Prayers to the holy and glorious prophet of God Elijah. Prayer to the Holy Prophet of God Elijah

O great and glorious prophet of God, Elijah, for the sake of your zeal, according to the glory of the Lord God Almighty, who did not endure the sight of idolatry and wickedness of the sons of Israel, denouncing the lawless king Ahab, and as a punishment for those three years of gladness on the land of Israel, asking your prayer from the Lord, yes, rejecting vile idols and departed from unrighteousness and iniquity, he will turn to the one true God and the fulfillment of His holy commandments, miraculously nourishing the widow of Sarepta in gladness and resurrecting her son by dying with your prayer, after the passage of the time of gladness, the people of Israel gathered on Mount Carmel in apostasy and wickedness reproached , asking for fire from heaven with a prayer for your sacrifice, and miraculously turning Israel to the Lord, shaming and killing the student prophets of Baal, by the same prayer he cleared the sky and asked for abundant rain on the earth, and rejoiced the people of Israel! We diligently resort to you, the faithful servant of God, sinning and humility, tormented by lack of rain and heat; we confess that we are not worthy of the mercy and blessings of God, worthy more than the fierce rebukes of His wrath, sorrow and need, and all kinds of evils and diseases. We did not walk in the fear of God and in the fetters of His commandments, but in the lusts of our corrupted hearts, and every kind of sin was done without number; our iniquities have surpassed our head, and we are not worthy to appear before the face of God and look into heaven. We confess, as we, like ancient Israel, have departed from the Lord our God, if not by faith, then by our iniquities, and if we do not worship Baal and other vile idols, then we will grow servile and our lust, serving the idol of gluttony and voluptuousness, the idol of covetousness and ambition, the idol of pride and vanity, and we follow the ungodly foreign custom and the pernicious spirit of the times. We confess that for the sake of this the sky was closed and created like copper, as if our heart was closed from mercy and true love for our neighbor; for this reason, the earth was hardened and became barren, as we do not bring to our Lord the fruits of good deeds; for this sake, there is no rain and dew, as if not the imams of tears of tenderness and the life-giving dew of Divine Thought; for this sake, every cereal and grass of the countryside withered, as if every good feeling was gone from us; for this reason, the air is darkened, as if our mind was darkened by cold thoughts and our heart was defiled by lawless lusts. We confess, as if you, prophet of God, ask we are unworthy of Esma. You are more, being an obsequious person to us, You became like an angel in your life and, as if incorporeal, you were taken up to heaven; but we become like our dumb cattle with studish thoughts and deeds, and made our soul like flesh. You surprised the angels and people with fasting and vigil, but we, indulging in intemperance and voluptuousness, are likened to senseless cattle. Thou didst burn with zealous zeal for the glory of God, but we neglect the glory of our Creator and Lord, and are ashamed to confess His venerable name. You uprooted ungodliness and evil customs, but we are slaves to the spirit of this age, setting the ungodly customs of the world more than the commandments of God and the ordinances of the holy Church. And what sin and untruth shall we not do in repentance? We exhaust the longsuffering of God by our iniquities. The same righteous Lord was angry with us, and in His anger punished us. Both leading your great boldness before the Lord and hoping for your love for the human race, we dare to pray to you, most praiseworthy prophet: be merciful to us, unworthy and indecent, implore the great-gifted and all-merciful God, so that he will not be completely angry with us and will not destroy us with our iniquities, but let abundant and peaceful rain fall on the thirsty and withered earth, give it fruitfulness and good air; bow with your effective intercession to the mercy of the King of Heaven, if not for the sake of us sinful and filthy, but for the sake of His chosen servants, who did not bow their knees before the Baal of this world, for the sake of mild and senseless babies, for the sake of dumb cattle and birds of heaven, suffering for our iniquity and melting from hunger, heat and thirst. Ask us with your favorable prayers from the Lord for the spirit of repentance and tenderness of the heart, the spirit of meekness and abstinence, the spirit of love and patience, the spirit of God's fear and piety, and so, having returned from the paths of wickedness to the right path of virtue, we walk in the light of God's commandments and achieve the promises to us good, by the good will of the beginningless God the Father, by the love of mankind of His Only Begotten Son, and by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Glory to the Prophet Elijah

We magnify you, / the holy glorious prophet of God Elijah, / and honor (even to Heaven / on a chariot of fire, / your glorious ascent.
Troparion to the Prophet Elijah

In the flesh an Angel, / the foundation of the prophets, / the second Forerunner of the coming of Christ, glorious Elijah, / from above sending Eliseev’s grace / drive away illnesses / and cleansing lepers, / the same and those who honor him sharpens healing.

