Homemade instant bread (on soda). Irish Soda Bread: History, Properties, Recipes

Currently, the issue of losing weight is very relevant. Girls always strive to look good, so they are constantly fighting overweight. Now there are a large number of different popular diets and methods of dealing with extra pounds. One such method is the use of baking soda for weight loss. For a quick weight loss effect, you should not drink soda solution in order to activate the breakdown of fats. This is very harmful and can lead to peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. An alkaline soda solution will corrode the mucous membrane of the internal digestive organs and as a result can lead to internal bleeding. The use of soda will be safe only if the dose is correctly calculated. However, it is very difficult to choose a dosage.

It will be safer to use the method of taking soda baths, which will help get rid of extra pounds. For a good effect, it is necessary to observe the correct proportions of the combination of various substances: for 200 liters of water (the volume of a regular bath) - 300 g of baking soda and 500 g of sea salt. It is equally important to observe a certain temperature of the prepared solution - 37-39 degrees. You can take such a soda bath for no more than 20 minutes. This will allow you to lose 1-2 kilograms at one time such a bath. Bread soda for weight loss is a very effective modern tool that helps in the fight against excess weight. However, soda baths are not available to everyone - they are contraindicated for people with certain diseases: diabetes, etc. These people should consult a doctor before taking soda baths.

The rate of fat breakdown can be increased by adding various essential oils to soda baths. Soda can be taken not only to fight excess weight, recently the treatment with bread soda, which has various healing properties, has been very popular. For example, when coughing with a solution of soda, gargle the throat, which helps to alleviate the cough. In addition, soda has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Soda is also useful for the circulatory system. For example, during an attack of arrhythmia (heart rhythm disorder), you should take a weak solution of soda, which will help calm the heartbeat and restore its rhythm. Soda can also help in the fight against hypertension (high blood pressure), removing fluid from the body and helping to reduce pressure.

With various digestive disorders (diarrhea, vomiting, etc.), a solution of soda with salt also helps, which helps to replenish the loss of fluid and restore the salt balance of the body, with constipation, enemas with a soda solution are used to clean the intestines. Treatment of bite sites with soda solution will relieve itching. For colds, inhalations using a soda solution are very useful. A weak soda solution is also used for conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye). With heartburn, a soda solution is taken orally, as it allows you to neutralize the acid in the stomach, but this also has a side effect - bloating can occur, and prolonged use of soda solution will sooner or later lead to the release of a large amount of acid in the stomach.

Soda is also used to treat fungi on the legs - lotions should be made from a solution of soda of low concentration. For cosmetic purposes, soda is used to whiten teeth, as well as to soften rough skin on the elbows and soles of the feet. Treatment with bread soda has been very popular lately. Soda helps to cope with many problems - diseases of the digestive organs (ulcers, heartburn), circulatory (arrhythmia, hypertension), respiratory (cough, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract) systems, etc.

Today we bake Irish soda bread - a very simple and quick recipe, but no less interesting and tasty result. Dense, crispy, ruddy crust, under which a delicate, soft and elastic crumb is hidden. This yeast-free bread, which resembles a savory cake, is good freshly made with butter and jam.

I must say that the recipe for classic Irish bread includes a minimum set of the simplest ingredients: flour, sour milk, salt and soda. Regarding the choice of wheat flour: you can cook bread both at 100% of the highest grade, and mix it with lower grades (like mine, for example, whole grain). Buttermilk is used as a fermented milk base in the original (this is, so to speak, a by-product in the manufacture of butter), but it can easily be replaced with kefir of any fat content, thin natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream, sour milk or yogurt.

In addition to the simple soda bread recipe, there are a huge number of variations on the theme. Take, for example, the inclusion of all kinds of flavoring additives: dried fruits, butter, cream, honey, molasses, eggs, spices, and even citrus peel. All of them make the taste of the finished bread richer - you just need to correctly calculate the required amount.

It is also important that the shelf life of soda bread is short - a maximum of a couple of days and it begins to deteriorate. That is why do not cook it for the future - in a freshly baked form, such bread, oh, how good. And if you didn’t manage to eat the whole loaf in a day, cut the leftovers into portions and freeze - almost any homemade bread feels great in the freezer.


