What temperature can chrysanthemums withstand in spring. Chrysanthemum care in autumn, preparation for winter, shelter and storage. Wintering of chrysanthemums in the open field

Autumn garden decoration - chrysanthemums, this is a real joy for most summer residents. Already many plants are suitable only to cover the beds with their dry tops, and your flower beds continue to burn with gold. Of course, growing chrysanthemums outdoors is a very rewarding experience that definitely won't get in the way of any grower. A bright, unpretentious flower with a tart smell is a generous gift from nature that will prolong the summer days.

Choice number one

Among the variety of garden flowers, chrysanthemum stands out. The choice of varieties is simply amazing, while each of them is very beautiful in its own way. They don't call her the queen of autumn for nothing. Today we will talk about how chrysanthemums are grown in open ground. It's not too difficult, bright flowers will readily grow in almost any conditions. Having correctly composed the composition, you will enjoy the colorful splendor for many years in a row.

Varieties and varieties

Lush, fragrant inflorescences can not only bring variety to the backyard, they also change the life of the gardener. According to legend, they inspire optimism even in the most dull person. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is a magical activity, and it is almost impossible to stop in the choice of forms. Every time you buy another bag of seeds, you are surprised at the magnificent color of the flowers, their durability, plant height, leaf shape, degree of doubleness. And over and over again acquiring sets of seeds of different varieties, you can be sure that they will not be repeated.

If you want to see a really bright and elegant flower bed, then you definitely need to combine different varieties and shapes with each other. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is the same, no matter what kind of heads you will enjoy in the fall. The combination of curb and tall bushes in the background looks best.

Location selection

Excellent growth and lush flowering - it all depends on you. Chrysanthemum is not too demanding, but very thermophilic plant. First of all, you need to choose a suitable place for her. It must be remembered that these flowers do not tolerate moisture retention and do not tolerate dark areas very well. Therefore, the lowlands are more places for lily of the valley. Choose open, sunny areas that are slightly elevated. Dampness will cause plants to die in winter, and lack of lighting leads to deformation of the green part.

Growing chrysanthemums outdoors for sale is even more interesting, as plots sell like hot cakes in the spring. However, the requirements for conditions in this case are even higher. After all, you definitely need to get a good result. For excellent flowering and rapid growth, the plant simply needs good soil. Only the optimal composition of microelements will allow you to get powerful bushes with magnificent heads. They love loose and permeable soil rich in organic matter. Therefore, if you want to prepare a place for plants in advance, dig a planting hole, fill in drainage and humus, and good, fresh soil on top. And during the warm period, be sure to apply seasonal top dressing. However, you should not be zealous. With an overabundance of nitrogen and phosphorus, the plant becomes fat. You will have huge bushes without flowers.

Sale of cut flowers

This is a very profitable business, so it is worth considering if you are seriously interested in growing chrysanthemums outdoors. Features of the variety Valentina Tereshkova, Alec Bedser suggest the formation of large inflorescences. Huge flowers on strong stems can keep fresh for a long time in vases.

Moreover, they continue to delight us with bright colors even after the onset of cold weather. Here it is necessary to clarify: the warmer the climate, the easier it will be to grow such hybrids. Quite the opposite is the case in regions with a harsh climate. Where can you easily organize the cultivation of chrysanthemums in the open field? The Kirov region with a mild climate, without sharp fluctuations, is ideal. Here you do not have to stress the plants every time, dig them up in the fall and plant them again in the spring. Thanks to this, the bushes respond with stunning flowering.

In Siberia, large-flowered chrysanthemums are planted in large pots, which are dug into the ground for the summer. With the onset of autumn cold weather, they are transferred to a room where the temperature remains around -5 degrees all winter. This way you will ensure beautiful flowering every year.


Growing chrysanthemums outdoors for sale assumes that you will occupy a fairly large area of ​​\u200b\u200byour garden for cultivation. May is the best time to decorate a flower bed. Before the onset of cold weather, the plants will have time to get stronger.

In addition, it is very important not to plant bushes in flowering form. In mid-October, such a landing is guaranteed to lead to the death of the plant. If you bought planting material late, then it is better to leave the flowers not in the open field, but indoors. A dry basement with a stable temperature is fine. But they will not tolerate dampness and low temperatures.

