White aphid on an apple tree how to fight. How to get rid of aphids on an apple tree. A decoction of tansy

Many gardeners have often encountered the fact that fruit trees (apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry, sweet cherry) have twisted leaves, because of which the upper shoots cannot grow and develop normally, and then the overall yield eventually decreases. This means that aphid, a microscopically small, seemingly touchingly defenseless pest that feeds on plant sap, “worked” here.

How to get rid of aphids on apple trees and other fruit trees will be discussed in our article.

When a fruit tree is overcome by aphids, its leaves begin to curl, which in turn adversely affects the shoots and the future laying of flower buds. The fact is that the processes of photosynthesis in such branches are violated, as a result, the plant ceases to receive normal nutrition.

Interesting! The leaves take on this shape because the aphid injects a special substance into them. Because of this, they curl up and form a kind of house, thereby it (aphid) protects itself, as it were, from other pests that may be nearby.

As a rule, aphids appear first on young shoots, from which it is easiest to extract juice, the small pest usually does not sit on the old ones.

As you know, ants are considered forest orderlies, but at the same time they are real pests of the garden. It is they who, as a rule, transfer aphids to fruit trees, and then protect them, as they like to feed on their carbohydrate secretions - sweet honeydew.

Capacious quote and indicative thing! "Aphid is an ant cow."

Advice! Therefore, if you decide to fight aphids, at the same time you need take measures to rid the garden of ants which are described in detail

Video: aphid on the plum - characteristic signs of damage

Important! Aphids, as a rule, are species-specific, that is, there are apple-cereal aphids, apple-plantain, peach, plum, cherry, pear, and so on. But the way to deal with it is the same.

How to treat fruit trees from aphids: chemical, biological and folk remedies for pest control

When you spray a tree, it is imperative to try get inside the twisted leaves, where, in fact, is the aphid. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the treatment with gloves, with which you will unfold the infected leaves during the spraying process.

Concerning optimal terms for processing fruit trees from aphids, the best thing to do is to before bud break or after that, since during flowering you can harm insects - pollinators (bees, bumblebees). Of course, you may have to carry out spraying and summer (during the growing season fruit ripening). Also, the fight against aphids can be continued autumn, after harvest.


If you decide to treat fruit trees from aphids with the help of chemistry, then it is better to use enteric-contact chemicals, preferably systemic ones, which penetrate the plant and concentrate at the growth points, in other words, at the tops of the shoots where the aphids sit.

Please note! The cycle of life and development of aphids is about 3 weeks. New offspring can easily adapt to a chemical agent, so it is not recommended to use the same drug, i.e. use products with different active ingredients.

Such systemic chemicals against aphids and other harmful insects include (active ingredient, method of entry, and chemical class of the agent are indicated in brackets):

Important! Before using any of the drugs, be sure to read its instructions to make the correct concentration of the working solution.

There are also non-systemic chemical insecticides:

  • Aliot (Malathion (Karbofos), enteric-contact, class Organophosphorus compounds (FOS);

  • Neophral (Alpha-cypermethrin , enteric-contact, Pyrethroid class);
  • Kinmiks (Beta-cypermethrin, enteric contact, pyrethroid class);

  • Decis Profi (Deltamethrin , entero-contact, pyrethroid class).

By the way! From wintering stages of pests well proven drug 30 Plus(Vaseline oil, contact action, mineral oil grade) and prophylactin(Vaseline oil and Malathion (Karbofos), enteric-contact action, class mineral oils + organophosphorus compounds (FOS).


Despite the fact that biological preparations are usually contact, their action does not entail any problems (they are harmless) and the waiting time for some of them can be reduced up to 2-5 days.

The following biological insecticides against aphids and other insects have long gained popularity among summer residents (the active substance, the method of penetration, and the chemical class of the agent are indicated in brackets):

Fitoverm, Aktofit = complete analogues, with the same active ingredient.

