Is it possible to feed strawberries with ashes in early spring. Fertilizing strawberries in the spring: effective tips. How to fertilize strawberries in the spring with yeast

It is impossible to get a good harvest of strawberries without top dressing. Of course, choosing a variety suitable for your land, planting pattern, watering and disease prevention is of great importance. But with a lack of nutrition, the harvest will still be scarce. Spring fertilization will provide the bush with full development and strength. Therefore, the first feeding is carried out at the very beginning of the growing season.

When to fertilize strawberries in spring

Spring work with strawberries is carried out in a certain order. After the snow has melted, remove the mulch that served as a shelter for the bushes. The bed is also cleaned of all plant residues, dried bushes are removed. The earth needs to be slightly loosened so that the roots get access to oxygen. Watering is done not earlier than the earth dries out from moisture.

For the rapid growth of bushes and the formation of a large number of ovaries, strawberries need top dressing. They will need to be applied after the formation of two or three leaves and before flowering begins. Specific application dates depend on the climatic zone and weather conditions.

Dates for the Moscow region

Strawberries wake up quite early after winter. In the central regions of Russia, which includes the Moscow region, bush care, including top dressing, can be started from the second half of March.

If you have the opportunity to visit the cottage early or the site is near the house, dry fertilizers can be scattered directly on the melted snow. Minerals dissolve in puddles of water and go to the roots. During this period, wood ash and granular mineral fertilizers can be used.

Timing for the Urals, Siberia

In the northern regions, care for strawberry bushes begins a month later - approximately in mid-April. As soon as the bushes are open and cleared of plant debris, watering can be done, followed by fertilizer.

If the first time you get into your garden, when the ground is already dry, you need to feed the strawberries during the first loosening. In any case, you should have time to apply fertilizer at the stage of formation of the first few leaves in order to start active vegetation.

At this time, you can make both dry and liquid top dressing, as well as spray strawberries on the leaf. Under the root, fertilizer is necessarily applied to moist soil, after watering or rain. The first top dressing should be saturated with nitrogen, which stimulates the growth of green mass.

On a note! In the first year, the plants do not fertilize. During this period, the nutrition of strawberries is provided by the dose of fertilizer that was laid during planting. In the second year, mineral and organic top dressings are used. In the third season, only mineral fertilizers are used. In the fourth year, organics are added again.

Before flowering, it is good to feed strawberries with organic fertilizers. Perfect for this:

  • manure;
  • humus;
  • chicken manure.

Many summer residents simply lay out dry manure under the bushes, sprinkling it with a layer of earth 2-3 cm thick. You can also prepare a manure solution using two cups of rotted manure per 10 liters of water with the addition of 1 tbsp. spoons of sodium sulfate. Under each bush pour 1 liter of top dressing. Humus is good because it is perfectly absorbed by the roots.

Chicken manure is an excellent source of nitrogen and is fertilized using 1 part manure to 20 parts water. Top dressing is insisted for 3 days, after which the strawberries are watered, using 0.5 liters of infusion for each plant.

The range of fertilizers for strawberries is quite wide. Gardeners actively use both purchased and folk remedies. Each of them contains its own nutrients, there are also complex fertilizers.

Folk remedies

What summer residents just do not use to feed strawberries with folk methods. Food and pharmaceutical products are also used. Here are the recipes recommended by those who have already tried them on their berry beds:

  1. Additionally, lactic acid products can be used to feed strawberries by adding them to fertilizer based on humus and manure. Such a mixture will not only serve as food, but also help get rid of the tick.
  2. For spring foliar feeding on the eve of flowering, iodine can be used in combination with other components. H and a bucket of hot water is added a glass of ash, 2 grams of boric acid and potassium permanganate, 1 teaspoon of iodine. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and used for spraying berry bushes. At the same time, the composition with iodine will protect strawberry leaves from fungal diseases.
  3. Fertilizing with ammonia, which is based on a nitrogen compound - ammonia, has proven itself well. Additionally, the product will scare away many pests with its pungent odor and destroy the spores of the fungus. The working solution is prepared from 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of ammonia in 10 liters of water. Top dressing can be applied to the ground and leaf. It is better to cook it in the fresh air, since ammonia vapor can burn the mucous membrane when inhaled.

Foliar top dressing should be carried out in dry weather in the morning or evening. Under the scorching sun, spraying the leaves is not recommended.


Fertilizing with yeast can improve the structure of the soil without the introduction of chemicals. Yeast contributes to the faster decomposition of organic matter in the ground. It is easier for plants to absorb food in this form. The roots become more accessible: nitrogen and phosphorus, amino acids, organic iron, vitamins and other trace elements. As a result, a powerful root system is formed in strawberries, which contributes to the development of a strong bush and the appearance of large berries on it.

