How to control indoor humidity. Humidity in the children's room: why is it important and how to regulate. What should be the humidity

An incubator is a necessary attribute of modern poultry farming. The current market for agricultural products provides a choice of many models that differ in functional characteristics and price. In Russia, the household incubator Cinderella occupies by no means the last place on it. Released in Novosibirsk by OLSA-Service, it is highly valued by experienced and novice breeders of chickens, geese, turkeys and ducks.

Household incubator Cinderella: description

The body of the device is made of polystyrene foam, which has decent thermal insulation. Thanks to him, an optimal temperature regime is ensured inside the incubator. From the inside, the incubator is heated with the help of metal heating elements specially designed for this purpose. A sensor (thermostat) is located on the cover of the device, with the help of which the temperature inside is properly regulated. As soon as it falls below the permissible value during the incubation process, the heating immediately turns on.

Important! Each model has an electronic thermometer that runs on ordinary AA batteries.

Inside the device there is a device for flipping (auto-rotating) eggs, which turns them 10 times a day by 180⁰, but there is also a manual mode.

The incubator operates on 220 V, but if the electricity suddenly goes out, the equipment will automatically switch to the built-in 12 V battery. In addition, the incubator has a special mode for this case, which allows you to use hot water instead of electricity to maintain the desired temperature. The device will be able to work in this mode for 10 hours. The water prepared for these purposes must be heated and after about 3.5 hours poured into a container specially designed for this purpose in the apparatus.

Important! The Cinderella egg incubator is characterized by high levels of efficiency - 90% of chicks hatch from eggs. Not all manufacturers can boast such a good result.

Automatic incubators for eggs Cinderella for 28, 45, 70, 98 eggs

The most simplified and cheapest option contains 28 eggs, which will have to be turned over manually. For beginner poultry farmers, it will come in handy, but experienced bird breeders will have to find more serious equipment.

The option is more expensive, but in general it is just as economical as the first one - an incubator for 45 eggs. The mass of such a device is 3 kg. It has a fairly simple assembly.

Incubator Cinderella

The Cinderella incubator for 70 eggs is an average device in terms of capacity and price. Egg turning is automatic. You can grow chickens, ducklings and goslings in this type of incubator. The mass of the incubator is 3.8 kg.

The 98 egg incubator is the most expensive and roomy option. Like the previous model, it has an automatic egg turn. The mass of the device is 4.5 kg. Suitable for growing birds of any kind and breed. In terms of reliability and ease of use, it meets all expectations.

Instructions for use

The work of the Cinderella incubator is extremely straightforward. Absolutely anyone can master it, and you don’t need to have any special knowledge for this. All that needs to be done is to properly prepare the incubator for operation, load the eggs inside, start the machine and carefully monitor the temperature and humidity levels inside to minimize the risk of overheating or hypothermia of the eggs.

There will be no overheating

Scheme of operation of the incubator Cinderella

The safety rules for working with the incubator are as follows:

  • You need to install the incubator on a horizontal surface without flaws and try not to move it from its place during the incubation process.
  • Before starting, it is necessary to disinfect the inside of the device with a manganese solution (pale pink).
  • Place plastic baths on the bottom of the apparatus (with dry air in the room, you will need 5-6 pieces, with wet air, two are enough), fill them with water and carefully monitor that the liquid does not evaporate.
  • Position the plastic rack at the top of the incubator.
  • It will not be superfluous to buy a 12V battery and connect it to the device so that in the event of a power outage, it can continue to work for at least another day.

Flipping and laying new eggs

Egg laying is the most important step in the incubation process. A decent result will help provide a device such as an ovoscope. It is better to check all available eggs on it in advance in order to reject the unusable ones and not waste time on incubation that will not live up to expectations.

An ovoscope is a device with which you can not only determine how good the quality of eggs is for incubation, but also use it to monitor chick embryos.

Egg incubation

For the incubator, a place is selected with as little extraneous noise as possible. Before laying eggs, special distinctive marks are made on opposite sides of each of them, thanks to which it becomes much easier to follow their coup. All eggs should be laid in such a way that the same marks are located on each upper and lower pole. When dealing with auto-flip, eggs must be laid out in specially designed cells.

