Rutarium in the garden of planting patterns. Rutarium: self-production in the country. Plants for rutaria

Rutarium - a bizarre garden of stumps and snags

Roots, stumps, snags... Bizarre and unpredictable shapes. Compound
in one image the power of the earth, the roots of trees, the beauty of greenery and dreams
person. Welcome to rutarium!

The unusual word "rutary", which recently appeared in the landscape
design, comes from the English root - the root, and means a plot
garden, in the design of which the roots of trees are used. But not only
roots, but also branches, stumps, and even flowers, you can decorate your


Fashion on rutarium appeared in our gardens relatively recently.
Initially, tree roots or snags were planted in gardens as a "highlight" for an alpine slide, in the form of garden sculpture, or as an integral part of home-made garden furniture. Someone built a mound of wood "spare parts", and someone built a retaining wall from a row of logs or a protective shield from the north winds for especially delicate plants.
And only recently, the rutarium has become an independent unit of landscape art.



The basis of the composition of the rutaria is made up of parts of trees - logs, snags, stumps, roots, branches; additional elements to them can be used herbaceous plants, small trees, shrubs, berries, stones, decorative clay products.

If snags, stumps, logs do not have any extremely decorative bark, then it is better to remove it. It is mandatory to treat the roots and snags with a special protective agent for wood, which will protect them from rotting and from being eaten by insects.
If you are going to dig any part of the tree into the ground, you need to process it anyway. If you don't mind varnished wood, you can varnish the driftwood. But because of the varnish, the tree will lose its natural appearance, while rutarium Still, it's a piece of wilderness. In the case when the tree has an interesting bark texture, is covered with moss or lichen, it is better to leave everything as it is.
Arrange the wooden parts of the composition so that the corner does not look flat, monotonous, let the rutaria be where the eye wanders, look for something secret and mysterious.
You can apply the principle of creating a rock garden by building a slide from several roots and snags intertwined or piled on top of each other. It is better if in the “root garden” you can beat growing trees by leaning outlandish snags against them or hanging a snag in the form of a swing from their branches. Inside the swing, there may well be a place for blooming flyers to your liking.







Dig a forest bench into the soil in one of the corners of the garden, where you can sit and dream, looking at the creation of your own hands. If the sun peeks into the corner, then you can also dig a gnomon column from a straight snag with an interesting wood pattern - then a sundial will appear in your rutaria. Several stumps or snags of different heights, even of a discreet look, can also be placed, securely fastened to the ground, and climbing or ampelous plants can be planted in them. To do this, remove part of the core from above, and add soil and seedlings to the resulting hole. Growing, they will decorate your "roots", changing them beyond recognition.
In such "stands" ordinary plants grow well. nasturtium, calendula, petiolate hydrangea, budra . You can also land your favorite unpretentious "Alpines" - stonecrop, young, saxifrage, anemone, Carpathian bell.


What a person is not interested in. He is always in an endless search for something new, unusual, unknown. This is the essence of human nature - to create. In landscape design, there are all the possibilities for this, more and more new options for various ways to decorate the place where you live or where you come to draw energy, inspiration, joy. For example, you can make a rutarium with your own hands - decorate your dacha and garden with roots and snags.

"Live" root

Stump with flowers

Rutarium and plants

Furniture from snags and roots

Rutarius- this is an example of the modern hobby of creative people, although the new is the long-forgotten old. The basis of this word was the English word root - translated root. A word with a broad philosophical meaning, fraught with the meanings of being. Think about what a person without his roots means, and the word sidekick is not just a friend, but the one with whom the soul has intertwined, take root and uproot, the beginning and cause of everything, and this is not the whole list of semantic implications. People involved in this type of design come into contact with a certain secret, a hidden idea, draw vitality, teach energy charging for everyday life.

Flower bed with roots

Rutarium from an old stump

Driftwood in the garden

Do-it-yourself rutary

What is a rutarium: roots and snags in the garden

  • natural rutarium, this is what is created by nature and your imagination. Interlacing of living and non-living plants. You, peering into a dried tree or an interfering stump, add flowers and greenery, getting harmony and a pleasant appearance.
  • The simplest rutarium where you are the creator. Finding a snag or a rotten stump, you see in them a mysterious beast or a fairy-tale hero. A little tweak and you're done.
  • decorative rutarium is the creation of a composition. The central figure is a sculpture made of wood, and the background is flowering plants, grass, ivy, in a word, everything depends on the idea.

