Wallpaper for unheated rooms. Wallpapering. Rules for successful pasting

In terms of repair, a country residence for recreation is somewhat different from a city apartment. It's all about living conditions. The dacha can be with all the conditions and communications, or maybe not. Therefore, the owner of the property faces a number of practical issues. What wallpaper to choose for the country house? In general, why wallpaper in the country? How to glue wallpaper in the country? Which to choose?

Traditionally, a dacha is a building for the warm season. Therefore, wallpaper for giving should be chosen with an almost professional look, so that they please the eye, and do not fly off after a while. For a country room, a type of wallpaper is suitable that will not fade under the influence of the country sun and will withstand the harmful effects of humidity. In addition, the wallpaper should be easy to clean and restore.

Glue wallpaper in the country, for example, you can paper. They will not hit the wallet, but at the same time it will be difficult to glue them perfectly. You need a completely flat surface without flaws, two pairs of hands and dexterity. But it’s not a pity to re-paste this option for the next year, because paper wallpapers quickly fade and lose their presentation.

You can use vinyl wallpaper. An ideal option to buy such wallpaper for painting. They are easy to wash and periodically put in order. They are not afraid of the direct scorching sun, and if necessary, the walls can be repainted many times. Foamed vinyl or silk-screen printing is suitable, which wallpaper to glue in the country is a personal choice.

There is another option, but it is much more expensive. This is cork wallpaper for summer cottages. Cork is an eco-friendly material that, in style, is most suitable for a country house. These wallpapers are easy to clean. And any stains can be removed with sandpaper. According to its structure, cork wallpapers consist of plain paper on which a cork layer is applied. Cork is a material that is approved by allergists - it does not collect dust.

Liquid wallpaper is also suitable for giving. They look like plaster. The consistency of the solution is applied to the surface of the wall, and the drawing is done with a spatula. Then everything is varnished.

Experienced summer residents are advised not to save when choosing wallpaper. It is better to choose an option in which the decor lasts longer. You can find quality wallpaper at a discounted price in the sale. You can combine materials. For example, to cover one wall with vinyl, and to finish the second with another material, a good owner must have left pieces of wallpaper after repairs in the apartment.

Regardless of the cost of the purchased wallpaper for giving, in no case should you save on the adhesive solution. Each type of wallpaper has its own glue. It is better to buy this ideal couple together and from the same manufacturer. Universal glue is not the best option. You need to pay attention to the expiration date and the availability of instructions for use. It is better not to purchase glue without specifying the company, otherwise the wallpapering process may be spoiled.

You should know that wallpaper with a small pattern is preferable for country walls, because they are the least visible traces of burnout. Light colors will visually expand the small space of the cottage. If the ceiling at the dacha is low, then this can be corrected with striped wallpaper. The strip seems to lift the ceiling up. The larger the room, the wider the selected strip can be.

For wallpapering in the country, you need to stock up on the following tools: spatulas (small and large), brush, roller, plastic spatula, pencil, tape measure, knife.

Even if the dacha is a temporary place of rest, its design should not be neglected. In any room, the owner should be comfortable. Dacha is the place where you can fantasize and turn your craziest thoughts into reality.

It would seem that it is important at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, because it is enough to use high-quality finishing materials to get the desired result. But this is far from true. It is the temperature regime in the room that is the main condition for successful wallpapering.

Rules for successful pasting

In order for the wallpaper to serve you for a long time and lie on the walls as an even canvas, you must follow a number of rules regarding the microclimate in the room:

  1. The first is the acceptable temperature. It should not be lower than +10 °C and higher than +25 °C. It is this temperature range that contributes to the uniform drying of the adhesive base of the wallpaper. In addition, such a temperature in the house should be maintained not only during the work, but also after them for 10 days.
  2. The second is air humidity. This indicator in the apartment should not exceed 60%. Otherwise, the adhesive will begin to react with moisture, and its adhesive properties will noticeably decrease, which can cause bubbles to appear and the web to peel off.
  3. The third is the absence of drafts. Even a small draft can have an extremely negative effect on the entire course of work. The fact is that because of it, the temperature and humidity of the air in the room will constantly change, and this adversely affects the adhesive composition and its drying, which can later cause the canvas to peel off.
  4. Fourth - protection from direct sunlight. If direct rays of the sun fall on the glued wallpaper layer, this will lead to a quick drying of the glue in some places. As a result, the canvas may wrinkle or settle.

