Slender women over 50. “Beautiful people read me! Beautiful aged women

These women are loved by millions. Their talent is amazing, and their beauty seems eternal. Many of them are well into their 40s, but they still look and feel amazing. Today we will enjoy the beauty of these beautiful representatives of the fairer sex, who become more and more charming and luxurious over the years. Take a look, maybe here you will find your favorite actress or woman that you would like to be like in your "forties".

(Total 20 photos)

1. Monica Bellucci, 50 years old.

The Italian diva has been the standard of femininity and beauty for many years. Surprisingly, the actress does not diet and bypasses fitness clubs. "I love myself. Therefore, I cannot torture myself with sports and hunger. Love yourself and you'll never need braces or plastic surgery."

2. Halle Berry, 48

Almost 30 years have passed since she became Miss USA 1986. Despite the diabetes and the late birth of a child, at 48, the actress looks simply amazing.

3. Meryl Streep, 65 years old.

The actress has never treated her appearance with fanaticism. She believes that this issue should be approached from the point of view of beauty and health. The main secret of the legendary actress is a positive outlook on the world and moderation in everything.

4. Penelope Cruz, 40 years old.

“I have never hidden my age. When I look at actresses I respect, I realize that they have never been shy about their age. Women like Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn have aged very beautifully."

5. Salma Hayek, 48 years old.

As Salma herself says, she learned to take care of herself from her grandmother, who worked in a hairdresser. "She was an alchemist and a sorceress rolled into one - it was from her that I learned many beauty secrets."

6. Renata Litvinova, 48 years old.

"Sometimes I look at my photos and think, 'Wow!'"

7. Angelina Jolie, 39 years old.

The actress is constantly called the most beautiful woman in the world. In June, she will turn 40 years old, but her full lips, sharp nose and perfect eyebrows, as well as the whole image as a whole, continue to amaze and amaze.

8. Julia Roberts, 47

While everyone around is arguing about what exactly played the main role in Julia's beauty - genetics, Botox or surgery, the actress herself talks about a balanced diet and active physical activity and believes that the most important thing in life is peace.

9. Madonna, 56 years old.

Despite her age, Madonna continues to look great. Especially in terms of figure. The singer devotes a huge amount of time to sports and diet.

10. Jennifer Lopez, 45 years old.

Lopez does not get tired of proving that she is still in perfect shape. The singer regularly demonstrates her half-naked body, choosing rather revealing outfits for going out.

11. Cindy Crawford, 47 years old.

Although many models end their careers at 25, this 90s supermodel is still in demand.

12. Cate Blanchett, 45 years old.

Tall, slender, with porcelain skin. No wonder that in 1999 People magazine included this Oscar-winning actress in the list of the most beautiful women in the world. The secret of her wonderful appearance, she calls the genes and the joy of motherhood.

13. Gwyneth Paltrow, 42 years old.

“You know what, I love my wrinkles, I love the way I look. Of course, sometimes I fall into criticism and start to worry about one thing or another, but usually I try not to notice the shortcomings. I value my life and the years I have lived, as well as the experience I have gained.”

14. Carmen Dell'Orefice, 84 years old.

This amazing model is at the peak of its popularity to this day. And this popularity surprises some young models.

15. Eva Mendes, 41 years old.

Heidi has retained such curvaceous body curves that it's no surprise that the former supermodel, TV presenter and mother of four is dating a 27-year-old man.

18. Demi Moore, 52 years old.

Always well-groomed and fit, Demi Moore does not look her age. Her secret of youth is a stormy personal life. She was always more interested in men than diets.

19. Charlize Theron, 39 years old.

Despite her age, Charlize continues to build an amazing career as an actress and sign multi-million dollar contracts with leading cosmetic brands. Her secret lies in her active lifestyle: she runs in the morning and tries to walk as often as possible.

20. Sophia Loren, 80 years old.

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This story cannot but begin with the first issue of the magazine, published in December 1953. Hugh Hefner, the founder of Playboy, started his business immediately in a big way: the pages of the newborn edition were decorated with Norma Jean Baker, known to the whole world as Marilyn Monroe. This photo (see further under the cut) was taken back in 1949 - Hefner bought the rights to it on the cheap, as it was considered too indecent and everyone refused to publish it ...