It must be borne in mind that yeast is applied only to heated soil. Yeast fungi will work at temperatures above +20 degrees. In the process of fermentation, potassium and calcium are taken from the ground, so after fertilizing with yeast, wood ash must be added.

Preparing a yeast solution is not difficult:

  1. A three-liter jar is filled with warm water, without adding 4-5 cm to the edge.
  2. A pack of dry yeast and 4-5 tbsp are added to the water. spoons of sugar. Instead of dry, you can take 25 g of raw yeast.
  3. The mixture is stirred and placed in a warm place until foam appears.
  4. The finished wort is poured into a ten-liter bucket and topped up with warm water.

Top dressing is applied under the root, spending from 0.5 to 1 liter of yeast solution for each bush.

On a note! You can not leave the yeast to ferment for several days, otherwise there will be no benefit from such a solution. Yeast fungi must get into the ground alive and have time to work.

Wood ash is sold in gardening stores, but due to its high consumption, its purchase is unprofitable. This fertilizer can be obtained independently by burning firewood, dry grass and other plant residues. Depending on the feedstock, the composition of the ash is different, with the predominance of certain minerals.

  • For example, when burning pine birch and spruce firewood, the composition of the ash will have a predominant calcium content.
  • The maximum proportion of phosphorus can be obtained from the same pine or birch firewood and rye straw.
  • When burning sunflower stalks and buckwheat straw, the output is a fertilizer with the highest amount of potassium.

It is also necessary to take into account what chemical reactions occur in the soil when ash is applied. This substance is an alkali that converts nitrogen into volatile ammonia, so nitrogenous compounds disappear from the soil in the presence of ash.

Proper agricultural technology involves first applying nitrogen fertilizer and only 5-7 days after it has been assimilated by plants, fertilizing with ash.

You can also dust the leaves by first moistening them with clean water from a watering can. The leaves will absorb the nutrients they need, and the remaining ash will fall to the ground and be absorbed by the roots.

If the first top dressing is applied in order to enrich the earth with nitrogen, then the second time it is better to use a complex mineral fertilizer. Its composition is a balanced mixture that contains all the valuable substances necessary for the full development and fruiting of strawberries. At this stage of growth, top dressing should also contain nitrogen in greater quantities than other elements.

Of the finished preparations, such as Agricola, Fertika, Gumi-Omi and other complexes with a note that they are intended for strawberries and strawberries are suitable. Gardeners who have sufficient experience can independently compose a mixture of mineral fertilizers. The most popular are inexpensive and economical means:

  • Ammonium nitrate. It is also called ammonium nitrate or ammonium nitrate. The fertilizer is a salt of nitric acid with a 35% nitrogen content. Ammonium nitrate can strongly acidify the soil, so its simultaneous application with dolomite flour or limestone is practiced. Due to its properties, the fertilizer relieves the bushes from the fungus. Watering leaves and earth with a solution of ammonium nitrate serves as an excellent disease prevention.
  • Urea (urea) exceeds all other mineral fertilizers in terms of nitrogen content. It contains 46% of this substance. In the air, the fertilizer is converted into ammonia and evaporates, so urea is applied as a solution or buried in the ground. This chemical compound has a neutral acidity reaction, therefore it is suitable for any soil.
  • Nitroammophoska contains three important elements at once - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, and therefore is considered a complex fertilizer. When buying, pay attention to the composition of the mixture. Each manufacturer makes it according to its own recipe, which is why there is a difference in the ratio of components. In the spring, this fertilizer is applied only if in the fall the strawberries were not fertilized with superphosphate and potassium salt.

Each of these fertilizers in dry form is applied to the ground at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per square metre. You need to make granules in moist soil. For a liquid solution, 1 tablespoon of dry fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water, up to 1 liter of composition is applied under the root for each bush. If you do not want to saturate your strawberries with nitrates, the concentration of nitrogen fertilizers can be slightly reduced.

On a note! If you are planning to give grown berries to children, it is best not to fertilize them with chemical fertilizers. The children's body is especially sensitive to nitrate compounds.

For adult bushes top dressing is necessary. Strawberries will grow even if you do not fertilize them, but in this case you can forget about a good harvest. And over time, the soil is depleted and does not provide the plants with the required amount of nutrients.

Strawberries at the age of 2 and 4 years are fed in the spring with mineral and organic fertilizers, 3-year-old bushes need only mineral supplements.

The desired effect will not be achieved if an insufficient or excessive amount of fertilizer is applied. Nitrogen fertilizer is given only at temperatures above 15 degrees. When introducing a solution of rotted manure or bird droppings, water the strawberry stems and leaves at the same time.