  • Spark BIO (Avertin N, enteric-contact insecticide, class Avermectins + biological pesticides);

  • Bitoxibacillin (Bacillus thuringiensis var. thuringiensis, enteric pesticide, class bacterial insecticides + biological pesticides);

  • Tobacco dust (Nicotine , enteric-contact action, a class of plant insecticides).

Video: how to deal with aphids on an apple tree

Folk remedies against aphids


Perhaps the most popular and truly folk remedy for dealing with aphids on an apple tree is ammonia.

In order to prepare a spray solution, you will need to mix:

The cooking process itself is as follows: grate laundry soap, then dissolve in a small amount of hot water, pour into a common container and add ammonia. Carry out the treatment, and after a week repeat again.

Usually, the smell of ammonia will disappear in about a week, so if aphids are constantly come back , the processing will have to be repeated again and again.

Note! This solution can be sprayed when the fruit or berries are almost ripe. In addition, ammonia is an excellent nitrogen fertilizer for plants.

Video: how to get rid of aphids on an apple tree with ammonia solution

Naturally, not only an apple tree, but also any fruit trees, as well as shrubs (), vegetables () can be sprayed from aphids with ammonia. For example, the same cherry or sweet cherry that the summer resident does in the next video, having prepared a less concentrated solution, namely, taking 40 ml of ammonia per 10 liters of water, as well as 2-3 tablespoons of liquid laundry soap.

Video: ammonia is a super remedy for aphids on trees

Laundry soap

To combat aphids, you can simply use a solution of laundry soap, although, according to gardeners, tar soap, which has a sharper smell, helps better.

Infusions and decoctions of caustic and odorous herbs

Aphids from your trees will help to repel decoctions and infusions from, namely those that have a very pungent odor. For example, it can be yarrow, wormwood, St. John's wort.

Advice! In general, you can cook the same infusions and decoctions that will help get rid of aphids currants and gooseberries described

Trapping belt from aphids on trees

It is not necessary to deal with aphids only by spraying, there is a fairly simple but very effective way to protect fruit trees from aphids.

Even in early spring, put a hunting belt on the trunk and you will forget about aphids for the whole season: ants (the main aphid carriers) simply will not be able to climb a tree.

Such a hunting belt can be bought ready-made or made independently, with your own hands.

By the way! Many gardeners use ordinary flypaper (adhesive tape) for flies, wrapping it around a tree.

What you need if you want to make it yourself:

  • a small (2-3 cm wide) rubber strip the length of a tree trunk diameter;
  • another thinner elastic band to secure the main one;
  • ant gel (for example, Adamant, Proshka Brownie, Taracid, etc.)

Step-by-step instructions for creating a trapping belt from ants:

  1. Take 2 rubber bands and secure the wide one tightly with the narrow one on the trunk so that the ants cannot crawl under the elastic band and climb further up the trunk.
  2. Lubricate the belt with a special gel, wearing gloves.

Video: how to make a do-it-yourself hunting belt for aphids on fruit trees

Very effective beltfluffy synthetic winterizer. Not a single ant will pass such an obstacle.

With the help of special glue from rodents and pests, you can also create a barrier similar to a hunting belt on the trunk of a fruit tree.

In this case, you can pre-wrap the trunk with masking tape or the same rubber band.

The glue itself lasts about 1.5 months, and it does not lose its properties even after rain (it is not washed off), although it is better to renew it a couple of times over the summer (after all, insects and other debris constantly stick to it).

Important! It is recommended to carry out all work with glue for the hunting belt with gloves, since the substance is very sticky and it is inconvenient to wash it.

Video: how to get rid of aphids on a drain with insect and rodent glue

Interesting! Ants are very cunning insects. They can easily crawl over the backs of adherent brothers, so for reinsurance, after a certain distance, it is better to make another belt or sticky barrier.

Natural (biological) enemies of aphids

You can help in the fight against aphids ladybug who loves to eat her for breakfast, including her larvae.

Interesting to know! Aphids are also preferred lacewings, ground beetles, hoverflies, predatory bugs, wasps, sparrows, kinglets, warblers, tits and other flying insects and birds.