01) Despite the fact that Marilyn Monroe is an exceptional person of the 20th century, her body is quite standard for that time: wide and slightly plump (according to today's ideas) hips; a pronounced stomach, which had to be pulled in so that the ribs stuck out; breasts, against the background of such a body, seeming not so big.

02) Here, for example, Bettie Page (January 1955) - although the personality is smaller in scale than Monroe, but also a recognized symbol of the fifties. As you can see, the body is almost the same as that of the famous blonde: Girls "in the body" with inverted bellies and protruding ribs will remain the beauty standard for almost 20 years, until the early seventies.

03) A characteristic feature of the Playboy of those years is the relative modesty of the pictures. The sexual revolution of the sixties is yet to come, so for another ten years it will be normal to hide even the breasts on the pages of the magazine. The exposure of the “bottom” was then out of the question. Rusty Fisher, April 1956 - for today's Playboy, this is more than modest

04) Jean Jani (Jean Jani), July 1957: what kind of panties does she have, huh?! This is the underwear worn by the icons of the sexuality of those years.
05) Another thing you think about when you look at these girls is that they look much older than they really are. Whether because of powerful forms, or because of old-fashioned (by current standards) hairstyles, or because of bright cosmetics ... Here, for example, Elaine Reynolds (Elaine Reynolds), October 1959. I would boldly give her forty, and she's only 20 here.

06) Or Elaine Paul, Miss August 1960. You can't tell that she's only 22 years old here

07) Against their background, Judi Monterey (January 1963), looking exactly at her 19, looks very unusual

08) Racism is racism, and breasts are on schedule! On July 2, 1964, racial segregation was officially abolished in the United States, and less than a year later, in March 1965, Jennifer Jackson, the first black woman on the pages of Playboy, became the girl of the month. Vrochem, dark-skinned beauties subsequently appeared in Playboy not often - once every few years.

09) The dominance of lush senile (by our standards) hairstyles in September 1966 was diluted by 19-year-old Dianne Chandler (Dianne Chandler). A miracle beauty and by today's standards, however, a figure in the style of the same fifties and sixties: a retracted belly and protruding ribs.

10) Joey Gibson, June 1967 As you can see, therefore, in some previous pictures, traces of a swimsuit on the body of a model, unthinkable for today's glossy magazine, were then absolutely normal. Moreover, this situation will continue for more than thirty years, right up to the beginning of the 21st century.

11) At the end of the sixties, fashion, which has been established since the post-war years, is finally slowly changing. Slender figures are beginning to be appreciated, hair is straightened. Some photographs of those years may well pass for modern ones - their age is given out only by all the same marks from a swimsuit (Melodye Prentiss, July 1968)

12) Another trend of photo shoots of this time is the movement towards the exposure of the pubis. So far, readers have been shown only a few hairs, but I'm sure the pictures made a splash (Gloria Root, December 1969)

13) Sisters Madeleine and Mary Collinson (Madeleine & Mary Collinson) on the pages of Playboy in October 1970 symbolize the advent of the era of long-legged thin women. Girls in the style of Marilyn Monroe are still found in the magazine, but less and less every year.

14) Another timeless photograph (Ellen Michaels, March 1972). A new trend in the shooting of Playboy that influenced the strawberries of subsequent decades: the nav touchingness and embarrassed smiles of models of the sixties disappeared. A pose that expresses pressure and confidence, a direct and hard look - a completely different, new woman looks from the pages of the magazine; a woman to be reckoned with.

15) Ta-dam! In March 1973, Playboy had a revolution: the girl of the month showed her uncovered pubis to readers. The name of the revolutionary is Bonnie Large; however, its charms can hardly be called "uncovered by anything" - nothing can be seen behind these thickets. But that was the fashion back then.

16) After Bonnie Large, Playboy models began to expose their hitherto most intimate one after another. Touching imperfection: tummy (like from the sixties) and newfangled thinness (Martha Smith, July 1973)

17) Denise Michele, Miss April 1976 - the rarest example of an attempt to do something with the vegetation on your pubis for those times:

18) The rest left everything in its original form (Salma Hayek Karen Hafter, December 1976)

19) And even with some pride showed eared thickets (Debra Peterson (Debra Peterson), June 1976)

20) In the late seventies, the emancipation of society is reflected in the pages of Playboy. Models take more and more depraved poses. Rita Lee November 1977

21 Christina Smith March 1978

22) Gail Stanton (Gail Stanton), June 1978

23) Big hairstyles are in (Candy Loving, January 1979)