If strawberry bushes were planted in compliance with agricultural technology, then in the first year of their life they do not need fertilizers. But if fertilizing was not applied during planting, or you doubt that there is enough of it, you can feed the young with a solution of chicken manure prepared at the rate of 0.5 liters per 10 liters of water. A solution of sodium sulfate is also suitable (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water). For each bush, one liter of ready-made fertilizer is consumed.

Everyone wants to enjoy juicy and tasty strawberries. But for this you need to take care of the health of the plant in advance. So, how to feed strawberries in the spring for a good harvest without chemistry?

Our article will highlight certain moments from the life of a gardener that will help you grow a juicy and fragrant berry in your area.

The need for an additional source of nutrients for the berry is very high. This may be due to the properties of the soil: perhaps it is depleted or there is a lack of any compounds. For a rich harvest, top dressing of strawberries from the outside will not be superfluous.

Fertilizer for strawberries can be organic and mineral:

  • Organic. These include manure, litter, peat, straw, silt, industrial and household waste. It contains a huge amount of substances that contribute to better plant growth. This may be nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and much more. Organics has animal and vegetable origin. When decomposed, minerals and carbon dioxide are formed, which is used for photosynthesis.
  • inorganic or mineral. Nutrients are in the form of various salts. Such top dressing can be simple, for example, nitrogen, phosphorus when one element is included. And complex when it contains several nutritional components.

Having at least a remote idea of ​​​​the composition of the soil on which it is planned to grow strawberries, you can apply the necessary fertilizers and thereby increase the harvest of Victoria.

How and when to fertilize to increase yield

Strawberries need to be fed only three times per season. The time of fertilization depends on the development of the bush:

  • The first top dressing is made after the end of winter.
  • Second, strawberries are needed after the crop has been harvested. Then, the berry will replenish the reserves of nutrients.
  • The final stage. Fertilize around mid-September.

Important: the first feeding is very significant for the berry. Fertilizing in early spring, before flowering, will increase disease resistance.

If strawberries have been growing on the site for many years, then they need to be fed more than a younger brother. This is due to the properties of the soil, which deteriorate over time and lose nutrients.

You don’t need to go far for the composition for feeding and spend your savings on it. everything you need can be at hand at home. You can saturate the soil with nutrients without chemistry.

1 kg must be diluted in 5 liters of water. Then dilute 0.5 liters again in 10 liters. After that, you can already water the strawberries. If you prepare a solution from packaged yeast, which are usually sold in stores, then the package is diluted in a bucket of water. Next, you need to add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and let stand for 2 hours.

Feeding with yeast will saturate strawberries with many nutrients, activate plant growth. And also the introduction of such a solution will prolong the fruiting period, strengthen the roots. Moreover, yeast provokes the development of beneficial soil microflora.

This medication is widely popular not only in treatment, but also in feeding. The solution is watered with strawberry bushes in early spring. This is great for stimulating plant growth. moreover, they can not only water, but also process leaves and shoots.

For irrigation of the soil, a solution is made at the rate of 15 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water. It is also recommended to water the soil before planting the berries. For external processing of flowering Victoria, the solution is needed less concentrated so as not to burn the leaves. It is prepared as follows: 10 drops of iodine are added to 10 liters of water.

Due to the antiseptic properties of the drug, iodine supplementation will be a good prevention of a number of diseases: gray rot and powdery mildew.

This component contains a large number of trace elements important for the growth of strawberries. Fertilizer can be made by yourself, just burn the old branches and that's it. It is only important not to use painted wood for these purposes.

Top dressing with ash will improve the nutritional properties of the soil, saturate it with all the main microelements. The yield of berries and their taste qualities will also increase.

Important: do not combine with manure, urea and saltpeter. So, the ash will lose everything and its useful qualities.

Such top dressing activates the work of soil microorganisms and is considered the most effective of other fellows. It is recommended to feed strawberries from April to mid-May, after the earth warms up well. Such a fertilizer will improve the properties of the soil, enrich its composition in many components. And also increase the fruitfulness of the strawberry itself.

Important: top dressing with chicken manure is needed every 2-3 years. It is also desirable to observe the proportions of the solution, since an excess of the component will dry the strawberries.

First you need to fill the litter with water, and then dilute half a liter in a bucket of water: this will turn out the most suitable mixture. Further, it is necessary to water, stepping back from the bush 5-10 cm.

This method is suitable for strawberries grown for sale in large quantities. She will help her recover after the winter, saturate her with useful components and protect the berry from diseases and pests. In addition, the consumption of this product is very small.

Important: keep the proportions, as you can simply burn the bush.