To comply with all these rules in a residential building is quite simple. You just need to measure the indicators with familiar instruments (thermometer), close all the windows, cover the windows with a cloth and calmly stick new wallpaper according to the instructions. In this case, the result will delight you with the quality of performance for many years.

How to glue wallpaper in the cold season?

Many experts recommend finishing work in the summer or spring. After all, sticking wallpaper in the warm season is a very simple task. Even if the room is non-residential and not connected to centralized heating, the desired temperature is always maintained in it, and the wallpaper dries without problems. And here a well-founded question arises: is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter, or is it better to wait until the onset of heat? Definitely wallpapering can be done at any time of the year, subject to all the rules of this technology. But even here some difficulties may arise due to the particular room in which the work will be carried out.

The most difficult thing is wallpapering in an unheated room. In the cold season, the temperature in them drops so much that work is unacceptable, and then it becomes necessary to heat the room with the help of heating devices. But this is not the most difficult task, the most difficult thing will be to maintain the required temperature so that the wallpaper paste can dry evenly. This will require uninterrupted operation of heaters and constant monitoring of the microclimate in the room.

In residential buildings, it will be much easier to stick wallpaper in autumn or winter, because they are equipped with a heating system and constantly maintain a certain temperature. Difficulties here may arise with air humidity, but even here you can always find a solution to the problem.

First you need to check the humidity of the walls. This can be done using a regular piece of foam or polyethylene. It is enough to stick it overnight to the surface to be glued with adhesive tape, and in the morning, by the presence of condensate on the inside, one can conclude that the walls are damp. If there is no moisture, then you can safely proceed to wallpapering, but if it does appear, then you need to dry the air. This can be done using a special electrical appliance - a dehumidifier - which can reduce the humidity of the air to the desired value in a given mode. Or use conventional heaters, but here it will not be possible to set the desired humidity indicator, so you will have to constantly measure it empirically.

Coziness and comfort in the house can be achieved at any time of the year. Both in winter and summer, wallpapering will not cause much difficulty if you follow the recommendations of professionals regarding the microclimate of the room and the temperature at which wallpaper can be pasted. It depends on this how long they will serve you, and whether your efforts will be wasted.

At what temperature can wallpaper be glued in the house and in the apartment
At what temperature can wallpaper be glued in the house and in the apartment It would seem that what is important is at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, because it is enough to use high-quality finishing materials,

Wall decoration in the garden house

Camilla, we had wallpaper pasted in an unheated house. They held up well, nothing fell off. Now upholstered with clapboard, we like it better. But this is a matter of taste.

Camilla, my parents glue for many years and nothing falls off. There used to be a house made of cinder block, and now the new dacha is wooden, upholstered with plywood inside. About two weeks ago they pasted over with new wallpaper. Everything is holding up great. If you like wallpaper, then glue it.

In our old house, inherited from the previous owners, there were wallpapers on the walls. They held up well and didn't fall off. In the new house, the rooms are lined with clapboard, and the walls on the veranda are upholstered with plywood and painted with water-based paint. I like this option even more - you get tired of the color, you can quickly repaint without peeling and re-gluing. Comfortable and definitely won't fall off.

there was wallpaper in the old dacha in the house, it didn’t fall off for several decades. One problem is that since the wooden house “walks”, it cracked at the joints of the plywood sheets that were under them. It is necessary to close the joints very carefully with a special tape. What the joints were sealed with in Soviet times did not help. Maybe now there are more reliable materials.