Cooking step by step with photos:

Immediately turn on the oven to heat up to 200 degrees, since the dough for bread does not require fermentation. I have a regular gas stove, bottom heat. Sift two types of wheat flour into a large and deep bowl. Premium flour passes through a fine sieve, but for whole grains you need a sieve with larger holes.

Mix everything thoroughly so that the soda and salt are evenly dispersed throughout the dry mixture. Personally, I sift everything again, since soda can be lumpy - these places will be bitter in the finished bread.

We make a hole in the center and pour kefir at room temperature into it. Since I know how my flour behaves, I add the liquid all at once. You add gradually, since the amount of kefir depends on the moisture content of the flour.

Mix all the ingredients until such flour lumps form. Further it will be more convenient to knead the dough on the work surface, that is, the kitchen table.

We knead the dough with our hands until it gathers in a lump - it is important that there are no islands of flour left in it. My dough became relatively homogeneous after 2-3 minutes. According to the consistency, the dough for birch-leavened bread should be quite elastic, but not very dense - otherwise the baking will turn out the same.

Then we collect this layer into a ball, pulling the edges to the middle. We pinch the seam. We turn the workpiece over to the seam, roll it up a little with both hands, giving it a round shape.

We transfer the workpiece to a baking sheet covered with baking paper. If you have high-quality parchment, you do not need to lubricate it with anything. But if you are not sure, lightly coat the paper with odorless vegetable oil.

We powder the bread blank with wheat flour - a teaspoon is enough (this amount is not indicated in the ingredients).

What could be better, healthier and tastier than homemade soda bread? If you have made a wheat or rye loaf at least once, used cumin, pumpkin seeds and other additional ingredients in baking, then you will definitely answer that this is the most delicious, quick and simple baking option that should be preferred.

In this article, I have collected a lot of interesting recipes, I checked each of them repeatedly. Before proceeding to the study of soda baking recipes, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the benefits of such products, as well as find their shortcomings.

Everyone knows that whole grain flour products are very healthy. So why not pamper yourself with natural, absolutely harmless home-made products? When making soda bread, you can maximize its benefits by adding cranberries, dried fruit, oatmeal, and more. Regardless of whether you make a white or black version of baking, you will receive an exceptionally useful product.

The main advantage of the yeast-free dough is that it does not have a negative impact on the functioning of the body, which cannot be said about nutritional yeast, which is present in purchased bread. A homemade product made with baking soda has the following benefits:

  • Perfectly absorbed by the body;
  • Does not interfere with the process of digestion, but rather facilitates it;
  • The resulting dense and relatively rough crumb helps the intestines to work more actively, activating the functioning of the muscles of the alimentary tract;
  • Does not adversely affect the intestinal microflora;
  • A larger amount of useful components than in purchased baked goods.

Yeast-free products will not harm the body, and if your health and the well-being of your loved ones are dear to you, then be sure to try making fragrant pastries using the recipes below.

Irish soda bread with oatmeal

To prepare this loaf you will need:

  • buttermilk (can be replaced with milk) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • oatmeal (flakes should be ground in a coffee grinder) - 1.25 cups;
  • wheat flour - 1.25 cups;
  • sodium bicarbonate - 0.5 tsp. (do not extinguish with vinegar);
  • salt - 0.25 tsp

The recipe for Irish Soda Bread is very simple:

  1. Pour ground oatmeal with kefir.
  2. Add salt to the composition and mix everything thoroughly. Leave the mass for 2 hours.
  3. Preheat the oven to 175 degrees, sprinkle the form with flour.
  4. Combine wheat flour with baking soda. Add the oatmeal to this, mixing quickly with your fingers.
  5. Do not knead the resulting dough, but collect it in a lump so as not to get stone pastries. It is very important to perform all actions as quickly as possible, because the preparation with soda does not like slowness.
  6. Press the formed loaf lightly, sprinkle with a little flour and make cuts with a knife (Celtic cross no more than 1.25 cm deep).
  7. Place the lump in the form, and send it to the oven for 30 minutes.

It is better to taste pastries hot with butter and cheese. These components will pair perfectly with the taste of the loaf if you choose a lean type of dairy products.

