How to get cockroaches out of the house forever. How to remove cockroaches in an apartment with folk remedies. The most common ways to deal with unwanted visitors are such methods

The cockroach is most often activated at night. Therefore, the easiest way to see it at this time is just to turn on the light in the kitchen. Usually, red Prussians settle in apartments, but sometimes black individuals can also be found. If pests hide well, their invasion can be suspected by a number of signs:

Traces of the vital activity of cockroaches - black dots

Before you permanently remove cockroaches in an apartment, you need to understand where they came from and completely eliminate the source.

High humidity in the apartment is one of the reasons for the appearance of cockroaches

The most favorable environment for the spread of pests is unsanitary conditions. But if your house always shines with cleanliness, this option can be excluded. In this case, provoking factors can be:

If you are faced with the question of how to permanently remove cockroaches in an apartment, first do a general cleaning. In unsuitable conditions, insects simply cannot survive and quickly leave your home. The rules are very simple:

Take out the trash regularly

Unfortunately, not all owners follow these simple recommendations, as a result of which they have a problem how to remove cockroaches from the apartment.

  1. Dichlorvos.
  2. Karbofos.
  3. raid.
  4. Combat.
  5. Raptor etc.

Effectively fight cockroaches with aerosols

Of the significant shortcomings, one can note the complexity of processing, the need to evict all household members, and the high cost. Aerosol insecticides are applied to cockroach habitats, sprayed into the air, and left for several hours. After returning, the rooms should be thoroughly ventilated and damp cleaned.

Another way to permanently remove cockroaches from an apartment at home. All drugs work for a long time, but you do not have to leave home. The most popular tools are:

  1. Gels - Raptor, Brownie, Sturm.
  2. Dusty - Clean house, Feverfew.
  3. Pencil Masha.

Various crayons and powders from cockroaches work well

These drugs will quickly get rid of cockroaches. They are harmless to humans and animals at an affordable price. Each remedy is applied and acts differently, and the result can be observed only after a few days. If you need to treat the internal surfaces of household appliances, choose pencils and gels. It is enough to apply just one strip, and cockroaches will no longer appear there.

This method, like any other, has its pros and cons. The main advantage is safety. It is advisable to use it with a small number of pests or their seasonal appearance. There are several options for traps:

Use special traps

Some traps only work on red Prussians. Therefore, if black individuals live in the house, choose other methods of struggle.

If there are not very many cockroaches, you can use them to eliminate them. Experts allow their use in combination with chemicals. How to quickly remove cockroaches at home? There are several options.

There are good folk remedies in the fight against cockroaches

A very effective method used in winter: turn off all heaters, open windows and leave the house to ventilate. If the temperature outside is below minus twelve, five to six hours is enough.

Freezing will destroy uninvited guests and their offspring

During this period, you can destroy both adults and all their eggs. For maximum effect, leave your home for eight to ten hours.

Use boric acid and prepare poison for cockroaches

Sometimes it is enough to pour the powder on the habitats of cockroaches - the sink, baseboards, areas near the bin and ventilation.

Citrus peels should repel cockroaches

But reviews say that this means does not give the expected result.

Insects are afraid of the smell of grass

Mustachioed pests do not like:

  • lemon balm;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • elderberry;
  • chamomile;
  • wild rosemary.

This method is the most effective, but not available to everyone. In most cases, it allows you to get rid of cockroaches once and for all.

Seek help from professional exterminators

The following factors contribute to this:

  1. Sanitary workers use products that have a residual effect to process. Due to this, insects that are not destroyed immediately will surely die after a while.
  2. The method is safe for both humans and pets. But during processing it is better not to stay in the apartment.
  3. Professional pest control allows you to achieve the maximum effect and prevent the re-invasion of pests.

Security measures

If you decide to fight cockroaches, remember the precautions. Even those substances that are considered safe can cause poisoning or allergies. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is enough to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Spray aerosols only in empty rooms, and after processing, clean everything thoroughly.
  2. Apply gels and powders only to those areas that are inaccessible to children.
  3. If you have animals in your home, get drugs that repel them.
  4. When calling exterminators, strictly follow all their recommendations.


Removing cockroaches is a laborious and sometimes lengthy process, so it is best to prevent their appearance. To do this, keep the house clean and regularly carry out wet cleaning. Additionally, take the following measures:

  1. Install the nets for ventilation, and apply gel on them from the inside.
  2. Place roach traps in suitable places.
  3. Draw stripes around the perimeter of the windows with a pencil.
  4. Eliminate water leaks.
  5. Seal any cracks in walls and around pipes.

But the most important thing is to give an effective and proven remedy to neighbors in order to exclude the invasion of insects from other apartments. All procedures for the destruction of pests must be carried out comprehensively and systematically. This is the only way to quickly get rid of cockroaches and prevent their reappearance.

If cockroaches appeared in an apartment or in a private house, the question of how to get rid of insects is especially acute. Internet users make requests on how to get cockroaches out of an apartment or private house forever. Many consult with friends and acquaintances. Cockroaches reproduce very quickly, they spread many types of infections, and the sight of crawling pests on walls or floors is disgusting. How to get cockroaches out of the apartment forever, quickly and efficiently? Consider several ways to get cockroaches out and how to do it.

Before you apply the most effective way to get cockroaches out, you need to think about what attracted pests to your home and how they got into your home.

Cockroaches are attracted to food, water and warmth. If you cannot influence the temperature in the house, because you and your family also need comfortable conditions, then it is quite possible to restrict insects' access to food and water. To do this, regularly clean, take out the trash, eliminate leaks in pipes and taps. Prevention of the appearance of new individuals will be the sealing of all cracks and crevices. Pay attention to the space near pipes, ventilation systems.

The effectiveness of removing cockroaches at home depends on the degree of infestation and where you live. If this is an apartment building and the neighbors have cockroaches, it makes sense to negotiate with the neighbors and apply to a specialized company for collective processing. Also, if, despite all efforts, cockroaches appear again and again, you need to seek help from professionals.

So, how to get cockroaches out of the house?

Boric acid

Boric acid can be used to control various types of pests in the home, and has been widely used to control cockroaches for almost a century. How to remove cockroaches with boric acid? There are many recipes based on this tool. But with a strong infection, it is better to combine the destruction of cockroaches with boric acid with other methods.

To prepare a non-toxic paste for humans, you will need:

  • 100 g boric acid powder
  • 50 g flour
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • some water for making pasta

Mix all the contents in a bowl, let the paste dry to a semi-solid state. Roll up the balls and place them in the places of congestion and habitat of cockroaches. Sugar will attract them to the bait, and boric acid will lead to the death of the entire colony.

You can sprinkle boric acid powder under the sink, behind baseboards, furniture and household appliances.

pros: Easy to use, harmless to people, allows you to destroy cockroaches in the nest.

Minuses A: It will take at least 5-7 days before the cockroaches disappear. Not effective for severe infections.

Folk methods

How to remove cockroaches once and for all with the help of folk remedies? Most folk remedies are good as preventive measures, additional protection, or for minor infections.

Catnip, bay leaf, vinegar spray, and more are used to repel cockroaches.

Recipe 1

To prepare the vinegar spray, dissolve 30 ml of vinegar in 100 ml of water. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture under the sink, near the trash can, on the cockroach nest, if it is in the access area.

