Drawing for a beloved dad from a loving son. Epitaphs to the Pope, inscriptions on the monument to the Pope. Dad's original birthday t-shirt

Epitaphs for father, husband

in memory of a loved one

The epitaph on the monument to her husband, father is one of the shortest works. Very concise, they contain all the brightest feelings and say much more about your feelings than long works. You can find in our section the most profound and touching epitaphs to the father, which will evoke only bright feelings in you, reminding you how kind and close the deceased was. Epitaphs to your husband will tell about your feelings in full.

Inscriptions on the male monument

He did not die and did not die.
He left and somewhere near ...
Whoever believes in God is blessed
Even though he doesn't know...
From that world on the stone of faith
Cure for sorrow...
See you again again
Only memory brings us back
taken by fate...
People can't live forever
But happy is he who remembers the name!
The man who saw the angel.
On earth we are just learning to live...

Eternal rest, Lord, grant them,
And let eternal light shine on them...
He lived with dignity, sadness does not count,
In memory remained respect and honor.
Let them write on my pedestal:
He sinned a lot, but he was read.
Without you, the sun has dimmed for us
And the earth is empty...
Dear angel, I'm sorry - I'm to blame,
What was not at the hour of death next to you.
How cruel life has been to you
So may the heavens bless...
Your whole life is an example to follow...

Epitaphs for a man

Even the shortest inscription on the monument to her husband can become a reflection of those bright feelings that he gave during his lifetime to his wife and family. A man is a support and protection for a woman. Therefore, the loss of such a close person as a husband or father is experienced by a woman especially acutely. This sharpness of emotions is expressed in epitaphs to the husband and father. As a rule, they are very short, stingy in a masculine way, but they are able to say a lot and emphasize gratitude for everything that was done by them during their lifetime. The grave inscription to the father is a manifestation of respect for one of the most important people.