Some gardeners specifically arrange high beds. There is one trick here that will allow the mother plants to overwinter well and wake up very early in the spring. The bottom layer of the beds is poured from fresh manure, and on top there is already a layer of fertile soil. Burning out, it will give a lot of heat, which will allow the plants to bloom until late autumn, and with good shelter they will survive even in the most severe frosts.

Making a flower bed

With the onset of steady heat, the chrysanthemum wakes up on the street. Growing conditions in should include wintering in its permanent place. To do this, the gardener makes sure that there is no rotting of plants, that is, a flower bed must be created on a hill. With the onset of cold weather, the roots of plants are mulched, covered with hay or sawdust. From above - they fall asleep with snow, and your plantings can safely survive the whole winter.

In the spring, with the onset of heat, it is necessary to remove all covering materials, after which the plantings will start to grow. If the planting material was stored in the cellar, at the end of May it is time to prepare it for planting. Just at this time, the first frosts end.

Planting must be carried out by variety. Be sure to provide your flower bed with labels or other markers. Complex fertilizer, for example, well-rotted manure, is preliminarily added to the prepared trench. All that's left is proper care. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors is not difficult, even an amateur can handle it.

So, the distance between planted plants should be from 30 to 50 cm. The larger the bush is planned, the more space it needs to leave for growth and development. Planting and transplanting must be done with a large clod of earth. Immediately after this, the earth should be abundantly watered with a solution of "Kornevin" or any other drug that promotes growth.

The climate of central Russia

In order for beautiful flowers of chrysanthemums to turn out in the fall, in the summer they need to be provided with proper care, regular watering and top dressing. The cultivation of chrysanthemums in open ground in the Moscow region is especially good. With high-quality shelter, they calmly endure frosts up to 30 degrees, and with the onset of spring they delight you with excellent flowers. Growing mother plants is very easy. We will now consider one of the options, and you will understand that any gardener can have a piece of the sun on his site.

These plants root very easily. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in the Moscow region is also facilitated by the fact that every year you can get new plants from part of old ones or from green cuttings. Young root shoots, side shoots on old stems - all this is the material for a new bush.

There is a slight subtlety here. It is undesirable to leave plants in one place for a long time. We have already said that they do not like to be disturbed during the flowering period. This is true. But once every two years they need to be planted in good fertile soil. Otherwise, it loses its attractiveness, the branches become woody. However, if the bush has already lost its charm, it can become a parent for an entire flower bed.

Growing technology in the Urals

Here the climate is not so much harsh as unpredictable. Heavy snowfalls and frosts, winds and prolonged drought - all this makes growing chrysanthemums in the open field in the Urals a little more difficult. To make life easier for the gardener, you can advise the following option. After flowering, the stems from the mother bushes are cut with secateurs. Hemp 10-15 cm should remain. Bushes for the winter must be covered with peat crumbs, along with manure. The height of the layer should be 10-15 cm. For insulation, what is left after cleaning the garden is laid on top. These are tops and branches. In winter, snow accumulates on them.

spring work

With the onset of spring, it is necessary to remove the tops and branches. But peat sweeping is not necessary at all. This is mulch and fertilizer, without which it will be difficult to wait for good flowering. After the root growth has appeared, it is removed with a pruner. It turns out cuttings 6-7 cm long. They need to be dipped in the Kornevin solution and planted on a bed with well-fertilized soil, on top of which there is a layer of sand (about 2 cm).

Every day it is necessary to spray and water the cuttings. From above you need to stretch the film and be sure to organize shading from bright, sunny rays. Do not forget to ventilate, and after 2 weeks your plantings will give good roots.

Young plants are planted in a permanent place in May, when the threat of frost has passed. Remember to water and mulch the soil well. As soon as the height of your plants reaches 15 cm, the most painstaking work begins. To get a tall stem with a lush flower, you must definitely pinch all the side shoots and buds, leaving one. Moreover, the choice is not always obvious, the central one may turn out to be underdeveloped or ugly, so you need to carefully monitor your plant.