Recipe 2

Cockroaches can't stand the smell of mint. Mix about 20 drops of peppermint essential oil in 100 ml of water and spray where cockroaches are commonly found.

Recipe 3

Take a bay leaf, dry it (optional), place it on cabinet shelves and under the sink. Judging by the reviews, cockroaches will disappear in a few days.

Now that you know how to get rid of cockroaches at home, you can apply one of the methods to control pests at home.

pros: availability and ease of use

Minuses: ineffective for severe infections, good only as preventive or additional measures.

Chemical substances


Often, at the sight of cockroaches, people go to the store for Dichlorvos and begin to spray the aerosol. Yes, this will quickly get rid of cockroaches that are within sight, even if they completely restrict access to water. In fact, aerosol treatment is not as effective as it seems at first glance.

  • The aerosol will scare away most insects and make them populate neighboring rooms.
  • Aerosol chemicals can be harmful to human health if inhaled.
  • Spray chemicals in the right places.
  • It may be necessary to spray the aerosol for a long time, especially if the infestation is severe.

pros: ease of use, quick impact on cockroaches in the visibility zone.

Minuses: does not destroy the nest of pests, dangerous to health.

Gel products

How to effectively remove cockroaches in the form of a gel? It is currently one of the most effective pest control methods. If there are a lot of insects, choose a product with two active ingredients in one tube.

When developing insecticidal gels, a lot of nuances were taken into account - the preference of cockroaches in liquid food, the presence of attractants, bitter substances that do not allow children and pets to eat it.

Cockroach gel is usually produced in syringes, which makes it easier to apply the agent to the surface. The gel is applied dotted along the baseboards, in places of accumulation, habitat and movement of insects. The drug is active on the surface for two months, the treatment can be repeated, but no more than twice with the same active ingredient.

The gel will even help to get cockroaches out of an old house, but after treatment, it is still necessary to seal the entry points of insects.

pros: easy to use, low toxicity, has a long period of action, effective even with significant infections.

Minuses: no immediate result, some preparations may leave stains on the surface.


Cockroach traps are most often small cardboard or paper boxes that are open on both sides and contain a sticky substance on the inside surfaces. Cockroaches are attracted to the bait, they fall into the box and stick to the surface. You just need to set the traps and change them as they fill up.

The problem is that in this case, the insect does not carry poison to its nest and does not infect relatives.

It is good to use traps for long-term pest prevention. You just install them and watch the pests appear. As long as the trap remains empty, you can be sure that the house is free from cockroaches.

pros: available, easy to install, serves as an indicator of infection.

Minuses: does not work with a strong infection, useless if installed in the wrong places.

If you do not have time to think about how to remove cockroaches, we offer you step-by-step instructions.

  1. It will be difficult to find out where insects live, since it will be difficult to remove cockroaches in the kitchen without knowing where they accumulate. One way to find out their hiding places is to turn on the lights at night and see where they run.
  2. Once you find their possible hideouts, set up sticky traps. The trap will allow you to determine what kind of insects you have to deal with.
  3. Buy a preparation in the form of a gel and treat the surfaces.
  4. Follow the instructions on the label and apply the optimal amount of gel bait depending on the level of infestation.
  5. Make sure the gel does not dry out.

There are many types of cockroaches, but only certain of them can live in an apartment: most often they are red and black.

Consider the features of each type.

This type of cockroach is the most common, you can meet them in any residential area, because these insects are not picky about living conditions. Among the people, red cockroaches are also called Prussians.

Red cockroaches feed on fresh and spoiled foods. They are distinguished by extraordinary dexterity: they can be found everywhere in the refrigerator, in the bread box, and even in closed food containers. They multiply quickly, so the fight against them can drag on for a long time. An interesting feature of red cockroaches is their rapid adaptation to new living conditions, which also plays into the hands of those who want to get rid of them.

Red cockroaches are attracted to a constant source of food, which can always be found in the room where people live. Of course, you can hide all the food in containers, leave nothing on the table, remove the trash can outside the apartment. But insects can find some sugar behind a cabinet that was once spilled and this delicacy will last them for a long time.


Representatives of this species are a real disaster for people. They enter apartments through sewer drains, from a garbage chute or from basements. In summer, black cockroaches live on the streets, finding secluded places for themselves. And with the onset of cold weather, they begin to move into living quarters. However, insects do not rise above the fifth floor, so residents of the lower floors must be careful.

Black cockroaches feed on the same food as people, but if food is not available, they will manage completely and, having had enough of scraps from the trash can. The greatest danger to humans lies in their way of life. For a long time, being in garbage cans, black cockroaches collect a lot of bacteria and infections on their paws. One can imagine how much infection these insects carry into our apartments, crawling on dining tables, dishes, beds, etc.

In general, black and red cockroaches are very similar to each other. They differ in the speed of reproduction (for redheads faster), in appearance. Also, black cockroaches have a specific unpleasant odor that remains after them.

To permanently get rid of vile insects, you must start with the "minimum" program. It includes a complete general cleaning of the apartment. If this is not done, it is pointless to start the fight with chemicals or other drugs.

Here are some practical tips:

With your kitchen and other rooms in order, you can start using simple tools that are easy to use at home. One such remedy is common arsenic, which is a poisonous substance. However, it can only be used if there are no children or pets in the apartment.

The most risky way to deal with cockroaches at home is freezing. It is known that these insects are afraid of frost and if you lower the temperature in the room to 8 degrees below zero for a day, then they will all die. Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to do this, and for pipes this method can be dangerous.

Unfortunately, getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment once and for all is simply impossible. Even if you bring and maintain perfect cleanliness in all rooms and use purchased or folk remedies for prevention purposes, this does not give a guarantee. In the neighborhood with you there will definitely be an apartment in which the conditions are different.

There are many chemicals to kill Prussians, which are freely available in hardware, zoological and garden stores. These are gels, sprays, poisonous baits and others. Manufacturers such as Raptor, Kombat, Raid, etc. use the best recommendations. They effectively fight cockroaches at home and do not harm the body of people and animals.

There are a number of reasons why cockroaches can appear in an apartment, consider the two most common.

First: baiting insects in neighboring apartments - in this case, cockroaches escape from death and flee from neighbors to any place suitable for their living and breeding, for example, to you. It will not work to get rid of them with one treatment of the apartment, it is necessary to carry out pest control in nearby apartments, on the landing, and even better - in the whole house.

Only by understanding what cockroaches appear from, you can completely protect yourself. If the insects still managed to get into the apartment, you should immediately deprive them of the opportunity to eat and breed, as well as disinfect the entire room.

To prevent the slightest possibility of the appearance of cockroaches in the apartment, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  • If there are small cracks and crevices in the apartment, including in door jambs and window frames, then they should be removed, as they facilitate the penetration of insects.
  • To prevent cockroaches from getting in, it is worth pulling a fine mesh on windows and ventilation grills.
  • It is necessary to monitor the plumbing and update it in a timely manner, avoiding even minor leaks.
  • All waste bins must be tightly closed.
  • You should get rid of flowers and other plants that are close to the house, as with their help insects can get into the room from the street.
  • All food and water must be covered tightly, including pet food.
  • The dishes should be washed immediately after use, in no case should they be left overnight.
  • All work surfaces in the kitchen should be wiped clean after use.
  • Garbage should be taken out immediately and not left overnight. If this is not possible, then it is imperative to use a lid for the trash can. It is also worth washing the trash can as often as possible.
  • Eating should be done only in the kitchen, not taking food out of it.
  • Wet cleaning of the entire apartment should be carried out once every 2-3 days.

