How to rinse the air conditioner: a step-by-step algorithm. Related tips. Do-it-yourself air conditioner cleaning at home How to clean a window air conditioner yourself

A window air conditioner will work more efficiently if it is cleaned periodically. Dust and dirt that constantly accumulate inside the unit impairs heat transfer, resulting in lower cooling efficiency and increased power consumption. Follow the steps below to thoroughly clean your window air conditioner.

You will need:

  • Screwdriver
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • A vacuum cleaner
  • Comb for aligning radiator fins
  • Rag
  • Stiff bristle brush
  • Wire

Cleaning the window air conditioner:

  1. Disconnect the device from AC power.
  2. Remove the front panel by unscrewing the bolts or removing it from the latches (depending on the design of the air conditioner).
  3. Take out the filter. If it is replaceable or very dirty, it is better to replace it. If the filter is washable, wash it in warm water using dishwashing liquid. If the filter cannot be washed, vacuum it thoroughly.
  4. Vacuum all surfaces and parts of the air conditioner that you can reach with the narrow nozzle of the vacuum cleaner.
  5. Let the filter dry completely before putting it back in its place.
  6. If some of the metal plates (lamellas) of the heat exchanger are bent, straighten them with a radiator fin alignment comb, available from a hardware store or hardware store.
  7. From the outdoor side, clean the window air conditioner from dust and dirt on the outer panel of the unit or grill. This will help keep the air conditioner filter clean for as long as possible.
  8. Unscrew one of the outer panels of the air conditioner and remove any leaves and other debris that have accumulated inside the unit.
  9. If you can get to the metal fan blades, wipe them with a damp cloth.
  10. Make sure the sump holes and drain tubes are clear of debris. If they are clogged, use a piece of wire to clear them out.
  • The filter should be cleaned in the spring, and then every month of using the air conditioner.
  • The metal plates of the heat exchanger are best cleaned with water.
  • Be careful when vacuuming the metal fins of the heat exchanger. They can be easily deformed.
  • Old air conditioners may need to be lubricated. Read the manual for your window air conditioner, it should tell you what to lubricate and how often. If you can't find the manual, search the Internet for information. Most new devices no longer require lubrication.

Mold can't grow well when the air conditioner is running because the environment gets cold, but between cycles and for long periods when the air conditioner is not needed, mold has a good place to grow.

Cleaning your air conditioner regularly improves your health by removing mold and dust, and it also improves the efficiency of the air conditioner.

This article is about how to clean the air conditioner.

Very little is needed to clean a window air conditioner, except for a lot of patience. If you don’t have the patience, then it’s better to transfer this task to specialists in climate equipment.

Required tools:

tin can or container
a vacuum cleaner
brush with long handle
detergent sprayer
Screwdriver Set
cooling plate (optional)
new filter (if used disposable)

Air conditioner cleaning procedure

1. Start by removing the filter from the front grille.

If it is a disposable type, then just replace it with a new one.

Reusable filters are produced in a plastic frame and can be cleaned and reused. To clean such a filter, lay it flat in the sink and sprinkle the surface with laundry detergent.

Then fill it with hot water until the filter is submerged in water. Soak it for 15 minutes.

Then remove the filter from the water and rinse with warm water. Set it aside in a dry place and move on to the next step.

2. Remove the front grilles on the main body of the air conditioner.

They are usually mounted on two spring clips from below. They can be removed by pulling the bars slightly forward while pressing them down.

If you feel resistance, then you need to inspect the structure for hidden screws. They may be near the top edge of the grille or behind the control knob.

After removing the grids, set them aside.

3. Carefully remove the metal cover of the air conditioner.

Once all screws are removed, lift the cover up. Be careful not to hit other parts of the air conditioner as it may have sharp edges.

Now we need an old tin can or container. With it, you can control all the screws that you will unscrew.

Air conditioners often use different types and sizes of screws. Separate them from each other or you will not avoid confusion during assembly.

4. Check fan motor for oil fill hole and oil plugs.

If the engine has oil plugs, they are usually rubber.

Be careful when removing them as the rubber may have become brittle. Often they disintegrate in holes and clog them as a result. In such cases, try removing the plugs with a needle or small screwdriver.

Once the fan motor oil fill holes are open, add a few drops of oil to each end of the motor housing.