Kontakion to the Prophet Elijah, tone 2:

Prophet and seer of the great deeds of our God, great-name Elijah, setting water-flowing clouds with your broadcasting, pray for us the only Lover of mankind.

Prayer 1
O laudable and marvelous prophet of God Elijah, shining on the earth with your equal-angelic life, with the most ardent zeal for the Lord God Almighty, and with glorious signs and wonders, even, by the extreme goodwill of God to you, he was most naturally raptured on a fiery chariot with your flesh to heaven, worthy of conversing with transformed on Tabor by the Savior of the world, and now in the heavenly villages unceasingly abide and stand before the throne of the Heavenly King!

Hear us, sinners and indecent ones, at this hour standing before your holy icon and diligently resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Lover of God, may He give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with His all-powerful grace, may He help us leave the paths of wickedness, prosper in every good deed, may He strengthen us in the struggle against our passions and lusts, and plant in our hearts the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good care for the salvation of one's own and one's neighbors.

Abolish with your prayers, prophet, the evil customs of the world, moreover, the pernicious and corrupting spirit of this age, which infects the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox faith, to the charter of the Holy Church and to the commandments of the Lord, disrespect for parents and those in power, and overthrowing people into the abyss of wickedness, corruption and death.
Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous wrath of God and deliver all the cities and villages of our fatherland from lack of rain and famine, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine strife.

Strengthen with your prayers, most glorious, our powers that be in the great and difficult feat of government, prosper them in all good deeds and undertakings to establish peace and truth in our country.
Assist the Christ-loving army in the war with our enemies.

Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our shepherd, holy zeal for God, heartfelt concern for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength in temptations, ask judges for impartiality and selflessness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, for all those in charge, care for subordinates, mercy and justice, but humility to the subordinates and zeal for their obedience.

Yes, having lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be worthy of partaking of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He is worthy of honor and worship with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

O holy glorious prophet of God Elijah, great zealot of the law of God. You are a fair and brave avenger in the murder of the Baal priests, you were the avenger: as if you do not beg the glory of God, but multiply forever, you wanted to see, and you were not afraid of so much of their many-born fury, as if the Jezebel priests on the potots of Kissov slaughtered you with a knife, then, like a whirlwind on having been taken by a fiery chariot, you ascended to the height of heaven with glory. For this sake, we, unworthy and sinners, humbly pray to you, honest prophet of God: worthy to glorify and sing of your most honorable intercession, so that having found you a great intercessor, we will be honored with rich mercy from the Lord.

The same and now, gloriously pleasing you, we pray: protect our power with peace, and deliver us from every slander of the enemy, from gladness, and cowardice, and lightning fire, and do not forget us, sinners, your blessed memory of celebrating and unceasingly glorifying the Lord who glorified you forever and ever.

Prayer 3

O great and glorious prophet of God, Elijah, for the sake of your zeal, according to the glory of the Lord God Almighty, who did not endure the sight of idolatry and wickedness of the sons of Israel, denouncing the lawless king Ahab, and as a punishment for those three years of gladness on the land of Israel, asking your prayer from the Lord, yes, rejecting vile idols and departed from unrighteousness and iniquity, he will turn to the one true God and the fulfillment of His holy commandments, miraculously nourishing the widow of Sarepta in gladness and resurrecting her son by dying with your prayer, after the passage of the time of gladness, the people of Israel gathered on Mount Carmel in apostasy and wickedness reproached , asking for fire from heaven with a prayer for your sacrifice, and miraculously turning Israel to the Lord, shaming and killing the student prophets of Baal, by the same prayer he cleared the sky and asked for abundant rain on the earth, and rejoiced the people of Israel! We diligently resort to you, the faithful servant of God, sinning and humility, tormented by lack of rain and heat; we confess that we are not worthy of the mercy and blessings of God, worthy more than the fierce rebukes of His wrath, sorrow and need, and all kinds of evils and diseases. We did not walk in the fear of God and in the fetters of His commandments, but in the lusts of our corrupted hearts, and every kind of sin was done without number; our iniquities have surpassed our head, and we are not worthy to appear before the face of God and look into heaven.