Put eggs in specially designated cells

The thermostat is installed in a vertical position, then the cover is placed. Each chamber is filled with 1 liter of water at a temperature of 90⁰С. If the incubator is not completely filled, 70⁰С will suffice. A thermometer is placed between the thermostat and the hole, the sensor of which should be slightly above the level of the eggs. The rotary mechanism is connected to the mains. After 30 minutes, according to the rules of the instructions, you can turn on the device.

Next, you need to constantly monitor that the temperature inside the apparatus is maintained in the region of 38.5 ° C. Exceeding 39⁰С will result in bad consequences, therefore, as soon as there is a risk of overheating of the eggs, the temperature should be urgently lowered. The lid of the incubator should be opened only when absolutely necessary and for no more than 4 minutes.

If all the necessary conditions are met at the beginning and during the incubation process, the chicks will appear 3 weeks after the eggs are placed in the machine. 2 days before this, the rotary mechanism is turned off and the grate is pulled out.

Newborn chickens should be given 6-7 minutes. to dry, and then transplanted to a place previously prepared for this with an air temperature of 37 ° C.

Table of incubation of chicken eggs in the incubator Cinderella

daysTemperature (°C)Humidity (%)Number of turns (minimum)
01.11.2018 37.6 65 4
01.12.2017 37.3 53 4
18-19 37.2 47 4
20-21 37 75 -

Frequently asked questions about the incubator Cinderella

How to regulate humidity

There are two ways to increase the performance: using a heating element or a pump. In the first case, in addition to the heating element, an additional metal bath with water heated inside is bought, which helps to humidify the air in the incubator. The device is mounted in it. The resulting design is placed inside the incubator under the eggs.

In order to inject water with a pump, you will additionally need a sprayer mounted on it. Spraying goes over the entire area of ​​​​the incubator, at a distance of at least 20 cm from the eggs.

Currently, incubator humidity controllers are on the market in huge numbers. The ultrasonic humidifier is the best selling of all. In addition to it, models such as the Fog Maker 16mm Fogger and AC100-240V are in demand. The cost of such a device fluctuates around 600-800 rubles *.

Humidity regulators

Is it possible to repair the incubator heater with your own hands

The thermostat helps maintain the proper temperature in the device, so it is one of the most important details. Its failure will definitely negatively affect the operation of the entire device. What kind of malfunctions can affect the heater:

  • breakage of the temperature sensor;
  • failure of the temperature control function;
  • breakage of wires supplying electricity.

Chicken embryos can easily die with any of them, so it is extremely important to monitor the health of the thermostat. If you can do it yourself with the replacement of the temperature sensor, as well as with the restoration of electrical wires, then the repair of the incubator in terms of temperature control is unlikely to be corrected without the involvement of specialists.

In order for the poultry farming process to be successful and without surprises, incubation must be carried out with maximum dedication. The Cinderella Incubator is able to provide its owner with just such a level of work. Most importantly, make sure that its operation takes place according to the rules presented above, and do not delay repairs if one of the sensors is out of order.

*Prices are current as of August 2018.


In order for the chick to be born, special conditions must be created. Only under favorable conditions can a chicken turn out of an egg. Humidity in the incubator is one of the most important components of the general regime. A decrease or overestimation of the indicator can lead to the death of the offspring of the bird.

Norms and standards

The level of air humidity in the incubator is an important condition for the proper development of the embryo in the egg. Together with the correct temperature regime, the percentage of water in the air ensures the correct incubation regime. Experts have proven that for each individual stage of incubation, the indicator will change.

What humidity should be in the incubator when breeding poultry at home?

Every owner must remember three basic rules:

  • at the beginning of the incubation period, the humidity should be higher;
  • in the middle phase of the term, it is reduced;
  • in the last few days the temperature has risen again.

In the first 6 days after the eggs are placed in the incubator, it is important to set the average humidity level. The most optimal indicator is 50-65%. It promotes the development of the embryo in the egg and accelerates the process of its growth.