Mechanicalways to deal with aphids

Of course, you can try to knock down, or rather wash off the aphids with a powerful jet of water. But you won’t destroy all the aphids on the trees in this way: a little later it will return again.

Aphid settled in your area and captures more and more territories? Do not be discouraged and give up. There are many effective ways to deal with it. Use them regularly, and the attack will definitely recede.

Video: folk ways to get rid of aphids on fruit trees (pear, plum, apple)

In contact with

Signs of aphids

The first visual sign of an aphid infestation is reddish, raised spots that result from infection of the plant with an aphid-infected virus. At the next stage of the lesion, a sticky coating appears, and the leaves of the trees curl and dry. At the same time, young shoots are noticeably deformed and also begin to dry.

The defeat of the green mass always begins at the top of the tree and quickly spreads to the rest of it. And after the females have wings, they capture neighboring trees, thus forming entire colonies of new generations of pests.

Types of pests

Winged females of the green aphid lay up to 100 eggs at a time and are able to travel quite long distances. So, an adult female can easily overcome a distance of 25 km and, having made a clutch, occupy new territories. However, a much greater threat to the green mass is posed not by adults, but by aphid larvae.. Young pests tightly stick around the tree, destroy leaves and young shoots in a short time, and also entangle the tree with their sticky "web".

The aphid larval stage lasts about two weeks, and this time is quite enough to destroy the leaf cover.

Sometimes on apple trees you can find cotton (melon) and apple-plantain aphids. The latter leaves the apple tree for the plantain in the summer months, breeds safely, and returns to the tree in the autumn months and lays eggs. In the spring, the eggs hatch into larvae that devour the leaves of the plant until they become adults and migrate back to the plantain.

tobacco aphid

Melon (cotton) aphid

What to process?

You can get rid of a small number of aphids by manually removing insects from the branches. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in a soapy solution and carefully remove the aphids. Due to its inactivity, the insect does not have time to move to another area and can be safely removed. It also helps to knock aphids off the leaves with a jet of water from a hose.

However, such measures can be taken only in isolated cases of damage to trees in small household plots. In large apple orchards, larger events are required.

An effective measure to combat aphids is the installation of birdhouses. Birds are happy to eat insects, thereby maintaining the health of apple trees. To more effectively attract birds to the site, you can install feeders, arrange drinkers, and also plant several fragrant berry bushes nearby. This will surely attract linnets, sparrows, tits and robins, whose diet is based on various kinds of insects. In addition, you can try to populate the garden with ladybugs, hoverflies and lacewings. These insects will not harm apple plantations, but they will effectively exterminate aphids. An area planted with dandelions, tansy, yarrow and dill will help increase the number of ladybugs. Insects love these plants, so they will settle in such a place with great pleasure.

As mentioned above, large colonies of ants often live next to green aphids. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of anthills in the garden, and, if necessary, destroy the ants. Planting chamomile, calendula, marigolds, celandine and tobacco next to apple trees can be attributed to effective biological control methods. A good result is the presence of such plants as garlic, hot pepper, celery, horseradish, onion, calendula, lavender, sage, basil, mustard and mint.

All of these plants belong to the category of insecticidal and are poorly tolerated by aphids. In addition to planting plants, spraying apple trees with their infusion or decoction gives good results.

In addition to biological methods, a number of other measures are very effective.