In houses or apartments that are located on the ground floor, the appearance of cockroaches becomes commonplace, as these insects prefer to settle in the basement. When applying preventive measures, it must be taken into account that they are very susceptible to pungent odors. They especially dislike the smell:

  • mint;
  • cedar;
  • honeysuckle;
  • elderberry;
  • tea tree;
  • eucalyptus;
  • anise;
  • tansy.

In order to protect your premises, you can use both the plants themselves and essential oils. You can use both dried plants and fresh ones, for example, you can grow mint on the windowsill.

If there are animals and children in the house, then when using honeysuckle, it should be taken into account that it should be in an inaccessible place and in small quantities. Do not let animals in, especially if there is a cat at home, in a room where essential oils are used.

Cockroaches in an apartment are a very unpleasant phenomenon that everyone can encounter; in order to independently get rid of cockroaches once and for all, you need to make a lot of effort, but it is quite possible to do it at home. There are a large number of chemicals for pest control, different price categories. Do not neglect folk remedies, they will help to bring out uninvited guests and prevent their reappearance.

  1. Black dots. If small dark balls appeared on the dishes, kitchen shelves, wallpaper, alas, they were left by cockroaches. This is what their products look like.
  2. Specific smell.
  3. Clutches with eggs in corners and crevices. If you find them, you can, of course, be glad that your apartment has officially received the status of "cockroach-friendly", but this also means that the insects will have to be removed twice. First, the main number of pests will be destroyed, then the hatched offspring.
  4. Personal meeting. Cockroaches are curious and sociable creatures, therefore, if you do not pay attention to the alarm bells described above, sooner or later they themselves will make contact. Most often, black (up to 3 cm in length, kitchen) or red (up to 1.3 cm in length, Prussians) cockroaches start up in houses.

Scope of the problem

In order for the fight against cockroaches to end in your favor, you need to know why they chose you. The main reasons are as follows:

What to do if the moment of prevention was missed and cockroaches appeared in your home? We urgently need to take action to remove them.

The most favorable environment for the spread of pests is unsanitary conditions. But if your house always shines with cleanliness, this option can be excluded. In this case, provoking factors can be:

If you are faced with the question of how to permanently remove cockroaches in an apartment, first do a general cleaning. In unsuitable conditions, insects simply cannot survive and quickly leave your home. The rules are very simple:

Unfortunately, not all owners follow these simple recommendations, as a result of which they have a problem how to remove cockroaches from the apartment.

When deciding how to get cockroaches out, you need to consider the problem not on the scale of an apartment, but of the whole house. An effective breeding method will only be the simultaneous destruction of all nurseries.

In order to get rid of cockroaches once and for all, you need to negotiate with neighbors on joint destruction. The minimum is to bypass adjacent apartments. However, the best indicators will be if it is possible to negotiate with the owners of apartments throughout the house.

With a strong infection of apartments, it is necessary to jointly decide by what means it is preferable to poison insects.

The most important task is to make the room unusable from the point of view of the cockroach. If you can achieve this, it will be easy enough to remove cockroaches.

  • Always clean food in places inaccessible to insects, hermetically packing it;
  • At night, dry the bath and sink, depriving the cockroaches of the drink they need;
  • Thoroughly clean not only in prominent places, but also in bedside tables, under tables and refrigerators;
  • Remove the trash can so that the cockroaches cannot feed on its contents.

Although these are very simple ways to fight, they are rarely used by "shared" hosts. As a result, they have to look for how to permanently remove cockroaches: with purchased insecticides or folk remedies.

The most effective professional means of struggle

This method is the most effective, but not available to everyone. In most cases, it allows you to get rid of cockroaches once and for all.

The following factors contribute to this:

  1. Sanitary workers use products that have a residual effect to process. Due to this, insects that are not destroyed immediately will surely die after a while.
  2. The method is safe for both humans and pets. But during processing it is better not to stay in the apartment.
  3. Professional pest control allows you to achieve the maximum effect and prevent the re-invasion of pests.

Cockroaches love dampness, so never leave any drink on the table and make sure that no water runs from the tap in the kitchen. Wipe down the sink and bathroom at night and clean up the kitchen every day: this can save you from breeding cockroaches. In addition, mustachios love left-over food and fat.

Boric acid

If you follow the rules for caring for your housing and make sure that there are no favorable conditions for cockroaches to live anywhere, then the “neighbors” will leave your monastery on their own. However, this will not happen before 2 months. In this case, acid comes to the rescue. Boric acid is deadly to cockroaches, plus it's cheap and easy to find.

Mashed potatoes are made from pre-boiled potatoes, to which an egg and acid are added.

The egg is used to kill the smell of acid, and the puree is used for a more sticky property, since balls will be molded from this mixture later. Prepared balls should be placed in the frequent habitats of cockroaches.

Usually the result will not be long in coming. On average, full bullying takes 2-3 weeks.

It's time for a real war. You can remove cockroaches in various ways, each of which takes a different time. Each of the tools used requires a different approach.

The disadvantages of such drugs can be considered a high price, a sufficient laboriousness of the process, the need to leave the premises for all residents (be sure to take the child and pet out of the house - they can be severely poisoned by insect repellents).

When using aerosol insecticides, it is necessary to spray the favorite places where cockroaches accumulate, spray the agent in the air, close the room and leave the apartment for several hours. After returning home, thoroughly clean, ventilate, and carry out wet cleaning.

These are the same insecticides, only released in a different form. Gels act a little longer, but when using them, there is no need for the owners to leave the apartment.

These drugs will not only help to quickly remove cockroaches at home, but are completely safe for humans and pets. It is important that they are inexpensive, you can immediately purchase enough to process all the premises.

So, when purchasing a gel, you can get by with only 200 rubles, given the need to process the entire apartment. It is much more profitable than using aerosols.

Each of the funds should be applied in different ways, they also act differently. The result of their use will appear only after a few days.


One of the advantages of the method is that there is no need to think about how to get cockroaches out of the apartment at home, because the service destroys them completely, giving a guarantee for a certain period.

The negative aspects of calling specialists are the high price (from one and a half thousand for a one-room apartment) and the need for a long absence of not only homeowners, but also their pets: it is necessary to leave the apartment after treatment for at least a day.


Suitable in cases where there are few cockroaches or their appearance is seasonal. Insects run to the aroma of the bait, but inside the "house" they stick to special means and die. There are also traps in which the bait contains poison. Manufacturers of such funds promise that a poisoned cockroach will have time to get to its relatives and poison a significant part of them.

If this is the first time you have encountered a quiet but dangerous "enemy", you need to work out a clear tactic of behavior. You need to deliberately get rid of the Prussians. Do not think that a few hours will be enough for you. This is a step-by-step operation that requires endurance and logic.

Step #1

The first step is to find out the reason for the appearance of a dangerous "neighbor". Unlike bedbugs, who don’t care if the house is clean or dirty, cockroaches like dirt and complete unsanitary conditions. Take a look at your kitchen from the outside and consider: how often do you do wet cleaning, do you leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight, do you have sauce stains or cookie crumbs on the table. If at least one of the answers is positive, the appearance of cockroaches cannot be called an accident.

