Back thigh workout. The best exercises for the back of the thigh

Back surface thighs are the main breeding ground for the hated orange peel in the female. And it seems that the priest is nothing, and the legs are quite slender, but the flabbiness of the back part spoils the whole external picture. Recall that we have already analyzed in detail the features of training and, as well as told from the outer surface.

Now let's talk about the back of the legs. This area of ​​​​the body is divided into several muscles - the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles.

Having decided to bring the problem area into shape, you need to pay attention to 2 tasks:

  • Burning excess fat - any aerobic and cardio loads will help here;
  • Bringing the area into a state of tone - basic and multifunctional strength exercises will help in this matter.

The most important thing in getting rid of extra centimeters - regularity. You need to do at least 2-3 times a week, combining different types training for different groups muscles.

Local ONLY in desired area You won't lose weight. The result will not be late - after 3-4 weeks of regular exercise with the exercises below, looking in the mirror will become much more pleasant.

Before considering the best hamstring exercises at home, you need to stretch.

How to stretch the back of the thigh?

Stretching is the foundation of any workout. Poorly stretched muscles not only work worse, but are also extremely susceptible to all sorts of injuries. It is recommended both before training - warm-up, and after - hitch. It is better to warm up the joints well before starting classes., as well as perform a dynamic warm-up - running, jumping, skipping rope. For a hitch better fit smooth stretching of the muscles involved in the training.

The following exercises are good for stretching the back surface:

  • Fold- sitting on the floor, straight legs extended, back straight. We raise our hands up, and then slowly lower ourselves down to our feet. Try not to bend your knees and press firmly into the floor.
  • Deep lunge with straight leg- one leg is bent at the knee, the other is set back as much as possible. Try to keep your knee straight.
  • - lie on your stomach. As you inhale, clasp your ankle with your hands and bend your back and sway a little, like a boat. As you exhale, relax and return to the starting position.

All exercises must be performed slowly, as if hanging for a certain time.

You can also do the leg stretch shown in this video:

So, when the stretch is done, you can start doing exercises for the hamstrings at home. Below you will find the top 5 best-of-its-kind movements aimed at the zone of interest to us.


One of the most effective base loads for the posterior thigh muscles. The front part of the legs and the body part of the back are also involved. Also recall that this thrust is one of the best movements.

The complexity of implementation is medium. It takes concentration and endurance. From the inventory, it is better to use dumbbells or a barbell of a comfortable weight.


  1. Starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight, arched in the lower back, weighting in the hands in the groin area;
  2. After inhaling, bend in the back area, hands with weights slide along the body to the middle of the lower leg;
  3. Without stopping at the bottom point, exhale and return to the starting position.

See the video for more details:

You need to try to push off from the bottom point with the biceps and the muscles leading to it. You do not feel the trained area - all efforts are in vain.

Pull should be performed in 3-4 sets of 6-10 times.

Carefully! Dumbbells or barbell should move strictly along the body. The further away from the body the neck, the more bad load on the spine and the chance of injury.

Squats on one leg

Squats by themselves are very effective for the lower body. But it is squats on one leg that will really load and contribute to the weight loss of the back surface. There are 2 types of this load, they differ in the location of the non-supporting leg. The complexity of the implementation is high, in addition to coordination, such a training of the biceps of the thigh will perfectly work out the necessary area and help.

Option one- standard


  1. Starting position - a straight back, the supporting leg is slightly bent at the knee, the second, bent, is pressed against the body;
  2. While inhaling, we squat as deep as possible;
  3. Exhaling, we return to the starting position.

Option two- pistol

  1. Starting position - the body is extended like a string, one straight leg is extended forward to parallel with the floor;
  2. Inhaling, a squat is performed;
  3. As you exhale, return to the up position.

See the video for more details:

If it is difficult to perform actions on the floor, put your supporting foot on a support - a chair, stool or bench.

Need to do the exercise up to characteristic stress in the muscles. For starters, 15-20 times in several approaches is enough. The time between sets is 30-45 seconds. If the load is easy, try it.

It is interesting! Such squats help to change, and, therefore, effectively fight with.

Jump lunges

combination of aerobic and power load it will have a wonderful effect on pulling up the figure. Difficulty of execution due to jumps quite high.

In addition to the main muscle group being worked out, lunges will help tighten the buttocks and calf muscles.

