary terms. From time immemorial it has been so customary - one ram for one tambourine, no more, no less. The guest estimated how much it would be in rubles, and said that this was an unbearable burden for him.

This story is like a parable, - says master Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi. - But she's real.

The man left to reappear two years later - with a confession. The search for an easy road led him to one of the Ulan-Ude theaters, where his good friend worked: “Do you need a tambourine? No problem!". And he gave the young shaman a sham instrument.

Before the shaman can use the tambourine for its intended purpose, it must undergo a special rite. Otherwise it is impossible. This rite is special, with the obligatory presence of a rich treat (butchered and cooked ram), the invitation of relatives and a shaman teacher, who should “dedicate” the tambourine to good deeds.

As soon as the old shaman picked up a fake tambourine, the truth was revealed to him. The shaman's face changed, became angry and threw the theatrical instrument with force far into the gathering twilight: “Who did you want to deceive? shouted the shaman. - Me?.. Your ongon?

The miser pays twice, and easy roads lead nowhere, - master Damba-Nima Tsyrendashi completed his story. - A tambourine is a tambourine, but done wrong, it can bring trouble, to say the least. Real tambourines can only be made by dedicated masters, of whom there can never be many.

Anyone who is going to practice shamanic rites should remember that a shamanic tambourine is not just an ordinary musical instrument, but a means for summoning spirits and traveling to parallel worlds. According to ancient beliefs, on a tambourine, like on a horse, a shaman can get into the upper world, where good spirits live, or visit the lower world - the abode of evil spirits - using this tool as a boat in order to swim across the underground river. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to make a tambourine with your own hands.

How to make a shaman tambourine

In order to make a tambourine at home, you need to stock up on the following materials: veneer, animal skin (skin), epoxy, plastic bag, barrel or plywood, glue and boards. Even if you had no idea how to make a shaman tambourine before, after that just follow these recommendations:

  • The technology for making shaman tambourines is not complicated. You should choose the right wood for the rim of your tambourine. In primitive tribes, for this, a blindfolded shaman went to the forest. Spirits directed him to a certain tree, from the wood of which he made a tambourine. Now it is unlikely that anyone will perform such rituals, so just think about which tree you like best and is a carrier of positive energy for you. After that, purchase veneer of the appropriate breed;
  • You need to take a barrel or cylinder made of plywood. This will serve as the base on which to glue your rim. The veneer must be wrapped around the base in several rows until it becomes very strong. Use epoxy as glue;
  • The skin of the animal must also be carefully chosen, because it is this animal that you will turn into while traveling through other worlds. Once you've made your choice, purchase the hide from the fabric department, leather goods store, or tailor shop;
  • The skin must be wetted so that excess moisture does not get on the rim of the tambourine. To do this, it is better to close the areas in contact with the skin with a plastic bag. The skin can be attached with both glue and nails;
  • Attach a wooden cross to the rim from the inside with glue or tie with tensioned straps. It will be very convenient to hold on to it during shamanic rituals.

Making a shaman tambourine requires certain skills, but if you still manage to make it right, the magical world will open its doors to you.

TAMBOURINE. HOW TO MAKE A TAMbourine with your own hands. PART 2. First you need to decide on the size. As I wrote, I have already planned a 50 cm tambourine. As you understand, you will immediately face the issue of skin - the main ingredient. For a tambourine, goat skin of a special manufacture (parchment skin) is needed. Goat leather is the strongest and most durable. Through the Internet, I found a person who is engaged in the manufacture of this skin for tambourines, drums, etc. If anyone needs the address of the seller, write, I will definitely tell you. He just turned out to have the skin of the size necessary for me - 64 centimeters. Having made some simple calculations, I came to the conclusion that for 50 centimeters this should be enough for me, back to back, but it should. I did not think for a long time about what to make the shell from (the frame on which the skin is stretched) - plywood. In general, according to technology, it is made from a solid hardwood board. I am of the opinion that this was due to the lack of normal materials. So, a three-layer birch plywood sheet of the first grade was bought. I will make a reservation right away that you need to take from birch, it will not work from needles. What is needed for this whole process. 1 Sheet of plywood (requires 4 strips of 55 mm wide). 2 Chipboard 60x60 cm. 3 Electric jigsaw. 4 Drill, or screwdriver. 5 Hammer. 6 Wood drill - pen 9 mm or more (in order to drive the jigsaw blade.) 7 Wood drill 2.8 mm. 8 Nails 100x3 mm. 9 Stationery knife. 10 Leather punch or 3 mm punch. 11 Money rubber bands. 12 Epoxy adhesive. 13 sandpaper. 14 Tape measure/ruler 15 Pencil. 16 The most important thing is the skin. CHANNEL FOR CREATIVE "DIY YOURSELF" : This channel was created for those who love life, who love to create with their own hands for independent, purposeful and creative people. The content of the channel will consist of videos that will tell you how to do various things with your own hands. Moreover, the videos will relate to completely different areas of activity, the main criterion is "do it yourself". CHANNEL PLAYLISTS: 1. CARS AND MOTORCYCLES - 2. CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR - 3. MOBILE DEVICES AND COMPUTERS - 4. DIY - Join: FACEBOOK - TWITTER- VK- OK - INSTAGRAM - Google+-