Use general purpose oil (3 in 1) or clean engine oil. A 30% lubricant will do.

The natural tendency is to pour in too much oil. But too much lube is just as bad as not enough.

Therefore, it will be sufficient to put only 3 or 4 drops on both ends of the motor housing. Add oil slowly, stopping for a few seconds after each drop. If you add it too quickly, you will get an overabundance.

5. Use a brush to remove dust and dirt from the surface of the evaporator (cooling plates).

Movements should be performed in the direction up and down. Do not clean from side to side as this can bend the plates.

The cooling plates are very soft, made of aluminum and can be easily damaged.

Once the dirt is removed from the surface, treat it with a cleaner from a spray bottle. There is a good product on the market called an HVAC purifier.

As the name implies, it is intended for cleaning the coils of heating and ventilation equipment and air conditioners. If you don't have one and can't afford it, a kitchen and bathroom spray cleaner is also a good idea.

Leave it on for 15 minutes or as directed on the cleaner. This will allow the tool to work on all the hidden dirt.

Remove dirt and cleaning agent residue by slowly pouring warm water into the plates. Do not allow water to get inside electrical connections and components that may be near the coil.

As an extra precaution, cover the engine with cloth rags to protect it from water.

Do not use high pressure air or water as this may force dirt further into the plates. Also, carry out all operations with great care as these coils are filled with high pressure refrigerant.

6. Straighten bent plates.

If possible, use a plate brush, if available. If you don't have a plate brush, you can use something soft, like an ice cream stick.

Straightening the plates will increase the efficiency of the airflow through the coils. This will enhance the overall cooling effect of the air conditioner.

7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the condenser coil (back plates).

The capacitor plates are usually covered with a plastic casing.

If this is the case for you, check the top edge to lift it up or open it. If it opens, it will facilitate access to the capacitor plates.

Again, be careful as the condenser is also filled with high pressure refrigerant.

8. Wipe dirt buildup off both fan plates with a soft cloth.

Do not bend the plates. This will cause vibration, which will damage the engine.

9. Vacuum all surfaces, including the front and rear grilles of the unit.

Don't forget to vacuum under the air conditioner's metal cover. If the cover contains ventilation holes, they must be completely cleaned.

If necessary, you can use a damp cloth. Also, use an old rag to remove buildup of debris from the base.

10. Drain the remaining water in the base and let it dry for several hours.

After complete drying, connect the air conditioner and test it. If everything looks good, turn it off and rebuild.

After completing the assembly, re-test the air conditioner to see if replacing the cap has affected anything.

Installing the cover will generally bend the frame and cause the internal parts to move out of balance. This may cause the fan to become noisy.

To solve this problem, remove the cover and level the main part of the air conditioner. Put the cover back on and test for noise each time after installing every two or three additional screws on the cover.

Finally, cover the air conditioner with plastic wrap or an old blanket. Store in a warm dry place.

Raise it a little above the floor, placing it on a couple of pieces of wood. This will protect the floor from the metal edges of the air conditioner and also protect the air conditioner from moisture.

Repeat this simple process every year. If you do this, you will have many more years of reliable service.

Knowing how to clean the air conditioner yourself, you can significantly save on the maintenance of climate equipment. Is it possible to wash all the elements - evaporator, radiator and fan - at home? The answer to this question depends on the design of the split system and the degree of pollution. In order to prevent a large accumulation of dirt and the formation of a greasy film, you need to clean the equipment at home as often as indicated in the instructions, then you do not have to remove the air conditioner and do a deep cleaning at the service center.

How often should the air conditioner be cleaned?

Manufacturers of climate control equipment indicate in the technical documentation how often it needs to be cleaned. It should be noted that different elements are serviced at different intervals. Most often it is necessary to clean the air (dust) nets, as they accumulate dust, animal hair - any mechanical particles that are in the air of the apartment. The frequency of cleaning here depends on the general pollution in the room, but it should be done at least once a month.

Other components of the split system also need regular maintenance. It is recommended to perform it approximately once every 6-12 months, depending on the intensity of the system. At home (not in industrial conditions), it is quite enough to perform cleaning procedures once a year.

There are symptoms that indicate that the air conditioner is dirty:

  • crackling or louder operation of the split system;
  • gurgling or squelching sounds;
  • an unpleasant smell that appears after turning on the air conditioner;
  • water is dripping from the indoor unit.