But, if you use such humidity in the second half of the incubation period, then you can lose the entire brood. Chicks will die both before hatching and after, because their bodies are poorly formed. Constant high air humidity reduces the weight of the egg itself, which limits the supply of necessary substances to the embryo.

Scientists have proven that a constant high level of water in the air during incubation increases the mortality of chickens by 15-20%. Therefore, after the first week, the moisture level is reduced to 50-55%. This mode is used from 7 to 16 days.

The reduced temperature at the second stage promotes the accumulation of dry matter by the embryo. At elevated rates, the process becomes impossible. Therefore, in order for the chick to grow properly, it is important to give him the opportunity to receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

From day 17, experts recommend raising the humidity to 70%. This mode contributes to the biting of the chick from the egg. If you leave the previous level, then this threatens to compact the shell under the shell. Accordingly, it will be difficult for the bird to get out of the egg, there is a risk of losing about 10-15% of the eggs.

Often there are other opinions. For example, the idea of ​​the need for high humidity for the entire period of incubation is widespread. This solution leads to the fact that the moisture from the egg at the first stage evaporates too quickly, increasing the air bubble. As a result, the bird does not receive the necessary substances, as well as space for development.

Low moisture levels are no less dangerous. First of all, this affects the very duration of incubation, which is significantly delayed. Also, chickens hatch too weak and about 15% of them die in the first days of life.

Therefore, it is important to respect the parameters. Also, the minimum and maximum humidity indicators are set, the violation of which threatens with the loss of output:

  • the lower limit is 43%;
  • the upper limit is 82%.

Even an hour of the egg staying outside these boundaries can cause the death of the embryo.

How to measure air humidity?

It is worth adjusting the humidity in the incubator based on the specifics of the apparatus itself. Most of them are equipped with special measuring devices, some require additional equipment.

How to determine the level of moisture in the incubator Laying hen? This model is very popular in the household. The instructions for the device indicate that the main indicator for the level of moisture is the climatic conditions of the area and the room in which the chicks are hatched.

Therefore, water is poured into the device at the bottom, which, during the operation of the incubator, sets the humidity. It is recommended to measure it with two thermometers. The instruction is as follows:

  • the measuring tip of one of the thermometers is wrapped with cotton wool or cloth and dipped into water. It is important to remove excess liquid;
  • the incubator is temporarily turned off and both thermometers are placed in it at the same level close to each other. After that, the device is turned back on;
  • after 15-20 minutes, take readings from both thermometers and substitute them in the table.

Humidity measurement table in the incubator

In order to measure the humidity in the Cinderella incubator, there are also recommendations. The general scheme of actions is the same as for the previous device, but there are some nuances:

  • you will need one thermometer, which is wrapped in cotton wool or cloth. Moisten with warm water;
  • such a thermometer is placed near the temperature measurement sensor of the Cinderella incubator itself;
  • Leave the thermometer for 15 minutes to measure. Then they take indicators from it and the electronic thermometer of the incubator.

The calculation of the data is carried out according to the standard table, which is also used for the Layer apparatus.

Humidity measurement without moisture meters

Some models are not equipped with special devices for determining water in the air or temperatures, so the question arises of how to find out the humidity level without a moisture meter? To do this, you can make a special device with your own hands with minimal effort and materials, for example.

How to regulate the humidity level?

The main two problems when incubating eggs in relation to air humidity is the need:

  • increase the level of moisture;
  • lower scores.

As practice shows, it is difficult to maintain the percentage of water in the air at the required level. Therefore, from time to time you need to resort to additional actions. You can increase the indicators using the following methods:

  • special bath and heating element;
  • pump injection.

In the first case, an additional container is used, the liquid in which is constantly heated. This allows you to increase the evaporation of water into the incubator, increasing the overall humidification of the air.

Humidity increase

It is easy to make a device with your own hands. It is enough to take a metal container and a heating element. A heating element (200 watts) is mounted in the vessel and water is poured. The design is placed directly into the incubator itself down under the egg trays.

Bathtub with heater

Pump injection involves additional moistening due to water entering from above. To make such a device, you will need a pump and a spray nozzle from cleaning products.

