Registration of car damages according to Casco. Casco insured event without an accident. The presence of the police at the time of the accident

How to issue CASCO if you scratched the car yourself? In most cases, CASCO insurance conditions allow you to receive compensation for any damage to the car, with the exception of intentional damage. However, the practical nuances and formalities to be observed by the owner of the CASCO policy may differ significantly in different insurance companies.

What damage is covered by CASCO?

The key advantage of CASCO insurance is the ability to fully or partially compensate for property damage - in case of theft or theft of a car, damage of varying severity. Even when applying for a policy, you can familiarize yourself with the insurance rules that the company of your choice offers - this will help you avoid unnecessary problems when applying for payments.

Here are the conditions under which the CASCO policy is valid:

  1. when drawing up a contract, the car owner himself determines the amount of insurance coverage - this is affected by the year of manufacture and wear of the car, the conditions for full or partial coverage of insured events, the list of grounds for refusing to pay compensation, etc .;
  2. compensation is paid upon confirmation of insured events - their list is determined in advance when issuing a policy;
  3. the insurer will indicate in advance which types of damage are not covered by insurance - as a rule, parts and components of the car that are already damaged at the time of inspection when purchasing the policy are excluded;
  4. the policy also indicates situations in which confirmation of an insured event will be refused - guilty intentional actions of the driver himself, which caused damage to the car (for example, driving while intoxicated, etc.);
  5. franchise condition - determining the amount of damage that will be reimbursed by the car owner himself (for example, if the franchise is set at 20 thousand rubles, then the insurance company will pay for repairs only if the specified amount of damage is exceeded).

This is just a basic list of the nuances that you may encounter when applying for a policy. In practice, there can be many more such situations - the insurer carefully calculates his risks at the stage of selling the CASCO policy.

The nature of the damage for which CASCO will be paid is also determined in advance. Some companies deliberately limit the minimum amount of damages at which the payment will be denied. In this case, a minor scratch will not be recognized as an insured event, even if you collect a complete set of documents.

The unequivocal grounds for refusing to pay will be damage due to the deliberate or guilty actions of the driver himself. Here is an approximate list of cases when the insurer will refer to such a rule:

  • if the driver violated the rules for operating the car - for example, a scratch was left by a load that was incorrectly attached to the roof of the car;
  • if the car owner intentionally scratched the car in order to receive an insurance payment (if such a fact is proved, the driver may be held criminally liable for fraud);
  • if the driver drove the car under the influence of alcohol or drugs (in this case, the basis for refusal will be a medical certificate).

The policy may stipulate a list of parts, components and assemblies of the machine, if damaged, it is impossible to count on compensation. As a rule, this happens when insuring used cars, when serious damage is revealed during inspection by the insurer - chips, scratches, cracks, dents, etc. In this case, damaged parts are completely excluded from insurance coverage, or a partial compensation rule is established.

When insuring a new car, there is no such problem - the insurance company does not have claims regarding the appearance or condition of the vehicle. The insurance indemnity will cover any type of damage, unless otherwise specified in the policy.

How to get insurance

How to draw up CASCO in case of minor incidents, if you yourself damaged the car? If you inadvertently make a scratch, dent or other minor damage, the repair work can add up to a significant amount. The CASCO policy allows you to repair damage at the expense of the insurance company, or receive a cash payment. The algorithm of actions for minor damage is as follows:

  1. most insurance companies allow you to repair minor damage without submitting a traffic police certificate - the procedure for applying without a certificate must be clarified from the terms of the policy;
  2. immediately after the damage, you need to notify the insurer about the occurrence of the insured event - this can be done by phone or by personal contact with the company's office;
  3. if the policy allows you to receive compensation without a certificate, the car must be submitted for inspection to the insurance company (the policy may contain a list of minor damages in which it is not required to present the car for inspection, it is enough to receive a certificate of completion at a certified car service);
  4. after the inspection, an expert opinion will be drawn up, according to which the nature of the damage and the degree of damage will be established;
  5. based on the terms of the policy, a payment will be accrued and a referral for repair and restoration work will be issued.