To whom were you dear in life,
To whom he gave both friendship and love

It is time for the heart to be at rest.
The earth took its earthly things.
But how hard it is for us to lose you,
Come to terms with grief, live again.
Dad! you left
And there is no return for you
The more difficult our loss.
You have always been an example to us
Like a person with a pure soul.
And your memory lives on
In the hearts of people and loved ones.
You flew through life like a comet
Leaving behind a bright trail.
We love, we remember, we will not forget,
We grieve that you are not around.
You lived your life with dignity
Leaving our memory forever.
In a silent world, sleep well
The person we love.
You are soon to die
We hurt our souls,
We hope with our pen
We won't disturb your peace...
Immeasurable web
Fate has twisted your path
The path of your life
It was hard and hard
And if the world was small for you
And hard as granite
Then let your soul now
In the abode of the Divine soars.
Fate - misfortune or a happy accident,
Either life or death, as God decides for us,
And he takes the best to himself,
Who we miss so much right now.
We lost you early
Separation from you is hard
But your image is bright and sweet
It will always be in our hearts.
Love for you, dear father,
He will die with us.
And our pain and our sorrow
Can't express in words.
In our hearts and memories forever
All that is connected with you will remain:
Your eyes, smile, hands,
And a loving heart that keeps peace.
Go where there is a dream city
And where the angel will heal their soul,
Where that star burns and leads them there -
Where life is called Eternity...
Such pain cannot be expressed in words
She is all in my wounded heart.
Cruelly how fate disposed of us,
Don't let the two of you stay on the ground.
But in my loneliness yearning
Under the hot sun and when it rains
I remember you, I love you
And I tell you: "See you ... Wait!"
My heart is burning
Your death has burned
What is the world to me without you
And worldly affairs.
In the days of sorrow of our orphan,
At the Feet of the Creator we fall,
Heavenly Father comfort us
And we will find joy in it ...
The simple-hearted son of freedom
For feelings, he spared no life;
And true traits of nature
He often liked to write off.
He believed dark predictions
And talismans, and love,
And unnatural desires
He gave his days as a sacrifice.
And in it the soul kept a reserve
Bliss, torment and passions.
He died. Here is his grave.
It was not made for humans.
To the one who lies here under the spring grass,
Forgive, Lord, evil thought and sin!
He was sick, exhausted, out of this world,
He loved angels and children's laughter.
Did not crush the snow-white lilac stars,
Although I wanted to overcome the Lord ...
In all sins he was a gentle child,
And so - forgive him, Lord!
He is the one who tormented his spirit for many years
Having found death, he found immortality in it!
Be more merciful, praise; for glory he is forgiven.
He turned faith to Christ - and you live like him!
Do not dig in the ashes,
Look for what can't be fixed.
Leave the departed to the earth.
And our blessed memory to them.
I drank silence from a fragile glass
Crystal dreams, crossed the line,
Covered with a silent starry blanket
sleep naked,
And along the path over the abyss of nirvana,
Through showers of tears
He left, leaving everything, with a drunken gait,
Rich as Croesus...
I bequeath life to live more worthy,
Do not rush to give up the ends quickly.
After all, it will be so much calmer here for me,
Than all of you I will wait longer.
Did not save the flight of eagle wings from poverty,
Not a song gift, not a heart flame!
Cruel! He only asked you for bread,
You gave - a stone.
I kept the covenant of love holy in my life:
In the days of longing, against the mind,
I did not harbor a snake of enmity against my brother,
I have forgiven everything, according to your word.
I, who know the silence of the grave,
I, who accepted the sorrows of darkness,
From the bowels of the earth I proclaim the good news
Verbs of Unsunseting Beauty!
Bear, Lord, sins and atrocities
Above Your mercy!
Slave of the earth and vain desires
Forgive the sins for his sorrows.
I fear neither darkness nor hellfire.
Sharpen the knife or measure me the poison.
After opening the soul, what will they say about me?
Diagnosis: Christian. Exodus: immortality….
Passerby! here lies the philosopher-man,
He slept for a century
To prove how right Solomon was,
Saying: “All is vanity! it's all a dream!"
A husband will rest under a stone -
Advocate of hard rules
That hundreds of thousands of sinful souls
Sent to great-grandfathers.
He despised soft-bodied -
He was of a different kind!
He was a great general
Great people.
But the hour will strike when in the coffin
He will turn briskly
And regardless of fate
Rise and return!
And the general will turn
To the people with the words:
"I was dying for a while,
But now - again with you! ..
This monument was erected
Who had maidens and wives,
Talent from God and sins
Philosopher, who are your poems -
treasure trove - wrote,
Who is tired of living among rednecks.
Let there be no place here - you smile:
You are at the grave of an optimist!
At least there is something better in this world
I am happy in such an apartment!
Do not draw tombstones and slabs over my grave,
Even during his lifetime he did not like when something presses on his chest.
Let the grass grow there and the nightingale sing on the branch,
So that the tired traveler can sit down and rest a little.
I seem to be dead, but the world is a consolation
I live in thousands of souls in the hearts,
All those who love, and, therefore, I am not dust,
And mortal corruption will not touch me.
It’s not a pity for life, but a pity for that fire,
That, shining over the whole universe,
Will disappear into the night, crying and mourning...
Dry sand is your bed
Green turf - bedspread.
Sleep peacefully forever
You are the one whose heart burned so.
You died only for the light.
And in the memory of the native family
A warm welcome smile
Your image lives dear.
Dad! you left
And there is no return for you
But your life was not in vain ...
The more difficult our loss.
We parted.
Illness has taken you down.
You took with you to the grave
Suffering, pain, hope and love,
And a bright mind, and kindness, and memory.
But the road ahead is waiting for you
In another life - without pain and suffering ...
Your bright mind went out
And my heart stopped beating
But your memory lives on
And it's hard for us to come to terms with the loss ...
How sad and hurtful to know
That you passed away too soon.
Sick soul unhealed wound
We will always be reminded of you...
Life is ugly and empty
And there will be no happiness in it,
I'll burn myself to ashes
And then let God judge.
Who is right, who is wrong
Who lived vilely, who honestly.
We judge at random
He knows everything.
How early did you leave
Like endless grief
And in our hearts only
Stay forever.
You were a loved one
With a beautiful heart and soul,
We will never forget you
Lie still, dear.
The star rose, sparkled and went out,
Only the beloved light of the eyes does not go out,
Where there is memory, there is no need for words...
Our grief cannot be measured
With us sadness, one trouble,
Never believe us
That you are gone forever.
Don't be proud passerby
visit my ashes
Don't be ashamed passerby
Remember my ashes
For I am already at home, and you are still away ...
My friend, do not be sad about the past,
Let the irrevocable not gnaw at you.
You can't step into the same river...
We begin to admire late -
Almost always how to leave.
Everything has a limit, everything has its time
And no one will prolong flowering ...
All of us, all of us in this world are perishable
Copper quietly pours from maple leaves ...
May you be blessed forever
That came to flourish and die.
Bitter sadness in the heart
Lies bathed in tears.
It's hard for us, we're sorry
That you are not, our dear, with us.
People leave, they can't be returned
And secret worlds cannot be revived...
And every time I want again
From this irreversibility to scream ...
The soul is tired of betrayal
General vanity and vanity
And should she look for evidence
In defense of your rights...
Won't smooth out time
Your deep footprint.
Everything in the world is
You just don't exist.
Like a heavy load, we bear the burden of loss
We will keep love and memory for years,
Time has no power over memory
And sorrow will never leave us.
Don't reach out with your hand
You won't be with me
your death parted
Forever us with you.
During my life, I was someone's life,
And ever since I became dust,
A jealous friend awaits death, tormented by fear,
So that someone does not preempt him.
The Lord granted me beauty,
The parent gave me only the body;
But if God-given decayed,
Well, a mortal from death will take flesh
Who irrigates this coffin with tears,
He in vain believes that he will return
His tear to the dry fruit tree:
After all, the dead do not rise in the spring.
Here is the dust, the remnants of being,
Where there is no face, where the eyes have already decayed, -
A lesson to those who knew how to captivate,
In what prison did my soul live?
I am brought to a good fate by death:
God did not want to see me old,
And since rock is not powerful for a great gift,
Everything but death would be to my detriment.
Waves crash over you
The abyss swallowed you
And forever the water hid
From us your sad face.
Sleep, ……………! May your dream be sweet
Forever no one will disturb;
Nothing can break
Oblivion eternal rest.
I rested here, almost born;
I am the one to whom I hurried so quickly
Death, that soul, whose flesh was taken by the grave,
I barely noticed that there was no flesh.
No inscriptions are needed for my stone,
Just say here: he was - and he is not!
To your untimely grave
Our path will not grow.
Your native image, dear image,
Will always lead us here.
Here fate sent me an untimely dream,
But I'm not dead, even though I'm lowered into the ground:
I am alive in you, whose lamentations I will heed,
For the fact that a friend is displayed in a friend.
Rest in the arms of the earth, dear ashes!
Heavenly soul, rejoice in heaven!
Why did you leave, dear, to sleep in the damp earth?
Why did you leave me to suffer alone?

Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears of grief do not help.
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.
The heart went out, as if the difference,
Years will not quench the pain
Your image will forever be kept
Always in our memory.
Book not read
Not finished thought.
So suddenly and early
Life cut off...
We loved each other deeply
Loved hard, forever.
Meet me, my dear cat,
I came to you forever.
Here is the love that life gave me,
Here is the sadness that wisdom has brought.
Let's be silent over your memory,
Holding the loss of pain and bitterness ...
Among the living a star burned,
He left - and the world became empty ...
You won't leave our life
As long as we are alive, you are with us.
You are always alive!
Until the end of our days
We can't deal with your loss.
As in the spring they lose birch sap,
So for you we have sadness and tears ...
What a pity that your life was so short,
But the memory of you will be eternal...
You lived, loved, hurried to help others.
Gone prematurely...
We can't get back the loss
But today you are with us
We firmly believe in this.
Pilots don't die
They fly away and don't come back...
In this life you have done a lot
And left his mark on the earth
But you left us too soon.
With pain in our hearts, we pray for you.
You are not on earth
But forever in my heart
Your memory will live on.
We are proud of your life
And we mourn your death...
If you leave, taking with you
All the warmth of the earth, the trembling of my heart,
The world will become empty, the light will darken,
Pain and tears you leave me.
Enveloping with boundless tenderness,
From heaven you send eternal love ...
And on the face not a shadow of flour,
As if he was dozing.
He folded his weakened hands,
With love pressed the cross.
Your eternal rest
Our eternal pain...
You died only for the light
And in the memory of the native family
A warm welcome smile
Your image lives dear.
How hard it is to find the words
To measure our pain with them.
You will be with us forever.
Your clear eyes closed early,
Left family and friends early...
Your earthly path
Was lined with thorns
The heavenly path is adorned
Let it be flowers.
We kiss your eyes
Cling to your favorite portrait
And a tear runs down my cheek,
There is no end to sorrow...
How hard it is for us to live without you
You left us forever...
May this sad silent granite
Your image will forever be preserved for us ...
Forgive us that under the starry sky
Bring flowers to your stove.
Forgive us for the air
How did you not breathe.
Your sweet image is unforgettable
Before us, he is everywhere, always,
Unfathomable, immutable,
Like a star in the sky at night.
We paved the way for you
She was poured with tears,
Forgive me, dear, dear
That we broke up with you.
Often I stand over your grave,
Bitter tears watering the flowers.
I don't want to think, dear daddy,
That you are in this grave.
Yesterday I didn't exist
But from non-existence I came into the world today -
And I'm dumb again.
Tomorrow and my traces
Disappear on earth
But from yesterday to the coming day
The track is leaving.
For the rest of my life
we have enough grief and sorrow ...
Our longing and pain cannot be measured.
To see you, not to return.
And it's so unbearable to live
And it's hard for us to believe that you're not there.
How hard it is to find the words
To measure our pain with them.
We can't believe in your death
You will be with us forever.
Grief is not asked
Grief is immeasurable
Everything precious in the world is lost...
Unexpected grief, unmeasured grief,
Everything precious in life is lost.
It's a shame life can't be repeated
To give it to you.
Can't express in words
All grief and sorrow.
In hearts and in memory
You are always with us.
Thanks for all:
For kindness and kindness
For everything you were
And stayed for us.
You didn't know peace
I was looking for happiness for people.
Sleep well, dear
Tired of life.
Let them give your boundless
Wrapped up in floral hush,
May your peaceful dreams be bright,
How about you our bright memory.
If the wind brings you moans,
Know that we are crying
Daughters growing up without you
And aging parents.
As before the rowan brush blooms,
Cranes trumpet over the forest,
And it seems that if I shout,
Then you will call away ...
Not enough strength, not enough tears
To measure my grief.
I'm sorry I didn't save your life
I will never have peace.
We lived life together with you
Now God has united us forever...
The day your eyes faded
And my heart stopped beating
Became the blackest day for us
And we can't deal with it.
When your clear vision went out
And my heart stopped beating