  • The use of ash solution. This method is the most affordable and is often used by orchard owners. In addition to fighting aphids, ash saturates the earth with a large number of trace elements and often acts as a seasonal fertilizer. To prepare the solution, take 1 kg of ash, pour 8 liters of boiling water and insist for 48 hours. Then the liquid is filtered, 10 liters of water are added and the apple trees are sprayed.
  • Infusion of tomato leaves also helps to quickly get rid of aphids. To prepare it, two cups of finely chopped leaves are poured with two cups of boiling water and allowed to brew for 12 hours. Then they filter, add another 5 liters of water and process the trees.
  • Infusion of onion peel prepared as follows: a bucket of crushed husks is poured with twenty liters of water and kept for five days. Then they filter, add finely planed laundry soap at the rate of 2 pieces per 1 liter of water and dilute with water in a ratio of 1: 2. Due to the absolute harmlessness and high efficiency, the solution can be used any number of times.
  • Garlic infusion. To prepare the solution, take 6 cloves of garlic, pass through a garlic press, put in a jar and pour 100 g of hot water into it. After a day, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one teaspoon of liquid soap and 2 liters of water are added to the composition. The resulting liquid is well mixed and spraying begins.
  • Infusion of tobacco. To prepare the product, take 50 grams of tobacco and pour ten liters of hot water. Then a pre-planned piece of laundry soap is added and left for 24 hours. Then the solution is filtered and the trees are processed.
  • Coca-Cola and vodka also have a detrimental effect on aphids and do not harm the plant itself. A spray bottle is put on a bottle with a drink and the areas affected by the pest are treated.

It is worth noting that the use of laundry soap in many folk recipes is due to the following: the product has a viscous structure and has a powerful enveloping effect. Due to this property, the soap solution blocks the flow of air to the body of the insect, it loses the ability to breathe and dies. Spraying trees should be done strictly in the evening. This requirement is dictated by the fact that during the day the apple tree is visited by a large number of beneficial insects that pollinate the apple tree. Therefore, in order to exclude their destruction, spraying should be done after sunset, when the insects no longer fly. Some gardeners use potassium soap instead of household soap, dilute a piece in a bucket of water and process trees.

In addition to using a soap solution, the use of ammonia gives good results. To prepare the mixture, take 2 tbsp. spoons of alcohol and dilute them in 10 liters of water. Then a handful of washing powder is added, mixed well and processed. The aphid does not tolerate ammonia vapors and quickly dies. An infusion of citrus fruits also helps: 100 grams of dry crushed orange peels are poured with one liter of hot water and insisted in heat for three days.

One of the available and effective means is dandelion infusion: 400 g of leaves are finely cut, poured with a bucket of warm water and infused for 3 hours. You can also prepare a remedy from hot pepper. To do this, the pod is cut into 2 parts, poured with a liter of water and boiled for an hour. Then insist for 2 days, after which it is filtered and bottled. For pepper treatment of apple trees, take 125 g of this infusion, add 40 g of laundry soap and 10 liters of water to it. You can spray plants with this composition up to 3 times a month.

One of the most dangerous pests is the aphid. These insects, whose size does not exceed 4 millimeters, cause great harm to the entire garden. They appear from larvae, which are laid by the female in autumn. They migrate through the air and, therefore, can get into any garden plot. However, there are preventive measures that will help reduce the likelihood of this pest in the garden.

Signs of aphids on an apple tree

Signs of the appearance of a pest on a tree are:

  • sticky liquid on leaves (pad);
  • twisted leaves on the affected tree;
  • a large number of ants near the apple tree;
  • visual detection.

The tops of the shoots are affected first. This is due to the fact that it is in this part of the tree that the most tender leaves are found.

Methods for dealing with aphids on an apple tree

The actively developing chemical industry offers a wide range of pesticides. Along with this, summer residents use folk remedies, the choice of which is not inferior to the number of poisons. Physical and biological control methods are also used.

If we talk about the effectiveness of certain measures, then we cannot say that any particular recipe is the most effective. Here you need to combine different options and see what will help to cope with the problem in this particular case. After all, aphids are a living organism that can develop addiction to one or another remedy.


You can fight aphids on an apple tree using chemistry, which includes poisons to kill harmful insects. The effectiveness of this method is quite high, but it can hardly be called environmentally friendly. Therefore, it is worth resorting to it if other methods do not help.

When using chemicals, you need to follow some rules:

  • during flowering it is impossible to process, otherwise the fruits will contain substances harmful to human health;
  • you need to spray the apple tree when there is neither wind, nor precipitation, nor dew;
  • when spraying, use a respirator, rubber gloves and goggles.