Soda bread with cheese

Required Ingredients:


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.
  3. In the capacity of the combine, combine baking soda, flour (0.5 kg) and kefir. Mix well. While mixing, add milk as well as cheese.
  4. Dust the baking dish with flour.
  5. Form a ball from the dough and place it in the mold. Make a cross cut on the surface of the loaf.
  6. Lubricate the surface with milk and sprinkle it with seeds.
  7. Bake for 40 minutes.

Irish soda bread on kefir - Yulia Vysotskaya's recipe

I could not ignore the amazing recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya. The first time this Irish soda bread didn't work for me. But I didn't give up. Having reduced the dosage (so as not to translate the products), I baked again. The result is simply amazing. The taste is incredible. Be sure to try.

To prepare you will need to take:

Cooking process:

  1. Put the oven to warm up, setting the mode to 200 degrees.
  2. Sift the bran flour and put the sifted coarse particles back, then add baking soda, salt and mix everything.
  3. Pour in the kefir and knead the dough.
  4. Dry the sesame and sunflower seeds in the oven.
  5. Soak the raisins in water (hold for a few minutes), then squeeze.
  6. Place the products from points 4 and 5 into the dough and again knead the resulting mass.
  7. Sprinkle the form with flour and immediately lay out the formed loaf.
  8. Make a cross-shaped cut on the surface, sprinkle with flour and place in the oven for 45 minutes.

Do not use whey instead of kefir, as bread may not work.

By the way, chef Jamie Oliver has a similar recipe. However, his method lacks the ingredients that add a special piquancy to the loaf.

Bread on soda and water in the oven

Lean bread with soda and water will also appeal to everyone. Prepare it using:


  1. Soak raisins in hot water. Lightly roast the pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds.
  2. Sift flour and set aside 0.5 cup for mixing. Add bran to the main portion.
  3. Add water and vinegar-slaked soda to the dry mixture.
  4. Pour in vegetable oil and knead the dough. When you finish kneading, add the seeds. Add the rest of the flour if necessary. The lump should be elastic and soft.
  5. Form a loaf, sprinkle with flour, make a cross-shaped cut, after placing the dough in a floured form.
  6. We place the raw product in an oven heated to 200 degrees. We get it after 50 minutes.

Yeast-free bread on soda in a bread machine

Baking healthy yeast-free soda bread in a bread machine is very simple. You will need the following ingredients:

You do not need sourdough or beer for yeast-free dough, just take the ingredients listed above.


Place a stirrer in the container of the bread machine, then lay the products in the following sequence:

Place the container in the bread machine and set the appropriate program (you can choose for a yeast loaf).

Indicate the weight of the pastry and the level of browning of the crust (I put the average browning and weight 750 gr.).

Leave the rest of the process to the device. After the appearance of the corresponding signal, try the taste of freshly baked bread.

According to the same scheme, you can bake in a slow cooker by selecting the "Bread" program.

Soda Bread by Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay offers an equally simple way to make a loaf without yeast. You need to prepare the following products.

Homemade instant bread (on soda)

Homemade gray bread with oatmeal and prunes

I made this simple and delicious soda bread following a classic Irish Soda Bread recipe. I just ran out of all the bread and there was nothing to make a sandwich with and just have a bite to eat with something tasty. I decided to bake Irish bread again.

Of course, quick soda bread is not at all like frivolous purchased baguettes, rolls and loaves. It is noticeably heavy, full of life and excellent taste. One piece of it weighs significantly more than the same slice from an industrial loaf.

Today's recipe differs from traditional soda bread with just the addition of prunes and a small amount of rolled oats and sugar. But you can do without them, although the rolled oats add a stunning embossed texture to homemade bread. Therefore, if there is oatmeal at home, be sure to put it in. Very tasty.

I made soda bread with 2 types of flour: wheat and rye. It turned out homemade brown bread. But if you have only ordinary flour (wheat) at home, then you can bake bread only with it.

Bread on soda is very fast, it takes less than an hour to cook. It takes 5 minutes for the dough, another 45 for baking.

Composition of soda bread

for 2 round loaves

  • Wheat flour - 3 cups;
  • Rye flour - 3 cups;
  • Hercules (oatmeal) - 0.5 cups;
  • Sour-milk drink (the Irish have buttermilk, I took kefir) - 2 cups (500 ml in total);
  • Soda - 2 teaspoons;
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • Sugar - 4 teaspoons;
  • Prunes (you can raisins or dried apricots, nuts) - a large handful.