Roc, we glued it with bandages, it kept perfectly. Now there is a sickle.

Thank you, they removed a stone from the soul, otherwise they categorically do not advise (builders) on the Internet, on various construction sites. Allegedly damp in spring and autumn, temperature fluctuations, wallpaper falls off. I don’t want to clapboard, I have experience in the rest room in the bath. Practical but not romantic. I want something in the French or English style (shepherds, flowers and all that).

Camilla, buy wallpaper on fresilina or vinyl. They are, in my experience, more flexible or something. Tear resistant than paper. Two years (two winters) ago they were not greedy, the flight was normal. Even the most walking corner, although cracked, but after drying the house falls into place and the gaps are not noticeable.

If the wallpaper is pasted on plywood, etc., then they will stick perfectly, if - on stone, etc. surfaces with an unheated house in winter, there may be peeling off. But if you take a good glue and spread it thicker, it seems to me that in this case there will be a good result. Do not use thick wallpaper.

Indeed, I had on plywood. At
heating a cold house, everything was fine.

We have a brick house, the first floor is covered with non-woven wallpaper for painting, and the second with simple paper, everything has been holding up perfectly for 7-8 years, I don’t remember exactly. In winter, we do not drive and do not heat, we start heating in the spring, when there are no more severe frosts. It seems to me that it can peel off during operation in the heated mode - they froze several times over the winter.

Camilla, so I only associate a bath with a clapboard :)) Wallpaper on non-woven base (heavy in one room, silk-screened in the other - “pastoral”) has been holding up well for 8 seasons already. The walls are sheathed with plasterboard.

We had a question about wall cladding, and for some reason I’m afraid to put drywall or plywood, because I don’t understand how to close up joints in a house that is periodically heated in winter and still “walking”. Do not share technology? Very relevant, because drywall is the cheapest and fastest solution.

erdel, take drywall, you will not regret it. It is of different types: in addition to the main one, there is waterproof (under windows), fire-resistant (around the stove or fireplace). Read on any construction site how to work with it. All I can say is it's a real pleasure. Yes, do not take the thinnest. He's fragile enough. I took either 12 or 14, I don't remember. Now I will buy it again for covering the summer kitchen. They can also sheathe ceilings. In short, great stuff.

erdel, g/cardboard attached to
guides. The wall is walking under
guides without affecting the hot-rolled sheets.

oja, the blessing was the last deciding factor for the drywall. We are very satisfied, especially with the ceiling :) We wintered for two years. While all tip-top. They used thin on the ceiling, the thickest on the walls. erdel, If you use it for the kitchen, then do not forget to strengthen the place under the shelves or put double drywall, otherwise we didn’t want to mount the kitchen with one layer, I completely forgot about strengthening :(. and the shelves will hold in. But actually, now there are other modern materials, however, I did not compare prices.
As for the joints, I started the topic about drywall, everything is explained step by step how and what to do. I controlled mine.

Thanks to everyone who responded for the invaluable and prompt help as always! Lara, I will carefully study everything and give the TSU to my husband :)

One thing: if you glue wallpaper on plywood, look at what nails it is nailed. We had rust spots on the wallpaper during the first winter.

erdel, Plywood - yes! Drywall - no way! He is moisture resistant. In an irregularly heated house, because of it, it will desperately stink of mustiness and dampness. There was such an option - drywall and wallpaper on top of it. As a result, it was because of the drywall that the dampness in the house was terrible. Mattresses, pillows, clothes in the closet stank of dampness. No ventilation or heating really helped - only for a while. Got rid of the drywall - and everything went away by itself! Now the house smells so good all the time! Everything was upholstered with clapboard and the new window frames were painted so that the structure of the tree was visible. IMHO I love wood. I do not want to turn the cottage into a city apartment. And I have the wallpaper with
are associated with it. In a stone house - still all right. Subject to the presence of wooden (or wood-like) floors and a wood-trimmed ceiling. And in a wooden house, wallpaper for me is just nonsense. I repeat once again - the taste, the color.