Their appearance indicates that cleaning is not performed or is not carried out in full. With such manifestations, it is necessary to perform complex processing. It can be done at home, on your own or with the help of specialists.

What needs to be cleaned in the indoor and outdoor units?

The air conditioner (split system) consists of two blocks - internal, located in the room, and external - located on the outer wall of the house.

The indoor unit contains:

  • filters;
  • fan;
  • radiator and heat exchanger (evaporator);
  • drainage system (bath and channel).

The condenser and compressor are placed in the external unit, but there is also a heat exchanger and a fan, which also need regular maintenance, as fluff, leaves, wool and dust get there.

Air filters

Filters (dust screens) must be cleaned frequently, as this prevents contaminants from entering other elements of the system. This is easy to do, and once figured out, any user at home can handle it. The filters are located immediately under the top cover and visually look like a fine mesh with plastic partitions. There can be from one to three in one block.

The procedure consists of several steps:

  1. turn off the power supply;
  2. lift the cover and fix it in the upper position;
  3. remove filters;
  4. clean the filter with a vacuum cleaner or brush and rinse under cold water;
  5. dry and reinstall.

Filters can be either flat or curved (drum type). It does not affect the cleaning method.

drainage system

The drainage system consists of two elements - a tray (tray), where liquid is collected from the heat exchanger, and a drainage tube - a channel through which liquid is removed from the house. In order to remove the drip tray, you must first remove the plastic casing of the indoor unit. It is attached with several self-tapping screws (mostly 3-4). Next, you need to remove the connector connecting the bath to the board, and disconnect it from the drain tube.

After that, the bath and the channel are cleaned. The bath is thoroughly washed under running water. The drainage channel is blown with a stream of air under pressure - a compressor or a vacuum cleaner working for blowing is connected to the drainage pipe. Next, you need to pump chlorhexidine (400 ml) into the canal and wait 10-15 minutes. After that, the channel is blown again.

To check whether it was possible to completely clean the drainage system at home, pour 1.5 liters of water to check. If there are no leaks, the cleaning is well done.


The fan can be cleaned in two ways. The first one is less effective, but it is suitable for those whose model and mount of the air conditioner do not allow removing the impeller (fan drum) and performing a full cleaning.

  1. After removing the filter, you need to blow dry dust with a vacuum cleaner turned on for blowing, or with compressed air from a can.
  2. Apply a soapy solution to the drum blades with a long-haired brush. To process all surfaces, the drum must be turned by hand. As a washing solution, you can use any dishwashing detergent or laundry soap.
  3. 5 minutes after applying the composition, you need to turn on the air conditioner, having previously laid a film under the diffuser grille. This will blow all the dirt out.

You can additionally treat the blades with an antibacterial agent. There are plenty of cleaners on the market today designed specifically for climate control systems.

In most models of air conditioners, it is possible to remove the impeller. In this case, it can be immersed completely in a soapy solution, and then rinsed with a strong stream of water and thoroughly treated with a disinfectant.

The removal sequence is as follows.

  1. Unscrew the front panel.
  2. Carefully remove the drain pan so as not to spill the liquid contained there. In this case, it must be disconnected from the board (remove the connector) and from the drain hose.
  3. Rotate the drum until the locking screw is visible. It is located at the junction of the drum with the motor (one blade is missing there).
  4. Remove the screw by carefully bending the evaporator.
  5. After cleaning the drum, the assembly is carried out in the reverse order.

Incorrect removal of the impeller can damage the air conditioner. This procedure is recommended only for people familiar with the technique.

Radiator and heat exchanger

At home, the radiator and evaporator can only be cleaned superficially without removing them. Deep cleaning is carried out in service centers with the removal of the indoor unit, and then reinstallation. The cost of such a procedure is considerable, so it is better to regularly carry out maintenance yourself in order to prevent a strong accumulation of dirt on the elements of the air conditioner.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Remove the top cover, air filters and unscrew the front panel.
  2. Clean the radiator and evaporator with a long bristled brush. In this case, the movements should only be from top to bottom, otherwise the thin plates of the heat exchanger may be damaged.
  3. Pour 0.5 liters of antiseptic into a spray bottle, and switch the air conditioner to recirculation mode at the lowest possible temperature.
  4. Spray the antiseptic in the air intake area (not on the radiator itself, but near it).