Between food and water, the Prussian will choose the latter. Without food, the insect can last up to 30 days, and without liquid it will barely last a week. That is why places of high humidity attract insects. Before going to bed, wipe the sink dry and do not leave water on the table. Inspect sewer pipes, faucets and other places where leakage is possible. A small puddle behind kitchen furniture can turn into a "drinking bowl" for cockroaches.

Step #2

The second step is to eliminate all possible causes of pests. This step is considered the main one. Get in the habit of keeping your kitchen and house clean. Wet cleaning - at least twice a week. The floor must be washed thoroughly, collecting garbage, and not sweeping it under the cabinet.

After dinner, immediately wash the dishes, hide the bread in the bread box, the food in airtight containers, and the containers in the refrigerator. Cockroaches have a surprisingly developed sense of smell. Even a couple of bread crumbs left on the table will attract them. Another risk area is the place where animals eat (if any).

Fix all plumbing problems so that nothing leaks or drips anywhere. Check for gaps in windows/doors/walls/floor. If you find a small hole, do not be lazy to putty it. Slots and holes are the favorite "corridors" of the Prussians.

Step #3

The last step is to remove cockroaches with chemical insecticides or folk methods. Despite the wide selection of drugs based on chemistry, folk methods do not lose their popularity. To remove insects in an apartment, it is preferable to use harmless "home" methods. If you are dealing with severe damage to your home (buying an untidy apartment after untidy owners), you cannot do without insecticides.

When deciding to use a folk remedy, you must be aware that the speed of its action is different from the speed of action of professional drugs. Some recipes that can be found on the Internet will be ineffective. In order not to waste money and time, you need to be demanding in choosing a method. The most effective means for removing cockroaches are:

  • boric acid;
  • kerosene;
  • borax;
  • pyrethrum;
  • ammonia.

Separate types of insect control are freezing, the use of homemade traps and the use of scaring plants.

Some traps only work on red Prussians. Therefore, if black individuals live in the house, choose other methods of struggle.


Of the significant shortcomings, one can note the complexity of processing, the need to evict all household members, and the high cost. Aerosol insecticides are applied to cockroach habitats, sprayed into the air, and left for several hours. After returning, the rooms should be thoroughly ventilated and damp cleaned.

Gel - easy to use, long-term effect on insects

Another way to permanently remove cockroaches from an apartment at home. All drugs work for a long time, but you do not have to leave home. The most popular tools are:

  1. Gels - Raptor, Brownie, Sturm.
  2. Dusty - Clean house, Feverfew.
  3. Pencil Masha.

These drugs will quickly get rid of cockroaches. They are harmless to humans and animals at an affordable price. Each remedy is applied and acts differently, and the result can be observed only after a few days. If you need to treat the internal surfaces of household appliances, choose pencils and gels. It is enough to apply just one strip, and cockroaches will no longer appear there.

A house infested with cockroaches is best cleaned of mustachioed guests with a poisonous gel. The tool does not guarantee a quick get rid of the red neighborhood, but the duration of the action of the poisonous components allows you to effectively destroy the adult members of the family and the offspring that will appear within 2-6 months.

The gel is easy to use - just apply the product in the kitchen, corridor, bathroom, so that the cockroaches taste the poisonous treat. A pleasant smell attracts red-haired guests - an indispensable advantage of the drug.

What is the best way to influence a mustachioed family? Popular gels:

  • "Combat" (even affects cockroaches that have not tasted a poisonous treat, infected representatives of the Prussian family on their paws bring a deadly substance to the nest);
  • "Raptor" (an easy-to-use gel, with the help of a tube you can process a large kitchen in 5 minutes; the unique composition of 7-9 months continues to have a detrimental effect on insects);
  • "Global" (gel safe for the human body, pleasant smell attracts barbels, death occurs 4-7 hours after a deadly meal);
  • "Dohlox" (the low cost of the poisonous agent compensates for the short action - only 2 months the gel can have a detrimental effect on the barbel).

Despite the assurances of the manufacturers about the complete safety of the gel, it is not recommended to contact it or apply it to open places.

Methods for the destruction of cockroaches are not always safe for humans, therefore, before using the drug, it is better to find out all the advantages and disadvantages.

Proper processing will not end with a request - "Help!" Addressed to specialists, but will leave behind a clean, comfortable home.

Disinfection service

Service specialists will select the safest remedy for the inhabitants of your home and give a guarantee, the period of which will depend on the choice of drugs.

In addition, barriers such as ventilation mesh may be installed in the house. The mesh will help prevent cockroaches from escaping from neighbors into your home.

The cost of disinfection can vary from 2 to 7 thousand rubles.

If you follow these simple rules, be sure to protect your home from harmful insects.

If there is no desire or time to fight the Prussians on your own, you can turn to specialized services for help.


Considering how dangerous and unpleasant the appearance of cockroaches in an apartment or house can be, it is important to know and follow preventive measures to prevent the settlement of insects. This is especially important for those premises where there were cockroaches before and the fight against them was successful. No one is immune from the return of insects.

The main rules of prevention include:

Compliance with these simple preventive measures will prevent the appearance of not only cockroaches, but also many other insects.

To prevent the relocation of cockroaches to your home, you need to take preventive measures in time:

  • carry out minor repairs in a timely manner - get rid of cracks and cracks, especially in facing tiles. Inspect the walls and putty - it's in your power;
  • thoroughly wash the places where cockroaches can breed;
  • especially keep cleanliness in the kitchen - not only sweep, but also wash all surfaces with hot water;
  • collect food waste in special containers with closing lids;
  • do not be lazy - take out the trash daily;
  • close the water taps, especially at night, repair the water supply in a timely manner, check the pipe joints, the toilet bowl for leaks;
  • do not leave food in cabinets, but store in the refrigerator;
  • containers for storing cereals, sugar, flour should be tightly closed;
  • inspect the package from the store - an unpleasant surprise may be hidden in it.

All actions to get rid of cockroaches should be carried out comprehensively and systematically. Then you will quickly get rid of the unpleasant “neighbors” with whom you were forced to be in the same space.

Removing cockroaches is a laborious and sometimes lengthy process, so it is best to prevent their appearance. To do this, keep the house clean and regularly carry out wet cleaning. Additionally, take the following measures:

  1. Install the nets for ventilation, and apply gel on them from the inside.
  2. Place roach traps in suitable places.
  3. Draw stripes around the perimeter of the windows with a pencil.
  4. Eliminate water leaks.
  5. Seal any cracks in walls and around pipes.

But the most important thing is to give an effective and proven remedy to neighbors in order to exclude the invasion of insects from other apartments. All procedures for the destruction of pests must be carried out comprehensively and systematically. This is the only way to quickly get rid of cockroaches and prevent their reappearance.

The main thing is to keep order.


A very effective method used in winter: turn off all heaters, open windows and leave the house to ventilate. If the temperature outside is below minus twelve, five to six hours is enough.

During this period, you can destroy both adults and all their eggs. For maximum effect, leave your home for eight to ten hours.

Cleaning the room is an important step in preparation

Getting the Prussians out is not as difficult as it turns out to be.