erdel, I got it all mixed up! Sorry. Drywall blamed undeservedly, confusing it with hardboard. All the troubles with moisture were due to the hardboard, and not because of the drywall! In the old house, everything was upholstered with hardboard under the wallpaper. I had nothing to do with drywall. So I am embarrassed.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper in an unheated room
Is it possible to glue wallpaper in an unheated room Wall decoration in a garden house Camilla, we had wallpaper pasted in an unheated house. They held up well, nothing fell off. Now

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Why are we so sure of this? Because we pay them for it!

So plastering costs money, and then free happiness gets in, I would not refuse. Liquid wallpaper will behave no worse than paper wallpaper in winter, only the walls need to be prepared. And here there is a nuance - a primer is needed precisely for this composition of liquid wallpaper and from the same manufacturer as the wallpaper. If in doubt, you can additionally apply a special colorless varnish that protects the liquid wallpaper from moisture.

You can use acrylic varnish, it is really versatile and suitable for any type of wallpaper. And it can also be added to the liquid wallpaper itself when they are kneaded. Then their stability in the absence of heating increases several times. And liquid wallpaper will not become limp, will not float and will not fall behind, even if the walls are washed with plenty of water.

Everything is laid in the same way as according to the instructions, because very little varnish is added, only 200-250 g per 10 liters of liquid wallpaper ready for application. If you add more varnish, then on the wall after drying, the effect of translucency of liquid wallpaper will appear and some imperfections such as spots and cracks may appear through.

When preparing walls for liquid wallpaper, they seem to be painted with water-soluble white paint, especially for light ones. Otherwise, all the stains of dirt that are on the walls will come out through the liquid wallpaper, they even seem to pull the dirt to the surface.

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Country house: is it possible to use liquid wallpaper for walls
Country house: is it possible to use liquid wallpaper for walls

Wall papering is the finishing touch to any room. And it is here that it is easy to make mistakes that spoil the impression of the whole work. Therefore, we advise you not to rush and first study the theory well. In our material we tell you what to look for.

Wall preparation

The walls under the wallpaper should be smooth and well puttied. Evaluating surface quality is easy. To do this, you will need a small light source (a table lamp or a bright flashlight) and a rule about 2.5 meters long. Attach it to the wall. If you look at the rule from above, then the lamp should shine from below. If on the right, then the light comes from the left: you can clearly see the cracks between the rule and the wall. Ideally, you won't. A gap of a millimeter with a rule length of 2.5 meters can be considered acceptable. But this is already a "four" job.

Now let's examine the surface of the wall in the side light of the lamp. Does it resemble lunar craters? This means that it will not work to glue the wallpaper with high quality.

In theory, the puttied surface should look like an egg shell. No wonder plasterers talk about good work "like a testicle." It is considered acceptable if a reinforcing mesh is barely visible through the putty.

How to deal with wall defects?

1) Clean it with a board with sandpaper. Plastered walls are cleaned boldly. You can even use a belt sander. If putty is applied to drywall, care must be taken not to damage it.

Cleaning is a very dusty procedure, so you need to work in a respirator, glasses and with open windows.

2) Remove unevenness with another layer of putty. Applying it is easier than sanding the wall, because there will be no terrible dust. However, before puttying, it is worth cleaning at least the most gross defects.

What putty to take? To correct individual areas - the same one that was already used in the room.

Now gypsum putty, which is prepared from a dry mix, is very common. And many painters have learned to work well with her. But for self-application, white cement-based putty is more suitable. It does not seize as quickly and allows you to work more slowly. There is another advantage. White cement gives a glossier surface than gypsum. This means that on a gypsum base, the wallpaper will look a little dull, and on a cement base it will look bright.

On top of gypsum or cement putty, fine latex putty is sometimes used. Good reception if the walls are supposed to be painted. And for wallpapering - already redundant.

