The role of priests in ancient civilizations. Who are the priests in ancient Egypt? What did the priests do

Almost everyone at the mention of Ancient Egypt represents, of course, first of all the pyramids. Little historical information about the time of the pharaohs has survived to this day. The first of them belong to the period of the Old Kingdom. In general, they were built according to a single model.

There were so-called solar temples, the plans of which were close in their main features to residential buildings of the times of the Middle and New Kingdoms. This was natural, because they were considered the dwellings of God.

general information

The people who served these temples belonged to a special class in Egyptian society. For example, in the time of Ramesses, they owned ten percent of the cultivated land and almost the same amount of the population. Ancient Egypt, whose priests were considered to be in the royal service, had no divisions into secular and ecclesiastical authorities. The positions were well paid. Soon the ancient Egyptian priests began to transfer their positions by inheritance.

Temple servants

Studying this country, experts came to the conclusion that it was this class that played the main role in the process of the formation and prosperity of the state, in the development of spiritual health and the preservation of historical and cultural values. Ancient Egypt, whose priests were considered the keepers of sacred traditions, according to Herodotus, was the most God-fearing and religious in the Ancient World. Previously, it was believed that the control of these clergy had a negative impact on the lives of the common people and on the development of statehood. In fact, the priests in ancient Egypt, being the keepers of sacred traditions, played a huge role in the history and culture of this ancient nation. And this is evidenced by the fact that this civilization lasted longer than all the others.

Who are the priests

In ancient Egypt, this was a special clan. They possessed truly enormous power, were the legislators of etiquette. Moreover, whose priests were considered interpreters of the divine will, lived according to their rules. And it wasn't just ordinary people. Even the pharaohs unconditionally listened to their opinion.


Egyptian temples were quite rich, even more than the rulers. Nevertheless, the priests of Ancient Egypt, whose photos of rock carvings are proof of this, dressed surprisingly simply. They wore only aprons and, on especially solemn occasions, these priests are depicted in white robes. In many films that tell about how Ancient Egypt existed and developed, the priests are shown with their heads shaved to a shine, rubbed with oil so that the sun's rays reflected from their skulls. This appearance of the servants of the temples contrasted sharply with the attire of the local nobility, striving for luxury.


Nevertheless, many still have no idea who the priests were in ancient Egypt. This is a special caste of servants of higher powers, which performed many functions in the country. They had to follow the respectful attitude towards as well as the observance of rituals and rituals.

But their role in the life of the country was not limited to this. What knowledge the Egyptian priests possessed still amazes historians and many other scientists. They were the bearers of the most versatile mental baggage, which was passed down from generation to generation, starting from the deepest antiquity. All their knowledge and experience was kept as the strictest secret.

Today, scientists are making numerous discoveries by studying ancient Egypt. The priests knew how not only to heal, they taught children, bred the best breeds of livestock, received new varieties of plants. They are even credited with the ability to correct human mores. It was these servants of the gods who chose the most favorable time for sowing or harvesting, they determined the exact timing of the flood of the Nile.

Moreover, when drawing up their forecasts, the ancient Greek priests used data from temple libraries, which contained very detailed observations of many astronomical phenomena. This is evidenced by numerous artifacts found during excavations.


Many experts are engaged in the study of Ancient Egypt. But no one can say that he knows this civilization to the end, and in particular, has a relatively complete idea of ​​this supreme caste.

The question of what knowledge the Egyptian priests possessed is still open. But one thing can be said for sure: the vast majority of scientists do not deny the version that humanity today uses their discoveries, their technologies.

In ancient Egypt, astronomy was very developed, which closely intersected with astrology. However, it was not "prophetic", but agrarian and medical. The priests studied the influence of stars and other celestial bodies on the nature and well-being of people.

But there is another opinion: our civilization owes the acquisition of the most secret knowledge to representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. And this statement is connected precisely with such a state as Ancient Egypt, whose priests measured out the entire way of life of their people and their religious rituals in accordance with the laws by which they moved.

Surprisingly, this is the name of the main god of the Egyptians. Osiris... In this name one can clearly hear the admiration and admiration for Sirius.


The priests, as many believe, did not aim to suppress the will of the Egyptians by religion. They did not intimidate the common people with it. Moreover, religion for this civilization was the key to social development and personal improvement.