To get a good harvest, you need to slightly acidify the soil. The prepared solution is introduced into the ground at a distance of about 10 cm from the plant. It is bred with water, in a ratio of approximately 1: 2. They are fed 3 times: before the start of the season, after harvesting and in mid-September.

Such a fertilizer will saturate the soil with all the main nutrients, accelerate the ripening of fruits, and increase the plant's immunity to diseases.

It is possible to get a good harvest of strawberries in a summer cottage only if the technology of its cultivation is observed. Plants should be watered, weeded and spud on time. Strawberries are also supposed to be transplanted to a new place from time to time. And, of course, this culture should be periodically fertilized. In this article, we’ll talk about what strawberries are fed after harvesting, as well as in spring and summer.

What fertilizer to use

Strawberries respond well to absolutely any type of fertilizer, both mineral and organic. For example, wood ash is considered very useful for this plant. It contains just a huge amount of a variety of trace elements. Sometimes strawberries are also fed with purchased complex fertilizers. For example, the well-known nitroammophos. It contains all the substances necessary for the good development of strawberries: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Sometimes plants are fed with urea. This fertilizer does not burn the leaves and is inexpensive. However, it must be used carefully. In case of an overdose, the plants will stop fruiting.

Of the organic fertilizers for strawberries, cow dung and bird droppings are most often used. Experienced summer residents advise using these top dressings as carefully as possible. The fact is that they may contain weed seeds. Such organics are used both in dry form and in the form of tinctures. Mullein is prepared in a ratio of 1x10, a solution of bird droppings - 1x20.

There is another answer to the question of what strawberries are fed with. You can use compost for this purpose. But only well rotted.

How many times per season do you need to feed

During the growing season, ordinary strawberries are fertilized at least three times. For young plants, top dressing is most needed during the growth period. Adult strawberries especially need nutrients during fruiting.

Top dressing in the first year

Fertilize strawberries, including planting age. For the first time, top dressing for it is brought in in September - in the preparation of the beds. In this case, phosphate fertilizers and organic matter are added to the soil in the area allotted for this berry. Nitrogen supplements for this crop in the first year of growth are not recommended. Otherwise, all the forces of the plant will be "thrown" on the development of leaves, and not berries. A good answer to the question of what strawberries are fed for a good harvest is a mixture of the following composition: 8-9 kg of humus, 80 g of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salt. If it is used when planting next year, strawberries are not fertilized. But if desired, before fruiting, the bushes can be watered with a special solution of mullein. To prepare it, take two glasses of manure and one tablespoon of ammonium. All this is stirred in a bucket of water and the bed is watered in the amount of one liter per bush.

Second year after planting: how to fertilize in spring

An excellent answer to the question of what strawberries are fed in the spring is primarily nitrogen or complex compounds. It can be, for example, urea. It is bred in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water and water the plants under the root. Very often, instead of urea, nitroammophoska is used in the same proportion.

Also, sometimes gardeners use organic matter to support the growth of green mass of plants: mullein or chicken manure. They are used in the amount of half a liter of solution for each plant.

Summer top dressing

Next, let's see what strawberries are fed during flowering and fruit set. During this period, plants need a lot of potassium. Therefore, the best type of feeding for them will be wood ash. You can also use potassium nitrate or bird droppings. Ash is brought into the aisles in the amount of one handful per bush. Often a solution is prepared from it. To do this, a glass of ash is poured into hot water (1 liter). The resulting mixture is infused for a day and poured into a bucket filled with heated water. Top dressing is made at the rate of 1 liter per bush.

Potassium nitrate is used in the amount of 100 g per 10 m 2 . Bird droppings are bred as standard. Watering them should be carried out strictly under the root.

How to feed strawberries in the fall

After harvesting, the plants also need to be fertilized. Most often, ash is used at this time in the same proportions as in summer. You can add a little nitroammophoska to its solution - 2 tbsp. l.

An excellent answer to the question of what strawberries are fed in the fall is also urea. The use of this fertilizer contributes to the laying of new flower buds. As a mulch for strawberries before winter, you can use manure or compost.

What to know

Thus, we have found out what strawberries are fed after harvesting, in spring and summer. The technology described above is considered standard. Thus, strawberries planted on nutritious garden soils are fed. However, many plots are located in areas with land that is not very suitable for growing garden crops. In this case, the plants just need to be followed. If the strawberry leaves suddenly turned pale, and it began to bear fruit with very small berries, it means that it lacks nitrogen. That is, it should be fed with manure or urea.

If the strawberries are too acidic, some potash fertilizer should be applied under the bushes. It can be, for example, wood ash or chicken manure. If the leaves of the strawberries have acquired a reddish-brown hue, and its growth has slowed down, it is worth using phosphorus compounds.