Particular attention should be paid to the corners when preparing the walls. Rough corners will not allow you to glue the wallpaper evenly!

After puttying, the walls are treated with an acrylic primer to reduce the absorbency of the base. This is especially important for plasterboard walls with gypsum putty.

3) If there is no time or desire to deal with wall defects, then instead of roll wallpaper it is better to choose liquid. Such a finish is close in characteristics to “paper”, but it looks unusual and hides small irregularities well.

Choosing a wallpaper

All roll wallpaper can be divided into two large groups:
- wallpaper with a pattern (can be paper or synthetic).
- wallpaper for painting (usually made from synthetics).

Wallpaper for painting very relevant for owners of private houses and cottages. They are good for finishing halls with stairs, utility rooms, ceilings in rooms with a "second light" ... In a word, where there are large and hard-to-reach surfaces. It is difficult to make them perfectly even even with the help of the above methods. Paintable wallpaper (if thick enough) will hide some imperfections. In addition, the "make-up" of the walls in the future will not bring much trouble: good wallpaper can be repainted 2-3 times.

To hide defects on uneven walls, it is better to use foam vinyl wallpaper.

Embossed vinyl or non-woven wallpapers are designed to create unique decorative effects. They are suitable for homeowners with a "creative" streak. For those who spare no effort for the sake of a design experiment.

Wallpaper with a pattern can be not only synthetic, but also paper. Synthetic is stronger, more durable and looks brighter than paper. But the manufacturers of the latter emphasize the environmental friendliness of their product and offer to glue them in bedrooms and children's rooms.

So, thick non-woven wallpaper for painting is well suited for the hallway and hall. They can be washed and repainted. To increase the durability of the coating, a protective varnish is sometimes used.

For the kitchen, it is better to buy thick and durable non-woven vinyl wallpaper with a neutral pattern. Dirt and even soot are easily removed from them. If the kitchen is large, then you can make an insert from wallpaper with a bright pattern. They help visually expand the space and zone the room.

Any synthetic wallpaper is suitable for the living room. If the room is spacious, then for self-pasting it is better to choose thick wallpaper with vertical embossing. On them, the seams between the stripes are not so noticeable. Pasting smooth satin wallpaper is best left to professional painters.

There are two opposite approaches to decorating a children's room:
- use "anti-vandal" washable vinyl wallpaper.
- glue paper and allow the child to draw on them.

By the way, “liquid” wallpaper is great for the bedroom. They muffle the sounds a little and create a peaceful mood.

Important: all rolled wallpapers for one room must be from the same batch. Read the factory label carefully. Wallpaper from different batches may differ markedly in shade.

Pay attention to the width of the wallpaper. Standard options are 53 or 106 cm. It will take more time to stick narrow ones, but there will be less scraps.

Gluing wide wallpapers is faster, but it’s quite difficult to cope alone without skill. But most importantly, when using wide wallpapers, fewer seams are obtained. Therefore, if the wallpaper has a pronounced vertical embossing, then it is better for a beginner to deal with a narrow canvas. If the wallpaper is smooth or needs to match the pattern, then it is more logical to prefer a wide canvas.

Choosing glue and tools

Glue is easy. Each type of wallpaper (paper, vinyl, non-woven) has its own type of glue. We recommend using glue with a color indication. It contains a dye that discolors after the wallpaper dries under the influence of sunlight. Such glue is easy to spread on a light surface without gaps.

Often on the packaging of the glue it is written that it needs to be diluted with “cold water”, but its temperature is not specified. Keep in mind: what is called “cold water” in Russia is not suitable for diluting glue, it will float in pieces in it. Water should be at room temperature or slightly warmer. Too hot water, more than 50 degrees, threatens to destroy the structure of the adhesive, and not just dissolve it.