24) The eighties are the time of fit, athletic women. Fitness and aerobics are wildly popular, and this cannot but be reflected in the appearance of the girls of the month (August 1980, Victoria Cooke)

25) However, girls "in the body" are still very respected. Karen Price January 1981

26) The eighties are the time of fit, athletic women. Fitness and aerobics are wildly popular, and this cannot but be reflected in the appearance of the girls of the month (August 1980, Victoria Cooke)

27) But still, athletic beauties set the tone (Heidi Sorenson, July 1981)

28) A quick question: when did stockings and belts come into fashion as an outfit? Playboy gives an answer accurate to the month: June 1981 (Cathy Larmouth). True, I’m not looking at underwear here, but at glasses - it’s necessary that people found it sexy.

29) Fashion, as we know, turned out to be eternal. Without a belt and stockings now nowhere (Miss October - 1981, Kelly Tough)

30) Two years later - the same thing. Alana Soares March 1983

31) The fitness craze sometimes led to strange results (Roberta Vasquez, November 1984). Rambo with boobs turned out to be some

32) November 1986, Donna Edmondson (Donna Edmondson): stockings and girdle - forever!

33) No, this is not Sharon Stone, although Sandy Greenberg looks like her here. The photo deserves attention with a new fashionable hairstyle, as well as a hitherto unprecedented degree of frankness. Now, since June 1987, such provocative photos in Playboy will appear more and more.

34) By the advent of the nineties, nothing much had changed: there were still athletic and curvy women in fashion (Kerri Kendall, September 1990)

35) But after a couple of years, everything began to change. The famous Anna Nicole Smith (Anna Nickole Smith) in May 1992 became the last playmate "in the body"

36) After her, the typical Playboy girl began to look like this (Ashley Allen (Ashley Allen), August 1992)

38) And here, if I'm not mistaken, the first silicone breasts in Playboy: March 1994 - Neriah Davis. It was 15 years recently, so.

39) Since the second half of the nineties, the fashion for densely overgrown pubes has finally begun to change in the industry. At first, the vegetation began to be shaved a little at the edges (November 1996, Ulrika Ericsson)

40) Then they began to make stripes, although quite "eary": Miss August 1997, Kalin Olson (Kalin Olson)

41) However, there was no consensus yet (Natalia Sokolova, April 1999)

42) Tishara Lee Cousino May 1999

43) The year 2000 was rich in events. Playboy has implemented total photo retouching:-(. In this picture from the March issue with Nicole Lenz, you can see every hair on the model's skin

44) And then in the photographs in the magazine, such lifeless dolls firmly settled down (Buffy Tyler, November 2000). By the way, this photo shows the first appearance of such a widespread fetish as navel piercing

45) December 2000 - last girl of the month with swimsuit marks

46) In 2001-2003, neat stripes on the pubes (as well as full hair removal) finally defeated the "thickets" that had dominated the pages of Playboy for almost 30 years. The latter sometimes returned (February 2005, Amber Campisi), but these are isolated exceptions. Amber is generally some kind of “playmate from the past” - she also has traces of a swimsuit, there were none in the previous few years

48) Spencer Scott, October 2007. "Save the Cheerleader Girl!" (With)

49) 2008 is the time of big (albeit athletic and fit) pop (Kayla Collins, August 2008). It seems to me that this is the influence of the recently growing (since 2006) popularity of music stars famous for their similar complexion (Shakira, Beyoncé, Rihanna)

It is believed that after 30 years it is difficult for a woman to keep herself in shape, and it is at this age that many show the first signs of aging. However, some famous women from Russia and Hollywood have proven that curves can be sexy in their 50s.

50-year-old actresses with amazing bodies are in the top.


Fresh photos of the Hollywood actress amaze fans. At 60, the artist manages to look at least twice as young. Stone is confident and doesn't hesitate to run for fashion magazines in her underwear alone.

The star admitted that she did not go to the gym until the age of 50 and only then began to get involved in dancing and fitness. Sharon Stone eats right, does not eat sweets, starchy foods, potatoes and white rice.

Star magazine"

The 50-year-old is a sought-after actress of the national cinema and theater. Her unconventional beauty, wide smile and spectacular appearance have been pleasing viewers for many years. According to the actress, dietary restrictions help her keep herself in shape, while the star sometimes indulges in sweets and other harmful foods, but only in limited quantities.