If a dirt film has formed on the heat exchanger, it can be removed with a steam cleaner. Dry dust must first be removed with a brush, and after steam cleaning, perform an antiseptic treatment.

Outdoor unit

The outdoor unit is also prone to contamination, but there are practically no fat deposits. This simplifies the cleaning process.

  1. Turn off power.
  2. Remove protective cover.
  3. Remove large debris with a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  4. Rinse fan blades.
  5. Wash the radiator of the outdoor unit with a hose or with a steam generator. In this case, you need to ensure that water does not get into the electrical part of the unit.

Why contact a service center?

Although the radiator and fan of the indoor and outdoor units can be cleaned by yourself, this does not negate the service. When operating the air conditioner, even in the most ideal conditions, there is a loss of refrigerant (freon or freon). Normally, its amount decreases by 5-7% per year. If there is a depressurization of the circuit, then much more freon can leak out.


Cleaning the air conditioner is carried out both with the help of specialists and with your own hands. In the second case, you simply can not do without the instruction manual. But first, let's analyze the signs by which it becomes clear that it's time to clean the split system.

Accumulating, contaminants worsen the performance and quality of the air conditioner. And most importantly, polluted air affects your health. There is mold, and fungus, and dust mites, and whole families of different bacteria in the air we breathe. Hence, asthma, various dermatitis and other skin diseases.

To avoid such a situation in the apartment, a light cleaning of split systems is carried out: from one to three times a week - depending on the intensity of use of the device. There are several obvious indicators that your air conditioner is dirty.

What you should pay attention to?

      1. If you felt immediately after starting the split system, then you should know: this is the most obvious sign of pollution. There may be dirt on the heater grate or drainage problems.
      2. If the electricity consumption has changed upwards, and the power has decreased, it's time to open the air conditioner and check its cleanliness inside.
      3. A peculiar hum and crackling during the operation of a split system can be a signal of clogging of the filter or turbine. Knocking can also come from the outer case if it is clogged. In this case, the fan blades will not be able to scroll normally and will touch the walls of the case or other object.
      4. Condensate leakage is another indicator of air conditioner contamination with dust and dirt.
      5. “Squishing” and “gurgling” appear in case of poor drainage or loss of refrigerant.

Once you notice any of these signs of system degradation, you can either call in professionals to clean it up or do it yourself. What and how to start, we will now figure it out.

On your own, you can clean the internal filters, fan, drainage system and heat exchanger. What will be needed for this?

      • user manual;
      • Toothbrush;
      • soft fabric;
      • warm water;
      • soap;
      • a vacuum cleaner.

It is unlikely that you will enjoy touching dirty internal parts and breathing dust. Be sure to wear a respirator and gloves before starting work.

The process of cleaning a split system at home will take place in several stages - depending on the part to be cleaned. To understand how to access each of them, we will consider them separately from each other.

Before washing the air conditioner, be sure to unplug it from the mains! Cover the floor with newspapers, plastic wrap, or damp rags to keep it from getting dirty.

Let's start with filters. To get to them, you need to understand how to open the air conditioner. It's simple: pry the cover of the split system, pull it towards you and up and bring it to the stop. Filters will open in front of us - curved mesh plates, to remove which you need to slightly lift them up, then pull them towards you and down. Already at this stage, you can see the degree of contamination of your device.

Next, the filters must be washed with cool water. If the dirt does not wash off, soak the filters in warm water for about half an hour. To enhance the effect, add a few drops of liquid soap there or crumble the usual one and stir - let the soap completely dissolve.

Then rinse the parts again with running water, wait for the removed parts to dry naturally, and wipe them again with a soft cloth. You can dry the filters on the windowsill if the weather is sunny outside.

Do not dry the filters with warm air currents, such as a hair dryer, as this may deform them.

Before reinstalling the filters, it is necessary to vacuum the internal elements of the split system and wipe the accessible places with a soft cloth.

So far, we have been talking about mesh filters. If you use pocket filters, then you will not be able to clean them - such filters are simply changed after the expiration of their service life.

It is strongly not recommended to wash the filters more than six times, as the filter may lose its properties and degrade the throughput.

Radiators are designed to change the temperature of the distilled air and represent one large plate, which consists of many small ones. They are located at a very small distance from each other, and if the dust is not so deep in the gaps between them, then you can remove it with a brush with a long bristle.