For further work you will need:
- level, laser is better, but bubble is also suitable,
- a thin pencil, mechanical is better,
- a clerical knife with a sharp blade,
- scissors,
- roulette
- the rule
- a clean wide brush with stiff bristles,
- rollers for applying glue (can be replaced with a brush) and for rolling wallpaper.

How to cut wallpaper? Professional painters have special wallpaper tables for this. We advise amateurs to purchase several sheets of fiberboard and use them as a lining. So the wallpaper can be cut with a knife without risking damaging the flooring. If necessary, you can also smear wallpaper with glue on fiberboard. This material quickly absorbs adhesive residue, and the floor in the room remains clean.

Marking the room

Before pasting the room with wallpaper, you need to remove the skirting boards and baguettes if they are already installed at the junction of the wall and ceiling.

Now at the bottom of the wall you can mark the location of the panels. This procedure minimizes the number of trimmings and labor costs for gluing the patches. For preliminary markup, it is convenient to use 3d Builder from the Windows 10 utility package or the free Google SketchUp program.

We mark the first strip in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe window. Then - we move from the window to the door. Then again we return to the window and again move along the perimeter of the room from the window to the door, but already along the opposite wall.

If glued in this way, then the seams will least visible in daylight. Another rule: the wallpaper should wrap around the corner with a strip, the width of which will be 5 - 10 cm. We will return to this moment.

For vertical marking of the room, it is best to use a laser level. Then you don't have to draw anything with a pencil. If there is no such tool, then a thin vertical strip should be drawn on the wall. It should be located at a distance of about 5 mm from the intended edge of the first wallpaper strip. Do not glue the edge of the wallpaper directly along the marking strip. So you stain the wallpaper with particles of stylus.

It is better to mark the vertical level with a pencil after priming the walls with wallpaper paste.

Priming walls with glue

As we have already said, putty walls must be impregnated with an acrylic primer. But this is not enough. Before gluing the wallpaper, evaluate the absorbency of the substrate. To do this, spread wallpaper paste on a small section of the wall in the corner. Most likely, the glue will instantly be absorbed into the wall. In this case, the work surface must be primed again. Use a brush to do this and rub the glue into the wall.

If the base absorbs poorly, the primer still does not hurt. Why is she needed?
- the wallpaper will be glued evenly over the entire area.
- the wallpaper will be easier to separate from the wall during the next repair.

Let's start the crate

Of course, I want to finish this work and quickly settle in a fresh room. But no need to rush! Glue two test strips first. Even professional painters do this when dealing with an unfamiliar brand of material.

Test strips will help you evaluate how the wallpaper, adhesive and substrate interact. The fact is that the wallpaper first absorbs the glue and swells, then dries up and shrinks a little, shrinks. As a result, on dried wallpaper, the seams can disperse. How to avoid it? Use the minimum amount of adhesive required.

General recommendations from manufacturers are as follows:
- Non-woven and paper wallpapers should be smeared with glue and held for 3-5 minutes. Then they are attached to the wall treated with glue.
- vinyl wallpaper is not smeared with glue, it is applied only to the wall. A piece of wallpaper bent in half is pressed to the top of the wall and straightened. Then the cut is unbent and the lower part is straightened along the wall.

But these recommendations are suitable for laboratory conditions. In life, you have to act depending on many circumstances. For example, you have a spacious hall in a country house. Drafts are not uncommon in it and the temperature in winter drops to, say, +5 degrees. For such harsh conditions, it is logical to choose thick non-woven wallpaper with vertical embossing for painting. This will require a lot of glue. It is necessary to prime the wall properly, then smear both the wall and the wallpaper with glue.

And here is another situation. A small bedroom in a house for permanent residence with perfectly smooth walls and thin vinyl wallpaper. A minimum of glue - it is enough to apply it only on the walls.

So, we make test strips and see if there are any problems every other day. What problems can there be?

Option A. There was not enough glue, the wallpaper peeled off.

Option B. There is too much glue, the wallpaper is deformed, and the seams have parted.

Peeled off wallpaper, as a rule, can be glued again.