Red barbels love dirt in the house, nooks with leftover food, buckets overflowing with garbage, and water in the sink and on the floor. Having got rid of everything that is so dear to mustachioed pests, we can assume that the preparatory stage has been passed.

Before you take cockroaches out of the apartment, you need to arm yourself:

  1. broom,
  2. damp cloth,
  3. special detergents for greasy surfaces

and carry out a general cleaning of the kitchen.

A greasy coating on the tiles, floor, table is the food source of the Prussians. Do not leave food residue - there are plastic containers with sealed lids and cling film.

To make the conditions for red insects unbearable, you can daily wipe the sink and all surfaces dry.

A cup of coffee or tea is attractive to cockroaches, like a puddle of water. Before removing cockroaches in the apartment, you need to learn how to remove the remnants of the meal from the kitchen surfaces.

A positive result after treatment is short-lived - if the neighbors have red barbels, after 3-5 weeks the pests will start again. A simple way to protect against intrusion is to block loopholes:

  • cracks in wall partitions;
  • cavities under linoleum, skirting boards;
  • gaps between door and wall.

It is best to precede the treatment of the apartment with a thorough cosmetic repair - all holes must be sealed with sealant. There are several drugs, the use of which can stop insects from entering the room, do not neglect them. Even home proven methods can keep pests at a great distance.

Recipes for cockroaches from boric acid

Sometimes it is enough to pour the powder on the habitats of cockroaches - the sink, baseboards, areas near the bin and ventilation.

Boric acid is the most effective remedy that will help you quickly get rid of insects, if not forever, then for a very long time. Its great advantage is that it acts without harm to animals and humans. Boric acid products can be prepared independently at home.

You can use any connection based on borax. It should be borne in mind that the funds will be effective only if the cockroaches have no other opportunity to eat. That is why it is necessary to remove all food and water. In addition, although the product works without harm to humans, it should only be prepared with a mask and gloves to prevent the chemical from getting on the skin. Do not allow children or animals to touch this poison, and even more so do not play with it or put it in your mouth.

citrus peels

But reviews say that this means does not give the expected result.


Mustachioed pests do not like:

  • lemon balm;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • elderberry;
  • chamomile;
  • wild rosemary.


If you decide to fight cockroaches, remember the precautions. Even those substances that are considered safe can cause poisoning or allergies. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is enough to follow simple recommendations:

  1. Spray aerosols only in empty rooms, and after processing, clean everything thoroughly.
  2. Apply gels and powders only to those areas that are inaccessible to children.
  3. If you have animals in your home, get drugs that repel them.
  4. When calling exterminators, strictly follow all their recommendations.

Being engaged in the fight against cockroaches, one should not forget about the safety of the family and pets. Even non-toxic products can cause allergies or poisoning. To avoid such troubles, you must follow the rules:

  • Use aerosols only in empty rooms, after exposure, carefully clean everything;
  • Apply gels and powders only in places where children and animals cannot reach. If there are pets in the house, it is better to purchase drugs that repel them;
  • Public aid funds should also be hidden from animals and children;
  • Calling exterminators to cockroach extermination guaranteed follow their instructions exactly.

Most often, in the packaging of each product there is an instruction, following the recommendations of which will allow you to poison cockroaches quickly and without harm to your family.

  1. Keep order at home. For the destruction of pests, one single cleaning is not enough, it is necessary to clean it regularly. Store food in airtight containers, remove crumbs from the table, and keep an eye on areas where pets eat. It would be a good idea to audit kitchen drawers for spilled cereals. It is advisable to wash the dishes immediately after eating, and not store them in the sink with the remnants of the meal inside.
  2. Take out the trash. Don't keep trash in a cabinet under the sink or store overflowing bags at the front door. Get in the habit of regularly walking to the garbage cans (or the garbage chute), and put a container with an airtight lid in the kitchen.
  3. Fix leaks promptly. While cockroaches can survive for weeks without food, they cannot survive even a day without water. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check potentially dangerous places (toilet bowl, sinks, pipe joints) for leaks. In addition, do not forget to dry the surfaces in the bathroom after active bathing. Well, it’s better not to abuse the sailor’s way of washing floors (this is when a bucket of water is poured onto the deck at once).
  4. Repair cracks. If your neighbors are not clean, take care of the impregnability of your apartment. Examine the walls, ceiling, corners of the room: there may be cracks. They deserve to be patched up. And close the ventilation holes with a special fine mesh through which insects cannot crawl.

Are you worried about mustachioed pests? How do you protect your apartment from cockroaches? Share your tips in the comments.

Effective chemicals for cockroaches

At the moment, there are various chemical products on the market for removing cockroaches from an apartment, so finding the right one is not difficult. Trap, spray, pencil, gel - all this can be easily found in the store, but not all tools can help in this difficult matter. It is difficult to understand which of the drugs will work right away: there are drugs that act both quickly and slowly.

So how to get cockroaches out of the apartment forever?

You can use the following sprays:

  1. "Dichlorvos" - the most popular and familiar to many of its unpleasant odor spray. Dichlorvos, produced today, no longer has this drawback, and therefore is in great demand. The drug must be sprayed indoors.
  2. "Raptor" - universal and effective cockroach control. It works on the same principle as Dichlorvos.
  3. "Gett" - a spray that must first be diluted in water and used with an ordinary spray bottle.
  4. Combat Super. The tool is more suitable for treating cracks and baseboards, as these insects often hide in hard-to-reach places.

Although the gels will not work instantly, they act on cockroaches much better than other means. And also the removal of such a drug from the site of application will not cause problems. Use these gels:

  1. "Dohlox" - has a viscous consistency in a syringe. Inexpensive drug, the result lasts up to 2 months.
  2. "Raptor" - sold in a conveniently shaped tube. The validity period reaches 8 months after processing. Convenient for processing hard-to-reach places.
  3. "Global" - a means of German production. Has no negative impact on the human body, has a pleasant smell of chocolate (to attract cockroaches).
  4. Combat Roach Killing Gel. To attract cockroaches, goose liver is included. The gel has a convenient syringe shape, and in general acts like a spray. Insects themselves infect their relatives.

Pencils and powders are often used in everyday life and are quite popular, but not entirely effective.

Traps are another way to keep cockroaches out of your home. You can make them yourself or buy them at the store. There are many types of traps, such as:

  • sticky;
  • electrical;
  • poison traps.

They all operate on the same principle - to lure and kill an insect. The most popular are "Raptor", "Raid", "Combat". As a rule, there are several traps in the package.


Aerosols are the most popular way to deal with cockroaches, especially when there are a lot of them. They have a number of advantages, including speed of action. Most aerosols are sold ready-made, and some need to be diluted in water.

Some modern drugs do not have a pungent odor, like Dichlorvos, or they even have a light, pleasant aroma. When treating with aerosols, it is necessary to remove children and animals from the room for a while, and after the waiting time, carry out wet cleaning.

The most popular sprays are: Dichlorvos, Get, Regent, Combat and Raptor.

The average cost of an aerosol from cockroaches is 200 rubles.

Gels are used to control cockroaches in rooms where people live on a permanent basis. This tool is easy to apply and also easy to remove without leaving any residue. It can be used indoors with small children, as a component is added to their composition, which, when it hits the taste buds, begins to be very bitter.