We confess, as we, as ancient Israel, have departed from the Lord our God, if not by faith, then by our iniquities, and if we do not worship Baal and other vile idols, then we are servile with our passion and lust, serving the idol of gluttony and voluptuousness, the idol of covetousness and ambition, the idol of pride and vanity, and we follow the ungodly foreign custom and the pernicious spirit of the times.

We confess that for the sake of this the sky was closed and created like copper, as if our heart was closed from mercy and true love for our neighbor; for this reason, the earth was hardened and became barren, as we do not bring to our Lord the fruits of good deeds; for this sake, there is no rain and dew, as if not the imams of tears of tenderness and the life-giving dew of Divine Thought; for this sake, every cereal and grass of the countryside withered, as if every good feeling was gone from us; for this reason, the air is darkened, as if our mind was darkened by cold thoughts and our heart was defiled by lawless lusts.

We confess, as if you, prophet of God, ask we are unworthy of Esma.

You are more, being an obsequious person to us, You became like an angel in your life and, as if incorporeal, you were taken up to heaven; but we become like our dumb cattle with studish thoughts and deeds, and made our soul like flesh.

You surprised the angels and people with fasting and vigil, but we, indulging in intemperance and voluptuousness, are like unthinking cattle.

Thou didst burn with zealous zeal for the glory of God, but we neglect the glory of our Creator and Lord, and are ashamed to confess His venerable name.

You uprooted ungodliness and evil customs, but we are slaves to the spirit of this age, setting the ungodly customs of the world more than the commandments of God and the ordinances of the holy Church. And what sin and untruth shall we not do in repentance? We exhaust the longsuffering of God by our iniquities. The same righteous Lord was angry with us, and in His anger punished us.

Both leading your great boldness before the Lord and hoping for your love for the human race, we dare to pray to you, most praiseworthy prophet: be merciful to us, unworthy and indecent, implore the great-gifted and all-merciful God, so that he will not be completely angry with us and will not destroy us with our iniquities, but let abundant and peaceful rain fall on the thirsty and withered earth, give it fruitfulness and good air; bow with your effective intercession to the mercy of the King of Heaven, if not for the sake of us sinful and filthy, but for the sake of His chosen servants, who did not bow their knees before the Baal of this world, for the sake of mild and senseless babies, for the sake of dumb cattle and birds of heaven, suffering for our iniquity and melting from hunger, heat and thirst.

Ask us with your favorable prayers from the Lord for the spirit of repentance and tenderness of the heart, the spirit of meekness and abstinence, the spirit of love and patience, the spirit of God's fear and piety, and so, having returned from the paths of wickedness to the right path of virtue, we walk in the light of God's commandments and achieve the promises to us good, by the good will of the beginningless God the Father, by the love of mankind of His Only Begotten Son, and by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever.

Prayer 4

O holy prophet of God Elijah, pray for us the Lover of God, may he give us, the servants of God (names), the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with His all-powerful grace, may He help us leave the path of wickedness, succeed in every good deed, and in the fight against our passions and lusts, may it strengthen us; May our hearts be inspired by the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good care for the salvation of one's own and those of one's neighbors.

Turn away the righteous wrath of God from us with your intercession, and live in peace and piety in this world, we will be worthy of partaking of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior of our Jesus Christ, He deserves honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever .


O holy prophet of God Elijah, pray for us the Lover of God, may he give us, the servants of God (names), the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with His all-powerful grace, may He help us leave the path of wickedness, succeed in every good deed, and in the fight against our passions and lusts, may it strengthen us; May our hearts be inspired by the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good care for the salvation of one's own and those of one's neighbors. Turn away the righteous wrath of God from us with your intercession, and live in peace and piety in this world, we will be worthy of partaking of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior of our Jesus Christ, He deserves honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever .

Prayer is different

O laudable and marvelous prophet of God Elijah, shining on the earth with your equal-angelic life, with the most ardent zeal for the Lord God Almighty, and with glorious signs and wonders, even, by the extreme goodwill of God to you, he was most naturally raptured on a fiery chariot with your flesh to heaven, worthy of conversing with transformed on Tabor by the Savior of the world, and now in the heavenly villages unceasingly abide and stand before the throne of the Heavenly King! Hear us, sinners and indecent ones, at this hour standing before your holy icon and diligently resorting to your intercession. Pray for us the Lover of God, may He give us the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with His all-powerful grace, may He help us leave the paths of wickedness, prosper in every good deed, may He strengthen us in the struggle against our passions and lusts, and plant in our hearts the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good care for the salvation of one's own and one's neighbors. Abolish with your prayers, prophet, the evil customs of the world, moreover, the pernicious and corrupting spirit of this age, infecting the Christian race with disrespect for the Divine Orthodox Faith, for the charter of the Holy Church and the commandments of the Lord, disrespect for the parent and those in power, and overthrowing people into the abyss of wickedness , corruption and destruction. Turn away from us, wonderful prophet, by your intercession the righteous wrath of God and deliver all the cities and villages of our fatherland from lack of rain and famine, from terrible storms and earthquakes, from deadly ulcers and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and internecine strife. Strengthen with your prayers, most glorious, our powers that be in the great and difficult feat of government, prosper them in all good deeds and undertakings to establish peace and truth in our country. Assist the Christ-loving army in the war with our enemies. Ask, prophet of God, from the Lord our shepherd, holy zeal for God, heartfelt concern for the salvation of the flock, wisdom in teaching and management, piety and strength in temptations, ask judges for impartiality and selflessness, righteousness and compassion for the offended, for all those in charge, care for subordinates, mercy and justice, but humility to the subordinates and zeal for their obedience. Yes, having lived in peace and piety in this world, let us be worthy of partaking of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, He is worthy of honor and worship with His Beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer is different

O holy glorious prophet of God Elijah, great zealot of the law of God. You are a fair and brave avenger in the murder of the Baal priests, you were the avenger: as if you do not beg the glory of God, but multiply forever, you wanted to see, and you were not afraid of so much of their many-born fury, as if the Jezebel priests on the potots of Kissov slaughtered you with a knife, then, like a whirlwind on having been taken by a fiery chariot, you ascended to the height of heaven with glory. For this sake, we, unworthy and sinners, humbly pray to you, honest prophet of God: worthy to glorify and sing of your most honorable intercession, so that having found you a great intercessor, we will be honored with rich mercy from the Lord. The same and now, gloriously pleasing you, we pray: protect our power with peace, and deliver us from every slander of the enemy, from gladness, and cowardice, and lightning fire, and do not forget us, sinners, your blessed memory of celebrating and unceasingly glorifying the Lord who glorified you forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer is different

