Care for bergenia in autumn preparation for winter. Planting, care and propagation of badan in the garden plot Badan growing conditions

Grass badan, or bergenia (lat. Bergenia), forms a genus of perennials of the Saxifrage family. These perennial herbs grow in the temperate zone from Korea and China to the countries of Central Asia, settling in rock crevices or on stony soil. Badan was introduced into culture in the middle of the 18th century under the name "thick-leaved saxifrage", but then it was taken into a separate genus and given a Latin name in honor of the German botanist Karl August von Bergen. Scientists know 10 types of bergenia, some of them are grown in culture. In addition, breeders have bred dozens of varieties and hybrids of bergenia.

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Planting and caring for bergenia

  • Landing: sowing seeds in a box for seedlings - before winter, picking seedlings - in early June, planting seedlings in open ground - in early August. The strongest seedlings can be planted in open ground in early June without picking.
  • Bloom: the timing depends on the species: some may bloom as early as the end of April. Flowering lasts about a month and a half.
  • Lighting: partial shade, but can be grown under diffused light.
  • The soil: light, loose, moist, slightly alkaline.
  • Watering: if the season turned out to be dry, the first watering is done during the budding period, then during flowering, then after another 2-3 weeks. If the rainfall is normal, no watering is needed.
  • Top dressing: in early spring after pruning, then two weeks after flowering, complex mineral fertilizers in liquid form are applied to the soil.
  • Reproduction: seeds and division of the bush.
  • Pests: drooling pennitsy and nematodes.
  • Diseases: ramulariasis.
  • Properties: The rhizome of the plant has medicinal properties. Preparations from it have anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, wound healing, antimicrobial, diuretic, astringent effects.

Read more about growing bergenia below.

Badan plant - description

The genus Badan includes evergreen perennial and annual plants 6 to 35 cm high with a thick horizontal rhizome, basal rosettes of large leathery, shiny dark green leaves on long petioles and goblet flowers of white, red or pink color, collected in dense panicles blooming in late spring or early summer. In one inflorescence there can be up to 120 flowers. Badan fruit is a box.

Badan in landscape design looks very impressive against the background of stones next to variegated and narrow-leaved crops - hosts or phloxes. We will tell you everything about how to plant and care for bergenia in the open field, as well as what are the medicinal properties of bergenia and contraindications.

Sowing badan

Sow bergenia before winter. Place the flower soil in the box, make grooves in it 5 mm deep at a distance of 3 cm from each other and spill them with warm water, spread the bergenia seeds in them and close them up. The box is taken out into the yard and placed under the snow. In early March, a box with crops is brought into the room and kept in partial shade at a temperature of 18-19 ºC.

Badan seedling care

Shoots will begin to appear in three weeks. Caring for bergenia seedlings consists in loosening and moistening the soil as its top layer dries out, airing the room and thinning the seedlings. When a green crust or plaque forms on the surface of the substrate, you need to carefully loosen the soil, because this phenomenon indicates that oxygen has ceased to flow to the roots of the seedlings as a result of excessive watering.

Bergen pick

In May, badan seedlings dive into a box at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other in a row with a row spacing of 15 cm. A couple of weeks before planting in open ground, hardening procedures begin to be carried out: seedlings are taken out daily to a balcony or terrace, gradually increasing the duration of the session. When the seedlings can spend the whole day outdoors, they are planted in open ground.

Planting bergenia in open ground

When to plant badan in the ground

Planting bergenia and caring for it are not at all difficult - the plant is unpretentious and resistant to cold. Badan planting is carried out in early August. Some flower growers prefer not to pick seedlings, but immediately plant them in early June in open ground. But sometimes it seems that the seedlings are still too weak for the garden, so plant only the most developed seedlings in June, and pick out the rest and transfer their planting to August.

How to plant badan

The badan plant has a weak, horizontal root system, therefore it prefers light, loose, moist and slightly alkaline soils. The roots of the plant often protrude from the ground, and so that they do not overheat in the sun, choose a place for the plant in partial shade, on the north, northwest or northeast side of the site.

If this is not possible, and you are forced to plant the plant in a sunny area, mulch the soil around the bergenia after planting - this measure will protect the earth from drying out, and the bergenia root from overheating. And keep in mind that bergenia does not tolerate even a short-term stagnation of water in the roots.