The gel should be applied in all cockroach habitats. This should be done in small droplets, the distance between which should not exceed 10-15 centimeters.

The main disadvantage of the gel is the impossibility of processing the entire room. The gel is not able to destroy eggs and cockroaches hiding in hard-to-reach places. Also, the effect of using the gel can be seen only after a week of use.

The most popular cockroach gels are: Global, Raptor, Dohlox and Clean House.

The average cost of a cockroach gel is 150 rubles.


Traps are the safest way to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment at home. Their main advantage is that they can be used in rooms where there are small children and animals. In addition, the choice of traps is quite large. At the same time, the price varies depending on their effectiveness.

Traps should be used if cockroaches have chosen an apartment as a temporary shelter, and not a permanent place of residence. They should be placed near ventilation grills and slots through which insects enter.

The most famous now are the Raptor, Dohlox, Kombat traps.

The average cost of a set of traps for cockroaches is 180 rubles.

Crayons are a universal remedy for cockroaches, which has been used for quite a long time. The main advantage of crayons is ease of application, availability and cost-effectiveness. This type of room processing also has a number of disadvantages, for example, with their help it is not possible to process the entire room, the procedure must be repeated regularly, and besides, chalk strips on walls, in cabinets or on the floor do not look aesthetically pleasing.

The most commonly used crayons are Masha and Tornado.

The average cost of chalk from cockroaches is 20 rubles.


Powder, like crayons, has been used for a long time. Among the advantages are availability, ease of use, low cost, as well as the fact that they are practically harmless to animals and can be used in a room with children. It should be borne in mind that this is not the most effective way to deal with cockroaches. The powder needs to be updated every day, and it is also useless, there are a large number of insects living in the apartment.

Often used powders Clean House and Phenaksin, Tornado, Super Fas.

The average cost of a package with cockroach powder is 100 rubles.

The ultrasonic cockroach repeller is a relatively new tool that repels insects with ultra-waves, but does not destroy them. Its main advantage is that it is absolutely safe for people and can be used in a home where there are children. However, it should not be used if pets live in the apartment. The main disadvantage of this tool is the price, and it is also not known for certain how effective it is in the fight against a large number of insects.

The average cost of an ultrasonic repeller is 900 rubles.

If nothing helps in pest control and there is no longer an opportunity to cope on your own, then you need to call the sanitary service. This is the most effective way, which especially helps if the number of cockroaches is growing rapidly, and all the above remedies have had no effect.

The average cost of calling specialists in disinfestation of premises is 3,000 rubles.

The destruction of the Prussians in the house

How to bring out the Prussians on your own? There are several ways to get them out.

  1. Traps are a convenient and easy way to get rid of cockroaches. However, they help if the insects have not spread throughout the house. Traps attract with their smell. Getting on a Velcro trap, the Prussians die.
  2. Gels, powdered products and pencils (crayons) are used to protect a specific area of ​​​​the house. These are effective, but also the most expensive means.
  3. Sprays. After spraying, be sure to ventilate the room and carry out a general cleaning. Funds of this type also have a high cost.
  4. Ammonia. The Prussians, smelling ammonia, will forget the way to your house for a long time.

If the situation is out of control and the Prussians are advancing, then you need the help of the disinfection service.

This method of struggle is the least effective, but if there are few cockroaches, then it may well help. Experts recommend using folk remedies in combination with industrial insecticides.

Oh, frost, frost

The reception is original, but very effective, especially in the northern parts of the country.

The mechanism of action is very simple: you need to turn off the heaters, the heating system, open the windows and let the housing “freeze” well. If the temperature outside the window is below -12, it will take 5-6 hours to destroy not only the cockroaches themselves, but also all their pending ootheca. For greater reliability, it is better not to return to the apartment for 8-10 hours.

The advantages of the method are the ability to quickly and free of charge remove cockroaches, the safety of animals and people.

There are, however, disadvantages: if the apartment is heated, this method can damage pipes, radiators, heating and electrical appliances. For obvious reasons, this reception is available only in winter.

Boric acid

From cockroaches, boric acid is often used, which is really detrimental to insects. A few simple recipes can help manage even a large colony:

  1. Take the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, rub it with warm mashed potatoes, add 40 g of boric acid. Mix thoroughly, roll into balls, spread around the apartment. The product is completely safe for animals and humans.
  2. Mix an equal amount of sugar, flour and boric acid, add water, knead the dough. Roll into balls, spread around the apartment.
  3. Sometimes acid dissolved in water and placed near a dry sink helps. In this method, the main thing is to drain other sources of water, forcing cockroaches to drink poison.
  4. Sometimes it is recommended to sprinkle boric acid powder on the places where cockroaches are most often observed: sink, baseboards, around the trash can, ventilation.

    “The cockroaches that my grandmother had appeared were fought with folk remedies. Lemon peels did not help us, but boric acid balls did the job.

    Sergey, St. Petersburg

citrus peels

Yet, if you believe the reviews, the tool is not effective enough.

The lifespan of a barbel is six months, but during this time the insect can give rise to considerable offspring, and in the absence of opposition, the apartment will be crowded with red pests.

Our grandmothers knew different ways to get cockroaches out, preventing reproduction and resettlement throughout the house, and used simple means in a duel with the Prussians.

For a long time, a homemade spray will help the owners drive away red insects from their home:

  • 200 ml of water;
  • 20 ml of vinegar;
  • 10 ml of cedar or geranium oil;
  • 5-10 ml of lemon juice.

Borax can be used as a destructive substance - a poisonous agent does not harm people and is deadly for cockroaches.

At home, the anti-barbel substance can be used in the manufacture of small poison balls - as bait.

To prepare the drug, you will need:

  • 25 gr. borax (purchased at the pharmacy);
  • 55 gr. potato starch;
  • 65 gr. powdered sugar;
  • 10 gr. vanillin (vanilla sugar).

Mix loose components, pour in water, turn the mixture into a viscous substance. Make poison balls (protect your hands with gloves), spread out behind kitchen cabinets, under the sink, around the trash can.

Refresh delicious treats regularly. After a few weeks, the barbels will completely disappear.

Do not stop using the poisonous agent - the eggs of the Prussians remained unharmed, and a new generation of small barbels will soon appear. The duration of the action of the agent is sufficient to destroy the young representatives of the Prussian family.

  1. The simplest option is to cut a plastic bottle into two parts, take the bottom half.
  2. Lubricate the walls of the trick with a slippery substance - oil or petroleum jelly.
  3. Send the remnants of dinner to the bottom of the trap - bread crumbs, potatoes.
  4. Clean the kitchen area - do not leave food on the table.

In the morning half of the bottle will be filled with Prussians. Shake the insects into a tight plastic bag, tie it up, and discard it.

Another option for dealing with the Prussians is to thoroughly wipe all surfaces (table, floor, sink) overnight. Moisture should not remain. Place several bowls with a poured solution of boric acid near the sink.

Insects have no choice - they will have to drink a poisonous liquid. Repeat the procedure daily, and after 7-14 days of application there will be fewer cockroaches.

Spray is a great insect control option. Main advantages:

  • lack of special training (you will need to put food, dishes in plastic bags, in kitchen cabinets);
  • processing takes 4-6 minutes;
  • general cleaning, washing of hard surfaces is not required;
  • pleasant aroma, lack of smell characteristic of insecticides;
  • at the time of processing, you will not need to leave the room (depending on the composition of the product);
  • affordable cost.