The most important and controversial point is whether it is necessary to submit a certificate from the traffic police, and how the insurance company will react to the fact that the scratch arose as a result of the actions of the driver himself.

As a rule, the text of the policy indicates:

  • under what nature of damage it is not required to submit a certificate from the traffic police (usually the amount of damage is indicated as a percentage);
  • how many times you can apply for payment without a traffic police certificate during the validity period of the policy (as a rule, this is allowed in 1 - 2 cases, and if damage is recorded at the same element of the machine - once);
  • what amount of compensation can the car owner expect when applying without a traffic police certificate (in practice, this amount can range from 5 to 15%);
  • whether the car owner can immediately apply for repairs in case of minor damage, and within what time it is necessary to provide the insurer with proof of the repair.

If the terms of the policy allow you to apply for payment without a certificate from the traffic police, the question of determining the culprit of the damage does not arise. In this case, when filling out a notice for payment for repairs under CASCO, the cause of the damage may not be indicated.

Even if the question arises of damage due to the negligence of the car owner himself, there are no grounds for refusing to pay. Insurance rules allow you to issue a refusal in case of intentional damage to the car. It is almost impossible to prove the intentional nature of the actions, and the insignificance of the damage makes a possible investigation by the insurance company meaningless.

If you have already exhausted the limit on the number of calls without a certificate, or calling the traffic police is mandatory in your situation, the algorithm of actions will look like this:

  1. immediately after damage, you need to make sure that there is no danger to others, as well as minimize negative consequences;
  2. you need to notify the traffic police about the damage and wait for them at the scene;
  3. after completing the procedural protocol, you will receive a certificate from the traffic police, which will indicate the culprit of the damage and the nature of the damage;
  4. then you need to follow the general procedure - notify the insurance company, submit the car for examination and get a referral for repairs.

What to do if you are the culprit of the damage in the traffic police certificate? The presence of your guilt does not mean that the actions were intentional. Most likely, negligence or negligence was committed, and such forms of guilt are not intentional. If the insurance company refuses to pay you on the specified basis, you have the legal right to file a written claim, and then go to court.

The calculation of the amount of payments depends on the following factors:

  • the nature of the damage and the expert assessment of the damage;
  • policy conditions - the presence or absence of a deductible, the amount of the balance of insurance compensation, etc.;
  • the procedure for contacting an insurance company - if the car owner independently applies to a service station that is not certified by the insurer, the amount of payment may be less.

If problems arise when applying for payment, you can defend your interests by sending a written claim, and then a statement of claim to the court.

Let's highlight the most common disputes about CASCO in case of minor damage that you may experience:

  1. minor damage is not recognized as an insured event;
  2. the amount of damage was underestimated by the insurer in order to avoid payment under CASCO;
  3. a dispute arose regarding the fault of the car owner in the damage;
  4. if the insurance company refuses to calculate the payment in the absence of a traffic police certificate, although such a condition was not indicated in the CASCO policy.

If you do not agree with the amount of insurance compensation, you need to contact an independent appraiser to assess the damage. An expert opinion must be attached to the claim and sent to the insurance company. If the insurance company refuses to satisfy the claim, the statement of claim is sent to the court. Even with a relatively small amount of a claim for the repair of minor damage, the insurance company will be obliged to pay a penalty, a fine and compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

Scratches on a car are not a very pleasant problem, but not the worst thing that can happen to your “iron friend”.

If you have issued CASCO, then you should not worry about such a problem at all. These damages, regardless of the cause or culprit of their occurrence, are a CASCO insured event.

In our article, we will try to explain to motorists who have insurance what to do in a situation where they scratched their own car.

If you notice scratches on your car and realize it's your fault, don't panic.

Cases of scratches on the car are classified as minor accidents and are usually recognized as insured events.

If your car was scratched in the yard, in the garage or somewhere else, but you have a CASCO policy, you will receive certain payments, which will be enough to restore the car's paintwork.

If you do not know what to do in this situation, refer to the rules of the road and act in accordance with them. In addition, do not forget about the need to comply with the terms of the insurance contract.