Make holes in the soil 6-8 cm deep, placing them in a checkerboard pattern according to the 40x40 cm pattern. Throw a handful of sand for drainage at the bottom of each hole, then roll over the seedling with an earthen clod and dig it. Water the seedlings after planting. Badan develops very slowly, so be patient and caring. Badan blooms from seeds in the third or fourth year.

Badan care in the garden

How to grow bergenia

Growing and caring for bergenia usually does not involve any problems. In the spring, after the snow melts, remove the leaves that have suffered during the winter from the plants - not all, but only the damaged ones, cut off the overgrown shoots and apply complex mineral fertilizers. The next top dressing is carried out two weeks after the flowering of bergenia, when new leaves begin to grow. Kemira-combi is used for this purpose, dissolving one tablespoon of the drug in 10 liters of water. This amount should be enough for 2 m² of land.

Badan care involves timely watering the plant. The first time the soil is moistened during the budding period, then during flowering and 2-3 weeks after it, but only in the absence of rain. If the summer is with precipitation, it is not necessary to water the bergenia. To protect the soil from overheating and drying out in natural conditions, dying bergenia leaves serve, however, in culture, to maintain the decorativeness of the site, the dead leaves are cut off (it is cut off without leaving cuttings), and to protect the root system, the soil is mulched under the bushes.

Badan breeding

Badan is propagated by seeds and vegetatively by dividing the bush. We have already told you about growing bergenia from seeds. Growing, bergenia forms new rosettes with roots lying close to the surface, so it is very easy to dig them out without damaging the mother rhizome. Separate rosettes with a heel from healthy developed middle-aged plants with large leaves. Do this after flowering - from May to August. There should be at least three buds on each segment of the rhizome. The leaves are removed from the cutting, leaving only 2-3 of the youngest leaves.

The delenki are planted in prepared holes to a depth of 3-5 cm at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Cuttings root easily. In the first year, the rooted plant builds up a rosette, and bergenia will bloom in the second or third year.

Badan transplant

Badan can grow in one place for several decades; it does not like frequent transplants. Badan grows in breadth and can be aggressive, capturing territories intended for other plants. Therefore, every 5-6 years, bergenia is transplanted. When to transplant bergenia? Simultaneously with the division of the bush - in the first half of September. Parts of the plant are seated at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. The first two weeks after planting, the plants are watered abundantly.

Badan is considered one of the most interesting flowering plants that will decorate a summer cottage or flower garden. Therefore, this article will focus on badan planting and care in the open field which is not so difficult. The main thing is to know the technology and observe the neighborhood with other flowering and non-flowering crops.

Varieties and varieties of badan

Badan was first discovered in Siberia. The culture is quite beautiful, blooms with small pink flowers. Due to its Siberian roots, bergenia is considered to be a winter-hardy herbaceous plant that is not whimsical to sudden climatic changes. It can be grown anywhere in Russia.

It is important to note that such an amazing culture is distinguished not only by beautiful flowers, but also by medicinal characteristics. The rhizome and foliage of perennials contain a large proportion of useful substances, namely:

  • Gallic acid;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Tannic acid;
  • Carotene.

Medicines that are prepared from thick-leaved bergenia:

  • Fight various inflammations;
  • Have a bactericidal effect;
  • Stabilize the process of secretion of the digestive glands;
  • Favorably affect intestinal motility.

You can brew healthy tea from bergenia, which has a wonderful aroma and unique flavors. medicinal properties impact on the work of the heart.

Important! Often summer residents and gardeners compare badan with elephant ears. The culture has wide and beautiful leaves that change color all season and enliven the flower garden.

Currently, there are approximately 10 types of blooming bergenia, as well as many unique and unusual varieties. Such a variety of varieties allows you to create the most unusual, but at the same time beautiful compositions based on one crop (Badan).

One of the most famous horticultural crops is badan thick-leaved. It was named so because the plant has fleshy leaves with petioles, which contain a supply of moisture. After crossing the culture with other species, breeders bred a number of varieties:

  • "Britten" - has pale pink flowers. Gardeners call this variety "apple blossom";
  • "Purple Glocken" - has gorgeous purple flowers;
  • Abbenglute- bergenia flower bright pink, velvety;
  • "Morgenrote", "Sunningdale" - cultures belong to late varieties. I bloom around the middle of summer.

Landing technology

In order for the plant to please the whole season with beautiful flowers and retain its medicinal properties, it is important to bring the growing conditions closer to natural ones.