Also, a high-power vacuum cleaner will cope well with this task. After the cleaning procedure, wipe the pad with a damp cloth until the dust is completely removed.

If the dirt has gone deep, most likely it has already mixed with the condensate and formed a mud film. It is not possible to remove it yourself. Steam cleaners are used to remove such pollution, and it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

You can find the radiator by opening the bottom cover of the split system. Pull the plate out. After cleaning, repeat the sequence of steps in reverse order.

An important element of the system is a rotary fan. This is an elongated shaft with blades that "pushes" the cooled air into the room. Its contamination can lead to a complete failure, since the resulting deposits of dust and dirt block the operation of the fan.

To prevent this from happening, you need to dissolve a little soap in warm water and spray it on the blades. After the dirt is wet, turn on the fan at the lowest speed. Be prepared for liquid drops to scatter to the sides. Then stop working and clean the area manually: with a brush or toothbrush and the same soap solution.

Before starting work on cleaning the fan, cover the wall with a protective film and lay newspapers on the floor so that the dirt flying out of the air conditioner does not get on them.

It is worth being extremely careful: try not to damage the fan blades, otherwise it will need to be completely replaced.

If the resulting grease and dirt clog the passages of the drainage channels, then the water will begin to flow not outside, but inside the room. The fungus will not “sit” in the pipes for a long time and will begin to spread: first to the drain pan, and then to the radiator. All this will again affect the purity of the inhaled air.

You can clean the drainage with your own hands only superficially: with a brush and detergent, for example, for washing dishes. After processing the drainage itself, check the cleanliness of the drainage pan, or rather wash it for prevention.

Professional treatment of the drainage system consists in antibacterial action with steam. Another option is to completely clean the entire air conditioning system by spraying a special agent.

This completes the self-cleaning of the home air conditioner. If you do not want to spend a lot of time, then there is a simpler option, you can purchase a split system with an automatic cleaning system. Such a system works according to a simple principle: periodically switching to an “idle” mode, it dries out internal components and parts.

Sometimes such air conditioners are accompanied by an ionic air purification system - dust is ionized, and it passes more easily into the dust collector. However, even such "smart" air conditioners have to be cleaned manually, since they will not wash the filters themselves, and the process itself is still ambiguous and mysterious.

The most difficult thing in cleaning the air conditioner is perhaps its outer part. The outdoor unit, as a rule, is located outdoors, and access to it is most often complicated by height and location from the street. The only good thing is that it is necessary to clean such a block only 1-2 times a year.

What should be done?

      1. Turn off the machine's power.
      2. Remove the top cover and immediately imagine the amount of work ahead.
      3. Remove debris that can be removed manually.
      4. Take a powerful vacuum cleaner and treat accessible surfaces with it.
      5. Try not to touch the electrical circuit of the unit - only professionals can repair it.
      6. Scrub what's left with a medium-bristled brush.
      7. Wipe the cleaned surfaces with a soft and damp cloth.

To clean the outdoor unit, steam cleaners or mini-washers are more often used, which give a greater effect. It is important to remember that you should not start the air conditioner until all internal parts are completely dry.

Even if everything is in order with your device and it works like clockwork, there are a few simple tips for caring for your equipment that you need to follow.

      1. Let's start with the fact that if your apartment is located on the first floors of the building - from the first to the fourth - then it is recommended to clean the external unit of the air conditioner once every three months, since the pollution in this case is greater and more intense than on the upper floors.
      2. If the air conditioner is located at a level above the seventh floor, it can be cleaned once every two years or less. True, only if you did not notice the signs of pollution that we described earlier.
      3. Whatever floor you live on, you need to clean the indoor units 3-4 times a month, because even with good work, dust and dirt settle on the walls and critical parts. It is better to spend a few minutes a month lightly flushing your air conditioner than several thousand to repair or replace it.
      4. Don't forget to monitor the state of the outer block in . Ice, icicles and snow can cause damage to the air conditioner, as well as threaten the lives of people and cars standing below - under your windows.