When your clear vision went out
And my heart stopped beating
Became the worst day for us
And we can't deal with it...
Can't bear the grief
Don't cry tears.
You are joy and happiness
Crashed away.
Do not express grief
Don't cry tears.
You are happiness and joy
He took it from home.
The warmth of your soul
Stay with us...
Our pain cannot be measured
And do not shed tears ...
We are you, as if alive,
We will love forever.
You left without fasting.
Sleep well, dear
In our sorrowful hearts
You will be forever alive.
How much of ours has gone with you,
So many of you are left with us...
you passed away
Not saying goodbye to us
And grief remains
Don't forget for years.
you left home
Without saying goodbye to us
Leaving a long trail
Don't forget for years.
Death separated us from you
You passed away instantly
But the bright image is your own
We will certainly remember.
We are without you
Always with you…
Not in the days of your life
And in the days that remain in memory ...
When you're gone, you're still alive
You are in our thoughts and dreams.
You left us in an instant
And the pain is forever...
We can't bring you back with tears
And our hearts are always with you...
You will live forever in our hearts
Relatives and friends…
Still remained
On the ground your footprint:
You passed away
From the heart, no.
*** We know -
You can't be brought back
But your soul is with us.
You light up our life path,
And we have only eternal memory.
We love you,
We are proud of you.
Forever for us
You stayed alive.
We love you, we are proud of you
And in our memory you are always alive ...
You passed away too soon
Our pain cannot be expressed in words
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,
But your memory will always live on...
You are gone, and we do not believe
In our hearts you are forever.
And your pain from that loss
We will never heal.
It's so easy to imagine you alive
That your death is unbelievable.
Accept the last gift of the earth
Beloved son, husband, brother...
you passed away
Not saying goodbye to us.
We come here
With bitter tears...
you passed away
Not saying goodbye to us
Woe left us -
Don't forget for years.
Sorrow and sadness of your loss
They will stay with us forever.
What could be worse and worse
The loss of a husband, son and father?
You led us through life
You didn't feel sorry for yourself
You left so early
You have done so much.
And no one believes
That you're not around
What has gone into oblivion
Husband, father - man.
More than once you remember me
And my whole world, exciting and strange,
Ridiculous world of songs and fire
But among others, one, not deceitful.
Already the paths are overgrown with grass,
Where once walked with you,
Only the eternal power of love
And now it doesn't give me peace.
Life has passed and gone
Cause death can't be stopped
But the memory of you remains
And we will keep it.
You left us very early
Nobody could save you.
Forever in our heart a wound,
As long as we are alive, you are with us.
Nobody could save you
Passed away very early
But the bright image is your own
We will always remember.
We couldn't save you.
Leaving everything, you left for eternity.
Immeasurable sorrow, hearts ache,
Our sorrow has no end.
Nobody could save you
Passed away early
But your image is always alive
We carry in our hearts all the time.
Nobody could save you
Passed away early.
You are forever in my memory,
You will forever be with us.
Let the circle of life be inevitable
Until it ends,
We will remember you
And share my thoughts with you.
A century was painfully short
You left too soon
But in memory you will always be with us
Native, beloved person.
All our pain can not be expressed in words ...
A century was painfully short,
But in memory you will always be with us,
Native, beloved person ...
All our pain cannot be expressed in words.
From life you left instantly
We left the pain forever ...
To whom were you dear in life,
To whom he gave both friendship and love
For the eternal rest of your soul
Pray again and again...
To the one who was dear in life,
Whose memory after death is dear ...
To the one who was dear in life
Words are powerless before grief,
he did not die, of whom the memory is alive.
Do not express grief
Don't cry tears.
You are happiness and joy
He took with him…
You went to the world of eternal dreams,
And forever your soul is calm,
And our sorrow and memory is boundless ...
To the sound of forests and bird calls
Sleep, my dear...
You are too generously endowed with fate
For perfection to die with you...
To someone who was dear in life.
From those who remember and mourn.
Last Gift
love and sorrow...
Impossible to forget,
It's impossible to return...
How much of you is left with us
How much of ours has gone with you ...
Short age: sometimes more
There are less
That's not the point
And that it hurts so much without you
And time cannot be turned back...
But you walked your way with dignity
And the time has not been wasted.
You are the sun, air and dawn.
After all, nothing on earth lasts forever,
Everything is perishable, and in the end - dust,
Only memory of you forever.
So I reached the finish line,
Life behind, infinity ahead...
Everything is behind: and flight moments
And young, crazy carelessness ...
You can't hide your sadness from anyone.
Fun, joy you took with you.
Our native! You will always be with us
And the years will not dry our tears.
My dear friend,
As everything fades around
How night turns into day
And we can't change anything.
Terrible moment of cruel fate
Left us with lifelong pain
The heavenly soul returned to heaven,
To the source of everything, into the arms of the father.
She has not yet been darkened by vice here;
Her innocence captivated all hearts.
So leave unnecessary disputes.
He has already proved everything to himself.
He went from reality to the mountains,
And in these endless spaces
Learned to fly between rocks.