Fandera believes that if a person is young at heart, this will manifest itself in appearance, so it is also important to “rejuvenate” the soul.

lady like

The 51-year-old Hollywood beauty is busy filming, so she doesn’t have time for many hours of training. Nevertheless, the star looks really impressive. Hollywood fitness trainer Harley Pasternak has developed a personal “five-factor” weight loss program for her, which helps the star keep herself in shape. By the way, Halle Berry celebrated her 50th birthday with a picture in a bikini:

“This is how you should look at 50!” Berry wrote.


50, but the actress looks much younger. Figure Kidman, too, can only be envied. According to the star, yoga, fresh fruits, water, healthy sleep and anti-aging creams with natural ingredients help her avoid signs of premature aging. At the same time, the actress assures that she did not resort to the help of plastic surgeons, and her beauty is natural.

The Russian theater and film actress at 51 amazes fans with her beauty and harmony. Pictures in her Instagram impress with elegance and femininity. “The main Russian beauty of the turn of the century” does not hide the fact that the secret of harmony is very simple - you need to “eat catastrophically little”.

The American actress does not spare herself to look slim at 59. The star is fond of sports, does push-ups and regularly visits beauty salons. Men stare at her forms, but they are sure that the actress does a lot of procedures with a plastic surgeon for her face to look younger.

I do not believe that it is possible to grow old beautifully. The process of withering is not beautiful. However, I believe that it can be pushed back. And push back a lot.

When I watched The Leftovers, I was happy: how great Liv Tyler looks for her 45-48 years.

Yesterday I found out that Liv is 38, and at the time of filming the series she was 36.

How do you like 36-year-old Liv?

But there are other women too. They are over 40, over 50 and even over 60. “Growing old beautifully” is not about them. They don't age.

Let's look at these unfading creatures?

Elle MacPherson, 51

Photo: sipa press, Instagram,

Carmen Electra, 43.

Photo: Galore, Instagram, pininterest

Lisa Rinna, 52.


Jane Seymour, 63.

Photo: AKM-GSI,

Christie Brinkley, 62.

Photo: Santi

How long you stay beautiful and sexy is not genetics, not money, not luck or luck. It's a choice. Exclusively your choice.

Opt for dumplings over broccoli? Candy instead of carrots? Wine instead of water? Hanging out with girlfriends instead of working out? Then wear cellulite on your ass, riding breeches on your hips, and fat on your stomach.

But just do it honestly: do not shift the blame for your disgust-inducing torso on the fate of the villain.

Everything that you see in the mirror is the result of your daily, hourly, every minute choice between the desire to be beautiful and the desire to eat deliciously.

What do you choose: the body or the pleasure of eating? Body or torment in training? Why is this your choice? Can you explain?

At any age, a woman wants to be beautiful - both at 50 and at 70. Everyone has their own recipe for youth: from diets, creams, massages to a plastic surgeon. And after all at many it turns out if there is money. Look in descending order of age. I guarantee surprise.

PS: Many photos are not of this year, but each photo corresponds to the indicated age, at the time of shooting ...

Kim Basinger - 56 years old.

Super blonde, everyone remembers her role in the movie "9 and a half weeks."
She visits plastic surgeons, but also goes in for sports for an hour and a half every day.

Hero of the day - Barbara Walters - 81 years old, American TV star.

Carmen del Orefis - 79 years old, fashion model.

And her career is not over yet - granny is still walking along the catwalk.

Sophia Loren - 76 years old, looks great movie star.

And at 72, the Italian diva starred for the Pirelli calendar.

Julia Andrews is 74 years old.

Jane Fonda is 73 years old.

Actress, political activist, model, writer…

Raquel Welch is 70 years old.

Actress, one of the sexiest bikini girls of her time.

Julie Christie is 68 years old.

People in years remember her from the film "Doctor Zhivago".

Hellen Mirren, nee Elena Mironova - 65 years old.

Didn't do any plastic surgery.
The secret of beauty is to sleep a lot and not twitch about age.

Debbie Harry is 65 years old.

Everyone remembers the popular band "Blondie".

Diana Sawyer - 65 years old.

A popular TV presenter who is on a special diet of cabbage soup.

Susan Sarandon - 64 years old.

The actress leads a healthy lifestyle and eats foods rich in antioxidants.

Susan Lucci is 64 years old.

The actress prefers plastic to all diets.

Susan Somers - 64 years old.