If paired with an air conditioner you use forced ventilation with filters, then the air conditioner, as a rule, gets dirty less often. For example, it supplies already purified air into the room. At the same time, windows can be closed to keep dust and exhausts out of the house. In addition, the breather also works in the recirculator mode, that is, it will help to clean the air already in the room. Of course, as in the case of a split system, maintenance is necessary for equipment, but with such equipment it is much easier - it is enough to change it periodically. In return, you will receive clean fresh indoor air, its recirculation, heating of incoming air in winter, silent operation and complete protection from dust and dirt.

      • First, check, consult with experts if in doubt.
      • Make sure that there is no draft in the room when the split system is in operation. Otherwise, the device operates at increased loads on the fan and compressor - this reduces its service life.
      • The same can be said about the operation of the split system at maximum airflow and minimum temperature. These modes require high power from the air conditioner, which, with frequent use, adversely affects the details of the indoor unit.
      • Major repairs and cleaning should be carried out at least once a year. In the case of constant use - twice a year. This "inspection" of your air conditioner will increase its service life and reduce the risk of major repairs in the future.
      • Install the split system in the most closed place from sunlight.

Caring for an air conditioner in an apartment or office is an integral part of operation. The accumulation of lint, dust, grease or small debris reduces the life of the climate control equipment. Maintenance of air conditioners or split systems is carried out by specialists, but part of the planned activities is within the power of the users themselves. Before you clean the air conditioner with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the internal structure of the equipment. Most often, manipulations do not imply any difficulties, it is enough to pay attention and follow the sequence of actions.

The first "symptoms" of unstable operation may not be noticeable. Failure to follow the rules for maintaining an air conditioner or split system entails four main signs of severe pollution:

  • leaks from the indoor module;
  • pronounced unpleasant odor;
  • the presence of extraneous noise during operation, unstable fan sound, crackling;
  • poor-quality cooling, arbitrary temperature drops.

The presence of one of the signs already indicates the need for urgent cleaning of the system. If you neglect the rules of use and do not clean the air conditioner units in a timely manner, various parts will certainly fail, which will require a visit by service personnel. Serious, at first glance, problems at work can be solved quickly and with your own hands at home or in the office. All basic cleaning works are available to everyone, and their implementation does not require special equipment.

Information on how often you need to clean the air conditioner, how to care for climate equipment, is written in the instructions. As a rule, there is a scheme for disassembling the indoor / single unit, an algorithm for how to flush the air filtration system on your own.

Maintenance of the indoor unit

Cleaning the indoor unit of the air conditioner includes several stages:

  • washing the filter mesh;
  • washing the fan;
  • cleaning the radiator, evaporator;
  • cleaning the drainage system of the air conditioner.

If the air conditioning equipment is new and used recently, it only needs routine cleaning every 2 to 3 weeks. The list contains cleaning activities such as removal of dust from the case the internal module and cleaning the most polluted parts of the air conditioner or split system.

The accumulation of dust provokes air pollution, the presence of extraneous noise, overheating of the radiator, compressor or evaporator. Cleaning the air conditioner with your own hands at home is carried out in stages.

Cleaning the air filters and fan

The removable strainer of the air conditioner is installed in the inner panel housing, it can be of any shape, it does not affect the cleaning procedure. To get to it, you need to disconnect the device from the network, remove the front cover by unscrewing a few screws. The mesh can be easily removed from the air conditioner, it is recommended not only to clean or rinse the filter, but to pre-soak it in water with laundry soap or a neutral household cleaner.

Then you need to rinse the rotary fan, which distills the cooled air. In the process of rotation, not only dust, but also grease settles on its blades, and debris accumulates. Exist removable and non-removable fans, removable just remove, soak in soapy water for a while. Fixed parts can be cleaned with a brush - this is not very convenient, it will take time, but high-quality cleaning eliminates the accumulation of dirt and grease.

If an extraneous unpleasant odor is observed, then this is a sign of the development of bacteria, fungi or mold. Air filters and air conditioning fan should be cleaned after cleaning. treat with a disinfectant solution or a special antibacterial agent.

The frequency of cleaning the filter meshes, fans is prescribed in the user manual. Based on practice, this should be done every four weeks or more often.

Cleaning the heat exchanger and radiator

The radiator and heat exchanger are installed either in a single air conditioner module or in the indoor unit of a split system. The service center specialists carry out a complete cleaning of the air conditioning system, removing and disassembling the unit. This procedure is expensive, therefore it is more profitable to periodically carry out surface cleaning of the system at home or in the office.