On the shelves of specialized stores you can see a wide range of products that will help remove aphids on an apple tree. These include:

  • "Kinmiks". An insecticide based on beta-cypermethrin, belonging to the group of pyrethroids of synthetic origin. It acts both on adults and on their larvae, provoking paralysis and death in them. The product is not dangerous for the environment.
  • "Akarin". Biological product based on Avertin N. Used to control garden pests, including aphids and ants.
  • Fury. Insecticide based on zeta-cypermethrin, related to moderately hazardous substances. The protective effect is preserved for 2 weeks after spraying the trees.

Physical means

Measures to combat apple aphids are not limited to the use of chemicals. The physical method involves the use of low and high temperatures. It is more applicable in greenhouses and greenhouses than in open ground. Also, this group of funds includes the destruction of affected leaves and fruits.

To combat aphids on apple trees, you must:

  • collect pests (for this you can use cotton swabs dipped in soapy water);
  • burn damaged leaves and fruits (if this is not done, insects from damaged leaves will move to healthy ones).

Biological agents

The biological method involves the use of living organisms to control aphids. It is quite laborious, because in the garden it is necessary to create favorable conditions for animals, birds and insects that feed on it. You can also destroy aphids on an apple tree by cultivating plants that repel them with their smell.

These methods include:

  • destruction of anthills (ants feed on the sweet secretions of aphids, therefore they protect it);
  • planting Dalmatian chamomile, calendula, lavender, tomatoes, tansy or garlic (their aroma repels various pests of fruit trees);
  • the construction of birdhouses (birds such as linnets, sparrows, robins, robins and tits destroy aphids);
  • cultivation of ladybugs and lacewings (they eat it).

Folk remedies

Even our great-grandfathers knew how to treat an apple tree from aphids. These recipes have been passed down from generation to generation. Today, there are many different infusions and mixtures for pest control. Folk remedies are quite effective and environmentally friendly.

Effective ways to deal with aphids are infusions of liquid soap and water, garlic, chopped tomato leaves, wood ash.

Infusion of liquid soap and water
Soap envelops the body of insects. When interacting with him, they die, because they breathe through the body.

  1. Dilute 2 tsp. liquid soap in 2 cups of water.
  2. Add 1 cup of vegetable oil to the resulting mixture.
  3. Apply to affected leaves and shoots.

Infusion of chopped tomato leaves
Such a folk remedy is very soft and 100% environmentally friendly. In addition, it does not require additional costs for summer residents and protects apple trees from aphids.

  1. Chop the tomato leaves. It is advisable to use those that are at the bottom of the stem. They should make 2 cups.
  2. Soak the leaves in 2 cups of water. Leave this mixture overnight.
  3. Treat affected areas. Pay attention to the inside of the sheet.

Infusion of garlic
Soap and oil envelop the body of insects. This prevents them from breathing, and the green aphid on the apple trees dies. And the volatile substances of garlic repel pests.

  1. Grind 5 cloves of garlic with a press.
  2. Soak minced garlic in 1/2 cup water.
  3. Soak in water for 24 hours.
  4. Add 1 tsp. liquid soap and 2 tsp. vegetable oil.
  5. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture with water in a spray bottle.
  6. Treat affected areas.

Wood ash infusion
This is a very effective remedy for aphids on an apple tree. Ash is also an excellent fertilizer. The prepared infusion makes the leaves of the tree rough and unattractive to pests. Ash also creates unfavorable conditions for their life.

  1. Take 1 kg of wood ash and pour 8 liters of boiling water over it.
  2. Leave for 2 days.
  3. Strain the resulting mixture.
  4. Add enough water to make 10 liters of the mixture.
  5. Spray the tree.


Aphids on an apple tree are a fairly common occurrence, so you need to constantly apply preventive measures. It can be brought to the garden plot along with seedlings. Before buying, you need to carefully examine the young apple trees. Also, for prevention, insects and birds should be attracted to the garden, which destroy pests of fruit trees. The fight against aphids on an apple tree cannot be limited to the use of any one tool. You need to apply them in combination.