In ancient Egypt, the priests were divided into separate groups that performed certain duties. They were both keepers of sacred secrets and religious administrators. To obtain even the lowest rank, one had to study a lot, and this process was serious and difficult. If, for example, we talk about the career of Bakenkhons, the high priest during the reign of Ramesses the Great, then his training began when the future priest was only four years old, and it ended by the age of twenty.


It was considered their most powerful weapon. They used magic in almost every area of ​​life. For example, to cure a sick person, an Egyptian priest would first put him into a trance. During the patient's oblivion, he coded his consciousness for the desired result: for a speedy and complete recovery.

They used magic in all areas of life, however, in the medical and preventive sphere, closely related to medicine, the trance culture reached its maximum development.

Any use of drugs in ancient Egypt had to be accompanied by the introduction of the patient into this state, and then coding, carried out with the help of spells and invocations to the most authoritative gods.

Remote influence

The priests perfectly mastered the ability to influence hostilely not only their opponents, but also the enemies of the state through trance. To do this, they used the secret mystical psychotechnics of various spells, for example, conjuration over the wax figures of enemies, as well as over their magical images. For remote exposure, they themselves needed to enter a trance in order to be able to influence the mind and body of opponents.

Some experts believe that it is the Egyptian priests who are the founders of human knowledge about such a phenomenon as hypnosis.

funeral magic

It is known that these priests of the temples were primarily engaged in servicing the cults of the gods. But not only. The priests were fluent in the technique of ritual - funeral - magic, since there were a lot of necropolises and tombs in Ancient Egypt. It is believed that they were able to influence the “ka” - existence after death with mystical secret spells, and were able to mummify the dead. The priests put in the sarcophagi next to them specially made magical items for this occasion. "Ushabti", as they were called, according to the Egyptians, protected the "ka" of the deceased in the afterlife.

Customs and rituals

Many assume that in this way they showed their respect for the gods and never turned their backs on them. Another custom, when the priests dressed in costumes on the day of the Osiris uprising or on New Year's Day and then went out into the city and walked along the streets, is very reminiscent of today's carnivals. The only difference is that for them they took place only on the new moon and were considered a special sacred rite, while for modern people this is an ordinary entertainment show. Nevertheless, the priests had their magic as the most powerful “weapon”. There was even a whole trance culture with amulets, potions, images and conspiracies that protected, among other things, from various diseases: even from insect and snake bites, as well as scorpions and predators. In addition, there were special customs among this caste that still amaze researchers. For example, why the ancient Egyptian priests, leaving the temple, backed away.

Priests are intermediaries in communication between people and gods. The priesthood was developed in the ancient world (Ancient Egypt, etc.).

It is believed that the priest served as an assistant to the king, the pharaoh. He helped him make various decisions, looked into the future, for the fertility of the earth, for the call of rain. The priest was considered the right hand of the ruler, he knew more than the pharaoh.

In fact, the priests were the true rulers, not assistants. They were in power, but they were in the shadows. A pharaoh or a king is none other than a boy who was lucky enough to be born with such a title, in wealth, with great influence. They did not learn to read and write - but why, if there are priests who will do everything. And the priests, in turn, having influence on the rulers, said and did everything as they themselves needed - it depended on them, for example, whether Southern Egypt would go against Northern Egypt or not. And that most likely the priests of Southern and Northern Egypt communicated with each other and made decisions together. That is, they acted together in their interests.

The knowledge of the priests astounds today's scientists. Recently, archaeologists have found about a million identical stones on which, as it turned out, the most complex operations were depicted, mainly for organ transplant. How can this be if our modern medicine only reached this level in the 20th century?

In the annals, the ancient author describes the following event: Once a crowd of embittered and hungry poor people came to the palace of the pharaoh, and one of them - to kill the pharaoh. Then the high priest came out and said: "If you do not leave this place, then the sun god Ra will leave you forever and will never sweep across the sky in his chariot." The crowd did not believe the priest, people did not lay down their weapons, but continued to advance on the pharaoh's palace. At noon of that day, the sun left the horizon and the priest said: “Eternal darkness, cold and hunger await you - evil spirits will immediately overcome your frail bodies, you will all die and will never find a fertile land.” Then the people fell on their knees and began to pray and . And after some time the sun appeared overhead again.