O great and glorious prophet of God, Elijah, for the sake of your zeal, according to the glory of the Lord God Almighty, who did not endure the sight of idolatry and wickedness of the sons of Israel, denouncing the lawless king Ahab, and as a punishment for those three years of gladness on the land of Israel, asking your prayer from the Lord, yes, rejecting vile idols and departed from unrighteousness and iniquity, he will turn to the one true God and the fulfillment of His holy commandments, miraculously nourishing the widow of Sarepta in gladness and resurrecting her son by dying with your prayer, after the passage of the time of gladness, the people of Israel gathered on Mount Carmel in apostasy and wickedness reproached , asking for fire from heaven with a prayer for your sacrifice, and miraculously turning Israel to the Lord, shaming and killing the student prophets of Baal, by the same prayer he cleared the sky and asked for abundant rain on the earth, and rejoiced the people of Israel! We diligently resort to you, the faithful servant of God, sinning and humility, tormented by lack of rain and heat; we confess that we are not worthy of the mercy and blessings of God, worthy more than the fierce rebukes of His wrath, sorrow and need, and all kinds of evils and diseases. We did not walk in the fear of God and in the fetters of His commandments, but in the lusts of our corrupted hearts, and every kind of sin was done without number; our iniquities have surpassed our head, and we are not worthy to appear before the face of God and look into heaven. We confess, as we, like ancient Israel, have departed from the Lord our God, if not by faith, then by our iniquities, and if we do not worship Baal and other vile idols, then we will grow servile and our lust, serving the idol of gluttony and voluptuousness, the idol of covetousness and ambition, the idol of pride and vanity, and we follow the ungodly foreign custom and the pernicious spirit of the times. We confess that for the sake of this the sky was closed and created like copper, as if our heart was closed from mercy and true love for our neighbor; for this reason, the earth was hardened and became barren, as we do not bring to our Lord the fruits of good deeds; for this sake, there is no rain and dew, as if not the imams of tears of tenderness and the life-giving dew of Divine Thought; for this sake, every cereal and grass of the countryside withered, as if every good feeling was gone from us; for this reason, the air is darkened, as if our mind was darkened by cold thoughts and our heart was defiled by lawless lusts. We confess, as if you, prophet of God, ask we are unworthy of Esma. You are more, being an obsequious person to us, You became like an angel in your life and, as if incorporeal, you were taken up to heaven; but we become like our dumb cattle with studish thoughts and deeds, and made our soul like flesh. You surprised the angels and people with fasting and vigil, but we, indulging in intemperance and voluptuousness, are likened to senseless cattle. Thou didst burn with zealous zeal for the glory of God, but we neglect the glory of our Creator and Lord, and are ashamed to confess His venerable name. You uprooted ungodliness and evil customs, but we are slaves to the spirit of this age, setting the ungodly customs of the world more than the commandments of God and the ordinances of the holy Church. And what sin and untruth shall we not do in repentance? We exhaust the longsuffering of God by our iniquities. The same righteous Lord was angry with us, and in His anger punished us. Both leading your great boldness before the Lord and hoping for your love for the human race, we dare to pray to you, most praiseworthy prophet: be merciful to us, unworthy and indecent, implore the great-gifted and all-merciful God, so that he will not be completely angry with us and will not destroy us with our iniquities, but let abundant and peaceful rain fall on the thirsty and withered earth, give it fruitfulness and good air; bow with your effective intercession to the mercy of the King of Heaven, if not for the sake of us sinful and filthy, but for the sake of His chosen servants, who did not bow their knees before the Baal of this world, for the sake of mild and senseless babies, for the sake of dumb cattle and birds of heaven, suffering for our iniquity and melting from hunger, heat and thirst. Ask us with your favorable prayers from the Lord for the spirit of repentance and tenderness of the heart, the spirit of meekness and abstinence, the spirit of love and patience, the spirit of God's fear and piety, and so, having returned from the paths of wickedness to the right path of virtue, we walk in the light of God's commandments and achieve the promises to us good, by the good will of the beginningless God the Father, by the love of mankind of His Only Begotten Son, and by the grace of the All-Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Elijah the Prophet is one of the most revered miracle workers in Orthodox world. Believers turn to him for help in difficult moments. This can be done through prayer.

Elijah the Prophet is a famous miracle worker who became famous for his unshakable faith in the Lord and his amazing gift for predicting the future. At all times, people not only revered, but also feared the saint, believing that he could not only help, but also punish sinners for their atrocities. If you want to ask holy Elijah the Prophet for help and health, effective prayers will help you.

Prayer to Saint Elijah the Prophet for help

In the life of every person there are moments when he just needs extra help. Believers believe that in difficult times Higher power always ready to respond to our requests. If you want to enlist the support of Elijah the Prophet, turn to him with the help of prayer.

“Oh, the holy prophet of God Elijah. Pray for me, the servant (s) of God (s) (name), before the Lord God, so that He forgives the sins I have committed and delivers me from torment on earth and at the Terrible Judgment. I lift up a prayer to you and ask for help in every business and in the fight against the temptations of sinners. Help me find peace and protect me from evil and ill-wishers. I bow to you and the King of Heaven, I hope for your help. Amen".

Through this prayer, you will be able to find a way out of difficult situation, get rid of mental anguish and gain protection from enemies.

Prayer for health

At all times, believers asked the Prophet for health promotion and deliverance from various ailments. There are many cases when the miracle worker healed even from the most serious illnesses. To ask the saint for health, use an effective prayer.

“Far beyond the ocean, an island stands, on this island Elijah the Prophet sits with Angels. The messengers of God shoot arrows, from me, the servant (s) of God (her) (name), they drive away ailments. Amen".

You can say this prayer both for yourself and for another person. Turning to the saint, you must believe that he will definitely hear you and respond to your request. In this case, your appeal will not remain unanswered.

Sometimes conflicts and disagreements happen between close people, and if this happens too often, then it is time to turn to the Lord for help. In order for peace and harmony to always reign in the house, it is necessary to say prayers for love and prosperity every day. We wish you good luck and good health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.08.2018 05:41

For any parent, the health and happiness of the child is important. Find out what prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos will help you ...