Thus, in order to prevent aphids from starting in the garden, it is necessary to immediately take measures to destroy it immediately after the first signs are detected. After all, these insects spread very quickly. Apple processing should be carried out systematically.

How to deal with aphids on an apple tree? In most cases, aphids attack fruit trees. To protect the crop from this dangerous and prolific insect, you need to learn how to deal with it in time. From early spring to late autumn, insects colonies besiege trees and spoil them. There are many effective methods for dealing with aphids on an apple tree, more information in the article.

  1. Aphids usually appear on apple trees that are planted on soils that have a very low amount of phosphorus, magnesium and boron, but a large amount of organic matter. Many gardeners want to enrich the soil by feeding it with plenty of fertilizer. Immoderate feeding is not quite the right decision.
  2. It is quite enough to add superphosphate with borax to the ground, fertilize the leaf and cut the branches with aphids. With a numerous attack of aphids, these methods are not limited.
  3. Here you should find the main reason for the appearance of harmful insects, and ants are most often such a reason. Ants ingest sweet apple juice, thereby increasing the appearance of aphids.

Primarily, the fight against aphids begins with the extermination of ants. For this, special adhesive strips are often used on the trunk of an apple tree. The strips are impregnated with a special solution consisting of sweet substances. The ants stick to the tape and cannot move on the tree. If this method does not help, then special solutions with poisons are used.

Synthetic poisons are also used to get rid of aphids. They should be used carefully, protecting the eyes and respiratory organs.

How to deal with aphids depending on the month

Depending on the summer month, you need to deal with aphids in the following ways:

  1. June. At the beginning of summer, it is recommended to use anabazine sulfate or other similar preparations. The composition acts immediately and retains the effect for a long time. In mid-June, you can apply a solution: hot pepper 50 g brewed in 10 liters of boiled water. The final stage in the first month is to treat the trunks and branches with a solution of Thiacloprid. This method will help to cope with ants and aphids.
  2. July. If measures for the prevention and control of insects are not carried out in June, then it is imperative to start fighting the pest. Before spraying apple trees, you need to understand: if the garden is young and the trees are small, then you can neutralize them by cutting off the branches of the current year. If the garden consists of mature trees, then you will have to use chemicals and poisons: Dimethoate, Chlorpyrifos.
  3. August. At the end of summer, the trees are covered with apple fruits. It is not recommended to process apple trees during this period. If there are a lot of aphids, then Imidacloprid can be used. It is advisable to fertilize the soil near apple trees in a complex - with a decoction of superphosphate: boil 200g granules in 1 liter of water.

Nuances and subtleties of aphid processing

On apple trees there are gray and red-headed varieties of aphids. These insects can be found by the following features:

  • the leaves of the tree begin to curl and blacken;
  • a reddish swelling appears on the foliage;
  • the leaves become sticky.

Aphids live on the inside of foliage or in flower buds.

Folk methods

There are many ways to get rid of pests without using chemicals. You can cook them at home using improvised environmentally friendly products.

Interesting: Aphids do not attack trees that are fed with ash, due to the rich content of calcium and phosphorus. To feed with a solution, you need to take 10 liters of water, 2 cups of ash and 50 g of laundry soap. Let the mixture brew, spray it on the tree from the back of the leaves.

Options for getting rid of aphids:

  • Celandine. Celandine leaves 1 kg pour 3 liters of boiled water, let it brew and add another 7 liters of boiling water. Leave for 48 hours, then strain and spray on trees;
  • Garlic. Rub 5 cloves of garlic and soak in 100 ml of water, let it brew for a day. Add 1 tsp. liquid or household was also 2 tsp. sunflower oil. Mix the mixture thoroughly and add to 5 liters of water, treat the trees.

Post-flowering treatment

The period can be divided:

  • immediately after flowering;
  • 21 days after treatment.