  1. Starting position - Feet together, back straight, arms at the seams, gaze directed forward;
  2. On inspiration, we lunge forward with the right foot, exhale, hovering;
  3. On the next breath, we jump and land in a lunge on the other leg.

Learn more from the video:

You can do this exercise with or without weights. For beginners, start with 10-12 reps per leg for 2-3 sets.

For the necessary coordination of movements, help yourself when jumping with the characteristic wave of your hands.

Leg raises while lying on your stomach

An excellent static load for girls and women, acting mainly on the biceps femoris. The difficulty is not high, the main thing is to concentrate on the area being worked out and feel the muscle tension in it. This movement is also called.

  1. Starting position - Lay a mat, lie on your stomach, arms and legs straight and stretched down;
  2. On inspiration, we understand 2 straight legs up 15-20 centimeters from the floor level, we linger for 2-3 seconds;
  3. Exhaling, we come to the starting position.

More on video:

You can perform actions both on both legs at once, and separately on each. For starters, 15-20 repetitions for 3-4 sets will be enough.

You can perform the exercise both without weights, and use weights on the calves or ankle.

Calf flexion while lying on your back

A functional exercise that involved the back of the thigh, buttocks, back muscles and strengthening the press. The complexity is small, the main thing is to save correct back bend so as not to get injured. For greater efficiency, you can use 2 small hill supports - you can put pancakes from a barbell / dumbbell or towels folded several times.

The biceps femoris includes several flexor muscles located on the back of the femoral part of the leg. Their main function is to bend the legs at the knee joint.

Prolonged sitting, prolonged bed rest, and muscle overload can have a negative effect on the hamstrings. Therefore, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to know how to pump up the hamstring muscles and exercise regularly in gym or at home.

Important: Most athletes often strive more carefully. At the same time, a certain load is also placed on the biceps, but this is not enough for the uniform development of the muscular system of the legs. Your workout should include isolated hamstring exercises.

Anatomical features of the biceps femoris

To figure out how to pump up the thigh muscles, you need to study the structure of this muscle group, as well as the functions they perform.

The back muscles of the femoral part of the legs include:

  • biceps;
  • semimembranous;
  • semitendinous.

The biceps muscle consists of two bundles running along the thigh and attached to the head of the fibula. The semitendinosus runs along the inside of the thigh. Semimembranosus from above is attached to the ischial tuberosity and reaches the tibia.

The main functions of the biceps femoris are:

  • flexion of the leg at the knee joint;
  • stabilize the knee
  • in combination with the gluteus maximus muscle, it is involved in the extension of the body;
  • leg rotation.

Usually in fitness and bodybuilding they use a set of traditional basic and isolated exercises that involve all the muscles of the back of the thighs.

Pumping up your legs at home is not so difficult. All that is needed is the desire to achieve the goals set by all means and firm confidence in one's abilities. Before starting training, you should consult with a trainer who, in accordance with your physical fitness, will select a set of exercises and determine the training regimen.

Stepping onto the platform

The tension of the muscles of the legs when lifting to the platform allows you to clearly isolate the posterior thigh muscles. In addition, it helps to solve the problem of how to pump up the lateral thigh muscle without fear of injuring your back. The exercise is more gentle on the spinal column than bench presses and deep squats, so it is recommended for people with problems in the lumbar region.

To increase the load, dumbbells are used. When performed, they are held in each hand along the torso. Beginning with right leg take a step onto an elevated platform. Leaning on it with the entire surface of the foot, put the left foot to the right. To return to the starting position, lower the left leg first.

Instead of dumbbells for men, you can use a barbell, holding it on your shoulders. Don't take it right away big weight. When performing steps on the platform, it is difficult for a beginner to keep balance without weighting. The average number of repetitions is 8-12 times.

Leg curls

Exercise is one of the most effective, aimed at the biceps of the thigh lying down. Properly performing it, you can improve the relief and shape of the thigh. Visually lengthens it due to the thickening of all muscle bundles.

First of all, you should adjust the simulator to your height. The exercise is performed lying on the bench with your back up. With fully extended legs, the back surface of the lower leg rests against a movable roller with a certain weight. The body must be level. During exhalation, bend the legs, raising the roller as much as possible. After a few seconds, exhaling, lower the legs to their original position. On average, do 10 - 12 repetitions.