Orthodox prayers help in the fight against malice. The saints will respond to your requests and ...

The holy book of Christians - the Bible, has a division into two parts. This is the Old and New Testament. The most famous prehistoric saint is Elijah the Prophet. How extraordinary was his personality, if it is still remembered!

Life of the righteous

Even the name is translated as one of the names of the Almighty - my God. The pronunciation in the original (Hebrew) language is very different from what we are used to. It sounds like "Eliyahu"). But this does not diminish the significance of this figure for sacred history.

  • Saint Elijah the Prophet was known to his contemporaries as a fighter for the purity of the faith.
  • During the reign of King Ahab, the wife of the monarch established the worship of pagan gods.
  • Prophets have always acted as the voice of God, but this time the Jews were stubborn. For this, a famine was sent to the country.
  • The priests of Baal were completely destroyed by Elijah, which made him many enemies. But the prophet escaped their revenge, because he was under the protection of God.

Elijah was one of two biblical heroes who were taken to heaven without seeing earthly death. Orthodox theology believes that he will still appear to people before the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Elijah the prophet is often depicted on Orthodox icons. Moreover, he is considered the patron saint of landing troops and sailors. On the image, he most often appears before us as a gray-haired old man in very simple clothes. These are all symbols that signify a prophetic calling. Such a shrine can be at home for those who bear the name Ilya or simply revere this righteous man.

In Russia, there are many churches consecrated in the name of Elijah the Prophet. This is a reminder that he is widely revered in Russia.

  • Saint Elijah Slavic peoples acts as the lord of thunder and rain, the patron of the harvest, to whom they pray for rich fruits.
  • According to Russian legend, he suffered from relaxation until the age of 33. Then the Lord endowed him with special power.
  • As Elijah rides through heaven in his cart, people on earth hear thunder.

Similar heroes exist in the mythology of other peoples.

Famous churches in the name of Elijah the prophet

In the obydensky lane of Moscow there is a building built at the end of the 16th century. The building is mentioned for the first time in the annals of A. Palitsyn. Since that time, several icons have been preserved, they are still in the temple.

Saint Elijah, around the main image there are 20 miniatures (brands), which depict scenes from the life of the biblical hero.

  • Kazan Mother of God.
  • Old Testament Trinity.
  • Wonderworker Nicholas.

The modern temple has three thrones - one in the name of St. Elijah, another saints Anna and Simeon, the third - the apostles Peter and Paul. There are more than 70 icons in the church, including quite old ones.

The Church of Elijah the Prophet was rebuilt at the very beginning of the 18th century, since then its appearance has not changed significantly. At first they wanted to make two floors, but then they abandoned this idea (probably there was not enough money). But the temple has a very high iconostasis.

The church had many wealthy parishioners who considered it their duty to keep the building in proper condition, thanks to which it was perfectly preserved. Also, this temple is known for never being closed, even during the revolution and the Second World War.

  • Although the Bolsheviks wanted to stop the activities of the church in 1930, the parishioners did not allow this to be done. They planned to close the parish just before the start of the war, but circumstances interfered.
  • Today, the temple is visited not only to pray to Elijah the prophet, but also to bow miraculous icon « unexpected joy”, which was moved here shortly before the end of the war.
  • At the beginning of the Second World War, a bell was thrown from the bell tower, as evidenced by the broken lattice. The height of the bell tower is about 40 m.

Saint Elijah is highly revered all over the world, not only in Christianity, but also in Islam and Judaism. You can ask for daily needs and spiritual growth.

Prayer to Elijah the Prophet

O holy prophet of God Elijah, pray for us the Lover of God, may he give us, the servants of God(names) , the spirit of repentance and contrition for our sins, and with His all-powerful grace, may it help us leave the path of wickedness, prosper in every good deed, and strengthen us in the fight against our passions and lusts; May our hearts be inspired by the spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, the spirit of patience and chastity, the spirit of zeal for the glory of God and good care for the salvation of one's own and those of one's neighbors.

Turn away the righteous wrath of God from us with your intercession, and live in peace and piety in this world, we will be worthy of partaking of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of the Lord and Savior of our Jesus Christ, He deserves honor and worship, with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever .


Saint Elijah the prophet - church, icons, prayer was last modified: June 11th, 2017 by Bogolub

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