The composition of the spray, regardless of the cost and manufacturer, almost does not change - toxic substances and flavorings. The most common drugs:

  • "Dichlorvos" (for ten years, the remedy has undergone many changes, the pungent smell has almost been removed by manufacturers, the effectiveness against cockroaches has remained - pests die after one use of the spray);
  • "Gett" (completely destroys the Prussians, but before use, you will have to prepare a working solution, and then spray it from a spray bottle);
  • "Raptor" (the barbels themselves spread the poisonous liquid between their brethren - a few grains of the spray that fell on the body of the insect are enough to infect a colony from one pest).

They willingly settle in private houses and apartments. Despite the small external differences, they equally annoy a person,. A step-by-step algorithm on how to get rid of cockroaches at home consists of several stages: eliminating favorable conditions for pests, preparing the premises, using an insecticide or folk remedies.

The process of getting rid of cockroaches

Black, red cockroaches are thermophilic, practically omnivorous - they are ready to eat any food waste, gnaw book bindings, soap.

On a note!

Without food, they can live for about 40 days, without water, only 9, about a day. At temperatures below minus 5 ° C, they begin to die.

Based on the physiological needs of insects, methods of control are selected and a strategy for getting rid of them is built:

  1. Deprive cockroaches and water.
  2. Prepare the apartment for processing.
  3. Use insecticides or folk remedies.
  4. Repeated disinsection is carried out according to entomological indicators.

Creation of adverse conditions

It is necessary to eliminate the food base and sources of moisture for cockroaches.

  1. The first step is a general cleaning in the kitchen and in the premises where food is stored. If possible, they move the tables away, remove all the remnants of food: accidentally rolled sweets, bagels, crumbs, flour, etc. Put things in order in cabinets and other pieces of furniture, eliminating spilled cereals, saccharins.
  2. For the duration of hostilities with cockroaches, relocate all confectionery, sweets, fruits from vases to sealed containers.
  3. Dispose of garbage in a timely manner, if the garbage bin is in the apartment - equip it with a lid.
  4. Any condensate on glass, pipes, tiles can fill the need for moisture for pests, not to mention puddles in sinks. Therefore, it is necessary to wipe the plumbing dry every evening. If the dish dryer is equipped with a tray, make sure it is dry. If there are leaks in communications, eliminate them.


If you ignore these points, then the fight against cockroaches will be protracted, and even if the Prussians are defeated, it will not be long. At any opportunity, insects will appear in the apartment again and quickly restore the population.

Penetration Prevention

The most common way cockroaches get into an apartment is. All wall cracks should be sealed, in baseboards, on ventilation.

On a note!

More rare are the variants when the Prussians are brought or brought in bags after staying in a heavily contaminated room. If this is the winter period, you can protect the apartment from the intervention of traveling individuals if you take the bag out into the cold - onto the balcony.


How to apply insecticides yourself

You can quickly get rid of cockroaches only through chemicals, which are presented in the form:

  • concentrates;
  • aerosols;

Places of processing

Before disinfestation, it is necessary to do a wet cleaning, isolate pets, households, if concentrates or aerosols are used. Carefully study the instructions. It is possible that protective clothing, a respirator, rubberized gloves will be needed, and it will also not be possible to stay in the apartment for a while. The agent is applied to:

  • near the trash can;
  • behind a gas stove, refrigerator;
  • areas near washbasins, sinks, showers;
  • on skirting boards;
  • sewer and water pipes;
  • on the back surfaces of pieces of furniture.

If there are a lot of cockroaches, processing is carried out in all adjacent rooms with a kitchen.

When choosing insecticides, it is necessary to pay attention to the active substance. It is always indicated in the description of the tool. If attempts have already been made to exterminate cockroaches, then a drug based on another active ingredient should be purchased, since insects quickly develop resistance.

Insecticides can be used in combination. But manufacturers do not recommend combining an aerosol with a gel, since the aroma of the former will prevent cockroaches from finding a gel product. Gels combine well with traps, which are convenient to place in places where it is difficult to remove gel residue.

Effective schemes for using household remedies for cockroaches, depending on the degree of infection:

  • with a small number - crayon or pencil, gel or only an aerosol;
  • medium degree of infection - traps, gel or concentrate;
  • a strong degree of contamination of the apartment - concentrate, emulsion in the kitchen, in adjacent rooms you can use the gel.

Pros and cons of self-baiting

Of the minuses, only search can be noted, which is associated with their rapid adaptation to chemicals.

On a note!

The effectiveness of home pest control depends on the correct application, the location of the insecticide, the folk remedy, as well as the quality of the preliminary preparatory procedures.

How to poison the Prussians

With a mild infection, the well-known will help many. Active ingredients - zetacypermethrin, deltamethrin, price from 40 rubles. The perimeter of the room is outlined with a pencil, at night they abundantly “paint” the floor, the areas near the plumbing. Dead individuals are swept out in the morning.

To get cockroaches out of the apartment, apply. The principle of operation is similar to dusts. The poison penetrates the chitinous cover of the insect, destroys the nervous system, which inevitably leads to death. The lack of funds is toxicity, an unpresentable appearance of the applied powder in the apartment, difficulties in acquiring. You can buy only in online stores. The price is about 100 rubles. for a pack of 15

On a note!

When there are a lot of cockroaches or you want to simplify the process, more modern methods are used: gels and insecticidal traps. They are easy to use and give good results. And what is important - you do not need to leave the apartment after the procedure and inhale toxic fumes. It is important to remove the gel and traps after the destruction of insects.

The most effective remedies for cockroaches include the following:

  • Gel Excil (). The paste is applied dotted, dripped, or substrates are used to make it easier to remove the gel in the future. Insects eat the bait, the poison enters their body, after 15-24 hours the individual dies. During this time, the infected pest manages to bring poison to the lair and, according to the domino principle, the entire colony is destroyed. Gels are safe for those living in the apartment. Also effective.
  • According to the principle of gels, they act, the active substance in which is hydromethylnon. Efficiency is maintained for 3 months. You can exterminate all cockroaches in 2 weeks. They promise the same result, Brownie Proshka.
  • - a good tool known since Soviet times. The composition has been upgraded. Spray and leave the apartment for several hours. It is convenient to kill insects if their nests are found.
  • with the aroma of chamomile is used against all types of synanthropic insects. Spray the product and leave the room closed for several hours. As with aerosols, further treatment may be required to control all cockroaches.
  • . Cockroach repellent is a granular bait in the form of lenses. Absolutely safe drug for all households.
  • - a strong tool, but you can use it only if you have a respirator, a cotton-gauze bandage. Dilute in accordance with the instructions with water and spray with a spray bottle.
  • - the best tool for high-quality pest control at home. The structures are installed in the center of the room, after activation, insecticidal smoke begins to be released, penetrating into all hard-to-reach places.
  • The Quiet Evening smoke bomb, when ignited, produces poisonous smoke that kills cockroaches. However, use in an apartment is fraught with fire.