How to fertilize

So, what strawberries are fed, you now know. Next, let's see how to do it right. When performing such an operation as feeding strawberries, be sure to take into account the fact that:

  • Fertilizers can only be applied to clean beds. That is, the planting should be cleared of debris and cut off all wilted leaves from the plants.
  • Do not use any chloride fertilizers to feed strawberries.
  • Liming acidic soil under this crop is allowed only in autumn.
  • You can feed strawberries whenever you want. However, during the flowering period, this should not be done more than once.
  • Urea, nitrophoska, etc. - this is what strawberries are most often fed with. Fertilizers are environmentally relatively harmless. However, their dosages should be observed exactly.
  • Chicken manure should only be used in solution. Being covered dry, the plants may cease to bear fruit.

Nettle infusion

The fertilizers described above are what strawberries are most often fed with. However, you can use other means for this garden crop. For example, recently, many owners of summer cottages prefer to use this type of top dressing for strawberries, such as nettle infusion. Prepare it as follows:

  • a bucket of chopped and mashed nettles is poured with heated water,
  • leave the solution to infuse for several days,
  • drain the liquid.

The resulting infusion is treated with plants for the first time in the spring - when a bush is formed. It is also used to feed plants in the fall. As a result of the use of nettle infusion, very large and juicy berries grow on the bushes.

Thus, we have found out what strawberries are fed after harvesting, during flowering and fruiting. The use of all the fertilizers described above can significantly increase the yield of this crop. You can use any of them. The most important thing is to observe the dosage and time of application.

03.05.2019 107 980

Fertilizer for strawberries - how to increase productivity in simple ways?

In order for fertilizer for strawberries to benefit, experienced gardeners advise not to neglect important rules and observe agricultural cultivation practices, both in spring and summer, and in autumn. Top dressing for garden strawberries is necessary immediately after waking up, during flowering, during the formation of berries, and also after harvesting, when the buds of the future crop will be laid. To do everything right, read the article in full ...

Fertilizer for strawberries in the spring - we activate growth!

The long cold winter is over, the plants have spent all their nutrient reserves, now the deficit needs to be replenished. Before you fertilize strawberries in the spring, you need to prepare it for this process - remove the beds and process.

Plants of the first year of life do not require top dressing if it was produced in the spring of this year and was fertilized, because. has not yet used up the fertilizing introduced into the planting holes. The culture of the following seasons must be fertilized in order to get a generous and tasty harvest. Strawberry feeding is divided into three stages - strawberry fertilization in spring, after fruiting, when planting in summer or autumn, when preparing strawberry bushes for winter.

It should be noted right away that each gardener independently determines the need for feeding strawberries, taking into account previously applied fertilizers, the condition and growth of plants, as well as the structure and composition of the soil.

On a note: garden strawberries oversaturated with fertilizers in spring will give good foliage, but in this case you should not expect a rich harvest of berries, because. an excess of trace elements will not only lead to the active growth of the green part, but will also be a good help in order to appear. In simple words, the plant will need to get rid of unnecessary elements, so the internal processes will be disrupted, the immunity and protective functions of the strawberries will decrease, and the result of the gardener's enormous efforts is a plant disease.

Fertilizer applied in time will be a good growth stimulant for strawberries, and it is imperative to feed both the aerial part and the roots, i.e. carry out foliar and root top dressing. Before fertilizing strawberries after winter, you need to make sure that the soil is dry and that bushes are restored after winter. If you know how to clean the garden and what to do next, let's go directly to top dressing.

fertilizing strawberries with potassium permanganate - in the photo

The first fertilizer for strawberries must be applied after loosening has been completed, this will be the beginning of a new season of the battle for the harvest. Feeding strawberries with iodine has become popular with many summer residents, but not everyone knows what effect this feeding will have, let's figure it out.

First of all, the antiseptic protects the plant from diseases. Strawberry bushes treated with iodine practically do not suffer from gray rot and powdery mildew. For ten liters of water, take 7-10 drops of iodine, and with the prepared solution, treat the plants on a leaf from a watering can with a shower head immediately after cleaning the beds, and in order not to burn the leaves, follow the dosage.

Processing strawberries with iodine should be carried out in cloudy weather, or in the evening, when there is no bright sun, so as not to burn the leaf plates. In total, there should be 2-3 such treatments with iodine before the appearance of berries. And remember, in this case, iodine acts more as a prophylactic against diseases.

5-7 days after spraying with iodine, strawberries are fed, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Pour 0.5 liters of the finished solution under each plant. In addition to urea, of course, they are used, which are prepared with their own hands and certainly do not contain any chemistry.