Sowing seeds

Badan is sown for seedlings before winter:

  • You should take the soil for flowers, pour it into the boxes and form furrows 5 mm deep, and make the distance between them 3 cm.
  • Next, shed furrows with warm water.
  • Sow seeds in them and fill the furrows.
  • The box should be taken outside and placed under the snow.
  • With the onset of spring (in March), the box must be moved indoors and kept in partial shade at a temperature of 18-19 ºC.

seedling care

The first seedlings will begin to sprout after 21 days. Basic care requirements:

  • loosen in a timely manner;
  • moisten the soil as the top layer dries;
  • thin out seedlings;
  • ventilate the room.


Around May, bergenia seedlings need a pick. It is necessary to plant seedlings in a box at a distance of 5-7 centimeters from each other and a gap between rows of 15 cm. Then, 14 days before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to harden the seedlings.

Landing in open ground

The procedure for planting bergenia in open ground is simple. Badan can be planted already in early June or early August. Often summer residents plant bergenia in June immediately in open ground, without making a pick.

If suddenly not all the seedlings had time to harden, then only the strongest plants should be planted in June, and the rest of the seedlings should be dived and planted in August.

Watch the video! Badan thick-leaved: planting in open ground

The root system of the plant is horizontal and generally poorly developed. Thus, plants should be planted in light, moist and slightly alkaline soil.

Often the roots can be seen from under the ground. The roots should not be allowed to overheat in the sun. It is worth choosing a landing site in a darkened area. If you suddenly had to plant a crop in a sunny area, the soil after planting must be mulched to avoid overheating of the root system and drying out of the earth.

Important! It is worth remembering that moisture should not linger in the rhizome of the plant, the culture does not tolerate this.

  • It is necessary to make holes in the soil, the average depth is about 6-8 centimeters.
  • It is worth choosing a chess landing pattern of 40 * 40 centimeters.
  • Be sure to use drainage, lay sand on the bottom of each pit.
  • Next, place a seedling with an earthen clod and dig in.
  • Water the plant after planting.

Advice! The culture grows rather slowly, but if you show patience, then after 3-4 years you can wait until the bergenia blooms.

Care after landing

What is necessary for the normal growth and flowering of the plant:

  • Timely moderate watering. It is important to avoid stagnant moisture.
  • Suitable fertilizer.
  • Mulching.
  • Removal of falling leaves.

Advice! In the spring, all dried leaves should be removed from the plant and the shoots shortened a little.

When planting a plant not in a prominent place on the site, it is not necessary to remove last year's foliage from the plant. It will fall off and protect the plant from overheating and retain moisture.

In the same place, the culture can grow continuously for about 10 years and does not require a transplant.

Fertilizer and top dressing

Badan responds well to proper fertilization. Fertilize before and after flowering. It is good to use mineral top dressing.

Fertilizer must be applied twice a month.

  • 1 st. a spoonful of nifrofoski;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of fertilizer "Effekton-Ts.
  • Dilute all these components in 10 liters of water.

Feed can be applied 14-21 days after flowering. Thanks to this procedure, the process of maturation and aging of the foliage will start.

Watch the video! Badan. Landing

Breeding methods

Reproduction of culture will require a lot of time and patience. There are 2 methods.


Black bergenia seeds. They should be planted immediately after harvesting on a prepared bed. From above they are sprinkled with earth. It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out all summer. For the winter period, sowing should be covered with fallen leaves.

You can sow seeds on the site in May, then seedlings will appear in a few weeks. Further care for the seedlings should be in the usual way. In the autumn period, one should not forget about the shelter of plants.

It is worth remembering that seedlings develop quite slowly. Plants grow up to 25 mm in height per year. As soon as the seedlings grow by 100 mm, they need to dive and transplant to a permanent place. After 4 years, the site will have a strong and flowering plant.

H erenki

For this method, you need to choose strong and healthy middle-aged bushes:

  • It is necessary to separate the upper part of the branch with the apical bud and rosette, remove almost all the foliage.
  • Next, plant a cutting. Rooting will be noticeable in a few days.
  • Cuttings are planted in pre-prepared soil at a distance of 40 cm from each other. The socket must be completely buried in the ground.
  • You need to care for cuttings in the same way as for an adult culture.

Diseases and pests

Badan thick-leaved is resistant to various diseases. However, the stability of the culture depends on competent care, if the elementary conditions of care are not observed, then the badan can be infected with spotting. Outwardly, the disease manifests itself as follows:

  • foliage is covered with dark spots on the front side;
  • a white coating appears on the reverse side.