Gardening in Siberia

This is both a complex and very exciting process. Growing chrysanthemums in open ground in Siberia is quite possible, but additional tasks fall on the gardener. First of all, you need to choose winter-hardy varieties. It can be an early Cream or Raspberry chrysanthemum, pink Perlinka or a Gift. They need to be planted on a high, dry bed, but even this does not guarantee a successful wintering.

We have already talked a lot about outdoors. Preparation for winter should be carried out very carefully. Since autumn, the plants are pruned, covered with humus and covered with spruce branches. But even in this case, it is impossible to guarantee that the flowers will overwinter safely. It happens that the cold season is unusually mild. Then there is a risk that the plants will wake up very early and may die from excess moisture under the covering material. Another time, on the contrary, the ground freezes by 2 meters, which means that the chances of survival for chrysanthemums are even less. Therefore, the only option is to take the mother bushes to a cool place. It could be a basement or a garage.

In late autumn, when the first frosts hit, the chrysanthemum is carefully dug up and placed in a 5-liter bucket. In this case, it is recommended to cut off the entire above-ground part. You can leave only lignified stumps 10-15 cm high. The dug out mother liquors must be removed to the cellar and kept at a temperature not higher than +2 degrees. Somewhere at +4, chrysanthemums will begin to sprout, which is highly undesirable.

Growing a new variety

If you are lucky enough to get good seeds, you can plant amazing plants on the site, for which all the neighbors will come to you. Growing chrysanthemums outdoors from seeds is not at all too difficult. In this way, you can grow both an annual and a perennial that will decorate your garden for a long time.

Both the first and second need to be planted in early spring. At the beginning of March, you should already have shallow boxes filled with earthen mixture on the windows. It is advisable to take ready-made, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, take greenhouse land, humus and peat. All this needs to be ignited or steamed.

Now let's start sowing. fall asleep to a depth of 0.5 cm, and perennials are simply left on the surface. Now the crops need to be watered, covered with glass and put in a warm place. Periodically, crops are checked and sprayed with water.

Planting in open ground

The gardener will have to tinker with his seedlings for a long time before they become beautiful flowering bushes. When the seedlings have emerged, they are most often very densely packed. Therefore, as soon as the second pair of leaves appears, you need to make a pick in separate cups. At the same time, try not to crush the stem. Now the care of young seedlings consists in timely watering. It is advisable to carry out hardening, that is, to take out the boxes on the balcony.

As soon as the threat of frost has passed, you need to plant seedlings in open ground. Remember that the chrysanthemum is very fond of light and warmth. Leave dark corners to other plants, and give her a place in the middle of the site. It is in such conditions that she will reveal all her beauty. And one more thing: immediately after the transplant, you need to pinch all the tops. This is not the last procedure in this season. As soon as the side shoots grow by 15-20 cm, they also need to "remove their heads". Then you will get compact bushes with many inflorescences. They will please you with a long and very abundant flowering.

For newbies

If this is your first year of gardening, then growing a small-flowered chrysanthemum in the open field will be a great option for you. These vibrant, daisy-like blooms make a wonderful fall addition to your garden. It should be noted that they are unpretentious and in a temperate climate do not need warm winter quarters. But in the conditions of Siberia, it is impossible to give a 100% guarantee that your plants will survive the winter. If the ground freezes too much, then most likely they will not wake up.

To do this, you can leave 2-3 mother plants that can be taken out to the cellar. And even easier - sow annuals. They will delight you until the very cold and even after the first snow they will remain bright and fresh. And then you can simply remove them and make room for new landings. In this case, you are not limited in your imagination. Flowerbeds can differ in shape and content every year.

Many call the chrysanthemum the queen of autumn. It really is. Currently, there are magnificent varieties that successfully bloom in the conditions of the middle zone and even the Urals and Siberia.

All chrysanthemums according to the degree of winter hardiness can be divided into several types:

Large-flowered bouquets chrysanthemums have large flowers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. They do not tolerate wintering very well, but they are beautiful. These include the following varieties:

  • Gazelle- has double flowers of white color.
  • Anna Yaroslavna- large needle-shaped flowers of crimson color.
  • Flamingo- large terry flowers of rich pink color.
  • Sonechko- needle-shaped flowers of yellow color.