The main advantage of folk recipes is their low cost, in some cases, efficiency and safety for people and pets. However, you must immediately be prepared for the fact that it will take a long time to fight cockroaches in an apartment, the process is laborious. Strong-smelling substances should be used with caution in order to avoid the manifestation of allergic reactions, headaches.

geranium. Suitable as a pot with a plant, and fresh branches.
  • will help to significantly reduce the number of cockroaches. As it fills up, old structures must be removed.
  • Freezing. Temperatures below minus 5 ° C are detrimental to cockroaches. In private houses in winter, you can turn off the heating and influence the Prussians with cold. But given that insects hide in crevices, under skirting boards, it should be at least -10 ° C. In apartments, freezing of cockroaches is not used, there is a risk of damaging the central heating system, water supply.
  • To quickly cope with the invasion of cockroaches in the apartment, it is better to combine different ones. However, you should not use aromatic mixtures in combination with industrial gels. This will disorient the insects and they will not be able to find bait.

    Preventive measures

    Timely removal of garbage, wiping surfaces dry, removing food debris from tables, troubleshooting plumbing, sewerage, and eliminating wall gaps will help protect the apartment from pests. Crayons and gels are used as barrier protection.

    Everyone can get rid of cockroaches, you just need to make a little effort, visit the household chemicals department and not create favorable conditions in your apartment for synanthropic pests.

    Cockroaches running around the house are not a pleasant sight. Fortunately, now there are many ways that help you quickly get rid of unwanted "guests". Knowing how to remove cockroaches, you can return peace and cleanliness to your home again.

    The most common ways to deal with unwanted visitors are the following methods:

    • restoring complete cleanliness and maintaining order for a long time;
    • use of folk remedies;
    • treatment of the premises with insecticides;
    • the use of special traps;
    • freezing the room.

    Order and cleanliness in the house will scare away cockroaches for a long time. This does not mean that after the first cleaning, the insects will leave and never return. Just regular cleaning up will create unsuitable conditions for their life.

    The most effective professional means of struggle

    There is no universal method of struggle. The choice of method and drugs depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the degree of infection and other parameters.

    In any case, a good tool must meet the following criteria:

    • Safety. It is better to entrust the treatment of the premises with drugs with high toxicity to professionals. For independent work, you can choose a less toxic agent that does not pose a threat to households and pets.
    • Ease of use. Instructions for use should be intuitive.
    • Efficiency. If the tool has low efficiency, it makes no sense to spend money, time and effort on its use.

    Based on these parameters, you can choose the most appropriate control scheme. For the destruction of cockroaches, special gels, aerosols, tablets and granules with insecticides are most often used. Do not forget about auxiliary means, regular cleaning and preventive measures.

    Traps, devices, scarers from shops

    To choose a suitable trap, you need to get acquainted with their types and features of work:

    • Adhesive. The device of such traps is very simple: in a small cardboard box with holes on the sides there is a bait located on a sticky area. Insects crawl on the smell and stick to the bottom. When the box fills up with dead bodies, it is thrown away.
    • Electrical. Such devices look like a small metal box. Inside there is a bait, going to which, the cockroach gets inside, where it is destroyed by current. The pros are safety and durability.

    Such devices should be located in places of active movement of insects. Unfortunately, it will not work to get rid of eggs laid by cockroaches in secluded places in this way.

    Poison traps are considered more effective, which are round boxes with poisonous bait ("Dohlox", "Combat", "Raptor").

    The insect gets inside, and through the holes made, it can get out and spread the insecticide further. The advantage of such devices is that they can be safely installed in rooms with high humidity. As a rule, the prices for such traps are quite democratic.

    Recently, ultrasonic repellers have appeared on sale. Manufacturers claim that the waves emitted by the device cause concern among the Prussians, and they try to leave such a place as soon as possible.

    Folk remedies for removing cockroaches

    Folk remedies are less effective than modern insecticides, but they do not pose a danger to humans and can do a good job with a small population of Prussians.

    Geranium will help protect the apartments from the penetration of cockroaches from the neighbors. This plant has a specific smell that repels unwanted visitors. Knowing how to get cockroaches out, you can put them to flight while there are still a few of them.

    The modern market offers many effective means to combat these insects. Among them, it is worth highlighting the following drugs:


    This tool is often used to control potato pests. It has also proven itself as a fast-acting drug against cockroaches. The action begins in 2-3 hours. The insecticide is toxic, so you need to work in a respirator. Of the positive qualities - no smell.


    The drug is good in that it also works as a barrier agent. The solution is non-toxic, has no specific smell, retains its properties for 6 months. It is enough for an insect to crawl over a surface treated with an insecticide, and within 4 weeks it will die.


    The main active ingredient of this gel affects the nervous system of insects. The tool is inexpensive and significantly reduces the population of Prussians after 10-24 hours. Of the shortcomings, we must mention the rapid addiction.

    Boric acid.

    The choice of means depends on the vastness of the cockroach population. If there are few of them, you can use simpler preparations, but if the apartment is teeming with them, you can’t do without “heavy artillery”.

    Specialized Services

    If there is no desire or time to fight the Prussians on your own, you can turn to specialized services for help.

    The advantages of this option are obvious:

    • Specialists use potent drugs to kill insects that are not available to ordinary buyers. Such funds can only be purchased by large companies that have the appropriate licenses.
    • Recently, home processing has been carried out using hot and cold fog. This technology allows you to get into particularly hard-to-reach places.
    • Professional exterminators are well aware of the habits of insects, their habitats and penetration routes.

    The main advantage of this method is that the public service has the right to force the processing of neighboring apartments, whose residents fundamentally refuse to destroy harmful insects in their living space.

    When choosing a service, you need to pay attention to companies that carry out pest control with a guarantee. In the case of repeated penetration of insects into the house, they carry out re-treatment completely free of charge.

    Timely prevention of the appearance of cockroaches

    The main thing is to keep order.

    To prevent cockroaches from living in the house, you need to follow these rules:

    • Make sure that there are no open food items in the kitchen. Leftover food must be tightly packed and hidden in the refrigerator, and all surfaces should be wiped with a damp cloth, removing crumbs, drops of fat and sugary drinks. A crust of bread on the floor, a spilled spoonful of sugar is a supply of food for cockroaches for a long time.
    • Only available in the kitchen. Do not eat in the living room near the TV, as crumbs may remain unnoticed on the floor, which will attract cockroaches.
    • Wipe dry sinks, bathtubs, condensate accumulating on windows. Cockroaches cannot live without water. For this reason, in the kitchen you need to wipe the dishes without leaving them to dry on their own.
    • Thoroughly clean the places where pets eat: wash dishes, collect crumbs, wipe the floor with a damp cloth.
    • Keep an eye on the trash can. It must always be hermetically sealed, and garbage must be thrown into the garbage chute daily.
    • Seal gaps in skirting boards and parquet that can serve as shelters. Peel-off wallpapers also fall into the category of their hideouts.
    • Ventilate the room more often.
    • Be sure to stretch the nets on the windows, put bars on the ventilation holes so that insects cannot get inside.

    If, after applying the above methods, the insects began to visit the house again, you need to talk with the neighbors. It is possible that cockroaches climb from them. Therefore, we will have to deal with unwanted guests together.

    The presence of cockroaches is not only unpleasant, it violates elementary sanitary standards. In addition, they contaminate food products with their waste products and carry various bacterial and viral diseases. Therefore, they must be fought ruthlessly.