In order to cure the plant, you need to remove all infected leaves. In addition, you can process badan:

  • Bordeaux liquid;
  • foundationazole;
  • preparations with a high content of copper.

The following pests can cause trouble:

bergenia plant produces a large number of seeds, their average size is about 2 mm.

  • To choose the right seeds, you need to find a large and beautiful inflorescence on the plant.
  • When the flowers begin to fade, they need to put on a bag of gauze so that the seeds do not wake up on the ground.
  • Seed ripening occurs in September. The inflorescence should be cut just below the pouch.
  • Then place in a dry and ventilated place.
  • For several weeks, the seeds are completely dried.
  • After that, the seeds must be shaken out of the inflorescence.
  • Next, clean the seeds and store them.

Preparing for the winter

There are types and varieties of bergenia that do not tolerate frost. Such plants should be insulated with fallen leaves or spruce branches. All species and varieties adapted to the conditions of the middle lane do not need to be covered. In autumn, it is not necessary to cut dried foliage, it is better to postpone it until spring.

Combination with other cultures

Badan in a flower bed grows favorably and looks beautiful next to:

  • fern;
  • lungwort;
  • hellebore;
  • magnolia;
  • astilba;
  • juniper.

You should not plant bergenia near lilies of the valley and other low-growing and creeping plants, as bergenia will not be able to fully grow and develop.

A well-groomed bergenia under a large tree looks beautiful. The plant will also look picturesque with bulbous flowers:

  • hyacinth;
  • crocus;
  • snowdrop.

In landscape design

Badan is an undemanding culture that can grow independently and in combination with other plants in the shade and in the sun, creating a beautiful and aesthetic composition. Due to the creeping root system, the growth of weeds is reduced.


As it became clear from the article, planting and caring for bergenia in the open field won't cause much trouble. To select a perennial plant variety, you can preview a photo. By choosing the right varieties, you can grow a unique flowering flower garden.

Watch the video! Luxurious Badan! Cultivation and reproduction

The birthplace of the plant is Altai, and there it is known not only as a beautiful flower, but also as a popular remedy. Badan belongs to the family of dicotyledonous plants, numbering 30 genera and 600 species. It is used as a drink to restore the body's immune forces, and for this reason, in places of its natural range, the plant is called Chigir or Mongolian tea.

The leaves are collected in a basal rosette, large, fleshy, shiny. The shape is a bit like the ears of an elephant, which is why badan is sometimes called elephant ears. By autumn, a large amount of sugar accumulates in the tissues of the plant, so the flower is preparing for wintering. An increase in sugar leads to a change in the color of the leaves, they turn red. There are many flowers in the inflorescence, their number can exceed 120 pieces, the size is up to 2 cm, and in color they are red, white, pink and blue.

In total, the plant has 10 species, many varieties have been bred on their basis. But the most common are three varieties.

Table. Badan types

Badan typeFeatures and brief description

It grows up to 50 cm in height, the leaves are juicy and large. The flowers smell pleasant, the inflorescences are pink. In nature, it grows on rocky slopes. Inflorescences appear immediately after the snow melts among the first, flowering time is not more than a month. The plant is adapted to grow in regions with adverse climatic conditions.

The rhizomes are strongly developed, because of the stony soil they rise above the ground. The height of the Pacific badan is about 40 cm, lilac flowers resemble bells in shape, flowering from May to the end of June. Leaves 20 cm in diameter form dense thickets, green in summer and red in late autumn.

The name is due to the shape of the leaves, which have a dense pulp and feel great under a layer of snow. The flowering period is 20 days, but it may vary depending on the specific weather conditions in the area. Flowers can be white or white-purple.

Important. The less selective influence on Badan, the more resistant it is to negative temperatures. Mother plants easily withstand Siberian frosts, and European breeding species react very negatively to such sharp fluctuations.

Growing Features

The plant does not belong to the category of capricious, and everyone can grow it. Badan can be grown throughout our country, and the further north, the easier it is.

Droughts often occur in the southern regions, and the plant reacts very poorly to a lack of moisture. In such conditions, it is necessary to carefully monitor the remaining moisture in the soil and water it in a timely manner. Another feature is that in the south of the country it is recommended to plant a plant in shady places, since it cannot withstand the scorching rays of the southern sun.

  1. Place. The further north your region, the more sun the plant requires, respectively, it should be planted in the most illuminated areas. This is due to the peculiarities of the development of mother plants, but it must be borne in mind that varietal representatives of flowers are more sensitive to adverse growing conditions. For example, if a sunny site in Siberia belongs to the optimal zone for vegetation, then not even every weed can withstand the same place in the Krasnodar Territory, not to mention artificially bred varieties of flowers.