What to do with corners?

Smooth corners do not cause any problems. Rough corners break the verticality of the wallpaper seams. Another wallpaper can be collected in the corner with an accordion.

If this happens, we make several horizontal cuts in the corner and straighten the canvas along the wall surface. Now there may be overlaps. Carefully cut them off with a sharp blade.
The next strip must be glued vertically, and the edge of the canvas that has come to the corner may deviate from the vertical. Then we glue the canvases into an overlap, and then get rid of it. To do this, we draw with a sharp blade in the middle of the overlap. After that, remove the two cut ribbons and fit the edges of the wallpaper end-to-end.

How to make invisible seams?

This takes practice. General advice is:
- soak the wallpaper as little as possible with glue so that they do not stretch.
- when pressing the wallpaper against the wall, do not make horizontal movements.
- it is best to use special rubber rollers for leveling. First, we make vertical movements with a wide roller, gradually shifting it from the middle of the panel to the edges. Then we engraft the edges with a special narrow roller. It can be replaced with a rubber spatula, but it should move mainly vertically.

Good luck with your work!

Not all cottage owners can afford exclusive repairs. Many get off with simple cosmetic repairs with their own hands. One of the most important stages in the repair is pasting the walls with wallpaper. In order for the life of the wallpaper to be long and their appearance to be appropriate when sticking them, you need to follow some rules and follow the instructions. Before gluing, you need to prepare the walls and floor. The floor must be covered with newspapers and oilcloth to avoid getting adhesive on it. Old wallpaper must be removed by wetting them with water.

Under its action, they are easily removed. If water does not help, then you can use heat treatment. To do this, you need to take a damp cloth, attach it to the wall and iron it with an iron. After the old wallpaper has been removed, you need to start leveling and plastering the walls. When you have already started the sticker, you will first need to choose an adhesive that will fit your walls. Then measure the height of the walls and add another 5-6 cm to the size of the wallpaper based on the size of the walls, start cutting them and smearing them with glue. Then you need to wait for ten fifteen minutes until the wallpaper is saturated with glue. During this time, you need to smear the walls with glue.

You need to smear slowly with a thin brush so that the layer is thin. After applying glue to the walls and impregnating the wallpaper, you need to start gluing them. In this case, you must first set the stepladder to the height of the wall. Then, with the help of a piece of cloth, you need to smooth the glued surface so that it becomes even without wrinkles and folds. So, having become acquainted with the technique of gluing wallpaper, and having decided on this, you will have to choose which type of wallpaper is best suited to your dacha. You can turn to specialists or read some literature. The wallpaper in the apartment should be expensive and elegant, but for summer cottages you can choose cheap ones that do not fade and are not susceptible to moisture. The cheapest option may be paper wallpaper. They are cheap, but difficult to glue.

The surface on which they are glued must be perfectly flat, and several hands are needed to impregnate them with glue. They are used in newly built houses. However, the best country wallpaper are vinyl. They are easy to wash and clean, which is important in the country, since there you often have to work with the ground. can be painted and they are not afraid of direct sunlight. Vinyl can withstand winter frosts, but if your roof is leaking, then they will have to be glued.

The disadvantage of vinyl wallpapers is that they are not environmentally friendly and contain harmful chemicals. If this is a primary problem for you, then apply cork wallpaper. Cork wallpapers are 100% environmentally friendly. They are made on a paper basis and covered with a thin layer of cork.

Such wallpapers do not attract dust and provide heat and sound insulation. You can also wash them and remove heavily stubborn stains of dirt with sandpaper. And also liquid wallpaper, which is a substitute for plaster. Its composition is diluted in the same way as plaster in a basin and gradually the flakes turn into a homogeneous mass. This mass is applied to the walls like plaster and a pattern is applied with a spatula. Liquid wallpaper has the effect of hygroscopicity and therefore they must be lubricated with varnish. Usually, when pasting wallpaper, the question arises which glue to choose?