Here is the best plan of action in case of an accident:

  • Stop your car from moving. Stay where you are. Put the car on the handbrake;
  • Be sure to turn on the emergency lights;
  • The warning triangle will ensure your safety, in fact, as well as the safety of other road users. The sign should be placed no further than 15 meters from the car in the direction of the cars.

Installing a sign is necessary so that moving cars see your car in time, and another accident does not occur.

Important! If you did not put up an emergency stop sign and did not turn on the alarm, you face a fine of one thousand rubles.

Note that at first the traffic police inspector will fine you, and only then will he deal with the incident itself.

  • Remember, if fragments or parts fell off the car as a result of an accident, leave them in the place where they lie;
  • If there are victims in the accident, provide them with first aid;
  • Try to roughly estimate the damage to your car and the car of the second participant in the accident;
  • Notify the insurance company about the insured event;
  • Call the traffic police. To date, the changes in the rules of the road that have come into force make it possible not to call police officers for minor incidents. This rule applies if the participants in the accident are insured under OSAGO, are not insured at all, or are not going to resort to the help of insurers.

In the event that you are the owner of a CASCO insurance policy, you must call the police. To receive compensation, you will need documents issued by the police at the scene of the accident;

  • Find the owner of the car that is involved in the accident (if he was not in the car at the time of the accident). Exchange contact information with him;
  • If you have such an opportunity, then be sure to take a photo at the scene of the accident or record a video. During shooting, pay special attention to the number of the car, the location of vehicles, the condition of the road, damage to cars, etc.;
  • Jointly draw up a diagram of the accident, fix it with signatures;
  • What to do with the car if it interferes with the passage of vehicles? According to the amended traffic rules (dated July 1, 2015), you have the right to remove the vehicle from the carriageway. But only if the damage from the accident is no more than 50 thousand rubles, an accident scheme is drawn up and photographs are taken.

Important! If you did not clear the roadway in time and your vehicle interferes with the movement of other vehicles, you may also be fined 1,000 rubles;

  • Take care of the witnesses of the incident. If there were any, get their contact details. It would be nice if they testified to the police directly at the scene of the accident;
  • Be sure to wait for the traffic police inspectors, they will inspect the scene, draw up documents, etc. In addition, you will receive a refusal to initiate an administrative case (in writing) from them.

If you do everything according to our plan, your actions will comply with the traffic rules, and you will be able to receive the correct documents necessary for obtaining insurance.

Be careful, this will help you do everything right, and not lose sight of the most important moments of the accident.

The presence of the police at the time of the accident

If you are the owner of a CASCO policy, the presence of a traffic police inspector at the scene of the accident is necessary. It does not matter the severity of the incident.

Insurance companies practice issuing insurance payments only if the victim has all the necessary documents from the accident site (protocols, certificates, notices, etc.).

The basic rules for cooperation with the police in case of an accident: wait for a police officer, be at the scene of the accident, be sure to participate in the preparation of the protocol, carefully study the contents of the document, and only then sign it.

Why is it important to be present at the scene of an accident during police work?

The fact is that your absence can turn the whole case against you. The second participant in the accident may give evidence that will contradict the true picture of the accident.

Also, the police will not have your opinion about the current situation, and about what caused the accident.

Note! The inspector must record all internal and external damage to your car in the protocol and certificate of the accident.

An insufficiently thorough description of the damage to the car can lead to the fact that scratches on the car's paintwork can be attributed to earlier or later damage, and not pay compensation (according to the insurance contract).

In most cases, car owners are of the opinion that calling representatives of the traffic police is necessary only in the event of an accident involving two or more vehicles. But this opinion is wrong.

Even if only your car was involved in the accident, and the other "participant" was a pole or gate, you still need to call the traffic police. Accidents of this type most often occur in courtyards, but at the same time they fall under the insured events under CASCO.

There is an opinion among motorists that a call for such incidents can be regarded as false or they will have to pay a fine for having made an accident with a stationary object.

This opinion is absolutely wrong. The duties of traffic police officers include attending incidents of this kind and registering them. And there can be no question of any fine in this situation.