Water enters the pump from the bath and sprays the eggs from the nozzle by spraying liquid over the entire area of ​​​​the incubator.

It is important to install such an air humidifier for an incubator at a level of at least 20 cm from the egg tray itself to ensure uniform water entry.

Also, you can use purchased equipment. Today, there are many products on the market for the ability to control the humidity in the incubator. The most popular option is an ultrasonic humidifier.

Models in demand:

  • AC100-240V;
  • Fog Maker 16mm Fogger.

Such a humidifier for an incubator will cost around 600-800 rubles.

Humidity reduction

If the increase in humidity level is easier to fix, then how to reduce this figure without harming the apparatus itself and the poultry population? The simplest methods that you can do with your own hands are:

  • level reduction in automated devices. New generation devices independently regulate what humidity should be in the incubator. But, the mode of different eggs may differ from that programmed into the technique. Therefore, intervention in the operation of the machine will be required. It is necessary to manually enter the data and constantly ensure that they correspond to the incubation period;
  • most incubators have trays filled with water. Therefore, in order to reduce humidity, it will be enough to lower the water level in such a container. It is important before starting such a task to turn off the incubator itself for the duration of the work;
  • in the most extreme cases, when the level has reached 82%, for a while until it drops, it is recommended to take the water tank out of the incubator altogether. If this is not possible due to the design of the apparatus, then the liquid is simply pumped out;
  • to more quickly reduce moisture, you can use improvised means that absorb moisture (fabric, washcloth, cotton wool). For 30-40 minutes they are placed in an incubator so that they draw out excess water.

How to achieve moisture reduction in a faster way? You can purchase special regulators, such as:

  • VRD-1;
  • RV-16/P.

The cost of such devices varies from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles.


Watch a video about air humidity in an incubator:

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Why is it necessary to regulate the humidity in the apartment?

Dry air dries out the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and eyes. As a result, fatigue increases, immunity decreases, and skin condition worsens. High humidity leads to asthma, rhinitis and allergic reactions.

Important: children are especially sensitive to the level of humidity, so in the nursery you need to pay special attention to the quality of the air.

The level of humidity also negatively affects the condition of the furniture in the apartment and the room itself. So, strong moisture causes the appearance of fungus, mold, spoils food.

What should be the humidity of the air?

A comfortable indicator is 35-60% (on average - 40-45%). To determine the current performance, it is necessary to use a device for measuring air humidity (hygrometer).

Important: in order to recover quickly, you need to maintain indoor humidity at 70%. And the temperature should be 18 degrees.

How to regulate the humidity level?

If deviations from the norm of moisture in the air are observed, several proven methods must be applied. Still do not know how to increase the humidity in the apartment? Get a dedicated humidifier. When choosing it, you need to remember: the higher the ceiling and the larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the more powerful the device should be.

You also need to arrange living plants in the rooms, which are a natural helper in this matter. In addition, they purify the air and partially replace the device for measuring humidity: if the leaves dry, then the air is dry. In addition, you can get an aquarium. To maintain the indicators within the normal range, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment several times a day. In winter and summer, you need to open windows twice a day for 5-8 minutes.

To reduce the level of humidity, it is necessary to ventilate the room after cleaning, cooking or taking a bath / shower. And it is better not to curtain the windows of the rooms and let the sunlight lower the level of humidity.

Life zone
We feel most comfortable at 50-60% relative humidity. This is how it usually happens in an apartment in the summer - in normal weather and normal ventilation. The only pity is that summer ends quickly... In winter, when the central heating is turned on, the moisture content in the air usually does not exceed 20-25%. How can one not remember the Sahara desert with its 25% humidity! In addition to the drying air of steam heating, our home microclimate lacks humidity for other reasons.

One of them- a large number of household appliances, including air conditioners, the very principle of which already has the effect of dehumidifying the air in the room. In addition, plastic double-glazed windows on the windows contribute to the dryness of the air.
Too dry air is undeniably harmful to our health, because it does not get enough oxygen into the blood.