At first, researchers believed that this was just an invention of an ancient author, but now they think differently. The fact is that in the chronicles of ancient Thebes they found a mention of solar eclipse which happened around the same time. But how did the priests know exactly when this would happen?

Origin of priests

In ancient texts, including the Bible, there is a mention that once upon a time representatives of other civilizations descended to earth and copulated with earthly girls and they have future priests, to whom all knowledge was transferred by genetics from their fathers. "Messengers of God, in smoke and thunder descended directly from heaven" - this is how it is narrated in the prophecy of Ezekiel. Scientists don't deny it either. Recently, they found in one of the tombs the mummy of an unknown creature - it has an elongated skull, which, according to scientists, allows this creature to pick up different frequencies. Our skull is like a kind of transmitter: if the skull is flat, then this person is more prone to animal instincts, the origin originates in him. If the skull is elongated, then the person is predisposed to spiritual development. And that creature's skull was especially large, which speaks of its ability to communicate with spirits and other abilities. Also, his fingers were similar to the paws of insects. There is an assumption that this is one of the priests. It is also not a secret for a long time that on the ancient slabs of the pyramids there are drawings resembling flying ships, rockets, and planes.

Priests still exist and their mission has not changed.

Nesterova I.A. The role of priests in ancient civilizations // Encyclopedia of the Nesterovs

In ancient civilizations, religious cults played a huge role, both in public and political life. The priesthood was the basis of education and science in a number of states of the East, Asia and Latin America.

The concept and emergence of the priesthood

Man's desire to find help and understanding from the forces of nature led to the emergence of the first religious cults and beliefs. The priesthood had a huge influence on the development and formation of culture, education and medicine. Priests in primitive society often replaced doctors. In addition to the so-called "communication with the spirits" they also prepared various medicinal potions. It was then that the perception of the priest was formed not only as a religious leader of the community, but also as a keeper of sacred traditions and a master of sacred techniques.

The priest performed the function of an intermediary between the higher powers and the community. Along with the inspired broadcasts of the prophet, there were sacred formulas and rituals that were part of the priest's sphere.

Such formulas and rituals are to be found in the most primitive forms of culture known to us, and as civilization progressed they grew in number and complexity, until at last they formed the contents of a vast systematic corpus of knowledge which was the sole occupation of an educated and powerful class.

The existence of the priesthood as a class became known from the history of Mesopotamia and Egypt. These states already had a powerful and highly organized priesthood. The same was common in Polynesia, West Africa, New Mexico and Florida, but, at the same time, the priesthood was developed here at a lower level.

Priest type of culture must be regarded as the fundamental tradition of world civilization on which all existing forms of higher culture depend or originate.

In ancient times, the centers of culture of the priesthood were in close contact with each other. Already in the III millennium BC, all this space became civilized, in which the various centers of civilization were interconnected, influenced each other and mutually stimulated development - both materially and intellectually.

Priesthood and sacrifice in ancient cultures

The priesthood has been associated with sacrifice since ancient times. Gods and spirits have always demanded gifts or sacrifices. Many cults of antiquity were built on this.

Sacrifice- a thread connecting spirits / gods, priests and mere mortals. A form of expression of obedience and devotion to a particular religion.

Sacrifice as an act of showing obedience changes along with the development of the priesthood. It turns into a mysterious rite with certain symbols and attributes. Sacrifice begins to surround many practices and ideas that are far from the understanding of most ordinary people. This is what makes a cult or belief difficult to understand for ordinary people who are not associated with the priesthood. At the same time, rituals are overgrown with layers of mystical knowledge. All this allows the priesthood to take shape in a full-fledged social institution.

Priesthood and sacrifice have been preserved in all modern religions. It changed shape and changed its halo, but the essence remained the same.

An example of the development of sacrificial and ritual techniques can be found in the religious culture of India. Thousands of years ago, this priestly tradition was brought into an elaborate system that, even in its earliest written forms, acquires an aura of immemorial antiquity. And it is endowed with such outstanding significance, not only because of its antiquity and the wealth of documentation that we possess, but still more because of the intensity and perseverance with which this particular line of development was followed. Nowhere has this conception of the priest as a specialist in sacrifice been developed with such care in detail and with such ingenuity in speculative theory.