1 glass = 250 ml. But if you have glasses of a different volume (200 or 300 ml), just count as glasses (and kefir, and flour, and oatmeal), the proportions will be preserved. Salt-sugar-soda take, as in the recipe. Flour can be taken only wheat, if there is no rye (6 glasses).

How to bake soda bread

1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees C

2. Knead the dough on soda for bread

  • Mix all types of flour and oatmeal.
  • Mix kefir (you can take yogurt, buttermilk or other unsweetened fermented milk drink) with salt and sugar. Add soda. Mix and quickly combine with flour.
  • Add prunes (but not required). Knead the dough so that it becomes homogeneous, not sticky to your hands.

3. Form bread for baking

  • Divide the dough into 2 parts, roll them into balls. If the prunes stick out, then push them into the dough (it must be inside so that it does not burn when baking bread).

This time I baked homemade bread on a silicone mat (lubricated with vegetable oil) - very convenient.

4. Bake soda bread

  • Put the koloboks on a baking sheet (dust with flour, or line with baking paper, or use a silicone mat). Cut across. Bake bread on the shelf of the oven, which is above average, the temperature is the first 30 minutes = 220 C, after 15 minutes = 180 C.

Soda bread is very easy to prepare - no bread machine is needed! A simple oven is enough.

How to cool and store soda bread

  • Immediately cut and eat the finished bread, putting butter on the slices (you can add jam, in general - super!). Hot soda bread is the best. But if you store it, cool it under a towel, then store it in a tightly closed plastic bag (so as not to get stale).

Enjoy your meal!

A slice of homemade gray bread with prunes - simple and delicious!

About options for replacing flour, possible proportions for oat bread (the same thing, but more oatmeal, it’s better not to add rye, but just take regular flour), what buttermilk is and what else it can be replaced with, what bread on soda is served with in Ireland, I'll tell later.

Homemade bread can be baked in another way: by buying a ready-made mixture (including for bread machines), which is baked easily and quickly!

If you put butter on hot bread, it will melt and it will be VERY tasty!

But such a beautiful soda bread was prepared by Boris Lutsyuk. What a fine fellow! It feels like it was made by men.

Boris Lutsyuk's homemade soda bread Bread baked by Boris Lutsyuk Soda bread from Boris Lutsyuk

And this is bread on soda, cooked by Katerina Davydova from homemade rye flour with the addition of seeds. She says that the liquid, in this case, was not enough, she added another 0.5 cups of warm water. Indeed, different flour has different properties, therefore, you can add water (but it is better to add yogurt, kefir or sour cream, or milk), making up for the lack of liquid. The dough turns out to be quite thick and plastic, suitable for making bread out of it.

What kind of bread did Katerina turn out into. I think it's very tasty!

Many people today are trying to stop using yeast in cooking. Often this rule applies to purchased products. This is often the reason for the rejection of bread sold in stores. But bread is a product that is very difficult to refuse. Therefore, people are engaged in baking it at home. It is not uncommon to see baking forums or websites asking questions like “can you make bread without baking soda?”. The answer is “you can,” and the best substitute would be soda bread, a few recipes for which are given below.

To prepare delicious and airy pies, many housewives, in addition to yeast, add ordinary baking soda - sodium bicarbonate

Prerequisites for using soda in baking bread

Having completely abandoned yeast, it is necessary to find a replacement for them. It is often advised to replace them with homemade starter cultures. For this, a nutrient medium is prepared, on which a microflora is formed that promotes fermentation. Most often, the components of such a "fermentation compote" are ordinary water, any flour and something sweet, such as sugar or honey. It is often advised to add hops or its extract there.

However, this is not a rejection of yeast, but a replacement for purchased, self-grown ones. The fact is that the microorganisms that cause fermentation, getting into the solution most often with flour, eventually form the same yeast. And the purpose of hops is to protect a rather unstable yeast culture.

Bread made on the basis of self-made sourdough, in fact, the same yeast.

Therefore, soda with the addition of a product with acidic properties, for example, citric acid or ordinary kefir, can be an ideal option for replacing yeast. Together, they will do an excellent job of loosening the dough, replacing yeast in this post.