Small-colored Korean chrysanthemum popularly called "oaks". The leaves are reminiscent of oak leaves. It hibernates mostly without problems, but sometimes, in the complete absence of snow cover and severe frosts, they can freeze. These include the following varieties:

  • Youth- has medium-sized flowers of pink color.
  • Umka- high variety with small white flowers, as they bloom, they become pink.
  • Ginger- small orange flowers.

Multiflora or chrysanthemum ball- a low chrysanthemum, the bush has the shape of a ball, medium-sized flowers. Differs in abundant flowering. The most unstable species for wintering, but undoubtedly one of the most beautiful. No one remains indifferent at the sight of a small bush-ball, completely covered with flowers. This species includes the following varieties:

  • Natalie- has medium-sized terry pink-raspberry flowers.
  • Trike White- bush with white flowers and abundant flowering.
  • Ares- small flowers of lilac crimson color.

chrysanthemum flowers

Do I need to cover chrysanthemums for the winter

The weather in central Russia in late autumn and early winter is very unstable. A long autumn can change abruptly into a winter with severe frosts. As a rule, the snow does not have time to fall by this time. Another "surprise" can present the so-called "freezing rain", after which the earth is covered with a solid ice crust. All this has an extremely negative effect on the wintering of chrysanthemums. Therefore, the answer to the question: “Do I need to cover chrysanthemums for the winter?” will be affirmative. This is the only way to be sure that your favorite varieties will successfully overwinter.

When and how to cover chrysanthemums for the winter

It is necessary to cover the chrysanthemum when the ground gets a little frosty and the air temperature reaches stable minus values. It is important to remember that the chrysanthemum, like the rose, is more afraid of getting wet than freezing. Very often, flower growers, completing their work in the garden, close the bushes when the autumn rains are still falling and the air temperature has not reached zero. This can lead to the death of plants.

Preparatory work before sheltering chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemum pruning can be done after the leaves turn brown

Chrysanthemums begin to prepare for shelter in the second half of August. At this time, it is necessary to feed the plants with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. This top dressing contributes to the maturation of the bark of the chrysanthemum stems and thereby prepares for a successful wintering.

In mid-September, flowering bushes are treated with some kind of fungicide to protect against rot and fungal diseases. Any copper-containing preparations (, Polyhom) can be used for processing. The earth around the bush can be shed according to the instructions.

After the first fairly severe frosts, the foliage and flowers on chrysanthemums turn brown. This serves as a signal to cut the stems to a height of 5 cm.

Ways to hide chrysanthemums

There are several ways to shelter chrysanthemums for the winter.

Shelter in a pit. This method is more relevant in harsh climates, but can also be used in the middle lane. Before the soil freezes, a trench is dug in a high and dry place to prevent flooding from melt water in the spring. The depth of the trench should be slightly below the freezing level of the soil. The bottom of the trench is lined with dry sawdust with a layer of 20-30 cm. Then pre-dug and cut chrysanthemum bushes are placed along it. The root system of chrysanthemums is sprinkled with a layer of sawdust up to 50 cm. The sawdust must be dry. From above, we close the trench with boards, which also need to be covered with a good layer of sawdust. To prevent the sawdust from getting wet, a plastic film is spread on top. So that the young growing shoots are not damaged by rodents, poisoned baits are laid out in the prikope.

Air-dry tunnel method for sheltering chrysanthemums

Air dry tunnel method. It is used in the event that several bushes of chrysanthemums are planted in one row. Covering material is applied to plastic or metal arcs in two layers. In order for it not to get wet from late autumn rains or during a thaw, a plastic film is laid on top. It is very important for tunnel shelter to open the ends during thaws. When the thaw is replaced by persistent frosts, the sides are closed again

Shelter in open ground. You can leave the flowers to winter in the open ground, after warming them for the winter. How to cover chrysanthemums for the winter in this case? As noted earlier, the main thing is not to rush, wait for stable negative air temperatures and slight freezing of the soil. Many flower growers cover chrysanthemums with spruce branches, coniferous litter (needle tree), fallen leaves. The disadvantage of these shelters is that they are moisture permeable. Frosts can be replaced by a thaw, snow by rain, and then moisture accumulates in the root zone of chrysanthemums, which can adversely affect the wintering of plants. In this case, it is better to use dry sawdust with a layer of 30 cm. We cover them with a piece of plastic wrap on top to keep them dry. To prevent the film from being blown away by the wind, we press it with something heavy.