If everything is done correctly and on time, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used, then the leaves and shoots will grow well, you will get a delicious bright red berry in the summer. With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves will turn pale, the berries will be born small, and the taste will be poor. Also, in early spring, strawberries can be fertilized with fertilizer Gumi-Omi Berries, Health for strawberries and raspberries, Bona Forte, OMU Universal, Humat +7, Robin Green, etc.

On a note: you need to start feeding strawberries when the soil warms up to + 8 ° C; at lower temperatures, the roots of garden strawberries do not absorb fertilizers.

fertilizing strawberries with nitrogen-containing fertilizer during flowering - in the photo

Top dressing of strawberries during flowering can be done with the following home-made fertilizer, which is used by experienced gardeners - take 1 cup of wood ash, pour 2 liters of boiling water, let it brew for two hours, then add 1.5-2 grams of potassium permanganate here, 2.5- 3 g of boric acid, 10 drops of iodine and pour 10 liters of warm settled (not chlorinated) water and mix thoroughly. Pour 1 cup (250 ml) of this fertilizer under each strawberry bush.

In addition to the above fertilizers, fertilizing strawberries with yeast is a great success among summer residents, which is prepared as follows - a pack of fresh store-bought yeast (or a bag of dry, 10 g) is taken, placed in a 3-liter jar, 100 g of granulated sugar (1/2 faceted glass) and all this substance is poured with settled water to the shoulders of the jar, so that during fermentation it does not overflow over the top.

feeding strawberries during flowering - in the photo

Mix the yeast solution well and leave it in a greenhouse or other warm place for a day or two, until the fermentation subsides. When the fermentation process is over, 1 cup (250 ml) of the resulting concentrated mixture must be diluted in 10 liters of water and pour the finished solution into 0.5 liters under one bush.

Fertilizing strawberries with yeast should be carried out no more than 3 times during the entire growing season. Fertilize strictly on wet ground, i.e. First you need to water the bed well! And remember, when using yeast-based fertilizers, you need to replenish the potassium in the soil, which is very strongly absorbed from the soil by strawberries (fertilize with wood ash after 14-15 days, sprinkled between rows or using a liquid solution). Fertilizer for strawberries, introduced in the spring, activates growth, leads to a decent harvest.

Feeding strawberries during fruiting - we extend the harvest

With the onset of summer, the beginning gardeners again face the question - what should be the top dressing of strawberries during fruiting? To improve fruiting, prolong the collection of fruits, the plant must be fed again.

At the beginning of summer, the culture forms the first fruits, so potassium is especially needed. As soon as the first berries begin to appear, wood ash is introduced between the rows (1 handful under a bush, or 0.5 liters of liquid solution - pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours and dilute with 10 liters of warm water).

feeding strawberries with chicken manure - in the photo

If you use mineral fertilizers, then strawberries during the fruiting period can be given Potassium Monophosphate (1 tablespoon / 10 liters), Kemira Lux or Universal, which must be bred strictly according to the instructions. Fruiting lasts about two to three weeks, but even at that time the plant needs additional substances.

Feeding strawberries with a solution of mullein in water (1:15) is the most versatile, and you can also use a solution of chicken manure (1:10). In addition, fertilizers that were applied in early spring can also be applied and rotated during fruiting.

Do not forget that after harvesting the strawberries you need to feed, loosen and water, because it is after harvesting the berries that the leaves and roots begin to actively grow, the buds of the next year are laid, so you should not abandon the garden until autumn. And if you decide to mow strawberry leaves, then do it immediately after the bushes have fruited, otherwise the plants may not have time to fully recover.

How to fertilize strawberries when planting?

Spring, summer and the first half of autumn are the time when strawberries are planted, it depends on the season how to fertilize strawberries during planting. Fertilizers that can be used in the spring may not always be accepted in the autumn.

strawberry harvest with proper feeding - in the photo

Spring planting is considered successful, exactly like autumn and summer. The land, before planting, must be dug up, watered and fertilized. In order to bear fruit and grow normally, the bushes need mineral and organic fertilizers. Complex preparations that contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, have a greater effect, the successful use of manure and humus. Three types of fertilizer mixtures are especially popular:

  1. A bucket of soil, the same amount of compost and manure, 1 liter of wood ash;
  2. A bucket of humus, 20 g of potassium salt, 40 g of superphosphate;
  3. A bucket of compost, 40 g of superphosphate, 0.5 l of ash.

For a bed of 10 m², you will need 2-2.5 buckets of the mixture. If planting is carried out in the spring, then you need to add urea to the mixture, or immediately after landing on the garden, feed it with green liquid fertilizer. When planting in summer, it is better to use a complete complex fertilizer with a low nitrogen content; in autumn, nitrogen is not given so that the plants have time to get stronger before the onset of frost, and not grow lush foliage in winter.