Soda Bakery Recipes

For baking homemade soda bread, two recipes are mainly used: with soda powder and citric acid, or with kefir or sour milk. The rest are either derived from these or little known.

Soda powder and citric acid

A bakery product made according to this recipe is often called "real yeast-free bread." Ingredients:

  • Flour - 700 g (you can use a mixture of rye and wheat, or take coarse grinding, but the total amount should always be no more than indicated).
  • Boiled water (exceptionally cold) - 700 ml (when using wholemeal flour 750 ml).
  • Table salt - 10 g.
  • Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons.
  • Sodium bicarbonate - 11 g.

Soda dough for pies - the fastest way to cook open and closed pastries


  1. Mix half the volume of wheat flour and all the sodium bicarbonate powder thoroughly.
  2. For 10 minutes, knead the dough from the resulting mixture in water, not counting the glass for diluting lemon juice.
  3. Dilute lemon juice in a glass of water.
  4. Add the rest of the flour, salt, lemon juice solution to the mixture and knead for 2 minutes (no need to knead more, as the dough will spread).
  5. Put the resulting mass into molds or give it the desired shape and put in the oven.
  6. The first stage of baking is carried out at a temperature of 70°C for 15 minutes.
  7. The second - at 210°C for 65 minutes.
  8. The bread is ready!

The bakery product will be denser than the purchased one, but no less elastic. And given that it is cooked with your own hands - more delicious.

Soda and kefir

This recipe is almost a copy of the traditional Irish yeast-free bread, with a small replacement: kefir is used instead of the original Irish buttermilk (low-fat cream). Ingredients for 1 serving:

  • Wheat flour - 300 gr (you can mix different types and varieties, but do not exceed the specified amount).
  • Kefir of medium fat content - 120 ml (1 medium glass).
  • Baking soda - 7 gr.
  • Table salt - 7 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 15 gr.

Subject to the correct technology, baking on soda is in no way inferior in quality to yeast.


  1. Mix kefir, salt and sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Combine the resulting mixture with sodium bicarbonate and, stirring quickly, add to the flour.
  3. The dough must be kneaded until it stops sticking to your hands.
  4. Put the mass into a mold or give it the desired shape yourself (in the latter case, greased baking paper or a special silicone bedding is placed on a baking sheet).
  5. The first stage of baking is carried out at a temperature of 210°C for 30-35 minutes.
  6. The second - at a temperature of 180 ° C for no more than 15 minutes.

For a change, you can add oatmeal to the flour, and add raisins or prunes at the kneading stage - such pastries will definitely be popular with children.

Be sure to ensure that raisins or prunes do not stick out of the dough before baking, in order to avoid burning them.

Soda powder and sour milk

According to this recipe, it is good to cook bakery products if the milk is sour and there is nowhere to put it, and you also want to treat yourself to homemade yeast-free pastries, which take very little time to make. Ingredients:

  • Premium flour - 600 gr (you can also make a mixture of rye and wheat or from other types of cereals, but not exceeding the specified amount);
  • Sour milk - 400 ml.
  • Sodium bicarbonate - 5 gr.
  • Salt - 7 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 35 gr.
  • Olive (or any vegetable) oil - 30 ml.


  1. Mix in a suitable bowl all the "crumb ingredients", that is, flour, soda powder, salt and sugar (you must leave 50 grams of flour for one of the following steps).
  2. In the resulting mixture, it is necessary to make a recess into which pour all the milk, stir everything with a whisk and leave to breathe for 10 minutes.
  3. Add olive oil and the remaining amount of flour to the breathed dough, after which the mass should be kneaded for 5-7 minutes (you do not need to knead it actively, since the dough is soft enough).
  4. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and put the dough on it, giving it a certain shape, or put it in a baking dish, after brushing it with olive oil.
  5. The baking procedure takes 50 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C (the oven must be preheated before baking).

At the first stage, you can add something from your favorite greens to the dry mixture, this will give an additional piquant taste to the bread.

One of the advantages of all these recipes is that the bread prepared according to them may not go stale for a long time.

There are many recipes for homemade soda bread, and pastries prepared according to them are very tasty and, most importantly, healthy food. If a person decides to give up baker's yeast and purchased products baked on their basis, using soda powder for making bread will be the best option for him.