Shelter construction

It is necessary to proceed with the installation of a structure for an air-dry shelter before the onset of stable frosts. Along the perimeter of the ridge, we install metal arcs made of wire, deepening them into the soil by 15-20 cm. Polypropylene pipes can be used for arcs. They can be bought at the store, they are used as plumbing. The ends of the arcs are put on wooden pegs or metal rods of suitable diameter.

In order to prevent the arcs from folding under the weight of the snow like a house of cards, they are reinforced with “stiffening ribs”. To do this, wooden planks 2-3 cm thick are attached with adhesive tape to the arcs. The length of the planks is equal to the distance between the arcs. It looks like a mini greenhouse. The height of such a shelter should be equal to the approximate height of the snow cover. If the layer of snow is small, it can be poured. We also prepare a trench for digging chrysanthemums in advance before the soil freezes. In the spring, it is advisable to shovel snow from the place of the dig so that it is not flooded with melt water.

Chrysanthemums hibernate best under tunnel shelter.

Features of wintering chrysanthemums in different regions

As strange as it may seem, in the conditions of Siberia, in the Urals, in Altai, a chrysanthemum can winter even better than in the middle lane and in the Moscow region. This is explained by the fact that winter there comes immediately with heavy precipitation and the formation of sufficient snow cover, and is not accompanied by thaws. But often there are severe frosts with deep freezing of the soil, which can also lead to the death of chrysanthemums. Therefore, in these areas it is also necessary to properly cover them for the winter. The climatic conditions of Siberia, the Urals, Altai are approximately the same. For successful wintering, we use the following methods:

Ways to shelter chrysanthemums for the winter depend on local climatic conditions.

  • air-dry with additional backfilling of bushes with sawdust in a layer of 30-50 cm.
  • storage in a pit.

It is not advisable to keep the chrysanthemum in open ground conditions due to possible freezing.

The climatic conditions of the middle zone and the Moscow region allow the following methods to be used:

  • shelter in open ground under a layer of insulating material;
  • application of air-dry shelter.

Many flower growers have recently transplanted chrysanthemum bushes for the winter into greenhouses covered with cellular polycarbonate. After flowering, cut them off and cover with a good layer of sawdust. Some do not fall asleep at all, which also gives a good result. But it’s better not to risk it and use additional shelter. The only condition for a good wintering in this case is that in spring the greenhouse should not be flooded with melted groundwater. Sawdust is removed in late March-early April very carefully, as young shoots are already starting to grow and it is important not to break them.

Some flower growers use to cover chrysanthemums using a substrate for a laminate, which is bought in hardware stores. This material retains heat well and is impervious to moisture. Shelter in this way also gives good results.

You can get acquainted with the options for sheltering chrysanthemums for the winter from the proposed video material. Happy viewing!

With the onset of autumn, the garden becomes more and more boring - some flowers have already faded, while others have been caught by the first frosts. Only, shaking off a light hoarfrost, again raise their flowers to the sun!
It is impossible to imagine an autumn garden without these bright flowers ...

In recent years, strong frosts come late in autumn. And many cold-resistant chrysanthemums withstand a significant cooling (up to -5 degrees) without losing their decorative effect.

In my flower collection there are about thirty varieties of chrysanthemums that have time to bloom in our area (Udmurtia). Basically, it's sustainable.

I’ll make a reservation right away that the mentioned names of varieties may not be true, because. my main goal is not to compile a serious collection, but to grow resistant varieties of chrysanthemums suitable for local conditions. Some chrysanthemums I purchased from flower shops or grew from seeds, and some varieties were bought from other flower growers in the market.

Flowering conditions and color change of chrysanthemums

Many varieties of chrysanthemums react to the length of daylight hours, and depending on this, they lay flower buds. For this reason, no matter how early such varieties are cut, they will not have time to bloom at our latitude.