From the primitive conception of the magical efficacy of sacred formulas, a speculative theory of the creative power of the divine word, Brahman, develops, until finally we reach the conscious philosophical identification of the enlightened mind, Atman, the Self, with Brahman, the ultimate basis of all things and the only transcendent supermaterial reality. Continuing to talk about the priesthood in India, it should be noted that the development of the theory of sacrifice in the field of theology is most closely correlated in the field of sociology with the development of the institution of the priesthood, which in India, as nowhere else, was capable of concentrating all the intellectual and social energy of the community on the intensive cultivation and study of its specialized functions.

Priests in Ancient Egypt

The civilization of Ancient Egypt had the most developed institution of priesthood in the ancient world. The priests were not only the distributors of education and medicine, they also influenced the political and social life of the state.

priesthood was the basis for the preservation of the cultural and historical values ​​of Ancient Egypt. Largely thanks to the priesthood, the state prospered.

The priesthood in ancient Egypt had its own characteristics. They are shown in the figure below.

One of the features was the female priesthood. It had the following differences from the male priesthood:

  1. The charter was much more "flexible";
  2. The participation of a woman in a particular ritual often depended on her marital status.

From the beginning of the Old Kingdom, the texts contain the title "Heneretet", traditionally translated as "recluse" or "priestess", which denoted a woman serving in the temple of one or another god, an inhabitant of the "divine harem". These women, respected by all Egyptians, lived according to the same laws of purity, purity and chastity as the rest of the priesthood. They were always decorated with jewels, a wide useh necklace, numerous pendants and bracelets. On their heads, the generetet wore large puffy wigs. These priestesses served in the temples of Hathor, Hor, Amun, and also participated in funeral ceremonies.

"Mut Necher" - "divine mother" - whose title was first attested since the beginning of the New Kingdom, also played an important role in temple rituals. Most often, these functions were performed by the queen, who gave birth to the reigning pharaoh, and therefore was revered as the embodiment of the goddesses, the great heavenly mothers - Isis and Mut.

In addition, the pharaoh was considered the top of the cult hierarchy, and cult practice was of a secret nature, since only the monarch had the right of access to the cella, where the statue of the deity was located. Since he could not lead the service in all the temples, the high priest acted as his representative and performed services on his behalf.

Priesthood in Mesopotamian cultures

The Sumerian priesthood had a number of features that distinguished it from the Egyptian. First of all, the Sumerian priests were a separate closed estate, which originated from noble families. Serious requirements were imposed on candidates for the priesthood:

  1. education
  2. good health
  3. absence of mutilations and deviations.

The ruler of Mesopotamia was the high priest. HE personally was present during many rituals, including during the sacrifice.

The female priesthood was also developed. The priestesses usually worshiped the goddess Ishtar. One of the practices of the female priesthood in Mesopotamia included temple prostitution. The goddess Ishtar was also served by eunuchs who wore women's outfits.

In addition to the ritual side of the duties of the priests, one should highlight the fact that the priests were actively engaged in science. Many of them were talented scientists helping to develop medicine. Until now, the mystical works of the Chaldeans, recorded on cuneiform tablets, have been preserved in various museums of the world, these are spells against evil demons, astrological calculations, and various healing and magical instructions.

The priests of Mesopotamia developed a complex scheme for the organization of the world. According to their ideas, Anu created the Anunnaki (underground spirits), cereals, cattle. The gods ate and drank, but could not get enough. Then Ea advised Enlil to create people who would bring sacrifices to the gods. But at first people were wild, so the gods had to command that people become real people. Anu, Enlil and Ea created men and animals, then Enlil founded five cities, settling in one of them a king who was succeeded by the other nine kings. At the last of them, Enlil became angry with the people and caused a flood.

The priesthood, as a stage of evolutionary development, turned out to be much more influential than in ancient Egypt. As evidence, one can cite the fact that during religious festivities dedicated to a deity with the name Maduk, the king had to kneel in front of the statue of god by order of the chief priest, who took away the signs of royal power from the lord, beat him on the cheeks and dragged him by the hair, and he dutifully spoke of his innocence and love for the gods.