It should be borne in mind that one or another type of glue is suitable for different types of wallpaper. There is also a universal glue that is suitable for any type of wallpaper. Ready glue can be stored for seven days in a closed container. After this period, the glue will become too dry and the wallpaper will not adhere to it. We think that every summer resident will be interested in this site babyportal.ru with the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener. Here you can find out everything about sowing in May, April or March.

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Posted a topic in Sunday at 05:48 AM

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So, we open our amnesty.

We take all the points. Those who are in the bathhouse before the end of the amnesty period do not have the right to demand removal after.

Those who fell under the amnesty, but again received a point, do not have the right to re-apply for amnesty

I won't delete the points history. Look at the physical presence of points

I’ll make a reservation right away, those who start writing, they say, shame on you to ask for deductions of points, a day in the bath is provided.

With coming!)

Hormətli Forum iştirakçıları!
Bakıda Avro-2020 həyəcanı başlayır!
Bu yay Bakı Olimpiya Stadionu Avropa çempionatının 4 oyununa ev sahibliyi edəcək!
Möhtəşəm oyunların azarkeşi olmağa, futbol ulduzlarını meydanda canlı izləməyə nə deyirsiniz?
4 Dekabr – 18 Dekabr tarixləri arasında euro2020.com/tickets keçidinə daxil olun,
Qeydiyyat formasını doldurun və oyunlara bilet əldə edin!
Biletlərin qiymətləri:
Category 1: 125 avro
Category 2: 75 avro
Category 3: 30 avro
Oyunların tarixləri:
Uels-İsveçrə (July 13)
Türkiyə-Uels (July 17)
İsveçrə - Türkiyə (July 21)
¼ Final oyunu (July 4)
Əlavə məlumat:
Phone number: +994124048354
[email protected]

Dear forum participants!
Euro 2020 atmosphere starts in Baku!
Four European Championships will be held this summer at the Baku Olympic Stadium!
What do you say to be a fan of spectacular games to see football stars live on the pitch?
You can register between December 4th - December 18th at euro2020.com/tickets
Fill out the registration form and get a ticket to the games!
Ticket prices:
Category 1: 125 euros
Category 2: 75 euros
Category 3: 30 EUR
Game dates:
Wales-Switzerland (13 June)
Turkey-Wales (17 June)
Switzerland - Turkey (21 June)
¼ Final match (July 4)
Additional Information:
Phone number: +994124048354
[email protected]

Friends, it would be ugly not to notice the work of our administrative staff. Therefore, we will also choose the Best and also give a personal title and 150 manats as a gift :)
As always, you can vote for 1 mod. Everyone can vote (no post limit). Believe me, modders will not wind up their votes.

Good morning all! We choose the best user (male) of our forum. Only one option can be selected. Voting is open. Allowed users with 300 + posts.

Good morning all! We choose the best user of our forum. Only one option can be selected. Voting is open. Allowed users with 300 + posts.
Voting closes on Friday 13 (inclusive)

Friends, we want to continue our good tradition and choose the Best User and User of the outgoing year. In this topic, you can name the nicknames of those whose posts you remember. It may be humor, or it may be informative ..
Your candidates (or, in the case of self-nomination, yourself) must meet simple conditions:
-- year of registration
-- at least 500 posts.

For about a week we will collect and count the nominees for the title of the Best User (m/f). Then we will open the voting and choose the best.

We have gifts:) Personal title and 150 manats (cash)

P.S. Admin composition does not participate :)

  • Imagine that you are importing goods for 10,000 dollars. Pay official taxes - this is about 4,000 dollars (in manat terms) and almost 1,000 more dollars for not providing this declaration.
    The question is why it is necessary to provide 2 customs declarations (one preliminary short of 50 columns and a standard one of 10-15 columns for the same product within 2-3 days??
    I wonder where our people managed to get it from which country or is it their own invention to complicate business and replenish the budget through such fines?