The usual timing of flowering varieties of chrysanthemums can be significantly shifted under the influence of weather conditions.

Chrysanthemums will bloom profusely only with sufficient moisture and.

Of the representatives of my collection of chrysanthemums, the varieties "Cream" and "Raspberry early" are the first to bloom. Usually their flowering begins in mid-July.
It is interesting that the "Cream" chrysanthemum blooming in July has an almost white color, and in August its opened inflorescences become pale pink!

Many varieties of chrysanthemums are able to change the color of their flowers depending on the established temperature, on the composition of the garden soil.

Needle chrysanthemums are not always obtained in our area. In my collection, only one needle variety "Perlinka pink" grows. This chrysanthemum winters well, but blooms only towards the end of September.

Chrysanthemum variety "Gift" almost does not react to the length of daylight hours and can bloom as early as you like (depending on when these plants were cut). Instances that have overwintered in the garden bloom at the end of July.
This variety forms wonderful large flowers up to 12 cm in diameter. And with the onset of cold autumn nights, lilac-pink chrysanthemum inflorescences acquire a beautiful silvery sheen!
A bush of the "Gift" variety grows up to 80 cm high, but does not fall apart; this chrysanthemum does not require pinching.

Some varieties of chrysanthemums lay flower buds so much that if you don’t pinch them, then you can’t wait for the beginning of flowering in the garden!
For example, the Lipstick chrysanthemum belongs to such abundantly flowering varieties. Therefore, in a bush of this variety, it is necessary to ruthlessly pluck out the side shoots (i.e. stepchild the plant like tomatoes) and pinch extra flowers at the beginning of their development.
Red chrysanthemum "Lipstik" winters well in open ground without shelter.

Wintering of chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums should be planted on a high, dry bed, as they are susceptible to wetting. Health and success depend on the correct landing.

However, even when growing winter-hardy chrysanthemums, one must always remember: we are often more to blame for the death of these plants than abnormal weather conditions. Some flower growers are in no hurry to appear in the garden plots in the spring - waiting for the earth to dry out better. As a result, weak sprouts of overwintered chrysanthemums die under the bright sun and withering spring breeze.
If your wintering mother chrysanthemums have not been covered with spruce branches since autumn, then in spring you need to cover them with covering material immediately after the snow melts! This shelter can be removed only when the young sprouts of chrysanthemums, which have become stronger, acquire a rich green color and begin to grow.

Korean chrysanthemums have time to bloom in the middle climatic zone. They winter safely, provided that the snow cover is at least 30-40 cm.
If you are not sure about the successful wintering of chrysanthemums in your garden, then in autumn the plants can be transplanted into a pot and transferred to a cold basement for the winter.

The main difficulty in growing chrysanthemums in our area is the problem of their wintering. There is no 100% guarantee that plants will overwinter safely in open ground. Even to give recommendations on this subject, I consider it a frivolous matter. Indeed, in different years in winter, weather conditions are too different. There are winters when the ground does not freeze at all, but there are winters like today (winter 2009-2010) - when the ground is frozen by two meters. How can this be predicted and properly prepare plants for wintering?

If you want to be guaranteed to have chrysanthemums every year, then the most reliable way is to take mother bushes for wintering in a cold place (in the basement, at home or just in the vegetable pit). I do not find this method difficult or time consuming.

In late autumn, and sometimes after frost - when the chrysanthemums freeze on top - we dig out part of the bush and place it in any suitable pot.
If you plan to have a lot of cuttings from the plant, then you can plant the dug up chrysanthemum in a 5-liter bucket. If you grow flowers only for yourself, then a small pot with a capacity of no more than one liter is enough.
In this case, it is better to cut off the entire aerial part of the chrysanthemum. You can leave lignified stems 10-15 cm high, but remove the leaves from them.

We treat the excavated plants and soil with some kind of fungicide (for example, Maxim) and lower it into a vegetable pit. In the same pit we store all the vegetables. The temperature in winter stays here at the level of +1..+1.5 degrees Celsius.
If the temperature in the storage rises above +4 degrees, the mother cells of chrysanthemums begin to germinate intensively, which is undesirable in winter.