Important: To prevent back and hamstring injuries, do not use too much weight at once. Your body must always be in a stable position.

Standing leg curls are aimed at working out all the muscle groups of the back of the thigh. For girls, this exercise is attractive in that it trains and tightens the bottom of the biceps. Due to which the femoral part is visually lengthened, thereby improving the proportions of the legs.

After adjusting the simulator to your parameters, grab the handrails with your hands and slightly bend your lower back. Rest the front surface of the thigh in a special support, place the lower part of the lower leg under the roller.

During exhalation, bend the leg, raising the roller as high as possible, and linger in this position for a few seconds. Then inhale and lower the leg to its original position. It is enough to do 10-12 times for each leg in turn.

Seated leg curls help solve this difficult task how to pump up the inner thigh muscles. The exercise trains the semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles well, aligning them with more developed biceps.

Having adjusted the simulator to your parameters, take a sitting position. Your knees should go over the edge of the bench. The lower part of the lower leg rests on the roller. In the process of exhalation, the legs are bent, lowering the roller, and briefly linger in this position. Then, exhaling, slowly return the legs to their original position.

Similarly, leg extensions are performed, only the roller is located on the front of the lower leg. In this case, the front muscles of the legs are trained, in particular the medial wide muscle of the thigh. How to pump it up in the gym, the trainer will tell you in more detail.

Performing a Romanian lift

Performed with a barbell. She is held with her hands in front of her with an overhand grip at a distance slightly wider than her shoulders. Legs should be slightly bent, back and arms straight, hips pulled back.

Important: Try to strictly adhere to the rules for performing traction with a barbell. Because of high load on the back, you can get a spinal injury.

The video shows exercises on the back of the thigh

On the exhale, straining the hips, completely straighten the body and raise the barbell. Then the bar is lowered to about the middle of the lower leg. Without stopping, repeat the upward movement until the body is fully extended. Perform 8-12 times.

A complete workout, including basic and isolated exercises, will allow you to thoroughly and evenly pump your leg muscles. After completing the workout, stretching the biceps femoris will help speed up the recovery processes and eliminate pain in the back muscles of the legs.

How to train the back of the thigh? Below you will find the 10 most effective exercises!

Anatomy: what is it and where is it?

The hamstrings are made up of three muscles (hamstrings, semitendinosus, and semimembranosus) and are responsible for pelvic extension (any tilt with straight legs), knee flexion, and rotation of the lower leg out and in. The large adductor muscle helps them in many exercises.

What Research Says

The purpose of the first study in 2014 was to find out which exercises work the hamstring muscles best: in the lying leg curl, barbell tilt, biceps curl or Romanian deadlift. It turned out that more and stronger muscles are involved in the Romanian deadlift and bicep curls, so the authors of the study recommended that bodybuilders include these exercises in their workout to develop leg muscles.

The aim of the second study of the same year was to compare straight-legged hip flexion exercises with knee flexion exercises and see if there was a difference in the activation of the same muscles. It turned out that different areas of the muscles of the back of the thigh can be worked out at the regional level through the choice of different exercises.

The simple conclusion that can be drawn from this is that a complete workout of the muscles of the back of the thigh should include both types of exercises - both those where the pelvis bends and unbends with straight legs, and those where the knees bend. Below you will see a list of the best exercises for each group.


2. Romanian deadlift on one leg with dumbbells

3. Romanian deadlift on one leg, option 2

4. Hyperextension

5. Lifting the pelvis on one leg in emphasis on the bench

6. Sliding Leg Curls

7. Lifting the pelvis on one leg in emphasis on a fitball with a roll

8. Biceps curls / Russian crunches

9. Lying Leg Curls

10. Seated Leg Curls

Of course, this does not mean that you need to include all the exercises in your leg workout. But perhaps some of these exercises will be new and interesting for you!

Dimples and unsightly cellulite are genetic, and unfortunately, there is little you can do to get rid of them permanently. You can fight cellulite on the back of your thighs and maybe even get temporary success to make it look a little less noticeable, but. Here are a few things worth trying.


Part 1

Massage, creams and cosmetics

    Massage your cellulite. Theoretically, by massaging the back of the thighs, you improve blood circulation in that part of the legs. Improving circulation can reduce the unsightly appearance of dimples.