Rutarium and succulents

Summer cottage decor with snags

Big roots in the garden

Rutarius at the wall of the house

How to make a rutarium: photo

Choosing plants for rutaria

Here, perhaps, there will be no special restrictions. There is a place for everyone from lush and bright, to modest and discreet, creeping along the ground and winding towards the sky. Garden plants can also fit into your rutarium: strawberries, garden onions, a pumpkin or horseradish will bring an unexpected effect. Right in the roots - you can plant succulents. For flower beds in old stumps - any low flowers with short roots. Everything is in the hands of your creativity, imagination and inspiration. The very process of creation will bring joy and satisfaction, and the result will be pleasure.

November 10, 2015

Rutarium (or root garden) is no longer a rarity in landscape design, but not everyone decides to create it - it can look very unusual! Gloomy snags, bizarre roots, pieces of bark or moss-covered stumps give the garden a mystery and a riddle. At the same time, new inhabitants require a suitable background so as not to look like an untidy pile of suburban garbage.

Roots and snags can be elements of large compositions, or they can become a self-sufficient decoration of the site. Only real landscape daredevils-experimenters can equip a whole garden of roots on their site. It's risky, but incredibly interesting. Moreover, to create a root garden, it is not necessary to have a huge plot. An interesting composition does not mean large-scale. A small backyard, a terrace, a platform near the veranda - free meters that you don’t want to leave empty are perfect for rutaria. And it's easy and inexpensive to do!

Why is it available and incredibly cheap? Because the material is easy to find in the nearest forest, you develop the design yourself and bring the idea to life with your own hands. You will only have to spend money on an antiseptic for wood processing.

Another advantage of the rutaria is its mobility - the elements of the composition can be easily swapped, new ones added and boring ones removed. The scope for experiments is immense, even with a modest size.

Rutarium is always a unique composition. There are no two identical roots or branches, and even if it is possible to find as many as two stumps similar to each other, different owners will decorate them differently.

Simple Rutaria Ideas

The roots and stumps of trees themselves can have a unique shape and form an unusual pattern that does not require additional “polishing” by human hands. Such a decoration is quite simple to install in the right place in the garden, where the beauty of natural creation will be noticeable and can be appreciated.

By combining several wooden elements, you can get a complex and unusual composition. For example, from large roots and fragments of stumps, you can create a whole arch. In the "bare" form, she will look quite intimidating, but if she is wrapped in delicate vines, she could be transformed.

Such snags look intimidating, like in a dense forest. But if this is exactly the effect that you need (for example, to discourage an overly curious neighbor from frequent visits) - use the idea to your health!

An inanimate tree and moving water are a pleasant, harmonious combination. The downside of this neighborhood is the destructive effect that water has on wood. Let this union be short-lived, at least one season (or maybe two) it will last!

Often wood sculptures need a little help to make them even more interesting. If you are engaged in woodcarving, then hemp roots give more than enough room for imagination.

How to create a rutarium. Sequential steps

As a rule, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a rutaria is sudden - somewhere they saw a nicely curved bough, or after sawing trees there were bizarre branches that are so good that it’s just a pity to throw them away or burn them. This is where the gardener becomes a designer: he looks at a winding tree, admires it, sees a fairy tale in it and understands that it is no longer possible to part, it is necessary to leave and come up with a decent design.

And some gardeners simply know that they need a rutaria on the site and are consciously looking for the right material. Why all this? In addition, the first stage in creating a root garden is always preceded by a search for interesting material. If at least one stylish snag is found, then you can create a rutary!

Although the first stage is boring and uninteresting as always - we choose a place and draw a plan for the rutaria - try to take into account a few important points.

First, there must be enough free space between the large elements of the root garden. There are two reasons for this. One is purely artistic: there must be “air” in the composition, that is, all elements must be visible, each must have its own noticeable place. The second reason is impossibly practical: the owner will have to look after the rutarium, and you need a place to walk between branches and snags.

Don't neglect processing. It will protect the wood from premature decay, and will not dry out from the hot sun. Just a few procedures will extend the life of the rutaria and make the whole composition more aesthetic.

Preparation of material for rutaria

So that the wood does not collapse very quickly, and the rutarium pleases the eye for as long as possible, it is necessary to properly prepare and process the collected material. You perfectly understand that a huge number of various insects, larvae, bacteria, etc. live in roots, snags and old stumps. All this living creatures must be destroyed, this will extend the life of the tree and protect your garden from the appearance of uninvited guests. Remove moss and other plants, scald the roots with boiling water (such a simple procedure will clean the material well), and then dry well.

Treat the dried material with an antiseptic. Experts do not recommend varnishing driftwood and roots for rutaria, as they become too shiny and such naturalness, which is necessary in the composition, is simply lost.