The epitaphs on the monument to his father are especially sad. They are able to tell about courage, grief from loss, gratitude for education. The gravestone inscriptions on the monuments to the father, despite their conciseness and purely masculine stinginess, are very touching and sensual, therefore they will complement the male monument. The inscription on the tombstone to the father, husband will be largely hidden from prying eyes.

No matter how much time passes, if the pope is no more, no one will ever replace him. An epitaph to dad is the last duty, the last gift.

What should be the gravestone inscriptions for the pope

Of course about how beautiful, strong and courageous he was. The fact that his life - complex, bright, short or long enough was dear to his children every second, every moment. In the last words imprinted on the stone, you need to be able to express the depth of loss, grief, irresistible sadness. Simple and understandable words should form a picture of his image, reveal the hidden meaning of his life path. The epitaphs on the monument to the pope are not just an inscription containing information. Here, not only the name, dates of life. This is a revelation of loving native hearts. This inscription is not a memory. This is a parting word, a promise, a confession.

Photo of the epitaph on the monument to the pope

What can be the inscriptions on the monuments for the pope

Modern epitaphs are very diverse. Only the loving heart of a loved one can accurately determine the shape of the inscription. It can be, for example, quotations. Sometimes it is worth re-reading and rethinking the eternal words of the classics in a new way. Often short phrases from the Eternal Book are appropriate. Sometimes the most suitable are specially written epitaphs in poetic form. Or a short, but bright, compressed, like a bundle of bare nerves, a simple familiar phrase. As, for example, on the grave of a military man who lived a decent life: "I have the honor ...". And everything is said. Other words may be redundant.

Photo of the epitaph to the pope

Epitaphs on the monument to the pope, of course, will be sincere. Humor or irony is not appropriate here, as in some other cases. It is important that the form and content of the epitaph harmoniously complement each other, be harmonious. These words will accompany your loved one in eternity.