  2. The soil. As mentioned above, in nature, badan prefers rocky areas. The plant has perfectly adapted to such conditions, a powerful thick rhizome feels fine on the surface of the earth, does not freeze, does not have sunburn, is not damaged by diseases and pests.

  3. Water balance. It is a little more complicated here, because the plant does not tolerate both excess and lack of moisture. It does not die, but significantly slows down the growing season, in extreme cases, drying of the lower leaves may be observed.

  4. Nutrients. Feeding is not recommended, the plant is so unpretentious that it develops quite normally even on very poor soils. But it reacts negatively to an excess of fertilizers. If you feed a little during planting, then you do not need to interfere in further development.

  5. Care. Badan foliage covers the ground so tightly that weed growth is completely inhibited, respectively, there is no need to do weeding and loosening. The timing and time of flowering depend on the variety, some in favorable conditions can bloom twice a year. In one place, the plant lives for 10-12 years; transplanting without special need is not recommended. Another nuance is that badan can oppress other varieties of flowers; to contain its spread, plantings must be protected with decorative borders.

If the leaves quickly and abundantly turn yellow, then this indicates extremely unfavorable growing conditions, most often an excess or lack of moisture. The absence of peduncles indicates problems with lighting, since the plant, although it does not like direct sunlight, does not tolerate full shade well.

In snowless frosty winters, the roots of ornamental varieties of bergenia can freeze, and therefore they must be covered with fallen leaves, mowed grass, straw and other effective materials.

In early spring, shelters must be removed, otherwise the roots will warm up and get sick or die.

Growing bergenia in a pot

Planting in pots has its advantages - such flowers can be transferred to different places, due to which the appearance of the backyard landscape is constantly changing. In addition, mobility allows you to look for the most favorable growing places for them. Planting in a cache-pot is done in a certain sequence.

Planting is simple, in such conditions the plant can grow for several years. Transplantation is required with noticeable deviations of the growing season, at the same time it is necessary to check the location of the pots, because not all conditions are considered optimal for growth. In winter, the flowers must be removed.

Plant propagation methods

It is best to propagate bergenia by dividing the rhizome and rooting rosettes. Such breeding methods guarantee success, require a minimum of time and effort. Badan gives flowers the next year after planting. It can also be grown from seeds, but it will be impossible to achieve such early flowering, you will have to wait at least three to four years.

Division of the rhizome

Work can begin at the end of September. During this period, the plant has already accumulated enough useful substances for a successful wintering, and the air temperature allows planting.

If everything is done in a timely and correct manner, the plant will successfully survive the winter and sprout in the spring.

Rooting sockets

This method has other terms, work must begin immediately after the end of flowering. Why? During this period, vital energy goes not to the development of the flower, but to the vegetation of the leaves. This means that the sockets are activated, the likelihood of new leaves is much higher. How to propagate bergenia with rosettes?

Reproduction by seeds

Before sowing, the seeds must be stratified - for three months they must be kept moist at a temperature of + 1 ... 3 ° C. Seeds can be sown in moist soil, take the container outside and cover with a layer of snow. If this is not possible, then they will have to be kept in the refrigerator for this time, which is not very convenient.

Further manipulations should be done in early March.

Now the seedlings are fully prepared for planting in open ground.

Practical advice. Planting with seeds is quite troublesome, experienced gardeners recommend using this method only when planting new varieties from purchased seeds. Own flowers are much easier to propagate using the methods described above.

Step-by-step instructions for planting seedlings in open ground

Step 1. Dig a hole with clay about 30 cm, the specific value is selected taking into account the size of the bergenia root system. Experienced flower growers always recommend digging a little deeper; in the future, the planting height is easily adjusted with sand.

Step 2 Pour a drainage layer on the bottom, it is better to use sand. The drainage layer is required, it removes excess moisture and prevents rotting of the root system. The thickness of the sand layer is within 3-5 cm, with its help immediately adjust the depth of the hole, taking into account the size of the roots.

Step 3 If available, add some soil substrate. If not, the plant will develop normally. Concerns arise - a month after planting, fertilize with complex fertilizers.

Step 4 Thoroughly water the hole with water, the roots should be guaranteed to be located in moist soil. Watering the backfill field of the upper layer cannot guarantee the fulfillment of this condition.