Priests in Ancient America

The priesthood was developed both in South and North America. The most significant were cultures

Inca, Maya, Chibcha and Quechua Incas. The priests served at the temples, which looked like multi-stage pyramids with an open area at the top.

Priests in ancient America were highly educated. They knew hieroglyphic writing, astronomy, kept a complex chronology and knew the calendar. They were the main carriers of science, history and culture. The authority of the priests was great. They came for the most part from noble families and were endowed with considerable wealth.

Future priests were brought up and trained in special schools, they were disciplined, well-educated and versatile. There was a strict hierarchy in the official position of priests at a particular temple.

The ancient Indians believed that every person has a mystical double in the form of animals (nagual), the death of which causes the death of a person - this trance belief is called nagualism. Many tribes and peoples believed in the posthumous existence of souls, so there was a strong mystical cult of ancestors (huaca). The art of trance among the ancient Indians was expressed in the ability to "guess. It should be noted that the art of black magic prevailed in the civilizations of Central and South America. Indian magicians invented a special way to subdue elemental spirits and with their help they achieved any goals. In addition, they could control the brain of any person at a distance through special spells.Native American magicians were able to create human-speaking fetishes.

The role of priests in the social development of society

In ancient civilizations, the priesthood occupied a significant place in the development of states. Being very influential, in the heyday of the culture of the priesthood, civilizations reached significant heights in science, art and the ritual part of religions.

However, at all stages of the development of ancient civilizations, the priesthood periodically abused power. The fact is that the complex of priestly ritual manipulations that aim to influence the collective consciousness can be called social magic, the main core of its sincere mass belief in its effectiveness. It is precisely the control of faith, its artificial evocation, that is the main secret of the priest.

Priests have always been considered direct intermediaries between people and gods, who own the secrets of knowledge. The death and afterlife of a priest and a mere mortal had different religious and spiritual connotations. The priests came up with complex systems of the other world and argued that without their mediation, the human soul would not be able to navigate there and take its rightful place.

A significant part of the cult ministers, from ancient times, were aware that the whole system of their power is just a manipulation, and they themselves did not believe in the ideological product that was presented to the masses. But, realizing that by their existence they perform an important social function, they were forced to hide it. Therefore, esoteric (hidden) teachings and philosophies were always widespread among the priesthood, the dogmas of which differed greatly from the external exoteric side of their teachings. The priesthood always keeps the basic principles of its philosophy a secret.


  1. Dawson K. G. Religion and culture / Per. from English, intro. Art., commentary: Kozhurin K. Ya. - St. Petersburg: Aleteyya, 2000
  2. Clark R. Sacred Traditions of Ancient Egypt. - M .: Fair-Press Publishing House, 2002.
  3. Polikarpov B.C. History of religions. Lectures and reader. - M .: "Gardarika", "Expert Bureau", 1997.

The history of the Ancient World is the history of pagan culture, within the framework of which such a part of the population as priests stood out in society. Chosen as an intermediary between people and gods, the priests eventually turned into a privileged class. And the role of priests began to be reduced to deceit and money-grubbing, to manipulating people's minds. If you are asked: "Explain the meaning of the word priest," what would you say?

Who are the priests?

If we turn to the explanatory dictionary, then the priests are clergymen who were engaged in the performance of religious rites, for example, sacrifices, prayers, conspiracies. The history of the priesthood goes back many millennia. This phenomenon originated in the era of primitive society in the Neolithic period. The meaning of the word "priest" is connected with its cognate word "sacrifice", and this is not accidental. After all, not a single ancient pagan rite was performed without a sacrifice: from flowers to a person. And actually the meaning of the word "priest" means nothing more than "offering sacrifice."

Priests in primitive society

Tribal relations in primitive society were regulated by the general meeting of the entire male part of the community, the tribe. Leaders, elders and priests were elected at the assembly. Initially, priests had no additional benefits. They, like other tribesmen, worked for the team. The power of the priests was determined by the respect of his fellow tribesmen for him, trust, his merits and authority. Primitive priests are "accumulators" of the experience, skills and abilities of the tribe, as well as the peculiarities of the worldview and faith of their fellow tribesmen. They passed on the accumulated information from generation to generation.