Installation of rutaria elements

Planned? Have you drawn? Processed? Now grab the largest roots and set them according to the plan. If your root garden has vertical elements, let them take their place first, so you can adjust the number of details by subtracting or adding new ones. The high components of the rutaria must stand firmly and securely, otherwise a strong wind will destroy the composition.

After placing the large parts, start placing the smaller ones. After placing the tree in its place, evaluate the result. Rearrange if necessary. And do not be afraid to change something, your imagination and the advice of interested friends or relatives can suggest interesting solutions.

When all non-living elements take their place, start planting plants.

plants for rutaria

Driftwood, roots and stumps in large numbers can make the garden gloomy. Plants are called upon to soften and revitalize the appearance of the rutaria. No pomp and abundance of colors! Our task is to revive the corner, to make its main characters a little livelier and kinder. Various climbing and ground cover plants go well with wood sculptures, succulents look good, as well as simple and cute daisies, nasturtiums, begonias and petunias.

If you create a rating of plants that are suitable for rutaria, then the first place should be given to ferns and hosts. Mysteriousness and fabulousness in such compositions - more than enough!

Any undersized plants can harmoniously fit into the composition with roots and snags. Pay attention to the yoke. This baby is often used to decorate rock gardens, and if she can revive a rock garden, then she will also be good in a root garden. The neighborhood of a tree and dwarf conifers will be pleasing to the eye. Do not refuse to combine wood with mosses. Soft and fluffy rugs will make the lines smoother, delicately add a touch of color and “enliven” the composition.

Various decorative figurines look organically in the rutaria - gnomes, mushrooms, snails, etc. Standard factory sculpture and even old toys can be given a new twist when placed among the right driftwood. Please note that it is better to install garden figures in a rutarium after the plants have taken root.

The last step in creating a root garden will be the owner's picky look at the overall view: You have finished the work and you should like it.

Rutarium Care

Rutarium requires care: some woody elements will rot over time, despite all the measures taken, weeds will definitely appear among the cultivated flowers. Caring for the composition, the owner involuntarily begins to modify and change the appearance of the root garden. And this is quite natural. Even an inanimate rutarium will live, thanks to you and your imagination!

Do you think the article is over? Nothing like this! We are back to the initial stage of creating a root garden. Often, the idea of ​​​​creating a rutarium comes to the owners of summer cottages and suburban areas when ... a stump appears on the site. The use of stumps, stumps and even small stumps in landscape design is widespread, so we will pay special attention to them.

Stump on the site: to be or not to be

A real gift for a gardener can be the presence of a strong stump on the site. True, the first thought of the newly minted owner is not at all joyful: “Uproot!” This means money, time, nerves ... And as a result, a big hole with which something urgently needs to be done. Try to relax and transfer the thought of uprooting until the next season, because many interesting compositions can be made from a massive stump. If the tree is rotten with a soft middle, but still strong edges, then it can be turned into a flower bed; determine the central place in the rutaria for a fresh and full of strength stump.

Stump in flowers

A hemp flower garden is the simplest way to turn a problem into a garden decoration. In such a "flower pot" plants will feel very comfortable. We don’t even mention the aesthetic side, because this is a classic of the genre!

Take out the core, cover it with earth (sometimes experts recommend treating the inner surface of the cleaned stump with anti-rotten drugs) and plant flowers. A win-win option would be petunias, low varieties of phlox, ferns. Do you want to see the stump blooming in spring? Plant bulbs in the ground, then with the advent of heat you will have an excellent reason to sing: “What a wonderful day! What a wonderful stump!”

Himself a rutar

If you want to create a real rutarium, and the stump deserves to become one of its main elements, we support this desire. Examine the stump from all sides and make sure that there are no signs of serious diseases on it, which can significantly reduce its lifespan and spoil the health of other inhabitants of the garden.

If picturesque moss grows on a stump and the general appearance of this neighborhood suits you, leave them together, let this “decorative” friendship continue.

Don't want to mess with the stump? Then leave him alone, and so that you are not accused of laziness, plant low flowers next to him. A game of contrasts - rough old wood and delicate stems with touching flowers - will conquer anyone. The decorative power of this combination is clearly visible in the photo below: a gloomy piece of wood, dark fallen leaves and a bush of fresh snowdrops ...

The stump left from a sawn fruit tree can be made a decorative element of the garden. In the next photo, the composition is not yet visible, it even seems that it would not hurt to put things in order here ... Nevertheless, the owners plan to arrange a cozy corner - in the center they planted a meadowsweet, and on the sides there are small bushes of odorless St. John's wort: on the right is a variety 'Magical Beauty', and on the left 'Magical Sunshine'.