Step 5 Together with the earth, carefully remove the flower seedlings from the plastic cup. To do this, turn it upside down, shake it, support the ground with your other hand.

Step 6 Plant a flower in a wetted hole. Compact the soil around the growing point and water again. It remains to mulch the plant.

To improve rooting conditions, it is recommended to cover the flower, use a six-liter plastic bottle from drinking water for this. Cut off the bottom evenly and put the container on the plant, this is how a small greenhouse is made. With its help, it will be possible to speed up the process of flower development. Before the onset of winter frosts, it is recommended to perform mulching, this will help the plant, which is not yet fully strengthened, to endure severe frosts.

Follow all the tips and badan will decorate your flower beds for a long time. Remember that this is a medicinal plant and helps to cope with various diseases with folk methods.

Video - Badan: planting and care in the open field

Badan is very unpretentious in care, this property attracts many summer residents who do not have the opportunity to live outside the city all summer and constantly look after flowers. From these plants, you can create a full-fledged flower bed, with the right selection of flowers, it looks great throughout the warm season. How to choose plants for beginners so that the flower bed is always attractive? Our website has detailed instructions.

As soon as the bergenia flower is not popularly called. He and Chigir tea, and bergenia, and Mongolian tea. This perennial, and sometimes annual, with a powerful rhizome came to us from the Altai Territory and quite easily took root in our garden plots.

The badan plant is sometimes also called "elephant's ears" because of the large spreading leaves, which are collected at the root in a large rosette.

Badan is able to delight its flowering. They say that in one inflorescence there can be up to 120 small flowers.

Badan flower (photo)

Badan varieties

Badan flower is represented by 10 main varieties.

The most popular among them are thick-leaved bergenia and heart-leaved bergenia.

  • Badan thick-leaved is a tall stately perennial that can reach up to 50 cm in height. It has bright flowers that emit a bewitching and attractive aroma.

  • Badan heart-leaved - got its name because of the shape of the leaves, which outwardly resemble a heart. It reaches a height of up to 40 cm, has bright delicate inflorescences of lilac or pink hues.

Badan flower: planting and care

  1. Since this plant, which tolerates cold well, the choice of a place for planting it is unprincipled. But here it must be borne in mind that it is better to plant European varieties where there is no accumulation of cold air.
  2. For planting bergenia, it is better to choose a shady place. This flower loves shade, but under the rays of the scorching sun, his life will obviously be overshadowed. It is also not necessary to plant where it is dark all the time. In this case, there can be no talk of any flowering, the plant will simply stop growing. Therefore, the main rule is a shaded area with rocky soil. So he will feel like in a natural environment.
  3. Badan is planted in open ground in late July - early August. It is important to bring the soil as close to natural as possible. Badan grows on poor soils, so it does not need an overly nutritious soil mixture. But he does not like a lot of water, so try to provide your pet with good drainage.
  4. When planting, keep in mind that the rhizomes of the flower grow. So that the plants are not crowded, it is better to make holes at a distance of 40 cm from each other.

Growing and caring for bergenia is a simple matter. One has only to be patient and wait for the plant to bloom. By the way, it grows rather slowly and starts flowers only in the second year of life.

Outdoor care

  • Badan does not like excessive moisture. Watering should be moderate in everything - both in frequency and in volume. Overdrying is also not allowed.
  • It is often not necessary to transplant bergenia. It is better to immediately choose a place where the flower will grow constantly. For ten years in one place he lives perfectly.
  • Badan is fed twice a year: in spring and autumn. It is worth trying the Kemira top dressing. It is ideal for this type of plant.
  • In autumn, badan needs to be prepared for wintering. It does not need to be dug up, but dry leaves and inflorescences are cut off, and the soil around the flower is mulched.
  • In spring, old overwintered leaves are removed from the plant.

Video: Unpretentious plant for the garden - bergenia

Badan flower is a great solution for landscape design. It perfectly coexists with other cultures, creating compositions of extraordinary beauty.

Among herbaceous perennials, bergenia occupies a special place. This evergreen plant can beautifully frame such corners of the garden that are always in sight. The flower itself, like any other perennials, fades quickly, and its leaves do not lose their decorative effect all season. Let's figure out where and how to grow a bergenia garden flower, what are its requirements for planting and care in the open field, and also consider examples of compositions with his participation in garden design.