First you need to treat the apple tree with zinc sulfate, as well as other preparations that include sulfur and copper. Then prepare a tincture of shag or tobacco: soak 0.4 kg of tobacco per 10 liters of water for a day, add 40 g of laundry soap and another 20 liters of water. Spray the trees with the resulting composition.

The second time the trees need to be processed after 14-21 days with the following means:

  • "Benzosphate" - great for fighting aphids and ants at the same time. However, it does not harm the bees. Preparation process: add 60-70 g of solution to 10 liters of water. Can be stored for 2 weeks;
  • "Karbofos" - helps to get rid of insects, but is also dangerous for bees. Preparation process: add 60 g of the composition to 10 liters of water.

conservative methods

Before deciding to irrigate an apple tree with poisons, you can apply the following methods:

  • agrotechnical;
  • physical;
  • with the help of entomophages.

spider aphid

You can get rid of spider aphids with tobacco tincture. Also used: Verticillin. A solution of 0.5 liters should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. Processing can be carried out at t air above 24C.

You can use a solution of ash with laundry soap. Nettle tincture helps a lot: pour 1 kg of leaves with 5 liters of warm water and let it brew for a day.

Green aphid protection measures

Green aphids select young apple trees and suck out all the juices from apples, branches and leaves. It can be identified by the black coating on the trunk. More effective from this type of aphid is the drug "Oleocuprit". It has acaricidal, fungicidal, insecticidal action.

If there are ants on the apple tree

If ants are wound up on the apple tree, then it will develop more slowly due to damage to the root system. Ants contribute to the appearance of aphids. During the summer, you need to provide the tree with good watering and treat it in September with drugs of your choice: Bargezin, Thunder, Ant.

Also in early spring, during the period of bud swelling, it is recommended to spray the tree with iron sulfate or Bordeaux mixture. When the first leaves appear, you can destroy the aphid eggs with the help of drugs: Nitrofen and Oleocuprit.

What is the harmful phase in aphids

Toy eggs tolerate frost well, remaining on the bark of an apple tree. With the beginning of spring, the females that have appeared organize a real colony and begin to attack the tree. Up to forty larvae appear in one female at a time. The first insects begin to eat the tree from the bottom up. The emerging females have wings and can fly from branch to branch. The most mass reproduction of insects is observed in September.

Insect control during flowering

The flowering period is the most beautiful moment of spring. From the apple tree comes a great aroma. However, this is one of the periods of attack of the aphid apple tree. Insects begin to cover the leaves and flowers with bloom. Only ladybugs naturally cope with aphids. However, so many "saviors" may not be found. Therefore, it is recommended to spray the apple tree with Karbofos or tobacco soap solution.

Protection of seedlings from aphids

Young trees are a real temptation for harmful insects. Chemical treatment is not safe for a still very fragile tree. You can quite cope with aphids by hand. It is also recommended to add superphosphate under the root, and spray a strong infusion of tobacco mixed with laundry soap on the leaves.

Prevention measures

When dealing with aphids, you need to approach the issue comprehensively, as well as follow the recommendations:

  • inspect seedlings after purchase for the presence of insects;
  • you need to regularly water the apple tree and fertilize in time, mulch the soil;
  • try not to overload the tree with nitrogen and organic fertilizers;

before winter, try to destroy all aphid larvae. To do this, you can clean the bark of a tree.

What is your method of dealing with aphids? We are waiting for your answers.

And we also have

Often apple orchards are attacked by aphids, which are quite difficult to deal with. The harm caused by sucking insects affects the development of the tree and the formation of its fruits. With the establishment of warm weather, the pest occupies young leaves and stems of fruit trees in whole colonies. Sucking the juice from the tender tissues of young greenery, it deprives summer residents of a good and high-quality harvest.

Where does aphids come from

Aphids appear on the apple tree thanks to winged females. In areas where preventive pest control work has not been carried out, a large number of them appear at the end of the summer season. From there, they settle throughout the garden and master neighboring fruit plantings. During this period, insects are extremely prolific. The main task of such females is to breed the sexual generation of insects.