    Use scrubs. Like massage, light exfoliation of the skin can stimulate blood flow and help flush out toxins from the thighs.

    • Look for exfoliating natural scrubs like ground coffee, sugar, salt. For the most part, they are considered gentle and safe to use for most.
    • In particular, scrubs containing ground coffee can help tighten your skin thanks to the caffeine.
    • For best results, choose a scrub that contains oils, such as avocado oil or vitamin E in oil, to help nourish and hydrate skin.
  1. Try an anti-cellulite serum or cream. Skin firming serums and creams can be found in almost any convenience store or grocery store in the Beauty and Health section. Specialists are silent about how effective these treatments are, but many claim to have noticed a reduction in ripples in cellulite after a few weeks of use.

    • Most anti-cellulite serums include skin tightening ingredients such as lotus leaf extract, coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine.
    • Apply creams or serums daily for best results. In a week or two, you should already be able to see some improvement.
    • Be aware that some of these creams contain small doses of stimulants that can have unexpected side effects if used too often. There are also people who claim that creams do not thicken the skin, but cause soft tissue swelling, thus giving a temporary effect.
  2. Hide cellulite with an auto tanner. If you can't get rid of unsightly cellulite on your thighs, you can cover it up with a car tanning lotion.

    • Apply auto tan to the entire length of your legs. Don't just use it on the back of your thighs, as this area will look uneven and will definitely draw attention to itself.
    • While dark, tanned skin can mask cellulite, apply self tan in a thin layer so your skin looks natural and healthy.
  3. Consider the home method. An internet search can lead you to many natural homemade creams and pastes that can get rid of cellulite completely. If you do use one of these products, look for one that moisturizes the skin during exfoliation and stimulates blood circulation.

    Part 2

    Diet and exercise
    1. Stick to food rich in fiber and protein. As with any type of fat, you can get rid of unwanted cellulite on your thighs with balanced diet, consisting of products that can help you get rid of fat cells.

      • fiber that can be obtained from in large numbers whole grains, fruits, leafy vegetables, regulates your body and helps to remove waste and toxins through the intestines.
      • The protein found in meats and nuts can help repair broken or damaged collagen in connective tissue. As a result, your skin becomes firmer, and dimpled, wrinkled cellulite on the thighs will decrease. In general, a protein source such as fish is preferred over a source such as red meat.
      • You should also avoid saturated fats and converted fats. In particular, avoid "junk foods" such as junk food such as chips, hard candy, as these foods tend to contain converted fats.
    2. Get correct amount calories. In order to get rid of cellulite, you need to burn fat. In order to burn fat, you need to burn more calories than you consume.

    3. Drink plenty of water. More water will help your body burn fats and toxins, so cellulite on your body will decrease, including on the thighs.

      • Water can also improve the strength of collagen in connective tissues which will make the skin much firmer. This will help reduce the wrinkled look on the back of your thighs and make it look smoother.
      • You need to try to increase your daily water intake. Optimal quantity of water per day should leave 8 glasses of 250 ml, but most people do not get so much water. Increase your intake to these limits if you haven't already. If you already drink that much water, you can increase your intake by one or two glasses.
    4. Go for a walk. Any walk is good for the cardiovascular system. The load on the cardiovascular system will improve blood circulation and help burn more fat.

      • Other cardiovascular activities include jogging, swimming, and jumping rope.
      • Try to do cardio exercises several times a week for best results.
      • If you want to get rid of excess cellulite on your thighs, try walking for 45-60 minutes every evening, taking one day off per week. Walk quickly, but in a way that makes you feel comfortable. Take your shoulders back, raise your head, but if you feel that your legs are becoming cottony or your head is spinning and you are out of breath, slow down.
    5. Work with strength. In addition to exercises that get your blood pumping, use exercises that will help build muscle in your thighs and minimize the accumulation of fat there.

      • The effect will target your hips and lower body in general. There are many types of exercises that you could try, and only a few of them are listed in this article.

      Part 3

      Special exercises - thigh lift
      1. Lie face down and lift your legs slightly. You should lie flat on your stomach. Start lifting your legs just above your knees, so that your feet are 10 cm off the floor.

        • Your neck and head should not lie on the floor, but you should not bend them into an unnatural position either. Keep your head slightly raised, still pointing down at an angle, arms folded in front of you for the duration of the exercise.
      2. Bend your knees. Slowly bend your knees, but at a distance from the floor. Hold them in this position for 5 seconds.

