Why dream of tearing and eating strawberries. What does Strawberry mean in a dream. Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell What does Strawberry mean

A dream in which you eat plenty of fresh strawberries, picking them straight from the beds, is a harbinger of sweet moments in the arms of a loved one.

An unripe strawberry or, conversely, an overripe one is a sign of dissatisfaction with a sexual partner.

Cooking strawberry jam in a dream portends that you will have to deal with a person who is extremely unpleasant for you with his sweet antics and incessant flirting.

Cooking compote from strawberries is a warning not to get in the way of those who can crush you in passing and not even notice it.

Buying strawberries - shift some of your responsibilities onto the shoulders of others, which will cause sidelong glances from your colleagues.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Seeing strawberries in a dream

Strawberries - Juicy - wonderful love relationships, fullness of feelings.

Strawberry Jam is an exciting love adventure with all the trappings of passion.

Rotten, dry - unpleasant consequences of love fever: venereal disease, divorce, abortion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What does sleep Strawberry mean

Strawberries - Strawberries and strawberries in a dream. You will be destined to experience strawberry delights and certainly achieve your intended goal.

If you dreamed that you ate strawberries, then you will be incredibly lucky with your lover. You will understand that you are simply made for each other.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Dream about Strawberries

Eating strawberries in a dream is a sign of sexual pleasure. Therefore, if the strawberries are sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to intimacy, looking forward to a great pastime;

If, on the contrary, strawberries are sour or overripe, then coldness of the partner, disharmony, loss of any interest in intimate life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation "Food"

Dream about Strawberries

There is her in a dream - to the good news and a pleasant pastime with a loved one. See interpretation: berries, greens.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does Strawberry predict in a dream

If you picked strawberries in a dream, in reality you will achieve your intended goal. Canning strawberries - such a dream promises a rare success in society, you will achieve heights that you never dreamed of.

Imagine that you not only eat strawberries, but also preserve them. You have a whole cellar of strawberry jam.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What does it mean to see Strawberries in a dream

They ate strawberries in a dream - you have a pleasant event ahead of you - an acquaintance.

If the strawberries were sweet and ripe, then every day you will look forward to meeting a new acquaintance.

If, on the contrary, the strawberries turned out to be sour or overripe, you will very quickly lose your interest in this person.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

Interpretation of sleep Strawberry

Seeing strawberries in a dream is a sign of a pleasant but useless pastime and fleeting pleasures.

If you saw a strawberry field: this may mean that petty joys and pleasures threaten to drag you into their sweet nets, distracting you from important worries.

Interpretation of dreams from

For most people, strawberries are associated with earthly pleasures, love, and something else romantic. More "advanced" in matters of sex, citizens identify this berry with the same forbidden "strawberry". It is logical to assume that a dream with strawberries cannot bode any trouble. But is it really so?

Why dream of strawberries according to Miller's dream book

Everyone who saw this divine berry in a dream is waiting for inexpressible sensations and new impressions. If you had a chance to taste juicy, ripe, sweet strawberries, then the dreamer in reality will have funny love adventures. And when the sleeping person cooks strawberry jam with his own hands, this portends the establishment of new romantic relationships, which will be initiated by the dreamer. But if someone else is busy cooking, then this cook will have to be subordinate. Spoiled berries portend all sorts of misfortunes.

Dream strawberries. Wangi's Dream Interpretation

If a person dreamed of strawberries in a dream, then in reality great happiness awaits him, which no one and nothing can interfere with. Eating a fragrant, ripe berry portends a perfectly even relationship with the chosen one, complete mutual understanding and versatile support. A merchant selling strawberries in a dream will receive some kind of reward from the Universe for his good deeds. And the person who grows this berry has not quite traditional views on life, which causes misunderstanding or even condemnation from others.

What does it mean: I dreamed of strawberries. Freud's interpretation

According to Sigmund, strawberries are a symbol of sexual pleasure. And if the dreamer dreamed of this berry, then this means that he madly wants to meet his soul mate and have sex with her. When a berry has a non-marketable, unappetizing appearance, it is unlikely that the sleeping person will be able to wait for reciprocity from the object of sighing. Anyone who is busy picking strawberries in night dreams is simply doomed to non-reciprocal love. If the dreamer absorbs the berry in incredible quantities, then a period full of love and tenderness awaits him.

Why dream of strawberries according to Loff's dream book

Married people who see strawberries of good quality in a dream will be very happy in marriage, and single citizens will soon meet the one they have been looking for for so long. If you had to pick ripe strawberries, this means that the dreamer is haunted by his former love, which was not mutual. On this occasion, the sleeping person is already so worried, and such a dream only intensifies this pain, adding salt to the still unhealed wound.

What is the dream of strawberries according to Tsvetkov's dream book

A woman who eats strawberry-based dishes on both cheeks will soon fall in love seriously and for a long time. A man who sees himself in a similar light can safely count on a salary increase. Rotten berries covered with mold symbolize troubles or even death. And if a person sees a lot of strawberries already picked, then soon he will learn something pleasant about himself.

What is the dream of strawberries in Hasse's dream book

Strawberries can be a harbinger of some minor, but very pleasant events in the life of a sleeping person. If a person sees in a dream that he is eating this berry, then he will soon meet his true love. Had a chance to sell strawberries at the market? This is to increase income. And when the dreamer diligently looks after the bushes, then soon he will be engaged in some kind of work that will not bring him either money or moral satisfaction. Watching someone else do it is good. So, this work will be done by an outsider.

What is the dream of red strawberries

A lonely person who dreamed of a red strawberry will soon cease to be lonely. And if such a dream was seen by someone who already has an object of sighing, then such a lucky person will experience unprecedented passion. Eating red berries in a dream is good news, and collecting them is fantastic luck.

Why dream of a big, large strawberry

Huge berries seen in a dream portend pleasure. When a girl eats big strawberries, then this suggests that in life she lacks thrills, but soon everything will change, and she will receive everything that she has dreamed of for so long.

Dream: eat strawberries

If in a dream you had a chance to eat strawberries right from the garden, then a romantic date is coming soon, in which the dreamer will simply melt in the arms of the second half. Eating an unripe berry means dissatisfaction with your partner. There is a ripe, large strawberry, which means that the object of sighing will soon reciprocate.

Why dream of picking strawberries?

Did you have a chance to pick large, ripe strawberries in a dream? This is for future abundance. If the berries are small, unripe or rotten, then things will not go very well. Collect a record harvest - to achieve the cherished goal.

Dream interpretation - strawberries in the garden

Ripe strawberries growing in the garden always dream of new love relationship. To eat a berry straight from the garden is to drown in the love of your other half, and if this is a joint meal, then there is a chance to go on vacation to distant countries.

Why strawberries dream - other dream options

  • a lot of strawberries - the agonizing expectation of intimacy;
  • ripe strawberries - a full-fledged love relationship;
  • strawberry bushes - good mood;
  • strawberries dream of a pregnant woman - future child will be surrounded by love and care;
  • blooming strawberries - the birth of a new feeling;
  • strawberry field - little things will distract from more serious matters;
  • strawberries on a tree - get what you want;
  • strawberries in the forest - joyful events;
  • take care of strawberries - do some work without much zeal;
  • cook strawberry jam - you have to talk with unpleasant people;
  • buy strawberries - entrust your duties to someone else;
  • unripe strawberries - experience disappointment;
  • cook strawberry compote - the plans of the enemy are not destined to come true;
  • trading strawberries - well-being;
  • grow strawberries - amaze others with your atypical outlook on life;
  • rotten strawberries - love relationships will end badly: either with an abortion or an STD;
  • strawberry jam - a love adventure;
  • sour strawberries - indifference of a partner;
  • feed someone with strawberries - the appearance of a devoted fan;
  • strawberries with mold - the death of someone close;
  • weeding strawberries - finally, it will be possible to separate the grains from the chaff (good from bad).

Dream interpretation online Strawberry

Due to the fact that the strawberry has a heart shape and is red, it is a symbol of the goddess of love - Venus. The roots of this berry are used in divination - they have mild narcotic properties. But what is the dream of strawberries for? Most dream books cite the interpretation of dreams, where the main character is strawberry, as an image of sex appeal, sexual pleasure, temptation and emancipation. Let's take a closer look.

Draws an image of the subconscious

Let's see what strawberries dream of in different circumstances:

  • to see in a dream how they planted, looked after a berry;
  • eat strawberries in dreams;
  • if you had to pick a berry;
  • a lot of ripe strawberries;
  • stomp the berry.

Seeing strawberries in a dream

Why dream of strawberries that you planted and began to water, hill the bushes, dig up the beds, and fertilize. This is a call to the fact that in life you need to change the field of activity. You are engaged in monotonous, worthless work that does not bring you absolutely profit. In the event that you watched this whole process from the outside, when someone is doing it, it means that your dear person has started a non-profit enterprise. Dissuade him from this venture.

If you had to eat strawberries in a dream, this promises the sleeping person complete harmony in love and intimate relationships. But if there are a lot of strawberries, then a quick acquaintance with interesting person, to which there is not an unrequited attraction.

Miller's dream book gives an interpretation of a dream where you had to eat strawberry jam. On the occasion when a woman saw such a dream, this promises a new passionate and very exciting love adventure. Here, however, there is a significant nuance - if you cooked the jam yourself, and then began to eat it, then you will become the initiator of a romantic meeting, and in the case when someone else prepared the jam, then succumb to passion loved one. For a man, such a dream prophesies an increase in profits.

Miller's dream book emphasizes that if there is a dry or rotten berry in your dreams, you will be seized by a love fever that will end in an abortion, moreover, possibly a sexually transmitted disease and, as a result, a divorce.

If you see how they picked a berry in a dream, but did not eat it, this foreshadows your memories that haunt you. Most likely, you cannot forget the recent love that was not mutual. And the psychologist's dream book gives a clue to such a dream that one of these days you will taste strawberries, even if it is winter outside.

A field dotted with strawberries - to small joys

The solution to dreams, where a whole field of ripe, juicy and beautiful fruits was seen, promises you small joys that distract you from more important matters.

Deciphering dreams in which you trample strawberries or strawberries reveals your fear of a new brewing relationship. In every possible way stubborn to go towards happiness. And in vain! Take a closer look at your fans. Consider in those your, given by heaven, betrothed. After all, this meeting is fateful.

Picking strawberries

The strawberry dream book gives different explanations of dreams where you had to pick strawberries. That's how mysterious and unusual this berry is, how much the clues to dreams with its participation are concretized. Strawberries are one such berry, the seeds of which are not located inside, but outside.

Sweet berry plucked together

If in a dream you dreamed of picking a ripe and very sweet berry, then every day you will be impatient about the anticipation of intimacy with your loved one.

If in a dream you picked such a berry and treated it to another person, this portends you a fan who idolizes and supports you in all your endeavors. If you dreamed of strawberries that you sell? The explanation of such a dream speaks of the appearance on the horizon of a profitable partner, with the help of which your financial situation will improve even more than ever.

Why dream of strawberries right on your balcony? This dream indicates a promising undertaking and the enticing enjoyment of its results. Well, if you picked juicy berries on trees, you will find very original solution the dilemma that you face, thereby surprise your companion and bring new colors to the relationship between you.

I pick a bitter berry alone

If the strawberries are not ripe

In the case when you dreamed of picking an overripe or sour berry, this portends disharmony in intimacy, coldness and indifference of a partner in relations between you. Or, being in love, you will not receive mutual sympathy for you. And in the case when the strawberries were unripe, then this is a sign of your dissatisfaction with your partner, his sexual caresses.

Why do you dream of strawberries that you have collected very little and went to the market to buy more? You will experience the burden of sidelong glances from your colleagues about the fact that they have shifted part of their work and duties onto the shoulders of someone else, and your beloved will be on their side.

If you collect a sour berry and immediately feed it to your betrothed, then the dream calls you to take a closer look at your partner in reality. Perhaps the feelings he has for you are fake. They are caused only by some benefit that he wants to derive from these relations.

Some dream books warn that if in dreams you cook compote from this berry, then in reality avoid getting on the road of those who can easily trample you without feeling it.

If you dreamed

Sometimes green strawberries appear in the dreams of a sleeping person. This is a warning that you would do well to change partners. After all, you yourself do not experience deep feelings for him, and sexual satisfaction. So this is not your person. Give the opportunity to meet with your true destiny.

If the sleeper sees in dreams a large red berry on a bush, this emphasizes that he is successful with the representatives of the opposite sex. But small berries portend a fleeting love affair.

It's interesting that a large number of rotten berries in the mud can dream of a pleasant and unexpected surprise, and one, but a large berry in the mud - a valuable gift.
If you dreamed of a full bucket of spoiled berries, then this portends a trip to another country. If in your dream there is one berry in a beautiful saucer on the table, then you are valued at work, because you are a professional in your field. If you eat this berry with sugar, or with cream or mousse, wait for the attention of an influential person.

Your mark:

One of the most delicious and juicy berries is the well-known strawberry. But what if this berry appeared to us in a dream? What can symbolize such a dream? To decipher such a dream, we suggest resorting to the help of the most famous and complete dream books of our time.

Big Universal dream book: Strawberry

If you dream that you are eating strawberries, then a very interesting acquaintance awaits you ahead. If the berry was tasty and ripe at the same time, then you will really like your new acquaintance, and every day you will look forward to new meeting with him. If the strawberries turned out to be sour and overripe, then your interest in this person will disappear very soon, and you will try by all means to avoid communicating with him.

Most complete dream book: Strawberry

If you dream that you enjoy eating strawberries, picking them straight from the garden, then in real life soon you will find moments of pleasure spent in the arms of your beloved. An overripe or unripe berry symbolizes dissatisfaction. sexual relations with your partner. If in a dream you make strawberry jam, then you will have to communicate with a person who is unpleasant to you with his sweet speeches, antics and attempts at flirting. If you cook strawberry compote, then be careful and do not inadvertently cross the path of an influential person who can ruin your life without much effort. Buying strawberries symbolizes that you will be able to shift part of your work to other people, but your colleagues will look askance at you.

Eastern dream book: strawberry

This berry in a dream promises various pleasures and very tempting prospects. If you dream that you are eating strawberries, then your love will be mutual, and there will never be an understatement between you and your partner. If you sell strawberries, then you will find prosperity and a bountiful harvest.

Esoteric dream book: strawberries

Juicy strawberries in a dream promise a harmonious love relationship in real life. Strawberry jam predicts a very exciting love adventure, full of passion and sensuality. A rotten and spoiled berry portends possible unpleasant consequences of violent passion: divorce, sexually transmitted diseases, or even abortion.

Love dream book: eat strawberries

Such a dream symbolizes great luck in choosing a partner. A wonderful harmonious relationship awaits you, and both of you will be sure that you are simply made for each other.

Newest dream book: strawberries

Collecting this berry in a dream in a strawberry field is a situation in which you will find yourself in a network of small pleasures and joys that will distract you from truly important matters and worries. In general, strawberries symbolize pleasant, but very fleeting joys and pleasures, as well as time wasted. If you dream that you are eating berries and cannot stop in any way, then you will have a very pleasant pastime with your partner: you will experience not only sexual satisfaction, but also real spiritual harmony, and as a result, your relationship can develop into a real big one. and strong love.

The article on the topic: "a dream book of what strawberries dream of in the garden" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

What happened in a dream, the action of which developed against the background of strawberries in the garden? None of the dream books ignores the erotic subtext of the dream, but predictions about what the berry dreamed of are not limited to romantic relationships.

Miller's dream book about love and prosperity

Miller is looking for a hint of prosperity in the symbol. By itself, the famous berry in a dream promises prosperity, recognition, victory. Picking strawberries in the garden and eating them right away represents passionate, impatient love. Otherwise, it is interpreted to harvest for sale - the predictor prophesies prosperity and happiness.

Waiting for joy

Let's try to put together interpretations of sleep that relate to the emotional sphere. The overwhelming majority of plots portend joy to the dreamer. Why dream, for example, just to see red strawberries in the garden? Dream Interpretations offer to remember which happy events will please you the most, because the desired will soon come true.

If you dreamed of being surprised how much it is and how large it is, then expect good news. Large but immature garden strawberry in a dream - a symbol of respite: it’s not that there is nothing to please you, you just have to wait a bit. But fruits with rotten or dried up prophesy disappointing news: events will not take the turn you would like.

The Edge of Lust

Most of the erotic predictions of dream books are an interpretation of what it means to enjoy fruits. If you dreamed of eating them right away, where they were collected, the dream gives out a high intensity of love experiences. Enjoying a sweet berry with another character means that the attraction is mutual.

To a girl of marriageable age, who in a dream enjoyed eating large red strawberries, the interpreters prophesy happy marriage. If there were a lot of strawberries in the garden, the young lady will fall in love without memory.

Tearing small and green food is a sign that there is no need to rush things, large and red food - it's time to take action. If you dreamed of eating it, a person will experience love disappointments.

A rotten strawberry in the garden warns against being too gullible, if you tasted it in a dream, then your feelings will be trampled. Dream books also remind you of the danger of contracting venereal diseases.

Alternative opinion

There are a number of dream books that find a bad omen in strawberry dreams. Their opinion is also worthy of attention. So, a careful look at what strawberries dream of in the garden:

  • Seeing growing bushes - to tears.
  • There are fruits - to the news that you have been slandered.
  • Plucking them is a premature disappointment: hard work will not bring tangible results, although it is a matter of time.
  • Collect in winter - to liver disease.

Labor Reward

Why dream of picking strawberries not for yourself? Seeing how you trade it in a dream is a symbol of the coming noble harvest. I dreamed of generously giving away - dream books promise to strengthen the reputation, the people around will be in different forms express gratitude.

The person who made the jam will experience a real triumph - his project will be successfully completed and the result will be highly appreciated by people, although according to another version, he will have to face selfish flirting.

Why dream of strawberries

For most people, strawberries are associated with earthly pleasures, love, and something else romantic. More "advanced" in matters of sex, citizens identify this berry with the same forbidden "strawberry". It is logical to assume that a dream with strawberries cannot bode any trouble. But is it really so?

Why dream of strawberries according to Miller's dream book

Everyone who saw this divine berry in a dream is waiting for inexpressible sensations and new impressions. If you had a chance to taste juicy, ripe, sweet strawberries, then the dreamer in reality will have funny love adventures. And when the sleeping person cooks strawberry jam with his own hands, this portends the establishment of new romantic relationships, which will be initiated by the dreamer. But if someone else is busy cooking, then this cook will have to be subordinate. Spoiled berries portend all sorts of misfortunes.

Dream strawberries. Wangi's Dream Interpretation

If a person dreamed of strawberries in a dream, then in reality great happiness awaits him, which no one and nothing can interfere with. Eating a fragrant, ripe berry portends a perfectly even relationship with the chosen one, complete mutual understanding and versatile support. A merchant selling strawberries in a dream will receive some kind of reward from the Universe for his good deeds. And the person who grows this berry has not quite traditional views on life, which causes misunderstanding or even condemnation from others.

What does it mean: I dreamed of strawberries. Freud's interpretation

According to Sigmund, strawberries are a symbol of sexual pleasure. And if the dreamer dreamed of this berry, then this means that he madly wants to meet his soul mate and have sex with her. When a berry has a non-marketable, unappetizing appearance, it is unlikely that the sleeping person will be able to wait for reciprocity from the object of sighing. Anyone who is busy picking strawberries in night dreams is simply doomed to non-reciprocal love. If the dreamer absorbs the berry in incredible quantities, then a period full of love and tenderness awaits him.

Why dream of strawberries according to Loff's dream book

Married people who see strawberries of good quality in a dream will be very happy in marriage, and single citizens will soon meet the one they have been looking for for so long. If you had to pick ripe strawberries, this means that the dreamer is haunted by his former love, which was not mutual. On this occasion, the sleeping person is already so worried, and such a dream only intensifies this pain, adding salt to the still unhealed wound.

What is the dream of strawberries according to Tsvetkov's dream book

A woman who eats strawberry-based dishes on both cheeks will soon fall in love seriously and for a long time. A man who sees himself in a similar light can safely count on a salary increase. Rotten berries covered with mold symbolize troubles or even death. And if a person sees a lot of strawberries already picked, then soon he will learn something pleasant about himself.

What is the dream of strawberries in Hasse's dream book

Strawberries can be a harbinger of some minor, but very pleasant events in the life of a sleeping person. If a person sees in a dream that he is eating this berry, then he will soon meet his true love. Had a chance to sell strawberries at the market? This is to increase income. And when the dreamer diligently looks after the bushes, then soon he will be engaged in some kind of work that will not bring him either money or moral satisfaction. Watching someone else do it is good. So, this work will be done by an outsider.

What is the dream of red strawberries

A lonely person who dreamed of a red strawberry will soon cease to be lonely. And if such a dream was seen by someone who already has an object of sighing, then such a lucky person will experience unprecedented passion. Eating red berries in a dream is good news, and collecting them is fantastic luck.

Why dream of a big, large strawberry

Huge berries seen in a dream portend pleasure. When a girl eats a big strawberry, this indicates that she lacks thrills in life, but soon everything will change, and she will get everything that she has dreamed of for so long.

Dream: eat strawberries

If in a dream you had a chance to eat strawberries right from the garden, then a romantic date is coming soon, in which the dreamer will simply melt in the arms of the second half. Eating an unripe berry means dissatisfaction with your partner. There is a ripe, large strawberry, which means that the object of sighing will soon reciprocate.

Why dream of picking strawberries?

Did you have a chance to pick large, ripe strawberries in a dream? This is for future abundance. If the berries are small, unripe or rotten, then things will not go very well. Collect a record harvest - to achieve the cherished goal.

Dream interpretation - strawberries in the garden

Ripe strawberries growing in the garden always dream of a new love relationship. To eat a berry straight from the garden is to drown in the love of your other half, and if this is a joint meal, then there is a chance to go on vacation to distant countries.

Why dream of a big red strawberry?

Why dream of a big red strawberry? The symbol of a red berry is associated with joyful events, and a ripe strawberry is associated with love adventures. However, the meaning of the dream is determined by the nuances accompanying the plot. Let's consider in detail.

General interpretation

The vision of a large red strawberry promises great joy and happiness. If you contemplate the berries with pleasure, you will soon experience romantic love or unexpected good news.

See red strawberries for unmarried girl stands for increased attention to her person from the side of men. If the dreamer is already in a relationship, this connection will become strong and inseparable based on mutual tender feelings.

If for women this plot portends love joys, then for men it can tell about an increase in salary or signing a lucrative contract.

The interpretation will depend on the following details:

  • see beautiful berries;
  • harvest strawberries;
  • plant strawberry bushes;
  • sell/buy strawberries;
  • eat plucked berries;
  • prepare dessert from berries.

Collect berries in a dream for a lonely person- yearn for a lost feeling or dream of meeting your soul mate. Sometimes memories of a past lost feeling do not make it possible to respond to signs of attention from other men. Reconsider your position: leave past relationships in the past, open up to new feelings.

A dream in which the dreamer sells strawberries, portends a good financial harvest, especially for men. Buying strawberries is taking responsibility. Take a closer look at those around you: who wants to entrust their duties to you? Perhaps you yourself want to dump the burden of your problems on someone else's shoulders? This will soon create a conflict situation.

Preparing berries for jam- soon you will find an exciting love story with continuation.

Eat ripe strawberries- to receive good news. For unmarried people, this dream promises a pleasant time in the company of a person of the opposite sex.

Interpretation of dreams about strawberries from dream books

Wangi's Dream Interpretation defines the vision ripe berries strawberries as a prediction of complete success on the way to your goals: you will achieve what you want. Eating strawberries in a dream is a warm love relationship. Strawberries in the garden indicate the presence of extraordinary abilities in the dreamer. If a pregnant woman saw spoiled strawberries in a dream, she should immediately visit a gynecologist.

Dream Interpretation of Razgadamus defines the vision of red large berries as an extension of its business project and financial well-being. There are strawberries in a dream - a prophecy of a fateful meeting for non-family dreamers. Trample strawberries with your feet - to the fear of intimate relationships: you do not believe in the possibility of a happy relationship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov interprets this dream with positive side. To see beds with ripe strawberries - prosperity, love and happiness await you. Seeing a lot of ripe berries - ahead of a bright love interest, a beautiful relationship. Unripe berries are advised not to rush the development of the situation: it is not yet time to harvest.

Sour red strawberries portend a cooling of the feelings of lovers. Forcing a partner to eat strawberries in a dream - you will soon part with him. Stealing berries from someone else's garden is a great sensual pleasure. Seeing a field with strawberries - soon life will give you a chance to realize your plans. Don't miss the opportunity to change your life!

Dream Interpretation Hasse interprets the vision of ripe large berries as a warning of an imminent romantic meeting with a partner. eat someone harvested berries strawberries - to be fascinated by another person. Feed strawberries to a person of the opposite sex - to attempt seduction in real life. If strawberries grow in an unexpected place, you will experience romantic feelings out of place. Either a strange acquaintance awaits you, or the partner will not be free.

Esoteric dream book considers the reluctance to eat strawberries in a dream as a warning of an upcoming illness. If you want to buy berries, but do not have enough money, you will be disappointed in life. Picking berries from the garden - to a new love feeling

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Why see strawberries in a dream. Many interpretations

We all love the taste of ripe juicy strawberries - a healthy and appetizing berry. Sometimes the desire to eat sweet fruits is so strong that people see them in a dream, and then try to correctly interpret this. Why dream of strawberries? Our subconscious works in such an amazing way that sometimes it tries to convey information to us through dreams. It remains only to reliably interpret everything you see in order to be ready for possible changes in your life in the future.

Perhaps such dreams are not just the result of a crazy love for juicy berries? And the subconscious, using a similar image, is trying to warn about something? In this article we will tell you what a big red strawberry usually dreams of and what life changes worth preparing.

The art of interpretation

Studying the dream book, you can see that the same dream can have a dozen interpretations that are different in meaning. How, then, to find correct option explanations?

In fact, looking for a clue to a dream and rereading several interpretations of its meanings, each person can only intuitively choose among them the only one. correct interpretation. The subconscious mind itself will prompt the answer, which will immediately point to the correct clue as soon as the correct answer appears.

It is not difficult to explain such an amazing work of the brain. Just various interpretations serve as certain clues that allow us to interpret all the images we see. At the same time, our subconscious knows exactly what this or that dream specifically wanted to tell us. Man remains the most difficult task- trusting your own feelings, with the help of hints, find and pull out the correct explanation of the pictures you see.

Using the same algorithm of actions, you will be able to independently find the clue you are interested in, and the data of the dream book will act as information leading to it. How more interpretations will be presented there, the more likely that you will find correct option clues.

Seductive berries in a dream

Most often, strawberries in a dream symbolize tempting prospects and pleasant pleasures that will accompany you in life.

  • If you dream of bright red ripe strawberries ...
  1. This promises you: strong love and happy family ties.
  2. For those who have not yet had time to start a family, such a dream promises an early meeting with the long-awaited soulmate or significant changes in relations with a loved one that will tie you in marriage.
  3. If there are some misunderstandings and conflicts between lovers, such a dream portends the speedy resolution of all troubles and a favorable outcome of the dispute.
  • If you saw in a dream a whole field of ripe berries, then in reality all kinds of worldly joys and joys will distract you from more important serious matters.

    Dreams with berry fields

    • Dreams in which you observe huge fields with large quantity berries portend family well-being and prosperity.
    • In the event that in a dream you deliberately trample and spoil the beds with strawberries, in reality you should look around and think: perhaps you do not notice the happiness that is nearby and follow your own illusions. Perhaps you should take a closer look at the people around you and appreciate those who are sincerely disposed towards you.