Reproduction of chrysanthemums and preservation of the variety

We transfer the overwintered plants home at the end of March, and after 2-3 weeks we proceed to.
However, if you are not concerned with the task of reproduction, then there is no need to bring chrysanthemums into the heat so early.

I am considering growing chrysanthemums by cuttings. But not because chrysanthemums do not winter at all in open ground, but because this culture is not stable. There are years with favorable winters, when in spring all the ridges of chrysanthemums in our garden are completely covered with young growth. But, unfortunately, there is also a complete loss in the open field of many varieties of chrysanthemums; Florists were convinced of this after a little snowy and cold winter of 2009-2010.

A profusely flowering chrysanthemum bush winters in the garden much worse than a weakly flowering one. For this reason, it is desirable for a successful wintering and preservation of the variety to have young chrysanthemum bushes grown in summer from axillary shoots of such a bush.
We root them in any, not allowing them to bloom. Here we leave these young plants for the winter, and at the end of May we transplant them into the garden to the desired place. In such strong plants, a good root system is eventually formed, which contributes to a successful wintering in the future, and many strong basal buds are also laid.

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Chrysanthemum is a favorite plant of many summer residents. Because of her beauty, they are ready to spend a lot of time and effort. And, indeed, chrysanthemum can overwinter in the open field. Depending on the variety, they easily endure wintering not only in the south, but also in the middle zone of our country. Of course, in order for a plant such as a spherical chrysanthemum to winter in the open field without consequences, you need to prepare accordingly.

Preparing for the winter

With the advent of autumn, flowers fall from the chrysanthemum, the leaves wither. So, it's time to make sure that your favorite flower easily survives the winter.

For this, the bushes are cut to a height of about 10-12 centimeters. It is advisable to use a sharp pruner for this - the stems are quite tender and easily damaged. A blunt pruner will chew them more than cut them.

In the southern regions of the country, where there are no frosts, this is quite enough. If you are growing in the middle lane, you need to take care that the first frosts do not kill the stems and roots. To do this, the chrysanthemum is covered with spruce branches or a thick layer of sawdust. The first option is more convenient - it will not be necessary to remove sawdust in the spring. But the second one is more accessible - not everyone has the opportunity to stock up on the right amount of spruce branches.

If the winters in the region are very frosty and with little snow, then the only way out is to transplant into flowerpots and store in the basement or cellar, followed by planting.

spring work

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts and it becomes warm enough, the spruce branches should be removed from the chrysanthemum or sawdust should be removed. Excess moisture must go so that young shoots are not affected by rot and mold. But if the nights are cold, the cuttings should be covered with rags in the evenings.

In general, it is not advisable to grow one chrysanthemum bush for more than two years in a row - there are fewer flowers, and the bush itself falls apart. Therefore, at the end of the second season, the bush should be divided into cuttings and planted. Then the flower bed will delight you with its beauty for more than one year.

The video will tell you in detail about the wintering of chrysanthemums:

Chrysanthemums have long fascinated me with their endurance. In autumn, when I came to our friends garden, I could not take my eyes off the plants that were blooming despite the bad weather. They had only two types - yellow in the form of daisies and pink terry.

But the plants grew well, and friends planted several bushes in different parts of the garden. The effect was wonderful - as if not autumn in the yard, but summer.

Then we got our own garden, and friends gave me a couple of bushes. So I got my first chrysanthemums.

In the future, I tried to purchase other varieties. And often wrong. In the Moscow region, where our garden is located, they sell many different varieties, including those that can only be grown in a greenhouse. Basically, these are large-flowered chrysanthemums with a flower diameter of more than 10 cm. They do not bloom in the ground. Sometimes a bush will fill a lot of buds, but here it’s just cold. He should go to Japan, to the Chrysanthemum Festival. These plants are not for us.

Then I decided to act for sure. In autumn, I was looking for aunts in the market who sell bushes along with flowers. These varieties are definitely from our area, and if they have flowers, then they have time to bloom.

One disadvantage of this method. Often, housewives do not know the varieties or call similar flowers known varieties. For example, I have three white chrysanthemums with the name Umka. But whether there is a "real" Umka among them, I doubt it. For me, this is not the main thing. It is important for me that the chrysanthemums have time to bloom before the snow.