Evergreen bergenia flower: planting and care in the open field

The Latin name - Bergenia is given to the plant in honor of Karl Bergen, the famous physician and botanist from Germany. Badan is popularly called elephant ears because of the similarity of forms, as well as Siberian, Mongolian or Chagir tea - the dried leathery foliage of the plant has been used for brewing tea since ancient times.

The badan genus consists of 10 species, some of which have long been known and cultivated. Bergenia is an attractive and useful plant, which could not go unnoticed by breeders who have bred dozens of varieties and hybrids.

Types and varieties of badan

To begin with, we note the common features of all types of badan - they are mainly evergreens with a powerful, horizontal root and large, leathery, glossy, long-leaved leaves in basal rosettes. The flowers are fragrant, bell-shaped, the fruit is a box.

Badan thick-leaved (B. crassifolia)

A common species, it is he who is used in folk medicine and for brewing tea, other names are badan officinalis, early flowers. The root is branched, the shoots are flower-bearing leafless (not higher than 40 cm) and vegetative rosettes.

Green, obovate foliage of vegetative shoots acquires a bright red hue by autumn. Petioles of fleshy leaves contain a supply of water. Many flowers collected in dense inflorescences open towards the end of April, flowering lasts about a month. To make tea, overwintered, old and dry leaves are cut. Varieties:

  • Hidenuspe - height up to 60 cm, pinkish-white flowers, inflorescences up to 20 cm. The variety blooms for about 70 days;
  • Senior - no higher than 50 cm, flowers are pink, dark;
  • Purpurea - the height of the bush is about 50 cm, the flowers are red, rather large.

Badan hearty (B. cordifolia)

Intraspecific variety of the previous species. The bush is not higher than 40 cm, dark green foliage is round, heart-shaped with a rough texture. It blooms in May, bright pink, sometimes with a lilac tinge, flowers collected in inclined brushes.

On sale you can find varieties with white, purple and light purple flowers, here are some of the most common:

  • Mongolian tea - with tall pink flowers, with a dark purple core;
  • Rotblum - rich pink brushes rise above the lush rosettes of leaves by 40 cm.

Bergen ciliate (B. ciliate)

A low perennial plant with large leaves. Rounded, rather large, hairy leaf blades actively grow in width. Peduncles are long with white or pink flowers with a pleasant aroma. In cold winters, when grown outdoors, the leaves sometimes fall off, but the plant itself survives. Flowers of this variety are suitable for cutting, they last more than a week in a vase.

The most popular variety is named after the Disney baby elephant Dumbo. Coloring when blooming buds of white-pink flowers is initially pale, every day it becomes brighter and richer.

Badan Pacific (V. pacifica)

This is a light-loving plant with pale green ovate leaves, the median vein of the leaf is convex. Old overwintered leaves die off during the growing season, changing color - they become brown or red. New leaves grow towards the end of flowering. Peduncle bare (rarely with one leaf), reddish in color up to 40 cm in height. Blooms in early spring with pink flowers.

Badan Strechi (B. stracheyi)

View with ovate-oblong ciliated, serrated leaves along the edge.

It blooms from July, the height of the peduncle is about 40 cm. Varieties:

  • Alba - white flowers;
  • Beetchoven - no higher than 40 cm, a variety with original flowering - white buds, pink peduncles, brown cups;
  • Belveder is a low-growing plant (up to 20 cm), the flowers are white, gradually becoming pink.

Badan hybrid (V. hybrida)

We have selected the most popular garden hybrids:

You can get acquainted with other representatives of the genus Bergenia in the central botanical garden in Novosibirsk, in the garden of the Botanical Institute. V.L. Komarov (former Imperial Botanical Garden) in St. Petersburg, as well as in the Almaty Botanical Garden of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Badan: cultivation and care

Under favorable conditions, bergenia grows well. Several bushes planted side by side will very quickly close the leaves and cover the soil. Caring for the plant is a pleasure, mulch the bushes with garden compost 1 or 2 times a year. In the spring, remove damaged leaves and overgrown shoots so that the bush does not lose its decorative effect. To avoid self-seeding and weakening of the plant, remove faded flower stalks. Top dressing is carried out twice - in spring and after flowering, when new leaves begin to form.

Badan endures drought and frost, it is unpretentious to the composition of the soil, loves partial shade. The only thing that the plant does not like is the stagnation of moisture. The first watering is carried out during the budding period, the next during flowering, the last in the fall. In general, keep an eye on the weather, in the rainy summer, bergenia does not need additional watering.

Badan does not like transplants, in one place the plant feels great for decades, however, it grows rapidly and occupies an unintended territory. That is, transplants are sometimes necessary. The procedure is carried out no more than once every 5 or 6 years, in September.