TV star, beat cancer and now writes books about it.
Maintains a radiant appearance with Botox and Collagen injections.

Peggy Lipton is 64 years old.

She performed as a singer, met with Elvis Presley and Paul McCartney ...
Appeared on Twin Peaks, survived colorectal cancer, and appeared on TV while in remission.

Cheryl Tiggs, model - 63 years old.

Jacqueline Smith - 63 years old.

Star of the original Charlie's Angels series.

Emmy-Lou Harris is 63 years old.

Country singer who won countless Grammy awards.

Olivia Newton-John is 62 years old.

The actress, with her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, survived breast cancer.

Sigourney Weaver is 61 years old.

Sofia Rotaru is 61 years old.

Plastic, plastic, plastic...

Pam Grier is 61 years old.

The actress, in 1988, doctors found she had cancer and gave her only 18 months, but Pam managed and survived.

Fanny Ardant - 60 years old.

The actress, washing her face with ice cubes in the morning, drinks a glass of celery juice a day.
He eats two large carrots and one apple.
Never been to the gym in my life.

Meryl Streep - 60 years old.

Actress, loves to swim and cosmetics "Tracie Martyn".

Anna Wintour - 60 years old.

Editor-in-Chief of American Vogue since 1988.

Jane Seymour - 59 years old.

James Bond girl - blepharoplasty and botox.

Queen Noor of Jordan is 59 years old.

Beverly D'Angelo - 58 years old.

The actress and singer who broke the hearts of many ...
At one time, she met with Al Pacino, from whom she gave birth to twins, being at the age of almost 50 years.

Linda Carter - 58 years old.

Beverly Johnson - 58 years old.

The first black model to appear on the cover of American Vogue in 1974.
Pictured with her daughter.

Mary Steenbergen, actress - 57 years old.

She was once married to Malcolm McDowall.

Marie Helvin - 57 years old, supermodel of the 70s.

At 55, she appeared on the cover of Vogue for the seventh time.
At 56 she reached, according to her, the sexual peak of her life.
At 57, she posed for advertising immodest lingerie "Agent Provocateur".

Rene Russo - 56 years old.

Supermodel, actress ("Lethal Weapon" and many others).

Christie Brinkley is 56 years old.

Super supermodel of the 80s, was married to Billy Joel.

Tatyana Vedeneeva - 56 years old.

The program "Good night, kids" is no longer broadcast, but it looks good.
They say that twice a month he arranges fasting days, sits only on low-fat kefir or apples.

Janice Dickinson - 55 years old.

The most outrageous fashion model of the 80s, who invented the title "supermodel", of course, about herself.
Appeared on the cover of Vogue 37 times.
She told in her autobiography about her bulimia, anorexia, alcoholism and plastic surgery experience.
The most beautiful brawler in the world - "My life is sex and plastic surgery" ...

Iman is 54 years old.

Mother of two children, wife of singer David Bowie.
Constant use of sunscreen with a factor of 50.
Regular visits to the beautician and nourishing face masks "SK-II Facial Treatment Mask".

Isabelle Adjani is 54 years old.

A client of the YSL beauty institute, she regularly does facial massages, and is fond of thalassotherapy.
She practices separate meals, does not eat sweets and drinks 1.5-2 liters of water a day.

Lena Ulin - 54 years old.

Actress, Pilates.

Ann Curry is 54 years old.

Famous American television journalist.
Regular facial massage.
And green salad (spinach, arugula, avocado, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, lemon juice, olive oil).

Geena Davis is 54 years old.

Model and actress, gave birth to children at 46 and 48 years old.

Sela Ward, actress - 53 years old.

Michelle Pfeiffer, actress - 51 years old.

Andie MacDowell, model, actress - 51 years old.

Every day he eats oatmeal for breakfast and devotes at least 40 minutes to horseback riding.
He does not eat meat, only fresh river fish, sleeps in aspen beds, because "this tree calms the nerves."

Jennifer Tilly, actress - 51 years old.

Angela Bassett is 51 years old.

The first black actress to win a Golden Globe.
Regularly engages in strength training.

Sharon Stone is 51 years old.

Appeared topless last year on the cover of Paris Match.
He regularly goes in for sports, enjoys aromatherapy.
Daily takes relaxing baths with Dead Sea salts and visits massage therapists.
Eats whatever your heart desires, especially leaning on dark chocolate.

Carol Alt - 50 years old.