Planting chrysanthemums in the fall is, of course, risky. Weakened by flowering, they may freeze. I had to warm them up like roses. She covered it with spruce branches, put a fruit box, and on top - lutrasil or spunbond.

This did not always help, and the plants froze out. I didn't worry too much. So, these are not very hardy chrysanthemums. And I needed "our" reliable ones. Let them be called "Korean", but they are already acclimatized.

Sometimes I bought bushes too late, when it was already snowing. And grannies with chrysanthemums in baskets reminded me of the fairy tale "12 months", when flowers bloomed in winter.

But it is no longer possible to plant in the snow. Even with shelter, the plants will not overwinter, because they will not have time to take root in the cold ground.

I lowered such roots to spend the winter in the cellar. I put them in a basin and filled the voids with soil. In winter, when I got out jars of pickles, I checked my chrysanthemums. Occasionally "watered" them with snow.

In March, I took out the roots from the cellar for germination and put them in a bright place. Planted in the garden in May. Watered abundantly, and fed once a month. With frequent top dressing, chrysanthemums fatten and later lay buds.

In Central Russia, small-flowered chrysanthemums with an early and medium flowering period are best wintered. The small size of the flowers they more than compensate for their abundance.

In the markets, the choice of varieties is small. It is not every year that a new color can be found. And yet, I already have seven reliable varieties. Although only three varieties can be named, others are unnamed or "doubtful". But they are "ours", proven - they winter in the open ground.

I'm still digging up three more varieties for the winter. I'm afraid to lose them. Among them is the variety Zhemchuzhina. It is said to be winter hardy. But I want to check in our conditions. When I multiply, I will conduct an experiment: I will send one part of the plant to storage, and I will leave the other in the ground.

I propagate chrysanthemums by dividing the bush and cuttings. I start cuttings in the spring, when the young shoots grow up to 5-7 cm. I carefully break them out at the base and plant them in the soil. From above I pour sand with a layer of 2 cm. I cover it with a jar.

Over the years of growing chrysanthemums, I have accumulated good experience. I would like to give some more advice.

1. Chrysanthemum does not tolerate shade at all. Even slight shading during the day delays flowering.

2. Chrysanthemum is a flower of a short day, that is, it starts flowering when daylight hours decrease. Many people misunderstand this and plant the plant in the shade, where there is less light. This is mistake! Shade is not a short day at all, but a lack of lighting.

3. Chrysanthemums do not like heavy wet soil. I shared flowers with my friends who have just such a soil. With the same care in the summer, their chrysanthemums froze. This means that unfavorable conditions for wintering are created on clay. The soil needs to be seriously loosened.


Talisman, Copper Thunder, Lucy, Youth; Malchish-Kibalchish, Evening lights, Gypsy, Korean, Radiant, Svemba Kare, Radiant, Alexandrite, Flamingo, Swan song, First snow; Petruha, Pearl, Helen, Orange Sunset, Isabelle, Cherry Orchard, Eugenia Grande, Evelyn Bush, Syaivo, Golden Autumn.

4. Covering chrysanthemums with a film will surely lead to their death. Under it, they just get wet. If you want to be safe, mulch with earth and leaves (preferably forest ones). Or cover with a box and spunbond, as described above. There must be air under cover. I do not cover my chrysanthemums (7 varieties). For the winter, I only mulch the roots with soil.

5. Once every three years, chrysanthemums need to be transplanted. They can be divided or just planted deeper. Young plants overwinter better. Transplantation should be carried out only in the spring, when young shoots appear from the ground.

6. If you bought a chrysanthemum late, then do not plant it, but lower it into the basement. But do not water the roots in the cellar! It is necessary to moisten the earth ball minimally, otherwise the bushes begin to grow. The shoots are pulled out, and the plant dies from exhaustion. For the same reason, it is difficult to keep the chrysanthemum at home, at room temperature.

7. After a bad wintering, chrysanthemums lag behind in growth and do not have time to bloom. And for a good wintering, you need to consider rules 1 - 6.

G.P. Safonov, Moscow region