How to properly clean the air conditioner radiator and evaporator yourself? Here is a step by step algorithm:

  • remove the front cover;
  • remove the filter screens;
  • dry cleaning is carried out with a vacuum cleaner or a brush with long bristles, so as not to damage the evaporator plates, all movements must be strictly from top to bottom;
  • dirt films are removed with a conventional steam cleaner;
  • put the device into recirculation mode at the lowest temperature;
  • in the area of ​​air mass suction, spray an antiseptic with a spray gun, excluding contact with the radiator itself.

In order to avoid collecting a lot of dust on the thin plates of the heat exchanger, and the cleaning process to be as fast as possible, dry cleaning should be carried out every month. It is optimal to combine these activities with the washing of filter screens.

Cleaning and disinfection of the drainage system

The drainage system of the air conditioner is a small structure of two elements: a pan where water collects, and a tube that removes liquid. The accumulation of dust in the presence of moisture provokes the development of fungi, bacteria and mold, as a result - the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

When debris or dust enters the drainage system, the nozzle and tube gradually become clogged, after which water begins to flow from the air conditioner.

Initially, you need to disconnect the tray from the board and the output tube, after which it can be easily removed and washed under running clean water. The drain tube can be cleaned with a compressor or a vacuum cleaner in blowing mode. Wash the canal with plain water and soapy water or any neutral detergent.

If fungus or mold has already begun to spread through the air conditioning system, it should be removed and treat the surface with anti-mold, antiseptic or similar antifungal agents. An unpleasant smell most often comes from the pallet, it will not be superfluous to periodically disinfect it.

Maintenance of the outdoor unit

Cleaning the external unit of the air conditioner or split system is carried out much less frequently, approximately once or twice a year. Street dirt, dust, leaves, tree branches, poplar fluff accumulate in this area. If the air conditioner is not cleaned, debris will accumulate, causing the compressor and radiator to become very hot, which leads to breakage of these parts.

It should be noted right away that access to the module is most often difficult. Despite the fact that the block itself is installed next to the window or on the outside of the balcony, it is not always possible to rinse it well without insurance and additional equipment.

If it is not possible to completely secure your life, it is better not to take risks, but to entrust the matter to specialists.

When access to the outdoor unit of the split system is free, it is easy to do the cleaning yourself:

  • disconnect the device from the network;
  • remove all branches, leaves and sweep debris from the body;
  • remove the protective cover and clean the block from large debris inside;
  • rinse the fan blades with a damp sponge;
  • rinse the radiator under pressure with water or a steam cleaner, excluding moisture from entering the electrical module.

There are many household cleaners that can be used to clean the air conditioner at home or in the office. As an alternative, they often use regular laundry soap- it perfectly cleans any surface, even from stubborn fatty contaminants.

Why you need to contact specialists

There are many organizations for the maintenance and repair of climate equipment. Qualified specialists carry out cleaning of air conditioners and scheduled technical inspection of systems, including diagnostics and repair work. A common practice among the public is to order a cleaning service as a good example. Despite the general rules, devices may be structurally different from each other.

It is possible to clean a split system or a monoblock on your own, but the maintenance of climate equipment does not end there. In the process of work, there is an annual reduction in refrigerant volume, about 7%. For the stable operation of the air conditioner, its volume must be replenished annually, for this you should contact the specialists.

In other cases, service employees are called if the air conditioning system is unstable, and for no apparent reason. If the malfunction of the air conditioning system is in a mechanical failure, cleaning will no longer help, repair or replacement of parts will be required here.

Preparing the system for summer or winter

Caring for an air conditioner or split system in an apartment includes activities to prepare for the change of season. Regardless of whether the model is adapted for use in winter or not, there are some temperature limits. Switching on the climatic equipment at a temperature below the permissible level threatens to leak liquid, followed by icing of the outdoor unit.

Before the onset of cold weather, it is imperative to clean the home air conditioner and dry the entire system. Modern models have a special function "FAN" (the name may be different).

In preparation for the warm season, the internal module of the split system or air conditioner must be cleaned again. During downtime, fine house dust will certainly collect inside the case, so you need to clean air filters and fan and, if necessary, an evaporator.

Caring for climate equipment in an apartment or office increases its efficiency, increases the service life of the air conditioner. The technical device of air conditioning systems is simple, which is why many users prefer to carry out cleaning activities on their own.