        • In the end, you should try to keep them in this position for 15 seconds.
        • The knees should not be perpendicular to the floor.
      3. Straighten your legs slowly. Gradually straighten your knees, straightening your leg as if you were walking. Finally, lower your straight legs to the floor.

        • Repeat the exercises for a total of 10 minutes.

To eliminate " orange peel”, to make the skin more toned and elastic, and the silhouette slimmer and more attractive, it is necessary to combine effective exercises on the back of the thigh and buttocks, balanced diet and massage.

For girls great importance It has appearance butts and legs. These areas are most often damaged by cellulite, forcing women to sit in the gym for hours, learn the secrets of losing weight and work out to the point of exhaustion. In fact, it is important not to exhaust the body, but to listen to it and develop an individual training program.

Class secrets

In order for exercises for the back of the thighs to bring noticeable results, you need to listen to simple recommendations and tips:

  • Don't Forget Stretching. It is very important to warm up the muscles and joints before training. This will help to avoid injury and prepare the body for the upcoming stress. If ignored, you can stretch or tear the tendon, ligaments, muscles. Take 5-10 minutes to prepare. As a warm-up, you can use jogging, jumping rope, dancing.
  • Make your workouts as varied as possible. Be sure to combine intense exercise with aerobic exercise, home workouts, and going to the gym.
  • Perform all movements correctly and smoothly. Even the best exercises, if done incorrectly, will not bring benefits, but can harm the body. First, learn the technique of the exercise and only then proceed to practice.
  • Increase the load gradually. Start with simple exercises, and let the total workout time be 30-45 minutes. As the body adapts, the complexity and duration of classes can be increased.
  • Each exercise to strengthen the inner surface and back muscles should be performed in 2-3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. You should train no more than 3 times a week, giving the muscles time to recover and rest.

When exercising at home or on the simulator, it is better to choose comfortable clothes. Make a rhythmic playlist for yourself, observe, and most importantly, do the exercises in good mood and don't skip workouts.

Types of home training

Pumping up the back muscles of the thighs at home is not difficult if you perform the following exercises:

  • Raising the legs in a prone position. Take a horizontal position, put your head on your hands. Slowly move your leg up, keeping the muscles of the leg and priests in tension. Then slowly lower your leg without touching the floor. After completing all reps, switch legs.

  • Raising the hip up. Starting position - on all fours. The back is straight, the palms rest on the floor, the torso is parallel to the floor, the press is tense. We take a breath, and as we exhale we take the leg back, bend at the knee and raise the thigh as high as possible. We do it with alternating legs.

  • Taking the legs to the side. The starting position is similar to the previous exercise. It is necessary to take one leg back so that it is parallel to the floor. Then we take the straight leg to the side and return to the starting position.

  • . You can just squat, but to rear end pumped better, use a weight of 1-1.5 kg (dumbbells, water bottles). Stand straight, knees slightly bent, weight in hands. Bend your elbows and lift the inventory to your chest. We do squats so that the thighs are parallel to the floor.

Complex in the gym

How can you strengthen the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thighs if you go to the gym? Universal complex showing great result comes down to the following exercises:

  • . You need to run for about 20 minutes at a speed of 10 km / h. this will start the process of burning fat, speed up the metabolism and warm up the muscles.

  • Hyperextension. You need to adjust the equipment to your height. Fix the feet with the lower roller. The hips lie on special pillows, hands behind the head, the whole body is tense and represents a straight line. We take a breath and lean down, fix the point for 1-2 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the movement.

  • Bending the legs in the simulator. Lie down on a bench, set the roller so that it rests on your ankles. We take a breath and bend our legs so that the roller touches the buttocks. Smoothly back.

  • . We lie down on the bench, raise our legs and place them on the upper edge of the platform slightly wider than shoulder level. Push the platform with your feet, focusing on the heel. It is important to keep the distance between the legs at the same level.

If you are a regular visitor to the sports club and the level of training allows, you can complicate the exercises by performing movements more than the number of times, increasing the weight or doing the training with each leg in turn.

Also watch video:

If you responsibly approach training, and do all the exercises correctly, the result will not be long in coming. In 2-3 weeks you will notice the enthusiastic looks of men, you will feel healthier and sexier.