Consequently, there are symptoms of oxygen deficiency: drowsiness, absent-mindedness, increased fatigue. As a result, both we and the kids get tired faster, it becomes more difficult for us to breathe, and our general well-being noticeably worsens.
Due to the low humidity of the air, headaches, a feeling of tightness of the skin occur. In this case, the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and respiratory tract are drained, which significantly increases the risk of respiratory diseases.
Dry air is one of the main causes of allergies, it is literally saturated with allergens. In addition, it weakens the body's immune system, which could normally fight the disease.
An unhealthy indoor climate also provokes household bronchial asthma, because its main factor is house dust. The composition of this dust includes microscopic mites, and particles of woven fibers, human skin and hair, wool and saliva of domestic animals, and even spores of fungi and bacteria. It is no coincidence that allergy to house dust is the most common.

Another annoyance is that in dry air, carpets and linoleum, synthetic clothing and blankets accumulate static electricity, which depresses our mood and is harmful to health.
The humidity regime is especially important for infants and young children, because before birth the child is in a humid environment. Any pediatrician will say that the humidity in the room where the newborn sleeps should be at least 50%, otherwise the babies have difficulty breathing, they become restless, and sleep poorly. The main sources of dry air in our home are heating appliances and air conditioners.

The simplest way it would be nice to install a humidifier in the room, but such devices are either too expensive or have unhealthy side effects (such things include a vacuum cleaner with a water filter). How well such devices cope with their task, you can find out by measuring the humidity of the air with a household hygrometer.
However, the same can be done without any instruments, using some.
The condition of patients with asthma and allergic diseases worsens.
There is a feeling of dryness of the mucous membranes and skin.
Noticeable drying of the tips of the leaves of indoor plants.
Static electricity builds up (“shocks” from clothes, curtains, animals).
Furniture and parquet dry out quickly (floorboards creak and fall out).

There is a lot of dust in the air.
The apartment is constantly running air conditioning without a humidity controller.
We create a healthy microclimate in the room
Ventilate the room as often and as intensively as possible with outside air, turning off appliances for this time.
The air in the apartment must be humidified, especially in the bedroom where the child sleeps.

Do not forget about regular wet cleaning.
The simplest thing is to put any container with water next to the battery (a vase, a jug or even an ordinary jar), into which you can throw, for example, a lemon peel or a handful of pine needles. This will not only humidify the air, but also fill it with phytoncides, which will protect against harmful bacteria. Remember to change the water regularly.
You can turn a water container into an original interior detail. Today, indoor plants are very popular, they remind us of summer days. Give preference to flowers that can grow in water. For example, bamboo can be kept in an ordinary flask with water, occasionally adding liquid fertilizer. Such a container is often filled with well-washed sea pebbles, multi-colored glass balls. The bamboo stalk sold in flower shops often has a bizarre shape. A similar thing, reminiscent of Japanese ikebana, will also decorate your interior.
If you do not have the opportunity to care for plants or aquarium fish, a large transparent glass with water and decorative filler is also suitable as a simple humidifier. It will also create a good mood and moisturize the dry air.
To form a comfortable microclimate, you can equip a small corner with indoor plants, an aquarium, and special lighting. It will not take up much space near the window, where the batteries are most often located. You can also use a window sill. Contemplation of such a garden will give pleasure to all family members, will allow you to relax.

In such a corner, install a miniature indoor fountain, thanks to which 1-2.5 liters of water per day will evaporate from each square meter in the room. It saturates the air with moisture due to small splashes, and the melodic murmur of water soothes and relaxes. You can buy it in the souvenir department, or you can make it yourself, if, of course, you know how to work with electricity. Any ready-made form (ceramic or plastic) will serve as the basis, where a special pump with nozzles is installed. This is a very strong means of humidifying the air, so it is important not to overdo it and follow the rules:
1. The fountain must be proportionate to the room.
2. The nozzle should provide a stream with minimal moisture atomization.
3. The room still needs to be ventilated more often.
4. Turn off your home fountain from time to time.

Air humidity is an important characteristic of the environment, on which our health, well-being and performance depend. The respiratory system, heart, blood vessels and immune processes help us to endure severe fluctuations in temperature and humidity. But the limits of comfort for the human body are very limited.