Fertilizing strawberries in the fall - preparing the bushes for winter

An important role is played by fertilizer for strawberries in the fall. In which month to do this depends not only on the variety, but also on the climatic conditions of cultivation, because in the Kuban at the end of September it is still quite hot, and in the Urals and in Siberia, the Leningrad Region, the Moscow Region, prolonged rains can begin and the temperature drops quite low, therefore strawberry fertilization time in autumn will be different.

Each gardener independently decides when to feed strawberries in September or October, taking into account weather conditions and plant health. Do not forget, when the soil temperature drops below +8 ° C, strawberry roots stop absorbing nutrients.

autumn top dressing of strawberries - in the photo
feeding strawberries in the fall - pictured

In autumn, strawberries must be given potassium and phosphorus so that the plants get stronger for the winter. Agronomists still recommend using mineral complexes in the autumn period, and not home-made compounds, in addition, top dressing in accordance with the instructions will not harm either plants or humans.

Many summer residents use Autumn, Fertik, etc. fertilizer in the fall. Instead of using minerals, you can do the following - loosen the bed, add humus or compost from above under the bushes to close the roots for the winter and pour 1 tbsp under each plant. wood ash and mix with the ground.

Use an ash-based liquid fertilizer (pour 2 cups with a liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours and add 10 liters of water), pouring at least 0.5 liters under the bush. The ash solution can still be used as a foliar top dressing in the fall, you need to water the strawberry bed well from a watering can with a shower head.

And remember, respected summer residents and gardeners, no matter how many options for dressing and fertilizers for strawberries exist, agronomists recommend feeding ordinary garden strawberries 3-4 times per season, and feeding remontant varieties every 7-10 days. Have a good harvest!

Spring is a time of renewal, hope and work. Active actions of gardeners-gardeners associated with strawberries begin, as a rule, in April.

After the earth dries up, you can go to the beds to carry out spring renewal.

One of the important activities for gardeners is top dressing strawberries in the spring, when the harvest of the year is laid.

Where to begin

Spring for strawberries begins in April.

Considered a cultivated plant, it has the habits of a wild plant, being cautious, waiting for warmth, not in a hurry to throw out fresh leaves until the sun is established in the sky in springtime.

Note: it is not necessary to wait until the strawberries wake up, it is important to perform three types of work in order to count on a good harvest, it is better before they wake up.

It is necessary to carry out:

  • cleaning;
  • processing;
  • top dressing.

After that, strawberries are simply obliged to actively bloom and bear fruit. And the gardener should wait for an excellent harvest and, of course, regularly weed the beds if there is no covering material or mulch.

Lazy gardener's advice: do not expose the earth, observe nature, the best mistress of the earth: you will not find a bare piece of land, it does not allow overheating and drying of the soil. Buy covering material, the waste is small, and the berry will be clean, and the weed will not break through, and the soil will be protected.


If mulch was laid in the winter, it must be removed in the spring.

It was used during the winter as a warm blanket to be thrown off when it got warm.

The mulch should also be removed because it prevents the rhizome from warming up, while the upper shoots enjoy the sunlight.

Note: a large number of different pests, insects, weevils, and pests accumulate in the old mulch. It is necessary to remove the mulch until they wake up, and the air temperature does not exceed 8 ° - 10 °.

Mulch is best burned along with decaying leaves, while reducing the countless army of pests.


Strawberry pests

Spring treatment, begun with the destruction of the mulch, should be continued by spraying with chemicals to combat:

  • gray and black rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • leaf spot;
  • snails, wireworms, and other pests that slow down plant growth and reduce yields.

Early spring application of the Bordeaux mixture is used quite widely. It's a fungicide for lazy people. It is carried out at the end of March until the first shoots appear immediately after the snow has melted.

Responsible summer residents use a weak solution of potassium permanganate, sulfamide, sulfur. If last year there were a lot of pests on garden strawberries, sulfuric acid can be used, it will leave only the roots of the plant alive, but this is a radical method that requires deep knowledge and preparation.

It should be noted: Working with chemistry is difficult and troublesome. Processing is best done once a year Bordeaux, comprehensively spraying the entire garden-garden completely from start to finish.

After winter, we actively lean on vitamins, winter depletes not only a person.

A long period of cold leaves its mark on plants that need to be fed with nutrients.

In the spring, fertilizers are applied, filled with minerals necessary for growth and productivity. The main thing is to comply with the measure, comply with the dosage requirements.

Spring top dressing is needed so that the plant becomes strong, healthy, resistant to pests and diseases.