Having fertilized, the female aphid lays a small number of eggs on the apple tree, which successfully hibernate. The adults themselves die from the cold. In the spring, as soon as the temperature regime stabilizes, larvae appear from the eggs at high humidity. It is they who pose a serious threat to the garden during this period. For two to three weeks, the larvae feed on juice from young shoots, buds, buds and tender leaves.

Under favorable conditions, after 14 days, each aphid larva turns into a female, which breeds a new generation of winged females (up to 80 individuals). Spreading throughout the district, they occupy new apple trees, pears, plums, as well as fruit bushes. In a new place, females breed the next generation of pests. And so it continues until the end of the summer. Then the cycle repeats again.

Aphids can also appear on apple trees with the help of no less harmful insects - ants. For them, the sweet honeydew secreted by pests is a real delicacy. Therefore, ants strive to increase the colony of small sucking insects. They guard and protect their breadwinners.

How to get rid

What to do if an aphid appeared on an apple tree? Information about the development cycles and options for the appearance of the pest will help you choose effective methods and methods of control. Based on your preference, you can choose:

  • The use of folk methods of dealing with aphids on apple trees;
  • The use of modern drugs.

Of the folk, the most effective are the products prepared on the basis of herbs and laundry soap. The most popular among experienced gardeners is an infusion of tobacco dust with the addition of laundry soap.

Preparation of tobacco infusion

To prepare the infusion, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Tobacco (shag or tobacco waste will do) - 500 grams;
  • Laundry soap - 30-40 grams;
  • Water - 20 liters.

Crushed tobacco leaves are poured with warm water in the amount of 10 liters and infused for 2-3 days in a warm place. After that, the resulting infusion is filtered and diluted with the rest of the water. A piece of laundry soap is rubbed on a coarse or fine grater and introduced into the resulting solution and mixed thoroughly until completely dissolved. For better dissolution of soap, it is best to dilute it in 3 liters of warm infusion.

ATTENTION: Soap is necessary so that the aphid remedy lies securely on the branches and leaves of the apple tree. This technique will not allow the first rain to wash off the infusion.

Preparation of infusion from yarrow

Another effective folk remedy against aphids that have occupied an apple orchard is yarrow infusion. It is prepared from the following components:

  • Dry yarrow - 700 ... 800 grams;
  • Water - 10 liters.

Before pouring yarrow with water, it must be boiled. Fill the grass with boiling water, let it brew for several days. After that, the infusion is heated to 60 ° C and grated laundry soap is added to it. You can use the product after complete cooling.

Use of ash

An equally effective tool, according to many gardeners, is a solution of ash. This will require:

  • Ash - 3 cups;
  • Laundry soap - about 40 grams;
  • Water - 10 liters.

Ashes and grated soap are introduced into warm water. Thoroughly mix everything until the soap is completely dissolved. After the solution is left for a day, two in order for it to infuse. Such a tool will be useful to apple trees not only when getting rid of aphids, but will also serve as a good foliar top dressing.

The use of industrial preparations

In the absence of the effect of using folk remedies, industrial preparations will help get rid of aphids on apple trees:

  • Nitrofen - used in early spring before bud break. Against aphids prepare a solution based on 10 liters of water 200 grams of the product. The drug is effective against insect eggs;
  • Oleocuprite - as well as the previous remedy, they are used in early spring to destroy aphid eggs that have overwintered on apple trees. Spray the trees with a 4% solution of the drug;
  • Spark - used both in early spring, before bud break, and after bloom. Can be used intermittently at intervals of 3 weeks. The product is completely safe for humans and animals. A solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 liter bucket of water. The working solution is enough to process 1..5 trees;
  • Decis - just like the previous drug, it can be used against aphids not only on apple trees, but also on other fruit trees and shrubs. The agent dissolves in 10 liters of water. It is enough for one treatment of 1-2 trees, depending on their age;

When and how to process apple trees

An important point in the fight against aphids is the process of processing apple trees. All work to get rid of the pest is best to start in early spring. So you can destroy the overwintered eggs of insects.