How to destroy the lilac under the window. How to deal with lilac root shoots in the garden and get rid of them forever. Unsuccessful planting site

Lilac is a shrub prone to growth when adverse factors appear. The root system of the plant is able to spread over considerable distances, releasing young shoots. Not all varieties of shrubs give growth, and an already captured area can be cleaned without much difficulty. There are different ways to quickly and effectively get rid of lilac growth, each gardener can choose the most convenient one.

It is easier to deal with overgrowth, knowing for what reason it appeared. Lilac abundantly releases new shoots when exposed to adverse factors.

Unsuccessful planting site

Lilac actively shoots if the place of growth for her is uncomfortable, threatening with diseases. So the plant tries to save itself if the mother bush dies.

Insufficient deepening of the root system

In a shrub that is not deep enough when planting, the surface roots suffer from a lack of moisture in the upper soil layer, and they begin to actively release shoots. The solution to the problem is deepening the roots. It is only necessary to add soil to the area around the plant.

Different types of shrub damage

A small injury to the trunk is enough for the bush to actively shoot. When the bark and wood are damaged, the circulation of nutrients in the tissues is disrupted. The root system, trying to save the aerial part, starts the process of plant rejuvenation by releasing numerous shoots.

What harm can it do?

An uncontrollably growing lilac is capable of capturing the entire site in a few years. Lateral roots produce several offspring every year, which can appear at a distance of several tens of centimeters from the trunk.

A bush of 50 years of age captures a plot with a diameter of more than 10 m.

Gradually, the shoots begin to give offspring, and the territory of capture expands even more. It is impossible to use the captured area either for beds or for garden plantings.

How to get rid of lilac overgrowth on the site?

Some gardeners strive to completely remove the lilac in their area, others want to leave a beautifully flowering bush, they are not satisfied only with the shoots. There are many ways to clean the site: chemicals and folk remedies are used, they are removed manually.

Use of chemistry

Strong herbicides are used to quickly get rid of lilac offspring. Suitable Tornado, Roundup. However, with a strong growth, standard spraying with these chemicals is useless.

In order to get rid of thickets for sure, processing at the beginning of the growing season is carried out according to a special scheme:

  1. The shoots are not sprayed, but coated with a brush so that the active substance penetrates the plant tissues faster and in greater concentration.
  2. If the mother bush is large, and its growth is abundant, then it will be necessary to process the shoots 2-3 times.
  3. When the growth of young plants stops, it is advisable to cover the area around the bush with dark material, leave until the next season.

If you want to get rid of thickets faster, then you can use arboricides - chemicals that act on tree and shrub vegetation.

Arboricides are potent substances. It is necessary to strictly observe the dosages, use chemical protection means.

Manual removal

Many gardeners use a simple and old way to eliminate overgrowth - they uproot a bush. Usually this method is used if etching with chemicals is undesirable.

Action algorithm:

  1. Saw off the trunks of the mother plant.
  2. Each offspring is cut at the root.
  3. Remove the top soil layer to expose the roots.
  4. Large areas of the root system are uprooted with a shovel.
  5. They are taken for lateral root layers, pull them out of the ground to one and all.

Folk remedies and recipes

If you don’t want to mess with a shovel, you can use effective folk remedies:

  1. Fill the overgrown area with salt (1 kg per 1 m 2). Pour in boiling water. Close with roofing felt or other dark material. Leave for a year or two.
  2. Cover the ground in the area with fresh manure. The procedure is carried out at the end of the growing season, the soil surface is covered with dark material for a year. Due to the saturation of the soil with organic matter, the plant will go into active growth instead of preparing for winter dormancy. The offspring will lose a lot of strength and die.
  3. Sodium nitrate works the same way. It is also applied in high concentration to the soil at the end of the growing season.

A set of preventive measures

Experienced gardeners share tips on how to avoid lilac overgrowth on the site.

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about lilac :

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Good time of the day everyone!

Yesterday my husband and I tried to deal with lilacs in the garden.

It was necessary to withdraw 3 large lilac bushes from the summer cottage with minimal losses for the garden and for our forces.

Our bushes are sooooo old, dried up already in the middle, and along the edge of the bush there is a lot of young growth and this growth stretches almost 3 meters from the bushes ...

Yesterday they tried to lime one of the bushes. First, they dug the young trees around the edges, then they broke out the branches from the middle, and then they made a bonfire in the place of the former bush and burned it ... The effect, of course, is not very good, but at least for a couple of weeks it will stop our lilac from active reproduction ... There are a few young cuts left in order to use new ones methods...

The question is the following: How to lime the roots? And how to remove lilac bushes from under an apple tree ??? One sits right up close, so far we are afraid to touch it.

Uprooting with hands and feet - I’m afraid my husband won’t be enough for this ... He tried to lime one bush for 4 hours, then we didn’t solve the issue with the roots ...