The first feeding is carried out using:

  • manure;
  • humus;
  • chicken manure;
  • dairy products;
  • nitrogen fertilizers;
  • potash fertilizers.

These are affordable and effective means, easy to use, not dangerous to humans and the environment.


Manure is an organic fertilizer, rich in minerals, increasing the yield of berries, safe for the soil.

Summer residents prefer to use dry manure, believing that wet manure contains a lot of weeds. Yes, this is true, although strawberries love to be fertilized with both dried and raw manure.

A little more than a garden scoop is placed under the bush, so as not to “burn” the tender young shoots.

This fertilizer should be applied as early as possible. Spring rains, better than the most experienced botanist, will make an infusion of manure, the useful substances of which will saturate the earth.


Humus is the most useful fertilizer for all occasions.

This is the same manure, but rotted, concentrated in itself all the nutrients, minerals, the set of which is able to fill any needs of green pets.

Do you know that: a manure machine costs 2500-3000 rubles. It needs to be unloaded into a specially prepared place, the so-called manure pit, and there is no need to dig a pit. Throw away what you brought with earth, leave for two years. Then for many years to have on hand the best fertilizer possible and not only for strawberries!

chicken manure

Today, summer residents have the opportunity to purchase bio-fertilizer, beautifully designed, convenient to use, which is called chicken manure.

It is an organic fertilizer rich in nitrogen.

Worth considering: the mixture is very active, it should be diluted 1:20 so as not to harm the strawberries.

The same applies to chicken manure taken from the chicken coop. An extremely effective fertilizer for strawberries. Villagers throw it away at some distance from the estate to dry. This is how fertilizer is obtained.

It is also bred like this: a scoop of litter or a handful per bucket, although such a measurement cannot be called aesthetic. This solution should be poured around the bush, not under the root.

Dairy products

Many fertilizers lure the buyer with a beautiful wrapper, interesting names, and an unusual way of application.

Fermented milk products prepare the soil well, strawberry bushes love such an environment.

Under the influence of fermented milk whey, the soil becomes slightly acidic, amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements are added to it.

This type of top dressing can exist as an independent one, but it is better to apply it along with humus, manure, and ash.

Interesting fact: there is nothing better than organic fertilizers for your strawberries grown in your garden for your household!

nitrogen fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are not available to everyone. In addition, feeding strawberries with nitrogen is more than useful!

The benefits of nitrogen is that it makes berries:

  • bright;
  • juicy;
  • large,
  • completely forms their presentation;
  • improves taste.

Hardworking gardener's advice: read the instructions carefully. Only the correct application of nitrogen fertilizers guarantees success. An excess of a substance affects the taste and aroma. Strawberries become unsweetened, lose their flavor.

One tablespoon of ammonium nitrate is diluted in a bucket (10 l), poured on a bush no more than half a liter.


A lack of potassium is visible on strawberry leaves if they turn brown.

The normal content of potassium contributes to the ripening of strawberries, helps to stay fresh and tasty for a long time. Retains sweet taste.

You can fertilize:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • wood ash;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • potassium chloride.

Top dressing with ash

What is wood ash? This fertilizer contains potassium, phosphorus, lime, a whole complex of trace elements that are extremely useful for early plant nutrition.

The procedure is simple and naive: in the aisle, not under a bush, a handful of ash is poured out - that's it! Top dressing is done before mulching and before rain, the water of which will deliver a set of useful substances to the address.

Gardeners offer: collect ashes from fires in a separate container. Ash is stored indefinitely, it is needed for almost all garden crops, cabbage, beets and many others.


The procedure is beneficial for the plant. Foliar top dressing is carried out at the very beginning of flowering by spraying to saturate young leaves with vitamins and microelements.

This procedure is also carried out in the fall, immediately after strawberry transplantation. Any planting of seedlings in the ground should be accompanied by this procedure - this is how young plants are helped to gain strength.

They make such a solution: put 2 g of boric acid and potassium permanganate in a bucket of hot water, add a tablespoon of iodine and a glass of ash. Insist for a day, shake, spray on the leaves.

Feeding by age

There are many opportunities for good care.

It is not necessary to use the entire arsenal of tools, choose one thing, test the effectiveness on your berry beds.

In addition, feeding should be done according to age.

It's important to know: healthy young growth, which you planted with your own hands last year, does not require additional feeding.

Two, three-year-old strawberries need to be fertilized, it has already depleted the soil well, it requires top dressing, which should be done at the very beginning, with the appearance of the first leaves, and then, before flowering.

For a better harvest, you can add fertilizer during the period of berry development, but only organic fertilizers are applicable here.

Watch the video in which an experienced gardener talks about the spring care of strawberries and the first feeding: