What is it like to collect ordinary ones in a dream. Why dream of collecting things? Picking mushrooms in the forest according to a dream book for a woman means

Have you ever had such situations when in night visions you are haunted by all the same everyday issues that you were tired of during the day? For example, what does it mean to collect things? The dream book on this subject contains several explanations. They will tell you how to behave in the following days. Let's figure it out.

analogy with the present

You know, when you are talking about what to pack for, do not rush to open the dream book. First, recall the events of the recent past in your memory. Indeed, often fatigue leads dreams, and not the higher "I". If you have been cleaning for a long time and tediously or preparing for a trip, then you should not ask why to pack things, a dream book. There is no symbolism in such a vision. It's just that you are so tired that a night's rest is not enough to recover. Set aside a day for complete relaxation. The same applies to the situation when there is a change of residence. You make a plan of upcoming events in your head, they are reflected in night visions. And it’s so clear what’s to come (why here Collecting things when you didn’t think about such an event at all is symbolic. Therefore, deciphering the vision should begin with an analysis of the present. Not all dreams are prophetic. Most of them are completely empty. It only talks about increased level of brain activity, overwork, to put it simply.

Gather things at home

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov interprets the plot as a sign of an imminent trip. If you put toilet items in a suitcase, packed trunks, this may be exactly what you have to do. When in the process they paid attention to the bright sun outside the window, you will get a pleasant surprise. Perhaps a dear friend will please you with a sudden gift - a trip to the resort. When the situation in the dream was gloomy, tense, then the reason for the trip will probably be a mourning event.

And what does it mean when a spouse had to pack things? Dream Interpretation Hasse warns that clouds have appeared in the family sky. A careless phrase can cause a storm of indignation on the part of a loved one. You need to be more careful in communication and wait out the unfavorable period. Everything will be alright.

Putting all sorts of little things in a chest of drawers or a closet - doing tedious things. Some relative or friend to ask to settle his problems. It will seem to you that everything can be done quickly. However, you will have to postpone your projects, spend a lot of time, which will certainly annoy.

Esoteric dream book: to collect things in a bag

It is important what was the volume of your virtual baggage. If you folded a small travel bag, you will have a business trip or a short trip. Packing trunks - for a long journey. In addition, such a vision speaks of the level of workload in life. How many things, so many problems and projects you have. They are not necessarily burdensome. Perhaps you are a hardworking person who enjoys constant fuss. The vision suggests that you will have to increase activity, run in all directions at once. The ability to successfully multi-task is great. It will help you achieve a lot. In such a plot, the subconscious mind suggests that it is not time to rest yet. Work hard and spin, the reward will soon follow. For women, this vision can tell about health. Bags symbolize the genitals. Since you have packed them, therefore, get ready for "filling". In other words, pregnancy is coming. And whether it is desirable or not, decide for yourself. Put junk in a reticule - engage in empty gossip. This can negatively affect the dreamer's reputation.

If you dreamed of other people's trunks

A dream in which you were not doing your own things has a completely different meaning. This was told to us by a family dream book. Collect other people's things - interfere in the affairs of strangers with an unpredictable result. It is not worth after such a vision - tips to try to resolve conflicts or give advice to strangers. Believe me, you may not like the response from that side. In the worst case, stay extreme. But is it necessary for happiness? Let people sort out their own problems. Collecting a guest’s belongings so that he gets out as soon as possible means a situation in which you will suffer from injustice. It is likely that your efforts and efforts aimed at a common cause will go unnoticed by colleagues. Someone will simply appropriate their results. The plot of the subconscious warns that it is necessary to focus in life on your (or his) opinion. Then there will be fewer dissonant, upsetting situations. To fold a bag for a loved one is to part with him. This is a bad dream for a girl.

Let's open Miller's dream book

Some people only trust familiar, time-honored sources. It is in them that they are looking for an answer to the question of why they had to collect things in the country of Morpheus. Miller's dream book has its own opinion on this matter. The interpreter suggests paying attention to the correspondence between the volume of things and the trunk. When there are few items, they do not completely fill the impressive interior of the bag, you do not realize your abilities. This results in loss of service. You've been out there for a long time now. When in a dream the situation looked the opposite, things literally spilled out of the bag, there will be an increase in the workload. This is likely to affect income levels as well. The dreamer is a great fellow, on whom both colleagues and superiors rely. Seeing things in a suitcase in a big mess is an unpleasant trip. Perhaps you have been waiting for a planned trip for a long time. But something will go wrong. There will be a theft, a hotel room will not be pleasant, the weather will be bad. You won't get the satisfaction you hoped for.

Collect items in a handbag

A woman - to empty, exhausting and unpleasant conversations. Of course, you need to communicate with friends. But try not to waste all your free time on this business. Think about your beloved. Do not fill your head with uninteresting nonsense. For a man to collect a handbag - to a love mess. The young man will be captivated by the spell of several ladies at once. Leapfrog reigns in the head. The recommendations of the interpreters are as follows: spend a day or two alone so that the hormones calm down. Then decide what to do with the fans. When the brain is scorched with passion from several sides at once, it is difficult to understand where the real feeling is and what is just an illusion. Filling a bag with feces is a lot of money for any dreamer.

Picking mushrooms in the forest is not only an interesting and exciting activity, not without romance, but also good for health, giving you the opportunity to breathe fresh air, get close to nature. And if you had to pick mushrooms in the forest, but not in reality, but in a dream? What is it for?

So, such a dream is not without reason, and the interpretation of various dream books of this vision varies greatly.

Miller's famous dream book believes to collect good, edible mushrooms for quick financial profit. After all, here, as in life, every work must be paid, and picking mushrooms is painstaking, laborious work.

  • If young people who are preparing to marry gather beautiful, edible mushrooms in a dream, there is no doubt that their family life will turn out fine, they will live in love and harmony.
  • But to collect poisonous mushrooms in a dream: toadstools, fly agaric, etc. a bad signal for everyone who had such a dream. This is a big scandal, health problems, and for people leading an immoral lifestyle, a warning of terrible, irreversible consequences.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Vanga, whose dream book is distinguished by detailed detailed interpretations of dreams, believes that it is important to remember which particular mushroom the sleeping person collected in a dream.
  • If he found a clearing with porcini mushrooms, a big financial profit is expected soon, as well as other gifts of fate in a good way.
  • If the collected mushrooms are wormy and inedible, the best friend will soon turn out to be a traitor.
  • In a dream, huge mushrooms the size of a multi-storey building grow out of the ground, this is a prophetic dream that predicts a nuclear catastrophe.

Freud's dream book

For the philosopher Freud, everything is not so scary, and a dream with picking mushrooms comes down to a promiscuous sexual life that the dreamer leads. The more wormy mushrooms, the more children are expected as a result of such sexual relations.

  • But if you peel mushrooms in a dream, then you can improve your promiscuous sex life by finding yourself a permanent partner, and maybe your only loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus, whose authority no one doubts, considers seeing mushrooms in a dream a call for caution, a warning of an impending serious illness. The exception is porcini mushrooms, "boletus mushrooms", which promise good luck in all matters.

Interpretation in a modern dream book

The modern dream book approaches the solution of such a dream more widely. Here the name and even the color of the collected mushrooms is important.

  • So it is believed that waves always dream of monetary profit or a large harvest.
  • Also, honey mushrooms dream of money.
  • Seeing champignons in a dream is also good: big deeds will bring big results.
  • White mushrooms, out of competition. This is financial well-being, and success in all matters.
  • Collecting chanterelles will not bring anything good in the near future, except for fuss and worries. Family troubles await the pickers of mushrooms, but the worst thing is to tear the toadstools: an unjustified risk in all matters, unnecessary connections and acquaintances.
Thus, basically mushrooms in a dream are a symbol of caution and prudence. But maybe it's not bad to be warned in advance so as not to make mistakes and exercise caution in various life situations.

Usually they dream of a feeling of weakness and longing. Very often picking mushrooms in a dream, especially small ones, means that you have to work very hard in order to get what you want. The dream interpretation writes a lot about such a dream because the mushrooms themselves are an ambiguous symbol.

On the one hand, seeing red heads in the middle of the grass is a dream of pleasure, reciprocal love and profit, on the other hand, they also mean illness, grief and other troubles that can be very difficult and unfavorable. That's what dreams of picking mushrooms most often.

Profit and Wealth

Such dreams are often dreamed not just by mushroom pickers, but by rural residents, for whom pleasant and tasty mushrooms, mushrooms and champignons are a real source of not only pleasure, but also income. Collecting mushrooms in a dream for city dwellers who buy them in stores most often portends painstaking work and activities associated with routine and small goals.

Seeing them in the forest in a clearing, especially small ones or completely inedible ones, is a waste of work, for which you will not only receive only a trifle, but you may not earn anything at all.

Why did you dream that you were collecting them in the forest and you come across nice and large mushrooms, milk mushrooms or aspen mushrooms, or even more valuable hats? The dream interpretation writes that you will have good financial opportunities and will be able to make great money if you show diligence and perseverance. Finding a large edible mushroom, both urban and rural, dreams of rare profit and good luck.

The meaning of such a dream is enhanced several times if you have prepared it and treated it to your friends and acquaintances. To see how someone was able to find a fragrant and appetizing mushroom - to profit and a significant improvement in their financial situation. The dream interpretation writes that luck itself will go into the hand of such a person. However, false mushrooms that only have the appearance of being useful for eating means a skillful deception, which can be very negative for the one who held it in his hand. Collecting them is a disease and an act that you will later regret very much.

What does the dream mean in which you fill your basket with various fragrant mushrooms, like boletus, milk mushrooms, porcini or chanterelles? The dream interpretation writes that such a dream is favorable and promises a secure and measured life, and a very large copy generally means rare luck and profit.

To see how a beautiful boletus, porcini mushroom or mushroom, champignon grows before your eyes and pick it - your talent will be appreciated and the business will simply flourish easily and quickly. However, for some women, such a dream predicts pregnancy.

Women's dreams

Seeing and picking mushrooms in a dream often means reciprocal love and pregnancy. The dream interpretation enhances the meaning, depending on the kind and their number in a dream. One big one dreams of pregnancy or the development of a deep feeling that will gradually mature in the heart of a girl or woman, provided that it is not poisonous. Here you need to look at the mushrooms by name in order to understand the exact meaning of the dream.

If a girl dreamed that she was picking mushrooms in a clearing in the forest or just on a lawn in pleasant and sunny weather, then the dream book interprets such a dream for joy, pleasant gifts and little things that lift your spirits. However, very small fungi predict routine and trouble, as well as the fact that she will not get what she wanted.

If a girl dreamed that she was picking mushrooms in damp and very gloomy weather, then the dream book writes that such a dream promises her sadness, grief and even tears. The meaning is also enhanced if she comes across false fakes of nature, fly agarics or grebes. Such a dream predicts tears, resentment, disappointment and trouble.

Why is there a dream in which a girl found among the mushrooms a large and beautiful mushroom that you can eat? The dream interpretation predicts her a new groom or a pleasant feeling, love. Most likely, her chosen one is also not indifferent to her.

Seeing them in a basket of a friend or sister is to envy and the fact that the guy will like the other and he will have a stormy romance with her. The meaning of sleep is enhanced if there was a large champignon, breast or porcini mushroom in it. These values ​​of nature do mean happiness, joy and a reward for the grief, suffering and tears of this person.

Why is there a dream in which a tasty and appetizing big mushroom grows in front of a girl? This dream signifies the development of a deep and intense love, or pregnancy and the birth of a son. The importance of sleep in a pregnant married woman is especially enhanced. For a girl, such a mushroom also means a rich handsome guy, reciprocal love, a new romance or marriage proposal.

Bad mushrooms, toadstools or false chanterelles or champignons mean deceit, illness and great disappointment. Collecting them is a sign of illness, denigration of the soul, despondency, but often such a dream predicts a breakdown in spirit, a mockery of love, a rejected feeling, illness and severe depression.

To see how a large poisonous mushroom grows and develops - to a dangerous disease, often of an oncological nature. Especially if it grows to a gigantic size.

In some cases, sleep helps determine the nature of the tumor. Edible - benign, inedible - malignant, but this method of diagnosis is very doubtful. Small mushrooms, especially poisonous ones, dream of resentment, skin problems, acne, warts and moles that will poison your life, face and beauty.

Did you dream about collecting something in a dream? And what was it - berries or mushrooms, maybe juicy raspberries or sour rotten pears. What can the collection process tell about in general. Perhaps the dreamer will have to look for another job, or he will have a big profit, financial success. Everything will depend on the purpose of the collection, on what a person collected in a dream, and also what emotions he experienced, and even on his gender.

We will consider how to interpret a dream where something was collected from various dream books, and we will also pay attention to the subject of the collection. Let's turn to wise interpreters and find out what is worth waiting for in reality, and what is just an empty dream that does not lead to anything.

Deciphering what dreams of collecting from various dream books

Freud's dream book

Here, the process of gathering in a dream is associated with an attitude towards sex. If the collection was active, and the subject of gathering was large, then the dreamer is active in bed and inventive, but at the moment something does not suit him in his current relationship, and he is trying to look for another partner.

If the collection does not give pleasure, then the person is inactive in bed, he does not like sex and, probably, he enters into intimate relationships reluctantly.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The interpretation according to Vanga's dream book depends on the subject of the collection and on what its result was. If the gathering took place hastily, a person does not have enough time to solve all his questions and affairs.

If in a dream you dreamed of picking some rotten fruits or dirty things - health problems or a person experiences unrequited love and is very worried about this.

Miller's dream book

She dreams of collecting things or fruits in a hurry - a dream warns against rash steps and actions. Haste can lead to the fact that a person will lose a lot, so you should listen and think about such a dream.

If a person collected fruits, and then ate them, most likely he experiences unrequited feelings. But if the fruits were rotten, tasteless - health problems.

Loff's dream book

The collection item was edible, but poisonous, it should be expected that the dreamer will have some obstacles on the way that prevent the achievement of the goal.

But tasty gathering items or beautiful ones will tell you about the upcoming gift, good news.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Collecting something in a dream according to Tsvetkov's dream book is a sign of wisdom, experience, but what it will be like depends on the subject of the collection and on its characteristics.

She dreams of picking large fruits, berries, clean things - listening to the elders and being able to draw the right conclusions from the current situation.

There is something collected to put on oneself - to apply knowledge in life.

To collect something wormy, missing, Tsvetkov's dream book warns of danger. If you throw away the collection items, it means that the person who causes trouble can go unpunished.

If a bag or basket is full of fresh fruits, then this is a symbol of wisdom and wealth, which is obtained as a result of painstaking work and life experience.

Deciphering dreams on the subject of collecting

  • Collect mushrooms in a dream

If they are poisonous, then this will tell the person that he is likely to take rash actions, commit a series of stupid acts.

Collecting unripe mushrooms promise some trouble, as well as minor difficulties.

Eating collected mushrooms is probably a disease, poisoning.

To dream about how someone else picks mushrooms, and to watch this process - when solving problems, you should rely only on yourself, and not rely on the help of relatives or friends.

If boletus mushrooms grow in a dream right in the yard and the dreamer collects them, it means that a person has a personal secret in life, but he cannot tell it to anyone, trust.

Collecting poisoned toadstools, fly agaric is a bad sign, indicates that a person hopes for something, but his dreams are not destined to come true.

Other dream books talk about the fact that a poisonous mushroom collected in a basket speaks of deceit, and a tasty and edible one will lead to well-being and good luck.

  • Dream of picking apples

If a person who has a dream picks apples from the floor, then he should be wary of false speeches, especially from close friends and relatives. For a young girl, such a dream promises betrayal and betrayal of her chosen one.

Picking apples from a tree is a wonderful dream, it speaks of the successful start of a business, as well as the successful implementation of the planned project, plan. But before you implement your idea, you need to think several times how to do it more correctly, in general, weigh everything.

If the apples hung very high in a dream and it was difficult to get them, the goal is very difficult to achieve, priorities have changed, but if you try, it will be achieved.

  • Picking berries

If the dreamer not only collected them, but also used them, then it is worth remembering what taste they had. If the berries were sweet, tasty, and also juicy, the dream promises success in any goals and endeavors. In the case when the fruits are sour, unpleasant, and also rotten and inconspicuous in appearance, possibly dry - you should wait for troubles and try to protect yourself from them, so you should be careful and pay attention to details.

Picking ripe berries in a dream - a person will get what he dreams of, but he will have to wait, and this will be duly rewarded. Sleep also applies to personal life, as well as professional activities.

  • Dreaming of picking cucumbers

Collecting tasty, ripe green cucumbers in a dream - the dreamer is energetic, strong, feels good. Also, picking a cucumber suggests that the one who saw the dream is under the power of the bonds of Hymen. These relationships will be harmonious and mutual. But if an elderly person dreamed of cucumbers, then they should expect children and grandchildren to visit, the meeting will be long-awaited.

A man dreamed of cucumbers, which he tears from the garden - he will be able to climb the career ladder, he will find stability, material well-being.

  • Collect strawberries in a dream

Strawberries will tell you that a person remembers past relationships, misses his former lover, because he is attached to him.

Eating harvested strawberries is a sweet dream that we can say with confidence should come true in real life.

If in a dream a girl picked strawberries, and the clearing was literally strewn with juicy fruits, and among them were other berries and mushrooms, then the young lady is actively looking for a partner.

Eating handfuls of strawberries picked in a dream means trusting your sexual partner with your secret desires, which he will fully share.

An unsuccessful dream, when the dreamer was tempted by rotten strawberries, he should not count on the reciprocity of his beloved. But ripe fruits will bring a lot of pleasure.

  • Collect strawberries

When deciphering a dream in dream books, it is worth remembering what was done with the collected berries. If they were simply eaten, then the person will receive a reward for their labors, that is, they will not be in vain.

If in a dream you sell strawberries that have been harvested, you will have to be captured by temptation.

Sharing strawberries with others in a dream is likely to make a tempting offer, profitable. You should agree to it, and without hesitation.

Collecting strawberries in a large clearing is good luck, a surprise awaits the dreamer, most likely, some event will make adjustments to the plans, but this will lead not to chagrin, but to joy.

  • Collect potatoes in a dream

Basically, the interpretation of sleep in dream books about picking potatoes is positive and favorable. Collecting large potatoes in your dream will tell you that you will receive a large profit for your work. Small potatoes - a small but stable income.

Collecting flowers from potatoes in a dream will most likely lead to a successful marriage or improved family relations, a former passion will appear.

Also, dream books promise the one who picked potatoes in a dream to prepare for difficult, difficult work, but if a family person dreamed of potatoes, one should expect that everything will be fine with him, a family idyll, happiness.

Sometimes picking potatoes in a dream speaks of vain work or a disease that will take a long time to heal.

  • collect raspberries

The interpretation of sleep is not as sweet as the berry itself. Dream Interpretation portends tears and disappointment. Also, raspberries are considered a forbidden fruit, so those who see a dream will be disappointed in love and an unsuccessful romantic date.

Another dream book told that a person literally dreams of a certain desire, but will be able to understand its meaninglessness and achieve a new, but more real goal.

Eating sweet raspberries, which were just picked from the bush, is a harbinger of happiness, and the dreamer also has an excellent taste, he will be rewarded.

Raspberries are sour and rotten, probably a slight malaise, poisoning.

  • Dreaming of picking tomatoes

Ripe tomatoes will tell about family well-being. Picking tomatoes in a dream for a young girl promises her to meet her betrothed, who will propose to her.

I dreamed of red tomatoes - in reality the dreamer will have a pleasant acquaintance, which can lead to profit or strong friendship.

To eat only harvested tomatoes, the dream book speaks of good luck in life, and the dreamer can also count on the fact that he will be repaid the debt, especially if the tomatoes hung on a green bush. A ripe vegetable basically always promises big profits.

  • collect eggs

Did you pick up a whole basket of large eggs in your dream? Wait for pleasant changes, you will probably receive a tempting offer, it is worth waiting for a good deal.

Well, when the eggs of a forest bird are collected, the dream book speaks of a possible inheritance from relatives that have been forgotten or not known about.

But rotten eggs are not the best dream, which can speak of losses, troubles, unexpected expenses.

  • Collect flowers in a dream

If these are flowers from linden, the dream promises good health and well-being to those who saw it, well-being will be good.

Collecting yellow dandelions in a dream is a great mood, expect good news.

Collecting lilies of the valley is also a good symbol. This suggests that the dreamer is wise and has rich life experience, and he also has a penchant for divination.

Former daisies - they prophesy to the dreamer quiet days, peace of mind.

Collecting cornflowers in a dream also promises positive changes both at work and in family life.

Collecting other flowers in a dream suggests that the dreamer will enjoy, both for the soul and for the body.

  • Why dream of collecting nuts

Pine nuts will tell about small quarrels, also a dream where nuts gathered will tell about possible troubles, inflicted insults.

Cashews - these fruits speak of interesting, and most importantly, useful acquaintances.

Collecting almonds - the dreamer should wait for a serious conversation that will leave an unpleasant aftertaste in his soul.

Collecting pistachios in a dream will lead to the answers found, to the difficult questions of interest to the dreamer.

But the collection of coconuts is a very unusual dream, it promises a pleasant surprise, it will surprise the dreamer a lot.

  • Dreamed of collecting candy

Collecting a sweet treat in a dream means that a person is in love, but what object of his love will tell them the taste and appearance of the candy. If it is tasty, the wrapper is bright, then love will be sweet, if it is hard, sour, dirty - the feelings of the chosen one are false, not real.

They collected a lot of sweets, but they can’t eat everything, the person is unsure of his soulmate.

Deciphering dreams of collecting items

  • Collect things

If the dreamer folded a bag in his dream and things lie flat, then everything in his life will come in order, get better.

If things look like chaos, then it’s worth putting things in order in life so that everything returns to normal.

  • Dreaming of packing a suitcase
  • Collect the bag

If in a dream they collect the bag carefully, then the dreamer will have a road, a pleasant journey.

  • Collect earth in a dream

Interpretations of dream books say that collecting land in a dream will lead to disappointment, you should not wait for joy. If dirt is seen, then the person is dishonest and earns money by dishonest labor.

  • Why dream of collecting coins

If the coins in a dream are gold, then life will improve, and events will change for the better.

Silver is also not bad, small but nice bonuses are waiting for you.

  • Collect money

If there is a lot of money collected in a dream, and they are large, then the financial condition should change for the better, but you should not wait to hit the big jackpot.

  • Dreaming of collecting change

It is the pursuit of instant profit that will result in you missing out on a big trade.

  • Pick up from the floor in a dream

The dream interpretation interprets how troubles, perhaps minor ones, as well as tears and disappointment.

Deciphering different dreams about gathering

  • Gather things in a hurry, in a hurry

The dream interpretation speaks of non-reciprocal feelings for your loved one. Perhaps he is trying to attract the attention of a person who is indifferent to him.

  • Collect stones

Getting stones out of the water in a dream is a romantic date, a pleasant evening, a journey where you can be alone with your lover.

Collecting stones on the shore - there is a tedious interlocutor nearby, tiring with his boring conversations.

  • Collecting rice or just harvesting is a good sign, indicating peace of mind, joy and well-being.
  • To collect everything that came to hand, dream books talk about the offense inflicted from a friend, the betrayal of a loved one.
  • Collecting only delicate items will tell you that the dreamer will be abandoned by his lover or he may be fired from his job undeservedly.

As you can see, there is a lot of information about what dreams of collecting something, but you need to carefully interpret your dream from dream books, studying every detail. It is also not worth believing unconditionally in dreams, but we also advise you to lose sight of the hints. Sometimes it is worth analyzing the situation and listening to yourself.

In a dream, we often perform different actions. They are of great importance for the correct interpretation of sleep, understanding the indications of higher powers.

One of the most significant actions is to collect something not in reality. Often a dream about such "nightly" gathering sums up your actions in reality. Let's try to figure out how the dream book interprets "collect" as an action performed in the arms of Morpheus?

you were packing things

1. In a dream, did you see that you had a complete mess at home or in another place and you had to collect scattered things? Such a mess and its subsequent cleaning means that in reality you will expect cash profit, financial receipts.

Note that the more things were scattered and then removed by you, the more significant money you will receive.

2. If you collected things and put them in a suitcase, then you will have a journey related to work. You will be sent on a business trip, most likely. And, perhaps, your dream will suddenly come true, the plans that you have been hatching for a long time will come true.

Keep in mind that if the things you put in your suitcase strangely disappear from there, expect small troubles in your personal life.

3. If they collected not things, but scattered objects, for example, books - this is a good sign. Instead of money, you can also acquire new and useful knowledge.

you were collecting stones

The dream where stones had to be collected is very symbolic. This means that a turning point has come in your destiny. You are now on the threshold of choice.

You need to look back and evaluate the passed stages of life. There are changes ahead of you. Whatever they are, it is important to understand that these changes are the consequences of your actions in the past.

  • Small, like sea pebbles, or even smaller? They symbolize that your fate will be influenced by many of your small actions.
  • If the stones are large, even gigantic, which are very difficult to lift, then this is a sign of significant events and situations in which you behaved badly, where your dark side manifested itself. And now the time is coming when you will have to take responsibility for this.

Remember the place where it happened:

  • So, a clean field, in the middle of which stones are stacked, is a sign of the soul, your innermost inner world.
  • The road is a symbol of your life, the path you are walking.
  • The sea or river bank is the outskirts of life. The literal interpretation of the dream, where you stack pebbles on the seashore, means that circumstances have thrown you off the straight path of life. If you can overcome yourself and change, you will return to full life.
  • A construction site or some kind of house where stones are scattered symbolizes family and kinship.

So, if you dreamed of a destroyed house, and you are trying to clear it of rubble, and for this you have to move hefty stone blocks, then you have very significant problems in the family, with relatives.

Major quarrels, the upcoming divorce are the consequences of your actions. But still an opportunity to correct mistakes and put them in their places.

Did you collect something edible

If a dream came in which you happened to collect something from food, its meaning depends on what exactly you collected:

Mushrooms in the forest - success awaits you. We found a large mushroom - a great achievement, well-deserved praise. Amanitas, grebes - success where you did not expect it.

  • Berries in the forest: small - to small joys. Large - the fulfillment of the plan.
  • Nuts - love luck, perhaps a new person will appear in your life who will cause a serious feeling.
  • Apples - you will find success in matters related to gardening.
  • Pears - disappointment lies ahead, but it will have a positive meaning: unnecessary people will leave your life.
  • Peas - promotion at work, work-related plans will come true.

The meaning of individual dreams

Collecting flowers in a dream symbolizes everything connected with romance. You need to look at the value for each flower. As well as the meaning of each color.

Collecting small things in a dream, money is a classic dream, the meaning of which everyone knows: to tears. If the coins were precious and old, gold or silver - to losses, lies, depression.

However, whatever the dream, its meaning is strongly influenced by the emotional coloring of the dream. Even the worst symbol loses its power if the dreamer was happy and contented in a dream. Author: Maria Serova