Priesthood of Ancient Egypt

Priests in ancient Egypt played an important role in the spiritual and moral life of society. The priesthood as an important component of the life of the Egyptians was legalized by the state. The priests were the official representatives of the pharaohs - the children of the sun god Amon-Ra, and performed religious rites in sanctuaries, where no one else had access except them and the pharaoh. In all the temples, the pharaoh could not perform the sacraments at the same time, therefore he was replaced by the priests appointed by him for this.

There were also priestesses in ancient Egypt, who were revered as servants of God. They usually served in the temples of the goddesses, who were revered as the foremothers of all things - Hathor and Neith. Most often, women were priestesses in the temples of goddesses, but there were exceptions to the rule: priestesses could also be found in the temple of Min, Ptah, Amun, Horus. Often the priestesses were the daughters of the priests or the Egyptians who wanted to become them.

The priestesses led a reclusive, immaculate life. At the same time, they looked very impressive: they wore expensive clothes and jewelry, wigs and headdresses that distinguished them from ordinary Egyptians, even noble ones. They possessed singing, dancing abilities, knew how to play musical instruments. Very often, images of priestesses with sisters in their hands are found on ancient Egyptian frescoes.

Ancient priests and their role in society

Priests in Ancient Greece played no less important role than in the culture of Ancient Egypt. Initially, any Greek could perform rituals, since everything around him was deified. The Greeks communicated directly with the living spirits of nature.

The history of such a phenomenon as priesthood is associated with a change in the beliefs of the ancient Greeks - from the time when they began to perceive their gods as anthropomorphic creatures, create special temples for them and decorate them with sculptural images that act as idols. In these temples, ministers were required, which became the priests. At first, temples were considered only a "home" for a god, and not a place for ordinary people to pray. The place for sacrifices and prayers of the population was located in the squares where the altars were installed. In the temples of the gods, the intermediaries between people and the god were male priests, and in the temples of the goddesses - women.

The function of the priests in the temple of Apollo at Delphi was not only to offer sacrifices and perform religious rites, but also to interpret the prophecies that the Pythians prophesied from their golden tripod throne, set over a crevice. In fact, the Pythians themselves were priestesses of the god of sunlight. They were under a long-term narcotic effect from the fumes of the cleft (according to the ancient myth, coming from the decaying serpent Python, killed by Apollo and walled up in the rock), the fumes of the sacred spring and the water with which they quenched their thirst and performed ablutions, and the laurel, on the bedding from which they also slept. the leaves of which were chewed instead of eating for three days before the ceremony. Sitting under a golden conical cap, under which vapors were concentrated and which strengthened and distorted the sound of the voice of the priestesses, they spoke loosely connected texts, which were interpreted - "translated" by the nearby priests of the sun god. Gradually, the "prophecies" of Pythia began to be used by those in power and well-known military leaders for political purposes.

The priests of this temple, which was also in charge of a huge amount of gold brought as a gift to Apollo by visitors and stored in special buildings-taxaries on the way to the temple, were also God's treasurers. They gradually acquired a special weight, like the priests of the temple of Asclepius.

Brahminism as a manifestation of the priesthood in ancient India

In the culture of Ancient India, a special place was occupied by the varna of the Brahmins - the priests of the god Brahma, born from his mouth. Therefore, it was believed that they possessed a special gift for making prayers - mediating appeal to God from people. To become a brahmin, it is not enough to be born inside a varna. It took a long time to study. The life of a Brahmin went through three main stages: teaching, service, and hermitage.

At the first stage, boys from the age of 7 go to the brahmin's house, where they not only study, but also live, and in exchange for education and accommodation, they do the necessary homework in the teacher's house. In addition, the student of the Brahmin mastered the "code" of communication with the Brahmin teacher. When a student turned 18 and the training ended, his parents gave the Teacher a cow as a token of gratitude.

There are also women among the Brahmins. Unlike male Brahmins, who are prohibited from doing ordinary work, Brahmin women can do light housework and work in the fields. It was the Brahmins who were the collectors of the most ancient knowledge of the Indian tribes. It was from this knowledge that the sacred book of the Indians, the Vedas, or rather its oldest part, the Rig Veda, was formed.

It doesn't matter what culture certain priests belonged to. All of them mediated between people and gods and had access to people with power and wealth. With such power, they skillfully manipulated people both for personal and political purposes.