Not only roots

Fancy wooden elements make a rutary a rutary, but roots and snags do not always need a lot. Just one interesting branch can significantly transform the rock garden, complement the flower garden.

The other side of the root garden is a fantastic story with amazing characters and mysterious scenery. From winding snags and twigs, designers even create furniture that gardeners with good imagination install in themed corners.

It is impossible to give advice on creating a rutaria on the site simply because each person will see something of his own in the bizarre bends of branches and roots. Fantasy will tell one to plant tender petunias in a clumsy stump, and the other will make a guard gnome for his site from an old knotted trunk. You can think of anything, we can only suggest a direction. We hope that the photos of rutarii below will “warm up” your imagination and you will create your own unique root garden, and send us a couple of photos to the address! And on our website you can watch a video about the creation of rutarii.

Not every gardener knows such a word as rutarium. But in fact - this unique composition is very common in modern landscape design. With a literal translation from English, “root” is a root, respectively, a composition of branches, snags, roots and even stumps is called a rutary. Previously, such elements were included in the front garden, flower garden or rock garden to make them unusual. Today, from the simplest roots and branches of trees, you can create a rutarium with your own hands. A little desire, fantasy and fantastic compositions will transform the whole look of the garden plot.


When deciding to make an original composition on your site, you should take into account a few nuances and tips. So, the rutarium can act as an independent unit of landscape design, and be an auxiliary element in a complex composition. It is worth noting that in the first case, you will need to pay great attention and attract professionals, and in the second, everything is quite simple, and any novice gardener can cope with the task.

The numerous advantages of rutaria should also include:

  • creativity;
  • ease of creation;
  • availability of all materials;
  • ease of care;
  • guaranteed success.

There are several types of rutaria.

Natural. This is the main type of rutaria. You can create it in the country, including in the composition those materials that are on the territory. For example, an old sawn tree can become the basis for a future root garden. Small flowers that are planted directly in the stump will look quite original. Stone and moss should be included as an add-on, they are also easy to get.

Protozoa. The composition includes only snags and stumps. They will become a harmonious addition to the alpine slide or find a place in a secluded corner of the garden.

Decorative. The most complex type, since during its development and creation, figures made of wood and various plants are necessarily included. Skillful craftsmen make fairy-tale characters and animals out of unsightly snags. Here you will certainly need at least a professional consultation, but as a result you can get something more than a simple set of roots.

Note! Rutarium is a universal element of landscape design, where there are no limits to creativity and imagination.

Basic rules for creating a rutaria

It is impossible to say that there are strict rules when creating a composition, since it is impossible to accurately plan the final result. Only the basic rule should be followed: the rutarium should resemble a corner of the wild with all its appearance. Nevertheless, it is recommended to consider a few tips:

  1. Clear planning. It is best to record all thoughts and wishes on paper or use special computer programs for the development of landscape design.
  2. As mentioned above, the rutarium can consist entirely of non-living elements of the tree, or it can go well with fresh flowers.
  3. When choosing roots and bark, special attention should be paid to those elements that resemble a fairy-tale character or figure.
  4. The placement of the composition has no restrictions. It can be a veranda, a front garden in front of the house, a garden, an artificial reservoir and other options.
Note! It is impossible to create two identical rutaria, since nature is unique.

We determine the place

The great popularity of rutaria is due to the fact that with their help you can transform and radically change the appearance of even the most problematic area in the garden area. If there is an original place that is not suitable for creating a front garden with perennials, then the root garden is the right place.

Another good option is a shady area under the spreading crown of trees. Considering your site, pay attention to the corners of the fence. Most likely, there is nothing here, because the flowers will not grow due to the shade. That is why the rutarium will look win-win.


To know how to make a beautiful rutarium on your site, you need to start from the very beginning. So, the basis of the composition are ordinary branches and stumps, which should not be thrown out or burned. Store them in your shed and garage for later use. If there is not enough material on the territory, you can go for a walk in the forest. Here you will certainly find an interesting snag or a piece of bark.

It is very important to remember that wood is a fragile material, in addition, it will be affected by various factors:

  • the tree will begin to rot from an excess of moisture and direct contact with the ground;
  • due to the high heat in the summer, the snags will also dry out;
  • vulnerable to insects.

Preference is given to hardwoods. A good option would be to choose driftwood and logs that were found on the beach of a river or lake.