CASCO documents if he himself damaged the car

To receive compensation for CASCO, you must collect the following documents:

  • CASCO agreement signed with insurers. It is important to have a receipt confirming the payment of the insurance policy;
  • passport of the client of the insurance company;
  • driver's license;
  • registration certificate for the car;
  • certificate of a traffic accident;
  • protocol drawn up by the traffic police (copy);
  • documents on an administrative offense, if any, or a refusal to initiate an admin. affairs.

Important! Make photocopies of all documents related to the accident and keep them at home.

You never know where they can accidentally get lost in the insurance company. And so they are always at hand, and you can, if necessary, use them to go to court.

How to contact the insurance company?

Registration of CASCO in the event that he himself is guilty of scratches on the car

When the entire set of documents is ready, contact the center for the settlement of losses of the UK. Make a statement.

Agree with the appraiser on the place and time of the vehicle inspection and damage assessment.

In the event that you believe that the assessment does not correspond to reality, require an assessment by an independent expert. You will have to pay for his services yourself. Present the results of an independent examination to the IC, and demand a revision of the amount of damage established by the appraiser. In this situation, the insurers are obliged to comply with your claim.

At the next stage, having the updated results of the damage assessment, the amount of insurance payments will be established.

Important! Do not sign the appraisal act without first reading it.

If you did this thoughtlessly, then it will be possible to prove the fact of your disagreement with the assessment only in court. In case of disagreement with the final amount of payments, demand its revision. Even if the entire payment procedure drags on in time, you will eventually receive more compensation than was originally assigned.

In addition, you can use the services of a service center that cooperates with your insurance company, where the latter will transfer the amount necessary for the repair.

Now you see that the entire procedure for obtaining compensation from the insurance company consists of several separate stages.

Important! You have 3 days to apply to the insurance company after an accident (to be specified in your insurance company).

During this period, you need to collect all the documents that are required in this situation.

CASCO insured events in case of damage to the car

Every car owner should know the following information.

The fact is that not all damages received by the vehicle in an accident with one participant can be considered insurance.

So, in what situations are payments made by the insurance company, and when are these problems of the driver.

  • In the event that the car is damaged as a result of a tree falling on it, a billboard, and other objects, only CASCO payments are guaranteed. In this case, you will need a document describing the weather in this place at the time of the accident. If the car was damaged by a fallen tree, you will need a special document from the district police officer;
  • If the car owner unintentionally damaged the car with some object, for example, a basket or a trolley from a supermarket, no one will compensate for the losses, neither CASCO nor OSAGO. But if the same damage is the result of the action of an outsider, then your damage will be compensated by CASCO;
  • If the car was damaged during the loading period, we are not talking about an insured event. Damage from such damages will not be compensated;
  • An important aspect in insurance coverage for scratches is the person who caused the scratches. For example, if it was the child of the owner of the car, then compensation is not allowed. But if such a surprise was presented by someone else's child, then such a case is insured. In this case, you need a certificate from the precinct;
  • When the car was damaged as a result of an inaccurate exit from the garage or after “contact” with a pole, this case will be recognized as insured. A traffic police inspector should be called to the scene of a minor accident;
  • If, when moving under the barrier, it unexpectedly closes and the car is damaged, the case will also be considered insured, since the impact on the car was made by a third party;
  • When a collision with an object was made in the adjacent territory or outside the city, according to CASCO, such an accident will be recognized as an accident with one participant;
  • Sometimes the cause of damage is contact with an animal. In this case, you should study the insurance contract, whether there is such a clause in it;
  • Punctured tires are a common problem for car owners. If you find a problem with the wheels of your car, call the police. Such damage can be compensated under CASCO;
  • If someone painted your car with paint or markers, also call the police to record this fact. CASCO insurance in case of an act of vandalism in relation to a car is guaranteed to you.

What to do if there was an insured event under CASCO? The procedure is different from . Below we will analyze the procedure by which you can receive compensation under your policy from the insurance company for damage or theft of a car.

What should owners of CASCO do in case of an accident

The procedure for an accident in order to issue an insured event under the CASCO policy:

  • Turn on the emergency light dimensions (alarm), and then set the warning sign of the emergency stop.
  • Call traffic police officers by numbers: 02, 112 (for MTS), 911 (for Beeline), 020 (for Megafon).
  • Stay at the scene until the traffic police arrive. Do not remove broken glass or other evidence of an accident. Take pictures of the scene from all angles, fixing the damage to the car.
  • When creating a traffic jam, draw up an accident diagram, where, with witnesses, record the location of vehicles at the accident site, and also write down the full name, contacts and addresses of witnesses.
  • Consult your insurer (agent, broker) on this situation.
  • Fill out accident notice forms together with all participants in the accident (attached to the CASCO policy).
  • From traffic police officers you should receive:
    • a protocol on an administrative offense (original, a copy can be) drawn up for a violator of traffic rules;
    • certificate of car parts damaged in an accident (form No. 154), including a note on the possibility of hidden breakdowns (very important for CASCO!).
  • If your CASCO policy provides for minimizing the costs of the insurer, ask the traffic police when and where you should come to the analysis group.

Is it necessary to call the traffic police to file an insured event?

For CASCO owners, the arrival of the traffic police is provided for by the terms of the insurance policy and most often the call cannot be avoided. In addition, this will simplify the process of obtaining material compensation from the insurance company for damage (damage) to the car.

However, under the terms of your policy, there may be an option to receive compensation without providing certificates from the competent authorities. You can clarify the availability of this option in the terms of the CASCO policy or by calling your insurance company and naming the series, policy number.

For CASCO owners forbidden: independently pay for the damage caused, agree with the other participants in the accident about the absence of claims from the parties, change the picture of the accident, arbitrarily evacuate cars without agreement with the insurer.

Has the car been damaged: damaged in a parking lot or scratched by an object?

Actions for policyholders in the following CASCO insured events are necessary:

  • If damage is caused atmospheric phenomena, contact the local branch of Roshydrometeocenter for information on the meteorological situation in the area.
  • If the car damaged by an object, no later than 2 hours after revealing this fact, contact the local police department for a certificate (f. No. 3) about the injuries received and the circumstances of the incident.
  • If the machine damaged in the parking lot or damaged by a foreign object while driving, immediately upon detection of this, call the traffic police. Stop the moving vehicle, turn on the emergency light dimensions and put an emergency stop sign on the road.
  • Contact the insurance company and specify how to deliver to them for inspection and how to carry out the evacuation.
  • Forbidden modify the picture of an accident, independently evacuate the vehicle, pay for damage repairs without the knowledge of the insurer.
  • Police officers should be required to:
    • incident report (original, a copy is available);
    • certificate of all damages to the car (f. No. 748) with a corner stamp, certified by a round seal.

Insured event - theft

Actions for CASCO owners in case of car theft:

  • If a theft is detected, immediately call the police at the numbers: 02, 112 (for MTS), 911 (for Beeline), 020 (for Megafon);
  • Contact your insurance company;
  • Write a statement and submit it to the police department that serves the place of theft.
  • Forbidden: modify the picture of the incident, eliminate evidence of the theft of the vehicle by intruders.

The car was completely (partially) burnt out

Actions for CASCO owners in case of fire:

  • Immediately report a fire on the numbers: 01, 112 (for MTS), 911 (for Beeline), 010 (for Megafon);
  • If the fire continues, try to extinguish it;
  • Contact the insurer and consult how to deliver the car to him for inspection.
  • Take a certificate from the local office of the State Fire Supervision Service, which indicates the cause of the fire and the decision made.
  • Forbidden: modify the picture of the incident, independently evacuate the vehicle without the knowledge of the insurer.

Insured event with car passengers

If passengers injured in an accident are insured against accident, then usually, in addition to the documents regarding the accident itself, additional documents must be provided - the results of the examination during the medical examination. If a criminal case is initiated, a copy of the relevant resolution is attached.

Let's summarize briefly. In the event of any insured event, three main actions must be taken:

  1. promptly notify the insurance company,
  2. report the incident to the relevant authorities (ATC, traffic police, fire service) to obtain documentary evidence of the incident,
  3. timely submit a written application to the insurance company.

What to do after registration of an insured event? You need to contact the insurance company for