Diseases and pests

Badan is resistant to diseases and pests, but in adverse conditions (excessive moisture) there is a risk of fungal infections, such as ramulariasis. External signs of the disease - brown spots with a reddish border appear on the upper side of the leaf, on the underside the foci are covered with a whitish coating, the leaves dry. For treatment, all affected parts should be removed, and the bush itself should be treated with a copper-containing preparation.

Of the pests, nematodes and leafhoppers are dangerous, the latter are easy to deal with (we described possible methods of control earlier), but you will have to work hard with nematodes. Dig up a bush and dip the rhizome in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes, then plant the bergenia in a new place, and treat the former with bioinsecticides and leave it empty for a year. Or sow it with marigolds.

In unfavorable years, snails and slugs also attack bergenia - the edges of the leaves make holes from the heart. And since this is an evergreen plant, such corrugated leaves go into winter. And, in fact, after the winter they “decorate” the whole composition, admire:

The use of bergenia

Badan is a leader in the content of tannins, which allows the plant to be used to increase the moisture resistance of products, dressing leather, tanning tarpaulins, gear and nets.

Tonic bergenia tea is rich in useful properties - hemostatic, antipyretic, antimicrobial and astringent. Tea can be stored for about 4 years. In Tibet, the drink is known as an aid in the treatment of rheumatism, diseases of the kidneys, joints, gastrointestinal tract and tuberculosis.

Alcoholic infusion (necessarily green, overwintered) leaves suppresses stress and increases efficiency.

The root of the thick-leaved bergenia is endowed with anti-inflammatory, astringent and antimicrobial properties. Preparations, decoctions, extracts and infusions from the root, which, by the way, are allowed by scientific medicine, strengthen the walls of capillaries, lower blood pressure, decoctions are effective for dysentery and colitis, and are also used for rinsing the mouth in chronic inflammatory processes.

Prolonged use of funds from bergenia can provoke constipation. Tinctures should not be used for people with increased blood clotting, and decoctions from the roots are contraindicated in hypertension.

Garden badan in landscape design

The list of what bergenia is combined with in the garden is quite extensive, because it is decorative from the earliest spring to autumn frosts. With his participation, it is easy to create picturesque compositions in various planting options - with trees, shrubs, flowers and wild herbs, a lot of opportunities for creativity are open to you, use them to the fullest!

Various garden forms and hybrids of larch, pine, maple, mountain ash and bird cherry are suitable as background trees. A good addition to the trees will be vines - actinidia or Chinese magnolia vine. Companion shrubs include juniper, euonymus, rhododendron, cinquefoil shrub, Kuril tea and comb.

When choosing companions, pay attention to those plants that are decorative all season, neighbors should complement each other in terms of flowering time and range, create the most incredible landscape paintings. Plant bergenia in small solo groups. The foreground of the group can be decorated with bulbs. Place a group of various lilies, bathing suits, irises or hazel grouses side by side. Needless to say, the successful combination of bergenia with brunner and bells - everything is obvious here! A spectacular backdrop from spring to autumn will serve as a lunar resurrecting.

Badan is often planted to strengthen slopes, as well as in rocky gardens and on alpine hills, where various onions, saxifrages, rezuhi, ground cover phloxes, beetroots, thyme, dendrantems and sunflowers will become the closest and successful neighbors. Here we also include periwinkles, primroses, anemones, maidenhair and ferns.

Another good place for bergenia is the banks of reservoirs. But as we remember, bergenia is hard to tolerate high humidity, so in the pursuit of beauty, do not sacrifice the plant, choose places with no stagnant groundwater. It is very good if the garden has an artificial reservoir. In such places, next to the bergenia, irises, marigolds, highlanders and beautiful days look good.

By the way, there are varieties with colored leaves, such as Solar Flare - bright green flashes against the background of a yellow leaf plate. The reverse side is still purple. Even small curtains in the garden look very impressive. And the charming Lunar Clow bergenia bushes are painted in 3 transitional colors in spring - overwintered old leaves are dark green with purple, and young ones are yellow with green:

Isn't it a miracle? Just think about the number of pluses of bergenia - unpretentiousness, versatility, decorativeness, and so many benefits in the plant - it's just a godsend! A great reason to have such an attractive guest in your garden. So we safely recommend growing such a garden flower as bergenia - planting and caring for it in the open field is not burdensome, and the pleasures are the sea!