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Behind you are two sly eyes
They watch day by day.
And two ears catch phrases -
The ones you said.
Two little hands sawing, sharpening,
Nuts are twisted and bolts.
There is a boy - one that is very
Wants to be like you.
For him, you are the best in the world.
And a sage of sages
Every gesture and every look of yours
He understands without words.
He believes in you without measure.
He is your most faithful friend.
Will say and do
Everything is like you - the circle closes.
You see - your son is bright-eyed
Catches your tired look?
And the little boy's eyes
They look at you with faith.
He used to be proud of you
You are the hero of his dreams.
And your son strives
Be the same as you.
If all children could choose their own dad
I would have to stand in a long line behind you

I know the password, I see the ATM
I believe my dad is an oil tycoon.

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant
Beloved, considerate
He is affectionate.

Dad returned from a business trip.
Large sneakers cling to boots.
Dad's jacket hugged me.
Missed you too!

We trust each other our secrets
And we probably know everything about each other.
How else, how else!
We are friends and that means a lot.
Dad and I have long been men, not children,
I can give everything in the world for my dad.
It is not easy for him to do the same.
How else? That's why he's dad!

Dad is the head of the family. He can absolutely everything! And to earn money, and to build a summer house, and to make repairs at home, and to raise a child. Therefore, dad deserves special treatment and the best gift for his kindness and care.

A T-shirt for dad is a present that will bring coziness, comfort and a lot of positive emotions to the parent. After all, each item is special, made with love!

If you are waiting for the birth of a baby, then by all means share your joy with the whole world. The T-shirt subconsciously prepares you for the perfect performance of the duties of raising a child.

And as a new parent, you will be faced with a lot of unnecessary advice and tiresome questions. A T-shirt with instructions for a young dad will quickly put inquisitive advisers in their place. This will save your nerves.

There is nothing better for parents than the attention of their children. Tell your dad how proud you are of him. A T-shirt is a wonderful way to show how much he means to you.

Gifted by your wife, a T-shirt will be an incentive for your husband and a reason to experience an incredible sense of pride in yourself and your family.

Make an order right now. Don't wait for an excuse to show your love to the best dad in the world.

This is a great gift for any holiday. After all, it is worn at work, in the gym and at home. The most convenient way to stand out from the crowd is to purchase a t-shirt with an individual cheerful pattern or inscription, and there are many themes for this: birthday, military service, professional holiday and many others. A gift can be family, personal, collective fun or just nice. On the site you can find any option for all occasions and for any holiday.

Funny t-shirts for dad to order as a gift

When choosing a gift for the site, you are not limited in choice. In addition to a T-shirt, it can be a sweatshirt for the cooler season, and a mug for home or outdoors, a phone case with a funny inscription, or a mouse pad. All this will help to make your surprise personal, funny and pleasant, depending on what emotions you want to give

Popular dad t-shirt slogans

One of the most popular options is a T-shirt with Putin, because it's no secret to anyone how popular the president's personality is today in our country, especially among men. This is a great gift for a husband, friend or colleague. Another category of gift is t-shirts or sweatshirts with slogans or fun prints about work. You can apply the logo or motto of your company, or beat the features of the profession in the drawing, making it cool and interesting, or you can make it more strict, for example, with the army symbols of the Airborne Forces or the IMF for Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can use any option and this will be an excellent hint not only for an individual, but also for a collective gift. If your surprise will be given from family members, then you can choose a T-shirt with the inscription: from your daughter, from your son or husband, or you can put your favorite photo of the whole family.

Dad's original birthday t-shirt

Perhaps the most diverse and extensive choice among all the varieties of a gift is one that is associated with hobbies and recreation, husband, boyfriend and colleague. There isn't a man who isn't into something. On the site you can order t-shirts, sweatshirts and mugs with inscriptions from the catalog on the topic:

  • sport,
  • fishing,
  • games,
  • military and automobile.

It can be cool inscriptions on the back, the logo of your favorite sports team, a print with a computer game hero if you want to surprise your boyfriend on Valentine's Day, or a cool inscription about fishing.. You can find all this in the catalog on the site site.

You can place an order on the website by calling the toll-free number 8-800-775-91-78 (any day except Saturday and Sunday). You can use the feedback form and request a call. Our consultants will be happy to answer your questions and help make your gift to your loved ones unforgettable.