I read about herbicides on the Internet, such as ROUNDUP, TORNADO, HURRICANE, etc. But it’s scary for an apple tree ...

Who will advise what???

These are the bushes we have along the fence ... part of the cherry weed was removed, lilacs remained “for dessert” ...

The fruits of labor of men ...

Sometimes the lilac runs wild and behaves aggressively.

How to remove lilac from the plots?

  1. Cut down the bush at the root. Water until completely destroyed with a concentrated salt solution.
  2. Cut down the bush and process "Glyphos" or "Roundup" until the entire bush is displayed.
  3. In winter, you can dig snow from the lilac trunk so that it freezes.
  4. If young growth grows, then it can be cut off near the ground and covered with roofing material or thick cardboard on top. During the summer, the site should be rebuilt. Dig up in the spring and you can grow the most unpretentious vegetables.
  5. By cutting down the lilac and removing as many roots as possible, you can tightly cover the ground with absolutely any dense dark material that is not removed for a whole year. In a year, the roots will rot on their own. For reliability, before covering the earth, shed it with a roundup.
  6. Can be used for watering auto electrolyte. It takes especially well if the lilac is first cut to the base.

Lilac. How to fight? Help Wanted!

Good time of the day everyone!
Yesterday my husband and I tried to deal with lilacs in the garden. It was necessary to withdraw 3 large lilac bushes from the summer cottage with minimal losses for the garden and for our forces.
Our bushes are sooooo old, withered already in the middle, and along the edge of the bush there is a lot of young growth and this growth stretches almost 3 meters from the bushes.
Yesterday they tried to lime one of the bushes. First, the young growth was dug around the edges, then they broke out the branches from the middle, and then they made a fire in the place of the former bush and burned it out. The effect, of course, is not very good, but at least for a couple of weeks this will stop our lilacs from active reproduction. There are a few young cuts left to use the new methods.
The question is the following: How to lime the roots? And how to remove lilac bushes from under an apple tree. One sits right up close, so far we are afraid to touch it.
Uprooting with hands and feet - I'm afraid my husband won't have enough for this. He tried to lime one bush for 4 hours, then we did not solve the issue with the roots.
I read about herbicides on the Internet, such as ROUNDUP, TORNADO, HURRICANE, etc. But it's scary for an apple tree.
Who will advise.

These are the bushes we have along the fence. part of the cherry weed was removed, lilac remained "for dessert".

Fruits of men's labors.

First, cut down everything. And it’s even easier to mow small branches with a trimmer. Good trimmers take branches up to 3 cm. That is, in five minutes the husband will mow everything that is needed and unnecessary. Only instead of fishing line, you need to put knives. And then let him take an ax, which is not a pity, and cut all the branches right in the ground. The apple tree will not suffer. If new ones come out over the summer, let them cut them again. You can then dig this place several times with a cultivator without going too deep. Then dig it with a shovel. I so exhausted the bird cherry bush. And the bush was not like yours. It was five meters high.

Daughter Carlo writes:

Good trimmers take branches up to 3 cm; I need to have such a dead one, only cut grass and only not dry. but I still can’t afford a more powerful one, I also dream

Ask your neighbors. Someone in the village puts hayfields with such a thing. Or ask if there are knives for your dead one too.

there are no knives on my dead one)))) his motor will not stand it, I thought to independently come up with something like that and ask. and it is not necessary! pay and you will be mowed down

Well then, ax in your hands and cut down everything right in the ground.

noooo! everything is fine with me with lilacs!))))) I'm not going to cut it down, on the contrary, I want to plant it along the back boundary of the plot instead of a fence, this is the author of the post, the lilac has grown)))))

Maybe you will find something useful for yourself here?
Cutting down, as I understand it, is not difficult? But to remove the roots.

I read this post, thanks. The trouble is that there is no trunk as such. only branches and roots. (((((Therefore, it was not possible to use this post. (((

Here, for example, the first way, where you need to fill in saltpeter - can help. If you cut everything down, make holes in several stumps and fill it with saltpeter.
Or method number 4, where to pour salt

I also sprayed the bushes and even drained the wild tornado and all the roots were gone without any problems

I have not been able to grow lilacs for years, they are dying in my swamp, and you don’t know how to get rid of them. Probably we are in the north only happy with every flowering stick

I would also be happy to bloom. BUT our junk is not something to bloom. it can't really grow anymore. a rotten stump sits, and a trifle climbs around. husband said LIME. and dot. I wanted to dig her. young man on the fence. but he is totally against it.

Although the lilac looks very nice and smells good.

Here you can clean up. They began to clean up the lilacs, the old fence began to collapse. It turns out he was on the bushes. Now we need to wait for the repair of the fence.)))

I just started a repair, I wanted to change the wallpaper, I began to tear off the old ones, and the ceiling fell on me), or rather the wallpaper from the ceiling, it turns out that they were holding on to the wallpaper on the wall, I also had to make the ceiling.

Encyclopedia of Plants

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