It is worth paying attention to the preparation of the material, that is, wooden elements:

  • remove bark from all elements so as not to attract bark beetles;
  • treat the wood with special antiseptics that will protect it from the effects of precipitation;
  • remove existing larvae and bacteria with boiling water, and then dry;
  • to extend the life of the rutaria, it is best to cover the elements with a layer of varnish or machine oil, which will also protect the wood from moisture and earth.

Note! Aspen, poplar and birch can be distinguished among the most susceptible to rotting varieties of trees, so it is better to minimize their presence in the rutaria.

Composition design

When everything is prepared and planned, you can begin to arrange the elements. Stick to your plan. You should start with the largest elements - stumps and snags - which should take center stage. Bulky and high elements must be securely fixed so that the wind cannot break the constructed composition.

From large elements, you can move on to medium, and then to the smallest. After everything is put in its place, evaluate the result. You can make adjustments if necessary. Follow the advice and wishes of the household, as well as your own intuitive guesses. Only at the last stage, you can start planting plants.

Note! When planning to create a rutarium, you need to remember all the time that it belongs to the restrained style direction of landscape decoration, which is characterized by Scandinavian rigor.

If you decide to include plants in the composition, then all selected plants should look like wild ones. It is worth abandoning the tall and lush views, and give preference to:

  • fern;
  • alpine herbs;
  • daisies;
  • begonias;
  • petunias.

Almost all undersized plants will harmoniously fit into the woody composition. Particular attention should be paid to the stalk, which designers quite often include in rutaria compositions. You can also place small decorative garden figurines - mushrooms, snails, gnomes and animals.

Note! The main attraction of landscape design is the illusion of untouched nature.

At the end of the article, I would like to recall that the rutarium, like any other composition of landscape design, requires careful and special care. Despite all precautions and protection, some elements may begin to rot and deteriorate, so they should be replaced in a timely manner. Among the plants, weeds may also appear that will spoil the overall appearance - they must be removed.


The process of arranging the rutaria is presented in the video:

Reading time ≈ 4 minutes

Nature itself sometimes creates incredible scenery and the most bizarre forms. Probably, each of us sometimes noticed a snag or a stump that resembles a goblin or any other fabulous creature. It is on these properties of lonely stumps, snags, as well as dried roots that the art of rutaria is based (the word itself comes from the English “root” - root). It is not difficult to create it yourself, so this original design solution can decorate your landscape design.

Varieties of rutaria in the country

  • Natural. For such a rutaria, you can use living and non-living plants. This option is the most natural and organic;
  • Simple. This rutarium is usually created from a single snag or stump. For example, if you find a snag that looks like some kind of animal, then it can be used in this form to decorate the garden;
  • Decorative. Live and non-living plants can also be used in this form. However, the main role in the decorative rutaria is given to wooden elements. The focus should be a massive stump or snag, and around, for example, fresh flowers.

Looking for suitable materials

Once you have decided on the type of your future creation, you can proceed to the collection of materials for it. If you show a little imagination and turn on your imagination, then creating a rutarium in the country with your own hands will be very simple, because all the materials can be found right in your yard.

If there are large trees in the garden on your site, then after pruning them, you probably had branches of an unusual shape. Also, do not rush to get rid of stumps! An ordinary stump can be so transformed that it will become almost the most important figure in landscape design.

If you could not find anything suitable in your summer cottage, then you can go to any nearby forest or a recreation park for materials. The remains of stumps, snags, large branches of original forms, bark, logs, various cuts - all this is sure to come in handy for creating a stylish rutaria in the garden.

Creation rules

In fact, there is no step-by-step instruction for creating a rutaria as such, because this process is very creative. However, there are some unspoken rules for creating such decorations in the garden:

  1. To make a garden of snags and stumps successful, you need to imagine the desired end result in advance. And if it’s hard for you to decide, then examples of photos and videos of beautiful do-it-yourself rutaria can be viewed in this article;
  2. If the rutarium consists only of dead wood elements, then it will turn out to be quite gloomy, but very mysterious. If you want to get a bright garden from the roots, then it is better to use both inanimate and living elements;
  3. Sometimes driftwood and tree branches themselves draw a certain image, so it can only be supplemented. It is such works that will cause special delight among the guests of your house;
  4. Rutarium can only be created from stumps and plants, but other elements can also be used: ceramics, glass, natural stone, steel forging, and much more;
  5. It is best to place it at the entrance to the cottage, because such a bright composition can immediately impress the guests of your house. You can also place such a mini-garden near a recreation area or near a small pond;
  6. If you have chosen a stump for your rutaria, then you can make some kind of pot out of it. To do this, you need to remove the core of the hemp, pour earth into it and plant beautiful flowers. And around the stump you can place various snags.