Complete rest and recovery is possible only within the narrow framework of a favorable atmosphere, which means that the air in our homes plays a major role in the comfort and health of all family members. How to make the optimal humidity in the room?

The humidity level in the room

Normal work and good rest require air humidity from 40 to 60%, and for children of preschool air it is desirable to keep the indicator closer to the upper limit, and for the elderly - lower.

Accurate data can be obtained with an instrument for measuring air humidity, which is often bundled with a thermometer and barometer.

In order to find out for sure the question for yourself, you need to measure the humidity in different places of the room and apartment, high under the ceiling and on the floor, in the morning, afternoon and evening, after normal, as well as long-term ventilation.

Perhaps you will find that one of the rooms, as you felt, is more damp. You can find out that the air entering from the street during airing is too hot and dry (if the window faces a avenue hot in the sun) or, conversely, overgrown trees drive “forest” dampness into the house.

If prolonged ventilation undesirably changes the atmosphere in the room, try to update it by opening the doors to an adjacent room or by creating a draft for 2-3 minutes.

If your hygrometer after measurement showed a humidity of more than 70 percent, install a moisture absorber in the room. If suddenly the humidity rises to 80–85%, it is better to repair the room, check the joints, think about replacing the window and external wall insulation.

With an indicator of 40 percent or less, especially during the heating season, you will have to use a humidifier or fight dryness with folk remedies.

Such useful experiments will help to conduct an electronic device. But what if you have nowhere to take it, and the climate in the house is a concern? Read hints and be observant.

Signs of excessive dryness or humidity

Dry and too warm air in the apartment comes from central heating batteries, poor ventilation, constant operation of room heaters and long-term switched on electrical appliances with a heating body (TV, computer, refrigerator.

Take a closer look at the condition of the room and the plants in it: electrified sticky dust or its flying suspension, dried tips of indoor flower leaves, dried parquet floorboards and cracked details of wooden furniture will surely tell you about the problem.

Dampness in the room is even more noticeable: lagging pieces of wallpaper on the walls, dark spots on whitewash, mold in the corners of living rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, musty smell of clothes in the wardrobe, damp bed linen and pillows, blankets, mattresses.

But more importantly, is the impact of moisture levels on the health of households. Take an objective look at how you feel and ask the family if any of the items listed below are bothering them.

Humidity in the apartment is less than 35% causes:

High humidity (more than 70%) has the following negative consequences:

  1. joint pain, especially in the older generation;
  2. subfebrile body temperature (36.9–37.2);
  3. fatigue, muscle pain;
  4. poor concentration;
  5. crunching in the ears, feeling of clogged sinuses and forehead;
  6. skin and hair problems (fatty, inflammation, dandruff);
  7. frequent colds, allergic rhinitis;
  8. it's hard to breathe in such a house;
  9. for asthmatics, living in dampness can be deadly;
  10. interruptions in the work of the heart are possible - arrhythmia, accelerated pulse.

Doctors attach particular importance to the normal humidity in the room where the child lives. In addition to the general discomfort that children usually do not realize, and therefore cannot complain, too dry, overheated or damp stagnant air creates ideal conditions for the development of chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

In such a house, it is difficult for a child to recover even from a common cold, not to mention infectious diseases.

How to increase the humidity in the apartment

Having found out the nature of the problem by signs or using the device, begin to act. Decide whether you need special household appliances to correct your home climate or you will fight on your own, the old fashioned way.

You can increase the humidity in the room in one of the following ways:

  • hang wet towels on hot batteries;
  • put a container of water under the fan;
  • spray water from a spray bottle;
  • start an aquarium
  • install a medium-sized fountain.

If you are not satisfied with any of the methods because of its troublesomeness or low efficiency, install a regulator that will work on electricity and automatically evaporate the right amount of moisture.

Choosing a humidity controller

It is possible to thoroughly get rid of dampness only through a major overhaul, which may involve the laying of insulating materials for the floor, ceiling (on the upper floors), joints, and replacement of windows.